renstrom s neilsoti,...likuls mid (3r;iivn $11! wttrln of prizes. nn two puiutcrs care to inulto n...

* . - ft", VOL. IX. DOVER, MORKIS COUNTY. XEW JEKSEY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1880. NO. 48 TEE IRON ERA FUBLUBSD ETKBYSITI'UUAI 1JV The DoverPrinting Company, I'TJDUSIIIiUS »»» PBOMET0118. Offloo on Mora Btraot neat Blattwall. TKHMi OP 8UUSv:iUi»TION ISVABIOLT !fl AltVAHOII. OanYotr, - - W-°° 8 i i M u i i l l n , - - - - - - - I . T I I T O l u i i D t l u , - - - - - - - 0 0 ADVERl'ISIKa RATES. . ;i WKB. | 11 ft 7K|$ 1 B6 * WKB. il WKB. | 1 HO. 1 Hf> !5f 1 I"IOJ$ 1 75 PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, KANCE &Co.'s STORE, PORT GRAM, M. J. I JlOll >ll tin; -i)riiifi|iiLl lines of *teamBhiiiH ( (rout NuwY«rk niliivfr|MKil at LOWKBT IUTE"). A-)rto MlAFI'bUNGUE^TBltlTAIN AND JHELANU. ifi-t R. A. EJISNK'KTT, H. o, IIOMaiOPATHIC Cor. BEackwefl & Warren Sts., (Oupoi«i(! Di>vi sr Hunt,) DOVEII, N. J., e of Wonniti midChiHrrit, mid of tin KromitlEnrHiPU-ialtiiii. wiH!7ti>tfA.M, ( lt<iiJniil7w8 lS-JOpil 1 2 8 fi lo 1 1 iDdb. u '1 olunin. it f> 6 8 10 12 15 18 32 /.I 01 Jil (ir 'if fi( <n fii <ii r i8si. 1 >UHR DU1J0H and HHDIUINF.!}, 1'AINT." Oil,, UI&HB, ISnulios, rotriimery " old IivMSIICH A. (lOOUAUS, tli" 1'. DniLrplKt. ntllcrnv. HlorfluiK-i, L.DSFINIUV li,r tho ..lo ol Il.clicin™ oulj /rani 0 tn &I., an.lfrom I toriP. II, 4J-: Counsellor at Law ASD JMASTEK IN CIIANCKIIV, BOOKAAVAY. N. J. It |*AMH1U.V I1UUSK. Ooriior of Ilkckwull and SIIBHOI Btn, DOVEE, N.J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Horses andC'nrrisgnE to Let. HEUBEN HOWS, "KK'iif*, tdc. All kindii uf (ittjil, Htivu mi Kiflii'] Tliitiiif: .l(,ii(. Alitr;;,- amorluii'iit i #1.50 «]). A utiicli uf miibji'il i'li-tnn'in nit lir.i.ripjd 'etc, J)nv!T,HiiKKi'S M . N . J . ROOMS TO LET! A PP1Y TO M.d I. SEARING, 10-tf ~H.~P." S ANDERSON7 L C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST D0VEII, ]». J. ANALYSES qf all DJiSCIlU'TJOXS OF OBES ANT) MINERALS. VTT T. LKPOHT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHANCERY, i Si., DOVER, N. J. JOHN BRIIMMKR'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (bslwuuutliu MANSION noUtJEaiiilDiiiuit,) DOVEK, Ii. J. Tliopkoehai been entirely remtnl in & m>*t nunniiiit. 1,11)1191' lull ClilLDllEN'8 BUK UUTi'INa k HPECIALTK. HEIOHBOUK & SMITH, ATTOBNEYS k COUNSELLOBS AT * LAW, Cor. ninckwcll nail Siinsex His. DOVER, N- J. I. H. NOnHBODB. A. O. flMIIN. L. W. THURBER, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUDLIO SCHOOLS OP MOMUS COUNTY. Oftlno ovor GE0. RICHARDS 4 Co.'a HTORE, DOVER, N. 3. TlfOSES BliANOHARD, ATT011NEY AT LAW, iMO HABTTCRIH CHANCERY, DOVEK, N. J. OSica <mi A. Wighton'n utere and tin store, li-li BlRckwcllstreul. WAGON Bin! uimsm; I WHEELS, i H(!i All k w mil wi mi VAiiNlSH, I >f FINJJ GOLOltS lor f minting. Also OJf,S foreign ami Dtimfititii'. JEAU, titc. I'niiit, (Vloriiij (ruHlioo mid Stri]>in(! V,mdh, AltoftLoftbiiVi: j»oiMlsfrt)in known by luiutfrn. riHS'J'-CIjAS OAIiRUOE tiTifl KJ.EIUII OltNAMKNTH. hud u lurpiei^rfi'in't- r..niic-ily UP- l cljjst ii FALL WE AEENOW FULLY PKEPAKED 10 BOOT AND SHOE EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN MORKIS COUNTY, WE DAVE EECEIVID OVER THREE HUN- DEED CASES OP BOOTS AMD SHOES DUE- ING THE M0HTII OF SEPTEMBER, EVERY PAItt BEING KADE FOR U3 OP MATERIAL ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOE FALL AND WINTER WEAR., AND WE RESPECTFULLY INVITE OUll PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND EXAM- INE THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND THE LOW PEICES AT WHICH THEYAEE B2INO OFFERED AT RflDEREl s i! IjiiiliiiT, fr h \u\mvl- THLT OLD HTANr>~ ONION HALL BUILDING, UincLwoil.strrd, Dovor, Hot Air Furnaces, COOK, PABLO11, HEATING STOVES, RANGES, Ac. Alao ii vnrii'tj (if .EROSENEOIL, LANTMiNSAND JiltlTTASIA WAKE, PIN & JAPAN WARE, EAVKS, T1IOUGHS, COFFEE ! CUSTOM VOUK! WE AHE CONSTANT- LY iniPJtOVlNfi THE QUALITY OF OUIt CfiSTOM WOIilv, OUIt AIM Bl'HNG TO JIAKE AS GOOD CUSTOM HOOTS AND SHOES AS THE VKttY BEST NEWYORK CITS' ESTADLIHIIHUSTS AT MUCH LOW- Jill W(j (.;JtKH. THAT WJ3 AM! SUCCEKD- 1NO IS ATTESTED liY THE TACT THAT NOTWll'HSTANDINaOUK LAItOE FORCE OF WORKMEN WE ARE COMPELLED TO •WORK VI IJTKia; HOURS A DAY TO KEEP TT. WE WILL ACCEPT MONEY I'HOM NO OKJi FOIt AN UKSATISFACTO11Y FIT. WE INVITE A TRIAL AND FEEL THAT WE PAN aiVK IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE BEST OF SATISFACTION. RODERER & HEAGAN, COR. WAltUEN AKI) DICKEBSON STB., OPP. U.,L. &W. DEPOT, DOVEK, N..I. Hlui! .,,,t L'wr.v iK;a Bin-eld tlic pall u; -i Hack f«.~ii off thi- mi ViMilIali l'ick i Thuj.wi n blue irv ]\1UKIUS COUNTV CALL AT STINEB'S NEWYORK ANDOHiMA TEA CO., BLAOKWBLL St., DOVBB- OUR ^A OT. TEi> S trinl "ill \>rovv. tlin ctiiilrd ut V') c i s . ( lc»i mill [io(¥ier Inknn in iiiuli«i(,- ' ALKXAKDEK WIGUTON. l ' MEW MARBLE YARD irilllger'i Safes. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MOBBISTOWN, COFFEE COFFEE! Including Bich OiJ Mi.olm, G.ira Stc'lllll n); nili'lit, .lav Htfil. Ahvi isiiiUi, Kaiitus, Kin nro all Tlio ITilialiilnnlH winter supply frnn if Dover ami Morr SOLD AT COST. s Comity will tlo will hy imrclmsiiij Renstrom S Neilsoti, MERCHANT TAILOES, OPP. THE DEPOT, DOVER, N. J. For Saie! BCILDEIIS', OAnnUGEMAKEItHMiLACK- BHITES', 00NTRA0TOR3 AND MIK- IMG SUPPLIES, ARricnltni* implemeDtE, Bscdi, Fortitizore, &n. Ttk.18, Oil", QUHR, cto. WALTER A. WOOD'S Celotratei MOWIiltS and SEAPERS. OKOSQBC. TO0BKEI3. JtHES B. YOO&HXES. McKinnqn Bros. Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. Minting boon reported lliat tfaEs old-oBtib- lUlmi] ind Weil-kncwa firm li«» (jone out of uiimts'l'wd t»ko *Ms intuit of m running tlic Sriblic tli'.t Bin* 1B not the uw. WB are «li" in bminon l»vo no con DOC! km wiih nnyutlic Sim vhtlever, mtl itult cnu tlimt ID nuke on weli^Qinn coodfl i»UI* h i t t e r care thin ovei i l l flnr foods iro liind-niailp throughout and we ir* the o u t ; Ormla Itacknwiy making snub 3 -'- eallrelj bl h)D&. \¥>»rTujec( for THE UOXBUBY HOTEL! (FOllMEltLY ALLTE'S HOTEL,) SUCCASUNNA, N. J- PEED. MAST, • - - Proprietor. Tlio above house U lonntedits one of the icaltbient aiid luost tLnrmitig places iu tho te, within ft fow niiuuten mlU«f Um D. & W. ltflilrond on tbo aart. and ihc Oen- trul IUilroad of N J. onthe wort, mil ifliJH ' di M Uiulil'a Lnlto nnil [)rojpritlordt«ignKto cif tlio most popular f thuState, aud prtr- liEg public, for whom ft will bo snp thim nn Lonr's d'iv ke Hopnlcoug. ktbil •taceain this ioularly with thu t i BACKOFF'S VARIETY THEATRE BILLIARITPARLORS Sussex St, 3d SOOT from Canal o, DOVEE, N. J. Thn piriurfl *ro Ihomnfyhly •ijufpr 1 * 1 ' <r|tf JlftS of Griffltb'1 Now 'J'abloB, Iho ilniiist u ;hfliBOtbn, md OTory appointment uf tin "tljoboBt order, Tlio liar in unnplki Dntino ACo.'i LiRor, the Lost It rorl&fina ilrr Cbsriirjufinri!, foroipti ant »tie Liquors md VVinoH Mill llio he* . T, Clark & Son bftTO op*Dft4 »nov ill op ' n Uovcr in Brannp 1 ' buildinc CORNER BLA0KWELL AND BEBGBU 8T8.,*n(lmrit(; tbo • .|»tjoni|Sp of the publlo. . Horse Shoeing nude upccU'iyof ttio bmuncfli, and a, tri ; froth'omar* Ofbo"rt6* lireifi-otinllj Bolloitei _ iff liiJm " . . „ iu cialfrn water cuuveiii f four room oacli for twohormm; lolofotio aern wil ouic flHnorimciildf Iruit, Tern Applv to 'O.B. QAOE, Dover, N.J. o tti d b*r itftblioL' for imisiiiiilvrl: I3-tf Dosiro to call the altoiition of tho public to thoir fme stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, including all tlio leading stylos in every land of matorial which wo Trill mako to order in tho LATEST FASHIONS nt tho lowest rates None but practical workmen arc engaged, aud OUTlong experience iu the business onablcs us to gnamuteo a PERFECT FIT in every gar- ment wo malto. Prices always as low us tho lowest. Dover, N. J., October 17th, 1880. 22-ly T H E POVEEL oularly with th t g p , ery coimaiuuce mi comfort will bosnp- irf t moderate prices. uimn, N. J., Doc. 13th, 1878. WM, B. CRAMER'S NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY NESTDOOll TO THE OLD PnGSHYTEMAN OHmton,MA(NS.T.," IIACKETTSVOWN, 5. J. wnurnctiircrof «tunt)» o stn'mtcn it ilia bo ntl m> tnp I.IIK eat I'IHUIIHIB, ns IHIRRIOS. mnstfl wni I'liiri bd l mnd to onlc irk will h ill. iViiiF'iov lin sfi'int y no]*ri'fiit. tp any m irk. Any nut! wisliiiiR l imoyby cnniiiij; tn my nning OIHOWIILTL", ami H il IRA C. COOPER, MASON AND BUILDER! Contracts lalcn nml mat.Tiiiln Inrninlifil f»r BU1LOIIVGS, BRIDGES, f UlUtJi: or ERA-D1AT10NS. A Delmilcr IIIIK pn(<l Zni fur Ioft«rj likuls mid (3r;iivn $11! wttrln of prizes. Nn two puiutcrs care to inulto n I'resi dmilin] cisiidiilntis lo->!t uliko on R Imiiuor. Hiiuic gri'fiii /^mfiurs know IKMV io louli ir tliuir iulerui.1 with uxtoediiiy .slnirp- ML-. Vaii'lirbilt, witli liii 3f)7,(HH),00(l, line totwko iiis turn if a barber BIIOJI I (Hiiiio iiwa man with lifly-Howu cents. A l f uuk<>n thinks ho can Lost nil Italy liy lnt'jtiia of Vidimus mill u HJ- iiipt'8. If it cn.ii be ilotiu ft Yaulieo can ilii it, (Jlw>]«itm tc i ncedli.' is throading its wonry wnj liiwanU fVntml Park. Wlien no Btiolit'8 arc ilruj.'jicd it (joti just sew fur duily. Polironum ilrivo IramiiB from tlicntrc itrnnwMiml tlion tbo nimin^r tele- «[)1IH iioo[ili! mo turned away Emm tlm doiirs. Vaga low nil pon.cirnwn(«anl 12,000 ent ihove thu luvel of Ui(i HOU, but n mc-firtb tho tinif. Cnrli:ton k Co. linvo j.-aid P. T. lmr nun Jf500 fur tins ti... ul liid iniiiio ii!< utlicr uf ii hook fu- IWJH. Tiio oU lujwiiiiiB in still uj. latrinkfi. ]f tbti «1HT in t!i P nnrth voaih vt MichiRua would «nh nt&ml still mon>of ild l)ii slut, tj tho Nimrtida crowding that way. One bundled thmisniiil dollars will lygiiro ft mill si lifu i>IcoinrorL nnd enso r give liini the ownership of Maud S. ixitlicr jiupuSar idea ib that tbc '.tier cl][ni»i!,j -vith tho m o o n ' s <j[uar , [i!tlLuiif;li, cf course tbort ia no Tlmt L-iluciitu.1 iiooplo, un Dr. Taylor hue truly [v^iuliisl, (u wliom t>I:ict •vcuthtr roc'-nla iiccu'ssibio, fihuuld iiili find Hiiiiufjujtioii in tiiiJ fanciful uiutr lulii, id un inlrri.Mthig coiic ol nt^Ilcctuat aunrivii!. Y«:f, liowevur, tho net roumiiiH, and IL ovury-uav* Iifo ouo »f thu liior-t frtfiutnt loiiiaiks a|»iifi-- Hiniii" tuwot, wwithur in, tlmt it will io tloul.l. L-ljiujyo irif h the nxxiii. In tiiGiiy parli) of (htj eonmry givat tUufioii iNj>Lii.1 to(lit) (Jay of tlic wtuk •D which tlu-clianeoofthujticwnocpura. Tliu^, if tho tuuou c!!iiiij,'fj onu Sunday, toM tbut -MIHTW will Lo a iion,l brfonslho mutith IB out;" vliur.iin u nioiju uu a Mt.ii'lay if) nuaily isvury- •II not only for fi.ii- tt.mHu.-r, but •1 iuck. A cliai.yi!, liuwtv.-r on i-l Kijjjii, anil ijuuiiiioiio jironulxi t-> Ko Pension Wanted. He dido't look a bit like a patriot as ho stood rubbing his back ou ft corner wutl, hut it isn't every body who ens tell a puiriot at first bight. They were talk- ing about jjeuwous, auJ all ut ouce he woke up end wid : Wae I in the army ? Yoa bet I was 1 —Didii't I lmvo eLargeof one of the big s iu tlio troocbes of Torktown-1 Didn't I Btuud in tbo mwl all duy ttntl ocp in tin! pund all night, find wasn't liiut uiii:b twiBfnd my legs out of tln;rot :4 Be. njiu with tho rbctitnatiaiu f Aud yot vn I uppiicd for a jiiiiiriun ? Una tiny o r::-( II nir inwiliouBly Htrolciiing forth mmllo unibnttho vilah »if t'.iis dit- !!.,(;J country V Hut n vr.ih.' N l (.lit 1 lutil itiirtliini; (u bay, fiml prt-j fly bi! wjiit on : 'In tlm iirmy—iiumiili? Who saved •day nt Mnlv.m. Ilil! ? Who hiflci •fiittTji (it the unciiiy with Lift own ml ? WLo wns da^HLtcd by Bixtt-oii^l.pG^. Motidliiu ? Ami jot fJneH nny jiH-ms-iiiii i-imr^i me witli mnliitiff uiiiliiipiit viiiis !o jii'iiHiuu H fi.itinl, KLMUCICJ here mit]: aS.>ntb to KKMIF tbii! tlwhunlshipH of tlio ;;t inn-fa uf Illiquid its well f ;;uli>d Jickl Imvr ]».ft m e witLi only OIH> lime iin-1 u>> liwr at oil ? Hang a nyMio. who woaliJu'L MU'iilico Iiis liv»r fur liii gJoriouflwimito'l ilc luiriit'd tip five or eix mnlchoa in f vain effort tolijrlit HIP stump of a cigni fiiid tiiea gruwloil out: 'I mar look reedy IHJW, but wbo leil Cnrps "at Fair Onku 7 Wlio uroc Qagfi from ILo enenij with Liiliaml? Wbo was slmt iu four phew itrl Ir ft for i\oaA1 And jot do I go •hiuing around after tho fiunticial Tilula •f tlii3glorimiaEor»ihlio?