rockawas y · 1 calvin law.kkn'c...

are Justly proud "two things —oar L D and our News- (per- both are as- * sets ROCKAWAY RECORD If It's Sews, Ada., o r | Job Printing, phone Kockunuy 220; we I tire ahviijs glad to] nerve you VOL XL No. 37 ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 $1.00 PER YEAR Smoked Hams lb, 25c Round Steak or Roast, lb. [Legs of Lamb, lb. 42c 39c I Forequarter of Lamb, lb. 25c I Shoulder of Lamb, lb. . . . . 32c Breast of Lamb, - - - 21b. for 25c Chuck Roast, lb. Rump of Veal, lb. Legs of Veal, lb. 28c 35c 35c A Full Line of Fresh Fish and Vegetables Hagan's Cash Markets MAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. MAIN ROAD MT. TABOR, N. J. }s Bank Has Been In Business 22 Years THE MANAGEMENT of this institution 1B in full ac- cord with modern ideas. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN as the bank that renders its customers the kind of service required for their best interest. BE ONE of our customers, and have the advantage of the kind of a bank you would like to deal with. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rockaway, N. J. nnwiiilllHiillHl Capital $195,000 Surplus $100,000 ('mint) Biiaiil HI' Agriculture a (<roHf Success Tax Rates In ProgramOf Verdict Pleases Real Interest llmpr Bnjs ItnmdciiMt On Siitunlii) Many Friends Huicr l'li)>lclun < lenird Bjr Jury Of Illegal Operation •tax Easl of . . ._ ,. I pany-Triiy Hills Township has a rate , l ",'"»»' r . . . . , , , ' ,.,, ,„, , . , , ' boys of Morris County to the School. | of $-1.1,2. Ihe two latter municipal!- The announcers will broadcast from jtles \\\A year were a part of Ifanover Station "V. M, ('. A." and will present. the following well known numbers; The llordenlown Colored Quartette, a group.of young men from the riorden- Township. Hunting TowiiHhip haw the lowest rate in Ihe county, f.'l.OK |ier $100. NiM valuations and the tax rate In town Industrial School for youth. This Quartette has been heard hour and it hulf. Tire case was before- Judge Alherl II. Holland In Quarter Bexaloim Court. Many of Dr. James' friends fconr Long Valley and Dover were in tha court room when the verdict was an- eolored noiiiiced and congratulated Him. Dr; a e fa I youth. Tills Quartette has been heard i,....,, „,,„,. ,. ,„„,";,. • " """ the taxing d W u In Ihc ™untv arc i In Hundreds ofConferences In N o w ! , " " " «>«»'••« ju>t|fl««llon for the op- ' f!^ " H lH " ofl!I1HC """ * mM °" inn follow., ti. • firm of ih j figures being the rate for and ih second that t,.x r«t. ; this of 1SI2N: ! •be witness stund dial, under similar 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'CK National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings De- partment paying *% compounded quarterly OH balances of $5.00 and over and 2% on Checking Accounts on all amounts In excess of $500.00. Member Federal Reserve Bank •Safe Deposit Boxes ——$5.00 per annum and up Capitol $*$5,000 . W i n s «MOO,000 oxzxzzxcxxzzii to real insurance service and complete pro- tection in strong companies—In other words Insure your car with E.J. MATTHEWS* SONS W. MAIN Slit i:ET KOCKAWAY, N. J. they bring a very refreshing spirit In- To W ,,Hh.pH..Do,,n.on. *44G.62r,. $&- ft'™« " ' he the presentation of the '"" " "«" '""•"«» e. j. -, „ , ,, , ' ,,,. PateiHon Y. M. (. A, Lenders (lull, or <..... 2; Chatham, $1,421,855, $3.76. ,„,,„,,. know|1 B(| )hl . |r ,, (Jvm Tl , nnl .. $3.72; Chester .gl.M.IMZ, $3.8K, $:|.!W; 'Another IIIU>I'KHIIIIK feature Denvllle. $2, S 2 2 ,2 3 », $5.27, $4.51; .Tan., «.- »^"»<f £ W.^wns .."M-ln., «n a statement given Pro,- n .,„ •38, The .operation was performed In the lnctiir's .office in Dover" two day* be prior lo ,\1IHS Dougherty's death. The The Morris Count y Hoard of Agrl-I culture dinner held'at NetconK inn j over. $1,»S«,144, $7.%, $6.22; ,..„„,, ,,„,., |)(H ||m) |h(i on March 20, was « real success. ; Hanover, $7113,344, $7.!I2; llurillne. i Ilt ,,| South America. I $2,092,420, $H.O8, $3.24; Jefferson, $2,-, The Sunday afternoon Bcrvlce will '- '•" promptly at ,'):00 P. M. Mn- 2;!10 ]>. M. UHpreviously un- There were over 15« in attendance. I $2,092,420, $3.08, $3.24; .lefferBon, $2,-, The Sund ^Calvin Lawrence. President of the i 263 ilM m s nM .. Mel ,,| )mmt $1 be held pro Morris County Board, made a few ... ' ,,._,' i „„, ' , ,,„. ' ' stead c' 2:3 brief remarks stating some of the ac- 114 ' s -"- * 4 ' 6 ''' *'' S2; Ml "" Hl11 ' * m -' nouncedi li tlvltles of the County Board anil its real value to the farmer!" along legis- lative lines. He spoke briefly how through the united efforts of the Ag- ricultural organizations of the states a number of years ago, a bill was passed giving the farmers indemnity for cattle lost in the tuberculin test. Mr. Lawrence also spoke of the Im- portance of every farmer becoming a member of Ihe organisation and that the organization would be no strong- er than the farmers themselves made It. He also mentioned .the various ac- tivities carried on In the Farm Dem- onstraton office and that Mr. Sane, Mr. Porter, and Miss Hartley were available to the people of Morris County to help solve any of their problems along agricultural and homo economical lines. William C, Spargo, President of the State Federation of County Boards, made n few brief remarks In which be stated how the whole political mn- cihinery or the United States wan thinking in the terms of Agriculture and how Preslden* Hoover had called a special session of Congress to make a study of the Agricultural Industry of the United States and put It on a 843.'.$5.61, *4.»0; Montvllle, $1,484,394, 1 Kirn! Methodist Church. Dr. Charles *B.42. $5.54; Morris, $6,2!i3,&0», $!i.0«, I H. Poling. Pastor of the Bloomfleld $4.40; Ml. Olive, $1,443,085, $4.00, | Presbyterian Ohurrh, will irlvo tho $4.00; Passalc, $1,848,123. $5.60. $5.82; Pequannock. $1,442,117. $0.35, $B.72: farewell addre's to the Conference. Pr. Poling has only recently «>mo to Dloomfleld from Plttshurg. He Is dc- Parslppany-Troy Hills, $2,747,870, $4.>' veloplng an enviable reputation 62; Randolph, $1,109,051, $6.90, $5.71; ", n0 >> ( tho great younger prnncherH In n~.i,,.,,, n ., .9n.11.Hu> ,„»•> «r..>. the New York area. Dr. Poling IB a Roxbury, $2,031,9B0, $3,557,830, $0.22, $4.68, $6.52; $4.58; brother of Dr. Daniel A. Poling of radio fame. The Bordentown Quar- Washington, $1,166,017, $B.G7, $5.B8. ^.ette will have a prominent part In BoroughB—Butler, $2,450,510, $5.68, $6.88; Chatham, $4,923,380, $5.03, 14.- than 3:00 P. M. !the closing service, The public Is re- j quested to be in their seats not later enitor Orvllle V. Mesial', Captain of Detectives Fled lloff and DetoctlVB- John Ciillahan, of the Essex County liroHwutor's Btaff. said the younf 05; Florham Park, $3,073,040,. $2.95, $2.77; Klnnelon, $542,230, $4.47. $4.62; Lincoln Park, $1,130,793, $6.61, $5.58; Madison, Mendham, $9,311,036, $1,359,300, $4.78, $4.03, $4.91; $3.56; Morris Plains, $1,486,686, $6.38 (no Morris Plains in 1028); ML Arling- ton. $946,100, $4.00, $4.12; Mountain Lakes, $3,945,781, $5.26, $5.0.1; Net- caMg,|94*,W7, $«.«, $5.88; Hlvcrdale, $590,387. $6.06', $5.78; Rookaway, $1,- 843,018, $6.38, $6.64; Whartnn, $1,034,- 440, $6.47, $6.52. basis equal with other leading Indus-' Towns—Boonton, $5,345,471. $6.73, '*',!?• $6.29; Dover, $8,754,848, $5.!)6, $5.48; The principal speaker of the even- M n . r i.| nwn imsaRifH *4 72 *4 20 ing was Rush Lewis, of New York, a Morrlstown ' *1«.81«,387. $4.72. $4.2.1. representative of the Dairymen's I ° League. Mr. Lewis emphasized the I AM fnhhlar importance of the farmers sticking I vflU VJUUUICI Wo their organizations and making a careful study of their own problems: that they were the ones who would ' Charles H. Munson Will Run For Sheriff Will' Muke Formal Announcement Next Week Petition blanks have been secured by Charles H. Munson of Dover and ate being circulated. It U—uniarr stood that he will make a formal an- nouncement of his candidacy for tho Sheriff nomination on the Republican ticket next week. The petitions are in the hands of several friends who expect to have them tilled within a few days. Mr. Munson f ivomun'H condition was nuch ho li«- llevcd she would die In his office If lie dlil not operate. He testified lh* nurse had threatened suicide In III* office. The young woman was kept in Dh. James's office during the night of tlf* iluy or the operation, he testified, dur- ing which lime he ministered to her.. Seven physicians from Dover, Roeka-- way, Wharton and Havkettstown t»i- llfled for the defense that on the ••<- Humplion the nurse's condition wa« Huch as described by Dr. Jamos ha was justified In performing the onef- atlon in the exercise of ills pro(ei>- Blonal judgment. Prosecutor Meslar sought to prow that tho failure of Dr. James to haw the nurse treated at a hoipltal', to Cktl In another physician or notify the po- lice and acts which he performed In bin method of treatment of the (itl. 'wr 1 \ Is .a former r t the Board of . . years WBB coun-1' ,.-,,- , . „ — = | ty superintendent of the public works. tb their organizations and making a Called TO ROOSt I F ° r " eVenil yearB h<J ' ''"" 6 " : Enthusiasm Grows ' In Church Services To ( M Way I. Now U»d,r gaged In the real estate development work In Dover and vicinity. people left the farms last year and I only because they could do better In j department, who bad announced him- self a candidate for the Sheriff nomin- Thi! meetings of the Lenten Season 1 Services'conducted by Dr. Arthur J. Smith are gaining numbers and en- thusiasm os they continue. Bach nlfht the numbers are augmented. Old and* young arc attracted by the sermons statement to that affect within t he 1 prayer nnilhe has touched the heart* lot many of the people of Ilookawav. weeks Mr. MUIIBOII has Dl . Sm|th „„„ Bpent mnny yearg in anee'. undecided wheth- (nlvc ], | 10haH known many famoUl other fields " I . °", Saturday evening. March »tH. , atlon. has withdrawn In favor of Mr.U, Dr . Smith. The speaker has been II 1. .. ... I the ladles auxiliary of the Order of Mu ,,Hon, and will make public a „„„„,„ £r| „, 9ermon , olr After the speaking, the well-known 1 Turkeys gave the Turkey Call and all s t,,tenieiit to entertainer. Mr. McHuly, of New York !the Gobblers were called to the RooBt nl , xt f BW ,| u y N , "did his stuff" for half an hour and iat the Roekaway HOUBB where every- | Kor several sent everyone away smiling and in a one partook of one of the first Turkey | )(ipn •„„ the fence . VM „„ ,.,.„ „„.,„ „„ .„„,„„ good humor. Dinners ever held I thanks to Mrs. m . llp wou ld enter the race or «•»>'l m cn and women, He draws from this 0 David Flchter) and when the Cob- „„, However, after many friends had grcal fuml of experiences to enrich , biers say, the finest ever, they don't ; , lrBL ,,| |,i, n ( 0 enter and linil pledged | l)B prfa chlng. Tho nfternoon meet- mean maybe. This now seems to be , Illnl lhell . support. It understood | 11RH fo ., ,, leI1 am | womcI1 are gaining la yearly event of tliu ladles and they lhl)( hl , | ma ma( j 0 a decision to "throw |,, lu , n (Iay (ll , lum i, orH . R I Vnn !have cll08en lll « Kockaway House as ; )lJH l m , | n the ring." On Sunday, each church will naw «%t MaJ liu ; their Roost. All Turkeys were pies- T | llK w m make Hie prlimr- 11 four- tlu , h . regular Sunday morning Mr- ent Including the Invited gtlestH of ' ,. ( , rlu .ved affair. Calvin Lawrence of V |,.,, H ,„ th( , ,,ft e rnoon, Dr. Smith' Kiirinor Minor of i»ovw Piittsfn Annv the OV «"I"K' M|HH Marian Blanchard ; i> t .nvil!f 1ms formnlly aiinmi»""l him- wn | Hmi]l M t)u , „,„„.„ mco tinff »t ' uud Mr. Newton Schott (who by Ihe H( ,| fi |.>ed Myers also "f Denvllle has |tl|e Mot) iodlst Church and In the even- ere held at 2M Way ' ma(le " VOry fllle s " coch ' 1 Ol »' I petitions III circulation mill 11'" "' |,, K ho speaks In tho Presbyterian venerable (Jobbler Schott having, Mutc) ,ier of llockawnv is also mady (.^rch. Those will he booster moet- I T ! tal h l 2 1 hl l)011 wlfe 'l" announce his candidacy. ,| n(rl ,. A Swiss Bell Ringer will ««n- th t file petl ta | i t th fto Funeral Of Wil- H t ™,1 J 51 B n, I n venerable (Jobbler «v ,T ! reMtal hl921 yclll ' R ' ,T y ' 'l" announce his candy g wr w opassedTawnyeaHy Saturday ;made " lmn " e " u l lful nn " " elll '" 1U8 There may be others to file petl- ply BpM , ta | music at the afternoon T iInesR '? ake , f : r th ,^ occa8 on wlll(h WIIB ""; 'l»n« «» llll> llroo llrnw " " enr - f " r "' 0 '""" 1 ' !VOIllt "< meetings. J f' b " "" l Psetd d O M mornTie following a siort S stLaciTrouble in to »wmatii 11 ouiiie m nis nesR ' ? , : ,^ ; 'l»n« «» vf Jo f?'' by ""' """ lle W " H Presented , t . 1( .,.,, ou . yeni . t f , , whloll ,.,,.. ,, ,„ V, i with a very useful present, of which » . lllB J at S..i, c " llIel "i°o V, v' it.' his roost mute Will ham was very •Peter MacMillan and Rev. Dr. Knight tllankrul f o r AMl h e |B ,„.„„„„,, of the Dover Presbyterian Church of-, p reBe ,,ted with beautiful HOUV- I ficlating. Mr. Lylul had made his home In Ho- ver for about thirty-five yeara and •was very well known throughout Mor- ris County. He was a former Mayor of Dover and a former member of tho Board of Education and wna Superin- tendent of the Richardson and Bkiyn- ton Company, Dover, for about thirty years, having retired about five years ago. Ho was greatly respected and admired by all who knew him and will be greatly missed In Dover and vicin- ity. , entrs by the Ladies, (irand Uobbler Bitters in his usual way made all feel room sur« Nn meetings on Saturday. On Monday the Sunday* Schools of the Methodist and Presby- terian churches will attend the even- i n g service In a body. The meeting* In the death of Mrs. Susan Thomas. , will continue every night thru Haiter Mrs. SiiHiin Tlionmx another honored and respected old .Sunday, ludy of Hlbernta has passed on. Mrs. I .fen ' « f •* *^rt ij 11 ft is no limit to the thanks due Mrs. Flchter for the way the dinner was served. The Order of Turkeys boasts of one of the best cooks ever anil I f*'*^'^ «?" Illness o cations. Mrs. Freeholder Archibald lived In Hlbornla i reported to tho Board of Freeholders r. anil Mrs. Herbert Mr. Lynd was born In Albany, New York, and last June he and his wife, who before her mnrlnge waa Miss El- la Louise Dennis, celebrated their golden woddlng anniversary. They had only returned about a week ago from Miami, Florida, where thoy had spent the winter. Interment was mado In the Locust Hill Cemotery at Dover. Wllt'll l\UU|ltM (U r uuu lllltlli'lltljll HllJH j' " . . . . vlllniro so, that Is sufficient. The Cobblers i"ay" seldom len ino viinige. , all wish to thank the Ladles of the perhaps to visit a l»»shter \MnjMn of the Snongum 8anllt0I .| um m the Order for the wonderful time they had I } 0l w , 1 1J t °J """ and If It would be convenient fo" them 11 "•'""" ! the Gobblers could stnnd a dinner of,' this kind quarterly Instead of annu- ally. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of expressing our appreciation and thanks toour friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the Illness and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Catherine Hller. Wo especially thank Rev. Father Hewetson, those who donated curs and flowers, iim.l Under- takers Francis - Shulcr. of Dover. THE HILHR FAMILY of tho great explosion at | charges mado by Miss Adele Cray, a e Denmark on July 10, 1026,, it is .former niirso at the institution. The* Hibcrnia belonged to her nlone. I Board of Managers, Mr, Fltipatrlck; While others in the vlllago were Icav- MM| m th( , rougnly , llvCBt , BftU( , Tha old house, known UH the mil- ler's home for employees al tho old grist mill which stood for many years near the Rockaway river bridge, Main ; ™ street, Is being razed by the prosont "" owners. Jos. if.rrlR * Sons. The old j * " * ^ ; ^ emVeatlcs Io leave h-rTomo. And HO. except for. the mill was destroyed by flic years ago. several . ? patrollng the high- held tho fort l T daughtor. a fabric of lies," Gray WAM'KI> All In llenvllle mid TiilHir vicin- ities who WINII In affiliate with nil iiiidomiinliinllnniil clinrch. ViaMi next iveek'n llecord accused the couple of beating and 1 kicking her when she refused to con- tinue on night fluty at the Institution. but according to tho report, the sltu- Kusan Jliler. of Uocknway. and ; atlon was ]ust tho reverse, as ulfio told: one son, William Thomas, ,,f Hlburii; )iy im i| ( , I1(lt nf the institution. It,. Mrs, Smith, who In tho head nurse HUB luorning a< "'•• '•< " » i'"»r»". , , the Ilev. Kntlier llswotson officiating, at the sanitarium, was formerly n Inturment wns made In St. I'lilvlck's ri'shlent nf llnckaway. cemelrry, Upper Illbernln. lloiiie-iiiade Kudite Sauce for I'nd- KASTKlt ilunnles for them; Cannr- s thai BIIIK for her. Also oilier birds. , gold flhh rind tropical vnrlelliH. Culn-! Aniioiiiicciiu'iit We «l«h to imiKiiince Mint wo a m dlnir, Desserts, Ire rrwim Hr^ in , an pig-, lliidng and White Fuiitnli nhle to Niipply nil denmnilK lor milk eight, oimr.« ronlnliierH. Twenty-fhr | I'lp-nns, KIIRIISII carriers. M. V. \ mill rrriim. Onr large iu!('rc<llteil herd ccn»n, »t Cornell's T«i lto«m, lien- HINT, niclinrd Struot. ncnvllle. N. -| In iirodurlnir nn nlinnilitnt supply. VMIP y. ,T. Wl',\, :!7ll'.%M IICAVKK HltOOK DAIItV

