(rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid


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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

Doctor of Philosophy



APRIL 2015

Page 2: (rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid



Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are plastic containers that are typically

discarded, and thus, cause environmental pollution. To solve this problem, PET bottles

are recycled in concrete. Previous studies have mostly used PET with straight or

irregularly shaped fibers. It has been shown that PET has a weak interfacial bond with

cement paste in the pullout load because of the lamellar shape of fibers. Therefore, ring-

shaped PET (RPET) fibers are introduced in this study to overcome the limitations of

traditional straight, lamellar, or irregularly shaped fibers. RPET fibers are mainly

designed with a special shape to mobilize fiber yielding rather than fiber pullout. RPET

fibers are made directly from waste bottles. The diameter of RPET bottles is fixed at 60 ±

5 mm. The width of RPET fibers is fixed at 5, 7.5, or 10 mm and designated as RPET-5,

RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 respectively. This study mainly determines the optimum water–

binder ratio and fiber content of RPET fiber concrete (FC) through self-compacting, as

well as through compressive, tensile, and toughness strength tests. A water–binder ratio

of 0.55 and working ranges from 0.25% to 1% of fiber content are successfully accepted

for all sizes of RPET fibers. Result of the pullout test shows that RPET fiber interfacial

bond strength ranges from 0.502 MPa to 0.519 MPa for RPET-5 fiber, from 0.507 MPa

to 0.529 MPa for RPET-7.5 fiber, and from 0.516 MPa to 0.540 MPa for RPET-10 fiber.

This study presented that the compressive and tensile strength of RPET fiber exhibited an

increase of 17.3% and 35.7%, respectively compared to normal concrete. RPET FC shows

improvement in first crack load for flexural toughness strength of RPET FC with increase

of 24.5% compared to normal concrete specimen. Moreover, 156 FC cylinders were used

to develop new equations for predicting the compressive and tensile strengths of RPET

FC via multiple regression analysis. Two equations are obtained. These equations are

included in calculating compressive and tensile strength of RPET FC limited up to 28

days In conclusion, incorporating RPET fibers when recycling waste PET bottles in

concrete produces FC with An improvement performance comparable to that of normal


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Polyethylene Terephthalates (PET) botol merupakan sebahagian dalam produk plastik

yang telah dibuang terus dan meyebabkan pencemaran kepada alam sekitar. Sehubungan

dengan itu, salah satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan mengitar semula

di dalam bentuk fiber. Kajian terdahulu menjurus kepada bentuk lurus atau bentuk tidak

seragam. Rumusan kajian terdahulu menunjukkan bentuk lurus and bentuk tidak seragam

PET fiber di dalam konkrit mempunyai kelemahan dari segi kekuatan ikatan permukaan

antara fiber dan konkrit semasa ujian penarikan fiber. Oleh itu, bagi mengatasi masalah

ini bentuk bulatan PET atau di pangil sebagai Ring shaped PET (RPET) di perkenalkan

di dalam kajian ini. RPET fiber dapat menahan kesan pernarikan fiber dan mengalami

kegagalan pada kekuatan tegangan maksimum fiber itu sendiri. RPET fiber dihasilkan

secara terus dari botol kitar semula. Ia mempunyai diameter bersaiz 60 ± 5 mm. Kelebaran

RPET fiber terbahagi kepada tiga iaitu 5 mm, 7.5 mm, dan 10 mm yang bermaksud kepada

RPET-5, RPET-7.5, dan RPET-10. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah menentukan

kesesuain dalam nisbah air-simen dan kandungan fiber melalui ujian seperti anti

pemadatan konkrit, kekuatan mampatan. kekuatan tegangan, kekuatan keutuhan konkrit

fiber itu sendiri. Di akhir ujian menunjukkan 0.55 nisbah air-simen dan kandungan effektif

sebanyak 0.25% hingga 1.00% adalah terbaik untuk semua saiz RPET fiber. Keputusan

ujian penarikan daya ikatan permukaan RPET fiber adalah sebanyak 0.502 MPa hingga

0.519 MPa, 0.507 MPa hingga 0.529 MPa, dan 0.516 MPa hingga 0.540 MPa untuk

RPET-5, RPET-7.5, dan RPET-10 fiber. Kajian ini menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak

17.3% sehingga 35.7% untuk ujian kekuatan mamapatan dan ujian ketegangan

dibandingkan dengan spesimen normal konkrit. Malahan, RPET fiber konkrit memberi

peningkatan sebanyak 24.5% untuk kekuatan rekahan pertama setelah dibandingkan

dengan normal konkrit spesimen. Kemudian, 156 silinder konkrit melalui ujian kekuatan

mampatan dan tegangan diambil serta dianalisa untuk menghasilkan formula baru melalui

keadah Multiple Regression. Dua formula ini dapat menentukan secara teori bagi

kekuatan mampatan dan tegangan fiber konkrit, namun terhad sehingga tempoh matang

konkrit 28 hari sahaja. Akhir kata, campuran RPET fiber dengan konkrit adalah berkesan

dalam penghasilan fiber konkrit setelah dibandingkan dengan konkrit normal.

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1.1 Background 1

1.2 Statement of problem 2

1.3 Research objectives 5

1.4 Scope of study 6

1.5 Significant of study 6

1.6 Organisation of thesis 7

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2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Definition of Fiber concrete 10

2.3 Previous works on plastic fiber in self-compacting concrete 11

2.4. Fiber tensile and pullout loads 14

2.4.1 Previous works on plastic fibers regarding

tensile and pullout loads 16

2.5 Previous works on plastic fibers regarding

hardened-state FC properties 18

2.6 Influence of fiber content on FCs 26

2.7 Influence of fiber shape on FCs 29

2.8 Influence of water–binder ratio on FCs 30

2.9 Concluding remarks 31


3.1 Introduction 32

3.2 Preparation of raw materials 34

3.2.1 Cement 34

3.2.2 Fly ash 34

3.2.3 Chemical admixture 35

3.2.4 Coarse aggregates 35

3.2.5 Sand 35

3.2.6 Water 35

3.2.7 RPET fibers 35

3.3 Design mix proportion of RPET FC 37

3.4 Preparation mixtures of RPET FC 40

3.5 Testing fresh-state concrete properties 42

3.5.1 Filling capability test 42

3.5.2 Passing capability test 43

3.6 Hardened-state of RPET FC 44

3.6.1 Compressive strength test 44 Preparation of specimens 47 Setup of compressive strength test 47

3.6.2 Splitting tensile strength 48 Preparation of specimens 48 Setup of splitting tensile strength test 49

3.6.3 Flexural toughness of RPET FC using the

ASTM C1018 toughness method 50 Preparation of specimens 50

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ix Setup flexural toughness 51 ASTM C1018 test method for flexural

toughness measurements 52

3.7 Tensile strength of RPET fiber 53

3.8 Fibre pullout test 55

3.8.1 Preparation of materials and RPET fiber 55

3.8.2 Preparation of concrete mixtures 56

3.8.3 Preparation of specimens 57

3.8.4 Pullout test apparatus and data analysis 60

3.9 Mathematical model 62

3.10 Concluding remarks 63




4.1 Introduction 64

4.2 Fresh-state of self-compacting RPET FC 64

4.2.1 Filling capability test 65 Effect of fiber content 67 Effect of RPET fiber size 71

4.2.2 Passing capability test 75 Effect of RPET fiber content 76 Effect of RPET fiber size 80

4.2.3 Selecting the optimum water–binder ratio for

RPET FC 82 Filling capability 83 Passing capability 84 Compressive strength 86

4.2.4 Concluding remarks on fresh-state

self-compacting RPET FC 89

4.3 Compressive strength of RPET FC 91

4.3.1 Effect of fibre content on compressive strength 93

4.3.2 Effect of RPET fiber size on compressive strength 99

4.3.3 Effect on age on compressive strength 101

4.3.4 Correlation between compressive and

tensile strength 102

4.4 Splitting tensile strength 104

4.4.1 Effect of RPET fiber content on tensile strength 106

4.4.2 Effect of RPET fiber size on tensile strength 109

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4.4.3 Correlation between compressive strength