-Notft of Hit! g: ! it Hn a ia oiico fo :,K;:,L pro nda/flf;, 1 EJDU. illni.ll. He nro ILo fulIo'iVin^ A HiUurdai'i) cbiuiyc am Onwj ii In Ni NnviT w"i» (jiioil LIICI nurer null Tho Hnniij iidliou fxisti un the o-.iiili •ut i WL-IIUL-MIIIJ in Ilalj, MiJ Fridnj llio ouiilli of Fruiuio liuiug rc^ardoi, us wifovowblo dajH fur u chiingo u\ from tboaapuctoftbLMinjou. AtWIiily, fur iuataiieu, wlion the mmn ia fltir- rrt)iii(U'(] by a Imlo uf watmy «ioinl», iLc fioamon say Ihuro will Lo o clmiii; 1 : u* \wntliur, fur Uio " ntoini dogs" aro nt)Dii';, This hubis culled iu Hcutliuid " hrugh "—tho Ciirly Tunlonic wonl foi 1 ;irclcf na iutlie follo\fii)g rhyme : Aliont Ibe moon (horc is a brmjh, Thu lytatlicr will bo cuiilii nud ron^h. A pale moot!, too, is equally miftivor- ihla : a pieco of (Vt;atlicr-loto to wliicli ilialiGHpefiro ftllujoa in tbu " lliilsum- iicr Night'H Droam " (net ii, sc. 21: Tbcrefurc tlio inuoii, tbo gjveniuas u' floods, dn in lior auger, ivashcm nil tlionir, Tliut rlujHimitic dis:;aacf t)o ubmind. WliL'Q tbo moon's borna appear to ': tonfs ? >int upward it in H:iid to look like a! '^'°> boat, nud iti luntij purts'there is mi iit tbiit wlien it is tlnia fiituateil tliero w bo no ruin—a BUiierstition which Ouorj Eliot ilKscribtM iu " Adam Bale ;" " It IKI hn' Itotfn better Inclt if tbey'i in 1 buried him i' tbo fineiioaii, wbo .bo i\iiu wiiu falliii 1 ; tliera's no likrli lootl of n drup now. An' thomoon lies ike u bo..t tli'ro. That's a euro Bign \ nir went her. 1 ' Aceyrttintj Kuilor i 1 lieu tlio moon in thin position it .]• K»ti;s line weather, fur, io usa tho Wiion I ruiich Oill tny linuil fiutl San* to como down, it Trill be I Imvo furgoLtou tho teitchiu^s cf rnn father." oumlod ?' mqtiircd ono of Beporlfir. There is a reporter at the luaa offloe bo writes vitb e^asl npidity witb either bam 1 ,. He is m ambideiter, at ft bold, b&d 01,0 »t that. Wbsn there a rush of work at the office, and tho devil U sbonting "coppee" like&fie&d iiicarnnto, this usofrjl reporter eita do 1 at his dunk in full company iroot, and, with & piiuoil ia each hand, flinga off local hutijitsuiuga by thoyard. He writes two ohectu nt ouce, and don't let ill it LsiDi] know what bis left Laod is dnviiigul, but it'a drifiug ull tho same. KU'L'IIMJ liegrit a little ofi his moiitel tm:i.--, nuil uttcjrijptcJ to write op a duj fight iiml a \uiHiug iu high life at tb Liniid ti-iic. lin got thiupH uiixod. Hi liftuds hilt clunr away with the gray mat d-r in itirf rkiilj, uml things becumotor riMj cmfiiscd. This is tho way hi ltfinr. tcit'MKijfid ea<;h othor : At Grnce ('iiiirdj had nifjlit tlio imptiala uf AT Tliijmie JubiiHuii ami MitH Julia Law- rei.o WLTU colubmioJ iu most LI a-nt Btyk'; ft c.b( ly honcsboc buu|> din.Ttly over ihe n!f ir, mid when the ycilnw our saw the ilnnius uf anger di in;: from tbo uyva o 1 ' tbo briiidN; fyatc, bo o|>(131.(1 witli tbuhlniiiiKof tho wed- WftlliL-d dowii tlif nitlv Jhj incited cro 1 »f{;aa to ^nt frantic, [i»d IIHTL- m ;-uIls of "Sick Vm.Uull." "At himin TDIVELT," nn thuspccUitors befiamo intcr- tMpilmlhi'Ilgbl. Th.! brido was el< fjuntly aHired in pmo white narincnls . fnliric, and ebe won 1 tl.' h( nrlitimiul wliito ntli nifjoliloHso J llJH toll);U 's (urn sun n n r y ljlri<.\: •p croi.jwd i ms( had lii leiKaultHIIK drew ..nil :.i 1. lull ! if , wl I I it'll \y in ill il. I lin ii in ii;. ii lll't id ! ; ci 'Weroyoi he group. 'Wua I? Oli, not I didu't gi'l hit .CFcntfpn diCcront times in thrco yeui 1 * mout. . am not currying half tin aero of Bcai'H down tu my grave toattost my devotion my country '•-And yet, what man Jnrt'a chnrgo mo with a desira to skulk iiiotlio barn nnd rob llio trimaiiry coir >f her food—the fotd abonooda fur allyoiUnnco?" 'Won't you nhovr IIB soran of iuiiuired twoor thrca (it om •ir 1 I imvor show 'oin excoi)t at "Vim might hang your Ii:it Wkieli will you Uko? A lawyer at Alhir*!,, (Ja., got a fco of S5 for a ease, aeittkd it for Si! in about a uiiuute, nudwent oo bis way S3 liuher and (inly SJVCB miimtos lost. An illiterate colnuel uliimt tojoin his pgiinentr, scoured tlio country to flnd •but bo culled bora Jo cmnlmt, wliich lie tbo tight wan rrcucli war hurso. Tbo Eurupoaut Powers to Duloigno— Will you surri-'iidur ? Dulcigno—No, I ,'ou't. Eiimpoaii 1'owtrs—Tlion wo biuk you're real moan, so tliore.—Puck. Eucii power 10 Eiiropo wants to rub HOSCH with the Snlt:m nud not let nuy >tiior power know it, and tlio old man •ubs their bonds tugttlnji* it ml uliuclilca. Tho young clerk wbodesirci to »us3 bimsclf offaa a wonltliy sou of a rotinsd mnnufacturor or ford of thunoil, nbmild ca that tbo hciglit of [bo counter in not oo nlnitily nmrkod ou tho bimling of lis vout. Au elderly resident of Nuwlon was pproachtid by an ftgnnt for a cyclope- dia, "I RiiCBft I won't got one," anid tbe elderly luikient, and fntuldy added —"I know I ntsvor ooulil loarn to ride >no of tho peaky things," "liy Goorgti I" filisiu-ved a Dunbiiry young uimi wlio wna mnrricd last nidiith ! -If I'd thought about kiriilliiif; coal flroa I'd never Rot mnrriml in tlio Pull. I'd till licit Spring Biid Lail a six pbruei!. ujion it." Iii Liverpool, howuvnr, it cousidoral a sign of font weather, as the innon is nov conbidoreil to be like a biiBin full ol water nbont to full. Tbo Scotch proverb, expressive of ILo same proverb, inculcatue the following nd> moilifiou i Tho oifioa is on Ii^r buck, Mend your ahoea und sort your thaclt. Wlit'iiuvcr nbirgo jilnnct or largo ntnr KG™ nrar thomoon, it in said by faring men to prognoetionto boisti weitlher, for to mako use of their term : A big stir is dogging tbo moon," Somn years ago, saya a. oorrcfljiondent of Notes and Qiierka, ii flBbcrman of Tor- quay told uio nfttr n violent gnlo tlmt he binl forcaecn the storm, B3holmd ohficrv- ecl ono s!ar ulimul of tlic moon tnwingher, and another nstom chasing her, Many ither BUperstiMoos fancies aroriHsocmtcd kith tlio moou'smppuHod influeuees (in tlio weather, varying, of course, in ilifferont IncLiIitios. Thu^, a clour moon i generally supnoflcil to augur bright 'Gather iu nuninier and froat iu winter. Ouejjnjverb tells us : If tbo moou allows a silvor shield, Ho rot afraid to ronp your fluid ; Mat, if nbo rises lmlood round, Sonn we'll tread on deluged gronnd. In winter time, according ton popular ml age, Clear moon, frost BOOII. Homo Journal UMBER offers to Imiklers the best opportunities in the purchnso of LUMBER of every grado ami description including LOW PRICES and tho great fulvantngo of having liumber Worked to Order by machinery at tho place ivhcro it is purcliivsod, grontly Ic-asouing tho cost of building by tho groat saving ia manual labor. Our stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and LUMBER of every description, and especial paiua lire tukon to give satisfaction in. every particular. QEOUOE KICIUU Via. 11. LAMDKK S, Prcflidont. , Boo'y and TronB. THE CELEBRATE!) BOOKAWY ri1Hl»iifitr<Iliaiiil-mfl(le X tlio mmtttiiiu or ])HnKotio of tin irrv liL-fit in Hie (.-(Muitvy fur, MA'lT.HIAl. ANDr>J]t!Hl.\N( l r. With V.VK^i-linm^i !r»r tint iiiMtinfnrlliUHVp aro rnuvMiUlilml tu flii|iply tl tUl tl lh d HVr HORSE SHOEING Offico oml u of \Tu:li, wiiothcr STONE. TnB Iiios Eu* I ptict-l, Dover, S. J. $5 **«(tJ II wrfk in your own Inv.-u. Tcrnm |U"i) ami SSimim frifl. Aililreeiill. HAI,- •nil. Fur furtlic ,i,.i ri.Eii, For Rent! FTUtE aloid on t!i.. cmur <»r nintkirtU atnl L Miirni Klrti;!., Ikimr, craipiul tj J. n. Ciclisran. Ad.hir[ilil«buKiutaHlocAtiun. i'tir par tic a Sewing Machine is acknowledged by all lo be the most reliable and best ma- chine in the world. Its sales exceed by far all others. They have an office in every import- ant town in the United Spates, and are not responsible lor second-hand dealers represen- tations. Buy direct through their own office and you have a responsible warrantee. Ma- chines sold at $3 a month. P. H. BURRELL. SOLE AGENT. SiS wooi,«tii«oiSM.JNEAB THE DEPOT. . Some fiivc it lor t ha glory Thoy surely will reci'ivo. Some givo tlitiir luird carnpil dollars With pure and just intent j But thu must givit uji thoir money For npaltry ton pur cunt. " Nijw York belles aru wearinj tho uln hilt." It is bopud that tliej will it ndo;»t tho Zulu dresa. It would oc- cuEion renmrk, escnpt at ono of Queen Yict[>ri.i'B receptions. A Zulu full druss costs uliont twfMity cunts, nnd in cut ex* emcly decolletto nt both endw, A Baltimore iiapnv- 8.1J3 " it is a vory id form for gentlemen iu aitciety to talk of mouoy inntters." Wo piispwH tbe Baltimore editor mot Iii3 tailor in iciety, andwas asked by tho ctiquotto emaahor when it would bo cunreniont tor him top»y for hia kstauitof olotliea, AFroucli oorreppODiIent EiiyB tbo ma- jority of llio Amiricin pooplo will he il ^appointed in Sara Bcrnbardt. A; ticUots will boworth Qve dollars each, it in viTy proliablo thoro wjll lio consiil- cmthi disuppoiutrji ;it. John Smith ho in outmucud b^s girl ^ill bo disappoiiiled. tho nomination, nnd his friends wero Ulking about hia local lin- iimhrity. Oiiti said : " I liotievo bo is R!>ing to lie absent from until fitter tlm olectitm, nliiiiipiug tbo Btiite." "Oh, wull, Hint's all Tbfil will iiuilto him vury popular right hero (it hiime." Tbo Chicago Boanl lies disoovored (but nil tlio tua in that city is inure or leas ndulluralw]. Tbu Kutiorml Boanl if Hoaltli BUJB coffeo is (ull of ynllow evtir. It is wull known that water ia ilivo with unimal life, If science does mt dry up thoro will he nothing safe left fur Uio coming mao to drink;. One of tbo lady tonalers in a Keno IIODI a fow days since was labor* ,n arch in on tlio iloa. This is wlat c&tne of it;. "Now, Johnny, il youh&d oranga which you wialied fo. divide with y o u little eister, how mnob \ Siliifirlnp ^econ uts. I'spuso jnii \inva beard of Doctor Aniesljury. liiiint you ?"-"Inoverhnvo." "Well, tlioa I'll tell you. One day I wet Ihts doctor over iu Bimpliin's shop, nying groceries. It WUH awful cold, felt a little hoiirsn, nnd my totiguowns itliiir furry ; GO HIIJB I, my hend feels n littlo acliiab like ; wlmt to do you think [\1 hotter do ?' ( Says ho, "Friend S., tlio beat thing run can do is to go etiTiiglit boiuo, nnd luitli your foot und tnko a sweat, 'caaso ,f jmi don't .you might Imvo IL fever," lysl, "Doctor, I was just thinking cm, ivould do mo good, aud nowI is I'll do it." So homrt I went and drtiuk a bowl of tnnsey tun, nud if I didn't sweat iiko IL befivor, it's no mut- XT. Tlie next nwrutiig my head w»s fis ear as n boll, nndI wiia well aguiu, •\Voll, (i dayur two afterward I met tho doctor, midanya he : "Nrijjbliirr S., I havo a smell bill sninstyoii." I luttlicd iit him, nnJ says I: "A bill ?" nnd BAJB he : "Yen, uliill for udvioo, you know, tit jitijjikin'ii aiiup tho other day." Wlint (In you think lio cbnrgod f why, me ilollur for telliuB mo to go homo nd t:ike a sweat. "Well, doctor," iifi.'B I (bficunsa I lyntild imt appGnr erciill, you know) it'u all right, and I'll benr it ia mind.' "Well, a fow dnyi! after, tho doctor wan nnssing my door in bi^^haiso, and imchow or other, ouo of tbo wheels got n little loose ; BO Bays 2 : Doctor, if you dou't drivo Hint ili-piu iu un mob, tliu wlieol uii como ofl." Bays bo: "I tbnnk you," and ha drove in tbe pin. Well, I wont into tbe boose and joet mnde a oliargo of it. When I mot him again I presented him Uiebitl. "Hiillo I what oa earth is.thisf" said be. . , , . d ELy I gut ruii through a tb lauehiue I I am going imido tt flrin I: idono to tho prosperity of thii d glorlouH Union, and it vou't do you iiuy god to stsnd around tho door." •-•-• I'rnn)iiiK orrrrrd )>y tlm l.lim-lilln 'Jill). Thn CuinmittOQ an Agriculture ro- portei] tint ull fipaco wanted by tin Club at the comiug Stuto Fair could bo d, aud recommended tlint mem- bora bi-stir tbemselvcB on the mutter of BUtrica, After oousidorublo disciiRfiion t \¥89 resulved to t.ffL'r preniiiima ns tJlow.i iu the liuma (if tho Club : 1. Fur tho largest wntDrinelou grown n a coruflekl 80 rods from a liouao, ft rize of ft whoclbiiirow witb rod han- dles. Exhibitors must ninlic nffldnvit .lint they did not tot watch on the uiol- ou imtch. In ease no colored iima HVLHI within two miles of tbo cornfield, tlio t'lliibit will not couut. 2. For the big^sit possum gro wn iu ;lio State, a prize of 50 ceuta in cush. 3. For tho bent lot of ten doga OBDG3 )y any ono colored family iu the Stnto, i prize of a grindstone making <U rovo- iitions per minute. 4. For a dozeu fowln Trliich bnva 'tiostcd ench night for nii moutlifi iu n ion cMp not gunrded by a bear-trap, llarm-bell, spriug-guu, oroilmr dovicc .o pruvonta full uud fair itivestigntiou if their maniior of rountiug, a priso of a pholngriipb of na ico-houeo coutnto- iupt CO tons of ice. Lulor on eoveral other premiums vi\\\ a»U\,\y l.u vSurvil, aud thu Club iir euds to offer ft prize for tho bi>at fined- men of frescoing ouftbonrd fenco witb wbito-waah brush, compolifiou open to the world.