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Page 1: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

are Justly proud"two things —oar

L D and our News-(per- both are as-* sets ROCKAWAY RECORD If It's Sews, Ada., or |

Job Printing, phoneKockunuy 220; we Itire ahviijs glad to]

nerve you


Smoked Hamslb, 25c

Round Steak or Roast, lb.

[Legs of Lamb, lb.



I Forequarter of Lamb, lb. • 25c

I Shoulder of Lamb, lb. . . . . 32c

Breast of Lamb, - - - 21b. for 25c

Chuck Roast, lb.

Rump of Veal, lb.

Legs of Veal, lb.




A Full Line of Fresh Fish and Vegetables

Hagan's Cash MarketsMAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J .


}s Bank Has Been InBusiness 22 Years

THE MANAGEMENT of this institution 1B in full ac-cord with modern ideas.

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN as the bank thatrenders its customers the kind of service required for theirbest interest.

BE ONE of our customers, and have the advantage ofthe kind of a bank you would like to deal with.



Capital $195,000 Surplus $100,000

('mint) Biiaiil HI' Agriculturea (<roHf Success Tax Rates In Program Of Verdict Pleases

Real Interestllmpr Bnjs ItnmdciiMt On Siitunlii)

Many FriendsHuicr l'li)>lclun < lenird Bjr Jury

Of Illegal Operation

•taxEaslof . . ._ „ ,.

I pany-Triiy Hills Township has a rate , l",'"»»' • r. . . . , „ , ,' , . , , ,„, , . , , ' boys of Morris County to the School.

| of $-1.1,2. Ihe two latter municipal!- The announcers will broadcast fromjtles \\\A year were a part of Ifanover Station "V. M, ('. A." and will present.

the following well known numbers;The llordenlown Colored Quartette, agroup.of young men from the riorden-

Township.Hunting TowiiHhip haw the lowest

rate in Ihe county, f.'l.OK |ier $100.NiM valuations and the tax rate In

town Industrial School foryouth. This Quartette has been heard

hour and it hulf. Tire case was before-Judge Alherl II. Holland In QuarterBexaloim Court.

Many of Dr. James' friends fconrLong Valley and Dover were in thacourt room when the verdict was an-

eolored noiiiiced and congratulated Him. Dr;a e fa I youth. Tills Quartette has been heard i,....,, „,,„,. ,. ,„„,";,. • " """

the taxing d W u In Ihc ™untv arc i In Hundreds ofConferences In N o w ! , " " " «>«»'••« ju>t|fl««llon for the op-' f! "H lH "ofl!I1HC """ *mM ° "inn follow., ti. • firm of ih

j figures being the rate forand ih second that

t,.x r«t. ;this

of 1SI2N:

! •be witness stund dial, under similar


National Union BankDover, N. J.

Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings De-partment paying *% compounded quarterly OH balancesof $5.00 and over and 2% on Checking Accounts on allamounts In excess of $500.00.

Member Federal Reserve Bank

•Safe Deposit Boxes— ——$5.00 per annum and up

Capitol $*$5,000 . W i n s «MOO,000oxzxzzxcxxzzii

to real insurance service and complete pro-tection in strong companies—In other wordsInsure your car with


they bring a very refreshing spirit In-

ToW,,Hh.pH..Do,,n.on. *44G.62r,. $&- ft'™ « " ' he the presentation of the '"" " "«" '""•"«» e.j . - , „ , , , , „ ' , , , . PateiHon Y. M. ( . A, Lenders (lull, or<..... 2; Chatham, $1,421,855, $3.76. ,„,,„,,. k n o w | 1 B(| ) h l . | r ,,(Jvm T l ,nn l ..

$3.72; Chester .gl.M.IMZ, $3.8K, $:|.!W; 'Another IIIU>I'KHIIIIK featureDenvllle. $2,S22,23», $5.27, $4.51; .Tan., «.- »^"»<f £ W . ^ w n s .."M-ln., «n a statement given Pro,-


. ,„• 3 8 ,

The .operation was performed In thelnctiir's .office in Dover" two day*

be prior lo ,\1IHS Dougherty's death. TheThe Morris Count y Hoard of Agrl-I

culture dinner held'at NetconK inn j over. $1,»S«,144, $7.%, $6.22; ,..„„,, ,,„,., |)(H | | m ) | h ( i

on March 20, was « real success. ; Hanover, $7113,344, $7.!I2; llurillne. i Ilt,,| South America.I $2,092,420, $H.O8, $3.24; Jefferson, $2,-, The Sunday afternoon Bcrvlce will

' - ' • " promptly at ,'):00 P. M. Mn-2;!10 ]>. M. UH previously un-

There were over 15« in attendance. I $2,092,420, $3.08, $3.24; .lefferBon, $2,-, The Sund^Calvin Lawrence. President of the i 2 6 3 i lM m s nM.. M e l , , | ) m m t $1 be held proMorris County Board, made a few . . . ' , , ._, ' i „„, ' , , , „ . ' ' stead c' 2:3brief remarks stating some of the ac- 114 's-"- *4'6''' *' 'S2 ; Ml"" Hl11 ' *m-' nouncedi litlvltles of the County Board anil itsreal value to the farmer!" along legis-lative lines. He spoke briefly howthrough the united efforts of the Ag-ricultural organizations of the statesa number of years ago, a bill waspassed giving the farmers indemnityfor cattle lost in the tuberculin test.Mr. Lawrence also spoke of the Im-portance of every farmer becoming amember of Ihe organisation and thatthe organization would be no strong-er than the farmers themselves madeIt. He also mentioned .the various ac-tivities carried on In the Farm Dem-onstraton office and that Mr. Sane,Mr. Porter, and Miss Hartley wereavailable to the people of MorrisCounty to help solve any of theirproblems along agricultural andhomo economical lines.

William C, Spargo, President of theState Federation of County Boards,made n few brief remarks In whichbe stated how the whole political mn-cihinery or the United States wanthinking in the terms of Agricultureand how Preslden* Hoover had calleda special session of Congress to makea study of the Agricultural Industryof the United States and put It on a

843.'.$5.61, *4.»0; Montvllle, $1,484,394, 1 Kirn! Methodist Church. Dr. Charles*B.42. $5.54; Morris, $6,2!i3,&0», $!i.0«, I H. • Poling. Pastor of the Bloomfleld$4.40; Ml. Olive, $1,443,085, $4.00, | Presbyterian Ohurrh, will irlvo tho$4.00; Passalc, $1,848,123. $5.60. $5.82;Pequannock. $1,442,117. $0.35, $B.72:

farewell addre's to the Conference.Pr. Poling has only recently «>mo toDloomfleld from Plttshurg. He Is dc-

Parslppany-Troy Hills, $2,747,870, $4.>' veloplng an enviable reputation n»62; Randolph, $1,109,051, $6.90, $5.71; ",n0 >>( tho great younger prnncherH Inn~.i,,.,,,n., .9n.11.Hu> ,„»•> «r..>. the New York area. Dr. Poling IB a




brother of Dr. Daniel A. Poling ofradio fame. The Bordentown Quar-

Washington, $1,166,017, $B.G7, $5.B8. ^.ette will have a prominent part InBoroughB—Butler, $2,450,510, $5.68,

$6.88; Chatham, $4,923,380, $5.03, 14.- than 3:00 P. M.

!the closing service, The public Is re-j quested to be in their seats not later

enitor Orvllle V. Mesial', Captain ofDetectives Fled lloff and DetoctlVB-John Ciillahan, of the Essex CountyliroHwutor's Btaff. said the younf

05; Florham Park, $3,073,040,. $2.95,$2.77; Klnnelon, $542,230, $4.47. $4.62;Lincoln Park, $1,130,793, $6.61, $5.58;Madison,Mendham,




Morris Plains, $1,486,686, $6.38 (noMorris Plains in 1028); ML Arling-ton. $946,100, $4.00, $4.12; MountainLakes, $3,945,781, $5.26, $5.0.1; Net-caMg,|94*,W7, $«.«, $5.88; Hlvcrdale,$590,387. $6.06', $5.78; Rookaway, $1,-843,018, $6.38, $6.64; Whartnn, $1,034,-440, $6.47, $6.52.

basis equal with other leading Indus-' Towns—Boonton, $5,345,471. $6.73,'*',!?• $6.29; Dover, $8,754,848, $5.!)6, $5.48;

The principal speaker of the even- M n . r i . | n w n imsaRifH *4 72 *4 20ing was Rush Lewis, of New York, a M o r r l s t o w n ' *1«.81«,387. $4.72. $4.2.1.representative of the Dairymen's I °League. Mr. Lewis emphasized the I A M f n h h l a rimportance of the farmers sticking I v f l U VJUUUICIWo their organizations and making acareful study of their own problems:that they were the ones who would '

Charles H. MunsonWill Run For Sheriff

Will' Muke Formal AnnouncementNext Week

Petition blanks have been securedby Charles H. Munson of Dover andate being circulated. It U—uniarrstood that he will make a formal an-nouncement of his candidacy for thoSheriff nomination on the Republicanticket next week. The petitions arein the hands of several friends whoexpect to have them tilled within afew days.

Mr. Munson

fivomun'H condition was nuch ho li«-llevcd she would die In his office Iflie dlil not operate. He testified lh*nurse had threatened suicide In III*office.

The young woman was kept in Dh.James's office during the night of tlf*iluy or the operation, he testified, dur-ing which lime he ministered to her..Seven physicians from Dover, Roeka--way, Wharton and Havkettstown t» i -llfled for the defense that on the ••<-Humplion the nurse's condition wa«Huch as described by Dr. Jamos hawas justified In performing the onef-atlon in the exercise of ills pro(ei>-Blonal judgment.

Prosecutor Meslar sought to prowthat tho failure of Dr. James to hawthe nurse treated at a hoipltal', to CktlIn another physician or notify the po-lice and acts which he performed Inbin method of treatment of the (i t l .

