report summer trng

SUMMER TRAINING REPORT "TRAINING AND WELFARE PROGRAMMES" AT (BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED) Coordinators: Mr. R.K. Gupta AGM (A) Mr. A.P. Ojha, SDE (HRD) Mr. Rajeev Sinha, PGM Office, Lucknow. Mr. Md. Farooq, PGM, Office, Lucknow. Submitted By: Anushka Tewari

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Mr. R.K. Gupta AGM (A)

Mr. A.P. Ojha, SDE (HRD)

Mr. Rajeev Sinha, PGM Office, Lucknow.

Mr. Md. Farooq, PGM, Office, Lucknow.

Submitted By:

Anushka Tewari

Page 2: Report Summer Trng


1. Training: Need in a Company

A. Introduction

B. Objective of the Study

2. Company Profile

A. Introduction

B. Company HR Policy

Company lay out

Selection &Recruitment



Wage & Salary.

Performance appraisal

3. Training at R.T.T.C.

A. Introduction

B. Aims and Objective

C. Resource Pool of BSNL

D. Training at BSNL

E. List of Training Center

F. Faculty at R.T.T.C. (Lucknow)

4. Employee Welfare at BSNL

A. Introduction

B. Welfare Board

C. Scholarships (Employees Children)

D. Housing Facility

E. Appointment in Compensate Grounds

F. Conclusion

5. Recommendation

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It relates to Knowledge, information, technical skills, social skills, administrative skills and

finally attitude building. Training is for developing overall personality of an employee.

Training is the responsibility of the management as it is basically for raising the efficiency

and productivity of employees. Expenditure on training is an investment for manpower

development and gives rich dividend to employees and organisation in the long run.


Training plays an important role in human resource development. It is necessary and useful in

the case of all categories of operative employees, supervisory staff and managers. Training

raises their skills and creates confidence and ability to perform the job efficiently. It

also facilitates self development and career development of employees. The main purpose

of training is to develop the human resources present within the employees. In brief, training is

the watchword of present dynamic business world. Training is necessary due to

technological changes rapidly taking place in the industrial field. Industrial training is for a short

period but has wide coverage.

Need for Training: The need for training of employees is universally accepted and practical

training in the form of information, instructions and guidance is given to all categories of

employees. It is a must for raising efficiency of employees. Training is necessary in present

competitive and ever changing industrial world. The following points (reasons) justify the need

for training:

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Training is needed as a good supplement to school/college education. Training at the

industry level is practical and is needed for creating confidence among employees. It is also

needed for personal growth and development of employees.

Training is needed due to continuous changes in the field of science and technology.

Workers can work as per new methods or can use new machines only when suitable

practical training is given to them. Training is the only method by which the

knowledge and skills of workers are updated.

Training is needed in order to introduce modern methods or for the introduction

of rationalization and computer technology in the industrial units.

Training is needed for raising the efficiency and productivity of industrial


It is needed for improving the quality of production and also for avoiding accidents

and wastages of all kinds in the industrial units.

Training is needed for personal safety of employees and also for avoiding damage to

machines and property of the company.

Training is needed as it creates highly skilled manpower in an organization. Such skilled

manpower is the real asset of an industrial unit.

Training is needed for preventing manpower obsolescence, for improving health and

safety of workers, for improving organizational climate and finally for meeting

future personnel needs of the organization.

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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th largest

Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India:

Wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN,

VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Within a span of five years it has become one of the

largest public sector unit in India.

BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now focusing on

improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services with ICT applications

in villages and wining customer's confidence. Today, it has about 47.3 million line basic

telephone capacity, 4 million WLL capacity, 20.1 Million GSM Capacity, more than

37382 fixed exchanges, 18000 BTS, 287 Satellite Stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC Cable,

63730 Rkm of Microwave Network connecting 602 Districts, 7330 cities/towns and 5.5

Lakhs villages.

BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts and planned initiatives to

bridge the Rural-Urban Digital Divide ICT sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in the

country to beat its reach with its wide network giving services in every nook & corner of

country and operates across India except Delhi & Mumbai. Whether it is inaccessible areas of

Siachen glacier and North-eastern region of the country. BSNL serves its customers with its

wide bouquet of telecom services.

BSNL is numero uno operator of India in all services in its license area. The company

offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes designed to suite every customer.

BSNL cellular service, CellOne, has more than 17.8 million cellular customers, garnering 24

percent of all mobile users as its subscribers. That means that almost every fourth mobile user

in the country has a BSNL connection. In basic services, BSNL is miles ahead of its rivals,

with 35.1 million Basic Phone subscribers i.e. 85 per cent share of the subscriber base and 92

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percent share in revenue terms. BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5

million Internet Customers who access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased

Line, DIAS, Account Less Internet(CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER ONE ISP

in the country.

BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure

that provides convergent services like voice, data and video through the same Backbone and

Broadband Access Network. At present there are 0.6 million DataOne broadband customers.

