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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Room 1: Office Space

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This room is where I do a good majority of my work as it contains the family computer and a large area in which to do my written work, it is also good as it the quietest room in the house and very few people need to use the computer at the same time as I am using it.

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Room 2: Storage/ Living Space

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This is my storage room in other word this is my bedroom it is where I sleep and keep all my supplies of lined paper, printer paper and books etc. It is also the place that I go to plan in depth what I am going to do during the day as well as discuss ideas, such as what to put on my blog next.

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Room 3: Open Thinking/

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Open Thinking

This is my dining room it is where I go to think about my work when I get writers block and where I go to clear my head of distractions, I find this room the best for this a it is a large well lit room with my fish tank in the corner. The fact the room has not alot in it really helps me focus and avoid the distractions caused by every day life.

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Creative/Family Room

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I use this room to unwind and relax after a hard day at work, its where I sit and discuss my day with my family and friends, I use the lap top on the table to get access to my blog and complete my work for the day.

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School Rooms

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School My school has a variety of different working

areas that each have their own qualities, the computer rooms are large and come in great numbers so its never hard to find a computer.

The Mac room is small but has enough computers for us sufficiently complete our work for the set deadline. But some times the computer are slow and difficult to operate unless you know what you are doing.

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The End