research, statistics, and psychology paper

Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 1 RESEARCH, STATISTICS, AND PSYCHOLOGY PAPER 

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8/2/2019 Research, Statistics, And Psychology Paper 1/5

Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 1 


8/2/2019 Research, Statistics, And Psychology Paper 2/5

Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 2 

Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper Researchers are sometimes only as good as their data that they are applying. If data is

incorrect than the research will not be reliable and will be discarded. There are many subjective

items that a research must have like using scientific methods, acquiring both a primary and

secondary sources and also using statistics to make the research to be reliable.

Defining research is knowledge or could be an investigation to find truth. For the most

part research is use to determine and expand different methods of advancing awareness. “The

studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the

discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new

facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws” ( Merriam-Webster Online

 Dictionary, 2010). There are many times of researches and for any information gain to be

important first must go thought arduous process to make sure the data is correct. One of those

types of research or method is scientific method. Scientific method is a method for exploring expertise or rectifies earlier preceding. For a

research to be considered scientific, an inquiry is observed, pragmatic, and should be measurable

of the conclusion, including the reasoning principle of experimentation. “The principles and

procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of 

a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and

testing of hypotheses” ( Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2010). The reasoning principle is

usually the person or persons’ hypotheses of what may be the end their conclusion of the

research. The main objective for using the scientific method is for the results to be reliable, can

be reproduced in a control setting, and be fully disclosed to all other applying bodies.

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Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 3 

Sometimes when collecting information for research, there will be both primary and

secondary sources to use. Determining which sources is which can make analyzing a grueling

task . Primary sources are statistics that are usually a research’s original material. For example,

primary sources are literature or art, or interpretation of authors’ creation, or firsthand accounts.

Most of the time primary sources can be letters, interview, stories, music sheets, or even

autobiographies. Primary sources are not second-hand or hearsay. Secondary sources are usually interpretation of the primary source. These sources can

sometimes be produced after the time of events. These can be considered author ’s or can be

commendations but not eyewitness of the event. A researcher cans obtain secondary sources

from textbooks and journals. These sources explore some of the findings of the primary sources

for example, a drawing after event has been past down to other inquiries.

Statistics is a valuable use of mixing numerical data into a collection of individual

experiments. The definition of statistics is “a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection,

analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data; a collection of quantitative

data” ( Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2010). “Statistics is a method of pursuing truth. As a

minimum, statistics can tell you the likelihood that your hunch is true in this time and place and

with these sorts of people. This pursuit of truth, or at least its future likelihood, is the essence of 

psychology, of science, and of human evolution” (Aron, E. N., & Coups, E. J., 2009). Statistics

usually deals with the aspects of not only collecting, analyzing as well as interpret but planning,

and using surveys. A person call a statistician is often handed that task to successful use and

collect the mathematical applications for statistical analyzing. It is the job of the statistician to

apply all types of numerical numbers for the experiment, and survey that is being  conducted. 

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Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 4 

In conclusion, the role of a searcher and statistics in the field of psychology must be

consistent in order to become credible. A research must look and examines many different types

of information and data to be prove as a credible source. Inaccuracy can help destroy a person’s

livelihood and profession is on the line. So that is why going into a research with an open mind

and unbiased theories and hypocrisies can help a researcher in psychology from those


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Research, Statistics, and Psychology Paper 5 

References research. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 

Retrieved February 15, 2010, from scientific method. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 

Retrieved February 15, 2010, from

method statistics. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 

Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Aron, A., Aron, E. N., & Coups, E. J. (2009). Statistics for psychology (5th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.