The company has vast experience in Planning, Installation, network integration and

Maintenance of Switching & Transmission Networks and also has a world class ISO 9000

certified Telecom Training Institute. Scaling new heights of success, the present

turnover of BSNL is more than Rs.351,820 million (US $ 8 billion) with net profit to

the tune of Rs.99,390 million (US $ 2.26 billion) for last financial year. The

infrastructure asset on telephone alone is worth about Rs.630,000 million (US $ 14.37

billion).BSNL plans to expand its customer base from present 47 millions lines to 125

million lines by December 2007 and infrastructure investment plan to the tune of Rs. 733

crores (US$ 16.67 million) in the next three years.The turnover, nationwide coverage,

reach, comprehensive range of telecom services and the desire to excel has made BSNL

the No. 1 Telecom Company of India.

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YEAR INCOME (Rs. in Crores)

EXPENDITURE (Rs. in Crores)



(Rs. In Crores)


TAX (Rs. In Crores)

1 1.10.2000 to


11699 10669 1030 747

2 2002 24681 20461 4220 6312

3 2003 25892 25078 8136 1444

4 2004 33918 27163 6755 5976

5 2005 36090 29401 6689 10183


Company lay out

Selection &Recruitment



Wage & Salary.

Performance appraisal


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Sources of Recruitment

External sources

Management consultant


Management institute


Deputation personnel

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Selection process:-

Job analysis

Initial screening

Application bank



Reference check

Medical final and job offer


The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this

the manager should be able to motivate employees. But that's easier said than done!

Motivation practice and theory are difficult subjects, touching on several disciplines.

In spite of enormous research, basic as well as applied, the subject of motivation is not

clearly understood and more often than not poorly practiced. To understand motivation one

must understand human nature itself. And there lies the problem.

In B.S.N.Las we all know that it’s a government organization so they not give such

motivational package which an employee get in private organization .But without

motivation package no employee give their maximum to the organization .some

motivational package which B.S.N.L give there employee is:-

Free telephone facility



Time to time revision of pay scale Central government facility Quarter for leaving

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Good working environment


Employee training is the planned effort of an organization to help employees learn the job

related behaviours and skills they will need to do their job properly. It is a set of planned

activities that the organization will have their employees complete in order to increase their job

knowledge and skills and to have them get accustomed to the attitudes and social atmosphere

of the company. It will help the employee to be familiar with the goals of the organization and

the job requirements.

There are typical steps that go into a training program. These are outlined below.

1) Conduct Needs Assessment:

A need is described as a "gap" between what is currently known and what will be

needed now and in the future. These gaps in knowledge could be between what an

organization expects to happen and what actually does, how employees are performing

on the job and how the organization desires them to perform, and existing skills and

desired skill level.

In order to conduct an assessment there are some analyses that must be done.

An organizational analyses determines the effectiveness of an organization, where

training is needed and under what conditions the training will be conducted.

A task analysis is used to provide data about a job or group of jobs, and the knowledge,

skills, attitudes and abilities that are needed to achieve optimum performance. This

information can come rom job descriptions, task analyses, employee questionnaires and

interviews, performance evaluation, and observation of the workplace.

Finally - person analysis analyses how well an individual employee is doing their job

and determines which specific employees need training and what kind of training. The

methods of this kind of analysis include employee questionnaires and interviews,

performance evaluation, skill and knowledge testing and the observation of behaviour

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and results.

2) Implement Training Methods:

Now that the analysis has been done, the training method needs to be chosen. The two most

frequently used training methods include:

Lecture: Lecture involves one-way communication, from instructor to learner - the learner

is passive in the process.

On-the-job-training: This method involves such methods as apprenticeship and

mentoring, where the employee is actively engaged in the type of work they will later be

doing on their own.

Programmed instruction: This is a form of instruction that is pre-programmed and then

delivered methodologically to an individual. This form of instruction is self-paced - the

employee determines how fast they will learn and complete the steps and it is often

completed more quickly than group training. It can be delivered via a computer and can

be costly to prepare.

Simulations: This sort of training involves an employee being placed into a simulated

situation of what may occur in real on-the-job situations. Techniques include: Case

studies where trainees analyze a problem outlined in a report and offer solutions; role

playing where simulated roles are acted out; and behavioural modelling where trainees

observe proper work behaviour and then role play it.Part of the implementation of the

training is making sure that the training is actually teaching the employees the skills

they will need - this is known as the Transfer of Training. A more technical definition is:

the extent to which the knowledge, skills or attitudes learned in the training will be used

or applied on the job. There are ways to increase the probability of what employees are

being trained will really relate to their actual job behaviour. To do this, one can

maximize the similarity between the training situation and the job situation, provide a

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variety of examples when teaching skills and reward trained behaviours and ideas on the


3) Training Evaluation:

Training evaluation is used to evaluate the reactions of the learners, measure the learning that

occurred, assess on-the-job behaviours, identify business results that are due to the training

and calculate if the investment in training has had any return in the gains of the company.

Business results can be measured in "hard" data and "soft" data. Hard data are measures of

productivity, quality, material costs, absenteeism and turnover and customer satisfaction. Soft

data is items such as job satisfaction, teamwork, and organizational commitment on the part of

the employees.


In simple terms, performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individual’s

performance in a systematic way, the performance being measured against such factors as job

knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities,

supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility, health and the alike.

Assessment should not be condensed to past performance alone. Potentials of the employee

for future performance must also be assessed.

