rÉussir l'Épreuve d'anglais baccalauréat 2015

RÉUSSIR L’ÉPREUVE D’ANGLAIS Baccalauréat 2015 Faire rentrer l’école dans l’ère du numérique

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Baccalauréat 2015

Faire rentrer l’école dans l’ère du numérique

Le mot candidat fait référence aux deux groupes (Masculin et Féminin)

Réussir l’épreuve d’anglais au baccalauréat.

1- Durée de l’épreuve

L’épreuve dure 2 heures (120 minutes)

2- Coefficient

Le coefficient de l’épreuve est 2 pour les candidats inscrits en Philo A, C et D et

pour ceux inscrits en NS4, il est réparti de la façon suivante :

Série Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (SVT) 1

Série Lettres, Langues et Arts (LET/LA/ARTS) 3

Série Mathématiques et Physiques (SMP) 1

Série Sciences Economiques et Sociales (SES) 1

3- Composition et structure de l’épreuve

L’épreuve écrite d’anglais comporte trois (3) parties :

La partie 1 : Compréhension du texte

Cette tâche prévoit deux volets : des questions portant sur la compréhension

globale et d’autres sur la compréhension profonde du texte. Le nombre de

questions retenu sur le texte est de Cinq (5).

La formule envisagée pour les questions sur le texte est celle d’une série

d’interrogations avec where? Whose? Which? What? Justify your answer, Provide

a title for the text.

Dans certains textes on peut demander de mettre des phrases dans le bon ordre

pour retrouver le déroulement logique de texte.

Compétences textuelle et Interprétative attendues

1- Comprendre des lettres personnelles : la description d’évènements, de sentiments,

de souhaits.

2- Comprendre différents types d’écrits quotidiens (Brochures, notes, Catalogues,

récits, articles de journaux).

3- Comprendre les points significatifs d’un texte.

4- Reconnaitre le schéma argumentatif d’un texte.

5- Identifier les conclusions d’un texte.

6- Faire le résumé d’un texte (NS4).

7- Reconstituer les différentes parties d’un texte (NS4)

8- Répondre correctement aux questions posées se référant au texte.

9- Différencier des points de détail nuancés dans un texte (NS4).

Eléments de contenu : Philo A, C et D

Texts chosen should be on: transportation, beaches, banks, supermarkets, sports, religion,

media, arts and culture, home, social activities, leisure activities, music, clothes, airports,

food, health, traffic, internet, hospitals, schools, drugstores.

Eléments de contenu: Nouveau Secondaire

Texts on: daily life, health, travel and tourism, amusement / theme parks, environment,

education, science and technology, professions, media, agriculture.

La partie 2 : Composantes grammaticales, lexicales et sémantiques.

Exercices variés: lacunaires, QCM, Exercices de transformation, de ré-écriture, remise en


Compétences Linguistiques Attendues

1- Utiliser de façon appropriée les temps du passé.

2- Différencier adéquatement les verbes « Wish » et « Hope ».

3- Employer en contexte les synonymes ou antonymes.

4- Etablir la nuance entre « If » et « Even If ».

5- Construire correctement des phrases à la voix active et passive.

6- Employer dans des situations le style direct et indirect.

7- Utiliser adéquatement les comparatifs et les superlatifs.

8- Employer les modaux en contexte.

9- Utiliser les pronoms relatifs en situation.

10- Construire des phrases correctement comportant sujet / verbe / complément.

11- Différencier l’usage de l’indicatif et du subjonctif.

12- Utiliser les cardinaux et ordinaux en contexte.

13- Identifier les mots en contexte.

14- Choisir le mot approprié dans des structures lacunaires.

15- Différencier l’emploi des articulateurs logiques.

16- Utiliser adéquatement les propositions et adverbes.

Eléments de contenu Philo A, C et D + NS4:

Passive voice, relative clauses with: who, whom, that and which, reported speech.

Comparatives and superlatives, compound nouns.

Prepositions + gerunds, form and use of the possessive case, auxiliary verbs, reflexive pronouns.

Prepositions. The past and perfect tenses. Ought/should/must/have to/need for obligation.

Will + Infinitive and “be going to”

The conditional tense; infinitive and gerund constructions, modals. Coordinating conjunctions,

subordinating conjunctions.