'wr 1


Is .a former rt the Board of . . —

• • years WBB coun-1 ',.-,,- , . „ — = | ty superintendent of the public works.tb their organizations and making a C a l l e d T O R O O S t I F ° r "eVenil yearB h<J ' ''"" 6":

Enthusiasm Grows 'In Church ServicesTo ( M

WayI. Now U»d,r •

gaged In the real estate developmentwork In Dover and vicinity.

people left the farms last year and Ionly because they could do better In j

department, who bad announced him-self a candidate for the Sheriff nomin-

Thi! meetings of the Lenten Season1

Services'conducted by Dr. Arthur J.Smith are gaining numbers and en-thusiasm os they continue. Bach nlfhtthe numbers are augmented. Old and*young arc attracted by the sermons

statement to that affect within t he 1 p r a y e r nnilhe has touched the heart*lot many of the people of Ilookawav.weeks Mr. MUIIBOII has Dl. S m | t h „„„ B p e n t m n n y y e a r g i n

anee'. undecided wheth- ( n l v c ] , |10 haH known many famoUl

other fields " I . °", Saturday evening. March »tH. , atlon. has withdrawn In favor of Mr.U, D r . Smith. The speaker has beenT « II 1. .. . . . I the ladles auxiliary of the Order of Mu,,Hon, and will make public a „ „ „ „ , „ £ r | „, 9 e r m o n , o l rAfter the speaking, the well-known 1 Turkeys gave the Turkey Call and all st,,tenieiit to

entertainer. Mr. McHuly, of New York !the Gobblers were called to the RooBt n l ,x t fBW ,|uyN,"did his stuff" for half an hour and iat the Roekaway HOUBB where every- | Kor severalsent everyone away smiling and in a one partook of one of the first Turkey |)( ipn •„„ the fence . VM „„ ,.,.„ „„.,„ „„ . „ „ , „ „good humor. Dinners ever held I thanks to Mrs. m. l lp w o u ld enter the race or «•»>'lmcn and women, He draws from this

0 David Flchter) and when the Cob- „„, However, after many friends had grcal f u m l o f experiences to enrich, biers say, the finest ever, they don't ; ,lrBL,,| |,i,n (0 enter and linil pledged |l)B p r f achlng. Tho nfternoon meet-mean maybe. This now seems to be , I l ln l l h e l l . support. It i« understood |11RH fo., ,,leI1 a m | w o m c I 1 a r e gaining

la yearly event of tliu ladles and they lh l ) ( hl, | m a m a ( j 0 a decision to "throw |,,lu,n ( I a y (ll , l u m i , o r H .R I V n n ! h a v e c l l 0 8 e n l l l« Kockaway House as ; )lJH l m , | n the ring." On Sunday, each church will n a w«%t Ma J l i u ; their Roost. All Turkeys were pies- T | l lK w m make Hie prlimr- 11 four- t lu,h. regular Sunday morning Mr-

— ent Including the Invited gtlestH of ' ,.(,rlu.ved affair. Calvin Lawrence of V|,.,,H ,„ th(, ,,fternoon, Dr. Smith'Kiirinor Minor of i»ovw Piittsfn Annv t h e OV«"I"K' M|HH Marian Blanchard ; i>t.nvil!f 1ms formnlly aiinmi»""l him- w n | Hmi]l M t )u, „,„„.„ mcotinff »t

' uud Mr. Newton Schott (who by Ihe H(,|fi |.>ed Myers also "f Denvllle has | t l | e Mot)iodlst Church and In the even-ere held at 2 M W a y ' m a ( l e " VOry f l l l e s " c o c h ' 1 O l»' I petitions III circulation mill 11'" " ' |,,K ho speaks In tho Presbyterian

venerable (Jobbler Schott having, M u t c ) , ier of llockawnv is also mady ( .^rch. Those will he booster moet-I T ! tal h l 21 h l l)011 w l f e ' l " announce his candidacy. ,|n(rl,. A Swiss Bell Ringer will ««n-

th t file petl ta| i t th f t o

Funeral Of Wil-

H t ™,1 J 51 B n, I nvenerable (Jobbler

«v ™ ,T ! r e M t a l hl9 21 yclll'R'™ ,T y ' ' l " announce his c a n d y gw r w o passedTawnyeaHy Saturday ; m a d e " l m n " e " u l l f u l n n " " e l l l ' " 1 U 8 • There may be others to file petl- p l y B p M , t a | music at the afternoon

T i I n e s R ' ? a k e , f : r th,^ o c c a 8 o n w l l l ( h WIIB ""; 'l»n« «» l l l l> l l r o o l l r n w " " e n r - f " r "'0'"""1 '!VOIllt"< meetings.J f ' b " "" l P s e t d d O M

mornTie following a siortS stLaciTrouble in to

»wmatii 11 ouiiie m nis

nesR ' ? , : , ; 'l»n« «»vf J o f? ' ' b y "" ' """ l l e W"H Presented , t.1(.,.,,ou.yeni . t f , , w h l o l l, . , , . . , , ,„ V, „ i with a very useful present, of which

» . l l lB Ja tS..i ,c" l l I e l"i°o V, v ' i t . ' his roost mute Will ham was very•Peter MacMillan and Rev. Dr. Knight t l l a n k r u l f o r AM l h e |B ,„.„„„„,,of the Dover Presbyterian Church of-, preBe,,ted with beautiful HOUV- Ificlating.

Mr. Lylul had made his home In Ho-ver for about thirty-five yeara and•was very well known throughout Mor-ris County. He was a former Mayorof Dover and a former member of thoBoard of Education and wna Superin-tendent of the Richardson and Bkiyn-ton Company, Dover, for about thirtyyears, having retired about five yearsago. Ho was greatly respected andadmired by all who knew him and willbe greatly missed In Dover and vicin-ity.

, entrs by the Ladies, (irand UobblerBitters in his usual way made all feel

room sur«

Nn meetingson Saturday. On Monday the Sunday*Schools of the Methodist and Presby-terian churches will attend the even-

ing service In a body. The meeting*In the death of Mrs. Susan Thomas. , will continue every night thru Haiter

Mrs. SiiHiin Tlionmx

another honored and respected old .Sunday,ludy of Hlbernta has passed on. Mrs. I

• .fen ' « f •* *^rt ij 11 ft

is no limit to the thanks due Mrs.Flchter for the way the dinner wasserved. The Order of Turkeys boastsof one of the best cooks ever anil

I -«f*'* ' « ? "Illness ocations.


Freeholder Archibaldlived In Hlbornla i reported to tho Board of Freeholders

r. anil Mrs. Herbert

Mr. Lynd was born In Albany, NewYork, and last June he and his wife,who before her mnrlnge waa Miss El-la Louise Dennis, celebrated theirgolden woddlng anniversary. Theyhad only returned about a week agofrom Miami, Florida, where thoy hadspent the winter.

Interment was mado In the LocustHill Cemotery at Dover.

Wllt'll l\UU|ltM (U r uuu lllltlli'lltljll HllJH j ' " . . . . vlllniro

so, that Is sufficient. The Cobblers i"ay" seldom len ino viinige. ,all wish to thank the Ladles of the perhaps to visit a l»»shter \MnjMn o f t h e S n o n g u m 8 a n l l t 0 I . | u m m theOrder for the wonderful time they had I}0l™w,11Jt °J """and If It would be convenient fo" them 11 " • ' " " "

! the Gobblers could stnnd a dinner of,'this kind quarterly Instead of annu-ally.


We take this means of expressingour appreciation and thanks to ourfriends and neighbors who were sokind to us during the Illness anddeath of our beloved mother, Mrs.Catherine Hller. Wo especially thankRev. Father Hewetson, those whodonated curs and flowers, iim.l Under-takers Francis - Shulcr. of Dover.


of tho great explosion at | charges mado by Miss Adele Cray, ae Denmark on July 10, 1026,, it is .former niirso at the institution. The*

Hibcrnia belonged to her nlone. I Board of Managers, Mr, Fltipatrlck;While others in the vlllago were Icav- M M | m t h ( , r o u g n l y , l lvCBt,BftU(,

Tha old house, known UH the mil-ler's home for employees al tho oldgrist mill which stood for many yearsnear the Rockaway river bridge, Main ; ™street, Is being razed by the prosont ""owners. Jos. if.rrlR * Sons. The old j * " *

^ ; ^ „ emVeatlcs Io leaveh-rTomo. And HO. except for. the

mill was destroyed by flicyears ago.

several .?patrollng the high-

held tho fortl T daughtor.

a fabric of lies," Gray

WAM'KI>All In llenvllle mid TiilHir vicin-ities who WINII In affiliate withnil iiiidomiinliinllnniil clinrch.

ViaMi next iveek'n llecord

accused the couple of beating and1

kicking her when she refused to con-tinue on night fluty at the Institution.but according to tho report, the sltu-

Kusan Jliler. of Uocknway. and ; atlon was ]ust tho reverse, as ulfio told:one son, William Thomas, ,,f Hlburii; )iy imi | ( , I1 ( l t n f the institution.

It,. Mrs, Smith, who In tho head nurseHUB luorning a< "'•• '•< " » i'"»r»". , ,the Ilev. Kntlier llswotson officiating, at the sanitarium, was formerly nInturment wns made In St. I'lilvlck's ri'shlent nf llnckaway.cemelrry, Upper Illbernln.

lloiiie-iiiade Kudite Sauce for I'nd-

KASTKlt ilunnles for them; Cannr-s thai BIIIK for her. Also oilier birds. ,

gold flhh rind tropical vnrlelliH. Culn-!


We «l«h to imiKiiince Mint wo a mdlnir, Desserts, Ire rrwim Hr^ in , an pig-, lliidng and White Fuiitnli nhle to Niipply nil denmnilK lor milkeight, oimr.« ronlnliierH. Twenty-fhr | I'lp-nns, KIIRIISII carriers. M. V. \ mill rrriim. Onr large iu!('rc<llteil herdccn»n, »t Cornell's T«i lto«m, lien- HINT, niclinrd Struot. ncnvllle. N. -| In iirodurlnir nn nlinnilitnt supply.VMIP y. ,T. Wl',\, :!7ll'.%M IICAVKK HltOOK DAIItV

Page 2: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

B tt € K A W A V l i t n i l t l l

Mark Andrews WritesFor New Jersey

l Mm.- V i n l i i lhrni Iti' sK-< ll< U l i n i n OH

4i i i i i i I HOI-

: Hal N>« jvr* . v sfiit;

lillt) Vldtl tU i it,> llt'rl

t t i i r .us*! |»uhUv ***!

itth will itiakr ?h< .ly

i. « MM 11 K«l. Ht'd Kutf". urn! fcodmr '


x Of ( . I . t . Al lH-n-


•>>•> I ' l l ?

IV. V lU.-illltv

Th. ' Wail-.

t . - l l l - . l l

I ' r l n K

UOUII' i* !M M t M i U U t H . H:ii> « I I !

MUlg ( o r W * v l i ' t f p v w h l i h it

15;! yrstv* of if* evxenvc hit*

v»ffii la!J> hail .Hi*1 Attna iVsr

Ji'inf) girl Mui Aittfiu.»» U'

colH-t1!'* ^oji-Amv wsH >ii! | ;t-.r

fur liw tsvM (mi* \jiri! * s; 0<i

f o n i »n«• 1 ttit<<r->

Lull,1 '•Ulli'llr »llM

«>•'.• Viuw of I

•11. '

.'.. t'tu

\li»» I'

ing .M th

: h i - * i i v i

V. ' r f t K M l


\t«» !«•> IV i n • .W~\:t

meni .i| !hf .•*•: K»,|iV.i' Joha IS*1 »>,K >:M

lory K ; > « ! . . .«"v'r.-^

' l l : ( * » i , i » a ; i • •

An Viv-;- . ,., • • / , . , ,

*i»«jt *>•- \ i v ;>, •.,.

L ,>..'i,'-:' Tlu- ( i . m m u u i i y CIII-I^IUII Club l»usI , ,:,„ ohuunr-.! tin- r' (1 H. of A. Mull for

lank >'l l h | i n < 1 ' '*"" f i > " " l l i v s i l u i 1 l l l a l l l t ttr''„ ! , . •„ , . rflim.»i ...,,,,.l.-i.-.l f."- «" »ij.M«>I>rli»<f

. ,!>,- M , l , f -li'i i h . - ' K - . . T A - « « . n . 11.1. wi l l , thi' Hill of tbr

• H « . . l l o . t * , * • • ' . • • U i . w W M « l l f y . - n . r «l«»«' ' - . M l - Ann.. (I. H a l .

« « n . * M «l Alton W « . , » - . H # h a . l » r « ' T h , u,U* , .ro«raiu ' « " • » « «

*«.•- p r r M d r n r r t l l i * Nail,-.ii*l A . . w l . . l . » . r»ur « r » k - , - I- » ^ w 1« '«''<

. f O r * , , , ! . , , . lui i . , , - l l .« * » . » . - " « • ! * «'•"«•»•• ""'"• " y 1 U ' U ; r a ' u h

. » r . , l t » | H « i , , t h » ^ v « . « - t M i , u * i « l d ir«- io i • a t . > i . i | . M.« l i r 1 . iH l 1 . ' . ' l lMi l , . ! . i l . ' in . Inrlttilltiir |> » « * » '

• • , < „ , . . . IN- . ,„.»!I, K,.i,t i n . , , , , „ » , , r M 1 1 | , t . , ! , ! , , • Klr . l »'..,.,•... l..-, «ml •••»o oWI-

r n , . - H , , •»;,> l a w U H i . t , . . ! . , ; = ,£„„„„»•! c | t u f , i , viaiy. Uilr. ' II.' • - K - . «»"'>"'• H<"lr.u«HMHal soU.s ui|.l cornet

ilK.'iiutii ,«t !!«e He* .* jur , (u , i» , ! , , ; Mmin-tiitr iid>i> Clttb CI. c , w l i w ,

i 'h ib -ot ihi ( H a n g f . . U i m m a h i l ,«k.» Mr SVIIiBin K<-<-(f«'. Hr -, w h o h a s

i!'.«- i-luh. I inv.- i . i fv C1..,. f lu i i .'f B h . n muni- i»<i'U«ut dorinonii In the.

N>*- I l . v , « M.mtila!. Choral V:-'• -n ' P«W. »», oxp.v»ort to fill Iti* iwlplt »t

, , , . 'all s,.rvl<.'». Mr. Ki-cffo certainlyand >ammu i l>»r>l t i.l..n. ,„,. , , . , , ,vu l l , l , le opinion of <-v-

i-lil«-ii-lii. IHmvllli' for he has

\ V \ ' \ M

M, .


I'urrsl S \\»ltt

'I i m V\ 1 . '• ,-u - . » » • • . • , • ;

trrtkUr tkaa ntkfr itat^rn. A IrUI

• 111 m a i l a r r ;«n. • ; ' !

v , - - .

t: V. TO>KIMTrlr|>(nB<- Hi Korkawajr

f i i i l l / .

ih In 11 111111I1 II( 1 lir liHlcriU'nn tliat h a si.i'ii liimllli'il in ilu- l iourU of people11 I h i - Imvti l i i h l y mil and broughtfill O n iHt )s n ilwilri-K burk iUlil (hr'tuiuiiii 11H v- riii'lHtlnii ('lull ilimlrps to

|iu1illil> Ihiiiik lilm for III|H.

\U»vniiilc MiTvlieH 11 i'ii to lipgin nt !in I", A M , nml I'vi'iiliifc MITVICOR ill |

' ."." Imili I'IIlut mill KuMi'V sun i luys


Mure Iliinmt

Virrkinj*st.KI a. m..fl p. m.