A formal definition of performance appraisal is: It is the systematic evaluations of the

individual with respect to his her performance on the job and his or her potential for


A more comprehensive definition is: Performance appraisal is a formal, structured system

of measuring and evaluating an employee’s job related behaviours and outcomes to

discover how and why the employee is presently performing on the job and how the

employee can perform more effectively in the future so that the employee, organization and

society all benefit.

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The second definition includes employees’ behaviour as part of the assessment. Behavior can

be active or passive- do something or do nothing. Either way, behavior affects job results. The

other terms used for performance appraisal are: Performance rating, employee assessment,

employee performance review, personnel appraisal, performance evaluation, employee

evaluation and (perhaps the oldest of the terms used) merit rating. In a formal sense, employee

assessment is an old as the concept of management, and in an informal sense, it is probably as

old as mankind. Nor performance appraisal is done in isolation.


Data relating to performance assessment of employees are recorded, stored, and used for

several purposes. The main purposes of employee assessment are:

1. To effect promotions based on competence and performance

2. To confirm the services of probationary employees upon their completing the

probationary period satisfactorily.

3. To assess the training and development needs of employees.

4. To decide upon a pay raise where (as in the unorganized sector) regular pay scales have

not been fixed.

5. To let the employees know where they stand insofar as their performance is

concerned and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the

purpose of their development.

6. To improve communication. Performance appraisal provides a format for

dialogue between the superior and the subordinate, and improves understanding of

personal goals and concerns. This can also have the effect of increasing the trust

between the rater and the rate.

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7. Finally, performance appraisal can be used to determine whether HR programmers

such as selection, training, and transfers have been effective or not.

8. Broadly, performance appraisal serves four objectives- I) development uses,

ii) administrative uses/decisions, iii) Organizational maintenance/objectives, and

iv) documentation purposes.

IN the BSNL performance appraisal doesn’t play a great role reason behind that it’s

a government organization but it’s a important part of organization. In BSNL every

employee has a service book which is written by his senior if employer not do his

duty well then his senior mark in his service record book which create problem for

gating promotion etc.

BSNL limited follows different types of method to evaluate his employee

performance and accordingly they provide incentives and perk to them as well as

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promotion and pay rise. ITI also get done its HR audit during period of 2002 to

2005 which included many of its office along with head quarters.


The manpower planning done by the Company was adequate to meet its Objectives. The

Company ensured optimum deployment of manpower. The Company introduced new

recruitment policies and practices and whether they were adequate; Well defined, fair and

transparent career progression policies and practices were in place; Well defined, fair and

transparent transfer policies and practices were in place; An effective performance

management system was in place; The training imparted by the Company was effective;.

Clearly defined and effective conduct and disciplinary rules were in place; Incentive and

welfare policies and practices were effective.. An adequate exit policy had been

formulated and implemented by the Company. But the finding which came out was

something different than the thinking of management. The committee have given

emphasis on the need of regular staff training, staff norms and a heavy investment

to upgrade the knowledge base of employees. There were many personnel in

different part of organisation who were idle and required to be deployed to be utilised

effectively.ITI also keep record of it employee in form of annual confidential

report (ACR) which is used to compare with the target set for them by the company. The

company also follow ‘open review system’ for judging the performance of

individuals. In this system, the superior officer discusses the self appraisal submitted by

his/her subordinate so as to make the appraisal of his/her performance totally



Wages and Salary Administration:- In private organization employee generally get

much more than that an employee of public organization but the difference comes in

benefits that public employee receives. Despite of huge profit, good public image, best

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among PSU it pays less to its employee than other PSU. If we compare it with other PSU in

its field like BSNL, MTNL and TCIL then also its wage rate is low. According to analyst the

wage rate is set in comparison with profit earned by company and wage rate of that industry.

After pay revision some hard step where

taken like, Minimum wage rate was fixed for

its employee.

Different wage rate for executive and non executive employee.

Employee s was retained to a great extent.

Annual incremental were fixed to 5%.

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The operations of BSNL throughout the country are divided into sections or zones called circles

in order to facilitate proper administration.

The SSA under study in this project is SSA Lucknow under U.P. East circles with its head

quarter at Lucknow. As on 31.05.2011

S.No. Particulars Urban Rural

I. Swithcing (wired liens) Net

Switching capacity

241500 22360

Total - 263860

Dels (Wired Lines)

Dels (Status)

203587 11450

Total - 215037

II. Wireless in Local Loop

Equipped Capacity (Status)

31500 5250

Total - 36750

WLL Connections

WLL Fixed (Status)

14575 4286

Total - 18761

WLL Limited Mobility (Status 9326 04

Total - 9330

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Grand Total switching Capacity 263860

+ 36750


Grand Total DELs 215037





Being the largest Telecom company of the country, it caters to a vast population. Its focus

therefore is on quality, dependability, coverage and commitment. Its general objective includes

improvement of the already impeccable quality of telecom services, expansion of telecom

network, introduction of new telecom services in all villages and towns and instilling confidence

among its customers.


However when we talk of specific aims and objectives of U.P. (east) circle as mentioned in the

company manual we can number them as follows.

To upgrade the quality of telecom services to compete with international level and to

build a high degree of customer confidence by sustaining the quality and reliability in


To expand the telecom network to clear the waiting list as far as possible.

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To increase the number of local and S.T.D. public call offices (P.C.O.) so as to reach out

to the masses even in remote villages. One P.C.O. for every 500 urban population.