—Detroit Frte Presi. V ^ or whet f" says 11 Why, fmdriving in your whool pin, and I baiB juat obarged you ii dollar and a quarter." "Well," snjfl lie, the difleronoo be- twoon yoar IUI and mine is jost twenty- fivooentBi^ f . ' •'That'aall yoa o,we BID,." snja I, "Well, Til bear it )• tnina," uvi hs. But tho doctor U a* tight u « onndlo oll and I gaesa ha is able to b W i re-nniona! Tlioro ia no ro-union In .'liftrc in Bimjily a. gathering of two bum- IPIH, it {.oliticiitu, a liitno nniu, fi eoldior, wbo baa been in furty-Bix dif- erfut battlus, reocived Beventoon riiundu rind doaeu't want t iJousion. Y ,'ouldn't know the sc;ir of n {inuiioii bull lorn that of su old wend KIIW, nud you'll Too MnHi U>m\ l,mk. Somotimos whou I look bnck ovor my Iifo Xuiu omused to EOO th«pages of its record urc dotted wilb huir breaiitb iScajK^s. I Cfcnped tho dimgori uud mrdiliips of: the revolutionary Vfnr by uniting until Hm war Iiml been ovor about sixty jfiirs bofiu^ I got born. When the Brooklyn thuatro burned I us in Iiurlington, When the jellow ! fovcr broka out in NewOrleans I was in Minneiotn, aud immedistoly aUipped out for Cnnadn. Whon I WBB n boy nt school ono dayMl the boys in tbo school were flogged all around for robbing an anploorchard, and, tbu flogging didn't In a hit of gaud, for every beggar of bom bad tiio cholera murbus all that iij;hl just tfio Rjinio. AndI wns iittend- iug Another school tweoty-tliree miles ilistuut. Whon nil my brothers and sisters were dotfn with th.0 eoarloi. IOTOI, I wna down South in tho army, and when I road tho letter Tioin homo I augbeil tilrmd to tliink ol my gciod for- .mio, nnd tbnt I would only have to tic ibot at o^'.o or twico a week, instead of having tu tnko toijJicino threo times a day. When ft mnn cornea to tho office with a littlo bill, iiiub [ out of ton I nm out. And if by PBUJC aHtonishing blonder, I a.m iu, tltcn indeed nm I maro unfortaiinto, but tho mnn is in no hotter luok trtnn beforo.— Hawkcye. mid ought to Liivc been \vt:i£>|>i- eiiiR no homoly. Ho in of a Cm J, and is tfnj;ngu.l in OHO of lh exttusivo iHRiinfiioturitiir esloijlisl Hut tbuyulluw t'u med Lobn KttliuK the ndvsintnEe, n ho uow micoceduil in cutting u death grip on tlio throat of tho big briudlc, nnd whim ho tcndurly kir.s<id tho brido according to tlio ancient custom, liii buck VBS covorod wilh mud, fti)d his off hind IGR waa torribly chewed up. Amoijg the costly iircseuts received by the py pair WPR. U fine grand piiinu from tho father of tho bride, hair had boon scnld- oJ from bia buck, nud ono eyoBoomed baio tuou struck witb un nuger. Aft iliort biidni to-jt tbo huppy couple will llo (hnvn toonu of tho hardwl-fought battles tho rtporter over witneaaed, and •as difficult ty toll which dof; Imd bcou punished worst. Tho fight ended it i:l8, after being bitterly cuiitastod ut he raiidtiijce of tbo bride's jiarnulis, nun io wm, taken io h\a tnvnor'a linmo in a vlieul burrow. Hs will prt.bulily never •eoovcr, nnd if lio dtwa will bo totally blind, besidi'n being pprtufiuontly loino in tho loft LiLd leg ; thu beautiful brido rccnived the coagratuliuiona of n bust, of friends. The jrrooiu is ono of our most proaiistug yon^g men, nnd his owner dreuda tho possibility of toeing him as he foar3 that he urn never repiusi him. Tho futbor of tho brido is ono of oiii woaltbiest mercUants, anrl the yellow fysto limjicd off with a knowing look in hia cyo and a eancy curl iu hiu tail, ns much ns to say, "Who «1SG wnnt? to try mo ?" The ombideitcr was miiumarily "fired."—Kansas City Times. m up" offered a $11) Said the clork r "I Tlio LaEtRiimmor u iiGw^iiojior mnn and two Harvard men who were takingftvn- caliou on Onpo Cod mndo a voyage to Nuntucketouan old vcod Bbap. Thoy landed on Saturday night iind went to thi! Ocoiu House. Them ttjipeared be- tore the clerk tlimo hnrd-Io.iking Btrau- 5ers in flannel shirts, bad lints, unshaven und wi'iitber-bonton fnoci, imd without &Rcrup of luggago of any kind, not ovon paper collar amongst tlic throo. Thoy ro{,'ietere(l, went to supjior, cnnio nut to tho office, took ci^ara uround, aud tbe lonu who 'aot 't >ill in payment. D»n't ehaDgo it." Said tho Haivnrd tofiu. 'I haven't pot anything elso.' Bnid tho other two ; 'I hfivcut got a ceut witli me.' 8aid tho clwk : 'That's nil right. i'ii it any timn bnfnm you go. And say, ifyounrogoiDgfnlook around a littlo to-night you'll wuut BOUIO change. Lot me loud you $2or S3 till you break your 810.' Said tho Harvard ms.j> : 'Well I I'm blanked I* Said tho nowapiiper mnn: For tboLtmTacukp, how n this? Ei- tluiu. We .iro strangers ; wo nro roiigli md dirty; wo-hnvo lind supper and ligiu-H, and now wo are going out, you lon't know where. And instead of ireezing on to us Tor the nniount ot our iccotmt you lull us it's 'nil right, 1 und wuiiUo loud rta money. How do you ltuow but we nre going to skip ?• Said ho clerk: 'You forgut, Kir, tlmt you arc on nn isluud. You eau't got nuay •om litre, sir, eieeijt by water, and wa now every crnft that cwueii nud gws, •iim the Wood's Holo steamer to tbo inky, wonn-tiiitnu old Dutch tab that ou como ia lo-uight Iu (fact, gcutlc men, tliisiaono jiheo where the hotel man has tbo bulyj <,u tho tiot«l beat.' Tlio boys nuked the clerk lo holp liim- aolf to one of tho house oigarg aai iliargo it in thoir bill. A Farmer's OffseL A hired man who wna employed on a firm for uterai montliB entered suit against bis Binplojar the other da; for balance of wages, amounting, aa ba claimed, to 882. ThcBoilwaa brought to trial, and it looked at flrat aa if tba plaintiff had &clear case. He gave data and flgnrw ia a straightforwarij way, and seemed a very honest young man. Whan the furmai took tha BUod ha 'I have an offset for tbat $32. No m need sue me for what I honestly two.' 'What ia your offset?' ashed the luw- 'HeiBan unbeliever.' 'In what P' 'Why, ia tbe Bible.' 'What has that got to do with your ring him 932.' 'It has a heap to Jo with it. I had ii hands in my employ aud wo wero nahing things when I hired thin man. io had not been wilb mo threo <l»ya heu they atapped tbo reaper in tbo liddle ot tho forenoon to dilute ahuiit iniel in the lion's den, and in threo [inys we had a regular Itnock down over tlio whale swullowiiig Jonah. 'Hie man ho run thu mover trot to arguing nbutit iBipsoii, mid drove iivi-: & etuuip and imaged the uinnhiiiD to tlio tuno of 8, nudtbi) very HL>S1 day my buy •oko Iiio lej: K v climbing n foncu to ^r aud we thu ruw that wua uturLviI fmt thu cliildiTii of Isrncl going rmiirh HK> Jlui H^. It wasL't n week foij my viSv 8iiid she did'ut hctiovo ijiili wuHfud liythe nm;uy, nud hnng •ii if I didn't find uiyuulf ( ;ruwiue weak N-i:i!i and tlif llnod. Thut'H my off- , inul if lui was worth utiythiriK I'd liiiu fur i, thijtisinid dollurs bubidtia. 1 Tliu courl rrmsrvfd itH ilteisiou. Fri'iicli J«kp. In Piriw thoy an very fnnry with rue! ic:d jokra. Uuxn is ouo told •ilh iimiili Batisfiiction of llouaaeiu. lonstjcim went into a grocer's shop aud iid : 'Have you miy eight eandlea ?' 'Yea, sir; wo tmll a pood many of tlieui. You see tlioro nro luoro paor jieojile than rich iu tho world,' 'Ali ?' said RotiKJuiur, 'I Heo yon nrc 'Oil, sir 1" naid tho yrccor, flattered, 'tben you want, sir—' •Au oighl candle, please' 'Only onr, 8ir ?' 'DUG to begin with ; I'll BOO about mure afterward.' Tins candlo was produce.] nnd Itous- au Haiil: 'Will you Lindly cut it in twu V Tbie was ilono, tuid lie tbo!! Juid : 'Now mid you kindly cut tho twohab/cu into four ?' 'Into ftmr, air?' 'Yea; for my purposo I wnnt eight 'Tlieretboy ar^sir.' 'One moment; would you kindly unite n wick to each pieco ? And now mo you oblige ma with a matelx ?' This boing dono, Eoussoau uluok tbo eight pieces iu a. line on tho counter and igbted them. 'tilzy I HSI; what you arp doing ?' aald the |r,rii;er,' •Oil I' said EousHenn/it ia n joke.' 'A joke ?' 'Yes ; and having mndo it, I WI'BU you Rood duy.' As lie left ihe8hop thogrocer ran af- ter himcrying : 'Hut you haven't paid me for tlio candio ?' 'If I did,' replied Rousseau, 'wbero would be tho joko ¥' FINO HIB MASTER'S MoNBr.—Tbc groitter part of Ibustoriou which rekto to tho guins and IOBBHS of gamebtera aro ic ntthor than, comic. One which belongs to tholattor cittegory ie roported from Monaco. Acertain Qemiua baron belonging to OUQ of tlio bust families of Mecklenburg, was ouodayBO lucky as to gaiu 300,000 f. Ho left tho tables, bantu tied to bii hotel, nnil at once locked up Hie enormous Bum in a casb-hor. Oa aliening next morning what was Ms unay to find that it had disappeared is -well ns his old valot Juan, vbo on a mudrcd occasions had givon proofs of • J:B fidelity and affection for hia master. S.n it wns, tho huron found himself short if money, und telogrnphed toliia father >r aaai^tauce, acquaiutiiiE him at tho imo time with hia adventure. This was tho answer ho n;cmed : " Dou't dis- turb yourself. Join is hero with all tbo money whieb you tbiuk you huva lost. Ho feared your louia would go the way hey lad come, and, littlo liking the nn- ioipalion, ho lias cuwo hw^tft^eeji, tba trcaBurc eaf*. You como, too." An old morJiBy, designing to leacbbis sous ttie advantage of nnlty, brougti them a number ol Btioks and desired them to aeo haw easily they might be broken oua. -at a time. Bo each young monkey luok a stick and)broke it. : Kow,"eaidtbefalhor, •• VH teaoli yon a lewoo.'^ And lie began to gatlier tho attcka into a bundle. But the young monkeys, tKInkiag bevaa aboat tobeat them, set upon him altogether and dte- Bbled him. " T t a r e / aald tbe aged aofferer; "balold tba advantage ol unity I Ityan bad ossafled ma one at a Hmtf, I woaid bare killed eyary moUier*a BOD of you 1" *' Kowk" said tbs eohool trasleo to an applicant for a iHtuttnn, ^Wokno tkst Bb 6 and d is vowels, bat what uMit ia. know li, whyfoIhey vowels ?" A Hire l*or{prfiiniso Stcnlt. Mr. Solemnp ciino down stairs to leu o'clock breakfast with a vnennt eoan- tennuco rind a buckwiud tondency iu hsir that mndo his two oyos ncho. He sat down to tho tablo and picked up his tnifoatid fork, glared in uneasy wonder at something in the platter boforo him. •It bad evidently beoa fried in batter and was intended for food. Mr. Sete'-uup btrpooned it witb his fork and lifted it up bodily, guing at it witb aver increasing wonder, Yftmtugdor tho sun," he exclaimed atlast, "iBthiothiiigr "Well," replied hia wife, with just a ibadow of & sight, "It looka like yoar new acft felt hat, nnd tbat it -what I thought it was, bat yoa palled it oat of yoar pocket when yoa coma home this morning and Bald i t w u R nioe porter- house (teak and you wanted it broiled for breakfast. Son needo't give m a a n , ofitirmaotUongry. 11 ••. "ADa Mr. Setemup, wlio wu jait wild to kuow what olse bemiQ when he oame home, and wbat time It wsa, for the life of himdidn't date toaek. Vooioo ia io bid good-bye to her gon- dolas and weloome Bteam-tugi. The tugs won't .be BO romaulio, but they will get a man home to dinner a great deal An UKHANLT ACT.—Many years ago I van lakan lo a vory beautiful homo to soo a rolfttivp. Ho WUH n handEomo man .a f»cc and forai, bad read much, had imnasad wealth, and wfi» looko-J upon •no of tho loading IUUU of thoplace. His houBQ was full of (lovers and his den uf fruit. Ho wns very fond of liorsiut, I judged, from bia owning B6T- l which woru qnito tho pridj of tho liiRo. Ho took mo out to see them iu ir stables. Ono of them, n pretty black creature, nngored him for a mo- ient, nnd ho lucked her. Tho leg of tho gentle animal quivered, evidently •itli pain, na tbo rough boots camo ngainst it. I BIIIIII neyer forgot how njy onliufja chimged toward him. A mnn if profooed cutluro to do BO rough anil coarso » thing 1 I never visited bis house after ward, and uovor desired to, I preferred to go where pooplo weto kind and goalie 1 , and never kicked their horse or tlieir dog. Tbat one brntul act ipoilod fiis manhood. Noilson's biograpbera having eib.nrststl ngland in tho way of birthplaces, wo shall start Amorica with Albany. Noil- soQ won born in that city ill Iho yoar 1838 of poor bat respectable pnronts, and her maiden same was Mary ADD Stoitb, Slii first ooucQivcd ,i pasaiuu fortbestaga from bangiug on to tho stepaofhotol omniuasoa and scrubbing tbe boards in nor mother's back kitchen. TUifl may be relied on, but if auy other fellow thinks ho can do better lot him proceed. Gilhooly atraye 1 into Da Smith'p gro- oerj.aooompaniodbjhiadog. Suddenly* the grooar cried oot, as if in great paio : •'?outthuo.dflrin'dog has eut up two ponnfla of iita, fresh; country butter 1"i '•Weil, if it don't hurt. Eb« dog it's all riglit, bnt I wnat yoa to understand he's a vdaablo dog, and U'lu ai^i to pay aboat forty dollar* a/

