’s dreams came true teacher bible study · teacher bible study ... he saw all the supplies they...

4 th -6 th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources 1 TEACHER BIBLE STUDY Once Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent his sons to Egypt, except for Benjamin. No one in Canaan knew how long the famine would last, and later clues lead us to believe that it was early into the famine when Jacob sent his sons to Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers immediately, but they did not recognize him. Through several rounds of tests, Joseph determined that his brothers’ hearts had changed and that they were sorry for selling him into slavery. Jacob was hesitant to let his sons return to Egypt for more grain, especially with Benjamin in tow. He reluctantly let Benjamin go with Judah’s promise of protection for him. Can you imagine Jacob’s fear after losing Joseph? Joseph’s final test involved Benjamin; it played heavily on his brothers’ concern for their father and Jacob’s desire not to lose another son. Unable to hold his composure any longer, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers. Focus now on Genesis 45:4-8. Joseph explained why God allowed him to be taken to Egypt. Even though his brothers intended this for his harm, God actually intended this for good. Have you ever struggled to see how bad situations in your life can lead to positive results? Joseph told his brothers they would be set apart as a remnant for “a great deliverance.” God told Abraham many years before about what would happen. (See Gen. 15:13.) Little did Joseph know that his brothers and their families would be in Egypt for the next 400 years. Joseph was to go to Egypt to prepare a place for his family to survive and become a great nation—the nation of Israel. God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ was sustained through the remnant left in Egypt for 400 years. LESSON OVERVIEW/SCHEDULE Session Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21 Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant. Key Passage: Genesis 28:15 Unit Christ Connection: Despite difficult circumstances, God remained faithful to the people to whom His promise was given, in preparation for the salvation that would come through Jesus Christ. Transition Time Welcome time Activity sheet/Table Centers Session starter (10 minutes)

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th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


TEACHER BIBLE STUDY Once Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent his sons to Egypt, except for Benjamin. No one

in Canaan knew how long the famine would last, and later clues lead us to believe that it was early into

the famine when Jacob sent his sons to Egypt.

Joseph recognized his brothers immediately, but they did not recognize him. Through several rounds of

tests, Joseph determined that his brothers’ hearts had changed and that they were sorry for selling him into


Jacob was hesitant to let his sons return to Egypt for more grain, especially with Benjamin in tow. He

reluctantly let Benjamin go with Judah’s promise of protection for him. Can you imagine Jacob’s fear

after losing Joseph?

Joseph’s final test involved Benjamin; it played heavily on his brothers’ concern for their father and

Jacob’s desire not to lose another son. Unable to hold his composure any longer, Joseph revealed his

identity to his brothers.

Focus now on Genesis 45:4-8. Joseph explained why God allowed him to be taken to Egypt. Even

though his brothers intended this for his harm, God actually intended this for good. Have you ever

struggled to see how bad situations in your life can lead to positive results? Joseph told his brothers they

would be set apart as a remnant for “a great deliverance.”

God told Abraham many years before about what would happen. (See Gen. 15:13.) Little did Joseph

know that his brothers and their families would be in Egypt for the next 400 years.

Joseph was to go to Egypt to prepare a place for his family to survive and become a great nation—the

nation of Israel. God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ was sustained through the remnant left in

Egypt for 400 years.

LESSON OVERVIEW/SCHEDULE Session Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Key Passage: Genesis 28:15

Unit Christ Connection: Despite difficult circumstances, God remained faithful to the people to whom His

promise was given, in preparation for the salvation that would come through Jesus Christ.

Transition Time

Welcome time

Activity sheet/Table Centers

Session starter (10 minutes)


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources




Introduce the session (1 minute)

Discussion starter video (4 minutes)

Sing (4 minutes)

Timeline map (2 minutes)

Big picture question (1 minute)

Tell the Bible story (10 minutes)

The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me (4 minutes)

Key passage (3 minutes)

Prayer (1 minute)

Table Time

Bible story review & Bible skills (10 minutes)

Key passage activity (5 minutes)

Activity option (10 minutes)

Prayer (5 minutes)


Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

When Jacob learned that Egypt still had food despite the famine, he sent 10 of his sons to buy some of

the grain. Benjamin stayed home. Joseph was in charge of who received food, so the brothers came to

him and bowed down. Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him. Joseph remembered his

dreams where his brothers bowed down to him.