To provide new telecom services like facsimile, voicemail videotext, videoconferencing,

Internet, Email, ISDN, in services etc.

The forthcoming days will see U.P. (east), telecom circle giving number of value added

services, induction of wireless in local loop (WLL) to match the competition strategy for

providing state of the art and reliable along with effective services to its users. The recent

trend of inducting the new types of digital telecom exchange switches and optical fiber

network in U.P. (east), telecom circle will definitely support intelligent network and other

multimedia services to extend sophisticated quality of services to its customers.


For any organization there are broadly two types of resource pools, either from within the

organization or from outside the organization. So also in B.S.N.L. we find that the manpower

requirement is fulfilled both from within and from outside B.S.N.L.

B.S.N.L. has a large resource pool in its huge work force. It also draws fresh talent from

outside, at various levels with adequate qualification and professional background. Stated under

are various sources and the types of services they are recruited for.


From phone mechanics to J.T.O's (junior telecom officer) the recruitment is done from

within the company based on departmental examinations held within the organization.

Employees are also directly recruited from outside through competitive examinations.

Telephone mechanics – direct from outside +promotion from fourth class


T.T.A.S. & J.T.Os – 50% from within & 50% from outside

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Above the J.T.O. i.e. S.D.E (sub divisional engineer) recruitment is done solely from

within the company either based on seniority or through departmental examinations.


In the case of non-technical staff training is given upto J.A.O. level.

J.A.Os ..........recruitment 50% from within 50% from outside.

Above this i.e. A.A.O. and above seniority is the sole criteria for recruitment and


Therefore we see that the recruitment is done both from within and from outside the

organization. In doing so the B.S.N.L. gives a fair chance to its employees as well as new

entrants from outside to develop with equal opportunity. Thus boosting their morale to do

better and to provide exceptionally good quality service to its customers.


Providing a service of such a vast proportion to such a large customer base needs a sell trained

human resource. It therefore natural for B.S.N.L. to continually hone employee skill, enhance

their knowledge and their expertise and their aspirations to fruition. Even as B.S.N.L. goes about

conducting its business activities it lays emphasis on constant enhancement of knowledge and

skills through regular training programs.

To meet the technological challenges, employees are trained for technology up-gradation,

modernization, computerization etc in B.S.N.L.'s training centers spread across the country.

These centers are properly equipped with the requisite infrastructure facilities such as lecture

rooms, modern audio- visual aids, libraries, hostels etc.

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Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another (transfer).

Training is needed to bridge the gap between what an employee has and what the job

demands. Training is needed to make the employees more productive and useful in the

long run.

Hence we see that training has been given a top priority in the H.R.D. department of B.S.N.L.



1. Ahmedabad

2. Bhopal

3. Bhubaneshwar

4. Calcutta

5. Chennai

6. Guwahati

7. Jaipur

8. Jammu

9. Kakinada

10. Kurukshetra

11. Lucknow

12. Mysore

13. Meerut

14. Nasik

15. Patna

16. Rajpura

17. Shillong

18. Sundernagar

19. Tiruvananthpuram

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1. Ahmedabad

2. Bhubaneshwar

3. Chennai

4. Guwahati

5. Hyderabad

6. Jaipur

7. Kalyani

8. Lucknow

9. Mumbai

10. Mysore

11. Nagpur

12. Patna

13. Pune

14. Rajpura

15. Tiruvananthpuram


1. Ahmedabad

2. Bangalore

3. Culcutta

4. Chennai

5. Delhi

6. Hyderabad

7. Mumbai

8. Pune

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The faculty at any training center is the backnone of the whole concept of training. BSNL

therefore takes adequate precaution and requisite steps in appointing its faculty

BSNL chooses its faculty from within the department, the faculty chosen is very

experienced in its field. Basic qualification and background are taken into consideration while

choosing the faculty.

They are also imparted special training in the lines of B.Ed and M.Ed., they are IT and

advance IT. IT here stands for instructional technology. These courses are imparted in Jabalpur

and Gaziabad respectively. Apart from being chosen, personnel can also opt for faculty of a

training center and thereby undergo training for the same.

The faculty at a training center is divided into three basic departments:

1. Administration faculty

2. Programming faculty

3. Examination faculty

The Administration faculty has the responsibility of conducting the day to day working of the

center. This includes renovation, security, training facility, equipment and manpower etc. It

keeps track of finance, funds, induction and to ensure that the needs of the other two faculties are


The programming faculty undertakes the work of preparing the training programmes that

have to be conducted and for whom. It is this faculty which decides which programmes are to

start and which programmes are to be terminated. It also decides which instructor will take which

class and as to the timings of the training program. The task of allotting the different rooms for

different programms falls under its jurisdiction as well. The programming faculty decides the

examination dates.

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Therefore we see that the total task of running the training program falls under this department.

The Examination faculty has the sole function of conducting the examinations. It

prepares the papers for the examinations. It conducts the examination on the dates decided by the

programming faculty. It is the examination faculty, which evaluates the answer sheets and finally

declares the results.



BSNL imparts training to its personnel at various training centers at circle regional and district

levels. BSNL has 43 zonal training centers and also a national academy of telecom finance and

management, which have been running for several years now. To add to the spectacular training

programme, BSNL has an Advance Level Telecom Training Center (A.L.T.T.C) at Gaziabad and

Bharat Ratna Bhimrao Telecom Training Center at Jabalpur. Which are comparable to any world

class telecom training center.

