rto managers session 2 - amazon s3...rto managers 2017 session 2 webinar overview 1 •training and...

15/05/2017 1 RTO Managers 2017 Session 2 Webinar overview Training and assessment strategies 1 Industry engagement activities 2 Validation activities 3 Streamlined training packages 4 Assessment methods 5 Quality Indicator reporting 6 Data checking 7 Key VET sector updates 8 Training and Assessment Strategies

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RTO Managers2017

Session 2

Webinar overview

• Training and assessment strategies1

• Industry engagement activities2

• Validation activities3

• Streamlined training packages4

• Assessment methods5

• Quality Indicator reporting6

• Data checking7

• Key VET sector updates8

Training and Assessment Strategies

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What should be in the TAS?

At a minimum it should include:

Training product identification (use full code and title)

Core and elective components (use full codes and titles)

Mode of delivery

Entry requirements

Licensing requirements (if applicable)

Duration and scheduling (addressing amount of training)

Assessment resources, methods and timing

Learning resources

Human resources

Physical resources

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Amount of Training

Part of Volume of Learning

Amount of Training considers the time of training required in the course itself, not the full Volume

of Learning

Supervised and unsupervised


Justify why the Amount of Training

is significantly different to the

Volume of Learning on each TAS

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Once developed…

• There should be a systematic process for reviewing the TAS, who can change it, approval process, etc

• This would then be stored in a central location, accessible by the relevant staff

• This would then be included in the validation process

Industry Engagement


What have we done in the past?

Industry consultation…

A wide range of


Now more specific

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What do the Standards say?

• Clause 1.5

– The RTO’s training and assessment practices

are relevant to the needs of industry and informed by industry engagement

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

What do the Standards say?

• Clause 1.6

– The RTO implements a range of strategies

for industry engagement and systematically uses the outcome of that industry engagement to ensure the industry relevance of:

a) Its training and assessment strategies, practices and resources; and

b) The current industry skills of its trainers and assessors.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Who are industry?

• Can include but not limited to:

– Enterprise/industry clients, e.g. employers

– Group training organisations

– Industry organisations

– Industry regulators

– Industry skills councils or similar bodies

– Industry training advisory bodies, and

– Unions.

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Possible strategies include:

a) Partnering with local employers, regional/national businesses, relevant industry bodies and/or enterprise RTOs

b) Involving employer nominees in industry advisory committees and/or reference groups

c) Embedding staff within enterprises

d) Networking in an ongoing way with industry networks, peak bodies and/or employers

e) Developing networks of relevant employers and industry representatives to participate in assessment validation, and

f) Exchanging knowledge, staff, and/or resources with employers, networks and industry bodies

Ensure understanding

Work with the relevant staff and ensure they understand the updated requirements of

industry engagement

Consider the definitions of industry and the strategies


Plan it!

What strategies will be used? – may need to expand

Who will be responsible for each area? – you may have already determined this

Ensure coverage of the below items – hopefully already covered

Training and Assessment Strategies

Training and Assessment Practices


Currency of trainers and assessors

Determine how feedback will be systematically used to improve outcomes – should already be doing this

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Document it!



Annotated materials


Other correspondence

Validation Activities


Validation is the quality review of the assessment process. Validation involves checking that the assessment tool/s produce/s valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgements to be made as to whether the requirements of the training package or VET accredited courses are met. It includes reviewing a statistically valid sample of the assessments and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes and acting upon such recommendations.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

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Statistically valid means for the purposes of these Standards, a random sample of appropriate size is selected to enable confidence that the result is sufficiently accurate to be accepted as representative of the total population of assessments being validated.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs



Prior to results being issued –can still be changed

After results are issues – cannot be changed. Used for future


What do the Standards say?

• Clause 1.9

– The RTO implements a plan for ongoing systematicvalidation of assessment practices and judgementsthat includes for each training product on the RTO’s scope of registration:

• when assessment validation will occur;

• which training products will be the focus of the validation;

• who will lead and participate in validation activities; and

• how the outcomes of these activities will be documented and acted upon.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

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What does this mean?

