rochester ny democrat chronicle 1912 - 3160

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  • 8/3/2019 Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle 1912 - 3160


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    Y O U D T H D S W EW E R E H A V T N G A R A C Eto se which we could makelarger and bet ter , our men's orour women's department . Everyday new styles arr ive for bothdepartments . Our assortment ofbeaut iful sui ts , coats , mil l inery,etc., for ladies is gigant ic . Everyswell s tyle in every s ize and youcan make your own terms forpayment .

    Y O U W A I T T O P I C KFO R Y O U R S E L F

    when you get your swell , newgarments . And you get a bigse lec t ion to pick from when youcome here . We don' t have toforce one or two styles on you;you can se lec t from the largests tock in town.I k W o k * r e n te 's S ta re M P i t a r U n l - p r es

    B I D S F A L L W A TB R O W E S T I M A T E

    I . . i ^ Middleport Water and Sewer System Contracts.A W A R D S T O C U S A N O & D O W E R

    +m .Have Unt i l November 15*hto Comple te Water System, and Unt i l

    Jan. 1st for Sewers Contract lorStandpipe to Dover Boiler Works

    C O .8 2 - 8 4 S T A T E S T . .P E N M ON D A Y ^ S A T U R D A Y . E V E S .RE FIRST FLOOR OVER HOW E & ROGERS CO

    r Coal ? S f o e it Mt f m d Land gas for cooking. You willfindyouchoose. The

    Red Crossl" Range giv es you both "fuels. In the winter youfire,with all the hot water youIn the summ er you can use gas and keep the houseThis is the better way.Look over the Red Crossline. There are big andlittle ranges at every price.Steel ranges, cast ironranges, wit h end gas ovensand high gas ovens; also thebig combinations for thosewho .need large capacity.Co-OperativeFoundryCompany

    R O C M I S T E R , N . V .ron SALS BYKDT * 'CO.. 22 South .Ueinf.BROS. A. CO., 3U8 Hudson ArcCentral Pk.. cor. Kirst St.KVRLA NSKY . 28* Joseph Ave..I.EH . 4SS >raiu St. Lat-J . BRAVER. M J i j S t . . o r . Chi ld .f*> l,ake A>>ou*.U, At Stewart Street.

    FT B. GRAVE?. 74-7B-7S Statn UH. LESTER. 1SS Mala St. W est.H. VAN P USSE S, ST.* North St.C. 3e!ORTHOB8T. EM Portland Art.VAN CURAN-BEXCEL CO., SC EastAvenue.Wif. UAl TERB.VTH. TT0 Sooth AT*.OH AS. fcHULTZ. 790 Clinton AT*. X.J. O. F1TOH. 70S Clinton Avenue N.

    afUdleper:. April .Bi ds for tbe een-traction of fUe proposed ser. rr tod wit rsystems for the village of Middleport nevebeen opened and tabulated and the rontractiwarded. It ia expected that work willcommence about May 10th. The bids, atreceived, were over 114,000 below the eatl-mate of the village engineer, C. C. Uup-kina, of Becheeter. The total of tbe low-eat bidders for tb O B STATa rH O SPTTALS.SAT #. A^iSrhsjaaas, tW y.' s

    Lywns. April 29.Bishop WiUlam Horn,ef Buffalo, }nst before tbe dosing of thesixty-four b annu s! conference f theWestern New York Erangellcal Association, announced the following appointments: Syracuse district , presiding elder,IV C. Braunschweig; Albany, L, Helmmfller; Amsterdam, C. W. Neueodorf; BeaverFalls. C. B. Hess: Bl aghamton, Q. C.Myers; Ceottrod and South Trenton, J.Pickering; Geoem. George Ott; Urerpool,A. N. S imo n; Ut t l e ra i l s , J a co b Ro t ten;Lyons. F. C. Bchweak; Newark, GeorgeFox: Oneida, H. Bex; Becheeter. Calvary.W. J. Merle; Stone Arabia and Bteeker, A.Berg; Syracuse, Saleea, Isaac K. Devit t;Utlca, John PreTla; West Walworth. AdamBehleek: Webster. J. C. Urengeback; WestSand Lake, E. HughesBuffalo DistrictPresiding elder. H. P.Merle; Batarta, A. Loosener: Bennington,Henry Heck; Buffalo, first Church, PhilipB. Baha; Krettner street, E. C. Braunschweig; MesoorlsJ. w. H. Staoffer: St.James. E. Bdward Rife; Buffalo Circuit,Ears D. HaUt; Erie Mission, John Rosenthal ; Grand Islacd, Jobn Beck: Grore Circuit. William Parker; Gas port, and Raymond. Albert G. Ebuan; Niagara Falsi.W. II. Seyfert: Olean, Charles Mt n-h;Rocbefter. Hudson-STe., William Wsgaer;Tons wands, A. A. HoUwart h; Warsaw, F .C Imhof: West Valley. Oeorge SchJoert.Snperlnten>leat of Ebeneser Old Penpl-e*Horse. M. Pfltxtnger; member of Pt. JamesQuarterly Conference. C. V. Boiler: member of St- Paul qaarterly Conference, F.. Hcbr: member of West V alley Quarterly Cenference. C. PfeSVr: member of Rochester Hudson Qnarterly Conference. J. W.Schenk: member of Batavla quarterly coa-ference, H. Koch; member of Buffalo FirstChurch Quarterly Conference. Phi lipSpaeth.