Joseph accused them of being spies and put them in prison for three days. On the third day he told them

they could all go home except for one. The brothers could prove they were not spies by bringing their

brother Benjamin on a return trip. Joseph told his servants to fill each brothers’ sack and give their

money back without telling them. When they discovered the money, they were afraid of being accused of

stealing it.

They told their father everything, but Jacob would not let the brothers take Benjamin because he was

afraid he would never see Benjamin again. However, when all the grain was gone, Jacob asked the sons

to return. Judah said they would only go back with Benjamin and promised to return with him. Jacob

agreed and told them to take enough money to pay for the grain they received the last visit, too. They

also took a special gift for Joseph.

When Joseph saw the brothers arrive with Benjamin, he invited them to his home for lunch. They

offered to return the money from last time, but a servant assured them they did not owe anything. When

Joseph arrived, the brothers gave him his gift and bowed before him. When Joseph saw his younger

brother, he left and cried.

After eating, Joseph instructed a servant to fill each man’s bag with grain and again put their money

back. In addition, the servant was to put one of Joseph’s silver cups in Benjamin’s bag. After the

brothers left, Joseph told his servant to pursue them and accuse them of stealing the cup. They denied


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


taking it and agreed that if anyone was found with the cup, they would all become Joseph’s slaves. When

the cup was found in Benjamin’s bag, they all returned to Joseph’s house. Joseph told the brothers that

only Benjamin would be kept as a slave. Judah pleaded with Joseph. He offered to stay instead.

Joseph was overcome with emotion and sent away all of his attendants. He told his brothers who he

was. They didn’t respond because they were scared Joseph would want revenge. Joseph assured them,

“God sent me ahead of you to establish you as a remnant within the land and to keep you alive by a great

deliverance. Therefore it was not you who sent me here, but God.” Joseph told his brothers to go home

and gather all their family and belongings and come back to Egypt, where they would live free from the

famine. Joseph sent supplies for the return trip and gifts for Jacob.

When the brothers returned and explained to Jacob what had happened, he was stunned and didn’t

believe them until he saw all the supplies they came back with. Jacob was happy and excited to go see


On the way Jacob had a vision, and God spoke to him. “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be

afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down with you to

Egypt, and I will also bring you back.” All of Jacob’s family, from sons to great-grandsons, headed to

Egypt. Joseph met his father and they hugged and wept.

The family was blessed in Egypt, but Jacob got older and died. Joseph’s brothers were worried that he

would finally have revenge on them, so they told him that Jacob had asked that he forgive his brothers for

their sin. Joseph responded, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You planned evil against me;

God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.” Joseph

comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Christ Connection: Joseph recognized that though his brothers intended evil, God planned his

circumstances for good—to establish a remnant of God’s people (Genesis 45:7). Likewise, though those

who crucified Jesus intended it for evil, God’s plan for the sacrifice of His Son was for the good of all

people. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God again saved a remnant of people.

TRANSITION TIME Session Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Key Passage: Genesis 28:15

Unit Christ Connection: Despite difficult circumstances, God remained faithful to the people to whom His

promise was given, in preparation for the salvation that would come through Jesus Christ.

Welcome time This is a great time to collect the offering, fill out attendance sheets, and help new kids connect to your

group. Ask kids to share a time they had to choose whether or not to forgive someone.


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


Activities/Table Centers Table Centers (Miscellaneous Activities)

“Silver Cup Maze” / “Timeline Lineup” activity sheet, 1 per kid



Guide boys and girls to solve the “Silver Cup Maze” and to read the Scripture listed on their activity


Say • A silver cup becomes an important part of today’s Bible story.

• Listen in today’s Bible story to discover who said this verse and who he was talking to when he said it.