and tensile strength 110

4.5 Flexural toughness of RPET FC using the

ASTM C1018 toughness method 117

4.5.1 Failure mode 122

4.5.2 First crack load 124

4.5.3 Load-deflection response 128

4.5.4 Effect of RPET fiber content on flexural toughness 128

4.5.5 Effect of RPET fiber size on flexural toughness 133

4.5.6 Concluding remarks on hardened-state of RPET FC 134

4.6 Tensile, pullout, and interfacial bond strength

of RPET fiber 135

4.6.1 Tensile strength of RPET fiber 135

4.6.2 Fiber pullout test 137 Load-End displacement response 138 Effect of embedded length of fiber on

pullout load 140 Effect of RPEt fiber size on pullout

load 142 Effect of embedded length RPET fiber

on interfacial bond strength 145 Effect of RPET fiber on interfacial

bond strength 147

4.6.3 Concluding remarks on tensile and interfacial

bond strength of RPET fiber 149



5.1 Introduction 150

5.2 Development of a new equation: Compressive

strength of RPET FC 150

5.2.1 General form 151

5.2.2 Regression analysis 154

5.2.3 Equation models 155 Coefficient of determinant (R2) 155 t-Test 156 t-statistic 158

5.3 Development of a new equation: Tensile strength

of RPET FC 159

5.3.1 General form 159

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5.3.2 Regression analysis 162

5.3.3 Equation model 163 Coefficient of determinant (R2) 163 t-Test 164 t-statistic. 165

5.4 Discussion on the model 167

5.5 Concluding remarks 176


6.1 Introduction 177

6.2 Conclusions on fresh-state of RPET FC 177

6.3 Conclusions on hardened-state of RPET FC 178

6.4 Conclusions on tensile and interfacial bond strength

of RPET fiber 179

6.5 Conclusions on mathematical models of RPET FC 180

6.6 Research contributions 181

6.7 Recommendations for future research 182



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1.1 Previous studied on waste PET in concrete 3

2.1 General profile of a single fiber pullout curve 15

3.1 Flow chart of research methodology 33

3.2 The ring bottle of plastic PET bottle 36

3.3 The dimension of ring waste bottles 37

3.4 Determination of mass RPET fiber for 1m3 concrete 38

3.5 The tilting drum mixer 40

3.6 Procedure mixes SCC concrete of RPET fiber 41

3.7 Slump flow apparatus and measurement 42

3.8 L-Box apparatus for passing capability test 43

3.9 Cylinder steel formwork 47

3.10 Compressor plate and cylinder concrete 48

3.11 Apparatus for tensile strength test 49

3.12 Prism mould for flexural toughness test 51

3.13 Specimen under third point loading 51

3.14 Description of the flexural toughness according to ASTM



3.15 Dog-bone shape of RPET fiber 53

3.16a Hinge roller of tensile test 54

3.16b Full setup of tensile test 54

3.17a RPET-5 fiber 56

3.17b RPET-7.5 fiber 56

3.17c RPET-10 fiber 56

3.18 Mould of 100 x 100 x 100 mm 57

3.19a Embedment 15 mm of RPET fiber 58

3.19b Embedment 20 mm of RPET fiber 58

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3.19c Embedment 25 mm of RPET fiber 59

3.20 Hardened RPET fiber before test 59

3.21 Hinge support for pullout strength test 60

3.22 Minimized compressive forces on sample 60

3.23 Complete setup pullout test 61

4.1 Slump flow for normal SCC and RPET FC 65

4.2a Great scc mixture 69

4.2b Fiber balling occurred 70

4.3 Present study (RPET-5 FC) and other previous researches 71

4.4a Slump flow FC of 0.45 water binder ratio 72

4.4b Slump flow FC of 0.55 water binder ratio 73

4.4c Slump flow FC of 0.65 water binder ratio 73

4.5a RPET-5 fiber in concrete mixture 74

4.5b RPET-10 fiber in concrete mixture 74

4.6a Passing flow for normal SCC 75

4.6b Passing flow for RPET FC 75

4.7 Comparison result between present study and other previous



4.8a Passing index of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 fiber at

0.45 water binder ratio


4.8b Passing index of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 fiber at

0.55 water binder ratio


4.8c Passing index of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 fiber at

0.65 water binder ratio


4.9 The slump flow results for normal SCC and RPET FC

(1.00% fiber content)


4.10 The passing index results for normal SCC and RPET FC

(1.00% fiber content)


4.11 The compressive strength of RPET-5 FC at age of 28 days 87

4.12 The compressive strength of RPET-7.5 FC at age of 28 days 88

4.13 The compressive strength for RPET-10 FC at age of 28 days 88

4.14a After test for normal SCC 92

4.14b After test for 0.75 % volume of RPET-5 FC 92

4.15a After test for 1.00 % volume of RPET-5 FC 92

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4.15b After test for 1.50 % volume of RPET-5 FC 92

4.16 Effect of fiber content on the compressive strength of RPET



4.17 Fiber bridging concrete by synthetic manufactured fiber 96

4.18 Successive stages of crack propagation across a RPET fiber 97

4.19 Compressive strength from present study and observed by

previous researches


4.20 The surface area of RPET fiber 100

4.21 Compressive strength between RPET FC (1.00% fiber

content) and observed by previous researches.


4.22 Correlation between compressive strength and age of

concrete of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 FC


4.23 Normal SCC after tensile test 106

4.24 RPET-5 FC after tensile test 106

4.25 Effect of fiber content on the experimental tensile strength of



4.26 Comparison between RPET FC and those reported by

previous researcher.


4.27 Correlation between tensile strength and compressive

strength of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 FC


4.28 Normal SCC 121

4.29 REPT-5 FC containing 0.5% of RPET-5 fiber after flexural

toughness test


4.30 REPT-5 FC containing 1.0% of RPET-5 fiber after flexural

toughness test


4.31 REPT-5 FC containing 1.5% of RPET-5 fiber after flexural

toughness test


4.32 Failure pattern-separation between RPET fiber and concrete



4.33 Failure pattern-fiber rupture 123

4.34a Failure pattern-fiber rupture after yielding 123

4.34b Failure pattern-cone type concrete fracture 123

4.34c Failure pattern-separation between RPET fiber and concrete



4.35 Load-displacement of RPET-5 FC (specimen 1) 125

4.36 Load-displacement of RPET-7.5 FC (specimen 1) 125

4.37 Load-displacement of RPET-10 FC (specimen 1) 126

4.38 First Crack Load of REPT FC 127

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4.39 Flexural toughness of RPET-5 FC 129

4.40 Flexural toughness of RPET-7.5 FC 129

4.41 Flexural toughness of RPET-10 FC 130

4.42 Toughness strength result from present study and observed

by previous researches


4.43 Toughness Indices I20 of 0.50 % and 1.00 % fiber content 133

4.44 Load- Displacement curves for RPET-5 fiber (specimen 1) 137

4.45 Load- Displacement curves for RPET-7.5 fiber (specimen 1) 137

4.46 Load- Displacement curves for RPET-10 fiber (specimen 1) 138

4.47 Load- Displacement curves for all sizes of RPET fiber in 25

embedded lengths (specimen 1)


4.48 The maximum of pullout load according to the size of RPET



4.49 The surface area of RPET fiber in concrete 143

4.50 The comparison between RPET fiber and previous researcher

on surface embedded area.