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    DOVEII, N. J.,e of Wonniti mid ChiHrrit, mid of tin

    KromitlEnrHiPU-ialtiiii.wiH!7ti>tfA.M, (ltf FINJJ GOLOltS lor fminting. Also OJf,Sforeign ami Dtimfititii'.JEAU, titc. I'niiit, (Vloriiij(ruHlioo mid Stri]>in(! V,mdh,

    AltoftLoftbiiVi: j»oiMlsfrt)inr« known by luiutfrn. riHS'J'-CIjAS

    OAIiRUOE tiTifl KJ.EIUII OltNAMKNTH.hud u lurpiei^rfi 'in't- r..niic-ily UP-


    cljjst ii



    RflDEREl s

    i! IjiiiliiiT, fr h \u\mvl-


    ONION HALL BUILDING,UincLwoil.strrd, Dovor,

    Hot Air Furnaces,


    STOVES, RANGES,A c . A l a o ii v n r i i ' t j (if










    Jill W(j (.;JtKH. THAT WJ3 AM! SUCCEKD-











    OPP. U.,L. & W. DEPOT, DOVEK, N..I.

    Hlui! .,,,t L'wr.v iK;a

    Bin-eld tlic pall u; -i

    Hack f«.~ii off thi- mi


    l'ick iThuj.wi

    n blue



    OUR ^ A OT. TEi> Strinl "i l l \>rovv. tlinctiiilrd ut V') cis. (

    lc»i mill [io(¥ier Inknn in iiiuli«i(,-



    irilllger'i Safes.


    COFFEE COFFEE!Including Bich OiJ Mi.olm, G.ira

    Stc'lllll n);nili'lit, .lavHtfil. Ahvi

    isiiiUi, Kaiitus, Kin nro all

    Tlio ITilialiilnnlHwinter supply frnn

    if Dover ami Morr

    SOLD AT COST.s Comity will tlo will hy imrclmsiiij

    Renstrom S Neilsoti,MERCHANT TAILOES,


    For Saie!



    ARricnltni* implemeDtE, Bscdi, Fortitizore,&n. Ttk.18, Oil", QUHR, cto.

    WALTER A. WOOD'S CelotrateiMOWIiltS and SEAPERS.


    McKinnqn Bros.

    Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

    Minting boon reported lliat tfaEs old-oBtib-lUlmi] ind Weil-kncwa firm li«» (jone out ofuiimts'l 'wd t»ko *Ms in tu i t of m running tlicSriblic tli'.t Bin* 1B not the u w . WB are «li"in bminon l»vo no con DOC! km wiih nny utlicSim vhtlever, mtl itult cnu tlimt ID nuke onweli^Qinn coodfl i»UI* h i t t e r care thin oveii l l flnr foods iro liind-niailp throughout andwe ir* the out; Orm la Itacknwiy making snub3 - ' - eallrelj bl h)D&. \¥>»rTujec( for


    SUCCASUNNA, N. J-PEED. MAST, • - - Proprietor.

    Tlio above house U lonntedits one of theicaltbient aiid luost tLnrmitig places iu tho

    te, within ft fow niiuuten mlU «f Um D.& W. ltflilrond on tbo aart. and ihc Oen-

    trul IUilroad of N J. on the wort, mil ifliJH' d i M Uiulil'a Lnlto nnil

    [)rojpritlordt«ignKtocif tlio most popularf thu State, aud prtr-

    liEg public, for whomf t will bo snp

    thim nn Lonr's d'ivke Hopnlcoug.k t b i l

    •taceain thisioularly with thu t




    Sussex St, 3d SOOT from Canal

    o, DOVEE, N. J.Thn piriurfl *ro Ihomnfyhly •ijufpr1*1' tnp I.IIKeat I'IHUIIHIB,

    ns IHIRRIOS. mnstfl wni I'liirib d l mnd to onlc

    irk will h

    ill. iViiiF'iov lin sfi'inty no]*ri 'fiit. tp any mirk. Any nut! wisliiiiR limoyby cnniiiij; tn mynning OIHOWIILTL", ami Hi l

    IRA C. COOPER,MASON AND BUILDER!Contracts lalcn nml mat.Tiiiln Inrninlifil f»r


    f UlUtJi: or


    A Delmilcr IIIIK pn( of

    ild l)ii slut, t j tho Nimrtidacrowding that way.

    One bundled thmisniiil dollars willlygiiro ft mill si lifu i>IcoinrorL nnd ensor give liini the ownership of Maud S.

    ixitlicr jiupuSar idea ib t h a t tbc'.tier cl][ni»i!,j -vith tho moon 's I:ict•vcuthtr roc'-nla iiccu'ssibio, fihuuldiiili find Hiiiiufjujtioii in tiiiJ fancifuluiutr lulii, id un inlrri.Mthig coiic olnt^Ilcctuat aunrivii!. Y«:f, liowevur, t honet roumiiiH, and IL ovury-uav* Iifo ouo»f thu liior-t fr tf iutnt loiiiaiks a|»iifi--Hiniii" tuwot, wwithur in, tlmt it willio tloul.l. L-ljiujyo irif h the nxxiii.

    In tiiGiiy parli) of (htj eonmry givattUufioii iN j>Lii.1 to (lit) (Jay of tlic wtuk•D which t lu-cl ianeoofthujt icwnocpura.

    Tliu^, if tho tuuou c!!iiiij,'fj on u Sunday ,r« toM tbut -MIHTW will Lo a iion,l

    b r fons lho mutith IB o u t ; " vliur.iin unioiju uu a Mt.ii'lay if) nuaily isvury-

    •II not only for fi.ii- tt.mHu.-r, but•1 iuck. A cliai.yi!, liuwtv.-r on

    i-l Kijjjii, anil ijuuiiiioiio jironulxi t->

    Ko Pension Wanted.

    He dido't look a bit like a patriot asho stood rubbing his back ou ft cornerwutl, hut it isn't every body who ens tella puiriot at first bight. They were talk-ing about jjeuwous, auJ all ut ouce hewoke up end wid :

    Wae I in the army ? Yoa bet I was 1—Didii't I lmvo eLargeof one of the big

    s iu tlio troocbes of Torktown-1Didn't I Btuud in tbo mwl all duy ttntl

    ocp in tin! pund all night, find wasn'tliiut uiii:b twiBfnd my legs out of

    tln;rot:4 Be.

    njiu with tho rbctitnatiaiu f Aud yotvn I uppiicd for a jiiiiiriun ? Una tinyo r::-( II nir inwiliouBly Htrolciiing forthm m l l o u n i b n t t h o vi lah »if t'.iis d i t -!!.,(;J country V Hut n vr.ih. 'N l (.lit1 lutil itiirtliini; (u bay, fiml prt-jfly bi! wjiit on :

    'In tlm iirmy—iiumiili? Who saved•day nt Mnlv.m. Il i l! ? Who hiflci•fiittTji (it the unciiiy with Lift ownml ? WLo wns da^HLtcd by Bixtt-oii. l i i l H i m . l i . t r u ^ l . p G ^ . Mot id l i iu ?

    Ami jo t fJneH nny jiH-ms-iiiii i-imr^i mewitli mnliitiff uiiiliiipiit viiiis !o jii'iiHiuu

    H fi.itinl, KLMUCICJ here mit]: aS.>ntb to KKMIF tbii! tlw hunlshipH of tlio;;t inn-fa uf I l l i q u i d its well f ;;uli>d Jickl Imvr ]».ft me witLi only OIH>

    lime iin-1 u>> l i w r at oil ? H a n g a nyMio.who woaliJu'L MU'iilico Iiis liv»r fur liiigJoriouflwimito ' l

    i l c luiriit'd tip five or eix mnlchoa in fvain effort to lijrlit HIP s tump of a cignifiiid tiiea gruwloil o u t :

    ' I mar look reedy IHJW, but wbo leilt t ip8eef .n l Cnrps "at Fa i r Onku 7 Wlio

    uroc Qagfi from ILo e n e n i j withLiiliaml? Wbo was slmt iu four phewitrl Ir ft for i\oaA 1 And jot do I go•hiuing around after tho fiunticial Tilula•f tlii3glorimiaEor»ihlio?-Notft

    of Hit!g :

    ! it Hn

    a ia oiico fo

    :,K;:,L pro


    1 EJDU.

    i l ln i . l l . He

    nro ILo fulIo'iVin^A HiUurdai'i) cbiuiyc am

    Onwj iiIn Ni

    NnviT w"i» (jiioil LIICI nurer nullTho Hnniij iidliou fxisti un the o-.iiili•ut i WL-IIUL-MIIIJ in I la l j , MiJ Fridnjllio ouiilli of Fruiuio liuiug rc^ardoi,

    us wifovowblo dajH fur u chiingo u\

    from tboaapuctoftbLMinjou. AtWIiily,fur iuataiieu, wlion the mmn ia fltir-rrt)iii(U'(] by a Imlo uf watmy «ioinl», iLcfioamon say Ihuro will Lo o clmiii;1: u*\wntliur, fur Uio " ntoini dogs" aront)Dii';, This hub is culled iu Hcutliuid" hrugh "—tho Ciirly Tunlonic wonl foi1

    ;irclcf na iu tlie follo\fii)g rhyme :

    Aliont Ibe moon (horc is a brmjh,Thu lytatlicr will bo cuiilii nud ron^h.A pale moot!, too, is equally miftivor-

    ihla : a pieco of (Vt;atlicr-loto to wliicliilialiGHpefiro ftllujoa in tbu " lliilsum-iicr Night'H Droam " (net ii, sc. 21:

    Tbcrefurc tlio inuoii, tbo gjveniuas u 'floods,

    dn in lior auger, ivashcm nil tlio nir,Tliut rlujHimitic dis:;aacf t)o ubmind.

    WliL'Q tbo moon's borna appear to ': tonfs ?>int upward it in H:iid to look like a! '^'°>

    boat, nud iti luntij purts'there is mi iittbiit wlien it is tlnia fiituateil tliero wbo no ruin—a BUiierstition which OuorjEliot ilKscribtM iu " Adam Bale ;" " ItIKI hn' Itotfn better Inclt if tbey'iin1 buried him i' tbo fineiioaii, i\iiu wiiu falliii1; tliera's no likrlilootl of n drup now. An' tho moon liesike u bo..t tli'ro. That's a euro Bign \nir went her.1' Aceyrttintj !» Kuilori1 lieu tlio moon i« in thin position it .]•K»ti;s line weather, fur, io usa tho

    Wiion I ruiich Oill tny linuil fiutlSan* to como down, it Trill be

    I Imvo furgoLtou tho teitchiu^s cfrnn father."

    oumlod ?' mqtiircd ono of

    Beporlfir.There is a reporter at the luaa offloebo writes vi tb e^asl np id i ty witb

    either bam1,. He is m ambideiter, atft bold, b&d 01,0 »t that. Wbsn therea rush of work at the office, and thodevil U sbonting "coppee" like&fie&diiicarnnto, this usofrjl reporter eita do1

    at his dunk in full company iroot, and,with & piiuoil ia each hand, flinga offlocal hutijitsuiuga by tho yard. He writes

    two ohectu nt ouce, and don't let illit LsiDi] know what bis left Laod is

    dnviiigul, but it'a drifiug ull tho same.KU'L'IIMJ liegrit a little ofi his moiiteltm:i.--, nuil uttcjrijptcJ to write op a dujfight iiml a \uiHiug iu high life at tbLiniid ti-iic. lin got thiupH uiixod. Hiliftuds hilt clunr away with the gray matd-r in itirf rkiilj, uml things becumotorriMj cmfiiscd. This is tho way hiltfinr. tcit'MKijfid eadin.Ttly over ihe n!f ir, mid when theycilnw our saw the ilnnius uf anger diin;: from tbo uyva o1' tbo briiidN; fyatc,bo o|>(131.(1 witli tbu hlniiiiKof tho wed-

    WftlliL-d dowii tlif nitlv Jhj incited cro1

    »f{;aa to ^nt frantic, [i»d IIHTL- m;-uIls of "Sick Vm.Uull." "At him inTDIVELT," nn thu spccUitors befiamo intcr-tMpilmlhi ' I lgbl . Th.! brido was el<fjuntly aHired in pmo white narincnls .

    fnliric, and ebe won1 tl.'h(Miin.stcnrlitimiul wliito ntli

    nifjoliloHsoJ llJH toll);U's (urn sunnnry ljlrir aaai^tauce, acquaiutiiiE him at thoimo time with hia adventure. This was

    tho answer ho n;cmed : " Dou't dis-turb yourself. Join is hero with all tbomoney whieb you tbiuk you huva lost.Ho feared your louia would go the wayhey lad come, and, littlo liking the nn-ioipalion, ho lias cuwo hw^tft^eeji, tba

    trcaBurc eaf*. You como, too."

    An old morJiBy, designing to leacb bissous ttie advantage of nnlty, brougtithem a number ol Btioks and desiredthem to aeo haw easily they might bebroken oua. -at a time. Bo each youngmonkey luok a stick and)broke it.

    :Kow,"eaidtbefalhor, •• VH teaoli yona lewoo.'^ And lie began to gatlier thoattcka into a bundle. But the youngmonkeys, tKInkiag be vaa aboat to beatthem, set upon him altogether and dte-Bbled him. "Ttare / aald tbe agedaofferer; "balold tba advantage ol unity IItyan bad ossafled ma one at a Hmtf,I woaid bare killed eyary moUier*a BODof you 1"

    *' Kowk" said tbs eohool trasleo to anapplicant for a iHtuttnn, ^Woknotkst B b 6 and d is vowels, bat whatuMit ia. know li, why fo Ihey vowels ?"

    A Hire l*or{prfiiniso Stcnlt.

    Mr. Solemnp ciino down stairs toleu o'clock breakfast with a vnennt eoan-tennuco rind a buckwiud tondency iuhsir that mndo his two oyos ncho. Hesat down to tho tablo and picked up histnifoatid fork, glared in uneasy wonderat something in the platter boforo him.•It bad evidently beoa fried in batter andwas intended for food.