M.W 11. m. 10 |i. 111.

Continuing our Prc-Easter Sale of


Spring Suitsand Topcoats


In the new manner, for Spring 1929. New weaves . . . new patterns 7 .new coloring effects . . . Fine wool fabrics-all of these. And every gar^ment reilects the great care that has been taken in making this presents


EasterS T Y L E S

For The EntireFamily

Easy Payments or Cash

JAY BROS.Open Evenings

Opposite Baker Theatre

First National BankMorristown, New Jersey


Resources Over $7,500,000

Banking In All Its Branches


Frank D. Abell, Vlrt-Prcn.

Hab«ii K. Bnrkr, Lawyer.

Mori-ln Co. H»\ln«« Bank.

llenrj ('017, Vlff*Prv«ldentnnd

H. Ward Ford, PrcsMeat,

Arthur A. Maritters,Amprlrnn 1>I. & Tel. Co.

It. II. MeAlpln. ltetired.

1). M. Merrhnnt, Merthni

Joolinn It. Sulmon,

Thomas IV. strteltr, Chair-

man, Sims 1'rfroleun Cir>

Selli K. Thomns ,lrM

!Selli Tliomus clock Co.

Harold H. Vim \«(t«,

miif Coiil.

V. W0W1,


• OS*

Telephone DirectoryGoes to Press

Soon!N o w is the time to arrange for a

. telephone or for listing changes.Arrange now to have your busi-ness message reach the thousandsof telephone users in this districtby advertising in the classifiedtelephone directory. It producesresults.Telephone, write or call our near-est business office.

NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANYA N.» J m , iMMnnin ».cft«l hy N.ilon.1 R«. "

Page 3: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

IA V, MiUlOH-21.

ah UttlmHiiMl** Nar-


u i lv - r ive f r i e n d s ani l r e lu -

Hii(l a t tlie h o m e of MISH

ij ini i i i i in H i l l s i d e Avt'iiui ' , tu

,.1,-liralc h e r e i g h t e e n t h l i l r lh-

M Sal u n l a y ,

i.nliir s c h e m e for t he i-vi'iilitK

yellow: ( J ames w e r e u layed I he

U O C K A W A Y R E < 0 K I>

•>' l';i of the evening untilt|« wen1 invited to the diningL nln a large blrtbday culii-

,.igliU<']i candles adorned thepl. uf ilie table. After purtukliiK

|i.|ji:iuiis refreshments coiiHiKtluj;iwi ilad, sandwiches, ciiffce

ki.'. tin* yttung folks enjoyedin); uni II midnight when Ihey ilc-

L,| for tlielr homes wlHhlng MIHSt| , niiiny mow birthdays,

»''re present from Ikivi-r,. Mi Hope. Long Island, New

|k UIHI Uockaway. The hosteH«,llr i.iiplent of many beautifuluseful birthday preBentB.

L.IIHI Khaw, a life-long resident of,u, mt. died Sunday at his homu

Ho was ninety yearn of ugc.jhter, Mrs. Carrie Smith, of

Lll. Mass., survives him.


"Ffappv Thought"[Gifts for EasterIMukf your Easter Gift to theI family or friends a. gracious• compliment to your good tasteI unil iliolrn.

$1.00Mb. box

AIITNTVLE CHOCOLATES un(Artfull Assortment) make adelightful gift, one that Is sureto be appreciated. Come In andtake a look around our store,We have Easter Olfts suitable'for everyone.

AHTSTYtl) CHOCOLATKN liresold exclusively at




, Newark, Maplewpoil, Mlllbnin,I'luithuni, Mndlsnn, Convent BIK-llon, Miiii'iHtown, Morris I'lutns,Tit. Tuhor, Uunvllle, Dover, MineTllll, Konvll, Biiccasunun, LodgO"vimil, I,uniting, Nctcong, Htnn-i«|ii', (ranbci iy Lake, Amlover,

Newton,•» leave Mala aad Wnll Sl».—

For KemvllWciil! dnya and SaturdayB: 0:0(1

i. H., 0:30 A. M., and every 80 mlnuteHuntil 10:06 P.M. nnd 11:06 P.M.• 11 rXV I I'.M. WOBI Dover), (I2:r.."il>ov(.r only),

Sundays: 7:00 A.M., and every SOminutes until 10:06 P.M. and 11:00I'.M. (11:51 P . M . West Mover), (I2:r>.'>A. M, liuvtii* only).

For I.nndliic. U IIUJB nnd Snturdayss fi:'*A. M.. 0:30 A. M., and every hour until»:3il r. M. and 11:00 P.M.

aiiiiilny»: 7:i)o A. M., rind every houruntil u:a6 r . SI. and 11:00 P.M.

I <ir nnd Htnnk»l>eWick diiyn a n d 'SuturdnyH: fi:

A.M., (1:!10, 7:86. 8:3«. 10:30, l l i » «A.M.. 1:38 P.M., i :30 , 4:30, 0:.1ll. 7:at>.»:a«. !i::m, 11:06 P . M .

• Siiiiilnyn: 7:86 A.M.. 8:3«, 10:30.11:30 A.M., VM P .M., 2:30, 4:3(1, 5:30,I'M, S;30, !);36, 11:00 P . M .

For NewtonWi'O'li Unys, Siilurdiiyx nnd aimdnys:

? » A.M., H:»« A.M., »:a»lJ.M., bMI'.M.. 6:30 P.M.

I'or MurrlnrownWeek d a y s ttnd S a t u r d n y n : C:B0

A.M., 0:54 A.M., 0:24 A. M., 7:0!t. 7:21.i : i ' l . 8:0», 8:24 A.M., nnd evi ' ry •'•«jnlniili'H utiill 0:r>4 K M . : Ilicn I"''1'1,*'limn unt i l D:I>4 P . M . und 11:24 r . M .,<?:!( I", M,, 8 ^ 4 P .M. , 0:24 I ' .M. M l . ,liilmr only) .

SUIHIUJM: 6:19 A.M., (1:54 A. M . •>•>•'•vi-ry iiour u n t i l 10:51 A .M. : Ill '1"»viTy :m m i n u t e s uiutL-D:r>4 1'. M.. IIIMI'v ' ' i> hour u n t i l 0:04 I'. M. iiml V,1 :CiI 'M, (7:24 P . M., 8:21 P. M., 0:24 I1. M.MI. Tabor o n l y ) .

Fur NewnrkWi,| t diiys and SHturduyn: *• -£".'AM. und every hour until 0:11 r . »'•Siimlnyj f>:C4 A. M. and (ivory limir

"'"II 0:54 P.M.

•<>VVIIAllTON BUS LINK-Dovcr nnd Wlinrton.

'AI»P« Irnvr I.ncknwniinii Hlntlnn—„ Wi'flt d u y s : 0:18 A.M. , and i-vrry•'" u n t i l OMS K M.

Siititnlnys; 6:18 A.M., null i v . r y ."ininliiiiii.s until U:4S V. M.

BUSES FOR HIREPublic Service Dc Luxe bmmagori a tphndid meant o[ carry-ing parliei lo the tenbore, rnoun-Mai, theatre, or lo athletic orother evcnli. They are ideal lorpicnics, oMingi, or lourt.

Phont, htoniitown 2809


Welcome Stranger!McManus Bros.' Qet Acquainted Offer



$12.50#1 IMvit

You'll be UH proud of I bin tableus we. are, Tim top Is burl wal-nut 2(1x20 In., octagonal In shapeiiml the legs lire snood-turned.


$15%l Down

Walnut finished framewith shaped arms andback. Hack In coveredwith genuine linen frieze,while seats are rnveredwith mnhnir.




B i a u of the tremen-dous demand for the Sec-retary offered In Eliza-beth lust Pall we have In-troduced another for thin"Get Acquainted" offer, at.the same price. Mahog-any finished, generouslyproportioned and hoastxthe name conveniences asdid the September Secre-tary.


$125$|,-> Down—

$10 Monthly

We particularly cull attention in tholacquer flnlRli of this dinliiK-rooin num-ber which affords far groaU'i ivcnr ro-slstonce 11) ii n tin1 usual vnnilBh flnlnli.The suite Is well designed, wllh un oyotowunl «U)IIIKI' spnee for linen, sliverand IIIHIIPH, \{iv ImftVI IPOIMK mlIndication of the slue of the piece. Sultticonslxls of lulile. lii I nil I'lililnct, side ta-ble, linITct, live side chilli's ami mir uriii-chulr,

28 newitems deliveredto you at cost

Wouldn't you prefer to shop at the best, most reliable furniturestore provided it didn't cost any more?

You can at McManus Bros.

Of course, if you have lived in, or nearby, Elizabeth for anylength of time, you know that.But you who live in Rockawaycan hardly form such an estimate of McManus Bros, until youhave became acquainted.

So McManus Bros, has priced these twenty-eight pieces offurniture at such reduced figures that you will simply haveto investigate them.

Every one of them is sold at just what it costs us to buy themerchandise and, deliver it to your door. But we take thisloss of profit willingly because we want yob to visit McManusBros, and discover what an unusual store it it.

We want you to experience the friendly courtesy and consid-eration of our salesmen; we want you to see for yourself thatMcManus Bros, sells only good furniture and that McManusBros.' prices are always modest. We want you to know first-

hand why every piece on our floors is backed by anunquestioning guarantee that the furniture mustmake good or McManus Bros. will.

Here are four of the twenty-eight items. In mater-ials and construction they will stand any compari-son. And in price they are lower than you will payanywhere else for the identical merchandise. Comein this month; on April 13th these pieces will be tag-ged their regular prices.

Furnishing Homes Complete Since 1880

36 Speedwell Ave. MorristownMain Store: luist Jersey Street, Near Broad, Elizabeth

Page 4: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings


Cuntnv•WHS it

Rockaway RecordKiiicred 1'ut.l Office. Km' ;i»n\. X .1

n- Hi'i oiul rtjiNs M;tn, i

AN INIiKI'KNDKNT \VKKI\1.\,Iwuwl Ktery TI\ursd,i>

itSrAtl VKKIS. I'reMilv-ni-Mrtvmm'v

StliNKY COU.lNs*, V'.iUUM-Telephone Council Inn*

ii:rii-i' --Mi l i m U u ) llmifi ;,'•,"•1)111 XMnn

Ul'iiic. Main Strw't. UvwUswa* X .1.

TIH'iisnAY. MAitni si, »»;«

•"NEW PLAYHOUSE• l lh' 1-ast Warning" VnWv-r*»r*

wivstvrv •'Pedal Msrt'Mitf l.*uvi* ! * -I'lattle. will ln> »liv>»'n Tlium.'aut! the !".«> \w\\ft. It ** iuvlWnl a* anmulMlrtt umt »p,H tftiuUis piiKluitionH.i'irn'inluM'iiiR whut a tivnii'mhni* sut-<*esi* t'liul l.cni,had mft»l«' m diuvUnjiIJIUVU'I.iMo in "Tlii' ('aI and the

ef.\ favllll.i of tli>' sliulto-ill their vimtttt:>vul The

Is that critic* the *«flil ovvrare iii'i Inluiing "The IMM Wavum*: "

On Saturday. K**ri Mi\>iuiv*\ a^^»uvs111 "fighting Courage" Hi' cvchiutjRed a milt nf Hollies with it Bin by re-quest and found tifl* thmrsaml dellavs—-pretty easy Well, it wasn't.Here's Ken In a picture of lu'tion. ofthrills mill romance Two great com-edies und the latest News rwl me In-Cludud In Ilu' M|t ami for llw- Klililles'Matinee, a Hinniy Varty, when VwtlUvp liuunlos will l>o given iiwny. YouOfln HPP tlii'lil ill tin1 lohliv- »f tiletheatre utter Thuri<dny evening.

Het'ttldoil as one of tile imist al>peaV-^ng film (iffeviitf?s ot the season amireplete nllti hiininn tomlioR. "Sally'nShouUleva, " the feature at tlio top forMonday and Tnpsdny i« n produp|l»not Bcalrlpp Burton's vrtel>-re«d story•whU'li amicarcil serially in manyttewspapers ttroiiKlunil the country,l^ols Wilson, tlip noted si idem star,liv? leadtnft role. "Passion" tlip oo-1teaiure «Uli Kinil .tannings will fillout one of the Rreatest bills ever prp-senteil on a local screen

The "Isle of L<ost Men", a ruggedhe niHii drama fresh with tlie lung ofth» Urine, Is due to come ""ednpsday jtor three days mi the S. S. Vulcannails tntm port with n Kin\sti«' crew |linder the command or the WatPr"Wolf. Tom Siintschl. Allen Connor,James Marcus ind .lulpa OowleR, atr\}ve featured players who portray ntlirtlllnR sea st-:iry In « thr-illing way. j

If you sh<i«l<l happen to Rot vich«]Utck. there would I>P lit tic troubleIn finding >-our kinsfolk

i i H v i i i n i c a . ? 1 " i i iu l «i». K e n u i i " n i l

ni;,K,- <M i n i i t l i i i H " - S i n g e r S r w I u K

\l , II , ( l l , .i i i l . i 1 ' , I I

M M i l I M i l t \ S l l i ' l n l n \ \ il

I M I M M t . n n l I HI it i l l M U M w a l l * o r

u o o i l u n l k K i t ' " n I l i l l i l d l l l i l h l i '

« w l t . l l t l o I l l l U b i M l l l l l t l ( g f l K l l t ' l l

I . I . ! - , . t . i l n u M . ; ( n i l ( l l l l l l r - t o l l l ' l l h

H i l l Ii v « I ' . H H I M K I I I , . ' N S u s s i X

S I , D I I M T 3 6 l f

M i l l Hi M \ | u i n i i ' i i t <n, i l l o l

II I - I i « i 111 M i M i l l t l r M i n i h ITi

t > t < 11 • 11 >> Ml H o l l M i l ' - l < U t l l \ S l i l I C I f


Noticermu.ic NOTICE is ittaiKRv <»X-*

VSS tint NEW .IKRSEY BKI.I. TKI.K-FHONR COMl'.VN'Y has filPd with 1lie,Boroush Clerk of the Borough of!

Heickawny on Hie Hih rta> of March.'!»?*. B pfUtlon »dilr<-dseil l« (he Mny-«r and Council of the Borough ofWocknwny, Morrin Cowty, N. ,HV pekf)',Inf for thp pcrpilssion and mnsent ofsaid Mayor and Council, (he govern-;Ing body of the Hnrougli of I{,to the use by said Telephone Corn-,Vany of all ot the various slrects..Toads, avenue* and higlnviiys andTarts thereof, 'hroiighont their en-tire length. In the said Horough ofHockawsy. botli nbove and below thesurface thereof, for its underground |conduits nnd subways, cables, poles, |pOBts. wires, luanholes. loadlnic coil Ivaults, loading colls, hn'hiding the;necessury street openings nnd lateral |•connections lo curh polos anil prop- ierty lines, and Us other fixtures nnd,j•ppnrtenawces. for its local and thru Ilines and systems, in rnuneclion witli Ithe transaction of its business.

