ruth cheesley - joomla! world conference 2013 - is your business intelligent?

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Is your business intelligent?

Ruth Cheesley Virya Technologies

Good morning, My name is Ruth Cheesley and I run a business based in the UK called Virya Technologies.

You can connect with me on Twitter at @Rcheesley or google+ as

I'm going to talk to you for about 45 minutes about one of my favourite subjects data analysis in particular about analysing data from your website.

Confessions of a data nerd!

So, I thought after I submitted this talk that perhaps it should be titled 'Confessions of a data nerd'!

Interested in data analysis for a long time

The power of knowing what is really going on cannot be underestimated

Using data effectively within your business is critical to success

Trained to fix bodies

I didn't start out life as a data geek though originally I trained as a physiotherapist fixing people's bodies and helping people to get better after accidents, recover from illness and generally manage their health.

Trained to fix bodies

Now I fix websites!On click slide changes now I fix websites, help them recover from 'accidents' with SEO, and generally manage the health of sites.

It all started with ...

My baptism of fire, so to speak, with data analysis started in the bathroom quite literally. CLICK

I was asked to help look into the increasing rates of these two chaps Clostridium difficile (or C.diff) and Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (or MRSA) by Suffolk Primary Care Trust who were the body which managed all the hospitals and healthcare facilities across Suffolk.

We think we have a problem ...My job became available, because they thought they had a problem well, you can clearly see there was a problem with the rising number of Healthcare Acquired Infections.

These are infections which the person has acquired while in the healthcare system. You can see in 06/7 there were a staggering 900+ cases of these infections, just in our area. A problem indeed!

We think the problem is ...

The Primary Care Trust were convinced the problem was with the Hospitals acute care facilities and they were fining the hospitals quite heavily for the high numbers they were reporting.

When I spoke to the hospitals, surprisingly enough, they had quite a different view.

They think the problem is ...

The hospitals were convinced the problem was being started and spread in the community, and that the people were arriving at hospital 'primed' with the infection.

The data available was .. let's say .. less than helpful and it was almost impossible at that time to track down where the root cause of the problem lay.

Enter Detective Ruth!

So, I enthusiastically bounced onto the scene with my bright light and maginfying glass, and shone a bright light on lots of things.

Data was the absolute central point for unpicking this and it had to be done quickly. People were quite literally dying on a weekly basis from infections they should never have picked up.

Not too much pressure then!

My first day ...

My first day was hell!

Word documents, folders, reports

No data validation

Threw it all out (along with my toys) and started afresh, with data I could trust

Systems to check incoming data

Systems to track the journey of every patient

Picked up clusters and closed wards

Issued improvement notices to care homes

Made people very grumpy with my strict data standards!

With good data analysis, lives are saved

It paid off. With a lot of hard work, underpinned by a strong, reliable data set, we were able to significantly reduce the rate of these HCAI's within two years.

Peoples' lives were saved, due to having good data which was analysed and interpreted correctly.

How does this relate to my business?

So, how does this relate to your business?

Started running a business need for data is always present

Often overlooked with small and medium sized businesses

Often don't have the time to check regularly enough (I certainly don't!)

Let's look at some of the reasons why it's so important to have good data analysis in your business

I've been populating the Joomla! Documentation with most of the information I'm mentioning, including how to tips please check it out and contribute!

Just create an account and get editing!

How much do you actually know?It's one thing having a gut feeling or a hunch about something, but when it comes to your business, you need to know.

Without proper data collection,analysis and interpretation a weather forecaster can only see from horizon to horizon what is going on they can't really predict much more than what they can see right now. The same is true of everything in your business.

If you are not measuring it, you're blind now and an in the future

How can you tell if it was worth it?

Looking back and projecting forward, how do you measure whether the time and money you invest into something brings a return on investment and quantify that return?

If you hire someone to support your extensions, for example, how can you be sure that the money you pay them will be recouped through sales of that extension?

Monitor your reputation

How do you know when somebody mentions you on their site, or links to you?

What about if they write an awesome review of your products, or tell people how great you are?

Identify problems quickly

It's also important to identify negative reviews or articles, pick up on problems like dead links, illegal use of your software and more.

What can we measure?

So, what can and should we measure? My thoughts on this are that you should be capturing as much data as you possibly can even if you don't have the time or resources to analyse it now.

Going forward, you can't analyse data if you haven't been collecting it.

Let's jump right in!

So, let's jump right in and get started with analysing some data!

There are some tools which I will mention which are really helpful in getting started with analysing data about your website some you might know about, some might be new to you.

Google Analytics Dashboards

A relatively new addition to the Google Analytics package are custom dashboards. These allow you to bring together a whole load of metrics from your analytics into one easy-to-use place, which you can analyse over time.