    Mr. Sete'-uup btrpooned it witb hisfork and lifted it up bodily, guing at itwitb aver increasing wonder,

    Yftmtugdor tho sun," he exclaimedatlast, "iBthiothiiigr

    "Well," replied hia wife, with just aibadow of & sight, "It looka like yoarnew acft felt hat, nnd tbat it -what Ithought it was, bat yoa palled it oat ofyoar pocket when yoa coma home thismorning and Bald i twu R nioe porter-house (teak and you wanted it broiledfor breakfast. Son needo't give m a a n ,ofitirmaotUongry.11 ••.

    "ADa Mr. Setemup, wlio wu jait wildto kuow what olse be miQ when he oamehome, and wbat time It wsa, for the lifeof him didn't date toaek.

    Vooioo ia io bid good-bye to her gon-dolas and weloome Bteam-tugi. Thetugs won't .be BO romaulio, but they willget a man home to dinner a great deal

    An UKHANLT ACT.—Many years ago Ivan lakan lo a vory beautiful homo tosoo a rolfttivp. Ho WUH n handEomo man.a f»cc and forai, bad read much, hadimnasad wealth, and wfi» looko-J upon

    •no of tho loading IUUU of tho place.His houBQ was full of (lovers and his

    den uf fruit. Ho wns very fond ofliorsiut, I judged, from bia owning B6T-

    l which woru qnito tho pridj of tholiiRo. Ho took mo out to see them iuir stables. Ono of them, n pretty

    black creature, nngored him for a mo-

    ient, nnd ho lucked her. Tho leg oftho gentle animal quivered, evidently•itli pain, na tbo rough boots camo

    ngainst it. I BIIIIII neyer forgot how njyonliufja chimged toward him. A mnnif profooed cutluro to do BO rough anil

    coarso » thing 1 I never visited bishouse after ward, and uovor desired to,I preferred to go where pooplo wetokind and goalie1, and never kicked theirhorse or tlieir dog. Tbat one brntul actipoilod fiis manhood.

    Noilson's biograpbera having eib.nrststlngland in tho way of birthplaces, wo

    shall start Amorica with Albany. Noil-soQ won born in that city ill Iho yoar1838 of poor bat respectable pnronts,and her maiden same was Mary ADDStoitb, Slii first ooucQivcd ,i pasaiuufortbestaga from bangiug on to thostepaofhotol omniuasoa and scrubbingtbe boards in nor mother's back kitchen.TUifl may be relied on, but if auy otherfellow thinks ho can do better lot himproceed.

    Gilhooly atraye 1 into Da Smith'p gro-oerj.aooompaniodbjhiadog. Suddenly*the grooar cried oot, as if in great paio :•'?outthuo.dflrin'dog has eut up twoponnfla of iita, fresh; country butter 1"i'•Weil, if it don't hurt. Eb« dog it's allriglit, bnt I wnat yoa to understand he'sa vdaablo dog, and U'lu a i ^ ito pay aboat forty dollar* a/


    The Dover Printing Company,

    'ituiuritoy.Nov. Cfli, 1SSO.

    The Nai.enal Elaotiom.Once more tiia nniion luu npoken, nnd its

    \ voice again nbow» tho confidence of the,'"- ̂ pr^pJfi of out great eoniitrjr in the Itepubli.h ma juxly. The Democrats went into the

    Aftw the atonB, Uio oaJni,'tand fttterBMh s period of political txcittunntt it the»nntry has (f>iia through every onefeela ft

    of Tt&itl »t the tkougU th&t It will not«ion oeeur a ^ n . Alria^y wo ran look

    kviilh K W lii-gnr of imiMitinlil} nn' ulint liitx I")*1" iii'ii.v Boitbom loaflcrs in theaama ot tbo Dtraoeoicy, and it is fall timitlmt they roctiiroti u rjuiitna. National credilit humti autl flbroiul, aud National ourreoc;

    cuu be no S thau under control of theparty tli&t brought them to their presentpositiua.

    Tlie Ttiriff is the only tone that bos atality of its own ; it in a question of policyou whioh bnncBt mou may differ; bnt

    ild be [dnced in no safer keeping thanthatofQon. Oitrfield, a statesman of abilitygud experience, supported by Congress icommitted to tho protection of the lndnstriei

    workmen of the country. These aretho reoBonB why budnosa men all over thtcountry have been interested in KepublicfttiBDoooflt). They have worked bnrd for it DDI*Uiive guiued it, and with it hove gained tboiwmruuce that Qorornment iaterfurence ani'polilioul uncertainty will not be employed toforce a "champ" in the steady prosperityare now enjoying.

    "Tho South is eolid, thank G o d T d eTontly ncliiiraetl Mr. Blftokbtirn of Ken'tucky; "Sho waa uolid for Jeff.. PalbCfi, t.n& she will be BcliJ fot Uancook ID1680."

    Strango, itlint m unhappy resnlt thepffejliun'of the Solid Sooth Menu to pro-duce for its recipients ;—

    I never lored a float girtana. etc'

    A wortman on one of tbe railroad*) In thiviolnlty hoa voted the Eomocratic ticket tttbe lost time, fie has beon In the count!

    ears, «aA BRSB " I have •votyfcr the Democratic candidate every Um«sijen I have been able to vole, and he banever beon elected; the next time I urn goinito rote for TUB PEKDJENT,"

    A CLWSWEEPGaifield and Arthur


    No Elootoral Commission Neo.essaiy !.


    - 219• -150

    John Hill's Majority 1,673


    Jtanilolph nnilGreat Victory!


    THE G3KERAL BESUIT.Th9 following table shows the latest ro-

    tarua from Uie Bfates and Urt way thoyhave gone:






    ..45,000Maine....Maflsachnsetta ,Michigan., . . . . , 40,000Uiaoeaola 25,000rebraaku ; . . .revHampBhlro..Tev York

    JregonP n e y l

    , . .28,000, .8,00035,000a5,000


    [thodelaland ....7,000.'erniont...... 25,000Wiaoonsia...'. 00,000

    Total. . . i.,.t. . 210;

    BTATES FOU HAKCOOK.EiUmitM Elacton]tnajorlty. vote,

    ,..;...TS0.000 i o...30,000 0

    .. . ._ 700 3Florida 4Georgia 40,000 He o r g . . . .Kentucky .Ltal


    4S.O00, . ; 0,000

    tew Jereey 1,000forth Cnrolitm .' 10,000

    Sooth Carolina 30,000Tenoeieetow 55,000'irBlnia''oet Virginia 15,000

    Total..In nearly BTBTT BUte tho Itepnhlieans

    make OougroKionsl gulag and the probnbil-Ues are that they will control the next Con-gress by n msjorilr of from IB to 17.

    In Tezmeseee tbe Uepnbliouu elect theGovernor a n d ! OcngrwamiML

    The follow OR were the indications from thegeneral dispatches receive! election night.

    Ctar&eU aas carried Ohio by SO,0DO, aodholds Indiana by about the October majority.

    In Oonnratloal la S3 towns Oarfleld had a,majority of aboat 3,000, aadtbs Indicatiotut

    ran that ha had carried the State. '

    Brooklyn, K. J}, gives S i^wok about 10,-001 mnjurilft

    0,000 to 40,000 niijority. Betiras from.wo-UiirilH of the city of l'liilaiblybJa showed

    Bepabliciiti gain of 7,000.liuturuN from llliuoi» iuilic-aM not Re-iHimtiMnn<Tint H.'|tnMii«iJti t*:ury MiWHuflliiiwl * bjt,iHH> mid i-arry leu out of thu elurcn Cou

    New n&ntpBhiro's retaruB were f»vnrabli»ihe eleotiuii of tbo llep'il'Hcan oniididatf

    'orGoveraor. Tho HepulilicuHa carry tU"tats for Ou-field, and have two Cougroea-icn sure and probably (lie third.Two Hcpublicaii Coiignwisional gains

    ijtortod from Uisnouri.Wisconrin Bhows very heavj-

    HiunBHotA nloo shows coiuiderable Repub^ u gains.A dispatoli from Nebmska claims tho Slato

    for tho ltupublicaiiH by 2U,m majority.Tbroa hundred towns iu Indiana show

    Ltapublican gniu of K%ID uliUue tliu Rt the aotorfl departed for hone, thelights died out, the munic ceased, and tbiHtagti VBB oluared for tho lost scene of tinPresidential drama of 1880—election day.

    A finer election dny iieTor dawned. TlieBun nhoDe glorionnly, tfao weather was mildand pluoaaut. aud the nuaiber of rjoDohmsnof both parties gutheted at tbe polls Rhowedtbnt tbe township of EauJoljili waa to boonother hard fought buttle ground- 11)<

    il belief was tliat tlie large vote polledin mit« In

    the Third District run 1,100 votes bohEndbis ticket in' Mpauoutli Oonatr aiono.

    Maroer County gives a Republioan nmjoritf of 5H4-O Bepnblican gain of 4tXBrewer, Itepnblioau candidata for CongressIn tlat diBtriet, ha> 15 majority.

    A digpatcb at it o'clock next morningshowed (hat Passtlo County had gono lie-

    [publican' by 1,600 majority, wliloh makesiretbadeotiano! Hon. John Hill to Con.

    greet by upwards of l,fiOO majority,The Handceck elootore have carried the

    State by 2,000 majority, a loss of 1O.0OO i:four yeara, but the latest returns Bhov thatthe official returns will be required to ^sddothe result on tho vote for Governor. In thesubjoined table *.hb Intest returns are given,the OeinucratlD plurality in Warren Conntjbeing now estimated at 2tK) more than waslatflrBtrepoBtcd, Shene figures girolow (Dem.) 400 in the State i



    . 1,818. 110• 01



    . 1,61

    . 1,40

    . l,8T

    . BI,


    Totsl 12,41Doin. plurality 4!

    £SB«SGloucester...Moroor . . . . . .JforrlsOooitiPA«UiDRalomSoinorBotUnion

    Total 11,1)33

    The next Senate of the Stale will stnudRapublJoaTia, and 0 Demoamto, nml tha Bapublicans carry the Hovso by 31 to 20.

    The OongreBsional delegation from NiJersey stands 4 Republicans to 8 Demicrate, as follows:

    s-joba Hiii.fl-PliluTO* Jonti, a.T-A.A.HArdciibiugli.0,

    eiror,li O.

    D•U, 8. Ihrrl's. O.Harris's majority over Klln&triok in the

    I Fourth District fe &btrat »,80Q.


    complete, and his majority is far beyondIhe expeditions of his most BangnJifrisnds. JJorria Rave htm £1)1 majority,«PaBBaictheBplendidflsureBOf 1,84s, will

    'Bergen give Cntler only CCS, making JohnHill's majority In tlie District 1,673.



    177, Eanoock, 103-Outfield'maj., 14. PolU 170, Ltidlow lOi-Potb1

    ij., 12, KUpatrfsk'l8&, Harris WO-Ki1

    patrick'R maj., SO ; RcsenkrADa 1S3, MnrUu,147-RosenlininB'inflj., 4a

    A. dispatch from Bussex ot 8 o'clock thismoniining • gold tbe tonnty WM Dctnoorttlaby 700, "with Yemon utd Hardysum tonship* to hearfrom-a Kepnbliean gainBbont 600 dnoe 1870. •

    Full retoroB since received shows tho fol-lowing as the full result In Snisex.nnoMkLuiUow'sHarris'sMartin's


    Onr own County did nobly,'an the anb-tined raturns will show, raogiog from £52

    for Toungblood to fiOS for Garfiiald.

    THX on> OF ism coauss.

    Tho great demonstration tint was to hoy«taken ploou in Dover last Saturday evening-ffai greatly Interfered with by the rain that

    ed in torrents and prevsnted theparade, Vaiet faTornble elKmoatauooa thetown irould h n * vitstssed the finest,demonstration it had «ver wen. MorifUiuitwenty uniformed dubs had ajgniflrf their-intention to be present, end the AepnUlcan

    ia of the tawu had mado preparationsTor the flnost iUomlnnJlon In thu history of

    IB town. For the comfort of t ie Tidtom agoodly lunch had beon provided at tlierailing mill, where Ubles Wbr* arranged.

    it tbu rain prevented tbe parade andgreatly Interfered with the other features.

    'et despite the storm companies gatheredie itatloDs along the road and wotcome h»d tbey not been informed by

    telegraph Uut the namde had been aban.The UEaminstlons, KOVever, were

    'eryfarilliantthmqghoat all tho town andmany b r m d the s lo iu to see them. Allseemed to have contended whldh ihould have

    prettiest display, and the tnaln BtreolsD fiblazo with lighbj, lantern! and pret

    ly antugad window tnuuparenoioB, whileall through tbe more quiet ttreets there was

    charming diversity of iUnmlnitod decor-Where nil did so well It would be

    nrtiir to partluularlzo, na& we nfraln fromdoing eo, Yet the generally expressed oplu*

    was that the rain waa greatly needed,and all accepted gmd uatnredly tlie lnoon-

    alencea it occadoued. In tho oourse ofi evening many people Wtnt to th* rolling

    mill and partook of tho lunch chit bad beenprotlded for the clubs from abroad. l

    fiafthe rain did not prevent tbe speakingand musing ttepuhliaon mooting! wen beld |




    N . D . O. D.'M 371161 821





    1OONOBKBMAK.S4S HM 10iMT 2GS 141

    - 1 1 2 r,r> a





    BENiTOB.273 11(10

    104 m











    ' Ti«ti

    Hop. ma], on tickets, 187.GarfleU over Hancffolc. 13(t.HUloTerOaUer.iao.Potto'over Ludlow, 148. ' :Youngblood aver Stickle, 124,Badd over Llndsley, 4.35,


    A large number of Republicans gatherediu Holler's Opera House, Jlon&y eveultijwhere returns were received. As the returnscame In—nil of tlicm favorable to tbe B<publioanB—they were teoelved with vlftor-ous'cheers, and the intervnls were inter-spuned-with singing, nnd the drinkinghot coffee, Meantime tha Geo, Blcbardsand T>,, h, & W. Artillery Garapanles tnadithe Bight olr ring with tlieii ealtites inhonor of tbo goad news, while dram corpsparaded (he etraeti, nmbing Ibe town re-sound with the rejoicings. Everywhere tinwildest enthaslftSDi prevailed.

    The following were the returns from thitownships as they came In.


    The only return .from Hanover was! dispatch stating that It had given 163 Be-publioan majority,

    nThe following w« the majorities. Oar

    field, £5; Hill, 83 \ Potts, 80 ; Yonngblood,8 0 ; Port, 221,

    Oarfleia, 70; Fotta, G4; Tonngblood, Cfl

    The vote of this township waa 1,208, oiabout 200 greater than ever boforo. ThoHlbernia Distriot polled 778, wLiob wll[

    e a alvMoa of It neoesB&ry. I t has &i-reody been mggeatad that too new pollingplnce t o fixed at Hibemla., The Republicanmajorities from this township were so largethat they created the greatest enthusiasm.The following Is tha m&alt cf the townshipOarfleid, 773; Hancock, 470; Weaver.fiNeal Dow, 1; Hill, 767; OnUer.486; Pot-ter, 1 0 ; Potts, 778; ludloir,blood, 728; 8ticUo,G28.

    QarfleUl over Hancock, Ml ,Hill over Cntler, 271.Potts over Ludlotr, 2flO.ToungbioodoverBBekle, 180.


    Hanoook, 2G0 ; Qarfldd, 170 ; LuoUow,9fi9; Fotts, 170 ; Oatler, 3BHj H1U, 170StJokle,. £60; Yougblood, ITS) Lrndsley,110; Sudd, 22B. • ; • • . .

