revise for midterm exam

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  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    Caste system - caste system is a type of social structure which dividespeople on the basis of inherited social status.

    Golden age - Golden Age refers to a time in a specific culture, where

    cultural advancements and enlightenments are at their highest point.

    Peasant - A person who is born into a lower class whose jod is to farm theland.

    Noble - A person who is born into a high class or born of a wealthy

    landowning family.

    Empire - a government under an emperor or empress.

    Dynasty cycle - The dynastic cycle is the belief that the rise and fall of

    dynasties is controlled by Heaven (God).

    Mandate of haven - The Mandate of Heaven is a traditional Chinese

    philosophical concept concerning the legitimacy of rulers.

    Nationalism - the desire for national advancement or independence.

    Cultural diffusion -

    Silk road - An ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean


    Ethnocentrism - the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic

    group or culture.

    Imperialism - an imperial system of government.

    Totalitarian - The government and the leader have total or full control over

    everything in their country.

    Prehistory - the story of the past before written language existedkept information through drawing and telling stories.Cave art - drawing done on rocks inside caves.Artifact - old or ancient.Fossil - very old dried out bones.Neanderthal - used simple weapons like spears, bows and arrows.Revolution - change / fast change.Settle - to go to a place stay there , permanent.

    Tribe - small group of people living together.System - things that work together to make a whole.Domesticate - when animals live with human, we use them for helpor food.Weapons - things that we use to fight.Equality - when two things are the same.Tents - a small place usually made out of cloth.

  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    Herd - a group of animals together.Livestock - animals on a farm.Warriors - a fighter, someone who fight.Primitive - early history.

    Surplus - a lot of something / more than what you need.Atlas - a group of maps and charts that help us to see the world anddifferent words.Economist - studies how goods and services are distributed insocieties.Historian - studies the past by examining primary and secondarysources.Famine - when a group of people have no food and shelter.Geographer - studies the worlds land escapes and climate.Communities - a group of people living working together.Island - a peace of land surrounded by water.Values - what you believe to be important.Elect - to choose/to vote/to select.Absolute - 100% / complete.Primate - animals that are like monkeys.Immigrants - when you are not born in the country you live, peoplefrom different nations.Clinging - to hold onto something very tightly.Permanent - does not change / something that is forever.

    Hunter - gather society - small group of people with 20 - 30 member.Archaeologist - studies the past by examining artifacts and ancientruins.Nation - a country, the place you are from.Evolution - change / slow process.Evolve - to change.Revolve - to turn to something new.Paleolithic - age / old stone age.Neolithic - new stone age.

    Fair - equal, where there is justice.Invade - attacked by a large group of people.Irrigation - to bring water to fields and crops.Cuneiform - Sumerian writing.Ziggurat - a building like a pyramid with a base and four sides and atop smaller than the bottom.Fertile - able to grow crops.

  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    Mesopotamia - the land in between the rivers is calledMesopotamia.Flood - too much water and the water is on land.Plow - to make the ground good for farming.

    Devastate - to destroy / to be in very bad condition.Punish - what you get for doing something bad.Enslave - to make someone a slave.Persecute - to treat someone very badly. To the point that they couldbe killed.Obey - to listen without question.Allow - to permit.Sacred - very important.Messiah - one who will save the people.Commandment - rule / law / code.Faith - to believe in something with no facts.Sin - something bad against God.Heal - help / make you better.To get rid - to remove / throw a way / dispose.Rebellion - to go against.Crimes - the bad things that you do against your country.Mecca - the birth place of Mohammad, the sacred center of islam.Pilgrimage - a religious journey of trip.Holy - important / having to do with God.

    Pillar - the column that holds up a building.To fast - to refrain from eating.To preach - to teach or talk about God.Dominate - to control.Control - to be in power.Conquer - to take over power.Over throw - to take over someones power.Successor - the next person to take power.Subcontinent - a large peace of land inside a continent.

    Cradle - where things start / begin.Legend - a story that is not true that is passed down for centuries.Range - a long series of mountain.Peak - the highest point / tip of mountain.Monsoon - heavy wind.Peninsular - land surrounded be water or three sides.Analyze - to think deeply about something.

  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    Explain - to give details / make clear.Describe - tell / to write about in detail / express / illustrate.Contrast - to talk about what is different/ dissimilar / distinguish.Ganges river - a holy river in India.

    Indus river valley - firs civilization in India started here.Reincarnation - rebirth of the soul into another physical from.Karma - fate / death.Moksha - final releasing of the soul.Restriction - not allowed.Preach - to teach when you talk about God.Suffering - feel pain.Exile - forced removal from ones country.Inherited - to get from an older family member.Fierce - brutal / harsh / strong / independent.Defeated - to lose.Dynasty - a family in power for a long time.Prosperity - to grow / expand / get bigger.Oppression - to treat as inferior / to treat less than / to not give anyrights or freedom.Vulnerable - weak.Take advantage - to make a profit.Shape - change or effect.Flourished - grew / spread / expand.

    Province - territory / land.Efficient - easy.Extensive - a lot of.Generalization - main or important thing.During - in the present time now.Vaild - trueColonialism - the control and influence that one nation has overanother country, territory, or people.Monopoly - when one company has total control over a certain type

    of business.Private business - a business that is owned by one group of peoplewho make all the decisions.Sepoys - Indian army made up of Muslim and Hindu Indians.Mutiny - a rebellion against the leader or commander you work for,usually happens in the army or navy.Constitution - the system of laws by which a nation or state is

  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    governed.Partition - separation or division of something.Isolation - when a country is set apart from others naturalboundaries or by choice.

    Loess - yellowish fertile soil which is blown by the winds from thedesert to the west and north.Heartland - land that lies between the huang he river and yangtzeriver in China.Waterproof - resists against water.Divulge - tell secret information.Excavate - to dig something (excavation)Funeral - a service for a dead person.Legalism - a political philosophy that uphold the rule of law.Daoism - another philosophy in China.(means of the way or the path)Confucius - name of philosophy / religion.Archipelago - a group of island.Civil war - when a groups of people in one country fight each other.Apartheid - a separation in south Africa between the blacks andwhites.Philosophy - attitude/ idea/ or way of thinking about something.Civil disobedience - a refusal to obey an unjust law done throughnonviolence.Political climate - how the people of a country feel about the action

    of the government.Trade post - area on the coast where people trade.Steppes - dry grassland.Associated - related to/ connected with.Diagram - picture or graph.Fundament - important.Venture - trading or exchanging.Identify - to assess or analyze.Evaluate - to recognize or organize information.

    Characteristic - trait or feature of something.Estimate - approximate or ball park guess.Overpower - dominate.Preserve - maintain.Safety - security.Protect - defend.Welfare - well-doing.

  • 8/9/2019 Revise for Midterm Exam


    Duties - responsibility.Tolerance - accepting.Humanitarian - kind and compassionate person.Genocide - kill a group of people because of their race, ethnicity, or

    religion.Deity - GodUntouchables - lowest ranked people in Indian society who haveimpure (or dirty) jobs.Abandoned - to leave/ be come empty.