report for conservative leadership group on: 8th january 2001€¦  · web viewhighways &...

HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT CABINET PANEL TUESDAY 11 JANUARY 2011 AT 10.00AM LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2011-2031 - CONSULTATION REPORT Report of the Director of Environment & Commercial Services Author: Andy Summers Tel: 01992 556193 Executive Member: Stuart Pile (Highways and Transport) 1 Purpose of report 1.1 To advise Members of the key issues raised through the public consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and seek the Panel’s views on the implication of the public comments for the LTP3. 2 Summary 2.1 Public consultation on LTP3 took place between 22 nd September and 1 st December 2010. A total of 705 comments from 60 individual stakeholders and members of the public was received. 2.2 The key issues arising from the public consultation are outlined in section 5 of this paper. 2.3 A full list of all the 705 public comments submitted during the consultation period, and the Officers’ suggested draft Hertfordshire County Council responses to each individual comment, has been produced as annex B to the consultation report. This annex is too lengthy to include as part of this Panel report and therefore a copy has been placed in the Members Room [Room 103] at County Hall, Hertford. Copies are also available on request from the Transport Policy Team. 2.4 The LTP3 Member Reference Group will meet on 17 th January 2011 to agree Hertfordshire County Council’s final 1 Agenda Item No . 6

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Report of the Director of Environment & Commercial Services

Author: Andy Summers Tel: 01992 556193

Executive Member: Stuart Pile (Highways and Transport)

1 Purpose of report

1.1 To advise Members of the key issues raised through the public consultation on the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and seek the Panel’s views on the implication of the public comments for the LTP3.

2 Summary

2.1 Public consultation on LTP3 took place between 22nd September and 1st

December 2010. A total of 705 comments from 60 individual stakeholders and members of the public was received.

2.2 The key issues arising from the public consultation are outlined in section 5 of this paper.

2.3 A full list of all the 705 public comments submitted during the consultation period, and the Officers’ suggested draft Hertfordshire County Council responses to each individual comment, has been produced as annex B to the consultation report. This annex is too lengthy to include as part of this Panel report and therefore a copy has been placed in the Members Room [Room 103] at County Hall, Hertford. Copies are also available on request from the Transport Policy Team.

2.4 The LTP3 Member Reference Group will meet on 17 th January 2011 to agree Hertfordshire County Council’s final responses to the individual comments arising through consultation and any proposed changes to the LTP3. The proposed final LTP3 will then be presented at Highways and Transport Panel on 8th February.

3 Recommendations

3.1 It is recommended that the Panel reviews the content of section 5 and annexes B and C of this paper, and provides views on the issues raised through the public consultation.


Agenda Item No.


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4 Background

4.1 Hertfordshire’s draft Local Transport Plan, covering the period 2011 to 2031, was published for public consultation on 22nd September 2010. Respondents were invited to submit written responses to HCC by 1st December 2010.

4.2 The draft LTP3 documents published for consultation on 22nd September were: LTP3 Volume 1 - The Strategy LTP3 Volume 2 - The Policy Document LTP3 Volume 3 - The Implementation Plan Walking Strategy (daughter document) Cycling Strategy (daughter document) Rail Strategy (daughter document) Rights of Way Improvement Plan (daughter document) The Rural Statement (daughter document) Strategic Environmental Assessment Habitats Regulation Assessment

4.3 In addition to the opportunity to provide written responses, key stakeholders were invited to attend an LTP3 consultation event in Welwyn Garden City on 4th November 2010, where consultees were able to discuss the content of the LTP3 transport issues in greater depth. Prior to September 2010, the draft LTP3 had been developed through a programme of public engagement. The full list of LTP3 public engagement activities can be viewed in Annex A.

4.4 This paper identifies the key issues raised during the public consultation period, and provides Officers’ suggested HCC responses to each public comment (annex B) and Officers’ suggested possible changes to the draft LTP (annex C) based on the public comments.

4.5 The LTP3 Member Reference Group will meet on 17 th January 2011 to agree Hertfordshire County Council’s final responses to the individual comments arising through consultation and any proposed changes to the LTP3. The proposed final LTP3 will then be presented at Highways and Transport Panel on 8th February.

4.6 A separate consultation response form for respondents with learning disabilities was developed during the consultation period following a request from a learning disabilities representative group. Respondents using this form were given an extended deadline of 31 December 2010 to provide responses. Any issues arising from this separate consultation will be addressed in the 8th February panel paper if required.

4.7 Further LTP3 daughter documents will be developed and published for consultation throughout 2011, to be incorporated into the LTP3 family of documents when each one is individually approved. The draft Road Safety Strategy was published for consultation in November 2010. The other daughter documents that are expected to be published for public consultation in 2011 include:

Bus Strategy and accompanying Intalink Strategy


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Inter-Urban Route Strategy Rural Strategy

4.8 Other relevant LTP3 daughter documents exist that have not been part of this particular consultation process. The Speed Management Strategy was reviewed in 2009, and is therefore not undergoing public consultation, although it may be subject to a refresh in early 2011 to ensure alignment with LTP3. The Intelligent Transport Systems Strategy is also currently being reviewed and is the subject of a separate panel paper. The urban transport plans, effectively geographic daughter documents to the LTP, are also outside the scope of this particular LTP3 consultation process as they are developed at a local level and approved by the Panel on an individual basis as and when appropriate.

4.9 The key issues arising through the Local Transport Plan public consultation are outlined in section 5 below.

5. Key issues raised through the public consultation

5.1 KEY ISSUE 1: LTP3 approach and structure

5.1.1 The majority of respondents supported the overall approach of the draft LTP3, and clearly understood and appreciated the factors that influenced this, which include the current financial situation and increased national and international emphasis on the need to reduce carbon emissions. In particular, a large proportion of respondents supported the increased emphasis on sustainable modes and making best use of the existing network.