    Hancocl 'Bnuij. Rt. ; -Luaiow's -'" . BS "..'Cutler's " 80 'Stlokle's ' • » 80 :

    The following are the Tlepublloitn rnajori-ties: Goraeld, 8 3 ; PottJf, 8 1 ; Eill, 64,r o a n g b l i M d , 8 3 , ' • " ' • . . - . " " •',

    D O 0 N T O S . ' • • / • ' :gives the follcnrlng Itepnblican majorities,

    Gar&eld, 317j rotie, 231; Hill, $&)][oungblood,2iS. , : : ,- •

    .WASmNOTOM. '

    This towDgbip, Bitbon([h nlronglj Dbrno-orolic, slows a RopnbUom gain of about 45,

    owlnff.U the result •' Qftrfle][uoook, 415 ; Dow, 8 ; Hill, ISO; Cutler,"

    131. Potbt,200iLndlow,-41fi; Rinaom,2.nod, W ; Sliokle, 417. Bj.ld. 307!

    Llod-tloy, 408. Bodd'S splendid nm in thiajIroogDemocratiotamishipifia matter for

    Benen t congratulation,Majorities-Hnnoook, 314 ; Caller, 32(1;adlow, 210; Stlckls, 318 ; llndaloy, 201.


    The following iaHinovtr'anioord i Norlh-Dii'.rict (majorities): Qarfiuld, 197;

    [ill, 110; Yoangblooil, 186 ; Johtiion, 1S7 ilonthern District; Gfirfidil, SO; Volts, 83;

    Bill, 30; Yoangblood, 29; Joliusoo, 30.'For soms nnaoooantable reason the nv

    n r u oame IK slower than evsr before fromMorris County. '••"-••

    Johnwa, Hep. ,for /dumbly In toe fint dia-Ict, t u 160 majority, vhfls Post, Rep.,

    the second had no opposition, Badd,Sep., n n far idaad of his ticket in Us

    Uitrd-tte Damooralio itrougljold-biit Is'defeated, u waa expected.

    The maiorltiu in tha retmlndft of t Umfihlr. wiLl be IOHDJ i&claded iu Uie, ful-

    l i w i n g t a U s j ' •'•.-. .'•'. • " •••- -. '.•'• ,


    i l l s

    S I SIS


    ' A«KBIC*M na raoH,

    Tlie Englneeringaud Mtniufi Joornal ofwt Sntnw\ny mys;

    Although them bus been but littla bud-ness done daring Oio pastwoek, there hai

    iu aa improvement in the general tuneof tho imrkct. Then Is au inclination^

    •nit taeresulU of tho prerideLtinl election,after which there will probably be considerible activity la the iron market.

    There have beon some hundreds of tonesold durlug the past weolr, but n iworthy o! remark. No, 1 iron ia still M U I *and Inclined to improve. No. 2, however,

    is to be In abuudant supply andweak, KI is also Forge,, We qurte Nn. 1 at( 2 6 and $20; N J . 9, at $20, and Forgo al

    Sooiou Fio.—Thoro hftvo been ealefl of800 tons of Gitrtsherrio at $'22M to arrivoand a lot of 300 tons of GUnganioakprivate terms. Wo quote Qlengarnock.1)231 Oartdherrlfi at Sii^Hil mi *2» j EgUn-toa at $23,50 i and Ooltnpaa at $38.C0,

    BTilEMEHT OV IBOH O1IZ >top the HncliPtlBtown BciIeH,via.M. AB.

    O. B. to t'eanaykunfa, for tlio woe* oi ""• i nda j evening, Nov. «th, 1880.

    STATI0KH nOU, tOfS. flW!Mnuutntn View . . . . „ „ . . , . SSO03

    [ftwaj W811PortOrsw 1,06417OlioitcrR.II. (Hnrlnns,Uorfflti'B,

    BuMttannnn,, VanAktu KD>1 CUOS-torJunctiQoBtriUoiia,) , . . . , 15*01

    DraJiosvillc BOOBbnpe toOS

    ffnterloo. ...f..;..... ...,

    ypWM a terrible explosion on

    nesday afWmaou lafltti &• Band'sder worka at. Mountain Tiew below

    ^(KiQton, resD.Ung in the death of Womm. Tlie explnifon was in one of tbelittle detacuud buildings known as tbegrindicg mills, There the poirder isgranulated. Those boiltiittgt seem lo beooDHtraoted so that tbey can blow op aia minimum of espouse. Tbroe sides &rficornnoacii of hfwvj miieonry, Imt Uierpartb «We pnfl the royf eontist of Irtosejiiimtta, (but. will blow off without dam-agipg tint xeeb of tbe utructare. E rTear or so aae of these huiMinRsiBilottn up. Dametimeii men ore killad.[llsgenerallytli(>ug1ittltots bit of gritJr lunJ ID , tlio powdor stiikea fin:

    lnat the griadiug stouefl, and BO

    f fls tie explosion. ITfae explosion oBJueedny oiternoon oeonned at aboa2,80 o'clock. Tbo report was beard at ajfregt dlit&nce, and everything iu tbeboildiog was annibilafed, Tbe two menit wprk in tbo building at tbe'time wemJohn Olorkfloit, agod 27, a uiitfVooMre-ioa, whoso relnlwea tivo ot Belleville,N. J, ntid Albert Dunn Agd 22 a UB-tive and resident of Ulaltr Couaty, IS.X. Both wore pomarriml, urjd they livednear tbe works. Tte j wore tossed inthe Mr by tbe eiploeioa, hut OeitlierwwUHecfoHtrigM. They vere pioked— by tliotr oompaoioaa, eaffuring ter-

    ijfrom bnrna. Tlie.v wmo ptitiato awagon nnd. token to Pntewon, aevon ornight miles diataut. Tbey woro oarodlor at tbe St. J>oiBpb's.Ho»pita], Tbeauptriatauileat d tlie powder worksseat word tbat tlio compaDV would payill tlio expenses of tbe liiucrals. &c

    NUUQ of the other men wbo worearound the nowdor works can give irny(iccoQut of the cause of tlie acatdoiit,Tbe first tbey knew of it was tbo shookol tbo explosion.

    The Election News In Wall StreetGreat wtisfuotlon witb ilia result ol

    tlio Presidential election is generally expressed in Wall street nnd a continuanceof I'lisinegs prosperity is regarded as as-surer). Tun stock market is actiro andery buo^acf. Tbe pfioe of Unitedffttss bonds advanced irom i to $ per

    centum hvm tbe closing quotations onWednesday afturuoon, .making a totaladvance nf nbuut three per cent am sinceth




    lanterns cheap at Berry's,

    Ten rant Ooal Bioves at Eerrj'a.

    Common Council next Monday 6v

    Thirty-five cent Goal BciuLtles at Iierrj

    You may now shoot quail, partridge a


    Mrs. Gen. Hancock was in Morristtn

    election day.

    EoA lane veils -Bill bo worn by i

    (Woontria lailioo

    Vitfilnat HOBS CO. regular meeting m

    Wednwt&iy evening

    There are one hundred Chinuflo ti

    Btfito uf Now JfFKfy.

    Tlic Hnsml of tihfihfe]!. Frtclioliit-.m 11

    OB WedneKdny next.

    MmiKlliMilTiBPlMloniatJ. A. GuoJid

    lied Trout Drug Ktore.

    JliHliop r.-r't prwiuhfid in ttio Worrinto-

    W. E, Ohurdi Smit Hundiy.

    Ktr^ii^tlieuitiB PlMtfirn lit J . A. Tine

    Bin's Kfid Front Drug Mart .

    County !iy tlit rtiJcut DPIIHUB.

    W R I CmulIcB for llIntuiimtiuK "t

    (io'idiilfj'tt lU-d Frmil Drug Ktoro.

    Mr. F . « , Lurtiluiiu IIIIH ri-mo™ of November.

    A Khoriff," Members of Assembly »ncl Ot

    oners will ho tho only (lffioora to bo d o *

    nci t fall in llorria County.

    Election being over ynn will find out tlint

    iho N. Y. anil china 'IVit Coiiipnny'tJ fitor

    IH tlm plscis to get j ou r tens.

    Mr. Jnnvinr, of Hndi/son, mieoeail«fdi-r

    1 Major (*LI

    ium) tlio iniNb

    LTCIlt [Hllilic-lll

    Mrs. L. A. IV

    'ylcH iu millin

    •hldi tbr hdim

    ivttu call of iD

    'J'lio largo m o

    m fltro«t (it J('

    minrlHO p

    , Dover wore il

    an.1 Hcnday !

    >.aiw\ her nf«

    mul wiutur, U

    Fully invited t

    rf tin! Koli.i Kuut



    AH o f o H J I . H. I)

    r lii'ttdiiunrt^rn fo

    onltB. und h\H .|.l

    ivcr finer tlmn nt i

    N w t w o k in ml a\ Iho we

    C-H'H OhriBtian AK«<

    . A. of tlifl )iliiec

    m of fruit tree

    dock thi-j oftc

    npple, iK'iir it

    nil hi mix

    M) f UtL>»U

    rld for mrn tt

    wiiiitionH. T

    will hold a

    The family .

    Kvilli», n-

    V ofIho ]

    if Aibort )t. .

    th wlif*?h the

    id tun who n heigh'

    [% led.

    Every body in hoiirna—lliorn n i w r

    n(:u!iuu fur cuuiflH imd coll«,

    muh nn urgn i t nml imiv.-mil don

    ir XX ConBli Syrup. Tho XX Kymp h

    ly cough rcuiHly iwo.l in this Ticinlty.

    ami f.O cents jior boltlu nt Vought &

    A Mlcbigaii Jpllcr to iho 1'owat and Slronin

    that tho real wny to tlrcsi black IJIIH.S

    dpi.-kor.?l in lo take n, Klmrp t l i inkni tc ,

    I, iiihtoml of swiling Ibc (IHII, nut imdcr

    Kkin from (nil to head, romoving Ihu

    irooutKido. It in mid to nriivoiit imy

    iy tiHto in tho nient-

    r cTflHingauoxt wrok. KCVM. J . I. Mor-

    nud T. II . Liiiulon will (.poQlc on Tuea-

    evoning. ltav». W. I. (Jill, G. T. Jnck-

    , I'n-hiilinR Elilur Uoit, nut! othors will

    THO Itcpiibliiiiiiirflin

    iltcakorrt during thfiiu

    .liriu did thu parly •

    ii- liHiupLun

    thuy K-t lot

    Uwuocniliu JuimuL*.

    o Hint Iho Hi![iiililii:i*

    -ii, ljuforu ii^ adjournm

    voto uf thuiiU ID II

    tlid victory tlii;y Lu .t Ijtslfinl Lho J(c|iubl

    m e I will hurrah :

    Jty as tho n^O. i-iil

    dt-r No.

    Unit hu

    •10," but fur Hint wound in liis m\t

    rtji-uivud nt Uuttyhtmrg, fur which

    ilut John W. Fora

    urelH he torn frt

    M.adc, open l i n t gnl

    U tuko bauk tli

    i dun,! Uoucm

    iiiU lite ittH sli-cp. I think Ut-i

    oî k JtJtu nut Ihauk him much fur Unit


    "Tnio Mil

    ia tlia rronbyte

    tlie first diBcourno

    othor fiiibjuctB will bo rw followu, "Itoud


    ihood." TL.

    "Selling tho Birthright."

    Tho HftcfcetiBtown Gazette tafce

    )f original matter fron

    mer two

    tho EBA.

    Wthout a word of credit It gives


    it that "Turkcja oro begianing to roosi

    tiigh." And yat, oa rtvtotttion, wo think we

    \IIIYB beard it Romowhero beforo.

    Mr. IVm. W. Sictlea on Wednesday noon

    covered a fire that bad starled iu the roof

    bf MOSCB Dotv'H house, on Orchard atroot,

    d procuring a Itidder nml aomo buckcta

    tiogiilflbed it boforo much dninngo

    done, or nn alnrin w«n giv.-u. " H i l l j "

    omber of thur ro t iu l ion Lurket

    . Veimor writco fvnm bin Hiirvcying grounds

    [hut birds of mnny tipueies otill rauinin iu

    [lint lutitudo nnd that tho o-j>rey and fist--

    yet fifiliinf* nraong mnny of the

    Inles, which is umismil ut thin ntaKon of tha

    Mr. IIo therefore predicts Hint Novamber

    ill yet givo UB Bummer wanath, but witb

    by YmiKl.t A KiHptro.


    wWr fur tho' :ilTli Uf H|)riH tltuy a


    broiifiht to

    H'm. M. Tu

    fjcd fnvty-iii

    • fttobiii I

    ••ry yr-nr, whi le Uio

    coii'itiiutly iiien-ftii


    rw iJicd lit

    i' ycara, on

    n of pi.Tftffition.

    the fur

    il not bion cpiilirird to the hnuwr' by

    sri. About two yfiiniriRt) liirtbi'iilth I,

    fail, find ni)twitlii;tiinliii(j d i s c u s

    akiiifj an inroid upon hm uyutfin, ho

    ucd t« work until within it hm thi

    n dcconBr. Ho WIIN luiown frcui bin

    ul"u ;i-i;i( hv nil inlr-llii-unl HUfTorurB. Tliiir.-|)itivJ /xiiri'HBlv fur the euro of KemHiul. M.'.VI.HMIP, lturv»iiH H.MKUCIIO, Durn. V.n.lMiift »t I'IXKI, mnrutnir 8io._RiolyMf, l'nlpitatioii uf tlie Heart, nnd Hciai:lii'iii-itfii]j,' Iruiii over Btimiilatiufr, oltlier

    rsLc (tlK-y .lisMiilvL- iii tlif mouth), hnrniKILU'I tOnilnullv I'll to all f)iiiTii ur other n:ircuticB. PrrpatodbyK, Jluiin, M. 1)., ScniHtuii, PB . Hint by maon n'cmiil or iirwe-SO ct». McEoaitut] A Buibinit Binf 0. N, Urltt»udon, New York, Aiiout

    liu. KNAI-PMI.TR: I have sold DII. 11UHIINnii-alxiiL mui Niot Itcaducbo I'll In foRtnl I.'iiu rucoiniiiuntttluun. TlieylmvKomi) tvonderrtilcnvcd in ihJH Sfctioa.

    A . K H A I T . B I . I). R t t i ion , PB:Dn. LAI-E BFI.VB: I iiavu nalil Dlt. UOIf


    Lai yet they tell us tho UeptiblicouB suc-

    ceed by money.

    I nm £iad tho eloctiou is over, I am torry

    'fon1 Jersey hna BL-teded from the grimi]

    olumn of tho Northern WuleH. lint hem-

    airf in nn who \» by Now York nnd Fenwiyl-

    h lmm't dn

    Wo will Imvo fiomcthiiiB

    polities for tho nei t four ;

    Tbe UeiHiblicimH luiro \

    iolliflcntioo but I don't kt:

    WMl will -Judge Morr

    to rcaQ besides


    iw wbun yet.

    iw do with hih

    D, J.

    Republican JoHificillon.

    A fimnd nm«il.Iicnn jolliiioJtion will Iw

    l ( i | n Dovi-r im Muudiy oveiiiut; n u t in

    nor of Hie wrenl viclnry. 'Ilio Hi-publi.

    u clulw or thin and niljoiuiiijj countir-s

    TO licen inviL-d lo ho prfsi-nl nnd will

    irfjtlewi ini t i r i intc , nii.i.ini; wlint will

    DOVLT.- liijBiilcrt tlmio will hi* a'tfeni'ml

    iiniiimtiot! oi tlm town, (Ti.spiny* of fiie-

    irlt, eto. All Kqmblicaim ure incited lo

    illnruiuiito their roHiilcticcs nnd iilnroi wh iHx(K) fool, draft for which iu furnished

    >y the Huick, JHU feet hiyli.

