road to revolution

Proclamation of 1763

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Page 1: Road to revolution

Proclamation of 1763

Page 2: Road to revolution

Trouble on the Frontier After the French and Indian War

The British victory over the French was a devastating blow to the Native Americans of the Ohio River valley

They had lost their French allies and trading partners

They began to trade with the British but saw them as enemies

The British raised prices of traded goods and unlike the French refused to pay Native Americans for the use of their land

Worst of all, British settlers began moving into the valleys west of Pennsylvania

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Pontiac’s War Chief Pontiac was the leader of an Ottawa

village near Detroit He recognized that the British settlers

threatened the Native American way of life Chief Pontiac formed an alliance of the

Shawnee and Delaware tribes to fight the British

Spring 1763: They attacked British forts in the Great Lake region

Summer 1763: The alliance of Native Americans kill settlers in Western PA and Virginia

These raids became known as Pontiac’s War

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Pontiac’s War Although the Native Americans won

many battles they failed to capture important forts as: Niagara, Fort Pitt, and Detroit

1765: The Native Americans were defeated by the British

July 1766: Pontiac signed a peace treaty and was pardoned by the British

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The Proclamation of 1763 To prevent more fighting King George

halted settler’s westward expansion In the Proclamation of 1763 the

Appalachian Mountains were the temporary western boundary for the colonies

This angered many colonists who were already living in the area, or who have recently purchased land in the area

These colonists land claims were now not recognized

The Proclamation of 1763 created friction between the colonies and Great Britain

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Proclamation of 1763Description:

How it led to the


What? Established a line across the Appalachians where colonists could not move (to prevent violence)

Convinced colonists that British did not care about their needs


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Sugar Act of 1764

Day 2

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War is Expensive!• French and Indian War left Britain with large

debt. • British army of 10,000 was left in the

colonies. • England said the army was to protect the

colonists, but the colonists thought the soldiers were there to intimidate them.

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Prime Minister Grenville

• Prime Minister Grenville wanted colonists to pay for British troops through increased taxes.

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The Sugar Act

• The Sugar Act taxed sugar and molasses imported from the French and Spanish West Indies.

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Reaction to the tax

Northern merchants felt this would hurt rum trade. Other colonists resented taxation without representation in Parliament.

The Sugar Act was repealed in 1766

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ReviewSUGAR ACT (1764):1. The duty on the importation of foreign

molasses is reduced in half.NOTE: The Sugar Act replaces Molasses Act

of 1733.2. There will also be duties on all imports of

sugar, coffee, wine, and textiles.3. All those violating this act will be tried in

the Admiralty Courts – not the courts of local jurisdiction.

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Currency Act

Day 3

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The Currency Act1764

The colonies suffered a constant shortage of currency with which to conduct trade. There were no gold or silver

mines and currency could only be obtained through trade as regulated by Great Britain.

The Currency Act of 1764 prohibited all American colonies from issuing paper currency, thereby creating severe monetary problems.

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The Law

CURRENCY ACT (1764): The Colonials are forbidden to make paper money as legal tender.

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Currency Act

The Currency Act effectively took control of the Colonial currency system.

prohibited the issue of any new bills and the reissue of existing currency.

Parliament favored a "hard currency" system based on the pound sterling, but was not inclined to regulate the colonial bills. Rather, they simply abolished them.

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Colonists Reaction

The colonies protested vehemently against this. They suffered a trade deficit with Great Britain to begin with and argued that the shortage of hard capital would further exacerbate the situation.

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What about Smugglers?

The Navy commanders (who were British) could call for a hearing of suspected smugglers.

Colonists didn’t like this because they knew the British would always find for the British side, not the colonies.