Permission and consent Is asked fora period of fifty (GDI years. The said ,Mayor and Council of (lie Ilorougli ot iRocknway will proceed t«i consider 'the said petition on the llth day ot 'April, IS2S, at the hour ot S o'clock P. IM., at the Council Room. BoroughHall, Main Street. Rockaway. N, ,1.

Dated, March 14th, 1929. !JAME8 n. MAY j

3713 Borough Clerk !

OFK RE>'T~A furnlsheil or uifurnished house In Denrllle. Inquire jof Mrs. Leslie Todd. on thp Rockaway iRoad. .- _ _ _ !

MOMK BABfiAISS—Two in Den-"»l^e »2B»0 — $5S00. One in >lt. Tab-cr, plot 75x2S3—2 story and aide9Z100. For particulars and iuspec- jtlon, see Charles W. Rodgsrs. Den- jvllle, X. J. Phone Rockaway 100. 37t3 ]

for SALK-One piano.)two dining room suites, six beds, com-!|)l«tt>, bureaus, wardrobe etc. Tele-Vhfane Rockawny 552. P. O. Box 134I*""-me. S7t2!

TO 1,KT—One family, sToonThouse j•II improvements, garage and'Bliop, chicken house and fruit trees.!One minute from station and bus.!Rent reasonable to right party. Ally«»r tenant wanted. Call tloikaway« i 3 6 t Si

r«R MKNT-New six room•11 Improvements, from April 1st: «I-«o nix room apartment, electric light

. and borough water, for immediate oc--cvpancy. Inquire of Harvey Hiler.813 Main street, Rockaway. S5t2

Bahy Chicks. White Leghorn. BarronStrain. A. H.' Clmk, Pox Hill Road.Mt. Tabor, N. .1. Phone Horknwa.v


N i U U i : i-. l u ' i i ' l n g i t e u 1 l int t i n

l o t k '» t i l l . Ol t l i l l i l l tv i MH-4 ( l u l l p a ^ C i l

i>\ ,u M.IUM .mil l n u i i i i ! ti( Ilu' Hoi -

inik'i of lioi .it ,i meet ing held

H I I I I I II I"-" mul lui- ln>i>n aignrd

>i 'it \ t , i io i mid mi .-i It n^ <'li i K

l i l i l M W V K Ii) I-KOMMI KOH



.IAS 11 \ U \ CK-\k

Notice to Biddersi S i 'a lo i l jiriifHi'.iil^ » i i l lit' r i ' r e l w d 1^' Hi. I K I A U D (II-1 K I U ' I ' A T I D N .if t l i e1 n . ^ si i , l* t» ,ni \ i l l i \ N»'\N .li'VHi'y m m !JS.IKI I* M. A in i I ^ t!IL'!i. fin' t h e i "ii' ( i l i - t e i i i t i s t r i i i t l i n i n m l c r i ' d t o n nf t in '

iUiil i l lOll ID til l ' | l r H \ l l l i S i lH>"l: S.l i i l n u l l . In In' l>iil Fill' III » i ' | l u i . l ! r: pit i t s ;i* ili '^rrilit' i l li> t in ' f o M i i u i n n' c u l o t i o n s : -I 1- H e n t i i l R n m l W l i l l l n l i i l K .i ^ r i u i u l i i i i K n m l K x t c r l o r S I H I I; M e t a l W o r k .

:i: K l e c t r l c a l W i n k4 : t f p t i e r i l l lilit c o v e r i n g l i a l a n c r »r

the Work.Al tln> (Inn1 niid |il»«'i> MIH>W> nn'ii-

Ilimed. litils will ho publicly oneiu'dnnrt read, AH proposal* munt benmili'In m'ninliinii' with tile t'laiia iiiulxpetlflcaiious inoiiulI'd liy I'alnier iCI'lonsky. nnil O. It. Smiili. Asnocinii'ilArchitects: copies of wlilclt plans,forms of bond and contract can heseen at the resliloncu ot tlio clerk «'Itonnl mill at the residence of O. IISmith. Aivliltwt. !>!> Kiankllu Street.Mnrrtstown. New ,lpr»cy or copies otwhich plant* ami atieclflintloiiH can lieobtained at the above places upon tliotmynient of $2.00 per set.

Kiu'li |iropoH«| must be tucompnuled '<v a certified check or cash fur-I.OOO.OO as a guarantee that the Con-tractor will execute the contract Ifawarded same, falling which saidcheck or cash shall he forfellod. amiwhich check or cash shall lie return-ed to the bidder upon the executionof the contract, and Hie filing of the

tmt i l i e


| bond.T h e c l i e t l ' i i n ' i . i * h " I a l l

' t h r e e I n w e i . i l i l i t i l i • « m i , ' i w l iw o r k w i l l I n M ' H l r t i i ' i i l i n n

•HlU ' l t i l l ' l i i i lH i l l ! ' o | H T H ' l l .I ' l ' l l l i i i n l l l M l l lUi - l l l U l l t i , ; i i > i l l l l | ) U I I

i d ! tl.V II r u l l H i ' l l ! Ill S M ' i l i l l K ' " 1 il W i l l * ' -I v C o m p i i i i v i n n I n n l / i ' i l I n ilci i i i n < l i i e h Nj i c c t u i l i i i K I n ' h i ' i i t w ( i f H i 4 1 W u i l e n fiVi-W . l i ' i H i - V . t l u i t h l i n u h l H i ' ' 1 ' i ' i ' IHWHlhe a c i ' i i U i ' d . ii "III h e r o i n e » u r e i y Int h e f u l l i i n i o u i i l of t i n ' c o i i t r i i c t , a sp r o v h l i i l In t in . s |u,i lfi( i i l l m i s imd InC h n p t e i ' 7r> ill' t in ' f.iiMH o f t!i|.H, aHiitueii i i i ' i l ii ml HUi)il>'iiiiMi!i''l h u m o fw h i c h h u m ! Is iitailc p a i l o f i h i ' *|it' i ' 'Ificullons.

' Contractors hnvr the rltrhi to estl-niiili' nil iiiuiiufuclured urlicleti nlhvr

| than J horn- ineiiiliiiicd liy inline or| style in the plntiH nml »peiifli:tilloun.I provided the artlclpH so -••••"•"•••«<i| meet th '

.„„ ithstllutwlnisei ui<. K-ii.,,., and Hpeoirip duali-ties (it (ho iiiimttl articles in the opin-ion of the Architects, and providedthe Contractor In hla proposal liststhe HiihntDutHM h<> h»» t>stimu(t*il on.with such aildllUm or nlluwnnct'B

ifront his general piopoaal as tin' usei of any substitute may ratine.j The Ronrrt of Kdticatfon of Iien-vllle, Now Jot-fiey, ri'mTWH the right

I to reject any or nil proiiosals, and to•j waive any 'iitiormuUty In ilie piopos-i als received that do not prejudice therights of other hlddern, and to acceptany proposal which they deem mostfavorable lo I heir Interests.

W. E. KEKPFE36tl District Clerk.

Note—Tln> Huni(I has extended thetime until April Sth.


monlWy insUllmentR. S

The world's premier Fash-fleeting it's influence in theminds of style loving women,ion Day. Easter Sunday is re*

The search for lovely gar-ments, for style individualityis the theme of the hour, andGreenberger's are thorough*lv meeting every demand forbeautiful distinctive appareland its accessories.

Todays showings are in*deed beautiful and an inspir-ation to the woman with newapparel problems to solve.

And what a satisfaction it isto know, that the newest andmalst chic gown or wrap, theprice that is most modest....found at Greenberger's at aceivable accessorje can bebags, gloves, in fact every con-new as the dawn, hosiery,sheerest and most intriguinglingerie, jewelry that is as

Founded on Quality!Built on Quaiity ]

'l'|,«. NATIONAL 1IKKP ('OMI'AKV ^11"^^^Meats OMalnultte. Thin IN mi Ironclud fiii,,|H,n,.,,(||| *(iixiiiil/iiiion HIKI one Hliicli IN vnU,rit,l rlirliij. u 'iniirkcls «'VITJ (Ittj o( the, yenr.

A vlMlf to nny "NATIONAL" «,.„( sh,,,, ,v l l l f m i .jou oi «.ur Quality First Policy. t ( m t |*

Lenten Fish Specials1 'ancy Boston Mackerel, lb.


l->esh God, to boil, lb. - -\0Ti: THIS I.(HV I'It UK!

Armour's "Star" Reg. Smo. Hams, lb,Rolled Boneless Pot Roast, lb. <PRIME RIB ROAST, lb. - -

Fresh-Killed Young Fowl, 6 lb. av.,lbjyFANOV DHY-PKiKKH

Frying Chickens and Broilers, lb. •Fancy Dry-Picked Young Hen

Turkeys, lb. - . . . . .Short Forequarters of New Zealand

Lamb, lb. • < - - *Boneless Duck of New Zealand

Lamb, (to roast) tb. •Rib Lamb Chops, lb. • * .

(New Zealand l-atnlii

Jersey Oranges, doz.Grape Fruit

The above gpeclalB at all New Jersoy 8tor«« HIIH Krlduy anil Siimli^

NATIONAL BEEF CO,MKxcInsir« Retailers of Qanilty Mtrntn since 1888

Miin Si Tel. 122

:; There is no Sundownfor foe

H^irfS^rviceWBTANDDAY«l«Blu«B«UFW,«nW*l«tfTd^botu Smicc, W*TM n w the new »»*'*

ilding in Ntww4c.>

Tlw bofldbf nan in f-Mt bulk twwity «ofto *.*Md tht ikr, BUHiv* BMMUM Of the ftOWiO| « * 4kttpiat ****& tebphoM (hdUttit txtoqwiM W **•



W. k *• WM Tar tf *. I U . b Urn Mw

The Segulne-Bofert Comp»ny, Inc.bis filed Incorporation theCounty Clerk'* ottlce at MorrlsWwnand will carry on tUe wnd butlritsaat Scgalna-Bocert Company at Ken-Til, New Jener. The authorised cap-


ltal stock Is•ton are Williamvll; John A. Frlch,\<»HatUe Segulne, of•nd Joa»ph D«k,with wn aharet «

Page 5: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

kjRH,«1>AV. MAItCH 21, l»iil)11 «M K A W A V I I H I I K H

:kaway Record , I' womi'ii hud any| would lie mure biuliilcii

I tv . A Hnnitiiir tit' l,i<irlslulliiii

lMDAV. MAHCH 21, 1

Local Briefs

ll MlxlVOI w i l l l ivol l l n i lr HlppH in ,•ill,,rcc tiii- law.

mi ilniHlle IHI'III-v Wi l l I,nt IIxlK <ir n i ' D H i i i l o n a l d r y l a w r u l i l s

' I ' l l . ! H|.V, WlilMM-l W ll-IMI, ,,„„(,„.|ii lur tZWMllO fur flood relief ! o M h e M<--HIIHIIH| l-ipim<,|m,| ch'uivli i>r

,'•','„ „ „ „ ! , | ,y tho Clover,,,,,' i,f I j ^ ' " ' " ! 1 , " * 1 ' ' , l l" l t 1»"!» " I" <li-'" | liver Iho Mi'iiiiirliii liny mlilieuR In


j l r HitI Itockuwiiy

wny Kebecca

I ,i covered cllali

in Friday night

Fel lows' Hal l .

eXH Of

lunchcn fromMarch 211, In

1 ; "Hiimi' three

No. M, ' Jos. Hiirrl.-.ft HOIK, lumhi.r i l e n i m .have recently pui'chused ihi. luteJIudtMiu JViir properly on Main Htrett.Tlin mill- WIIH innrie liy C'haiioH l'e<<v.i i i in i i i i l son n f Mr. Pecr'K.

MISH Liny 'l-lnlHtcuil Kuan, sinter ofHciiulur lluinlltun K. -Kami, u! Nuw.Ifl'Huy, il|(<il ye-Hlel'lhly ul her |>'lfl|iAvenue rvHtiUuu-f. Hl'ii. hurt heeii IIIlint n Mlii-irt l ime, MIBH Konn a lso

Tim MuillHdii luu<kel.hall loam Tues-i

;,,;.K,. I. rented to moot on j ^ , ^ « - j , *; sTXJ^Zgrime, 40 t0 nn. T|\iH wnMlte tlrHt de-

ilurliig which tlmR she van

1 id IH-P lmtne, Minn Uuth Nli-li-

ritiinii'il t o her dut ies nt HIP


liliiy niKitr.jlnwii Hull,

In- on

Team of the Rebecca!

March 22, in the Oddfor


lit 7 ; 45


(hiiiluB Hoffman, of MCKOOK-).„ , in upending Kevural week*li,.i son-in-law and dautrhter,inl Mi'H. W. . Calme, of lowerlW,iv road, Dinvlllo.

HUiii' Highway Comoiltwloii UP-,l"lhi' plan* for the paving of

ttnd nlx-lentlm nolloi of the Itov-uinliiort Hoad. The road In to l>oof reinforced concrete

fwil. for the Ineiili-ontiifl uml HUMwllli MIIIIIKIIII.

ii'iiin In a gfor rim 'ulueo

T l i e IIIIJHl I l l u m i n e |>le< <• o ] I f K l f l i l -Min i HjnitlM(ir* fil In t i n - N e w .h'lVH'y l , e K -i H l n l u r i ' w a n n i l o p t e i l T tH-Hi l i iy n l g h ih y I l i c H o l m e , l l p r o v i d e s p i - n n l u i i nf o r I I K I M I p i - i u o i i f . r e u c l i l i i K t h e "H" « fHI 'Vl ' l l lV. WllO HII* pi , III ' Hllll ' I 'H I ' lV l l lK , jT h o l i l l l l i t e r a l l y HIHIIIHIH-H I|I>- p i r n r - [h o u s e r e l i c o t ll l l ln. a n d . If t' l i i ' ia innma l u w w o u l d pi'i'iull HKHII pt'iHiniM Inr«tnit i i i In t h u l r h o m e w i l l i 11 p e n s i o nI ruin i | , ,- HI ;il «• hi Ili i-lr rm-Uui i iKyi-nrx. 1,'iiilcr l lu- h i l l l lu- PI-IIHIIMIM a r en o t l o e x c e e d m u r e t h t u i $1100 t o c i u uperson,

l l wan I11Irodueoil h.v AHKi-iiililyiuiinHpulr,'of Moreer i-ounly, uml sup-ported liy Assemblyman Mulr theblind member from Union: A«m>nihly-inan KUKCI1, ul' Ht>iiic!<el. ;iml Urinli-waCtc Minority l<«uder llnrlmiti, nfTludroit county. Tin- latter elilileil thpli'KlHluLurn for Having acted o n a s i m -ilar 111II fur »lx yearn, but a lways fiill-ItiK <n piiHH Hie w-.natr.

