rm02__critically reviewing literature rt

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  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Critically Reviewing Literature

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Lecture Objectives

    To provide guidelines on how to get themost out of the literature and secondarydata

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Importance ofCritically Reviewing Literature

    Broadly searching the literature helps ensure thatyou know what is available in a particular subject

    area Critically reviewing the literature enables you to

    understand the strengths and weaknesses of thebody of work you are considering

    Combined they allow you to identify a research gap which, when filled, will be an originalcontribution to your area of interest

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issues

    1. Finding literature and other secondarysources of information

    2. Assessing the relevance of informationsources

    3. Critically reviewing individual papers

    4. Organizing literature and writing literaturereviews

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issue 1:Locating journal articles

    Searching databases via Metalib

    Searching the table of contents of highlyrelevant journals


  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issue 2:Selecting journal articles to read


    Author(s) Abstract Discussion/Conclusions

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT

    8/15 K e y

    I s s u e

    2 :

    E v a

    l u a

    t i n g s e c o n

    d a r y s o u r c e s

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issue 3:Thinking critically

    Is not description, unsupported generalizationsor assumptions, lack of discrimination

    Is assessing whether the material is robust andvalid by using your knowledge of the subject andthe evidence presented to you

    Is being able to show why you agree, disagreeor are undecided about, the robustness andvalidity of the material presented

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issue 3:Critically reviewing literature

    Why am I reading this?

    What are the authors trying to do in writing this?

    What are the authors saying that is relevant towhat I want to find out?

    How convincing is what the authors are saying?

    In conclusion, what use can I make of this?

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Key Issue 4:Putting a literature review together

    Finding relevant information Knowing who talks about what Physical/ electronic organization of papers Locating quotes and other interesting bits

    Structuring your literature review

    Identify the major issues/topics Identify sub-topics Identify viewpoints on topics and sub-topics

    including their strengths and weaknesses

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Contribution to your dissertation

    For most people Demonstrates that you know your subject area and

    how the research you are doing fits into that subject

    area Provides the information required to identify the

    relevant models and/or theories that may apply tothe research problem

    For a very few people Critically assessing the body of literature is the

    objective of their dissertation

  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


  • 8/2/2019 RM02__Critically Reviewing Literature RT


    Information on critical analysis (apart from sourceslisted in the module manual) can also be found in Effective Learning Service: Effective Note-

    making Effective Learning Service: Your Assignment

    Results and How to Improve Them

    Effective Learning Service: Critical Thinking(Quick Read)

    Additional Sources