    Thomas Grif f in Super intendent .Palmyra. April J9 Tbe Vil lage Hoardhas appointed Thome* Griffin as streetsuperlstendent. in place of SupervisorCharles Griswold. who WH appointed ttbe offlce a few days ago. and resigned 1.Mr. Orissn occupied the peti tion he sewbolde under tbe DemocratU: administration of the TlRafe for a long time, andU fa mi l ia r wt th tu reea lrea e a u . TbeelUe* of the street* snd the care ef theVillage Hall also eeme under tbe aesd efthe street soperlateaassu's duties.

    MO ADV XBT ISn K KSO sereesk st she usef his ha** tn eveer to att nt alleswun te aaadvenaMBMBI aj U i MSW- Peeeis reed eTwy

    Caterer for Keuka Yacht Club.Penn Yan. April 30.On S*tarday, William T Merrt* and Clarence Andrews *ngaged Mrs. Cairns, of ithsc*. to msnsgethe ruiluary department of the Lake Keuka\ a c h t (la b for the cominjr ees*on Mrs.Cairns U tbe caterer for the Cornell University chapter ef the CStf Phi fraternity,sad will not l>e able to assume ber dutleehere until about July 1st. at which tinethe club bees* will be formally openedfor tbe summer. Tbe Tscht Club, this year,wi!l employ Miss ('slros ssd bar assist-ants eutrigut. and its Uuoae Committeewill prertde her with alt tbe that the dab Itself Instead ef a steward w ta be reapeeeUXe "te the pabMe,eS e n e c a H i f h way P a t r o lm e n Nam e d} Waterloo. AprU . WlUUm Gsrla, f| Seneca Falls, snd Bernard S Matthews,. ef this Tillage, bare reeelTed their appoint-meats,from C. Oordea BeeU skate highway, eeeam!sloaer. as patrVmea on the Improved roads ef Seneca rousty. Mr. flttuwas appointed on the recesameadstlea ef. Ceoet y Cesnmltteeeaea MeGraaa and M oI da w , e f t smeca Ta Us.

    A U B U R N P L A N ST I T A N I C S E R V I C E

    eArrange for Memorial forVic t ims of Tragedy.S O R V I V O R TO T E L L S T O R YSidney S. Colte t t . a Relig iousWorker , Speaker ; Com in g H e r eto Study for the MinistryLostAli of L ibrary and Savi ngs

    Auburn. April 28.- The members ef theSocial Ethics Ctaaa. of this city, hare completed arraugemetita for a memorial meeting for lue N.cUma of the TUaole tragedy.It will be hekl at the Jefferson Theaternext Sunday evening. Sidney C. StuartCollett, ef I'oti Byron, eae of the survlv.or*, will relate tone of experience* andwill draw scriptural lessons from the aTaattragedy.