Had better/would rather/would prefer/would like/want.

Partie 3: Production Ecrite

Dans cette tâche qui n’est autre que l’expression personnelle, le candidat doit faire preuve de

réflexion et d’imagination dans la «production libre» qui s’articule en général autour du texte de

compréhension, mais pourra être aussi totalement personnelle.

Compétences discursive et argumentative attendues.

1- Ecrire un texte articulé.

2- Ecrire des lettres personnelles.

3- Exprimer sa pensée sur un sujet culturel ou de la vie quotidienne.

4- Justifier un point de vue.

5- Résumer des éléments d’information issus de sources divers (NS4).

6- Paraphraser de courts passages écrits (NS4).

7- Analyser des situations spécifiques (NS4).

8- Argumenter des points de vue sur des sujets d’actualité.

9- Opiner sur des thèmes particuliers.

10- Exprimer différents degrés d’émotion.

11- Commenter et critiquer des points de vue opposés (NS4).

12- Synthétiser des informations et des arguments (NS4).

Eléments de contenu : les loisirs, les voyages, l’emploi, l’école, le système scolaire, les

journaux, internet, les sujets d’actualités, les achats, l’environnement, la santé, l’économie.

Types de supports : articles, documentaires, bulletins d’information, lettres personnelles,


1- Respect des consignes Consignes à respecter

2- Articulation Cohérence, cohésion, connecteurs logiques

3- Format épistolaire Registre de langue, style idiomaticité (use)

4- Syntaxe et Vocabulaire Ponctuation, orthographe, grammaire, choix du vocabulaire (usage)

Organisation logique Introduction, développement, conclusion, cohérence, connecteurs


Maîtrise de la langue Orthographe, ponctuation, vocabulaire, grammaire, cohésion,

idiomaticité, style.

Qualité de l’argumentation Enoncé explicite, point de vue critique, argumentation cohérente et

convaincante, preuves pertinentes.

Fond – Contenu Contenu significatif, développement qui fait sens

Compréhensibilité Compréhension aisée du texte par le lecteur

4- Critères D’évaluation d’une lettre Personnelle

5- Critères D’évaluation d’un thème à développer.

Performance Indicators :

Grades 16-20

A paper in this category effectively addresses the writing task.

- Is well organized and well developed.

- Uses clearly appropriate details to support ideas.

- Demonstrate syntactic variety and appropriate word choice.

Grade 10-14

A paper in this category

- Addresses the writing topic adequately but may slight parts of the task.

- Is adequately organized and developed.

- Uses some details to support or illustrate ideas.

- May contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning.

Grades 4-8

A paper in this category may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses:

- Inadequate organization and development.

- Insufficient details to support generalizations.

- An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and usage.

Grades 2

- Serious disorganization.

- Irrelevant specifics.

- Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure and usage.

- ( Twe Performance Indicators)

- Arrivez à l’heure.

- Restez concentré tout au cours de l’épreuve.

- Maitrisez votre stress.

- Apportez le matériel autorisé.

- Utilisez utilement le temps imparti.

- Evitez les ratures.

- Ecrivez lisiblement et soigneusement.

- Lisez attentivement la copie avant de la remettre.

Indicateurs de performance

Conseils aux candidats


Formation et emploi du présent de 1'indicatif simple avec adverbes de fréquence;

Formation et emploi du présent à la forme progressive ; Formation et emploi du passé

simple, des adverbes réguliers et irrégulier courants, avec adverbes 1’expression

correspondants ;

Formation et emploi du passé à la forme progressive ;

Formation et emploi du passé composé, simple et la forme progressive, avec les adverbes

(still, already, yet) et les prépositions (since, for) ;

La proposition infinitive

L'imparfait d'habitude ;

Le gérondif et son emploi ;

Le futur avec will et be going to ;

Les indéfinis some, any, no et leurs composés ;

Les adverbes so - either - neither - too

Les quantifieurs a lot, much, many, most,...