4.51 Pullout load result from present study and observed by

previous researchers


4.52 Interfacial bond strength RPET fiber 146

4.53 The comparison of interfacial bond strength between RPET

fiber and those reported by previous researchers



Ratio of compressive strength observed from experimental

work over to predicted Equation 5.9


5.2 Ratio of tensile strength observed from experimental work

over to predicted Equation 5.17


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2.1 Prediction of MSW in Kuala Lumpur 9

2.2 Solid wastes composition of selected locations in Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia


2.3 The mix proportion of plastic fiber SCC and workability as

reported by different researches


2.4 The mix proportion of plastic fiber SCC and workability as

reported by different researches


2.5 The mix proportion of plastic fiber SCC and hardened-state

results as reported by different researches


2.6 Remarks from previous researches on the suitable fiber

content for FC properties


3.1 Chemical composition of the Portland cement and fly ash 34

3.2 Dimension of RPET fiber 36

3.3 Mixtures Proportion for 1m3 of concrete 39

3.4 Number of specimens cast to determine the optimum RPET

fiber content


3.5 Mixture proportion of RPET FC adopted in the present study 46

3.6 Mixture proportion of SCC to test pullout strength of RPET



3.7 Number of RPET fiber tested for pullout strength 58

4.1 Slump flow of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 FC 66

4.2 Slump flow of RPET FC 68

4.3 Passing Index for RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 FC 75

4.4 Analysis of passing Index for RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and



4.5 The compressive strength of normal SCC and RPET FC at

age of 28 days


4.6 Summary of RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-10 FC for fresh

properties concrete


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4.7 Compressive strength test for RPET-5, RPET-7.5, and RPET-

10 FC


4.8 Compressive strength of RPET FC 93

4.9 Analysis of compressive strength between sizes of RPET FC 100

4.10 Direct tensile strength test for RPET FC 105

4.11 Analysis of tensile strength between sizes of RPET FC 110

4.12 Comparison of compressive and tensile strength for RPET-5

FC (experimental and predicted)


4.13 Comparison of compressive and tensile strength for RPET-

7.5 FC (experimental and predicted)


4.14 Comparison of compressive and tensile strength for RPET-10

FC (experimental and predicted)


4.15 Flexural toughness of RPET-5 FC 118

4.16 Flexural toughness of RPET-7.5 FC 119

4.17 Flexural toughness of RPET-10 FC 120

4.18 First crack load of RPET FC 127

4.19 Analysis of toughness indices from flexural toughness test 131

4.20 Tensile strength of RPET fiber 135

4.21 Tensile fiber strength from present study and observed by

previous researchers


4.22 Result of pullout test for RPET fiber 138

4.23 Analysis of maximum load from pullout test 141

4.24 Interfacial bond strength of RPET fiber 145

5.1 Combination of general equation for compressive strength of

RPET fiber concrete


5.2 Results of regression analysis using SPSS 154

5.3 Coefficient of determinant for Equation 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9 156

5.4 MSR and MSE values from SPSS output 157

5.5 Degree of freedom 157

5.6 Critical t value from APPENDIX F 157

5.7 Significance of Equation 5.7 158

5.8 Significance of Equation 5.8 158

5.9 Significance of Equation 5.9 158

5.10 Combination of general equation for tensile strength of RPET 162

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5.11 Results of Regression Analysis using SPSS 162

5.12 Coefficient of determinant for Equation 5.15, 5.16, and 5.17 164

5.13 MSR and MSE values from SPSS output 164

5.14 Degree of freedom 165

5.15 Critical t value from APPENDIX F 165

5.16 Significance of Equation 5.15 165

5.17 Significance of Equation 5.16 166

5.18 Significance of Equation 5.17 166

5.19 Selection of RPET-Age of RPET FC 168

5.20 Selection of interfacial bond stress, df 168

5.21 Coefficient of α and β 168

5.22 Ratio of experimental over predict equation 5.9 for

compressive strength of RPET FC


5.23 Ratio of experimental over predict equation 5.17 for tensile

strength of RPET FC


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ϕ - diameter

κ - constant

σ - stress of specimen

εcc - concrete strain

Df - thickness of PET fiber

Ec - Modulus of Elasticity (MOE)

fck - compressive strength (Eurocode)

fcu - compressive strength (British Standard)

fct - tensile strength

fct,fl - flexural tensile strength

fct,sp - splitting tensile strength

fr - modulus rupture of concrete

fIf - first crack loading by UNI 11039-2

Gf fracture energy

hb - height of specimen in flexural tensile strength

Lf - length of PET fiber

PIf - first crack loading by UNI 11039-2

Vf - volume fraction of PET fibers

ACI - American Concrete Institute

ASTM - American Standard Test Method

BS - British Standard

CPET - Crystalline PET

EG - Ethylene glycol

EN - European Standard

F - conventional fiber factor

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FA Fly ash

FRC - Fiber Reinforced Concrete

HDPE High Density Polyethylene

ILSI - International Life Science Institute

ISIS - Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures

LB - L-box

LVDT - Liner Variable Differential Transformer

MC - Moisture content

MPMA - Malaysian Plastic Industry

MSE - Mean square residual or error

MSR - Mean square regression

MSW - Municipal Solid Waste

PA - passing ability

PET - Polyethylene Terephthalate

PP Polypropylene

RC - Reinforced Concrete

UTF - Universal Test Frame

UTM - Universal Test Machine

UTHM - Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

SCC - Self-compacting concrete

SF - Slump flow

SPSS - statistical analysis in social science

TPA - Terephthalic acid

PTA - Pure Terephthalic acid

VF - Flow rate

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A A sample calculation to determine toughness indices of RPET



B Compressive strength test used in Regression multiple



C MODEL 1-Compressive strength 209

D MODEL 2-Compressive strength 210

E MODEL 3-Compressive strength 211

F Table t-distribution 212

G Tensile strength test used in Regression multiple analysis 213

H MODEL 1-Tensile strength 215

I MODEL 2-Tensile strength 216

J MODEL 3- Tensile strength 217

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1.1. Background of study

The rapid development of the construction industry has increased the demand for

tall and long-span concrete structures and the attempt to satisfy this demand with fiber

concrete (FC) (Ashour et al., 1992). Fibers are primarily used as replacements for

conventional reinforcement in non-structural applications to control early thermal

contraction and drying shrinkage cracking. These benefits have increased the application

of fibers in structures, particularly those with low reliability levels, such as slabs on grade,

foundations, and walls. The use of fibers as a part of the overall structural design of

structural applications is continuously increasing. Fibers are added to improve the fracture

characteristics and behavior of structures through the capability of the fibers to bridge

cracks. Therefore, many studies have been extended to analyze various fiber types and

shapes, particularly in investigating the performance of concrete reinforced with fibers

(Ochi et al. 2007, Kim et al. 2010, Foti, 2011 & Fraternalli et. al. 2011). The possibility

of using waste materials as fibers to be incorporated in concrete has been determined.

Adding waste fibers has good effects on the properties of the final products and benefits

the environment.

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Waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles can be used in various

applications such in construction. The development of new construction materials using

recycled PET fibers is important in the construction and PET recycling industries.

In the field of civil engineering research, the recycled PET has begun to be adopted

in the concrete. Studies have incorporated PET waste into concrete (Ochi et al. 2007,

Pereire et al. 2011, Foti, 2012, & Irwan et al. 2013). These studies have shown that

recycled PET fibers produce different results depending on their shape and content. An

example of study that has been conducted by Ochi et al. (2007) revealed that using 30

mm-long PET fibers can increase tensile strength for volume replacement up to 1.5%

compared with that made of 20 mm-long fibers. They claimed that long fibers have the

capability to interlocking fiber bridges in concrete because fibers can be inserted between

aggregates compared with 20 mm-long fibers. However, recycled PET fibers exhibit

limited performance because of the weak interfacial bond strength of PET surface during

fiber bridge stress, particularly in fibers with lamellar and irregular shapes (Fratenali et

al., 2010 & Irwan et al., 2014).