"Simii'llmi-H I Think tlit> IisfrlnlnlureIH kldillllK tin- people when [ einnebuck vuur atti'r year uuil find thut



Mai 'Hhnl I 'Vi - i l lnai i i l h ' o c h . i i lu . t i ( t l i , «r t t Noldlem of modern timtm ami

I l nf thp Allied Armythe end of the i

al »n PH-,,l I-IIHI of *U3,72l and thu StateJlvi, pvMU towardB th« wwk.

j(;l, will Im done liy MorrlH County.|n Moitdny evening, April 1st, "HIIH-

KHiheii rittiid" will give 11 CDii-ihu High School Audllorluui

lelglil o'clock, under tlm IIURPICPBI.HIIII-H' AM Society of the

i-iiy Muthodlm Church. Tlek-IIOW on niile t>y tlie ladli'H ut

I nominal price of thirty-five cent*mid twenty contn for chlld-

, of Incorporation were fll-|II tin- County CleTk'B office, ul Mor-»wn for The Witter llenlty ("0111-

10 he located ut Dover withink W. Hamilton a»«gent with ol-1 «t 21 North Suwex Street, Tim

orator* are keo T. 0, I.yoim1 John n. Merrill, Jr, with three[reH oaiih and Carroll M. SIIUDIIB1 four »liaroH, All are from New

right of ex-servlco men lo ap-[for oilmlHdlon for cttlsiennlrlp with

mii ih-Uy» \\m b««n «xt«ntled ttiv1 yriir period, according to word

Iv-il hy County Clork, Mott from.vittiralliatlou Bureau. Umlur

[Naturalization Act of Mureh 3rd,Kin In extended for two yearn

honorably diticharged noldlei'Mill. Worltl AWttr.'who were alleiiB. tofout tho necosdary forniK nud ho

citizens.'_je of the big events In tho Keanom<lirliiliiiiient will bo the gala wlil»tI (Unco to he.held In Kllto Hall,

Jet, Hauler Monday, April 1st. liy• Twllliciu Haneball League. No ef-|» n'-" being Hpared by the uommH-[to miiko th» affair on onjoyatile

tor nil. Music for the oct-nulon

it». wuttit w"l begin at 8; 15 P.I Itunclng from 10:80 P. M. !> 1:00W. The proceed* from the enlcr-Lncnt will bo uaed to place the[ring grounds In. condition for theVIOH opening on Tuomluy, May 7.'oiilght on Edward*' Alley*, onJn Strimt, the Butcher* will howlLttiBt the Bankers, Thin will IIPI firm time In two week* that theTchei-H have bowled, »o thov ouglit

> In good tihape. Every garnunow on meanB a great deal anhave only five more matches* U>

ll. Tomorrow night the Preiliyter-I will howl the MethodlHtx and|t win In order to atay In the nice.1 I'reHhytorlani have one more*li to howl with the Dutvherfl itud1 wUI probably decide the winnerihe tournament Wlilclv ondn on tho

of April.

Optiernl InIn Ille fiidd HI gwar, iiUHKcd away eurly yt'tdprihiy, nf-ur II long 111iii'HH or lienrl Irouhie.

On anlurilny, Mnrclr 23rd, Win. l\' reeman will hnvp an Auction Rule onIm Sllcklii Kami, Hllmrnln roud.

floraon, tuw«, pigs and all klnilH orfiirmhiK linpleiniMilH arc offered forHaiti, Bali' hoKlniMtt 1 o ' c l o c k p. m.

.1, I l i ' l l iv nucheller, n reHldeii!II

mIJIIIH thutyear fai led to

adopled the Pgo' Ihrough tin 8en-

ate. I hopn thin year the old peoplewho are to benefit by tills bill will notImve to conn- buck licru uifulii andupend their little money In cnrfarii '•<InlerPKt UH In IIIIH niece of legiHlatlon.I have voted for » Rlmllar hill of tIIIHtype for *ev<m yearK,"

AHMeinlilynian Mulr sold tlint thehoiiiw bud been panHlng IIUIH to pen-sion peiHoiid who are nol n« worthyUH the uged, and ll WIIK Him.' In glvn

_ 1 the poor a look In,. . . . . . . . . nf 1 • "We neem In a hurry (0 PKHH hills

Denvllle niirlnir< Ib.e Hummer nionlliH, |to lieln everyhoriy elm- exeepl thoh e e n i intHilnlet l u-oiiernI i-I i i i lni i i i i i

of the 1M:"t Cnmmnnttv Clienl enm-PfllKli In New ink The nppoliil'iieulwim iiiade hv Italnli K. hum, i>( Clmt-hain, preHldeiil of Hie Wi'lfare I'Viler-iillon of Neivark.

Al Iho IHHI nii'elhiK of the Miivormill niiuiil-ll II WOK ileclileil lo Irnlil 11nubile liearliiK on Monthly, Mnreli l!5,lu IIIHCUHH Ihe ailvlHiiblillv of inirinu-

Iniprnvonii'iilK lo the n<imughTIIIM IH a very Impn'-liinl

lo nnr inxpnverH uml MicroHhniild be a lai'Ke nltimilliiiee.

Alt Kntiler Hiipper for the boneftlof Ih" ('hiireli uml Suniliiv School willbe held Hatiirdiiv evening, Marelt aOili.nt the f'hntiel In Mnri-olhi. II IH hopedI he re will be 11 good nUetulam-c fromnm'kiiwnv ami llllMirnln, and no dotibl I pr. Thomas B. ChrlHtlan. Stute path-Ihere will be, nn ll IK well known Ihe ologlni. The au>top",v performed Bun-

1 of Manella cnn'l he henl when 1 <lay iinenlud liquid lu the IIIIIII'H 8tom-nch nud carbolic wan found In the

yy pxop thpoor," declared Mr. Mulr, I,n»t weekwe guve a judge $0,000 pension andtonight a moaat'-o providing for wld-OWH uml children of life guardx panaed. It IH about lime to ahollHh tlicuiitlquuk'il iiiiorhouneH anil let theneedy in their old a g e enjoy nom»-Ihlng of lite that Iliey were linuhle i ngel In their younger days bocntiHe ofnilm'orluiip."

Unwel l if Siilelilc

(leoi'Ke lOtlivard Unwel l , »|ce 7f,, w h owon found dead In bed Sunday morn'lug In IIIH room at 5(1 Mt. Kemhleav«nue, Morrlilown, commltlpd RUI-clrio, according to Coroner Dr. R. V.D. Tnttun, who received u report fromp Th B C h l t l St h

II comes In providing KIXUI HIIIIKM looal.

AmoiiK Hie eljthl HliideiilM whospelled 50 wordn i-orreclly '-i lh«Written Spel l ing Ciinti-nl, i-Diiilucleilby llii< Nlnrrln Countv Teni'hPrn AH-Hoclatlon, Bnturilav Hftornoon nt Mor-rlutowti. mill wore nrewsutotl will*niodulH, wn« Alfred l-ovl, of the Doverrond, RiiKkuwnv alno had onp nupll.Wvcretl MorrlH. who received OS percent on the 'lent, minding one word.

To avoid riinnliiK down 11 i-nr purk-ml on the highway and perhnim «er-InUHly Injuring or taking the life ofJItu ot'Clipiint.

k l

gdriver of a heavy

iniin's The coroner hellovoiithe cane a .-Hili-ldc hut would make no(lcl'tnltu slatcmenl until llie HlomaclcontentR had been analyzed.

TIIIH was done at the Slato Honpi-lal and It WOK found that tlie man hmtaken nurbolli: acid mixed with a HOI-11IIon tlie police believe to ha liquor,Howoll was formerly a resident o'Dover.

llome-tnnile (nillers, a(iirnell'N Ten Itooiii, DenvIlle, \ewJemey, HBt

iruok early tliln morning ran his machine over a curb and on the IHWII ofn pnity living on the t>over vond. thtiHavoiding Iho accident. Part of thocurbing was lii-olieu', and the luwnlorn up. lint for nil thin the truckdriver Hliowod niilck pn-Honco of mindfor which he Hliould he commended. I

tor nn. music iv»r u » ««=«:....».. , The Mt. Tabor u.ul nimvlllo Sun-'he furnished bv the Lakeland Or- *hlno floclety hold .1 c< verc ilM.

- luncheon on Tuesday at Iho home orMrs. 8. A. night PI' on Main street.Denvllle. Around thirty-five and the not proceeds amount-ed tn The prococdH will heUHOil for local charily pnvpiwos anilIho niluil Ilahles Home al Snimnltt.Mr*, (leorgn ". Whllhnm, of Mnln HI.,who In a member of llie society wnnon tho committee who arranged theluncheon.


The (lirls1 Ill-V met on Mondaynight lit tho home of .Imio (Iriiits.

The Hoys' Ill-Y met wllh Cllirelicl'Uittlg on Monday night.

"Tho Ziindei-dump WIMII Ing" prov-ed very BIIOOOHHIHI last Friday night.The plw was well BMended r •' goodaddition to Ihe school fund WIIH renl-

A now service station ut the Junelion of the nnw State Highway nlDoiivllle wait opened on WeiliniKdn>by Kverott Proeninh, of MovrlBtown.

;Doard: iwlil the

of Freeholders last Ized.Clieer pi'cllce Is being hold every

bill* of Special Prone- , , | i y , | l lB We«k to got the rooters mfcr Wilfred H. Jsyrte who Invontl-1 trlni for Ihe debute «l "Wharlon <iM Into Morris County'w deplor-

1 condltloim In 1020 and 1027. The: when presented was considered

• high hy the Freeholders and theyV1 ' " reduction thru SupremeIrt Justice Charles W. Parker, whoI HiiocoBsful In having them reflue-nt thousand" d o i l m . l l WI\B noc-

fry to take out an emergency note«y the bill, thl* being the flrsi onelevoral year*.

i f Dover Elki' Bowling toam leftVork, Tuesday afternoon for

In company with the NyackCompany team. A private

t ""I carry the bowlerH onroutc. (will uttond the American Howl-j

[Coiigrosg,, Th?, Elks .bowled thenflohi 101 KH team, Sunday . iift,or-

tho Dover Arcanum Inuox[won two out ot throo gamoH, Tho

' twwle'jri appeared to be In fine j»nd Hhould Mhe succosittul nl |

»*o- . T W will roll in tJio.'lyii-iwo-nia'n and Individual OVOIIIH.

Friday night,The Seniors and Freshman look

charge of atmombly «'" Monday morn-i g. Alva Maddon played throo pop-

••inv nlniio numbors and Wvorott Murlulnr piano numborsd t i l i n »

ulnr piano numbplayed two violin »olo».

The Freshman proneiilod n comi l d "Hnry Hlreij Ih* Co

omical1 111) r I unit,.i«, 1 1 •• - , .,

Bklt entitled, "Henry Hive* He Look ."That the Plvo Day Labor Plan

Should ho Adopted In all AmericanIndustries" Is tho subject of l i e de-bate In which Hockaway will upholdthe affirmative lu Whnrton on Fridaynight. March 22, HRUSN


Sold ByItockawAy IA'IIIKII Ciml Co.

Rorkawny, N. 3,

T HIS money that people invest with UH goeB tn fin

am* home building. And thameans "good tlnieB" locally foioarpentere, bricklayers, teamBters, pnlnters, electriciansplumbers and all othera in tinImlldlhg trades.

RockawayBuilding & Loan

Associationfleo. E. Ftalicr


<•>• deliberating more thai] eightn Jury '•• the Morris County

for aetsfons. Court Tuosday nightd t t Uty

o Cour gtl with a verdict,.at guUty

t Ruasoll Conklln, Chiof of tboHill police on an InrilctmoiitNK him with oxtortlon. Withrillct of guilty, however, themieii up a rouommendatlon forConklln will probably bo »ou-

l''rldfty morning, It l» uniler-Itowever, that an appeal will

oil to the Supremo Court, Twto i'» of the Mine .Hill Towunhlp Itt Indicated nt the done ofat they would finance tho up-Conklln In the event tho vor-« »Mlnst him. -Hla attorney,A. Prloe, WM undecided upontue to be taken.


—to our M«>IMIN HIHI imtroiiH In Itockawuv umlvlHnlh." ««' «»> «!»« » Hliire. • t\w Manhull HiK f"«.u.rly oM-Nplod ••) •»»' « « W «>«"•

/ (ominiiiy HHHhviiw l»opnrtm«nt In NorthX Htrwti l»«wr. K. .1. '

Saturday, March 23rdWe will w r y » *llU llm> " ' Vmtn *' l 'm|irfl "nr t

nn n ts


nnit, NKW JEKNKVTelephone Dover 1283

: \u-rr.sIf viu have mil >«-l HI-I-II ' U I I Tr ia l" j

V i l l l l l l l H I i K ( I I I H I , l i n l i i y 1,1 I l i n i u r i ' O W ,

•lite la>M Uvu lliiyH of Illl- mil or Ullh*; ull-tiilhfUK itirlure. I<jf llie lllOiil UIUUKIIIK i-Miueily i

of the year playn Haiurday I'•• ael« nf e jce l l e l i l vauilevllle. j'1'rnp anil pep." wllh Duvlil j

olllim and Naiie.v D iexe l In the ruu-jiroil nileB. Thu Btory of thin highly.itt>rluiiilng i i l i lure IK HIHIUI Ihe'annllloii of a huHhfiil hoy to Jhethlnlli prUlf of 11 nilllijirv urmli'iny.liere In- lluliiti to i lupllenie the famuittt was onee liehl hy his fullierOeuiKe M, Cohen IIIIH WI'IH- • iniiiiv

lays, hm never OIK- nuliu BO merri lyUIIIIHI UH "The Home TIIWIUTII".• lileh In lo lie Hiicii 111 I hi linker«xt Mniiilny. TuvNAay and Weilin-Bilay

the Warner linos, all-talking ver-lon. All tho l>li'i'iliH!H« uml gsiml, llioItty il lulogue, I lid ilefl lurn of cx-

irettHlon ami »ltualUm, IIIIK Iwen pre-lerveil.

The earn Is 1111 exi-vpilonal one, nil>olug Klui'H of tlie K|ieaklliK utagu, andhe dlory Is Ilinl of,, two middle-agedmwlest who coino together offer ycaraif iippiirallon. Hohert McWnile Is theine w h o IIIIH marrlnit anil Nettled do» ,u the home town; Hlchard Uonnet,ho oilier, a man'Who IIUH invaded Iheilg town, made much money, andIOW InvlleH bin old-time friend lo«ln« to tlie city to act agjiln bentian. MvWade suddenly srotH Ihe

innch that hlu friend IH being decolv-id by the young lady, whom he IHlire imiHt be an adventureu«. in theHy he berates IIIH pal with such ear-

lOBtni'HH that a quarrel ensue*; hn'neeH ihe girl and her family ami ac-

Illom of being all yiut IH notnred right! ho HIITH up Huch a

eneriil squabble that tho girl liloukHhe p.ngagemo))ti her parentH andirother threaten action for HIIIIK"-—•ild wife thlnkB he has gone mad, andIH friend IS at IIIH wits' end. Tho

inravellug <if thin iioemlngly hope-:es» uuiglo comploloR a ' ••' play,jerfeclly plnyoil, "The Home Town-jrs" linn nn Infectious gayetv that

' ulescrllmlile, ami Vltaphone sooms0 rejoice In registering 11 one hun-Irod per cent erooklos« glory about>lkn who. ore .lust folkH. It's wellwi l l twenty Union tho price you'lliav to BOO and hoar It.