5.1.2 The structure of the LTP3 was generally well received, although a few suggestions were put forward regarding improvements, in particular that the LTP3 could be more concise, and that daughter documents should all follow the same template.

5.1.3 The content of the Implementation Plan attracted a large number of comments. The most frequently occurring themes were:

Noticeably strong support for the delivery of major schemes, particularly Croxley Rail Link, Watford Junction Interchange, Abbey Line and Little Hadham Bypass. These were generally regarded to be very important to respondents.

The Urban Transport Plan (UTP) process was broadly supported and respondents demonstrated an appetite for closer engagement in the process, including scheme prioritisation.

It was suggested by a number of respondents that the mechanism for identifying and delivering schemes in areas without a UTP should be made clearer or reviewed, and the list of schemes in the Implementation Plan should include more from rural areas.

More long-term schemes should be mentioned as the Implementation Plan is for 20 years, and inclusion in the Implementation Plan could help justify their development.


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5.1.4 Finally, respondents highlighted a number of dilemmas facing Hertfordshire County Council resulting from reductions in Government funding. It was identified that although the LTP3 had strong aspirations for an increase in sustainable travel, reductions in funding to school travel, passenger transport and other modes would make this extremely challenging. A common suggestion was for the LTP3 to further strengthen its proposals to use developer contributions, including the Community Infrastructure Levy, to fund transport infrastructure

5.2 KEY ISSUE 2: LTP3 Targets

5.2.1 A significant number of respondents provided comments on targets and indicators. A small number of respondents questioned the need for LTP3 indicators, with opinions put forward that they were bureaucratic, not required by Government anymore and did not reflect achievement at a local level. However, the majority of respondents were supportive of the need for targets, and made suggestions for amendments or new targets.

5.2.2 Suggestions for amendments to existing targets mainly focused on the cycling and walking indicators, however other amendments were also suggested. Key points put forward included:

Make the cycling target and / or walking target more ambitious [or similar – numerous responses];

[or conversely, from a small number of respondents] The cycling target is too ambitious and not achievable;

The use of a speed reduction indicator does not fully reflect the entirety of the challenge to improve the urban environment;

Whilst promotion and publicity for walking and cycling is required, this needs to be supported by actual infrastructure improvements.

5.2.3 Suggestions for new targets were also put forward. These can be summarised as:

Specific suggestions for ‘input’ targets, such as more cycle parking. Expand maintenance targets to cover cycle routes; Other new targets, including: reduce motorised journeys; a KSI reduction

target for pedestrians and cyclists; targets to measure bus usage, targets on rail to allow active council lobbying on rail improvements.

5.2.4 It was generally recognised that reductions in funding has created a challenge for Hertfordshire County Council in firstly setting targets and secondly achieving them, but there was still a broad appetite from stakeholders to retain some measure of performance.

5.3 KEY ISSUE 3: Roads and congestion

5.3.1 The issue of roads and congestion was one of the most frequently mentioned topics, with a wide range of views put forward. Whilst there was a significant difference in opinion on the solutions, most respondents agreed (and expressed disappointment) that if development and car ownership continued to increase as projected, it was inevitable that traffic levels, congestion and carbon emissions would continue to rise.


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5.3.2 A number of respondents were advocates of highway supply-side enhancements to address this challenge, with frequent mention of road and junction upgrades required, both on strategic routes (such as the A10) and bottlenecks (such as Little Hadham). A number of respondents were sceptical of the benefits of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and required further evidence.

5.3.3 On the other hand, a large proportion of respondents generally supported the need to solve traffic growth and congestion by better demand management (for example through car parking policy) and making better use of the existing network. These respondents supported the development of ITS and promotion of alternative modes within the LTP3.

5.3.4 The Council’s stance on motorway widening was also addressed by respondents, with some supporting the LTP3’s promotion of motorway widening schemes as necessary to reduce the pressure on Hertfordshire’s local road network, and other suggesting this contradicted the overall LTP3 approach to reduce new road infrastructure.

5.4 KEY ISSUE 4: Rural Transport

5.4.1 A large number of respondents highlighted the need for the LTP3 to promote and identify transport improvements in and to rural areas. A frequently occurring theme was the interaction between urban and rural areas, in that urban congestion is often caused by trips from rural areas with no viable sustainable transport alternative, or that the reduction in services and poor facilities in rural areas generated trips to urban areas.

5.4.2 One of the key concerns for respondents from rural areas was the perception that there was not a clear process in the LTP3 for transport scheme identification in rural areas, in the equivalent way to which urban areas benefit from the Urban Transport Plan process, and thus a fear that small scale transport schemes would not be taken forward outside of major towns. There were numerous calls for more communication from HCC regarding mechanisms to address this, although some respondents did acknowledge the Transport and Environment list of schemes. Schemes advocated by respondents for rural areas focussed on speed management, walking and cycling facilities, and passenger transport.

5.4.3 There was considerable concern regarding the provision of passenger transport to rural areas and villages. Although a number of respondents acknowledged the funding limitations on HCC, there were calls for changes in bus timings and frequencies to better suit local needs and connect with other passenger transport services, such as rail. A small number of respondents make the case for more evening bus services to villages.

5.4.4 Finally, there was strong support for including within the LTP3 the requirement for better access to the county’s rural areas of interest, most notably, the Chilterns.


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5.5 KEY ISSUE 5: Safety and Speed Reduction

5.5.1 A number of respondents focussed on the need for improvements to road safety and speed reduction, and a number of specific locations throughout Hertfordshire were mentioned where respondents requested action to be taken through the LTP3.

5.5.2 The topics of safety and speed management attracted a wide variety of comments. The most frequently occurring themes for consideration in the final LTP3 included:

The need for the LTP3 to include policy to support the development of more 20 mph zones and limits throughout the county, as well as speed restrictions in country lanes;

That some speed reduction measures, such as speed bumps, can cause increased carbon emissions, and thus deter the achievement of all LTP3 goals;

The need for more effective enforcement of speed limits, particularly to reduce the danger to pedestrians and cyclists;

That many accidents are not a result of traffic collisions, but are due to falls and slippages;

There is a need for greater education for children (and adults) regarding road safety, including cycle training.