If you have additional time, lead boys and girls to complete the activity sheet, “Timeline Lineup.”

Session Starter (10 minutes) Option 1: “My Favorites” Game 3x5 cards


Read one of the questions and ask the kids to write down their answer. After each player has written

down an answer, ask him to share his favorite with the group. Count how many kids had the same

answer. You may create additional questions to extend the game.

Sample questions:

Who is your favorite musician/singer?

What is the name of your favorite TV show?

What is your favorite food?

Who is your favorite Bible person?

What is your favorite subject or class at school?

What is your favorite sport?

Say • Some of you had the same favorites, but some of you had very different favorites.

• We are all unique, and God has a plan for each of us.

• Last week we learned part of Joseph’s story. Today we are going to learn the rest of his story and the

special part he had in God’s story.

Option 2: Forgive posters heavyweight paper




any other art supplies you have

Lead boys and girls to look up the following Scripture verses about forgiveness: Psalm 86:5; Ephesians

4:32; Colossians 3:13; and 1 John 1:9. Invite kids to create a poster with one of the verses on it.

Encourage kids to hang posters somewhere that will remind them to forgive others.

Say • Forgiving others is not easy.

• Because of Jesus, we can be forgiven by God for our sins.

• Today’s Bible story shows us an example of how we can forgive someone.

Transition to large group


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


LESSON Session Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Key Passage: Genesis 28:15

Unit Christ Connection: Despite difficult circumstances, God remained faithful to the people to whom His

promise was given, in preparation for the salvation that would come through Jesus Christ.

Countdown countdown video (Insert provided DVD with lesson videos and worship)

Show the countdown video as you clean up table centers, set up classroom chairs for lesson, and set it to

end as large group time begins.

Introduce the session (1 minute) Leader • Welcome back, reporters. It’s good to see all you reporters here to help us uncover one more

special assignment. Can you all tell me what questions are important to all investigative reporters?

(who, what, where, when, why, how) That reminds me of a video clip we have about one of our

questions. Watch it with me.

Discussion starter video (4 minutes) “Why, Why, Why?” video (on provided DVD)

Show the “Why, Why, Why?” video.

Leader • Those were some crazy questions. What are some “why” questions that you all have?

Invite some kids to tell their “why” questions.

Leader • We want to ask the question “why?” all the time. Why do I have to clean my room? Why won’t

she be my friend anymore? Why did my mom and dad divorce? “Why” questions can be really hard to

find the answers to. Do you think Joseph wanted to ask God “why?” when his brothers threw him into

a pit or when they sold him as a slave? The Bible never says that Joseph asked “why?” one single time.

The Bible does tell us that God was with Joseph. Sometimes we don’t get the answer to our “why?”

questions, but we can trust that God has a plan for us, and He can use anything that is bad to become

something good for us. Let’s start our day by praising God for all He did in the lives of Isaac, Jacob,

and Joseph.

Sing (4 minutes) Worship Song: “Starry Night” (on provided DVD)

Direct kids to stand and sing “Starry Night.”

Leader • In all our investigating about Abraham’s son, Isaac, and his grandson, Jacob, I discovered that

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have a special name that Christians call them. Do any of my investigative

reporters know what that special name is? Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are called the patriarchs.

Anytime you hear someone talk about the patriarchs, you know they are talking about Abraham, Isaac,

and Jacob. Does anyone remember who we learned about last time? (Joseph) Sometimes Joseph is

also called a patriarch.


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


Timeline map (2 minutes) Timeline Map – small group visual pack (Additional copies provided for Table Time Review)

Tip: Point to each section of the timeline on the map to help kids understand how time has progressed from Isaac to Joseph.

Leader • Our investigative reporter special assignments have helped us learn about how the covenant was

reaffirmed to Isaac and Jacob through different ways of God communicating His plan. We saw how

even though Jacob sinned, nothing can stop God’s plans. Then Jacob returned home and wrestled with

God at Peniel. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, a name that would be the name of God’s covenant

people. And last week we saw how Jacob’s son Joseph was sold by his brothers to be a slave, falsely

accused, thrown in prison, and forgotten by people. But God was always with Joseph. Do you

remember the dreams Joseph had about his brothers and his mom and dad? This week we are going to

see just how all those dreams came true.