You need some plans and schedules

Schedule for overall RTO

When each qualification will be validated

Who will be leading and responsible

How it will be followed up

Plan for each product on scope to show more detail as to how it will meet the overall schedule deadlines and requirements

When each unit will be validated

The process for determining what will be validated

Who will be involved

What do the Standards say?

• Clause 1.10

– For the purposes of Clause 1.9, each training product is validated at least once every five years, with at least 50% of products validated within the first three years of each five year cycle, taking into account the relative risks of all of the training products on the RTO’s scope of registration, including those risks identified by the VET regulator.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

What does this mean?

You need some plans and schedules

Schedule for overall RTO

Examine overall number of training products on scope

Work out how many must be validated in first 3 years (50%)

Examine scope to determine which qualifications should be scheduled first

Plan for each product on scope to show more detail as to how it will meet the overall schedule deadlines and requirements

Develop these plans to ensure deadlines coincide with overall schedule

Follow any instructions determined in the overall schedule regarding risk and which units should be validated first.

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What do the Standards say?

• Clause 1.11

– For the purposes of Clause 1.9, systematic validation of an RTO’s assessment practices and judgements is undertaken by one or more persons who are not directly involved in the particular instance of delivery and assessment of the training product being validated, and who collectively have:

• vocational competencies and current industry skills relevant to the assessment being validated;

• current knowledge and skills in vocational teaching and learning; and

• the training and assessment qualification or assessor skill set referred to in Item 1 or 3 of Schedule 1.

– Industry experts may be involved in validation to ensure there is the combination of expertise set out in (a) to (c) above.

Users' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

Schedule 1

ItemRelevant Standard

AQF Qualification or Unit of Competency


TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its successor.


A diploma or higher level qualification in adult education.

3 1.15 TAESS00001 Assessor Skill Set or its successor.

4 1.18

a) TAESS00007 Enterprise Trainer – Presenting Skill Set or its successor; or

b) TAESS00008 Enterprise Trainer – Mentoring Skill Set or its successor; or

c) TAESS00003 – Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set or its successor.

5 1.23

a) TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training or its successor; or

b) TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development or its successor; or

c) A higher level qualification in adult educationUsers' Guide to the Standards for RTOs

What does this mean?

You need some plans and schedules

Schedule for overall RTO

This is not impacted in the planning stage

You may not be able to indicate in the overall schedule who will be involved in the validation that meets requirements

Plan for each product on scope

Identify who will possibly be involved – this may be someone external to the RTO

If you are having difficulties finding someone you may refer to the Velg Training Validation Directory

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• Schedules and plans

• Qualified validators

• How a statistically valid sample was determined/collected

• A checklist to follow in conducting validation

Ensure you have

documentation to show:

Your RTO will need to ensure the validation process is documentation

and captured.

Streamlined Training Packages

Streamlined Training Packages

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Endorsed Component

Quality Assured


Training Package


Endorsed components of Training Packages

Units of competency

Assessment requirements


Credit arrangements

Quality Assured Components

Companion Volumes

Implementation Guide (mandatory)

Learning Strategies Guide

Assessment Strategies Guide

Knowledge Guide

Foundation Skills Guide

Slightly different for each training


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Where to find documentation

Training packages

Qualification rules

Units of competency

Assessment requirements

Credit arrangements

Curriculum Documents


Companion Volumes page on DET’s website (link above).

Follow the link from each page on TGA.