5.5.3 A number of respondents utilised the LTP3 consultation process to make the case for the installation of speed cameras in their local area and these comments have been passed onto the relevant HCC officers.

5.6 KEY ISSUE 6: Sustainable Transport – Cycling, Walking and Travel Planning

5.6.1 There was significant support for improving cycling and walking, not only from the large number of cycling, walking and environmental interest groups that responded to the consultation, but also from other respondents, such as district councils who regarded cycling and walking to be an integral part of future transport strategy. Indeed many respondents did not think the LTP3 went far enough to promote cycling and walking, however on the other hand it must also be noted that a small number of respondents were cautious of the LTP3’s support for cycling and walking, questioning the realism of the cycling targets.

5.6.2 Many suggestions were put forward for inclusion within the final LTP3. A large number of individual walking and cycling schemes were mentioned, and these comments have been passed to the relevant HCC officer, however the key themes emerging were:

More mention needs to be made in the LTP3 between cycling / walking and health;

Many comments on the design of cycle and walking facilities, with numerous referrals to best practice elsewhere that should be incorporated into the LTP3 Cycling and Walking Strategies;

[as mentioned in the targets section] The targets for walking and cycling were generally thought to not be ambitious enough, although a minority of respondents suggested they may be too ambitious;


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The LTP3 should promote safer cycling and walking routes and promote taking action against cyclists breaking the law, as well as advocating the provision of more cycle parking, both as part of new development and within existing urban development;

Canals and towpaths should also be considered as part of the walking and cycling network.

5.6.3 The inclusion of Travel Planning, including the continued provision of alternative and safe routes to school, as a significant part of the LTP3 approach was supported by a wide number of respondents. It was suggested that the LTP3 should make greater links between travel planning and health, and that there is a need to build in travel plans to new developments.

5.7 KEY ISSUE 7: Passenger Transport

5.7.1 A significant number of respondents demonstrated support for improved passenger transport services, and voiced concerns regarding the potential impact of Government funding cuts on local bus services.

5.7.2 With regard to buses, a large number of local route enhancements were suggested throughout Hertfordshire, which will be forwarded to the Passenger Transport Unit. However, more general bus themes did emerge through the consultation for inclusion within the LTP3, including:

The potential for innovation on buses, such as better real time information, the provision for carrying cycles and development of voluntary services to allow better provision for rural communities;

Greater integration with other modes, particularly rail, through integrated ticketing and development of passenger interchange between bus and rail;

Better bus services in the evening to reduce the need to travel by car.

5.7.3 It was noted by more than one respondent that taxis should be promoted within the LTP3 as they play a vital role in connecting to passenger transport termini.

5.7.4 Respondents, whilst recognising that rail is predominantly under the control of the rail authorities, supported the inclusion of the rail strategy and made a number of further general suggestions, most notably the expansion of the Oyster card system throughout Hertfordshire.

5.7.5 Finally, there was an almost unanimous support for the LTP3 to continue to promote the passenger transport schemes set out in the Implementation Plan, namely Croxley Rail Link, Watford Junction Interchange and the Abbey Line.


5.8.1 Whilst the preceding paragraphs highlight the most popular issues from the LTP consultation, there were a number of other important points put forward by multiple respondents which are captured in the following section.


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5.8.2 Public Realm: Many respondents commented on the need to improve the public realm through the LTP3, including references to Manual for Streets and Roads In Hertfordshire. Specific issues raised included the need for good street design to encourage a healthy urban environment, mixed support for street lighting, and the need to design safety into urban improvements.

5.8.3 Listening to stakeholders: A number of respondents voiced the need for HCC to listen more closely to local communities with regard to transport. There were calls for the development of ‘bottom-up’ projects, and greater influence for local communities, for example through parish councils, to shape transport developments in their areas.

5.8.4 Working with partners: It was identified that the LTP3 needs to advocate closer working with key partners, particularly district councils, neighbouring transport authorities and the Highways Agency. A number of district councils requested that the LTP3 clarify the roles and responsibilities of the County and Districts with regard to transport and planning, and work together to ensure planning and transport developments complement each other and don’t necessitate the need to travel by unsustainable modes. A number of respondents located close to the boundary with other local authorities requested greater join-up to ensure seamless access to cross-boundary locations, in particular where East-West movements were required.

5.8.5 Parking: A number of respondents requested greater clarity on parking issues, including the need for greater enforcement and suggested the need for a central HCC parking policy.

5.8.6 Trunk Road Designation: It was mentioned by more than one respondent that the LTP3 should consider re-designating the A10 as a trunk road, and reference was made through the process as to whether the LTP3 should consider the potential impact of de-trunking the A5 if the A5-M1 link road scheme should ever be developed.

6 Next Steps

6.1The views of the Panel on the LTP3 Consultation issues raised will be considered by the LTP3 Member Reference group on 17th January 2011, alongside the Officers’ suggested changes to the LTP.

6.2The recommended final LTP3, including any changes resulting from the consultation process, will be presented to the Panel on 8 th February.

6.3The final LTP3 will then be presented to Cabinet on 21st March and Full Council on 29th March

7 Financial Implications

7.1 This paper has no immediate financial implications.


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The LTP3 Public Engagement Process 2009-2010

A.1 April 2009

A.1.1 Hertfordshire Forward recommended that the County Council should lead the development of the Transport & Access theme of the Sustainable Community Strategy. Subsequent discussions identified the need for a wider partnership to unpack the Transport & Access objectives and actions set out in the Strategy. With this in mind, the Transport Access Partnership held a well attended conference in Hatfield – feedback from workshops was taken into account when researching into the LTP3 challenges and potential solutions.