    Tho Contral Railroad,

    dfio Lalbrop, the Ilucoiver of tbo Ni

    j Central lUiilrosid Company, naya thnt

    nrniiips of thiH niad for Hcjittjuihei

    mtlur i the

    islory of iho roid. T t o ]T.iporty, ho

    inke, will como cut of tha Lands of tbo Be-

    KitliiiiR to prnvt'Dt it being iiouo imniuinfo-

    j, Mr. lAtnrop nnd hw iinmcdiato frienda

    .rowiid to hold DVH hnK'of tho capikl titocV,

    ,tul hu IB crcdilod with Kitying tbat i t will

    ell al par early in tha coming Winter.

    Thern nr« only 1PH morf f^mftlpg th

    i tales In Wnrren uonnty; whilo Bossai h

    81 moro females than valet.

    Morris County Courts.

    \n Uio Qunrlor Buuionii tho followiog

    indiclmontn uro off for the term : —

    ChntlcB McKeovcr, anBanU and battery.

    Anir.i Crai.ptnn, old indiotment for forgery

    mil cc

    JLTOUIO 13. Youngs, perjary at tbe reoent

    trial of an tobou brought by him agaiwtthi

    Honrd of Free hoi dura of thla Oonnty to re-

    I oover the vnlui t

    built near V

    nriiiinp, mid iu tlio winter did fin i

    rt«liiiiin.ittiii({1iooi«and wood rendy for

    In: Newark and Nmv York iimrkctH. Ily

    lutt iiitjnuH ho found yineiitforfi hirgc

    iiniibiT of imrmnia in the viduily whero ho

    veil. IIo leiiveii u widow to mourn liiu

    How iihortoiir u H.u,p BV Vm

    Five Ilimilrcil Thu

    In tlio nnat few motitliB tinn r.iH)JlOO bolt tun *»r HIULOH'rf OUKE

    SOLD. Out of tho vastuniiilwiof ino|)lf wlhflvo IIK'II il, mure limn 2,01)0 aim's uf CON'-HUMrTION linvy b.'i-n cun'd, All coachui-on,,, iiMlm*, M.1 brondiiliH, ylol.l «t « Vluitict. it in that vvp.ty body sin'»ks iu itB iiruisc.To I Logo WIKI Invo not uw'tl it, let nu nay, il'ton have n couyh^r your child thu croup, afoil vulno life don't fail to try it. For hijack, itidtinrrttcst, use HIiiloh'B I'orous I'll

    Bold Ly Vongbi A Sillgoro,








    r KMT, lijil,!,,

    P Muck,

    Wli*I) tllllll-ll'H II

    •1.1 ]«»

    .Ir.irli Iti-iiicdy. A tint

    .:h Ijdltln, llBoltifyr

    w i t Ijri'iitli. I'rii-

    t &. KillKnro.

    IT A KlLLaifllK.

    ill n i S t rong .

    "Malt Bi t tus" aro a Dnitn, Norvo, anilBluoil

    )od, poonliarly ndaptud to, nnd warmly ro-

    inntnemloil by our druggiHtu mnl uliyMiciatu

    HRununil debility, meiital and physical ux-

    A Valuabto Historical Record.

    Au "HiKtoricat llnmml ol the Kocknwny

    ?reBbytcrian Cliurch, Compiled by tlio Pus-

    or, Knv. K. E. l'lntter,"]ieBOttourdoHk. It

    :otitiiinn the present orgauizatiDn, n lint

    if the fitattd mettingu, tho roll of commnui-

    auts, an hibtotiuitl Htfitnh wbiuh is ft well

    written ooridunHiition of Dr. Tuttle'a hiatory,

    miles of tha first pariah records, Ihts

    of nnstora, olduro and trust00.4, n caiahgao

    of personH who bolongod lothopiCrish pro-

    1 to 181)8, and n mil ot members from

    IROTtolRSO. It )i priuted in ft nent pnm-

    iihlet of fifty-fii pagcH. aud is a valuable con-

    tribution to the loail history of this rject

    Tho prico in fifty cents per copy, nnd il;

    ho had upon apr-licntieu to Jus. II. Union,

    Tbo proceeds of tho isalo nre to ho np-

    lo tho building fund of Ilio new Bnn-

    d-iy Hchool rooms nftor tho oxpenfies of

    •mtinjj nro defrayed. IfcH rnluo in

    ore th.111 tlio coRt, ntul tlio olijvot Klio

    nko for it Ft reiuly Kft|e.

    A Peculiar Loss and Rstiirn.

    Rome time fiiueo a ntin nunicil JAIHOM

    rftiil, a resident of Oxford Furnnoo, W

    orking in (lie fitslJ, siidd.-nlybocarno nv

    of tho fact Unit bin power of speech

    . Horiimfiiiicdin thin condition for a

    coiiHiderablo period. The attention of lead-

    ig phyhiciniifl wan culleJ to hia cnea hut

    ley WVTO minblo to render any ftKHiHti

    lat toudod to reiitaro his ipeach. He hud

    mo;>t fiivoii ti]i nil {lortGH of ever biiiny

    ible to again pjprona liinimilf orally, and Inn

    andu too felt thnt ho was tlooiued to go

    •nugh the world Fneociilesu. Hutu brighlnr

    f WIIH deHtinsd to duwu on our friend.

    row niglitfi ago lio liad n poculinr dronm.

    It otipenrnd to him that ha could talk, and

    holding a conversation with hii wire,

    telling hnr of liiu restoration of fipoooh and

    i« joy Rroiving out of it. 80 rejoiced was

    0 Hint ho nwoko, anil atrnagD to relate, hin

    ream woa litornlly fulfilled. Ho could talk

    s fluently OH ovor and ban eioco retained hi«

    ower of npecob.

    Severe Accident to Henry Bakor, Esq.

    On Wcduemlay evening Mr. Honry Baker

    and fi friend alighUsd from tho OhoHtor train

    in place in l'ort Oraui where there

    uliould be a depot. Storthiff off in tho dark-

    ess Mr. Baker fell into a cattlo culvert, and

    fiia sa severely hurt that he is confined to

    iiH bod and at last accouota wo3 unable to

    ove himself. Ilia principal injury nooma

    to Lavo been to one shoulder opoa which it

    ipposcd bo Btruok, If Uio railroad com-

    pany will not build a Sopot at Port Oram

    they might at lenflt erect A strong light time,

    so that their pa&eEgerB would not be sub-

    jeotad to moh aooldenls ai Uda.

    Mirth is the modloine oflifa.I t ourue Ita Ills, it oalna ita strife,Itaoftly Bmoothi the brow of can,And throws a thotuanA graces then. '

    Cut "Mirth" will not

  • rs-*--.'

    Til*- 4iuu fi.i gutUit^ !•» 'I1

    Omtral ilojiot At Chicago tents m limited, fttiitt uu r^atorly predated Hipper oonld

    he scoured, au3 m it was uecosuaiy tot»ke a wmdwieb at tlie Ccutrul depot.Q!bflre bos beca great uupioveraootsjuadfl in tlio sandmckoa fumiubed•Sptticago in tbe lust ten years, l a 1870JJ viu customary to encase the sand-•Bichea u presso"! note leathor. Theleatlier *w prepared by a process onlykuown to a ProBaifla, and the tread andJiain wera put in by bydraoho prtasnre,Mid the liola soldered up. About fouryean ago tbo Prussian who had the »

    .-,,. cratj said aomotbing uukind to a pitcher•of ft basa-ball clttb, aud the pitcher took

    viV'jip ope of the anudvioheB andV--fl(ttted »tthsEra8siuu'« eye. Hia fan*?;;AVWquite largely attended, considering- !;• • Ihotlia woe a man who mt rotiriiifi, »wi??v \3riw raade few acquaintances. But thi&j feeteitot poking tho Holes niid uppors olv'''' Railroad sandwiches died with him. It• v w about this time that corrugated iron•> sbutteM were jnvoutoil, raid tlrnt matcr-' ^ Jill WHS at ouce utilized to mate lids of

    'VpisiDdffielioB while the nader jaw of/ the appetite destroying substance

    ;):jniade of common building paper, the't-'* vbole.Vtimisbed with neat's foot oil,'••'/ illndried in a lime kilo. Ourobjcctin,, . eating one of the sandwiches wna to; '-. tmtsfer, if possible, tho headaoliB to th<'".".< etomiiDb, ou tho principle thut thi

    ; ; qiaek doctor cured a patient of pamlni'.-;' by throwing him into a fit, daiming that

    he wfisnot muob ou pnralyria, but was> awful on fits. Tbe oiitrnnce of the

    , pieces of aaudwicb iuto tlm etonmcb—that is, tbe small pieces tbat we were

    ' able to blast off with the imperfect np-I»liancea at band in the tool box of a•wrecking car—waa signaled by tbo won!upbeaviug Hint has buna wituesaed iuthis poptitry aiaceieOO. Tlie etomach,liver, lungs, spleen niii other iubiidea

    , got up an iutHgaalioa meeting, with tinetomacb iu tbo chair.

    . ' I P cnlling rbt> meeting to order Ibefltoiniicb said ouncnusldiueJ aaitwnsti

    : pablio speaking, it felt aa though tbe oc-casion demanded a protest, ami tbut iuIJO uncertain tone, ngnlnst tlie liabit thibosibmlof sliiigiug anything iuto tlitBHunueh that empe iu his way, withouatopjntig to consider tho effect on the iu-tenjala. Tho ohair remarked (unfit hadheretofore had a good many ptettj hard

    'dosea to lake, notubly, army buoou, andlatter vnie black Urcail tbat the bosshad fiboveil in while hunting out in Min-H8sola.ii! 1807, and sgiin last year when ja pirn full of beuus Jroin Bill "SVull's Wolf,river bourn buimlitig house WBH sent,down without any iatmluoti'jii, the |etoinaoli atiiJ it bad felt hku throwing upthe "sponge," mid drawing out of thegamt', bi)t it had thought betler of it,Olid liuti tout! ou lr?iiig to digest thingstill now. Dat ibis lust outrage thisChicago uundwioh, was too much. "Hiehere," fcays the ttflinacb, holding up

    .-:. pieco of the iron IM of the sandwiol-,the liver conU BPO it, "whit kind of

    :• ••' junk shop does be take tbia place for' Tlie liver got the floor nad suggest

    tbat the stomach waa making a terriblfnasabouta little thing, aud told tstomach it had evidently forgotten tgood things that Lad been sent dotfrom abore in times gone b j . "Y<ueem to forget," unjs the liver, becomiiwarmod np, " tho banquets the boanever fnllti to attend, tha nice dinner

    \ ho Boiatitimes gets at home, and Iho wicanvas-baalc dank Ise sends down winho ROW to Lake Kotthkonong, a« wellthe Luke House dinners tlmt occasion

    , ally snrpriHe us, I more that the stonrnoli ha roprimnbdcil for kicking and try

    : ing to get ui) ft mots, nud that this meilog Ddjonrn and we all go about oar bus-InoaA.'' The stouiaoh tried to get in

    ; . w o r d eolgewiso,bat it was no use, aitbo thing was aliotit lo break up in

    / row,ytien.we went to iteop.

    SHERIFF'S SALE!U»m.eryofSPwJ«iM BI fa fur wilortgaged rnmkf* , »!iir fuliflMiiHVftturtint uy the

    .politenessi of the clork of the — - hotel,fflere he liod taken up his quarton.

    ; The dny after hia onival, which hap-pened to he one of tho wia3i«t of theseoBon, he vent oat for a stroll arouthe atieeti of 'Frisco \a sea tto ewund nhihit his linen covered helmet.

    He returned to the hotel diBgnsted,anj remarked to tho clerk ;

    "Too have a great deal of dait hen

    "Tea," drawled tha clerk, '*I i

    I tho stranger.

    "No, Btr.1

    *'Toar lungs aie oEfected, then ?""Not much," yawned the clerk,"In what wav then, do you Buffer from

    tho dust?" ashed the somewhat sar-nrUed Australian.

    "By hearing about sixty times ou Uoai«yory fool who cornea m here say, youIIATU a good deal of dust here in BuiJFraariaco."

    Ovx* Two.—A sad-nosed, red-eyedman stack hi* head into tbe Potrolenm

    Eoe and snid:e are oafy two public characters

    in all tlm country who aro not afraid otheir McoraV1 •

    "Hanooek and Eagliih, I suppose,"oiipgosled a reporter. ,

    ;«Ho, sir/1 *"Oarfieldaud Arthur?"

    4i Weaver au3 Ohambcrs ?"" * "UafftBir."

    ThoreiioTtor'EneiT from the appear-nnca of the stranger thnt it wouM rwuseless to inggeat theProhihitiou oandi-dates, and so gave it np, remarking thatH lliere wera two pablid rlaraoten inthis coanlrywho were not aahamedof their record* he wocld ho glad to

    'fcuawlt. . .The itnbPlfbacked over tbo thresh-

    old, pnlted the door nlranat to, ODi^re-

    m^rkHl in a strange whi«i>M

    \ i j ' lb id % »aS Bt, follea J" , - K

    tlircuijfh Ihu iIt will ba abno.

    IraiiHiunandliual'ini; tbo dineB8O!nvnslinnv. 101

    , ^ _ DEAFNESH, oow• • I f i i j t i a l l ? apply

    iiIur^usiiTv" " E Y ^ O K E A S I I U L M fi nweiim tlioi'ud«rt.oni(!iJtrjf tlm sufferer, tlie onKitt nuil [iliisiciin. Never has an article of «umiitli murit bteu proaaccil ht tliotreatmontofm>'nibrnnnl liiRoaios »» tills novoT-fall]uKBALM, ami ia mi i TO really epfinnnlcdRud asbeing oil (but is olalQed /or It. Tlte applirlionlacasvandpleiwant. causing !"> pnii,irolliiup, mid in fast Biipm-si'tUng thn usu

    Cdt'iD) limii'lri, a n (l snnOB. Pnoo SO oen

    receipt i.r (10 CUIIIH, will mail \ iinclmgifrofi, KGIKI for clrctilnr, wHli mil ioffirnmturn


    NEW YOltK-McKbflion & Jlobiiina, HallRuckiil, 0. N.Urittondiiu, \V. H, Holitifftiliik »)., D.M.HliKbrA Co., Uzello MauliOardniT.Tarraiit k Co.,Fraiur &IA-D.

    DOVKll, N. J.-Voafilit A KIliKnro.KEWAUK, N. J.-ainltli A Bull, W. M. TOWL



    E. SIEBER,House and Decorative Painter.

    POCK all kinds of pointing, ldJsninl!tud cmiuliig. FriBtouiy iu all tlio Ilug styles of tbat art, and

    WILL I'ALNTINGmud* a F{)ubiaHy< I deuiru to douy tho ro

    Eort ot iuteretiti-d pivrtloB tlmt I amDUSO P'UHUT. TLu fi.ui U tliat I •stand tivary' branch uf tlio tr.nlo.

    OBAOKED WALLS guurautced to b.made to look OH good aa uuw.

    Itcoonunoniliitioits ns lo style of work andexcellence ran ba BOeii tit Mr. Robert F,Onua'd, Dr. L o o m ' s , aud otber plucoa.

    SiunpliiB nf nu '̂cHt Btyles of wnll ]>npeialwayn,on hand aud new uamples of Germanfrettcolng at «'J plitte on

    UOimiS STIIEET, DOVElt. N. J.Opposite tlia Iron Era Offloa.