La structure des phrases conditionnelles; Futur possible; irréel du présent et irréel du passé ;

La structure des phrases conditionnelles ; futur simple, irréel du présent et irréel du passé ;

Expression du souhait au présent, passé et futur ;

Les auxiliaires de modalité ;

Degrés de comparaison des adjectifs et des adverbes

Les discours direct et rapporté

Les voix active et passive

Les différentes formes de questions : Yes / No question, information question, tag question ;

Formation et emploi du plus-que- parfait

Les formations réfléchis, possessifs, compléments...

Formation de noms, adjectifs, verbes, adverbes

Consignes : 1. L’usage de la calculatrice programmable est interdit 2. Le silence est obligatoire

3. Le téléphone est interdit dans les salles

Durée de l’épreuve : 2 heures

I- Compétence interprétative (20 pts)

I. Reading comprehension

A- After reading the text, answer the questions below.

Home Is More Than a Building

A few months ago, Pedro Ramirez, 45, lost his job in a grocery store. To pay the bills, he got a part-time job at night. Several days later, Pedro’s wife, Luisa, gave him a big surprise. She was pregnant with their sixth child. Pedro was happy but worried. ”How am I going to support another child without a full-time job?” he wondered.

That evening, Pedro and Luisa got some more news. A fire was coming near their home. By the next morning, the fire was very close. The police ordered every family in the neighborhood to evacuate. The Ramirez family moved quickly. While Pedro was gathering their legal documents, Luisa grabbed the family photographs, and the children put their pets – a cat and a bird – in the family’s truck. Then, the family drove to the home of their eldest daughter, one hour away.

About 24 hours later, Pedro and Luisa got very bad news. The fire destroyed their home. They lost almost everything. With no home, only part-time work, and a baby coming, Pedro was even more worried about the future.

For the next three months, the Ramirez family stayed with their daughter while workers were rebuilding their home. Many generous people helped them during that difficult time. Friends took them shopping for clothes. Strangers left gifts at their door. A group of children collected $500 to buy bicycles for the Ramirez children.

Because of the help from friends and neighbors, the Ramirez family was able to rebuild their lives. Two months after the fire, Luisa mailed out holiday cards with this message:”Home is more than a building. ”Home is wherever there is love”.

From Venture 3 Cambridge University Press 2011.

1. How many children does Luisa have?

2. What did the police tell the families in the neighborhood to do?

3. What type of car does the Ramirez family own?

4. How was the Ramirez family able to reconstruct a new way of life?

5. What would be another title for the text?








B- Summarize the text in three (3) complete sentences.

Compétence Linguistique (30 pts)

II- Use of the language

A- Choose the best answer among the possibilities below.

1. He said he would rather__________________________________________________________

a) walk than run b) walked than ran c) walks than runs d) walked than running

2. _____________________________________ last year, you would be studying in a university now

a) if only you study hard b) if you studied hard c) if you had studied hard d) you should study hard

3. He promised me not to pick my apples again, and ______________________________________

a) neither did his brother b) so did his brother c) neither didn’t his brother d) his brother didn’t promise

4. She was very angry with you________________________________________________ her age

a) had better not to ask b) you should not have asked c) ought not to ask d) would rather not ask

5. Walking in the dark_____________________________________________________________

a) my foot struck something hard b) I stepped on something hard c) something hard was struck by my foot d) my feet were struck by something hard

B- Complete the following prompts with your own words to form complete and meaningful sentences.

1. It was important for me__________________________________________________________

2. They have been learning French __________________________________________________

3. I would rather _________________________________________________________________

4. Can you tell me how ___________________________________________________________

5. If I knew the truth I _____________________________________________________________

Compétence Interpersonnelle et Pragmatique (20 pts) III. Problem – Solving situation

The following statements have negative connotations and do nothing to help communication among people. By keeping the same message, change the tone so that they become more polite and positive. 1. Give me back my money; if not I will tell your mother what happened. 2. Remember what I told you the other day. I said I don’t want you to interfere in my business. 3. We can’t give you a ride, we are going up to Pétion-Ville and we are in a hurry. 4. You have to run some errands for me this afternoon; I need to go to Carla’s party tonight. 5. You don’t have an appointment scheduled with us today. You have to check your calendar again.

Compétence discursive et Argumentative (30 pts)

IV. Writing

More and more Haitian professionals are leaving the country in order to find better opportunities either in the United States or Canada.