A.2 Spring 2009

A.2.1 The policy team sent a postcard survey out to a number of school children asking their views on local transport. This was facilitated by Connexions who distributed the questionnaire for us. The three main multiple choice questions were:

What would improve bus and train travel? How do you prefer to find travel information (buses and trains) What would encourage you to walk/cycle more?

A.2.2 Results showed that 370 pupils responded, there was a mixed response regarding which issues the young people felt were more important. The results were used to feed into the LTP3 development.

A.3 October and November 2009

A.3.1 Three afternoon workshop events were held in which stakeholders were asked to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for dealing with the challenges. The information was disseminated via a special September 2009 edition of the LTP bulletin and promoted on the hertsdirect web site. Around 80 attendees (including facilitators and officers) expressed an interest in attending from a wide variety of organisations ranging from St Albans Cycling Campaign to CPRE.

The workshops were as follows:  Goals Date / Time VenueContribute to better safety, security and health

28 October 20092-5pm

Campus WestWelwyn Garden City

Supporting economic growth and reduce carbon emissions.

11 November 20092-5pm

Campus WestWelwyn Garden City

Promote equality of opportunity & improving quality of life

25 November 20092-5pm

Campus WestWelwyn Garden City


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A.3.2 The responses from these stakeholder events fed into the following LTP 3 processes: Step 1, Evidence gathering and Step 2, Option generation.

A.3.3 Stakeholder comments and views were added to the challenge issues papers and informed the process of identifying the key priorities for Hertfordshire in the Local Transport Plan and the packages of measures to tackle these priorities.

A.4 November 4th 2010

A.4.1 HCC held an afternoon presentation and conference, once again at Welwyn Garden City in Campus West. It was attended by around 50 delegates and was chaired by Trevor Mason, Principal Engineer, and the Transport Policy Team of the Transport Planning and Policy unit at the County Council.

A.4.2 The aims of the conference were to:

present the draft Local Transport Plan 3 which went out to public consultation between 15th September and 1st December 2010;

discuss the transport issues raised in the draft LTP3; remind delegates that the draft LTP3 is out to consultation and encourage

them to submit comments/questionnaires by the 1st December 2010; inform delegates of the next stages of the draft LTP3 process following the

end of consultation and up until its adoption on 1st April 2011; and enable dialogue between a wide range of local organisations with transport


A.4.3 The first half of the conference included a presentation on the draft LTP3 by Hertfordshire’s Transport Policy Team followed by a general question and answer session.

A.4.4 Delegates were given the choice of three workshops to attend in the latter half of the conference where they were given the opportunity to raise questions and issues on specific LTP3 issues: Tackling peak-time congestion, supporting economic growth, reducing

carbon emissions Maintaining Access to key services Reducing casualties, maintaining roads

A.5 Additional consultation for LTP3

A.5.1 An ‘Easy Read Version’ of the LTP for people with learning disabilities was produced. There was a specific request from learning disabled groups and their representatives that they wished to be able to play a part in the LTP3 consultation. An easy read version should have been available on the internet from 11th September, but as it was not sent out early enough a one month extension was provided to learning disabled groups. A separate report with the findings will be available in the new year.


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Full list of consultation comments and Officer’s suggested HCC responses

Due to its large size, Annex B has not been attached to this report.

A hard copy of Annex B has been placed in the Members Room [ Room 103] in County Hall.


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Annex C:

Officers’ suggested changes to the draft Local Transport Plan arising from the public consultation

Please note: These are Officers’ initial suggested changes arising from the consultation report. These will be considered by the LTP3 member reference group.

Comment Number LTP3 Section New wording / change for final LTP3

General102 General Throughout the LTP, replace all mention of 'public transport' with 'passenger transport' 101 General Within the strategy section (goals and challenges) add reference to the impact of rural car trips on urban areas.

499 General Insert more references in the LTP (particularly the cycling and walking policies) of the benefits to health of sustainable travel modes.

Volume 1 – The Strategy

127 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment) In the Glossary on page 98, add SCooT.

234 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment) Check the Environment Agency's checklist has been included in the LTP

400 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment) Develop an Index for the LTP.

700 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment) In the Walking and Cycling Strategies, add mention of the district's walking and cycling strategies.

490 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment)

On page 58, change the text to clarify that the public sector partners are responsible for developing the LDF and LTP, and ensuring that developers and transport operators (whilst not themselves responsible for strategy) have obligations to deliver services, S106 contributions and schemes where required.

103 Volume 1 - Strategy (General Comment)

Update challenge 2.3 on page 71 to include brief reference to taxis and the role that they play in transport provision.

491 Section 1 - Executive Summary Amend the executive summary to improve commitment to Abbey Line

110 Section 1 - Executive Summary In the Strategy section Table 1.2, Challenge 2.1, page 15, in the 'Approach', 'Interventions' and 'Summary' columns, include reference to rural issues and accessibility needs.


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106 Section 1 - Executive Summary In Challenge 1.2, page 7, change the first paragraph, to read 'The LTP provides strong support for new development to be located and designed…'

107 Section 1 - Executive Summary Change wording in Strategy section Challenge 2.1, page 7, 2nd paragraph, from ‘…voluntary sector, can fill the gap’ to ‘are able to fill the gap’.

108 Section 1 - Executive Summary Review indicators to include urban indicators639 Section 1 - Executive Summary In the vision and goals, include reference to the importance of accessibility.176 Section 1 - Executive Summary On P13, provide an update with the status of national indicators.

172 Section 1 - Executive Summary On page 6, clarify latest status of RSS.

173 Section 1 - Executive Summary Update 2nd paragraph, page 7 to include reference to the need for residential travel plans for new developments.

175 Section 1 - Executive Summary On page 10, paragraph 2 - change wording to 'facilities' rather than 'furniture' as facilities could include pedestrian crossings and dropped kerbs.