Tlio annual meeting of HII> «hare-ldnm of Tho Ilocknwny Ilulldlng"*

Loan AHsnclntlnn will be held in theirRoomH, No. .11 Wall Btreet, Rocka-way, N. .)., on March 28th, 1020, forthe purpose of election of Directorsfor three years and for Auditors forone year and sucli other biiHlness usmay be necessnry. tis provided for bythe Constitution.

Polls open from 7 to 8 p. M.Kocknwur Bulldliiir Si ' < Axs'n,

30t2 (Jeonre K. Flxhrr, SeereturT



U WIII Notice That EAST-ER Comes Early This

Year. Come In ahead of timeand get your New Spring Suit

Made-to-OrderI'Mne choice of beautiful goodsat keen and modest prices andfashioned to your own liking.

If you are going to wear yourold suit, come In and let usclean and press it.


Rockaway, N. J.We gpeclalliie In French Dry

Cleunlng and DyingPhone 420 Rockaway


Any gem ctfperl will tellyou that. And it is in thesecold months that, you ap-preciate how near coal isto a precious stone. Justnow there is more comfortIn coal than In diamonds.Try our "black diamonds"and you will find thatwhat we say Is true. Wehave all kinds and ourprices are right.

Lewis A. StraitHione 12 or 2-tV

Garden ToolsNow in tin- time to gel tin- ynrd and gardtm cleaned.


PruningTlii' grap«! viiifiH and tre«n should be pruned. We have

tbo pruning.shears which aro host suited to the Job.

Sprays and Sprayers.Dormant sprays like SOALECIDE should be applied

now. The material Is cheap and HPRAVER8 ARE PRIC-ED VERY LOW.

DeVoe Paints andVarnishes

Time to think about the spring painting, too.

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackweli St., Dover Tel. 947

Open Saturday Evenings

(duntf't Only T»lklnir I'M lire I'heatreMATJNKJ'iB • ' and BVKN1NQ


Today-TomorrowWarner Bros. Greatest

All Talking Picture

"ON TRIAL"II Pauline Fredericks ^

H e a r Bert LvteM S e eChina Night Friday Only

5Saturday-This Day Only


Vaudeville Acts 5also


L , Tuew., W«MI., Mnrch 2.V34I-27

See-"THE HOMETOWNERS"~HearK. H, Sparnon and His Orchestra at All Performances

For The Quarter Ending March 31,1929

The Hoard ofi Managers have declared an Interest Divi-dend for the Quarter ending March HI, 1021), at the REG-ULAR rate of 4}4% \wt Annum, and an EXTRA InterestDividend at the rate of J4 of 1% |M*r Annum, payable April

1st, 102ft


January April July October

llepuxlls made <m *tr Itrturr Aprllil, (Iron luieient (ruin April Ut, llttft


T h o ONLY Savlnifs Hank in MorrlN Ciniiitj

Xttxetn Over #l:i,4IMUMHMH) Dollars


Page 6: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings



38-40 VV. Blackwell Street'phone Dover 92

Smart Apparel for the Easter Costume

Coats according to the mode featuringrapes.-half capes, new collars andscarfs, furs and sleeve treatment,

in the soft beige tones, corporal blue and black- -ofbroadcloths, kashas, sal ins. crepes and velvets-*- fordress wear..... . .

$25(rtlu>rs to $.*>».»<)

for Sports Wear—Smartly mtin-tniloredcoats of fine tweeds and"camels" cloths.

$25.00others $15.04) to

Frocks for every occasion—of print-ed crepes, printed chiffons,flat crepe, georgette and

lace. New prints that Paris deems smart, print andplain color combinations in ensemble effects, soft fig-ured,chiffons, filmy laces—and the new shades in geor-gette and flat crepe as well as Navy and Black.

Some at

$15others $10.60 to

Millinery*« • • • ! «•* * « . ] t k 1 mm. ^_ !•> H ^ 1^ . . | _ fe

of unusual charm—copies of originalimports from the recent Paris open-

, , , , ™ — iugs—in a wide range of Spring col-o n - e n d black. These are both youthful and matron stvles—new notesbeing folded brims, flanged sides and exposed ' • -" c a ^ I l e w n o l e s

ace simply irresistible.

$5 to $12.50others frcnn *I.9S

Store HoursWeekdays 8:30 A. M. to 6 P.

Saturdays 8:30 A. M. to 10 P.

Accessoriesin good taste and so smart-yet—inexpensive

Spring Bags$2,95 - $4.95

Chic—youthful new models of finecalf—and grained leathers. Somefeature the last in shell frames—with hand painting.


FlowersGenerous clusters of rich, colorfulflowers in the desired shades.

Costume Jewelryand the new Wooden ('holers and Sun-tan Pearl Necklaces armEarrings—Chanel, Crystiil. I earand smart combination i-itects iEarrings, Necklaces, Uiac (lets anaBrooches.

Special Sale of Pure Silkfrom toe to top

Chiffon Stockings$1.29

•Very fine guage. witli n-inforre"heel and toes for extra scnici'. l<"r

Spring's-newest,sizes 8V-.- to H>

GlovesOf French kid—at

$2.95to match and blend with one's Eas-ter apparel.

ScarfsTriangles, squares and long scarfs, |that lend a certain charming dasn |of color to the new Easter coat—

$1.59 to $4.98 .


" > ^ ' .:

Page 7: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

. MARCH «.


IcManus Bros. InMorris County

jersey Firm Takes Oier New-!"% liii.' Furniture («.. «t M«rrl». j


• M£>Tiu HI'WB., who have jiihi t;ik-ovi'i- IIIP Newton Furniture Co.. »tgiirrihvi'll avenue, Morrislnwn, is

i,r ilic oldest establishment nf,kin.l in New Jersey,[early half a century ago, In \i.v-

Lbei', Iss"> Walter and JOHCPII Me-formed a partnership under

, name of MeManus Bros., oc<:upy-,a sum1 on the uecond floor at The

*1 corner of Mulberry andLrket streets, Newark, N. J.ihortl.v afterwards the firm moved[pew quarters at 234 Markel street,

f years later opened a branchlEliaalieth, N.1 J-

011 the growth of the NewarkI D S commanded larger und fln-

fiiuarters, and a new building was•toil al 8.1 Market street.eveiul years later the properly a(

't street was also added, andMlanus Uros. took its plui:u as one

leading stores of the i-lly of

Ivrark.Jin issft. a threerHtory addition

, niad<' to the Elizabeth store.Several years laler, however, Mc-t u s liroH. sold their Newark prop-

mul consolidated all^tlielr rc-ju'rees iiml energies on the develop-lot (if their Elisabeth business, .1Inclusion which resulted in lht» ile-

ni of one of the fines! rc'iailLllure establlshmenlH of its kind[this part of the country.

he present Elizabeth store is ajlendkl monument to the Inltatlve,jterprise and straightforward hon-

I ami integrity of the founders, andbuilt by the sons, Ambrose and

Lry MeManus, president and vice-lesident respectively, as successors| their father and uncle, and the•at building was dedicated to themory of these pioneers In the re-

tumiture industry.iThe branch that MeManus Bros.Ive now opened on Speedwell Aven-}, Moiristown, reflects the spirit oflie parent store in Elizabeth.["The same policies of courtesy, fairiallng, honest presentation of hon-; merchandise," says Ambrose Mo

janus, president of MeManus Bros.,|ll these will be paramount In the

ifluct of the Mbrrlstown store, as1 are In Elizabeth. We want the

lople of Morris County to have theme unquestioning confidence In









is !ABOVE"




REG'LAR FELLERS Puddinhead Falls For Another Joke By GENE BYRNESwNOPT'.tOOIK





MuMatiUH Bros, nv do tin- pcopli- of |Union County iii tlu.. oli|i;v Hiori'. For ;nearly fifty years McManuH Bros, have jbuilt good will and made thousands of ifriends. It is such a background thai |we bring to thin new branch." j

McManua Bros., of Morristown,Is In charge of John F\ Daubncr, whois not only manager, but secretary ofthe Morrlslown company.

NoticeThe Mayor and Council of tne Boro

of Rockaway will hold a public hear-ing on street improvements Monday,March 25, 1929, al. S o'clock P, M., inthe Municipal Building.

This meeting will be open for dis-cussion to the citizens of the Borough,and all are invited to be present andexpress their views.


SAM CIARDIStreet, near First Nut Jo mil Hank

Cleaning and PressingOur work Is done thorough and clothes made to look new

VVfi also dye iiny kind of garment and do mendingWe cover Buttons with cloth to match garments

Telephone Rochftwdy 421

J. H. Blanchard & Co.Manufacturers 01

ROCKAWAY J1AJVD HADE AXESwith or without handles

All kinds ot Edge Tools and LawnMowers Sharpened

Union St. Phone Kockanaj 7*


Carpenter and BuilderEstimates Given

Xel. 46 P. 0. Box ittJobbing a Specialtjr



Itcst lirades of Old ('oiiiiiiiiiyN

Lehigh and PlymouthRed Ash Coal

JVl. 216 and 430 RockawayPROMPT DELIVERIES

Rock Drills Auomobile SpringsLawn Mowers Sharpened Plumbing


General RepairingTelephone Kockawoj 4M

Aall kinds (it tools ground and sharp-ened

Shop: Cor. Union St.. Illbfitilft Ave.UOCKAWAT, N. i.

GEO. B. WHITHAMEmb aimer

and Funeral DirectorCareful service and prompt attention

Klvon to all calls, day or night.Tel. KocUnBy 74

Funerul Pnrlois—Main StreetI ROCKAWAY, N. J.

Please N o t e . Store located o n the Main Side Street, 3 doors from United Cigars Store, on Sussex St.New Store Opening

Sale Now On!10 S. Sussex Street

Xcxt fo New York Variety Store





Not No. 1 - - - $3.95Lot No. 2 - - - $4.95Lot No. 3 - - - $6.95


Lot No.Lot No.Lot No.Lot No.323333333

1 - - - $5.952 - - - $6.953 - - - $7.984 - - $9.75

NEW STOREOpening Sale Now On




Dresses $4.98100 WOMEN'S

Printed Silk Dresses

Sixes 40 (o 52


Heavy Crepe SilkDresses

$7.98VUIUPN to $10.08


$14.98 Silk Dressesto go Hi;

" $9.75ItituuUful Shades


New Spring Sport Coat «to go at


Spring Dress Coats)« OH »}

$10.98, $12.98, $14.98WOMEN'S AND MISSES'

New Spring TailoredCoatsto go at


Exclusive Dress Coats$15.98 to $22.98

New Store OpeningSale Now On!

10 S. Sussex StreetNext to New York Variety Stow




SOUVENIRSLadies' and Misses'


$6.98, $7.98, $9.98

LADIES' HATSAbout 200 Ladies' llatH. at from

$1.00 to $1.95Theso are new hats, most de-sirable shades. Fell mill SI raw.Worth from $2.!»r> to $5.95. Youwill feel dressed \rp to date ifyou wear one of these for Kas-ter.

Beautiful Silk Dresses to go atOpening Special


Page 8: ROCKAWAs Y · 1 CALVIN LAW.KKN'C K National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Commencing April 1st, this bank will open a Savings

DoverMr. nml Mn. lililumi ..(

l'rln'-i-loii uvi'iiui'. have l>M'ti eiilirtalnlng ll» lnlU-i'* iiunl. Minn KltinIn-Ill Illi-e. cif Illulraliiwn

Mm. licorge II ticyi-r. . T Wlmrion.•tin* llii- Hpi-uker HI tin- niiulitr iiurllllg of thf HottlltnW. llnlm- nml HrhiMilAHIMK-IIIIIIIII venlfrdiiv nfli-rnooii. Mr»<ieyer Hiwtkt IHI home utitl arhiHil HfrIn I 'Ii I nn II iminlcnl program, »»«given mill 1'i'fienhmi'lilK nerved'

.Mr MIIII Mm llownrd 11 King, ofSouth Morrln mreetfrom *rve nil week* vacation *peiitIn viirloii" purtn of Florida

A »on ha« nrrlvi'd m lite hum*- nlMr. mid' Mr». Wllllum Killer, In MIIIP

mn,Mr nml Mm -lluvVI-M Smith, of

' Krry. Jr, uf Ruiherforrt, » « f ')>•• n<

Tin- f«r<- rtt>V4Uiu<-iit «u* mlliMl outabout 1 ;HI Monday morning lo v\-

, tlnguioli .1 Man- in III*1 cellar nl !MI'liim-iuii avrnuc. Tin- bulltllHK, «flume (l^t'JIiHil 1* owned by Mrs Annir Hrrt, who m i uptt'ti the iirmrttneiilmi I lie XHOIIII Hour ami (ieorge Tuy-Hn h»» « gnxerv MUM1 mi the lirst

itw ftr* Itavuig Iweii ronftnril (m tlu-ino«: purl lo tli>< Imnciiu-nt.

Mr mid Mr* William C. Newman.if Nonli HUHKC* utrrel. me

him- returned ing Mr*. Harold Sleron uiulot Hrooklyn.

Mm. A. W. Hrockway. of Irvlngtnn,tin* returned liome iiUer HpeiiilliiKmime time with her parents. Mr. mnlMr». .li"i|ih Jamm, hi Mmoln Avv.

A nivneil tllnh luncheon lor Hie1'uteiKoii, were guenln on Hunility of iHiiefll of the Young WUIUUU'H AUX-Mr. mid Mr« ( liinnee K IMider, In Ulnry of the Flrnl MelhodlM CliurcliHnrvartl «tr«et. * in M n g held toilny nl the home of

Mm. K. •<'. SIIUIBJ1, of McP»rl«n St.. Mm. ('(are-rf K. I'mler, In HurvordIi B piitlenl In Mountulniilile Hnnulinl. «ireet.Monii'luli1 Mlim Mury Mruke, u mnMC ul Dover

Funenil Nerving for Mr« Miorge th«ner I Hoiiptlnl *pt*ni HIP week-i'inlK. RM>V«, of Hullierfont. H former tt-n|, h«>r imrei"' Mr. nnil MIH. II. Srcnldeiit of HtirennuhnK. wrre held on Orake. at'Tniiiqulllty.Huminy with liilprment In fliireanunmi ,,. Cliltf and ,Vh»Pretrtiyterliin reinei^rv A dHUKliiernnd two poll* Murvlve. >

Mm. .1 I.I, IlulHitrt. of Hoinh Mor-ris Hlrei'l. I'lilerlniiied n number offrlnndH IIIHI Tliurxilay m n Bi Vat*rlek'« lillli•tieon. lirlilue mid lAiriy.

