restorative justice and catholicisim the aim of restorative practice in our catholic school...

RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm as a way of building community and responding to God’s call

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Page 1: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict



The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities :

To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm as a way of building community and responding to God’s call

Page 2: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict

Scriptural Links

The Scriptural Connections to Restorative Practice are numerous. Some examples are:

The concept of “Shalom” (from the Old Testament) whichIs a way of peace and justice...a way of being

God is just and seeks justice for all of us as seen in Psalms 11:7Isaiah 61:8 and Jeremiah 9:24

The Woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11

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2 Corinthians 5:18

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Restorative Practice From Our Faith Tradition

Restorative Practice is an excellent fit with the Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church

Along with the Anointing of the Sick, they are called Sacraments of Healing

There are three parts to the Sacrament of Reconciliation


Page 5: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict


•begins when one realizes that all is not right with one’s values and decisions

•this conversion is a response to being loved by God

•contrition is the second part of the conversion:

this involves examining our relationships in light of love and totake the necessary steps to change behaviour that has caused usto do wrong

To repair those relationships that were damaged by our actions

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•is the external expression of the interior transformation that conversion has brought about in us

•why confession? We need to see, hear, and feel forgiveness not just thinkabout it

* we need community to help us to externalize what is within

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*when the relationship is repaired, it is very appropriate to celebrate witha communal expression of love and forgiveness that embodies the love and forgiveness of God

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The Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations:

A Discerning Believer Formed in the Catholic Faith Community

An Effective Communicator

A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker

A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner

A Caring Family Member

A Responsible Citizen

See handout

Page 9: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict

Punitive vs. Restorative Responses

Harm - rules broken Harm – people hurt, relationships damaged

Responses – blame and punishment/pain

Responses – needs created by harm, making things right

Justice – seeks to prove right and wrong

- Achieved through guilt and punishment

Justice – sought through understanding, talk & reparation

- Achieved through responsibility, needs being met, healing of relationships

Limited acceptance into family/school/community

Maximizes chances for full acceptance

Page 10: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict

What does Restorative Practices look like?

Informal Formal

Circle Meeting

Set up prior to meeting with harmer, harmed and parents

Restorative Conference


Impromptu meeting used for dealing with challenging , minor behaviour

Restorative Practice Circle

Used for the teaching of RJ skills and language development

Restorative Conversation

Day to day conversations which develop “Sense of Community”

Formal Conference

Major incidents that have impacted wider audience creating community involvement

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Restorative Questions

To respond to challenging behaviour

•What happened?

•What were you thinking of at the time?

•What have you thought about since?

•Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?

•What do you think you need to do to make things right?

To help those harmed by other’s actions

What did you think when you realized what had happened?

What impact has this incident had on you and others?

What has been the hardest thing for you?

What do you think needs to happen to makes things right?

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Vito walked over to the booth where Brian and Rob were displaying their project. He kicked the table, causing a glass beaker to fall off and shatter. Some grade 3 students were nearby when this happened.

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Assumptions are one of the major contributing factors to conflict and /or problems.

Assumptions are made without knowing all of the facts and other important information including feelings.

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The Four Colours

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The Wise Elders and the Elephant

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Vito spent several weeks working on his science fair project about solar eclipses. During the fair, Brian and Rob came by Vito’s booth and laughed at his project. They also made comments like “What a stupid project”. Vito walked over to the booth where Brian and Rob were displaying their project. He kicked the table, causing a glass beaker to fall off and shatter. Some grade 3 students were nearby when this happened.

Page 19: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict

Restorative Conference Circles

This format lends itself to resolving day to day minor issues.

Informal with expected resolutions (harmed and harmer present)

Page 20: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CATHOLICISIM The aim of Restorative Practice in our Catholic School Communities : To strengthen relationships and to manage conflict

Circle Process

All parties are part of a consensus approach in a safe environment

Encourages all significant interests to be represented and respected

Gives voice to all those who have been harmed

Allows participation in the decisions about what should be done to repair the harm

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Student offenders must: Admit to their actions Demonstrate a sense of remorse Willing to make amends

Circle Process

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The Role of the Mediator

Guides the processIs Impartial

Is trustworthyIs a good listener

Is respectful

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Closed and Open Questions

Closed questions can be answered with “yes” or “no” or with other one-word answers

Open questions cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no”, are more thoughtful and express feelings, concerns, hopes, fears, interests and expectations

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Circle Time


Vito spent several weeks working on his science fair project

about solar eclipses. During the fair, Brian and Rob came by Vito’s booth and laughed at his project. They also made comments like “What a stupid project”. Vito walked over to the booth where Brian and Rob were displaying their project. He kicked the table, causing a glass beaker to fall off and shatter. Some grade 3 students were nearby when this happened.

Restorative Questions

• What happened?

• What were you thinking of at the time?

• What have you thought about since?

• Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?

• What do you think you need to do to make things right?

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When to stop a mediation?

- Violence - Verbal abuse- Power imbalance - Co-mediator does something harmful- Issues of serious abuse or harm identified- “Over your head”- Participants are shutting down- Participants are “stuck” and unwilling to resolve

the problem

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Office Referral Form


Student Reflection: Your P/VP/Assistant/Intern will be talking with you about your responses below.

What happened?

What were you thinking of at the time?

What have you thought about since?

Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?

What do you think you need to do to make things right?

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