[Get excited as an adult helper brings you this week’s special assignment envelope.]

Big picture question (1 minute) (11x17 poster provided)

manila envelope

Write the big picture question on a piece of paper and place it inside the envelope.

Enlist a leader ahead of time to bring you the envelope when you mention Joseph’s dreams.

Leader • Here it is. We have been waiting for it. Are you all ready? Do you have your investigative

reporter microphones ready? We have another special assignment. I need one of my reporters to open

our investigative news assignment.

Select a kid to come forward and read the special assignment.

Leader • Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? I know Joseph’s brothers sold him, but God knew exactly

what was happening. God was going to use the bad things that Joseph’s brothers did to protect and save

Joseph’s family. Listen to our Bible story to discover the answer to our special assignment.

Tell the Bible story (10 minutes) “Joseph’s Dreams Came True” video

Bibles, 1 per kid

Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? – 11x17 poster provided

Bible Story Picture – 11x17 poster provided

Tip: The answers given here are summary statements designed to help you transition from question to question after kids give

their answers. To manage your time, only call on one or two kids to answer each question.

Open your Bible to Genesis 42. Choose to tell the Bible story in your own words, or show the Bible story

“Joseph’s Dreams Came True.”

Leader • Who came to Egypt to buy grain? Good work, reporters! I heard the correct answer. The

answer is ten of Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt. What happened to cause Joseph’s brothers to

come to Egypt? Yes, their dad Jacob heard there was grain in Egypt that would help them survive the

famine. Where did Benjamin stay the first time his brothers traveled to Egypt? You all are right again!

Benjamin stayed with his dad because Jacob was afraid something might happen to him. When did

Joseph reveal to his brothers who he was? Judah offered to stay in Egypt instead of Benjamin. Joseph

saw that his brothers had changed. How did Joseph show he forgave his brothers? He invited them to

come live in Egypt so he could make sure they had food during the famine. Why did God send Joseph

to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Joseph’s dreams had come true. His brothers and family were now bowing to him and following his

leadership. Joseph could have decided to be angry with his brothers for the way they treated him. Or

Joseph could have used his power to hurt his family. Instead Joseph recognized that God sent Joseph


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


to Egypt to establish a remnant. Remnant is the word for a group of people who survive famine or

another disaster. God’s plan was for Jacob’s family to survive the famine so they could grow and

become God’s chosen people, the Israelites. Through the Israelites, God would send His Son, Jesus.

Reporters, do you know why God sent Jesus? God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we

could ask for and receive God’s forgiveness.

The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me (4 minutes) Refer to the poster: The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me hanging in your room. A copy is also provided in the Timeline notebook in

your curriculum bucket)

Use the guide to explain how to become a Christian to the boys and girls.

Key passage (3 minutes) Key Passage Poster: Genesis 28:15

Worship Song: “Wherever you Go” (on provided DVD)

Leader • Read God’s promise to Jacob, our key passage, with me again.

Lead kids to read Genesis 28:15.

Leader • Some of the promises God made to Jacob were also true for Joseph. God was with Joseph

everywhere he went. Whether he was in the pit, a slave in Potiphar’s house, in prison, or the leader of

Egypt, God was with Joseph. God is also with us. He will watch over us and help us follow Him.

Sing “Wherever You Go.”

Prayer (1 minute) Leader • What was our special assignment question? Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? OK,

investigative reporters, what was the answer? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant. When

we look at any part of God’s story, we can see how He is always in control. Well reporters, that’s all

for today. Let’s pray and then you can go to your small groups to investigate more about Joseph.

Lead the boys and girls in prayer.

Dismiss to small groups for Table Time

The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me 11x17 poster provided

Ask kids if they have ever heard the word gospel. Clarify that the word gospel means “good news.” It

is the message about Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Use the following guide to share the

gospel with kids.