The fact of the matter is that they have received mainly their training in the country and the brain-drain this situation causes has a negative impact on both our educational system and economy. If you were one of the government’s advisors what measures would you suggest to be taken to reduce that trend?

Maximum 8 complete sentences

Minimum 6 complete sentences

I. Compétence interprétative

Réponse :

1. Luisa has five children.

2. The police told the families to evacuate.

3. The Ramirez Family own a truck.

4. The Ramirez Family was able to reconstruct a new way of life with the help of many generous


5. « There is no better place like home » (Possible answer among many others)

B- Summarize the text in three (3) complete sentences (main idea + supporting details)

II. Compétence linguistique

A- Use of the language

Réponse :

1. (a) walk than run.

2. (c) If you had studied hard.

3. (b) so did his brother.

4. (b) you should not have asked.

5. (d) my feet were struck by something hard.

B.- Complete…..

1. to tell him what I think about the situation

2. for three years now; since 2006

3. stay here, than going to the beach during the holidays.

4. to get to the bus station?

5. would behave differently.

Compétence interpersonnelle et Pragmatique

III. Problem – Solving situation

Réponse :

1. Would you mind giving me my money back, otherwise your mother will be informed of what









2. I would like you to recall what I said the other day. « I would appreciate your not interfering

in my own matters »

3. We are very sorry that we’re not able to give you a ride. The fact of the matter is that we are

heading to Petion ville and we are almost out of time.

4. Would you mind running some errands for me this afternoon, I plan to attend Carla’s party


5. I am afraid that there is no appointment booked for you with us today.

I would suggest that you verify your calendar to see if I am not mistaken.

1- Organisation logique Introduction, développement, conclusion, cohérence,

connecteurs logiques

5 pts

2- Maîtrise de la langue Orthographe, ponctuation, vocabulaire, grammaire,

cohésion, idiomaticité, style.

7 pts

3- Qualité de


Enoncé explicite, point de vue critique, argumentation

cohérente et convaincante, preuves pertinentes.

8 pts

4- Fond – Contenu Contenu significatif, développement qui fait sens 5 pts

5- Compréhensibilité Compréhension aisée du texte par le lecteur 5 pts

Critères d’évaluation

Proposition du correcteur

“Water and your health”

I. Reading Comprehension (6 pts / bonne réponse: 30 pts)

A- 1. Water is important to our physical and emotional well-being and even to our


2. Our body gets rid of water through sweat, tears, urine, and through our breath as


3. The author has recommended not to be fooled by the liquid nature of coffee and

tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and alcohol that actually contribute to dehydration.

4. Many authorities recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water – two quarts

– everyday.

5. Our body needs water because this element is vital for transporting nutrients

within our bodies and for removing wastes. It is also necessary for regulating our

temperature and lubricating our joints.

II. Grammar (30 pts au total)

A. (10 pts: 1 pt / bonne réponse)

1. a – the. 2. the – the. 3. an – the. 4. a – 5. the – a.

B. (10 pts: 2 pts / bonne réponse)

1. (c) answer. 2. (c) must have. 3. (a) most of which. 4. (b) was seen 5. (c) take

C. (10 pts: 2 pts / bonne question)

1. Whose house was she staying at?

2. How long will it take you to go there?

3. How high is it about? / How short must it be?

4. Whom (who) did John meet on Fifth Avenue?

5. When did the workers go on strike?

III. Vocabulary (10 pts)

A- (5 pts: 1 pt / bonne réponse)

1. permanent. 2. discuss. 3. omit. 4. brother’s or sister’s daughter 5. pants.

B- (5 pts: 1 pt / bonne réponse)

1. unhappy 2. illegal. 3. misunderstand 4. dishonest 5. immature.

Clé de correction (05)

IV. Writing (30 pts au total)

A- (Phrase à compléter, au moins 8 mots venant du candidat) – Pourvu que la phrase

soit compréhensible. (10 pts: 5 pts / phrase correcte).


1. Neither of the men was able to solve the problems brought up by some tax-

payers at that meeting.


2. She is not interested in gaining or losing any weight, but just feel well as


B- Choix d’un des sujets proposés. (20 pts à l’appréciation du correcteur qui se

basera sur la forme, le fond, l’agencement des idées, le respect de la structure et

l’orthographe propres à la langue anglaise).