These training centers run a number of training programs through out the year. These

programs depend upon the needs of the department Different curriculum are run in these centers

to impart technology based training for attitudinal change (psychological training), basic

educational and skill development training.

R.T.T.C. offers various course modules on new (current) technology, behavior training,

management and accounts training. The R.T.T.C.s run training programs for both fresh recruits

as well as for departmental employees. Running of the programs is at the sole discretion of the

R.T.T.C. management. These programs are run depending on the following factors:

Faculty available.

Availability of time.

Number of vacancies.

Need of the company.

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Whenever a training program is conducted the R.T.T.C. issues a circular to all the offices of

BSNL asking them for a list of candidates for training. The R.T.T.C. may increase the number of

seats to a certain extent depending upon the request from the offices of BSNL. (The number of

seats is normally 30)

The training center that came under the scope of this project was R.T.T.C. Lucknow

which comes under the U.P. (east) circle. The training program running at the center during this

period was that of J.T.O. (junior telecom officer) in two batches one of fresh recruited trainees

and second of departmental promoted trainees.


The technical training process as observed at R.T.T.C. contained two groups of trainees. One that

of insiders (departmental promotes) and second of fresh recruits. Both have different initial

training as their acquaintance with the company was at different levels.

OUTSIDERS TRAINING(Fresh recruited trainees)

The basic qualification for technical trainees to the post of J.T.O. (junior telecom officer) is

engineering graduates. The training process for technical trainees' (J.T.O.s) covers a total time

span of 17 weeks. The training is divided into two phases.

Phase I is the induction or orientation training.

Phase II is the specialization training

In between Phase-I and Phase-II there is also 4 weeks field training.

Phase-I consists of 10 weeks whereas Phase-II consists of 3 weeks.


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The phase-I of training is common to all the new cadres irrespective of their field of

specialization. This is basically an induction program or orientation training. It is an introduction

of the company to the new entrant. This is a necessary step in any company or organization.

Phase-I covers a total of 10 weeks. During Phase-I the trainee gets to know about the

various aspects of the company he is to serve he is introduced to the various technicalities of the

telecommunication industry.

The course consists of basic training in:

Telephonic transmission.

Pulse co-modulation.

Data communication.

GSM (global system of mobile communication)

These course contents are only to familiarize the trainees with telecommunication and will be a

necessary knowledge during their specialization training. During this phase the trainees are given

lectures by the instructors and are allowed to work on the equipment in the laboratories.

At the end of the phase of training the trainees are expected to understand the working of

the machinery or equipment and be able to comfortably work on them.


After the first phase of training is over the trainees are required to appear for a test, which is

related to the first phase of training. If the trainees acquire sufficient marks he/she is sent to the

next stage of the training program i.e. the field training.


The field training period is of 4 weeks.

The trainee works under the practical or actual work environment.

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The trainee is required to work under the guidance of a mentor or a work master.

Trainee begins to get his salary.

At the end of the field training the trainee is awarded a certificate indicating his work

experience in the field.


Course content:

Analog system (carrier VFT, MUX, Co-axial & Microwave)

Optical fiber cabin.

Optical fiber system.

Digital microwave system.

Satellite communication.


The term departmental here stands for personnel from within the company. The personnel from

the department are selected on the basis of their seniority (years of service) and on their

performance in the company as well. The selected candidates fall under two categories:

1. Non-graduates

2. Graduates

Non-graduates get 4 weeks of extra training before they are joined by other graduate candidates.

This training is basically to bring them at par with the graduate trainees.

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The trainees are taught physics and maths for 4 weeks. This training helps them to

adequately understand the technicalities in their first and second phase of training.

The graduates then join the non-graduate trainees after the latter's weeks of training in

maths and physics is over. Now both the graduates and the non graduates begin their first phase

of training then go on to field training and then onto the second phase just like any other fresh

recruits do.


In the non-technical area the BSNL has a large work force. The non-technical workforce

generally comprises of accounts personnel and telecom office assistants. The non-technical staff

requires training & refresher courses like in any other personnel of the organization.

The BSNL provides training to non-technical staff at the training centers mentioned earlier in

the project. The various courses provided by the bsnl to its staff at various levels are given as


BSNL Accounting Policies and Procedures.

Essentials of telecom Accounts.

Management of Works accounts.

Terminal Benefits.


Course description : This course aims at providing know how of telephone revenue accounting

procedures to the participants.

Objectives : On successful completion of the course the participant will be able to:

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Have clear ideas with regard to the accounting methods of TRA. (Telecom regulatory


Have realization of outstanding dues etc.

Participants level: AO/AAO/JAO


Course description : This course covers the topics like review of balances: commercial

accounts, Bank reconciliation; Inter-gov./departmental transactions etc.

Objectives : On successful completion of this course the participant will be able to:

Refresh their ideas with regard to proper accounting of commercial accounts, bank

reconciliation, inter governmental/deptt. & transaction, railway/canal & ITI bills &

remittances etc T circles as well as divisional levels.

Participant levels: AO/AAO/JAO


Course description: This course covers the topics like checking of estimates; control and

allocation of expenditure, contribution works & completion reports etc.