God rules. Explain to kids that the Bible tells us God created everything, and He is in charge of

everything. Invite a volunteer to read Genesis 1:1 from the Bible. Read Revelation 4:11 or Colossians

1:16-17 aloud and explain what these verses mean.

We sinned. Tell kids that since the time of Adam and Eve, everyone has chosen to disobey God.

(Romans 3:23) The Bible calls this sin. Because God is holy, God cannot be around sin. Sin separates us

from God and deserves God’s punishment of death. (Romans 6:23)


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


God provided. Choose a child to read John 3:16 aloud. Say that God sent His Son Jesus, the perfect

solution to our sin problem, to rescue us from the punishment we deserve. It’s something we, as sinners,

could never earn on our own. Jesus alone saves us. Read and explain Ephesians 2:8-9.

Jesus gives. Share with kids that Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose

again. Because Jesus gave up His life for us, we can be welcomed into God’s family for eternity. This is

the best gift ever! Read Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; or 1 Peter 3:18.

We respond. Tell kids that they can respond to Jesus. Read Romans 10:9-10,13. Review these aspects

of our response: Believe in your heart that Jesus alone saves you through what He’s already done on the

cross. Repent, turning from self and sin to Jesus. Tell God and others that your faith is in Jesus.

Offer to talk with any child who is interested in responding to Jesus.

TABLE TIME LEADER Session Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

Big Picture Question: Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Key Passage: Genesis 28:15

Unit Christ Connection: Despite difficult circumstances, God remained faithful to the people to whom His

promise was given, in preparation for the salvation that would come through Jesus Christ.

Bible story review & Bible skills (10 minutes)

Bibles, 1 per kid

Timeline - small group visual pack

Tip: If kids have mobile digital devices, you can either provide them with a hard copy version of the Bible to use during class,

or encourage them to flip through the Bible chapters on their digital device.

Review the patriarchs using the timeline in the small group visual pack. Guide kids to open their Bibles

and glance through Genesis 12–50 to see how much of Genesis is the story of the patriarchs.

Review the Bible story or you may choose to tell the Bible story in your own words. Direct kids to read

Genesis 45:4-8 and Genesis 50:20-21 to review God’s plan for Joseph.

Say • Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

• Whom did God save through Jesus’ death on the cross? (Though those who crucified Jesus intended it

for evil, God’s plan for the sacrifice of His Son was for the good of all people. Through Jesus’

death on the cross, God again saved a remnant of people.)

As time allows, review how to become a Christian using this guide:

• God rules. God created and is in charge of everything. (Genesis 1:1; Revelation. 4:11; Colossians


• We sinned. Since Adam and Eve, everyone has chosen to disobey God. (Romans 3:23; 6:23)

• God provided. God sent His Son Jesus to rescue us from the punishment we deserve. (John 3:16;

Ephesians 2:8-9)

• Jesus gives. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again so we can be

welcomed into God’s family. (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18)


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


• We respond. Believe that Jesus alone saves you. Repent. Tell God that your faith is in Jesus.

(Romans 10:9-10,13)

Key passage activity (5 minutes) “Missing Phrase”

4 Key Passage Strips (Key passage has been divided into four sections and laminated for your use)

Provide kids with an opportunity to quote the key passage to you or another leader. Help the other kids

continue to learn the key passage by playing a game. Place one phrase strip facedown at a time and guide

the kids to say the key passage, including the missing phrase. If they stumble over a section, turn it

face-up and lead kids to read it a few times before turning it facedown again.

Activity Choice option (10 minutes) Option 1: “The Covenant Renewed Review Game”

Dry erase board and dry erase marker to keep track of each team’s points

Depending on the size of your class, divide the kids into two, three or four teams. Use the review

questions from the previous sessions to play a game. (Questions are provided below.) Each time a team

answers a question correctly, it may earn a point. The team with the most points wins.

Session 1

• What special message did God give Rebekah about her twins? (The older would serve the younger,

two nations would come from her two sons; Genesis 25:23)

• What did God communicate to Isaac? (not to go to Egypt, He reaffirmed the covenant He made with

Abraham; Genesis 26:2-5)

• How did God communicate with Jacob? (in a dream, Genesis 28:12-13)

• How did people know God’s plan? God communicated His plan to people in different ways.