Therefore, traditional straight, lamellar, or irregularly shaped fibers have

limitations in providing significant results for engineering properties. Thus, this study

produces ring-shaped PET (RPET) fibers and investigates the possibility of incorporating

them into concrete. Optimum fiber content needs to be determined, and the performance

of recycled PET FC need to be investigated.

1.2 Statement of problem

The amounts of plastic consumed annually have been increasing steadily. Therefore,

selecting PET waste products as recycled materials is appropriate from the perspective of

civil engineering applications. Recycled PET may be used as fiber reinforcement for

structural concrete. Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) can enhance crack control and

ductility in quasi-brittle concrete and can be an alternative for mass consumption, which

is an important issue in recycling waste materials (Kim et al., 2008). Major studies using

PET bottles with different sizes, shapes, fiber contents, and mix concrete water–cement

ratios have been performed, as shown in Figure 1.1.

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Figure 1.1: Previous studies on waste PET in concrete

- Use 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% of

PET volume,

-Strength and modulus of

elasticity increased with

increasing of PET volume

except for1.5% fiber,

-Binder material and

superplasticizer were added, and

- Superplasticizer (SP) exhibited

improvement on workability

compared to concrete without


Ochi et al., 2007

Waste PET bottle in Concrete

Pelliser et al., 2012

- Use lamellar PET of 0%, 2.5%, and

7.5% PET volume,

-PET FC made of self-compacting

concrete (SCC),

-Interfacial transition zone in

hardened concrete is high with

increasing of PET volume,

-PET does not exhibit chemical

bonding and reaction, and

-The lamellar-shaped PET fibers

exhibited an easy slip at high stress


Fernando et al., 2012

- Use plastic length (lamellar) of 10mm, 20mm, and 30 mm.

- Use PET volume of 0.05%, 0.18%, and 0.30% fiber,

- PET FC made of self-compacting concrete (SCC),

-Compressive strength increase with increasing of plastic


-Plastic of 30mm length exhibited improvement in

compressive strength compared to PET of 10mm and 20 mm

length respectively, and

-The fiber surface area which is contact with matrix concrete

exhibited improvement on FC strength.

Foti, 2012

-Use PET bottle that has been cut in ring shape with size

90.5 mm of diameter,

-The author only used 5 mm width of ring PET,

- The author used 0.50% and 0.75% of fiber content,

- PET FC made of self-compacting concrete (SCC),

- The author found that ring PET in concrete has minor

increase in compressive strength, and

-However, tensile and flexural strength of ring PET

presented improvement strength compared to normal and

lamellar PET fiber concrete.

Ramadevi et al., 2012

- Use lamellar of 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%,

and 6.0% PET volume,

-PET FC made of self-compacting

concrete (SCC),

-Compressive and flexural strength

increased with an increase of PET

content ranged 1.0-2.0%, and

-Decrease in compressive and

flexural strength at more than 4%

fiber content.

- Use irregular shape of PET fiber incorporated with concrete,

- Use PET volume ranged of 0.5% to 1.50% fiber content,

- Have a slightly increase in compressive strength. It shows an

exhibited improvement strength on tensile and first crack ductility

compared to normal concrete, and

- PET FC made of self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixture exhibited

improvement on filling and passing capability compared PET FC

(without SCC).

Irwan et al., 2013

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Ochi et al. (2007) studied recycled PET bottles with 30 mm-long fibers. The fiber

surface was indented to provide sufficient friction energy. The authors claimed that a high

percentage of fiber content produced fiber bundles during mixing and pouring. Binder

material and superplasticizer help fiber distribute well in concrete compared normal

concrete (without binder and superplasticizer). The results of previous studies have shown

that PET has a weak interfacial bond with cement paste in the pull-out load because of the

lamellar shape of fibers (Pelliser et al., 2012). Pelliser et al. (2012) claimed that lamellar-

shaped PET fibers exhibit limited performance in PET FC.

Ramadevi et al. (2012) exhibited that compressive strength increased up to 2%

replacement content of waste PET fibers. An increase in fiber content increases concrete

strength. Foti (2012) studied the possibility of using fibers from PET bottles to increase

concrete ductility. Foti (2012) claimed that ring PET fibers exhibit impressive

performance compared with lamellar-shaped PET fibers, particularly in tensile strength.

The ring shape is the main factor that contributes to fiber bridges during tensile stress.

Irwan et al. (2013) used a waste bottle with irregularly shaped PET fibers. The authors

claimed that concrete mixture is not the only factor that contributes to the improvement

of the compressive strength of FC. Fiber size and shape also have roles to prevent slip out

fiber at high stress load and exhibited fiber concrete (FC) performance.

To overcome the limitations of traditional straight or irregularly shaped fibers,

ring-shaped fibers were selected in this study. Ring-shaped fibers are mainly designed to

mobilize fiber yielding (rupture by tensile) rather than fiber pullout (slipped by fiber

force), which is a primary advantage over straight or irregularly shaped PET fibers as per

discussed in Foti, 2011. The more number of fibers in concrete that will increase fiber

interlocking mechanism between fiber and matrix concrete is needed. Besides, PET fiber

made of SCC mixture exhibited sufficient result on workability and strength concrete

compared to PET fiber without SCC mixture. Therefore, this study aimed to prove the

advantage of ring-shaped PET fiber in terms of fresh and hardened-state of RPET FC on

mixture design according to self-compacting concrete (SCC).

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1.3 Research objectives

The overall goal of this research is to investigate the influence of RPET fibers in

fresh and hardened-state of FC. The study aims to establish engineering material

properties and develop mathematical equation for RPET FC. The equation established

will be useful in determining the compressive and tensile strength of RPET FC.

To achieve the above goals, the following specific objectives are outlined as follows:

i. Determine the optimum water–binder ratio and fiber content of RPET FC,

ii. Determine the interfacial bond strength of RPET FC, and

iii. Develop an empirical equations for the compressive and tensile strength of RPET

FC at 28 days.

1.4 Scope of Study

The scope of the study covers two different aspects on RPET FC. The first aspect

is related to the engineering properties of fresh and hardened state of RPET FC and the

second aspect is related to develop equation for compressive and tensile strength of RPET

FC. To accomplish the aforementioned objectives, several tasks were undertaken, which

are described as follows.

i. RPET fibers were made directly and cut manually from waste plastic bottles,

ii. The width of fibers selected are 5, 7.5, and 10 mm wide were selected to continue

the research of Foti (2012). Foti (2012) only studied 5 mm-wide fibers

incorporated into concrete. However, the diameter of the fibers in the present study

was different from that in Foti (2012). That is, a diameter of 60 mm was used in

this study whereas 95 mm was used in Foti (2012),

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iii. All mixtures were designed according to self-compacting (SCC) requirements, as

introduced by Irwan et al. (2014). This study presented the RPET fiber

incorporated with SCC mixture design called as RPET FC. Concrete without fiber

was also designed to SCC mixture called as normal SCC in this study,

iv. Compressive, tensile, and interfacial bond strength of RPET FC were conducted

by compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and pullout fiber strength tests,

respectively, and

v. The compressive strength and tensile strength of FC were determined

experimentally to find the prediction model of strength through regression

analysis. A new mathematical model for calculating the 28 days strength of RPET

FC has been proposed.

1.5 Significant of study

Over 30 million tons of plastics are produced yearly, and plastic materials take hundreds

of years to break down in landfills (European Commission DG Environment, 2011). For

every 1 ton of recycled plastic, 64 km2 of landfill space is saved (European Commission

DG Environment, 2011). Recycling can also help conserve 30% of the energy used to

make new plastic bottles, containers, and other items. In civil engineering, the challenge

is to utilize plastic waste materials in structural applications. Plastic waste can serve as a

replacement material or admixture material to help reduce the unit weight of structures

and provide toughness to prevent cracking.