Dashboards are a great addition and you can install pre-made dashboards from the Analytics Gallery, which means you don't even have to add them yourself!

Google Analytics Segments

I wonder what happened here!

Segments are a great way to chunk up your data, allowing you to compare specific segments of your market whether it be gender, number of keywords used, country of origin you name it, you can segment by it.

Cyfe Dashboards

Cyfe is a great tool which allows you to bring all kinds of business intelligence together in one place not just from Analytics to analyse and compare. There is a free plan where you can use up to 5 blocks, or a paid plan which gives you unlimited blocks. If you mention to them that you heard about Cyfe at JWC you'll get a 25% lifetime discount too!

The four P's

So when considering business analytics I chunk things down into four P's





Let's start with the first Problems which tends to be the most commonly known about, but often not monitored!


The first of the four P's is the one we mostly tend to be on the lookout for but you'd be surprised how many businesses don't monitor for even the basics.

Website problems

Site health is your site offline?

SEO are pages on your site unavailable? Are you doing the right thing with your page structure? Any problems with duplicated content?

Page load time how fast is your site loading? Is it a good user experience?

Site Health

Site health is your site offline? Are there problems with your pages?

SEO are pages on your site accessible? Are you doing the right thing with your page structure? Any problems with duplicated content?

Page load time how fast is your site loading? Is it a good user experience?

404 Discovery

First thing is to find out if you have a problem webmaster tools has the ability to tell you whether Goolge is finding 404 errors on your site, and allows you to fix them too.

404 Monitoring

You can also proactively monitor 404 traffic by setting up a custom segment find out what happens with 404's on your site and then segment your data to look for that traffic.

404 Alerts


Data Integrity Dashboard


Site Speed


Site Speed


Site Speed by country

A problem here!


Server Health


Server Response Time


Site Performance Dashboard


Search Engine Optimisation


Monitor Best Practice


Monitor sources of traffic & engagement

Mentions on the webSocial mentionsIncoming links

Analyse content relevance

Monitor your link profile(Majestic, webmaster tools)

SEO Dashboard

Monitor your link profile(Majestic, webmaster tools)


Identify important metrics

What matters to your businessWhat do you consider a conversionHow do you want customers to engage/interact

Monitor success & abandonment

Not only website-based also consider ad campaigns, social interactions, social sharing, etc.

Monitor user experience

Can they find what they are looking for?

Are they able to convert quickly?

Where are you losing sales?

How can you tweak your site to improve conversion rate?

Traditional Analytics

Quantitative Data

Clickstream Based

Primarily Statistical

Behavioural Analytics

Qualitative Data

Interaction Based

Primarily Visual

ClicktaleShift away from traditional analytics which looks at clicks, number of conversions

Move towards qualitative data, looking at how a visitor interacts with your site and what they do when they are there

What areas do they hover on? How far do they scroll? What are they clicking on?

The ChallengeThe North Face wanted to increase the conversion rate of their Shopping Cart page with large numbers of visitors that were not converting.

The SolutionClickTales Heatmaps and Session Playbacks revealed that a large number of visitors were not paying attention to the Checkout button on the Shopping Cart page, because their attention was being diverted by a promotional banner above the button.The ResultsIn the new version of the page, the checkout button was moved above the banner, getting an impressive conversion rate increase of 65% over the original version.

BackSmall tweaks, big change

User testing

What matters to your businessWhat do you consider a conversionHow do you want customers to engage/interact

E-Commerce monitoring

What matters to your businessWhat do you consider a conversionHow do you want customers to engage/interact

What about mobiles?

What matters to your businessWhat do you consider a conversionHow do you want customers to engage/interact

Analytics Alerts

Tell me when there is more than a 10% increase in conversion rate than last week

Tell me when there is more than a 10% increase in visits than last week


Performance dashboard



Where are your customers?

Where do your current and prospective customers hang out?

Where do they talk about what they like?

Where do they make recommendations? Probably everywhere!

ALWAYS ask where someone found your info when they call/email

Who talks about you?

Brand mentions

What you do e.g. mentions of joomla developer in 50 mile radius

Services you provide

Things you can help with

Customers and potential customers

Your network can become your evangelists they don't need to know what Joomla! Is, just that you do it, to refer you leads.

Google Alerts, Social Monitoring, Be involved

Reviews are important

Listen for mentions & opportunities

Find new opportunities & mentions

Engage visitors to your site

Social media dashboard


It's not all about the product or service


In Summary

The Four P's




Make it easy for yourself




If you can't do it, outsource it




Any Questions?

Autor: 18.10.12

@RCheesley /

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