Objectives : On successful completion of the course the participant will be able to:

Refresh their ideas on checking of estimates: control & allocation of expenditure,

contribution works & completion of reports etc.

Exercise proper checks while execution of work.

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Participant levels: AO/AAO/JAO


Course description: This course covers the topics like service records; family pension; pension

& gratuity; foreign service contribution; CGEIS-GPE & Workman compensation act etc.

Objectives : On successful completion of this course the participant will be able to:

Refresh their know how about preparation and checking of all the retirement & other

terminal benefits.

Settle claims timely.

Participant levels: AO/AAO/JAO


The world today is developing at an incredible speed and new technologies are being developed

almost every day. It is therefore necessary to keep the employees well informed about these

developments and use these technologies in the organization.

The BSNL therefore provides refresher training courses to its employees. The refresher

training courses are meant for the employees already working in the BSNL. The objective of

these courses is to refresh whatever the employee had learnt earlier and also to acquaint them

with the latest development in their fields.

The BSNL by organizing short-term courses, which incorporate the latest development in

a particular field, keeps its employees up to date and technologically at par with the best in the


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The refresher courses of BSNL are conducted at regular intervals by taking the help of

outside consultants who specialize in the particular fields. The refresher courses of BSNL are

organized in the non-technical area for personnel in the post of AAO (asst. accounts officer) and

above. Whereas in the technical field these courses are organized for personnel at the post of

SDE (sub divisional eng.) and above.

Hence we see that the refresher courses at BSNL are meant for the higher levels of

hierarchy. The refresher courses are basically in-service training methods, which can be

conducted at any time during the tenure of the personnel and as and when found necessary.

The courses at BSNL training center generally cover a period of 1, 2, 4, 5 & 8 weeks.

The refresher courses conducted by the training centers generally cover the following topics.

However it is to be noted that refresher training courses are not only limited to these topics:

Cable optical fiber.


Microwave system Optical fiber system.

PCM (pulse-co modulation).

GSM (global system for mobile communication).


Marketing, etc.

Methods of inducting personnel in these courses are the same as in the case of induction of

departmental trainees. The courses and the vacancies are also decided by the training center.

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For a company as large as BSNL and with such a large customer dealing, the interaction and

attitude towards its customers plays a major role in its success. It is necessary that the employees

maintain a certain standard and manner of dealing among themselves and the customers. In order

that such interaction standards are maintained, the BSNL makes it a point to train its employees

in behavioral skills.

Some training programmes run by the training center concentrate on emotional and

behavioral training. Here the employees can learn about behavior by role playing, in which the

role-players attempt to play their part with respect to the circumstances as they would in real life


The trainees are given classes on etiquette, dealings with customers and among them themselves.

The focus of behavioral training is on better understanding of human interactions and group



During the training period the trainees are entitled to a stipend and some other allowances. The

stipend during phase one is Rs. 4500 + D.A.

However as the trainees enter the field training they begin to get their regular salary of

Rs. 6500 + D.A. + H.R.A. + C.C.A. + Daily allowance.


Hostel facility to every trainee with mess facility.

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Indoor and outdoor games along with extra curricular activities.

Library facility with sufficient literature.

Medical facilities.

Practical equipment for telecom training.

Audio visual aids for training.

Seminars are conducted to facilitate acquaintance with eminent personalities in related



Any training program without proper evaluation of what the trainee has learnt and how far he has

improved his skills or capabilities, is meaningless. There are various methods of evaluating the

outcome of the training. Some are :




Feedback, etc.

At the BSNL training centers the methods of evaluation used are test and feedback.


After every phase of training is over a test is conducted at the training center by the examination

faculty. The tests are both in theory and practicals. The qualifying marks for theory is 60% and

for practical is 80%. A trainee must acquire the qualifying marks in order to move into the next

phase of training.

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Failing in this test the candidate is given a second chance. However if he fails to

qualify even in the second chance then the departmental candidate is sent back to his previous

office of posting. The service of the fresh recruit trainee is terminated once and for all.

Trainee is also evaluated for his discipline. It caries 150 marks and he must acquire at

least 80% to qualify. This aspect of evaluation is compulsory.


On the last day of the training program an evaluation session is conducted. In this session the

trainees come face to face with the management of the training center. The trainees themselves

get the chance to evaluate the training process.

All the trainees are given evaluation sheets on which the trainees are required to give their

comments and recommendations. On the basis of these recommendations and comments the

training program and process at the center are improved.

The participants at the evaluation session are:

Head of the training center.

Faculty members (lecturers).

Hostel warden.

All administrative staff.

All trainees.

During the session the results of the program are also declared and postings announced. Then

finally the training program is officially concluded.

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It has been seen that BSNL runs its training programs with sincerity and a sense of

responsibility. The major objective of any training program is to increase productivity, improve

the morale of workers and reduce accidents etc. it is keeping these points in mind that the BSNL

runs its training programs. The BSNL runs adequate training programs for its various levels of

employees, The training programs suit the kind of job at hand and are planned according to the

needs of the company.

Through its training programmes the BSNL introduces new technology and their know

how among the workers. The company has built up its competent workforce through its training

programs. The workers after their training seem more confident and competent.