177 Section 2 - Introduction On page 24, add a reference to the Annual Progress Report process.179 Section 2 - Introduction On page 28, clarify latest status of RSS.178 Section 2 - Introduction Update Section 3 (p30-41) with 3-4 bullet points of the key findings from the DaSTS London Arc Study224 Section 3 - Transport in Herts In the approach, page 45, paragraph 4, add a line to include public realm and street improvements.112 Section 3 - Transport in Herts Change Strategy section, wording of 'Public Transport' to 'Passenger Transport'111 Section 3 - Transport in Herts Change Strategy section 3: Road Network, page 33, to reflect the congestion caused by rural trips to urban areas

180 Section 3 - Transport in HertsOn page 39, 1st paragraph, change where it states 'it appears the proportions of each mode are less' to read 'the numbers of each mode are less'? Also change where it says the proportions of each mode are less (except for cycling) but train is 18.8% (up from 7.8% in the first graph?)?

181 Section 3 - Transport in HertsPage 39, paragraph 2 - amend last sentence to read ' The London cycle hire scheme could help encourage commuters to cycle at the London end of their journey.' (As it won't necessarily affect their travel mode choice at the Herts end of their journey).

306 Section 3: Transport in Hertfordshire

In the rail strategy, add that there is also a significant volume of in-commuting to the county on London-bound commuter trains (e.g. from Huntingdon or Sandy, via the East Coast Main Line, to Stevenage or Welwyn).

462 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges In the vision section, state that there is no one goal that is more important than the others.

505 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change explanatory notes in policy 3.1 to "key services in relations to improving access include health facilities, schools, community facilities, such as town centres and local parades of shops, libraries and leisure centres, parks and playgrounds and passenger transport interchanges. Other services may be considered key in appropriate circumstances."


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651 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change the safety section on page 41 to say: ‘Safety is of paramount importance. The county has seen a fall of about a quarter in those killed and seriously injured on the roads in the 5 years 2005-2009 and has had the highest reduction in the East of England region.'

650 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change text on page 41 to ‘Despite the dominance of the car there are sections of society which have difficulty accessing services and employment, either because they do not have a car, are elderly or mobility impaired or cannot afford the fares. In rural areas problems are exacerbated by limited access to services for those without use of a private car.’

649 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 41, change text to make sense to: 'being able to access public services, employment opportunities and other facilities is important, and all members of society should have this opportunity.’

648 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 41, change text to: ‘Road transport contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and therefore to climate change. The emissions also affect local air quality with risks to health. The contribution transport makes to climate change emissions must be reduced through the improvement of sustainable modes while its contribution to supporting the economy is maintained. Reliance on the car in the long term should be considered in the light of the emissions, health, sustainable development, social inclusion and congestion and the cost implications as the price of fuel rises’.

653 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 42, change text to: 'Traffic levels and inappropriate speeds make an area less attractive and affect the local economy. Rural areas can similarly suffer the impacts of traffic.’

654 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 42, change text to: ‘Transport has to support the economy enabling freight to be delivered and people to access work, retail and leisure opportunities. Access to facilities is an issue for all road users. '

652 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 42, change the text to: ‘Environmental impacts are not limited to those caused by emissions. Traffic in urban areas can affect the buildings, the residents and other network users, e.g. pedestrians and cyclists.’

116 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change Strategy section Challenge 1.1, Interventions, page 52, 1st paragraph by inserting 'especially' between 'car' and 'in' on the 2nd line.

115 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change Strategy section The Interventions, page 48, 3rd paragraph to ‘Other major schemes such as the Little Hadham bypass will be pursued as and when appropriate funding becomes available.’

114 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

In Strategy section The Preferred Approach, page 47, bullet point 9, add the A414 Hatfield/Hertford/A10 (Great Amwell) route and the Ware A10/A120 Bishop’s Stortford route.

504 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change the Vision wording to "To provide a safe, efficient, resilient transport system that serves the needs of all those that live and work in Hertfordshire and minimises its impact on the environment." Include a third bullet point with regards how we will achieve the vision "Improving the quality and liveability of the roads, streets and other highway spaces where people live, work, play and travel."


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113 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

To ensure that support for Little Hadham Bypass is clear, change wording in Strategy section The Approach, page 45, Line 6, from 'could be considered' is replaced with 'would normally be considered'.

656 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

On page 42, amend the wording on maintenance to read: 'Maintenance of the network has been the public’s highest priority for the previous ten years. The county council has a comprehensive maintenance programme but sufficient funding is unlikely to be available at least in the near future to provide a total solution. The issue will remain therefore but the problems are arguably more easily addressed than the more fundamental transport issues of growth, emissions and capacity and access.’

1 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Change the Vision wording to "To provide a safe, efficient, resilient transport system that serves the needs of all those that live and work in Hertfordshire and minimises its impact on the environment."

472 Section 4 - Visions, Goal and Challenges

Respondent saying that the goal “To improve the safety and security of residents and other road users” could be taken as justification for street lighting. Need to clarify in LTP3 the position on street lighting.

226 Section 4. Indicators and Targets

Consider target for Challenge 3.3 which uses speed compliance to measure maintaining and enhancing the environment.

531 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Alter challenge 5.1 to make the aspiration to reduce car / growth in car consistent

514 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Throughout the LTP, replace all mention of 'collisions' with 'accidents'

120 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Change Strategy section Challenge 2.1, pages 59-60 to mention 'rural' issues in more of the text.

123 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions

Change Strategy section Delivery by other Plans and Strategies, page 78, line 2 to say 'The county council as the Highway Authority is responsible for most roads in the county except the motorways and those roads in private ownership, but will…'

124 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Change Strategy Indicators, section page 87, to include further details of the climate change scale

118 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions

Change Strategy section Interventions Focused on new developments, page 56, 1st bullet point to confirm role of planning authorities in determining the location of developments, not the County Council

122 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions

Update the table in the Small Scale Infrastructure and Road Improvements section, page 76, to include detail on indicators.

125 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Update the table on page 88-89 to include detail on indicators.