Using recycled waste plastic as fibers in structures generally provides sufficient

benefits to consider it as an economical and attractive option. Once the use of concrete

with RPET fibers becomes popular, the importance of research contributions to provide

technical knowledge on this new material becomes apparent.

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1.6 Organization of thesis

Chapter 1 presents the background, problem statement, objectives, scope, significance,

and organization of the study.

Chapter 2 provides the literature review of factors that influence the properties of

fresh and hardened-state FC, including findings from previous studies on PET fibers SCC.

Studies on the compressive strength, tensile strength, interfacial bond strength, first crack

load, and toughness are also included.

Chapter 3 describes the experimental program carried out in this study. The main

parameters, materials, and instrumentation are detailed.

Chapter 4 presents the optimum water–binder ratio of self-compacting RPET FC

determined through filling and passing capability tests. The findings discussed in this

chapter is presented to select the water–binder ratio to be used in hardened-state RPET

FC. In hardened-state RPET FC, the investigation on the tensile strength and behavior of

pullout RPET fibers. The optimum fiber content of RPET is determined through its

compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural toughness strength tests of RPET FC.

The results and data from compressive and tensile are used to develop a mathematical

model and explained in Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 demonstrates the development of the mathematical models for RPET

FC to determine the compressive strength and tensile strength of reinforced RPET FC.

Chapter 6 presents the conclusion of the study and recommendations for further


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2.1 Introduction

Plastic consumption now days have become an integral part of our lives. The amounts of

plastics consumed annually have been increasing steadily. There are several factors that

contribute to the rapidly growth of plastics consumption such as low density, fabrication

capabilities, long life, lightweight, and low cost of production (Siddique et al., 2007).

Plastic has been used widely in packaging, automotive and industrial applications,

preservation and distribution of food, housing, communication materials, security

systems, and other uses. Plastic waste also includes municipal solid waste. Table 2.1

shows the prediction of municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia

(Saeed et al., 2009). Most of the plastic wastes are thrown away by consumers after single

usage due to unwanted or cheap product and lack of awareness to the environment

(Welle, 2011). The worst scenario need to be concerned for is the effect of the increasing

in plastic wastes affect the environment and health if the conventional treatment does not

have any improvement.

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Table 2.1: Prediction of MSW in Kuala Lumpur (Saeed et al., 2009)


Population of KL city


MSW (kg/person/day)


(millions kg/day) MSW

(millions kg/year)

2008 2.34 1.62 3.79 1383.35

2010 2.53 1.69 4.28 1562.20

2012 2.74 1.76 4.82 1759.30

2014 2.96 1.83 5.42 1978.30

2016 3.20 1.90 6.08 2219.20

2018 3.46 1.98 6.85 2500.25

2020 3.75 2.06 7.73 2821.45

2022 4.05 2.14 8.67 3164.55

2024 4.38 2.23 9.77 3566.05

The trend of growth population to the MSW in Table 2.1 indicates a serious query.

The population of KL city citizen from 2008 to 2024 increases by 87% but the MSW

growth increase by 157.8%. From this result, it shows that the percentage in MSW growth

is greater than the population growth. The contradiction percentage between population

and MSW growth show that the MSW problem is going to be severed if proper treatment

is ignored. According to Manaf et al. (2009), the source of MSW can be from the food,

mix paper, plastic, textile, rubber, glass and organic. Table 2.2 classifies the percentage

of each type of waste in MSW while. Plastic which is common used in packaging industry

for food and beverage (PET) consume about 9 % to 10 % percent from MSW. This

percentage reflects the seriously high amount of plastic waste in landfills in Malaysia.

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Table 2.2: Solid wastes composition of selected locations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

(Agamuthu & Faizura, 2005)

Wastes consumption Percentage (%)

Garbage 45.7

Plastic 9.0

Glass 3.9

Paper or cardboard 29.9

Metals 5.1

Fabric 2.1

Miscellaneous 4.3

Total 100

Nevertheless, bottle and flasks account for 67 % from total plastic waste

consumption in Malaysia (MPMA, 2007). The worst scenario is most of the plastic use

now days are singly thrown after first usage. The problem further complicated since

plastic wastes is undegradable and may cause environmental disturbance. Treatment

method through incineration produces toxic gas like dioxin that could be dangerous to

human health. There are several methods for dispose the plastic wastes but most of the

treatment are not resulted to a promising result if the plastic wastes generation is too high.

Therefore, one of the potential means to the problem is to recycle the PET in construction

industry as fiber concrete (FC). Fiber concrete can enhance crack control, ductility in

concrete, and can be alternative for mass consumption using recycling waste materials

(Kim et al., 2008). This study investigate the influence of RPET FC as waste recycled

fiber incorporated with concrete through fresh-state and hardened state of FC.

2.2 Definition of Fiber Concrete

FC is concrete with a fibrous material, which increases its structural integrity. FC also

contains short discrete fibers that are uniformly distributed and randomly oriented (Fantilli

et al., 2005). Fibers used include glass, steel, synthetic, and natural. The characteristic of

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FRC changes with varying concrete types, geometries, densities, orientations,

distributions, and fiber materials within different fibers (Chawla, 2001 & Bataneyh et al.,


2.3 Previous works on plastic fibers in self-compacting concrete (SCC)

Self-compacting concrete is a mix that expels entrapped air without vibration and

that travels round obstacles. The main characteristic of SCC is that vibrating is

unnecessary during construction, which reduces manpower demand during the

construction stages of concrete structures. In FC technology nowadays, most researchers

have focused on the effect of steel fibers on the rheology of SCC mixtures and the

development of steel fiber-reinforced SCC mixture design procedures (Toutanji et al.,

1998, Sahmaran et al., 2005, Mustafa et al., 2007, Abdulkadir et al., 2007, Stahli et al.,

2008, Krishna et al., 2010, & Li et al., 2011).

Some studies (Forgeron, 2010 & Singh, 2010) have been conducted on synthetic

fiber reinforcement and its effect on the flow characteristics of SCC. Therefore, studying

the flow characteristics of SCC mixtures with synthetic fiber reinforcement is important

to identify and characterize the main factors that affect their flow.

The most important property of concrete in its fresh state is its workability on

filling and passing. Filling ability test for SCC standard was slump flow, orimet, v-tunnel

tests, meanwhile passing ability test namely L-box, U-box, and J-ring tests. Therefore,

slump flow and L-box tests were selected to determine the filling and passing ability of

FC. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Concrete

Institute (ACI) have established standard tests to assess the fresh properties of SCC. The

slump flow ranges on 550 mm to 740 mm for slump flow test according to ASTM. L-box

test presented ranges on 0.8 to 1.0 of passing index according to ACI. These test have

been conducted and presented details in next Chapter 4.

SCC have been used widely incorporating plastic fibers. Previous researchers have

done conducted all types of plastic fiber in different size, content and shape of fiber. The

summary of the previous works of using plastic fiber in SCC is shown in Table 2.3.