    Mr. C\,ll*:t hut been rest! ag s^th>-nome.or bis vaxeaU. Kv. and SArs. aawbey *'.Collett, !u Tori Byron, snd is gradually re-coreriag from the nereeas shook.He bss been a religions' worker sine*boyhood and Is tbe author of numerousty sc ts uk lc i s t tra cta d the a t en t o n o fibeolofflaus la hmglaad. lie i s only 3*yesrs old. but has bad considerable exsers-ence as a speaker and his simple story oftbe alnklni; of tbe Titanic, with tb e religious inspiration which bis survival suggests, will be told at the memorial service.A collection w ill be taken, ene-nalf efwhich will go to the fund for tbe Titanlosurvivors, and the otaer bslf will be setaside to give the young clergyman a ataritowards bis education. It bad keen originally intended te hold a benefit for Mr. Col-lett la Auburn, but be declined to acceptIt and tbe only way that friende could prevail upon the young Englishman, who cam*te this country to complete his edut-stlonlu American colleges, to accept anythingwas on stipulation that same be set asidetowards his education. He lost sll hislibrary and savings oa tbe Titanic, together with valuable books which had bees Intbe Collect family for eOO years. Ha cameto the home of his parents from NewY-ork on relief accorded the inrrivore Inthat city.Game Protec tor Se izes 13 Nets .Auburn. April .State Game ProtectorOb arte* J. Franklin, of Ovid, Seneca county, and Deputy Charles Hurd. of Cayuga,accompanied by aeveral meosbers of theCayuga County Fish nnd Game Club, madea raid oa net* set by ash pirates In Cay-Of* lake yesterday afternoon and eveningand succeeded In gathering in thirteenlarge nets While tbe officers were makingtheir selanres the pirates heaped abuse stlong range- The nets were taken along tbewest and north shores sad cove* fromPickerel cove on the north to Caooga oathe soath. It Is thought by the game officials that the seising of so msny nets atone haul will cripple the operations of thepirates for some time to come. The set swere destroyed.Cayu ga Cou n t y G e t s $4 4 , 3 69 .Auburn April US.County Treasurer G.V. lou gh borough received to-day the apportionment for Cayuga county of thefunds fo r ma H fa a a no a e f .a u t ta h ig hwa y sfor 13. The snan fotwa ieed was Set,***.With the fund. Instructions' were given regarding th e keeping e f t be record a of disbursements under the prorlsOns of theamended highway law.

    mAlu m n i B an q u e t at Ch r i s t m as .Seneca Falls, April 29The students andalumni of Mynderse Academy will net holdthe annual Banquet of the Alumni Asaocta-Uen In June at has been the cuetesn formany years, but will give It the week fei-kiwtng Christmas. The change will probably be made permanent. Tbe beaaeethas been held for several years on Mondayevening of comnsancesBent week. Thegraduate* had but little interest la theaffair because of more Important eventswhich were happen a r tbe se me week, andmany alumni were unable to attend because It came et a time when otter schoolsand colleges were hoWing graduating exercises. The holiday week will be snoreconvenient te an and result la a largerattendance.Mrs. Jan e O . H awk in s .Waterloo. April 38.Ura Jane O. Haw-kin*, of this place, county agent ror ee-peadeat children, died last Right at '*eSeaeea Falls Hospital, after a few days'Illness of appendicitis. Mrs. Bawkt as wasabout 40 years of age. She came here fromNew York city last autumn to succeedMan Roth II. Cabeen. ss coaaty scent byarypotctroeat o! the State Charities Aid aa-eoelattoo. She was devoted to ber worksnd made many friends here both ta theline of her duties sad re her re-del relations. Faasral services were held at l i ereems of Charles A. Genuag this afternoon at 5 e'rleek. and the remains weresent to New York for burial.

    Larsen May Be Water loo Man.Waterloo, April 29.Upon leaving hersa row mentis ago fee a trip te Sweden,his satire land. August Larsea, e? thisplace, left eetr* business loxercets racharge of bis attorney. Clarence Ten L'yck.with the remark. "I may be drvirued- 'Ace ua a ances of Mr. lai sen have beenconcerned upon netUg the name. AugustLarsen. among the list of Identified dradef the Tits-nlc, and are inclined to fearthat he was a victim, as be was expectedte return to this country about this time*it is sot known, however, whether he didtake passage ea the Titan ic AttorneyTea Eyck will 'cable to Europe to leara Ifhe bad started. Mr. Larson has so nearrelatives here.Some Tax Grieva nces Are Heard.Seneca Fsils. April 29.The village 'rue-tees sat a a grievance board In sessionto night before tbe p aving tax aaeseemeatswere forrunlly Irviel oa sbuttinx property u OrM sod Fall streetv A number ofproperly fcu'der* who were dire ctly ie-tere*ted In Xfce proceeding were pteneat,but o n ly s f -w miner sdjes tmes t* o f s i -sees menu were asked fr snd the se weregranted The tax rull U cwiuuleted and tnthe bands Milage Treasurer Jean H.Cewi'w who will're ceive an Herniate without Interest charge fur a few d aya

    Mrs. Kathar ine McCue.8ebe