Implementation Guides

Department of Education & Training

Velg Training Guides

Will be developed for each new training package available on the Knowledge Hub

Community Services Example

Training Package: CHC Community ServicesQualification: CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCompanion Guides: http://www.cshisc.com.au/develop/training-packages/

Must download these

Downloading Units: CHCECE001 Develop cultural competenceDownload the Unit of Competency AND the Assessment Requirements

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Assessment Methods

Assessment MethodsMethods Examples of Methods Related Tools Type of


Direct observation

• Real work/real-time activities at the workplace

• Work activities in a simulated workplace

• Observation checklist

• Questions to accompanychecklists; and

• Instructions to students and assessors


Structured assessment activities

• Simulation exercises/role plays• Projects• Presentations• Activity sheets

• Scenario/outline• Instructions for

people involved in the activity

• Instructions to students and assessors

• Observation checklist

• Project/presentation checklist


/ I


Adapted from: Designing assessment tools for quality outcomes in VET

Assessment MethodsMethods Examples of Methods Related Tools Type of


Questioning • Written questions• Interviews• Self-evaluation• Verbal questioning• Questionnaires• Oral or written examinations

(may be applicable at higher AQF levels)

• Verbal questions and checklist

• Written questions• Interview

questions and checklist

• Self-evaluation tools

• Knowledge based tests

• Questionnaires• Oral or written

exam questions


/ In


Evidence compiled by the student

PortfoliosCollections of work samplesProducts with supporting documentationHistorical evidenceJournals/logbooksInformation about life experience

• Instructions for compilation

• Questions to interview

• Checklists for evaluating


/ D


Adapted from: Designing assessment tools for quality outcomes in VET

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Assessment Methods

Methods Examples of Methods Related Tools Type of Evidence

Review of products

Products as the result of a projectWork samples/products

Product specificationsInstructions to students and assessorsChecklist for evaluating the product



Testimonials/reports from employers/supervisorsEvidence of trainingAuthenticated prior achievementsInterviews with employers, supervisors or peers

Third party report templatesInterview checklists



ryAdapted from: Designing assessment tools for quality outcomes in VET

Quality Indicator Reporting

What do the Standards say?

Clause 7.5

• The RTO provides accurate and current information on its performance and governance consistent with the Data Provision Requirements as updated from time to time.

• Data to submit is generally through:


• Quality Indicators.

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What are the Quality Indicators?

Learner Engagement

• This indicator focuses on the extent to which learners are engaging in activities likely to promote high-quality skill outcomes and includes learner perceptions of the quality of their competency development and the support they receive or have received from RTOs.

Employer Satisfaction

• This indicator focuses on employer evaluation of learner competency development and the relevance of learner competencies for work and further training, as well as employer evaluation of the overall quality of the training and assessment.

Competency Completion

• This indicator shows the number of enrolments and qualifications completed and units of competency awarded in the previous calendar year by each RTO.

Source: NCVER Support site

Based on 2016 calendar year

Survey results must be submitted by 30 June each year

This is mandatory

• Not reporting on time will impact on your risk rating and you would be non-compliant in relation to Data Provision Requirements amongst other standards.

Quality Indicator Reporting

The Regulators

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

• Please see the Data provision section of the AQSA website and the General direction – Quality Indicators publication.

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)

• Please see the Reporting on AQTF Quality Indicators section of the VRQA website.

Western Australia Training Accreditation Council (WA TAC)

• Please see the Maintaining Compliance section of the WA TAC website and the RTO Reporting Requirements publication.

Source: NCVER Support site

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Learner Engagement Survey & Employer Satisfaction Survey

Historical SMART software

Survey is mandatory – wording cannot be changed

OPTIONAL: ACER charges to collect the data online

Must summarise and submit via a Summary Report – note requirements for your regulator

Quality Indicator Reporting

Quality Indicator Reporting Summary

Send an email to your regulator

• ASQA - [email protected]

• VRQA - [email protected]

• TAC - [email protected]

Include one of the following attachments:

• ASQA - Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report

• VRQA – Reporting of Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction Quality Indicator Template

• TAC – Quality Indicator Summary (no prescribed template but dot points required)

Additional Resources

VET Quality Indicator Services (VETQIS)

• https://www.acer.org/vetqis/resources

• https://www.acer.org/files/AQTF_InterpretingQualityIndicatorData_005.pdf

• https://www.acer.org/files/AQTF_Benchmarking-for-ContinuousImprovement.pdf

• https://www.acer.org/files/AQTF_MonitoringQualityDataOverTime.pdf

• https://www.acer.org/files/AQTF_Building-Confidence-in-Your-RTO-Services.pdf

Velg Training Knowledge Hub

• Spreadsheet for tallying

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Using Quality Indicator Data

Clause 2.2b

• The RTO systematically evaluates and uses the outcomes of the evaluations to continually improve the RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices. Evaluation information includes but is not limited to quality/performance indicator data collected under Clause 7.5, validation outcomes, client trainer and assessor feedback and complaints and appeals.

