revised enhanced general education rubrics walkthrough

REVISED Enhanced General Education Rubrics Walkthrough 1. This walkthrough will show you how to create an assignment in Canvas, add a rubric, add the required Enhanced General Education outcomes to that rubric, and use the rubric to score your chosen Enhanced General Education assignment. 2. The first thing we need to do is import the Enhanced General Education Outcomes applicable to this course. As a reminder, Communication, Critical & Analytical Thinking, and Problem Solving are required outcomes for all Enhanced General Education courses. Beyond that you will need to add the outcome that matches the type of general education course you’re teaching (i.e., Creative Thinking, Information & Data Literacy, Human & Cultural Diversity, Ethical Reasoning & Civic Engagement, High Impact Practice). 3. From your Canvas home page, select the Course on which you want to work. 4. On the left-hand navigation, click “Outcomes”

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Page 1: REVISED Enhanced General Education Rubrics Walkthrough

REVISED Enhanced General Education Rubrics Walkthrough

1. This walkthrough will show you how to create an assignment in Canvas, add a rubric, add the required Enhanced

General Education outcomes to that rubric, and use the rubric to score your chosen Enhanced General Education


2. The first thing we need to do is import the Enhanced General Education Outcomes applicable to this course. As a

reminder, Communication, Critical & Analytical Thinking, and Problem Solving are required outcomes for all

Enhanced General Education courses. Beyond that you will need to add the outcome that matches the type of

general education course you’re teaching (i.e., Creative Thinking, Information & Data Literacy, Human & Cultural

Diversity, Ethical Reasoning & Civic Engagement, High Impact Practice).

3. From your Canvas home page, select the Course on which you want to work.

4. On the left-hand navigation, click “Outcomes”

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5. Click “Find” at the top.

6. Next, click on “Account Standards” and then “University of South Florida.”

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7. Then you’ll click “Enhanced General Education” and see all eight Student Learning Outcomes. Choose the first

one you need to use in your course, and then “Import” at the bottom. You will need to repeat these steps for all

of the Outcomes required in your course.

8. Now let’s add an assignment in Canvas. Click on the left-hand link titled “Assignments.”

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9. Click the plus sign and then add your assignment details. You need to use the #GEA1 or #GEA2 name so that the

general education assignments and rubrics can be automatically collected at the end of the semester. Fill in your

due date and point values. Click Save & Publish, and you’ll see your assignment.

10. Now we need to add a rubric and the required Enhanced General Education outcomes. From the Assignment

page, click on the assignment to which you will add the rubric and outcomes. Now click the “+ Rubric” button.

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11. If you only want to do the general education scoring in Canvas (no rubric), then you can click the trashcan icon

next to the rubric criteria which will clear out the rubric and allow you to only add the General Education

Outcomes. Now skip to step 13.

12. If you’d like to create a rubric in Canvas for assignment grading: Now you can create a rubric for the assignment

if you’d like to grade within Canvas. You can change the title, add your criteria, change your ratings and point

values. You also have options at the bottom on how you want to use your rubric. As the new assessment plan

uses Outcomes (and not rubrics) you can create your own rubric if you want.

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13. Everyone needs to add the outcomes: Regardless of whether or not you built a rubric or deleted the criteria, you

will need to add in the Outcomes you imported in step 2. To do this, click on “Find Outcome” at the bottom of

your rubric.

14. Then click on the Outcome you want to add. **Make sure you UNCLICK the option to “Use this criterion for

scoring.” Then click “Import” at the bottom of the screen.

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15. This will take you back to your rubric. You’ll notice that the total points for the rubric will only reflect the point

values of the criteria in your rubric (if applicable). If you find that the points in the Outcome are being added in

the total points, then you did not uncheck the box “Use this criterion for scoring.” Return to step 14.

16. Repeat Steps 14 & 15 until you have added all of the required Outcomes for the assignment.

17. Next, we’ll look at how to use the rubric for scoring. Start by clicking on “Grades” to get into the gradebook.

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18. Here you can see a student is listed with a variety of assignments. Click on the assignment you need to grade.

Then click on the little arrow that will take you to grading details.

19. Next, click on “SpeedGrader” in the right-hand box that pops up.

20. Now we see our document on the left and grading area on the right. In that grading area we click “View Rubric”

to access the rubric.

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21. You may have to adjust the window a bit so you can get the full rubric without scrolling. Now you can click in

whichever box describes your student’s performance for that area. You can see the area you are going to choose

turns green when you hover over it with your mouse. You can add any comments you want at the bottom. Once

your scores are in, click save.

22. You can see the rubric changes to only show the given rating. Make sure to check that the grade is correct (either

a score if you are using the rubric to grade or “0” if you just used this for general education outcomes. In a real

course you would have many students to score, so you can easily access the rest of your students by clicking the

right arrow up top.

23. And that’s it! Thanks so much for participating in the Enhanced Gen Ed assessment efforts. These data are

integral to continuing to improve the enhanced curriculum for students. You will also be able to see aggregated

data each semester by looking at the dashboard found on the Enhanced Gen Ed Assessment website.