Session 2

• What did Jacob offer his brother in exchange for Esau’s birthright? (red stuff or lentil stew and bread,

Genesis 25:30,34)

• Whose idea was it to trick Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing? (Rebekah, Genesis 27:6-10)

• What can stop God’s plans? Nothing can stop God’s plans because they are always perfect.

Session 3

1. What did Jacob ask the Man he wrestled with to give him? (a blessing, Genesis 32:26)

2. How did Esau treat Jacob when he saw him? (ran to him, hugged and kissed him, wept; Genesis 33:4)

3. What new name did God give Jacob? God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, which became the name

of God’s covenant people.

Session 4

1. What happened in one of Joseph’s dreams? (The brother’s grain sheaves bowed to his grain sheaf,

Genesis 37:7; The sun, moon, and stars bowed to Joseph; Genesis 37:9)

2. What did Pharaoh’s dreams mean? (Seven good cows and heads of grain were seven good years of

abundance, the seven thin cows and scorched grain were seven years of famine; Genesis 41:25-


3. Who is always with us? God is always with us, even when things happen we don’t understand.


th Grade Kids Bible Study Guide

Unit 3, Session 5: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources


Session 5

1. What promise did God make to Jacob about going to Egypt? (I will go down with you to Egypt, and I

will also bring you back, Genesis 46:4)

2. Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Say • God used Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph to continue His plan to save His people through His Son, Jesus


Option 2: Sack of grain-ola Tip: Post an allergy alert.

granola, crisscross cereal, candy-coated chocolate pieces, pretzels, and raisins

sandwich baggies without a seal

rough grassy twine

hole punch


small pieces of heavyweight paper


Lead boys and girls to create their own mixture of “grain-ola.” Tie the baggies with rough, grassy twine.

Create a tag for the baggie by having kids write the words of Genesis 50:20. Punch a hole in the tag and

thread the grassy twine through the hole. Encourage kids to give the sacks of grain-ola to someone who

needs a reminder that God can bring good out of anything.

Say • God knew that Jacob and his family would need food to survive the famine, and He planned for

Joseph to be able to save his family.

• Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? God sent Joseph to Egypt to establish a remnant.

Prayer and Clean-Up (5 minutes) Suggest that boys and girls pray a silent prayer asking God to help them forgive someone who has hurt

them, or they may need to ask God for forgiveness for a time when they hurt someone else. Ask a

volunteer to close in prayer.

Clean-up room.


© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources.

The Covenant RenewedUNIT 3 • Session 5 • Older Kids Activity Pages

Timeline LineupInstructions: Number the Bible pictures in

chronological order.


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IT 3

• S


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Instructions: Solve the maze to � nd the

missing words to the de� nition below.

remnant: ___ _______________ ______ __________________

_________ ______________________ ___________________

______ ______________________ ______________________.

Read Genesis 45:7 to see where this word is used in today’s Bible story.

005508648_2012_FAL.indd 25 3/15/12 12:43 PM

The Covenant RenewedSession Title: Joseph’s Dreams Came True

Bible Passage: Genesis 42:1–46:34; 50:15-21

Big Picture Question for preschoolers: Why did God

his family.

Big Picture Question for kids: Why did God send

a remnant.

Key Passage: Genesis 28:15

Christ Connection: Joseph recognized that though his brothers intended evil, God planned his circumstances for good—to establish a remnant of God’s people. (Genesis 45:7) Likewise, though those who cruci�ed Jesus intended it for evil, God’s plan for the sacri�ce of His Son was for the good of all people. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God again saved a remnant of people.

© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources.


Ask each family member to draw a good dream they remember. Talk about whether they think

those dreams will come true. Recall the dreams God gave Joseph that did come true because

they were sent from God.

Family Journal Page


Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not

leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

Genesis 28:15

God’s Covenant with PeopleTM