511 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Change the following references to "mobility impaired": pages 7, 8, 13, 50, 59, 60, 88, 92

521 Section 5 - Challenges and Change wording on page 69 if accepted to "traffic levels and inappropriate speeds can impact on pedestrians and


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Interventions cyclists making their journeys more uncomfortable, so wherever possible traffic management measures will be introduced to improve conditions."

117 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Check content of indicator N167 when reviewed in final LTP to ensure all towns are included

182 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions On page 60 add a small amount of text in relevant section to explain Saver card.

183 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions On page 63, add reference to NHS partners who also promote walking / cycling for health benefits.

185 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions On page 84, refer to the successful plugged in places bid for the East of England.

186 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions On page 86 add a few bullets regarding the key findings from the DaSTS resilience project.

515 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions

Seek advice on whether to amend Challenge 4.1. to read 'Improve road safety by reducing the risk of death and injury due to traffic collisions or caused by slipping or falling on roads and footways.

522 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Update the cycling strategy with the sentiments from this suggested comment for the Strategy.

524 Section 5 - Challenges and Interventions Update Walking and Cycling Strategies to recognise and support SUSTRANS campaign for Quality Streets

466 Indicators In the indicators section, clarify that targets that assist with carbon reduction are no less important that any others.

27 Indicators Review the suitability of the speed compliance indicator as part of the wider target review.461 Indicators Review the need for 20 year targets in LTP

126 Indicators Change Strategy section Appendix: LTP3 Indicators and Challenges, 91-96 so that where indicators or targets are not currently known, the field should be filled with 'tbd'(if still appropriate by time of publication)

448 Indicators Consider a target to reduce the number of motorised journeys

467 Indicators Consider a target for the reduction of number of journeys made in single occupancy cars.468 Indicators Consider more ambitious targets for walking and cycling485 Indicators Consider reviewing the walking and cycling targets466 Indicators In the indicators section, clarify that targets that assist with carbon reduction are no less important that any others.

126 Indicators Change Strategy section Appendix: LTP3 Indicators and Challenges, 91-96 so that where indicators or targets are not currently known, the field should be filled with 'tbd'(if still appropriate by time of publication)

448 Indicators Consider introducing a target to reduce the number of motorised journey


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467 Indicators Consider introducing a target to reduce the number of journeys made in single occupancy cars.468 Indicators Consider introducing more ambitious targets for walking and cycling.485 Indicators Consider making indicator 2.2 one mile for walking and three miles for cycling. 571 Indicators Consider making the cycling target more ambitious573 Indicators Consider making the cycling target more ambitious

534 Indicators Consider an additional target to reduce the killed and injury rate per mile cycled (and also per mile walked) where our rates are much higher than our northern European neighbours

Volume 2 - Policies    

128 Volume 2 - Policies (General Comment)

Update Policy Document Introduction, page 3, 3rd paragraph to include reference of several of the key LTP3 reference documents, including Roads in Herts.

129 Volume 2 - Policies (General Comment)

Change Policy Document LTP Challenges page 6, all paragraphs, where appropriate in line with comments made by the same respondent about the Strategy volume

22 Access to ServicesAdd 'reasonable comfort' to access to services policy where it reads ”accessibility means people being able to access key services and employment opportunities at reasonable cost, in reasonable time and with reasonable ease.”

533 Access to Services Change 4th bullet point, p10, in 3.1 Access to Services policy to "consider measures that will help people to walk and cycle such as dropped kerbs, improved signage, better crossing facilities and appropriate resting facilities".

532 Access to Services

Change p8, Volume 2, bottom paragraph "key services in relation to improving access include health facilities, schools, community facilities, such as town centres and local parades of shops, libraries and leisure centres, parks and playgrounds, and passenger transport interchanges. Other services may be considered key in appropriate circumstances."

130 Access to services Change Policy Document page 8, section 3. Transport Policy 3.1 Access to services 2nd, 3rd & policy paragraphs to include the mention of access to rural issues within this policy.

131 Access to servicesChange Policy Document section on page 10, in section '3. Transport Policy 3.1 Access to services, Part C, Increase the range of services that people can reach using sustainable transport modes including taking the services to the people. In the 3rd bullet point include reference to the Rural Strategy.

187 Airports In the airport policy, add some wording to acknowledge the economic benefits of airports namely employment and creation of markets for local businesses.


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188 Climate Change: Emissions Reduction and Climate Risk

On page 16 in the Climate Change policy, make the wording on electric vehicles consistent with elsewhere in the document.

189 Climate Change: Emissions Reduction and Climate Risk

On page 16 in the Climate Change policy, change the wording of paragraph 5 so that it reads '…road pricing in congested areas and routes, taxing private car parks and other demand management interventions.'

132 Climate Change; Climate Risk - Impacts of Climate Change

In the Climate Change policy section on page 16, 1st paragraph, add the word 'snow' as an extreme weather phonenemum so that the policy reads '...heavy rain, snow and floods...'

133 Congestion Change Policy Document Congestion section on page 18 so that the text includes references to the urban congestion impact of traffic from rural areas.

190 Congestion In the congestion section on page 18, add text to say that 'congestion in the East of England costs the UK economy over £1bn per annum and that this will rise to around £2bn by 2021.'

135 Cycling Change Policy Document section Cycling, page 21 to include mention of 'SUSTRANS'

540 Cycling

In 3.6 Cycling, update the policy statement to include making the roads safer for cyclists as the key means by which the county council will encourage cycling. Amend to read “The county council will promote cycling by making the roads safer for cyclists, improving infrastructure and by softer measures such as campaigns, information, education and training. As far as is practicable all county council policies and programmes will work together to encourage modal shift to sustainable forms of transport including cycling”

444 Cycling Consider changing the cycling target.17 Cycling Update the cycling strategy to make it more detailed to compare with the walking strategy

136 Development Control

Change Policy Document, Development Control section, page 24, Policy part G paragraph with a caveat that whilst there may be future development in areas of a rural nature, the overriding objective of spatial planning policy in the County will remain to focus development on the larger urban settlements in order to maintain and improve the sustainability of development and reduce carbon emissions.