A HUi'i>rlt*e imriy wit* tenderpd W\T, Hurrell. nl IIIH home In trinihinnn•venue, (in Hundiiy. In honor nf lit*flfty*)tliiltti lilrtluhiy. (lueitM wereprPHf nt from Neu*iirk. lleltevllle,Whnrioii .'mil

Kn>il W. tNil-IK ill. uf Sunfuril hlri'ii. lire liiivlnit nnew K'utnmvv Immi' rvcvlcd ut W<«KI-port 1'iii'k, Luke IIII|IIIIIIHI([.

Aniiuumi«mv"l l»>* li'H'ii inuili" (itthe I'llKiigillii'ilt uf MIMH Million YnilliailaiiKliiiT of Mr. nml MIH. (iiovurVoting, of UvlngHlon Avcniii', In Mr.Kilunnl ( liurilllll. of Ilila plmi'.

Tin1 r<'gulnr litmlni'KH unil HOIIIIIi K l 1 f

Pre-Spring Opportunities111*'

iwn ini-l l o l h m a c - r i a l n n d I n l i n r <i»s!-s i i i v l o w i ' r

w i . i . c i - t h a i , a l » H i . - r » l m . - . ><•( n H U i t r o t I w

p o i i i i n t t a < l i ) j ¥ IICIMI l o H s c n in ( | i m l i t y o r s k i l l .

h o i i c t s f u l l y i i i i p r o v i - d . l u t v r !><"'» c n - c t o d a l l><

i i m l I I I V o l f i ' i c d f o r nul l ' ;il p r i c i - s m u c h l o w e r n o w

( l u i s c »Init w i l l l i n ' v a i l I n t e r .

T I I . - H I ' h o n u ' s . ( . n t a i n f r o m s i x l o ' ' ' l K l l t ' ^ { K

a'ro I t U T r n ' o J s ' t l T . . D o w n j » i i y n w n i n , $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 t o $ 1 ,

H a l a i i r i ' f i lmier t l i n n p a y i n g r' -nl .

••III,. priMii' of Ilif iiuildlnit Is ft* fiiOiiK tlnrnif"

f lmme- UK*- the ubove H,ipi><-« '" ">w- v'-''v r"w l'1"'1'"' '""Illf (tlW IK


Knlly impi'DViilIIOl'SKS

$6,175 upTcrni.i

Dpnuillr parkHttU* suite Hlgliwaj

I'lioiie ItiirKiniiiJ '<6I

Open Dally l n ' l l !•:«» !'• M.


e, | iiit'ellnit of tin- Koworili I.eiiKUei Klml M. K. f'hurcli will lie held In

Ili-iiliilinlii (inliiiril, of Cliurcli piirlorn inniorrow nlghlineuiie. I'lilerliilneil « iiiint- I eight o'clock. A. good nlleiiiliuici

nf frli'Mil" • Tuemluy •'.veiling' l» i ilrKlrnl. -1)1 IT) cplelirilie 111", elltlllll blrlll- ; .———IV———


lilt« Iiml pniiuiiKitilii. Kvcryotit' IHto hfdv he now IIIIH it chuiicc towiver,

Mr. nnd Mm. A. V, Tvinx nml

MIHH Kllaibell i Ilix-hluic. "f Wlinv-ton imil Flnyi l -Hlmrn, of iiil» p l i u f jwore mnrrli'il. IIIHI Tlnirxdiiy In lln«' The coiiilltloli of the mm of Mr. nndT*roftuy!i'i'!iii) MiinfO' nl It nYtork liy Mr^ l'eler V. f oo ld of the Dliiinondthe poHtor, lli'V, I,i'«l« II. KIIIKIII. I HiirliiR Itoml IH xonii'wliiit ImproveilMr, mid Mr*. I.HOHIIIII KeeiH-were the jnfiei' IK'IIIK unllu er l t ln i l Hnliiriliiyittteiidiinlii. A weildliiK illnner w«« | und Hiimhiy. l i e IK Hiifriirlng nomenerved follnwInK the ci-retininy nnd j pnt'uinnpiu and d i l rkeu-pox . Dr. I t ' ' 'tlio hnppy nil lple left for u wedillllir ( o f MorrlHlown, In the ullei idltm phyx-trlD to j inffnlo iiml Cumuli! lelmi. Thl» IH tlie third t ime I'etor, .Ir,

Mr. mid Mix. Albert v linker, ofHngur Htri'ot, mid Mr, uiid MIH, CUIIH.A. Dukor, of Kenvll , huve teltiriiedfrnin n trip In the Hoiilh.

Mm. I'HIII Drexol, of Conner Hired,e-ntertalned the menihet'H (if the hud*lea' Aid Horloty of Hie Trlnlly l.uth-ernn Chiinli IIIIH iiflermion

A number of Iilendn of *" •• llmtclI ainnrHon uiive ln-r n Hurjii'lue partylMt week In lioimr of her fonrleenthbirthday.

Mr, and Mm. ('hnrlea Ikiwuiuu, nfSouth MorrM MIipet. ure the proudnarontK nf u Imhy girl, Imrn ontax. '' w

The rcRiilnr iiionlhly inc< 11 r - ofthe Nnrtlmlde Home mid School *«-HOcliltlon WIIM held In thn iiiiilltoiltimTueadny nftornnnn. Hnv. K. ,f. Hu-baoh addrcMnoil the KiilhiirliiK nnd thepupllii of Mr*. IloHlium'H room unve> St. Patrick'* nlnylet.

MlM Marlon .lamon, or Lincoln riv-«nuo, rdturneil from n vlnii with herHitter, Mm. Normnn K. Halg, In RUth-mond, Va.

Mr*. J«me» Ontlrull, of nyram av-•nue. in aorloUHly ill nt her home.

John h. UlnKx, pruHldont of th« In-e«l KlwanU ('!»!> nnd ,1. Frnnk flpnr-go havo IIIHJII elected delegate and nl-ternato to thn Internatlnnnl KIWKIIIKConvention In Milwaukee.

Announcement hn» hnnn ninde nfthe marrlnge on fiulurdny of Minn Ag-ue* H. Trngnnownn. daughter of Mr.ami Mm. Freil VI. Tregannwan, of lin-ker avenue and Waller II. Illllnr, ofBoonton The cerMnony WIK per-formed at tho Mule Church Aroundthe Corner. In Now York City. MinnMildred Engel, of Parnmlr ai»< IJoutft

pled by MIKH Wllllenu II- «"il HarryI' DUkeiHon lx lii-lii* <ut iicriWB bytill- i4tnie Hlghwiiv ConiinlHHlon for nimtUul if-idiulnn of Htiit« HlghwiivNo, n. Mmiy of the large troox hiivrIMM-II ml down ii"d to moMl of tl»>piHiple In llil« coinmunlty It «eeni» miuiiiiei-i'Hwir.v deHlrnyliig of boimtifti!pi'operty.

Mm. Vmiderhoof who IIIIH been i«-cupyliiK Hie tllliiiore property formuni) time wim Miki'ii to the MemoriallloHpltiil, WedncHduy. She IB 6» yearnof llgu and IH HUfferlng from IIIK'IliliHiil i>v(>«»un> which linn kc|it her Inher bed coiiBtmilly of liitc.

Mr, nml Mr«. I'lmiKeon und fuinllyol Denvlllc Park Inivp yacnted theliroperty iitii'chuHed it yeur ngo by Mr.iiml Mm. Frederick Ohrt, and liavu

I moved In u hunpalow near the riverIn lliu I'lirk. Mr. nnd Mm. Ohrt ex-

1 pect Hoon to move I nto their ownhome, 'They bnve bei'ti ocuupylng the

j hmiHe of Wllllan- .lonkliiH In the Park.

daughter. !.„„•„,.„. of the MorrMown J i t ^ L w " ? . . " w t k T NewKIMII, n[iont Hundiiy lit llrndtpy HcucliIIM the KUoHtH of tlui roriiii-i'H pnrontH.

Mi'H. Nlni'ttu Suriolil, or OrcluirdHtri'i't, 1'iitortiiliiiHl ilin Unity lllhloCIHHH nt her homo Tucudiiy i>vonln|(.

Mm. Wllllum ('line, of OrchardHlriici. und Mm, Htowiirt I'cur, ofMuIn Hli'cot, went lo Si-riuiton. I'n,,Friday, to vlHlt Mr. Cllno al Ihn I). I,.& W, It. R. HoHpltai. Mr. Cllnn n<t-compnnlud them home for tho wnck-mid. HO II) roeolvlng trtintmvnt for(ilia of hla cyoM. having gotten MOIIIOa<ilil In II while ot work Mv«rnl wi!i>k«ago nt llio KlnrMlnnd shopn,

The tM. I'utrlckn Pnrty glvon underih" iiu"pli'«« of tho Friendly Cluh offhlH plnco In the P. 0. a. of A, Hull,Suturdny livening wan u HUTOOIK, CV-eryono having had a good time.

Mm. Kdward McCaulay, of nioh-wnod Terrace nnd Mm. Alfred 8lppl«,of the Fox Hill Road are oacli nwnenof new automolillod, Mm. McCuuley'abolng a Whippet nnd Mm. Slppli.'o nrvrtl,

Firty-four pooulo unjoyod th« lirldgoparty given at tho hnme of Mr. nndMm. Hamuol C. Morrlx, of IndianLake, Pr-lday afternoon and evonlngfor the nenetlt of tho Denvlllo BoySeoul Troop. Ticket* were HOIII for50c ouch,

. , T h « Property of thn lut« M,.. midMm. LlwrlM ntokei-non, o)>poiiUe th*DenvllU pom office, and now ocuu-

uhle to return to Ii IYork Oily, iiUer IIPIDK home BevernlduyH with toimlllllH

o — — —

Mr, nml Mrs. Kdwnrd McKonna, ofIndian l-nlm huve returned from utwo-week trip to Huv«na. Mrn. M«-Kunnn entertained ut bridge Thurtt-ilny, Mm. Wllllum Nolan and Mn..loHoph I)i>ok«r, of Mountain Lakesand MI'H. ('lauile Bhoemaker, of Dov-er mid Mrn. Olln McOtownn, Mrs.11 mi IT Koeffe, Mrs. LoHoy Grove, undMr»' (Iriien Otl. of Denvllle.

— P _ — o

Relief From CurseOf Constipation

A Battle Creek physlolnn myB."Constipation la responsible for moremlaery than any other oaute."

But limnnulnte rsltet hai been foundA tablet culled Koxall OrdorJJes hasl (Uncovered. This tablet attractswater from the nytitom Into the lary,dry, evacuating bowel called the col-on. Tho water looaenn the dry foodwimte and causes a gentle, thorough,natural movement without forming ahabit or ever Increasing the dose,

Htop nurturing from constipation.Chow a Rexall Orderll nt night. Nextduy bright. Oet 24 for 26c today atOlerard'N Drug Store. <

To be smartly dressed is a minorproblepi providing one knows whereto go for their clothes.

To buy economically and wisely isanother problem which is a bit moreserious andiherefore suggests you toPay the Mother & Daughter Shoppea visit to help you solve these prob-lems.

Ouir Spring Line is SmarttNew and Different

In tho Henne of being individual and our prices are umasslngly low ut all times. We car-ry a full line of coats, suits, ensembles, go WDR, (IreBHett, nwoators, sklrta, hats, glovesbags, Jewelry, underwear, hosiery,

A Visit to our Shoppe will be Worth Your While

Mother & DaughterShoppe

1 E. Blackwell St. (cor. Sussex St.)

Easter isDress-up Time

2-Pants SuitsThat's exactly what everyman does when he buys two-touftern suits here. For style,or quality and value, they're

great "buys" right now at

Hart, Schaffner &Marx Hand Tailored

Suits At$35 and $45

Mothers!One whole floor de-voted to boys exclus-ively.FREE —Boys' guar-

anteed stem-windwatch with every suit

from $12.50 upFREE — Harmonicawith every boys' Suitand Top-coat from

$3.95 to $9.85

MEN! Your NewSpring Hat is Here

$3.85 and $4.50Stetson's fS.&O and $10.00

Salny Bros.34 Speedwell Ave.Morristown, N. J.

Correct Clothes ForMen und Boys


8oH and Delivered at I>envllta

Bj Itockawajr Uhlgh Coal Co. ,

Tel. Iloekawar 408


"Pride of Lake Land Centre'Quality Always— —Telephone m

Chuck Koast, JUb.Fresh Hamburg, 1b.Prime Rib Roast, lb.Small Fresh Picnic Hams, Ib.Regular Fresh Hams, lb.Smoked Premium Flams, lb.Legs of Spring Lamb, lb. -Shoulder of Spring Lamb, lb.D east of Spring Lamb, lb.Salt Pork, lb. - -Lean Boneless Bacon,

whole or half pieces, lb,Home-made Pork Sausage, lb. . 35jStrictly Fresh Eggs, doz; • ., 4icPabst-ett Cheese, pkg. • • • 33cWrights Thousand Island Dressing 22c1 Ib. tin White House Coffee

with pkg of Tea - • • . {gj1 lb. Tin Astor Coffee • - . 47C

Fryers, Roasting Chickens and FowlA Specialty

• 29c

• 35c• 25c

30c• 39c• 30c

• • 18c


Tonkin & Hoffman Store!GENERAL MERCHANDISE

Where Quality is the First Consideration

We Never Sacrifice Quality for PriceSPECIALS THIS WEEK

Fancy New Jumbo Peanuts, green, lb. lit]New Crop Brazil Nuts, large, just In, lb. -.MGenuine Head Rice, lb. 0c '.... 3 lbs. Stt]None Such Mince Meat, pa. 18c 3 fur 2(cIPosts Bran Flakes, pa Ih]Mueller's and Armour's Cooked Spaghetti, pa. llelHershey's Cocoa, small 9c—large 1-2 lb lfciRed Hat Chtrry Peppers, qt. jars MilDill Pickles, qt. jars MelQt. Jars Sweet Gherkin Pickles Me jMarisch lno Cherries, . 5 oz. bott le MB e e c h Nut Crackers, al l var ie t i e s , new pa jEducator Toastere t tes CrackersNBC H o u s e h o l d Cookies , l a r g e pa

Campfire Marshmal lows , full lb. pa

Prompt Free Delivery

Tel. 101 51 HiberniaAvd



"The Last Warning"See The Theatre Ghosts At Wovk

ALSO COMEDY AND NEWS—2:20-?-i>'.00 _

SATURDAY—MAT, k BVH 2:20, 7 * J * |


"FIGHTING COURAGE"COMBDY A NBW»-Mat. Only—TSwan-Kiddles1 Parly

FREE BUNNIES TO KIDDIES. 'Holding Lucky TlcketB __

MON. A TUBS.—Two Pictures—SAME PRICK 2:2O-7-8:l5

Lota Wilson in Emll'.Tannlnml»

'•'Sally's Shoulders" "Passion^JWEDNESDAY, THUHSDAY, FRIDAY MATl * •

"ISLE of LOST MEN"COMKDY AND NBW8-'2:20, 7 & 9

FREE—Silver Friday Night — China 'V


Carpenter ContractorJOBBING A SPKCIAIiTY

Phtae Knekawajr W»-W