rural nonfarm employment and income diversification in colombia

Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversi®cation in Colombia KLAUS DEININGER and PEDRO OLINTO * The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA Summary. Ð Using data for rural households from Colombia we ®nd that o-farm employment contributes a signi®cant share 45% on average) to household income but that the importance of o-farm income and returns to household labor vary over the income distribution. Analysis reveals signi®cant gains from specialization butÐfor households able to specializeÐno systematic dierences in returns to labor between farm and nonfarm sources. We conclude that, in Colombia, there is no con¯ict between development of the farm and the nonfarm sector but that, to maximize gains from nonfarm development and reduce the scope for undesirable distributional consequences, policies enabling households to specialize might be called for. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words Ð Colombia, o-farm employment, income distribution 1. INTRODUCTION There is little doubt that the importance of rural nonfarm employment, which in many countries already constitutes an important sector of the rural economy, will greatly increase as agriculture becomes more and more integrated into global markets and as the links between urban and rural areas intensify. What is less clear, however, is how these forces for diversi®cation can best be harnessed for nonfarm employment to act as a catalyst for a broader and inclusive pattern of development. From a policy perspective, it is of particular interest to ®nd out whether the rural poor are able to make optimum use of the opportunities provided by nonfarm employment or whether speci®c policy measures to assist them might be needed. In this paper, we use data from Colombia to address this question. Descriptive statistics illustrate both the importance of nonfarm employment and broad patterns of participa- tion in nonfarm opportunities across dierent groups of the population. Nonfarm income wages from agricultural and nonagricultural employment, pro®ts from nonagricultural enterprises, nonearned income, and remit- tances) contribute on average 45% to house- hold income. There is also a nonlinear U-shaped) relationship between the importance of o-farm work, asset endowments, and total household income. By comparison, specializa- tion in either farm or nonfarm activities) increases linearly with income and assets. The strong positive association between total income and specialization suggests that even though nonfarm employment contributes to diversi®cation of income generating opportu- nities at the regional level, individual house- holds may still be better o by relying only on one main income source. More importantly, to the extent that market failures and lack of endowments prevent them from specializing, government policies that improve the func- tioning of factor markets and that help house- holds increase their endowments could play an important role to maximize the gains associated with the emergence of nonfarm employment opportunities. To explore this in more detail, we examine the impact of specialization and household labor supply as well as the determinants of specialization. We ®nd that, indeed, special- ization allows households to increase their level World Development Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 455±465, 2001 Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/01/$ - see front matter PII: S0305-750X00)00106-6 * We are deeply indebted to Elsa Albarracin, Juliana Bottia, Diana Grudzynski, Absalon Machado, Manuel Rojas, Hernando Urbina and Guilermo Otanez without whose enthusiasm and support the data underlying this analysis would never have been collected. We are also grateful for useful comments from three anonymous reviewers. 455

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Page 1: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 2: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 3: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 4: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 5: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 6: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 7: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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Page 8: Rural Nonfarm Employment and Income Diversification in Colombia

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