191 Development Control In development control policy, update with latest details of East of England Plan.476 Electric Vehicles In policy 3.9, add reference about the need to liaise with local planning authorities on electric vehicle provision.

330 Development ControlIn the Development Control policy, consider the insertion of an additional criterion under point ‘G’: “v. The proposals would result in unacceptable harm to the environment, either directly or indirectly via air pollution or surface water runoff.”.

358 Rights of Way Imp Plan Remove reference to EEDA funding in the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

355 LTP3 Volume 3: The In Section 6, make a change (from 'two' to 'three') where it states that “The two main schemes currently being


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Implementation Plan developed are as follows”; but then goes on to provide details of three such schemes (Croxley Rail Link, Watford Junction Interchange, and Little Hadham Bypass).

138 New Roads and Highway Improvements

Policy question - In 'New Roads and Highway' should we revise this sentence to incorporate environmental conditions in addition to 'congestion and safety problems' to allow for situations, such as Little Hadham, where the need for a bypass is a combination of all three issues.

137 New Roads and Highway Improvements

Change Policy Document, New Roads and Highway Improvements section, page 38, Explanatory Notes, Policy statement A to ensure the importance of Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings and other national designations is duly recognised.

140 Parking Change Policy Document Parking section, page 40, New Development - 3rd paragraph to reflect the fact that districts may apply local policies as appropriate ( the current wording could be taken as being too prescriptive).

141 Parking Change Policy Document Parking section, page 40, New Development - 4th paragraph, 6th line, replacing 'unplanned' with 'displacement' parking

139 ParkingChange Policy Document, Parking Section, page 40, Paragraph following policy - 3rd paragraph with to clarify that parking standards apply throughout districts - the current wording stating that they are applicable 'in urban areas and for new residential and non-residential development' is not wholly transparent in such respect

193 Passenger Transport (Bus and Rail)

On page 42/43, in the sections on optimising bus operations and supporting rail operations - include mention of interchange with other modes

436 Passenger Transport (Bus and Rail) Update the bus strategy to include mention of expanding the Oyster Card system in Hertfordshire.

143 Powered Two-Wheelers Change Policy Document, Powered Two-Wheelers section, page 44, Explanatory Notes, to make reference to LDF provisions and local parking standards.

144 Quality of LifeChange Policy Document Quality of Life section, page 48, Monitoring Air Pollution - 2nd paragraph in line to place 'the County Council' before 'The Herts and Beds Air Pollution Monitoring' to place HCC in the active role & so as not to predetermine another body's future actions.

549 Quality of Life and Environmental Impacts Update walking and cycling strategy to include reference to Quality Streets.

194 Reduction of travel need and car usage

P50 - update reduction of car use policy to reflect what is said in policy 3.1 section about alternative forms of service provision

145 Road Hierarchy Change Policy Document, Road Hierarchy section, page 56: Consideration of Place and Movement - paragraph 1, line 1 to include reference to Manual for Streets 2

550 Road Hierarchy and Network Development

In 3.20, Road hierarchy, the explanation says that “The current hierarchy map is shown in Volume 1 Section 3”, Change the map so that it shows all road (it currently shows only Motorway, Trunk and Principal). Also change 'principle' to 'principal'.


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147 Speed Management Update Speed Management Policy, page 64, to provide a reference to speed management in rural areas.

565 Speed Management During refresh of Speed Management Strategy, make sure we include a review of references

195 Sustainable Distribution and Freight

On page 69, amend the top bullet to say 'construction travel plans should address the transport of building materials….'.

196 Taxis On page 71, mention the benefits of introducing environmental standards for taxi to deal with air quality and carbon dioxide reduction.

379 Urban Transport Plans Change Page 7 of the implementation plan to update detail on Berkhamsted UTP.

Volume 3: Implementation Plan

265 Volume 3 - Implementation Plan (General Comment)

Retain support for an A1(M) widening scheme in the LTP, even though Government is not currently taking a scheme through.

665 Volume 3 - Implementation Plan (General Comment)

In the Implementation Plan on page 24, remove the pedestrianisation of Stonehills in Welwyn Garden City from the 2011-13 programme.

72 Volume 3 - Implementation Plan (General Comment) Update LTP Implementation Plan with list of longer term schemes and requirements.

155 Implementation Plan Change Implementation Plan, Section 10. 'The 2 year programme' Page 18, 1st paragraph, to ensure the text referring to Fig 7 is consistent with Fig 7.

156 Implementation Plan Change Implementation Plan, section 10, The 2 year programme, Page 18, Figure 8 to update with Herford and Ware schemes now that the relevant UTP has been adopted.

150 Implementation Plan Change Implementation Plan, section 3, Scheme Identification, page 6 , to include mention of how rural strategy will identify rural transport schemes.

153 Implementation PlanChange Implementation Plan section 6.3, Page 11, Little Hadham Bypass, to include additional reasons for implementing Little Hadham bypass, which are suggested as: To remove traffic travelling through the village and hence reduce ‘severance’ To reduce noise and air pollution; To reduce personal injury accidents.'

152 Implementation Plan Change Implementation Plan, Section 5. Twenty Year Programme, Page 8, 1st paragraph, to ensure the table shows either a 10 year plan or 20 year plan, but consistent with title.

154 Implementation Plan Change map in Implementation Plan section 8.1 - 'M25 Widening', page 15, Figure 6 to include M25 junction numbers 27 to 30.

157 Implementation Plan Consider changing the Implementation Plan Appendix 1 - Two Year Programme Page 20, Table (not numbered) to update the Implementation Plan in view of publication of Hertford and Ware UTP.

197 Implementation Plan Update the reference to the RSS on page 18 of the Implementation Plan.


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151 Volume 3 - Implementation Plan (General Comment) In the Implementation Plan on page 7, insert the adoption date of the Hertford and Ware UTP as November 2010.