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Table 2.3: The mix proportion of plastic fiber SCC and workability as reported by different researches


Mix Design Properties (kg/m3) Results for workability

Cement Water. Sand Agg. Binder SP. W/C Fiber


Vol. of fiber


Slump flow,

(mm) Passing index

Alberti et al.,

2014 200 189.7 918 367


(Limestone) 4.7 0.5 Macro synthetic

0.5 642 -

1.0 600 -

1.5 590 -

Irwan et al.,

2013 300 175 980 805 45 (FA) 4.68 0.55

Irregular PET


0.5 587 0.91

1.0 560 0.88

1.5 552 0.81

Zhang et al.,

2013 390.3 158 647 1151

74.1 (FA) +

29.6 (SF) 4.94 0.35


20 mm length

0.06 540 -

0.10 533 -

0.12 509 -

Benaicha et

al., 2013 350 170.7 170.7 830

170 (Limestone)

- 0.33

Micro synthetic 0.5 650 0.83

0.75 620 0.81

Macro synthetic 0.5 650 0.80

0.75 603 0.72

Deepa et al.,

2012 300 150 300 240 - - 0.50

Polypropylene -

6 mm length

0.30 712 0.93

0.50 680 0.87

0.75 620 0.82

Bataneyh et

al., 2007 440 252 555 961 - - 0.55

PET waste-


5.0 541 -

10.0 448 -


Agg is aggregate, SP is superplasticizer, FA is fly ash, and SF is silica fume


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Alberti et al. (2014) investigated macro synthetic fibers to determine the flow

capability of FC. They used macro polyolefin fibers with a length of 60 mm and a diameter

of 0.93 mm. A superplasticizer was used with the mix concrete fiber. Slump flow

decreased when fiber content was increased. The slump flow pattern of concrete with 1%,

1.5%, and 2% fiber contents slightly decreased on averages of 1.2%, 8.4%, and 10%,

respectively, compared with that of normal concrete. Therefore, Alberti et al. (2014)

claimed that an increase in fiber content decreases the flow capability of SCC FC.

Irwan et al. (2013) used a waste bottle with irregularly shaped PET fibers in SCC

mix. They used fly ash (class F) as binder material, superplasticizer, and mix concrete

with 0.55 water–binder ratio. The contents of the irregularly shaped PET fibers were 0%,

0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. The slump flow of concrete decreased with increasing fiber volume.

A slump flow ranging from 552 mm to 567 mm was obtained with decreases of 1.3% to

2.3% at 0.5% increment of the fiber content. A slump flow ranging from 0.81 mm to 0.96

mm of the passing index was obtained with decreases of 3.4% to 8.2% at 0.5% increment

of the fiber content. However, Irwan et al. (2013) claimed that the fiber balling effect may

not occur in irregularly shaped PET fibers incorporated into concrete. They also indicated

that the size of irregularly shaped PET fibers, which is smaller (the diameter is 15 mm)

than those of other fibers with a high surface, is the main factor that prevents the bundling

of fibers in concrete.

Zhang et al. (2013) investigated the effect of PP fibers on the workability of

concrete with fly ash and silica fume. Three fiber content percentages, namely, 0.06%,

0.1%, and 0.12%, were used. The result indicated that adding PP fibers affects the

workability of concrete. Such addition also decreased the slump flow of concrete at ranges

of 7.7% to 10.7% compared with that of plain concrete. With the increase in fiber content,

the number of fibers in unit concrete mixture becomes large. Therefore, the obstructive

effect of fibers on the flow capability of fresh-state concrete also increases.

Benaicha et al. (2013) used 20 mm-long micro PP synthetic fibers and 54 mm-

long macro copolymer synthetic fibers in mix concrete. A superplasticizer (0.3%) was

used in the mix composition with 0.33 water–binder ratio. Limestone powder was used as

an additional filler binder in the composition mixture. A slump flow of 603 mm to 650

mm was obtained for micro and macro synthetic fibers with 0.5% and 0.75% fiber

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contents, respectively. It was confirmed that the slump flow pattern of concrete decreases

with increasing fiber content. Decreases in slump flow with averages of 4.62% and 7.2%

were obtained with increasing fiber content for micro and macro synthetic fibers,

respectively. The geometry of synthetic fibers functions as an important factor to achieve

the smooth dispersion of fibers during the test. Synthetic fibers have a rounded and long-

thin shape that helps them incorporate into concrete and flow with concrete paste without

any obstruction to aggregates.

Deepa et al. (2012) used concrete mixtures with a viscosity-modifying agent

(VMA) that is 0.23% by weight of the cementitious material and without any binder

material. PP fibers (6 mm long) and a concrete mixture with 0.50 water–cement ratio were

used. Slump flows of 712, 680, and 620 mm were obtained for 0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.75%

fiber contents, respectively. Batayneh et al. (2007) investigated the effect of ground

plastic on concrete slump. Concrete mixtures with up to 20% plastic particle content were

proportioned to partially replace fine aggregates.

A decrease was observed in slump with increasing plastic particle content. This

decrease in slump value was attributed to the shape of plastic particles. The majority of

the researchers have found that an increase in fiber content decreases the flow capability

of FC. However, determining the optimum fiber content is important to find the value that

satisfies the requirements for SCC testing.

2.4 Fiber tensile and pullout loads

Tensile testing is performed on plastic fibers to determine their ultimate tensile strength

and MOE. These properties are primarily used to compare different fiber types and to

market commercial fibers. ASTM D683‐08 can be used to determine the tensile properties

of plastics by stretching dog bone-shaped specimens until they rupture. However, given

the molecular alignment and varying parameters associated with the manufacturing

processes of synthetic fibers, such specimens produced by the same material will not

exhibit the same tensile properties as those of extruded filaments.

The ASTM D2256‐09 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Yarns by

the Single‐Strand Method specifies a constant rate for testing that results in fiber rupture

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within a period of 20 ± 3s. The maximum tensile force applied to the specimen before

rupture is recorded. The recorded value is used to calculate the ultimate tensile strength,

as shown in Equation 2.1.

𝜎𝑓𝑢 = 𝑃𝑇

𝐴 (2.1)


σfu = Ultimate tensile strength of fiber (MPa),

PT = Maximum tensile load (N), and

A = Cross sectional area of the filament (mm2).

The matrix fiber concrete is often over simplified by assuming a uniform shear

bond stress reported in terms of average strength over the embedded surface area of the

fiber (Wang et al., 1988). Fiber pullout curves typically use pull-out load (N) plotted

against fiber slip (mm). Pullout curves have been characterized using the parameters

interfacial frictional stress at the onset of slip, τ0, chemical bond, Gd, friction coefficient, f,

and slip –hardening parameters, β as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: General profile of a single fiber pullout curve (Redon et al., 2001)

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Figure 2.1 illustrates a pullout curve broken into three stages as described by

Redon et al. (2001). A stable fiber debonding process occurs along the fiber-matrix

interface. Pullout load continues to increase up to a value Pa or Pmax and the embedment

length, le is unchanged while the debonded length increases until it is equal to le in the

second stage (load from Pa to Pb).

A sharp drop between Pa and Pb indicates the breaking of a chemical bond between

fiber and the matrix. A study conducted by Redon et al. (2001) that used PVA and PP

synthetic fiber found that synthetic fibers have no chemical reaction and chemical bond

between fiber and matrix concrete. Therefore, majorities of plastic fiber during pullout

test have the low constant friction energy.

In third stage, frictional resistance is the dominant force. This stage that the fiber-

matrix interface can exhibit slip-hardening, constant friction, or slip-softening.

2.4.1 Previous works on plastic fibers regarding tensile and pullout loads

A previous work on synthetic fiber have been conducted by several of researchers to

determine tensile and interfacial bond strength. The details of the mixture proportions and

the tensile strength and pullout load are given in Table 2.4. Foti (2011) studied the

possibility of using fibers from PET bottles to increase concrete ductility. The tensile

strength of RPET fibers with 0.20 mm thickness, 335 mm total length, and 5 mm width

was determined. The ring “0”-shaped PET obtained an average tensile strength of 180

MPa. This tensile strength result is sufficiently high and comparable with other fibers in

the market for FRC.

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Table 2.4: The plastic fiber properties and result conducted by different researches


Fiber properties




Pullout load

Type of fiber Shape




length of

fiber, (mm)









Foti, 2011 Waste bottle Ring 5 335 180 - - -

Shannon 2011


Straight 0.47 45 - 0.47

15 69

20 88

PP 15 48

20 64

Richardson et

al., 2009


polypropylene Straight 0.11 30 0.55

45 28

50 39

55 54

Ochi et al.,



manufactured Straight




- - - PP

manufactured 1.21 350

Singht et al.,

2004 PP Straight 1.31 45 - 0.33

19 81

25 108

38 142

Shannon (2011) studied the melt extrusion and tensile strength of different PE

materials, namely, high-density PE (HDPE) and PP fibers with 1.76 mm width. A pullout

load test with two embedded lengths (15 mm and 20 mm) was conducted with a constant

displacement rate of 5 mm/min. Fibers with different materials but similar widths and

embedded lengths tend to exhibit differences in the pullout load. HDPE with 1.76 mm

width obtained higher load strength than PP with 1.76 mm width at both 15 mm and 20

mm embedded lengths. The pullout strength of HDPE and PP fibers increased from 19.5%

to 27.6% as the embedded length increased. It was confirmed that different type of plastic

fiber tends to have different pullout load pattern.