Through the induction part of the training program the employees find it easier to adjust

and feel at home in the company. The training program also updates the employees in the latest

development in the fields. The BSNL also has the ability to prepare and train its own faculty, so

that it dies not have to be totally dependent on other sources for trainers. It trains it instructors at

institutes in Gaziabad and Jaipur.

The training programmes also give the company an opportunity to evaluate its

employee's capacity to learn. Like any other organization the BSNL too has a few drawbacks. In

spite of all its efforts there is still a shortage of faculty in the training centers this could harm the

training process in the long run.

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BSNL has its huge organization based on its large workforce. For any organization to survive

and succeed, the satisfaction, morale and motivation among its employees is a must. A satisfied

worker is a good worker and will lead its organization to greater heights. The BSNL too believes

in the same.

The BSNL looks after the welfare of its employees in every way. It provides a number of

facilities to its employees during training, their tenure and as well as after they retire. The BSNL

provides for both the employees as well as their family members. It provides for the education of

the children, medical expenses and lodging as well as pension schemes after retirement.

The welfare activities are looked into by the welfare board, which meets whenever

required. It decides in these meetings regarding scholarships to students and various other

welfare programs.


The BSNL has constituted a special board called the welfare board that looks after the welfare of

the employees of BSNL. We know that the BSNL network is divided into different circles and

the circles are divided into telecom districts. Each telecom district has its own welfare board,

which looks after the employees under its jurisdiction. The head of the welfare board being the


The welfare board consists of the following members:

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President (PGM)

Secretary (SDE HRD)

Cashier (from accounts dept.)

Members (at least one from each cadre).

The president secretary and cashier are permanent and are people holding the post PGM, SDE

(hrd) and accounts respectively. Any person holding these posts automatically also holds the post

of the welfare board. The board consists of about 7-8 members from different cadre (group A B

and D). There should be at least one representative from each cadre.

The board looks after a number of programmes and activities for the welfare of the

employees and their family members. Some of the activities that fall under its jurisdiction have

been discussed further in the report.


The BSNL takes great interest in the education of the employees children. Education being a key

concern for the employees the BSNL provides scholarships and other aids to help unload a part

of the burden from the employee’s pocket.

The employee’s welfare board decides the scholarships to students. It is upto the board to

decide who are eligible for the aid and scholarships.

Process for application: The application forms are available at the H.R.D. office the employees

can fill the forms for the type of aid required. The form completed in all respects and attested by

the head of department is to be submitted at the HRD office for processing. The form then goes

to the secretary BSNL Lucknow district employee welfare board.

Some of the scholarship facilities provided for the students are as follows:

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Incentive to meritorious students.

Tech./non-tech. scholarships for students.

Book award for school children.



Engineering/Medical/Business education and other higher education related students can

apply for tech./non-tech. scholarships the basic pay limit being Rs. 12,750.

For engineering/medical there is no limit on basic pay.

If both husband and wife are working in bsnl then the higher pay will be considered.

only two children are eligible at a time for the scholarship. If employee has more than

two children he can give the names of any two.

Dependent brother or sister is not eligible for the scholarship. Dependent wife or husband

is eligible only if totally dependent.

For scholarship student must attain atleast 70% during admission and atleast 60% during

readmission. 10% marks can be waved for reserved categories.


This award is to boost the morale of the meritorious students. It acts, as a motivation to achieve

better results is studies.

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Basic pay limit is Rs. 12,750.

Candidate should hold 1st or 2

nd position in class. For classes 2-12 (position in previous

class to be considered).

Students achieving third place in board or university level are also eligible.

Only students of recognized institutions will be eligible.

Atleast a minimum of 75% should have been achieved.

Awarded amounts are as follows:

School level

Class First Second

2-5 Rs. 600 Rs. 500

6-10 Rs. 700 Rs. 600

11-12 Rs. 800 Rs. 700

Board/University level

Class First Second Third

10+2 Rs. 2000 Rs. 1000 Rs. 600

6-10 Rs. 2000 Rs. 1000 Rs. 600

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The welfare board has the sole authority to decide the final recipients of the awards.


This award is to help the employees children in purchase of books. This is given to meritorious

students at school level only:


Only employees with pay of 12,750 or below can apply.

The student should have achieved in last examination 75% or above for general category

and 65% or above for st/sc.

For girls 15% waver in marks is allowed but only one of the relaxation can be used.

Amount awarded

Class Amount

2 – 5 400/-

6 – 8 600/-

9 -12 800/-


1. Tech./non-tech. 18 students received the scholarships (13 tech. and 5 non-tech.)

2. Incentives to meritorious students - - - 43 students.

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3. Book award was given to 153 students.

The application for scholarships for the year 2003 is under process.


The BSNL provides its employees with a safe and secure living environment. It does so by

availing them housing facilities in various colonies. The BSNL employees are provided quarters

according to their scale of pay and rank.

The housing facility is looked into by the section office and the circle office, which

receives applications through the HRD office. The employees may apply for allotment of

quarters in the HRD office. The section or the circle office takes the final decision on the matter.


The allotments are made by the circle office or the section office. The allotment of type of

quarter depends on the scale of the employee. The quarters provided by the BSNL are divided

like other government departments in various types.

The types of quarters and the scale of pay for each are given as under.