Daughter Documents

556 All Ensure all daughter documents have the main strategy outlined at the start and use clear language.

557 All Ensure consistency between layout of daughter documents.

Rail Strategy

220 Rail Strategy On page 15, add point to emphasize regional role of Stevenage as a rail head.

221 Rail Strategy On page 23, highlight that the West Anglia Mainline also has a key role to play in providing sustainable surface access to Stansted Airport

213 Rail StrategyWithin the grey text box on P4, the first aim could be amended to '…seek improvements to rail infrastructure, train services and facilities (including those facilities which improve interchange opportunities between rail and other modes) for Hertfordshire residents and visitors.' - or similar.

216 Rail Strategy On page 10, highlight that maintaining Stevenage and Watford Junction as InterCity rail heads is particularly important for the region as a whole as well as for Hertfordshire.

217 Rail Strategy On page 11, change section 2.5 so that it also refers to working with bus operators and other relevant partners (as well as with train operators) on accessibility measures.

218 Rail Strategy Rail Strategy - On page 12, add a link to the Intalink Strategy214 Rail Strategy On page 5, Change 'work trips' to 'commuting trips'

219 Rail StrategyIn the Rail Strategy, update the interchange section to also mention the importance of facilities such as secure cycle parking/taxi ranks etc, and could also highlight the importance of softer (non-infrastructure) measures which assist with interchange, such as rail/bus service timetable integration.

Rights of Way Improvement Plan

558 Rights of Way Imp Plan Update the ROWIP so that "Quiet Lanes" uses a capital Q.

199 Rights of Way Imp Plan In the ROWIP, take out reference to EEDA funding after this year.

198 Rights of Way Imp Plan Update the ROWIP context section to highlight the economic benefits of the rights of way network

76 Rights of Way Imp Plan In RoWIP, Section 4.7.6, (page25), add Horse Carriage Drivers

79 Rights of Way Imp Plan In ROWIP, page 37, include "horse carriage drivers" along with the other road users in section 6.1(4) of the LTP.

80 Rights of Way Imp Plan In ROWIP, page 38, include "horse carriage drivers" along with the other road users in section 6.2(7) of the LTP..


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78 Rights of Way Imp Plan In ROWIP, Section 4.8 (page 2.8), reword title, "Carriage drivers want" to "Horse carriage drivers need".

74 Rights of Way Imp Plan In section 2.10.4 "Sport and Physical Activity" of the LTP, Horse Carriage Driving is recognised by Sport England as a sport and hence should be included here along with the other sports mentioned.

Rural Statement

161 rural statement Update the rural statement to add reference to need of the rural strategy to address transport to urban areas.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

166 SEA comments Change SEA section: 2.3 The Vision and Goals of LTP3, page 11 to reflect current goals

168 SEA comments Change SEA section: 6.2 Assessment of the Alternative Options page 27-28, SEA recommendations, 2nd paragraph, 3rd line to read better.

169 SEA comments Change SEA section: 6.2 Assessment of the Alternative Options, page 38, Overall summary, 1st paragraph, final line, to add reference to Manual for Streets 2.

165 SEA comments Change SEA section: County Transport Profile, page 10, Summary bullet points, to add reference to rural access difficulties

162 SEA comments Change SEA section: Figure 1: Summary of LTP3/SEA process page 4, so that text can be read.

170 SEA comments Change SEA section: Maps Associated with Environmental Baseline Data page 86, AQMAs in Hertfordshire on Local Authority Roads, so that the AQMA on Gascoyne Way is present.

163 SEA comments Change SEA section: Other appraisals page 5, 2nd paragraph to state how the findings of the EqIA will be taken into account and how any recommendations would be able to affect the outcome of the final document.

164 SEA comments Change SEA section: The SEA Process, page 7, Figure 1.1, to bring all of the figure onto the page

445 Walking Strategy Add the intention to support public pedestrian maps to the walking strategy

364 Walking Strategy Add mention of the Chilterns Society in the Walking Strategy in an appropriate place.

417 Walking Strategy Ensure the walking strategy promotes street cleanliness.

88 Walking Strategy Include mention of towpaths in the walking strategy in an appropriate place.

420 Walking Strategy Ensure the walking strategy promotes street cleanliness.

414 Walking Strategy The LTP will be updated to provide acknowledgement of the requirement to address trips between rural and urban areas

Cycling Strategy


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211 Cycling Strategy Include a cycling map of Hertfordshire in the Cycling Strategy.

209 Cycling Strategy Consider switching chapters in the cycling strategy to have the context first before the policies

212 Cycling Strategy In the cycling strategy, add references to the source of the evidence base.

687 Cycling Strategy In the cycling strategy, add real examples of recently completed cycle infrastructure under Infrastructure on page 11.

689 Cycling Strategy Include examples of 20mph speed limits in Herts in the cycling strategy

452 Cycling Strategy

In the cycling strategy 'User Audit Policy', Add a new point: "The cycling officer of the relevant district council will be involved during the initial planning discussions for all improvement schemes. He/she will provide input to a scheme's formal (or informal) design brief about whether existing (proposed) cycle routes are affected by the scheme, whether the scheme should be designed to specifically increase cycling along such cycle routes, and/or whether the scheme should be used to generally make an urban area more cycle friendly"

208 Cycling Strategy On page 28, insert references to key health documents that promote exercise, particularly the new Public Health White Paper.

210 Cycling Strategy In paragraph CS122, alter the status of cycling England 200 Cycling Strategy In paragraph CS22 - remove reference to Cycling England and Go-East where appropriate31 Cycling Strategy Review the cycling target.685 Cycling Strategy Review the cycling target.201 Cycling Strategy In the cycling strategy, state that the Council's own travel plan will help the cycling strategy.202 Cycling Strategy In the cycling strategy, state that the Council's own travel plan will help the cycling strategy.203 Cycling Strategy In the cycling strategy, state that the Council's own travel plan will help the cycling strategy.