Richardson et al. (2009) examined the behavior of PP fibers with 0.19 mm

diameter and different embedded length. The load increased as the embedded length of

the fibers increased. An average increase of 39.3% to 48.1% in strength was obtained

from embedded lengths ranging from 45 mm to 55 mm. Therefore, the embedded length

of the fibers presented different pullout strength results. The difference is related to the


HDPE is high density polyethylene, PP is polypropylene, & PET is polyethylene terephthalate

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fiber area connected to the concrete, which determines the friction and interfacial bond

energy of the fibers.

Ochi et al. (2007) used PET, PP, and PVA fibers to determine the tensile strength

of different types of manufactured plastic fibers. PET, PP, and PVA fibers had 0.75, 1.21,

and 0.71 mm widths, respectively, but their length were fixed at 30 mm. PVA fibers

obtained the highest tensile strength. By contrast, PET fibers had the lowest tensile

strength of 172 MPa.

Singh et al. (2004) investigated the pullout behavior of PP fibers with an

embedded length and interfacial bond fibers with a concrete matrix. They indicated that

PP fibers have a weak bond with concrete because of the smooth surface of the fibers,

which do not allow sufficient friction to develop between the concrete and the fibers.

However, they recognized that the embedded length of the fibers in concrete exerts

significant effects on pullout characteristic. The increase in embedded length from 19 mm

to 38 mm raises load strength from 39% to 68.2%.

Previous studies (Foti, 2011) have shown that recycled PET exhibits an adequate

tensile strength comparable to those of commercial plastic fibers in the market. The size

of the surface area contact with concrete mainly contributes to pullout and interfacial

energies. A high fiber surface that comes in contact with concrete produces high pullout

load energy. Therefore, embedded lengths and sizes of RPET fibers have been

investigated to determine different pullout strength of FC.

2.5 Previous works on plastic fibers regarding hardened-state FC properties

The summary previous works of plastic fiber regarding all type of plastic fiber in different

size, content and shape of fiber on compressive, tensile, and flexural toughness (hardened-

state) FC properties as shown in Table 2.5.

Vikrant et al. (2013) used PP fibers with length of 15, 20, and 24 mm and 0.4%

fiber content. Different fiber lengths indicate varying FC strength values. The average

strength values ranged from 1.1% to 4.2% were obtained for fiber lengths ranging from

15 mm to 24 mm. Fiber length (surface area) is an important factor that affects the

remarkable strength result. Long fibers have a high surface area that connects with the

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concrete matrix and produces high interfacial bond strength and friction energy during

load compression compared with short fibers. Fibers with length ranged from 15 mm to

24 mm of fibers increased their concrete strength on averages of 26.6% to 31.4%

compared with the control concrete. The size of the fiber surface area influences strength.

Fiber suppresses the localization of microcracks. Consequently, the apparent size of fiber

(length) of the matrix increases based on the compressive strength result.

Irwan et al. (2013) used a waste bottle with irregularly shaped PET fibers in the

SCC mixture. The increase in PET fiber content increased strength, that is, an increment

was observed in the strength of concrete with 0.5% fiber content compared with normal

concrete. However, concrete strength decreased by 5.3% and 6.8% when fiber content

increased to 1% and 1.5%, respectively. The mix concrete which has been used

incorporated with fiber is not the main factor that improves the compressive strength of

FC, but instead it is the size and shape of the fibers. The tensile strength of FC result

presented increases in concrete strength of 9.1%, 14.7%, and 18.2% for concrete with

0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% fiber contents, respectively, compared with normal concrete. Thus,

irregularly shaped PET fibers with high fiber contents are not affected by fiber balling

problem. Therefore, 1.5% of irregular PET capable to present improved result in tensile


Ramadevi et al. (2012) used specimens with 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, and 6% waste

PET fiber contents in concrete mixtures. The mixtures were designed with a 0.45 water–

cement ratio. The compressive strength increased up to 2% replacement content of waste

PET fibers compared to normal concrete. Increase in fiber content increases concrete

strength. Compared with normal concrete, concrete with 0.5% and 1% fiber contents

exhibited strength increases of 4.03% and 15.4%, respectively. Concrete strength initially

increased and then decreased when the optimum fiber content was achieved. Compressive

strength increased up to 2% replacement volume of fine PET fibers, as mentioned earlier,

and presented decreased strength at 4% and 6% replacement volumes of fiber content.

The authors claimed that optimum fiber content is mainly important in performance FC.

Alavi et al. (2012) investigated the effect of PP fibers on the impact resistance of

FC. Fiber contents of 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5% were used. The compressive and tensile

strengths of FC increased by up to 14.4% and 62.1%, respectively, compared with plain

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concrete. An increase in fiber content tends to increase the compressive strength of

concrete. Long PP fibers can function as fiber bridges during compression. The authors

claimed that long fiber indicated high surface area contacted with concrete. Therefore, it

presented significant friction energy during pullout stress during fiber bridges mechanism.

Foti (2011) used a waste plastic bottle as the recycled fiber material. The waste

bottle was cut into different PET shapes, such as lamellar and ring-shaped. The lamellar

fibers were 30 mm long and 5 mm wide. The RPET fibers had a diamater of 95 mm and

a width of 5 mm. No pozzolanic material and superplasticizer were used in concrete

mixtures. Analysis showed an increase in strength with increasing fiber volume. Concrete

with 0.75% fiber content showed an increased strength of 5% compared with concrete

that contained 0.5% RPET fibers. Lamellar fibers also exhibited an increase in strength

with increasing fiber content. An increased strength of 3% was observed for concrete with

0.75% fiber content compared with concrete with 0.5% fiber content. Ring-shaped fibers

can improve concrete strength with increasing fiber content. The unique ring shape can

function as interlocking fiber bridges among aggregates during tensile stress. The 28 days

tensile strength value of concrete with 0.5% and 0.75% fiber contents exhibited increases

in strength compared with normal concrete. RPET FC with 0.5% and 0.75% fiber contents

presented increases of 20.5% and 40.3% in strength, respectively. Circular fibers can

improve post-cracking strength with low fiber content.

Pelisser et al. (2012) studied recycled PET FC. Fibers with lengths of 10, 15, and

20 mm and volume fractions of 0.18% and 0.3% FC were used. Adding recycled PET

fibers enhanced the energy absorption and toughness characteristic of concrete under

flexural load. The 20 mm-long fibers increased the flexural toughness of I20 indices by

44% and 30.8% compared with the 10 mm-long fibers with 0.18% and 0.3% fiber

contents, respectively. The size of the area fiber contributes significantly to flexural

toughness indices. An increase in fiber length increases the size of the fiber area that

connects to the cement matrix and contributes to the positive results in flexural toughness

indices, particularly in I10 and I20.