Data Checking

Data checking

The RTO should have a process for checking the

accuracy of data for learner


This process should be in your policies

and procedures

All trainers should be

aware of the process during their induction

The Data Management Officer should also be aware of the process

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Velg Training sample text for Procedures

VET trainers must maintain accurate and current records of each learner’s progress towards and achievement of competencies. These records will be forwarded for entry on the RTO’s AVETMISS/LMS software on a weekly basis. The data recorded on the LMS will be printed out and returned to the VET trainer and the Curriculum Manager for checking. Once approved as accurate, the Data Management Officer and the RTO Manager are notified to this effect.

When the learner nears completion for the full qualification, the VET trainer then checks learner achievements against the qualification packaging rules. When the learner has achieved the requirements for completion of the qualification, the Data Management Officer and the RTO Manager are notified to complete the recording process for the learner. The data recorded on the LMS will be printed out and returned to the VET trainer and Curriculum Manager for checking. Once approved as accurate, the Data Management Officer and the RTO Manager are notified to this effect.

Data checkingD

ATA • Register of qualifications issued

• Units of competency enrolled

• Units of competency completed

• Qualifications enrolled

• Qualifications completed

• TAC – Client Qualification Register (CQR)

• Cross checking between qualifications (for credit transfer)

• Scope of Registration

• USI – ensure for all learners prior to issuing

• Marketing material & register

• Material provided to students

Other Data to Check

State Requirements

DATA • Each state training authority has their own

data reporting requirements for funded training

• Ensure you meet these additional requirements

• For example, WA has RAPT reporting requirements

• This was outlined in a previous webinar

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Key VET sector


Key VET sector updates

ASQA Update

AISC Update

VSL Provider List

CEO Conference

National VET Conference

ASQA Latest News

• Extended transition period – ICP30715

• Extended transition period – TAE10 Skill Sets

• TAE implementation webcast recording

• Updated National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students

• Student centred audit approach

• Transition to replacement qualifications –Extension to 18 months

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ASQA Update:

• Submission obligations


• Transitions

• Training Provider Briefings

AISC Communique


VET Student Loans


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CEO Conference


• Gerry Gannon (MC)

• The Hon. Karen Andrews

• Alex Malley

• The Hon. Michael Lavarch

• Jonathan Chew

• Lynne Schinella

• Keith Abraham

• John Price

• Claire Field

• Darrel Vecchio

• Matt Peachey


• Park Hyatt

• Melbourne


• $770 members

• $880 non-members

National VET Conference

ProgramDET, ASQA, RTO Management & Compliance, Training & Assessing, VET Shaper, Foundation Skills, eLearning

Master Classes

Quality Engagement and Gen C; the Sharp Edge of

Compliance – Sometimes!; Discover your Second Half

Hero; and A Guide for RTO Managers.

Sydney ICC

Master Classes – 13 September 2017

Conference – 14 – 15 September 2017

What we covered…

• Training and assessment strategies1

• Industry engagement activities2

• Validation activities3

• Streamlined training packages4

• Assessment methods5

• Quality Indicator reporting6

• Data checking7

• Key VET sector updates8

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Next session…

• Third party arrangements1

• Marketing & transition planning2

• Extension to scope process3

• Managing registration4

• Planning for internal reviews5

• Fee collection arrangements6

• Educational and support services7

• Key VET sector updates8Released 14 August


Live Q&A session with Carol Hunter

22 May 201711.00am – 12.00pm


Contact us

1/52 Jeffcott Street

Wavell Heights QLD 4012

P 07 38660888

F 07 38660899

E [email protected]

W velgtraining.com