Type Scale of pay

TYPE – I 3050/- and below

TYPE – II 3050/- to 5,500/-

TYPE – III 5,500/- to 8,500/-

TYPE – IV 8,500/- to 12,000/-

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TYPE – IV(spl) not less tan 10,000/-

TYPE – V (A) 12,000/- to 15099/-

TYPE – V(B) 15099/- to 18399/-

TYPE – VI (A) 18399/- to 22399/-

TYPE – VI (B) 22400/- to 24499/-

TYPE – VII 24500/- to 25999/-

TYPE – VIII 256000 and above

It should be noted that type I and Type-II quarters are allotted by the district office. Quarters

types above these are allotted by the circle office.


The eligibility to a type is as per the basic pay including increment.

Priority in allotment will be based on seniority, which is decided from the date of appointment as

a regular employee. In case dates are the same then seniority is determined by the emoluments

and the officer drawing higher emoluments will be given first preference. Where both the above

are equal officer in higher basic pay scale will get preference.


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The BSNL also provides for appointment of dependants of employees on compassionate ground.

If an employee dies or is prematurely retired on medical grounds, then his dependant may apply

for appointment on compassionate grounds.

Appointment on compassionate grounds are made 10 a dependent family member in cases such

as mentioned under:

1) An employee who dies in service (including death by suicide).

2) Is retired on medical grounds before attaining 55 years (57 in case of group d


Dependent of the employee here would cover the following persons:

A) Spouse.

B) son/daughter (including adopted ones)

C) Brother or sister in the cases of unmarried employee with a condition that the

beneficiary would tend to all dependents off the employee.

The appointments on the basis of compassionate grounds can be made only in Group C and D

posts. Appointing authority is the respective circle selection committee.

There are certain conditions that apply to such cases.

1. Appointment can be made only against the direct recruitment quota.

2. Applicant should fulfill all eligibility conditions.

3. Age limit should be minimum 18 years.


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The applications for such appointment are available at the HRD office. The required documents

along with affidavit from all family members are to be submitted. The application is then

forwarded to the PGM who recommends the letter to the circle office. It is the circle office that

takes the final decision regarding appointment.


If an employee dies while in service his family is eligible for immediate monetary relief. This

relief amounts to Rs. 7000 or three months pay, which ever is less in the form of an advance. The

amount is sanctioned immediately by the head of office (PGM) under whom the deceased was

last working. No formal application is required from the bereaved family.


The telecom women central organization (TWC) is a body formed by the wives of the officials of

the BSNL. It runs under the supervision of the welfare board.The TWC runs a CRECHE for the

children of the BSNL workers. The president, supervisor, secretary and all other officials of the

creche are decided by the TWC. The parents of the children are required to pay a nominal fee

every month.


The BSNL takes adequate care to ensure the welfare of its employees. Unlike a number of

private sector companies, where the welfare programmes are limited to the employee the BSNL

takes the employees family and dependents as well under its care.

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As far as the employees are BSNL are concerned, the company provides favorable working

conditions (airconditioned offices, latest equipment and successful human relations


The BSNL gives adequate incentives, which enables the workers to maintain a proper

lifestyle and work sincerely. The BSNL also provides for chances of growth according to the

ability of the personnel. Its training and welfare programmes help to bring out the best and

enhance the workers skills.

The BSNL is also concerned about the welfare of the employees children. The BSNL is

aware that a satisfaction at home will enhance the workers concentration at work. It therefore

provides for the welfare of the family. It sanctions a number of scholarships and aids for the

children of its employees.

BSNL provides for the family even if the employee dies or is put out of service on medical

grounds. The family members can get immediate relief in case of death while in service. BSNL

makes sure that the family does not suffer as a consequence of the loss of the member


These steps taken by the BSNL promotes a sense of belonging among the workers and the

officials. The worker knowing that his family is secure and well provided for works with a free

mind and sense of sincerity.

The welfare programmes of the company prevent to a large extent practices like absenteeism,

labour turnover, strikes etc.

The credit of running such a large organization can be credited to a large extent to its human

relations and employee welfare programmes.

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A number of observations were made during the course of the project at BSNL PGM

office U.P. (east) circle. Based on these observations a number of recommendations have been

made. They are as follows:

1. The number of trainers or instructors in the training centers should be checked regularly,

to ensure that there is adequate number of instructors as required.

2. More guest lecturers should be arranged for.

3. The incentives for instructors should be increased in order to motivate qualified

employees to opt voluntarily for the posts of instructors.

4. Practical and on the job training should be emphasized on.

5. The refresher training should be more frequent and all employees should be motivated to

join them voluntarily or on compulsion.

6. It should be ensured that the trainees complete the programme with satisfactory outcome.

7. The evaluation method should be updated (stress to be laid on practical and field


8. The feedback sessions should be held at regular intervals during the course of the training


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9. Proper and informal interaction among the trainees and the instructors should be


10. As for as welfare programmes are concerned the red-tapism that effects most government

departments should be checked.

11. One authority or division should be established to take care of all the steps in the

procedure of compensatory work. Such a division would save the beneficiaries a lot of

time and unnecessary stress.

12. The creche facilities should be properly organized and made a permanent part of welfare

activities. (At present they are run by voluntary body).

13. Professionals should be employed to work in the creche.

Taking these recommendations into consideration, it is quite possible to increase the already

existing high quality of training and employee welfare to greater heights.