Pereira et al. (2011) studied the use of recycled PET fibers. Fiber contents of 0.5%,

1%, and 1.5% were used in mix concrete. Various fiber contents exhibited different

characteristics of flexural toughness indices. Compared with 0.5% and 1% fiber contents,

Page 39: (rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid


the 1.5% fiber content increased flexural toughness I20 indices by 22.4% and 5.7%,


Hasan et al. (2011) studied the mechanical behavior of concrete reinforced with

macro synthetic fibers. Three fiber content percentages, namely, 0.33%, 0.42%, and

0.51%, were used. An improvement of approximately 4% was observed for the specimen

with 0.33% fiber content compared with normal concrete. Gradual improvements of

approximately 6.48% and 6.89% were also achieved for concrete with 0.42% and 0.51%

fibers contents, respectively. The tensile strength of concrete with 0.33% and 0.41% fiber

contents increased by approximately 10% and 15%, respectively. The increase was

attributed to the fiber bridging properties in the concrete. The RC was split during the

tensile strength test. Consequently, the load was transferred to the fibers as a pullout

behavior when the concrete matrix began to crack. The 0.51% FC specimen was decreased

because of inadequate concrete workability at high dosages and full compaction was not


Semiha et al. (2010) used granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) as a replacement

material in concrete incorporated with 1% and 1.6% PET fibers. The 28 days compressive

strength values of the mixtures with only PET aggregates (without sand) were higher by

3.5% compared with those of normal concrete (without PET and sand). The compressive

strength values of the mixtures with PET and sand were higher by 5.1% and 7.2%

compared with PET concrete (PET only) and normal concrete (without PET and sand),

respectively. The increase in compressive strength was attributed to the pozzolanic

material in concrete. Semiha et al. (2010) claimed that adding fly ash to concrete helps

PET bottles incorporated with sand and aggregates. Fly ash which has very small particle

helps in binding and fill small spaces between sand and aggregates. Therefore, the transfer

load process during load strength become efficient from one particle to another particle

on matrix concrete.

Nili et al. (2010) showed the effects of 12 mm-long PP fibers on the impact

resistance of concrete. Four fiber content percentages, namely, 0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5%,

were used. An increase of 3% in compressive strength was observed in concrete with 0.2%

fiber content, whereas the increase was 14% in concrete with 0.5% fiber content. Concrete

with 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0.5% fiber contents exhibited increases in tensile strength of 15%,

Page 40: (rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid


20%, and 27%, respectively. The fibers effectively reduced the brittleness of the

specimens. The failure pattern changed from a single, large crack to a group of narrow

cracks, particularly during the tensile strength test, when fibers were added to concrete.

Ochi et al. (2007) studied recycled PET fibers with a length of 30 mm and a

diameter of 0.7 mm. The fiber surface was indented to provide sufficient friction energy.

Compressive strength averages of 3.5% to 7.9% were obtained for concrete with 0.5% to

1% fiber contents. However, concrete with 1.5% fiber content exhibited a reduced

strength of 0.8% compared with normal concrete. This trend in FC strength is similar to

that in the present study. Maximum fiber content resulted in fiber balling and reduced

concrete strength.

Batayeneh et al. (2007) pointed out the deterioration of concrete compressive

strength with increasing plastic content. The compressive strength of concrete with 20%

plastic was reduced by up to 70% compared with that of normal concrete. Marzouk et al.

(2007) studied the use of plastic bottle waste as a substitute to sand aggregates in

composite materials for building applications. They also showed the effects of PET waste

products on the density and compressive strength of concrete, which both decreased when

PET aggregates exceeded 50% sand volume. Frigione et al. (2010) investigated the

mechanical properties, such as compressive and flexural strengths, of polymer concrete

with unsaturated polyester resin based on recycled PET, which reduced material cost and

conserved energy.

Ahmed et al. (2007) investigated the multiple cracking behavior of hybrid fibers

reinforced with different combinations of steel and PE fibers under four-point bending.

The combination of 0.5% steel and 2% PE exhibited the highest flexural toughness

compared with FC with only steel fibers. Compared with steel fibers, PE fibers prevented

early cracking. However, PET fibers exhibited low tensile strength, which could not be

maintained at high stress loads. The authors claimed that PE fiber easily slipped or loose

interfacial bond between concrete and surface of fiber. The authors suggested to

implement hooked mechanism as fiber bridges as well to prevent loose bond strength.

Page 41: (rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid


Table 2.5: The mix proportion of plastic FC properties and hardened-state results reported by different researches


Mix design properties (kg/m3) Type of

fiber Size

Vol. of









Cement Water. Sand Agg. Binder SP. w/c I5 I10 I20

Rahmani et al.,

2013 379.6 208.9 580.2 606.0 - - 0.5 PET waste Irregular –


0.5 31.58 2.91 - - -

1.0 35.36 3.11 - - -

1.5 31.76 3.06 - - -

Irwan et al.,

2013 300 175 980 805


(FA) 4.68 0.55

Irregular PET

waste 15 mm

0.5 36.23 3.72 - - -

1.0 37.08 3.91 - - -

1.5 33.73 4.02 - - -

Vikrant et al.,

2013 383 192 672 1100 - - 0.5




15 mm



34.09 2.12 - - -

20 mm

length 34.48 2.89 - - -

24 mm

length 35.58 2.97 - - -

Deepa et al.,

2012 300 150 300 240 - - 0.4 Polypropylene

-6 mm


0.1 30.98 - - - -

0.2 31.33 - - - -

0.3 32.4 - - - -

Alavi et al.,

2012 385 177.1 920 884 - - 1.94 Polypropylene

12 mm


0.2 40.4 3.16 - - -

0.3 42.3 3.69 - - -

0.5 43.8 3.81 - - -

Foti, 2012 4 2 10 8 - - 0.5 Waste bottle

Ring shape

with 3 mm of


0.50 36.91 3.65


- -

0.75 38.68

4.55 - -

Lamellar with

32 mm of

length and 3

mm of width

0.50 35.33 2.30


- -


36.19 2.34 - -


Agg is aggregate, SP is superplasticizer, Com is compressive strength, FA is fly ash, and SF is silica fume


Page 42: (rpet) fiber self-compacting concrete faisal bin sheikh khalid



Mix design properties (kg/m3) Type of

fiber Size

Vol. of





Tensile, (MPa)


Toughness Cement Water. Sand Agg. Binder SP. w/c I5 I10 I20

Oscar et al.,

2012 300 186 690 810 - - 0.62



20 mm


0.05 28.7 - - - -

0.18 27.0 - - - -

0.30 29.6 - - - -

Ramadevi et al.,

2012 425.7 191.6 516.2 1179.9 - - 0.45 Waste bottle



0.5 31.6 1.98 - - -

1.0 40.0 2.03 - - -

2.0 41.6 - - - -

4.0 33.1 - - - -

Pelliser et al.,

2012 300 186 690 810 - - 0.62

Recycled PET



10 mm 0.18

- -

2.9 4.24 5.74

0.30 4.13 5.42 6.29

15 mm 0.18 4.42 5.79 6.1

0.30 6.12 6.58 7.20

20 mm 0.18 5.74 6.58 8.27

0.30 4.40 5.06 8.23

Fratenalli et al.,

2012 340 189.3 923 743


(FA) - 0.55 Synthetic

30 mm

length 1.0

27.0 - - - -

20 mm

length 31.3 - - - -

10 mm

length 24.3 - - - -

Hasan et al.,


376 131 752 1128 - - 0.45 Macro synthetic 40 mm


0.33 40.34 3.91 - - -

0.42 41.43 4.10 - - -

0.51 41.59 4.27 - - -

Pereire et al.,

2011 276 151.8 311 404 - - 0.55

Recycled PET



35 mm


0.50 - - 4.8 8.7 18.3

1.00 - - 5.1 9.8 21.2

1.50 - - 5.7 10.5 22.4

Nili et al., 2010

354.2 177 915 879 30.8

(SF) 1.95 0.46 Polypropylene

12 mm


0.2 50.29 3.69 - -

0.3 50.88 3.87 - - -

0.5 52.61 4.09 - - -


Agg is aggregate, SP is superplasticizer, Com is compressive strength, FA is fly ash, and SF is silica fume

Table 2.5: The mix proportion of synthetic FC properties and hardened-state results reported by different researches (continued)



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