    October itf', 1B8I). 4II ind wealinetaca pconlhr to feiHold by your DruggiM. >1 & bottlo, 4ftmnlc

    DOT. S7th, t8Ht),ID tho matter', of William A. Bteplicr' niinlstriior of Barib 31. Still, dftcaii

    On anpUcHtion oflbuabuvtinauiod u<trctor il ia onlured by tLo.Surron»to tb*t i

    tlieirdontMamamlsAiuldiiiruiagAL™me.tiDcIerualli,iTilliInDliioinonthifrom tlidata, l»j Bettlnn up » cop.r 01 thin order, ttilhntwontjdaTilienJaHer.rH five of tlie most pub'uplaouB in tlio oonntyof llorriB fur twe

    ^oftUii;»udilHn«il!ilii tlie Matd twant? dayibyaai-ertiBlns tlie game 'n ,tlie"IiinK EHA,"nne at tbe na*i|iip«» of tfalH State, Tor tboaAnesrncfofMmetibonnrrog&tsJndglnirtnyfnrilmr notiao to bo unaeeenaary); and If an;croaitnrsUallncftlectK. exhibit bin or bcidebt, domtnd and claim within tlio iiaid putio.lof ntnemonlbB,pnb'lonotlco WioB plvuii *saforciald.iinch ^eredllor iliatl be forovt-rilobarred uf fall or tor action tboreroraj^inat ill•aid administrator.

    OEKKLVB A.QILLEN, Sarre^te.A tra» oopy from themtnntcfl. 47-10



    Sou th Sido of X*o.irl£.f


    NEW LINES AND STYLESbuoti and ihoci fur Hnnmervtar, Inclm

    « nov dcaigni In Ltillw' Sboei, andendonv-on to uLUiy orory purohtaer in pointa ofQtiuli, dorabllltj ind price.

    Buns'Famous Shoes,boil In mirltt, l imj l k>pt In tlock.

    Wxea Tiilllng Hotriifown u ra tba KmoDDt orEiar r«r» U liojtinj j m r BOOTS audSUOEB


    A WELL mm UDYdCilL4 1UR Ml/Ah, A \ » MiAYb


    llm e b. fi rt 1 c

    Ibiutdv." ip l l " HIT

    ork, irr

    ue ofd thunkng

    ttid intWlHltill

    juus my

    up idc atUmnt Hi r< Htoro urn to tot- • -• » ' - • tlifli if Ibodoi

    nudiUno'i'ATOBllIi[l trins n r pirioJa or critical ilmeu I BUJI

    • n e * av»IUC'!i!r tiiat tlic Lent wayW.>u AIHI Increase "oat HJCMIB of doing ««>d i>

    •tivdiilvrmfiT, and mat tnanv vel nnliuru(jrnaw \W* o FAVOIU1C UUilCDX" anJ II

    l y a W C r T J i e R U B Y R I V E R .Tu UM> tho blood tnirt), la ihL principal en

    orinxiuiniiianildi i-mories in rt&.Mue Ttins object nrolul'ly m> ove b.iB coiitriblltBmoto mgnaUv than Dr. PavU Kf-nuudr, cUomlinii, N.V-. In Hie pruductinn nfaincd

    '"if tbo "Parnrite Ifctnady." II removea airowiiitlpfl of the B!iwil, regulatos iho ditto•lewd Liver toil Kid»oy», cure* ConftipattoiDvip«pslft, and nit discasei and weaknesaiDvip«pft,pecntiarki Funiolon.

    Or When inquiring ot root druggist ftlbi« uow nioillajno, avoid nif«tiki lvrpmennm»B (I* tiiii)". I>r. David Kennevoritu iti 'midr," sad i!tn

    IiU llral-ulimi, mu: lliu iunuo Ira* U'fii in" tl.v KtykMl tliii"linoHt lluttil iu Niirtli

    r Ji'i'-ity." 'i'lio n l m iirt- Um, Auccnuiioiix I'or ui) iniliiiiilcl nninl-cnif IIDIHW I

    'm^TnMui!1"'" 'J ^A-lKriWHAW*tnle Pninriiittir ft Ttn Evut Jlimm1. Ion

    •jlle BiiwJurrov. , 15-ly

    Cr. S. JensenCARPET WEAVER


    EOVIlll N. J .

    Carpet Weaving, in nil widths, doneflnrUfasa stylo at lovost ratcB. Tlie bertkind of warp ODIJ nsad. Mew carpota onheud for sole. (The higbout price paid fo

    U t J h f o r c a r p o t

    DYED and Olenneiin good style.

    DoTor, May 25th, 1880. • 23-1;





    rim SAI.K UY


    for th0


    CorosCoimnmntlon, ColiKPuoiimonln.iDflucaza, Jtroiicliiti^ Uruuclilal Uil-fleultloftt itonrscuc^H, As! bum, Croup.Whooping Coapb, and all discuses olIho Broafliinff OrpmiH. I t sootlies audhoalstboltlciniirniio of ilio Lui iflaaiod and poisoned by tlie (IINOIISCand protfintfl U» jii(,ffit-s>veiUs atidtlffhtiiess across tlio i-tuwt wlilcii a ocompany If. CONSmiPTH):* Is uotan luourablo maluriy. I t Is on\jaeeraHary to liavo tlio rlirlit iftnotly,mid HILL'S UAIiSAM lalliotremedyDOST DESPAIlt OF ItELlEI, f«Ibis bonfcn npciiflo vlll euro youo?en tliotigh prufiiaslomil nld Tilln.

    CARBOLICSillVE,tlic Most Powerful ircatiilff Oil

    went atul DMnfectantever Discovered.

    Henry 'd Carbnllo fWvo Ivals burnt.Henry's Varballa Salve cvrts sores.llenry'm Carbullo K-itvo nllaya vain.Utnry'0 Carbolto finlw e.urrs erupt IMlttnfy'm tnrbnllo Salve hruta pimpUaUenry'a CarbMo Hatto hcata bruiiei,Aik ftr Hoory'-, ond Talio No Other,




    Edey's Carbolic Troches,A BUHE PHEVENT1VE OP

    Mm' Eeliova Dyspepsia, and BUloumeij .





    FACTS WORTH KNOWIMC.Olif i r , Boch», •ip 7.60

    Maw Torh.riiiiniuipiiittHiEliBr (,Ciilirtin,BliiiilloVnOurmnnftutfliri,,linn Icy,Haii.fc.-rr.

    DOWS.T11AA. o


    PilulesSure Cure for Chills.

    Malarial f ^ O S O AntidoteTOjloathliispeakt d i i l u t

    "Tl.p k s t mtdicinein llevmrU. I vraili l l l t tlcommendatory of proprietary'medicines, liut I cvtrvlmHy to know it, and sliall ;

    When an article like yours, possessing merit, | I ' ih ik in every iieitfhborhood in Ihcequal al least to wfiat is claimed fir it, is U u d b l « s s l ) r . M o o r e . "brought to my notice, I cheerfully waive allprejudices and very willingly recommend it,OB 1 liellevc it my duty to do.- "1 IHlheBi ta t f l lKly nil) ' that your Pilulesare good, and worthy of a trinl inallM.-JarialDlieaaes," R. II , LANSING, Cliillicothe, O.

    Sold by Drug^lEtM, 5 0 cent* p e r

    • Dr. C. C. MOORE, 78 and B0 (New Hoa.) Cortlandt St.. flew York.

    VOUGHT & KILLGORE, Druggists.O O V P l t N J W l l O L L S A l r A M ) 11KTA1L

    and shall put tl' ' " - counly.

    J. T. U'JTM-:R, Baysptings, HiiS.

    " Your Pilules nrc the best remedy to cidiillsl ever sold."

    1). W. STARK. Aurclins, Mich.,Merchant anil P. KL

    CO VUiilci


    Insurance a SpecialtyE.&G. H. Ross&


    Insuraiiee Agents,(Mice, Ohl on It unit ltd

    Morris-town, N. J.Iti-lirrstmts tlic fMloiihiK flrat-clasB companic

    .HTNA I'lllE INH. Co. „( Hnrlford, Co. Ca]

    ilnl ami Harplun over 411,700,000.

    JtAKTKHtl) INH. CO., AHRUIB over (2,500,00

    ASIEKICAN MUTUAL INS. Cu., of KoirarN . J . Awctnm-er II,400,000.

    PfllEilEN'8 MLTtJAL 1N8. Oo., uf Newar!N. J. Ca pit ul and Burplun orcr 41,000,000.

    MlUtOHANTS* MUTUAL IN8. Oo.of Mcwark,N . J . Oi>imiiU!KlBnrplueHbout*l.WH>;000.

    Ol'.imANlA MUTUAL INB.Co. or Newiirk, N,J . Capital and Surplus over 1250,000.

    MUTUAL IIENEFIT LIFE IKS. Co. of New-ark, N . J . ABBotBov6r*33,000,OOD.

    Ittfiiiraiico effeoted on fdl doHoriptionB oFproperty iu auy Bcotion of tho State, at aslow rates an tlio risk will warrant. All

    •« I 'MD PHOMFTLY, imd no compro-

    ;rsoiiH ut a distauoo can addrtas ns b ;letter nml rcoeire the same nttoutioii a s

    icntiou wore made In person.

    A. JUDSOU COE,Purveyor natl Oollector, Purer, N..





    JAMES McGUINNESSWashington Hall Building,


    nr nlil fni'iulB ami pnlroi

    JI-QII.V thut tny





    Hj8lnoliCinl)r«coB» fail lino in . . .

    STBAW HATS,AmUllTllIinnSa31Pi.»Pv qfdDi, anil Nn-TIDMI, aiuaily found in a Pint CIMS Siojo,..

    JAMES McGUINNESS,ii HAUJ BciLonto, •

    • M0BBI9TOWN, H. J,

    Jlnnjoftny fori— ,i lutirn, t i n t Ml** Minnie I)i)laD,» milliupr uf

    j i lo »tu! uHlilr enn bo foand VlUi m(i m lieUow establishment, ~ '

    A GREAT OFFER!Orffmii.t40.npi

    l Ofcnn. a.n Acml

    nw fUto*,ll&0,np.nO-baiHl fiHtmmontil

    W t l U l t t dWautivl. Ulnitrntd.ioE WATPJU x Co.,ik tM|r

    DANIEL F. BEATTY.Washlnston.New Jorsoy.

    ureaolM i K i

    i In Hit! public Tor tin

    nowauff.iafromiri'«a:ded it

    tint'ui.•r il, fin

    •i If I-to be fffeqjtifllly M „ u

    I'fttiL-nia from abroad csn reom?o treatitnont my Uml of active Porcinetimtnont, mid vith 8«My fton11UPTU11E fehPH tlio mom » i h U - , . « ™"ion, nnd incrolittiit* or ]il» BUcueeumi

    iiwurtliy (iwcial alteiiiion. 1„ iivo,evt-n imlodsaih.Bnd In- it. wim>trl

    foil of it More ilia dai of miffurini; iiml -IHM

    tt tbut life hn«itaiHl-HtilUffllf


    canj IJ• iiuil ti,, vuu'ioain. Tu0 , n i t „] ,|,1)¥i,| „;, , ' l t1 • \a x~.l l . l _ . . . . in . . ^ « t i •»It iiilluVlrateilnltli pliutosraphi

    ami iiisilet! lo whti HemflUnprrated nltli pliutogmpbiB Utci

    tiuttercdhiii'neid the injury ot trutsus, ti—rurtlij / • •

    »i»fs iipnn him. " "

    labor Cfm bo'informed wllLont liitorfrriw wtl, l",0M ? , , ^ ?

    f f P n i ? ' l ,8 t " P ? n l f t 0 l l . B l i l t ; u ^ " I S BOOK ON

    ' UKliuut thUlive a.i'nml nflcrcnrc,

    — - - - . - — — .--.o-m**,m***m l i l i r . vn .H^IIUI l i l III

    lirniitiwr and |)ri|inl,-iril,V tlicrifroin tli

    i. Uo mil, till Ignliu ™

    jfoxttsL'i]ninicf i-r"i.V.fllviih.l,;,

    il inform IhciiuliBilcam-8 k l i iIII' Rl-I'll (Kim

    lAir S t , N.Y,, n,d 43 MILK HI.,

    upcijtui-i wlio iqut-suiit tluiui^-l


    miii, imJ fly riili=lni'Ui,lilc

    !: (il111


    in, A. I>. 1S77.NElUIIIlOUn A SliITU, SolYn.

    virtlir of Ilic ubuvc etali'il uril uf flurl.L-..iniii nn itnu.lB, 1 «lmll txnosu fornalo Htnbiic \ L-iiiluo nt tlie Unitea 3 U U H Hatei. la[urriBtown, N. J., on

    UONDAT, tlm 20tli day of November hcit,A, D. 1HM), bilTreen tho liqure of IM M, and 6

    ' " ' I ' . M., tliat in to BIJV at 3 u'drwk in tlioion of Maid duy, all tliat trivet or per-

    ci'l of imtil mid prcmiBua, eltqato, lying andx'iaa in t!ic tomici1 Dover, iu ttiuCouniy of

    Morris, :uit| titak' of Now Jnr*uj, linsltmiii^ atn ntnbo BtundiDg on tlio tout ho an I corner ofMorriBHiid BlcFsrlan BtroolB, thenco rnnnliijr1) iilotiK tlio south siilo of fuhl JJcParlnn &[,uirtli t't(,rliiy-H(>ya (ieKrePaoaHltnchuurtrod

    nml littv foot; thenoo (2) lontfa tlirto decroefl— t (Illy tot to tlio ncrtl Bide of Ilio llorriB

    ml linfiiii; thence (3) along iho north sidomil twain sonth ofglily-nnreu dflrn^a west

    hundred toot to tlio we.t si'To of naid. In! tlmuoo (4; alotig tbe wuilt aide of asiti!

    baain unntli tlirce (jpfireoa «aat ono Iifeet, tlicntc (5) ion to oishtT'iorun i

    west firtv reel to , tha c»«t Bids ofB'R-ut} tltoiioo (8) along tuncar t i l ( leolB,ddMurrlB strcat north- throe rioercei Wflit ono

    nndrtd and titty •teai to tbo place of t« "Inff. oonldniuK'twclTe thinlnaod »udundrcd square feet,'.



    DOVEB, N.J.

    l quarenil lh:u WHS

    wc thutlJ o,', Bointf t'a« Mine lot ofveyoj Is Hulrt Oyrng O.

    N>iAH,u« sbtr


    Tlio rzpcrieoted hiker, whoor fam ywrn past bar boon With W. P.uAY,

    Unrribtoirn, Lni Uhon tlio . , ,


    BilliardFool Tables

    , tlic ljlCI:H Of nij'lyillCllt

    own. TJIE'BILLIARD PA11LOH con-tnins twoflun enroiii tnh]cn and is filtod up

    IR ni-ccnKnry for tLf rnjAyuu-atHtlPl'ErVH IiAUER, Iht fin-ilrank, ulivnye fei-pt in frvah

    , , , ifullBtockofOuniiitncliL-i'tiL'sMinrml wattTB, Pine Apple Cider, l'rctzdaflarfium, etc. Get>rRB will l o rJwavs on

    to please IIIB friendx, and will mak*etrniicet foe! at Lome. r^-Su

    witli ti

    Not;co of Settlement.ttcc ffllior^by piven tti&t (ho tecoDntaofmktctibar, Admintotrntor uf Jolm P,, ileccafed, will lie «aditcij ami s h i n ] |jt

    Hie HurrciRatn, anil re[iartod for lultlouintit inthe Oriil.onj.' C W t o f Ibai Rmiaty c t Hcrria on

    QSOItyiicil Au^oal J71MB80.

    imlpriiiii.IiOE BIOSARDS.





    Jjfiliuctiou at every grtntwoilfihibition fur thirtefti veiI'rieca, 151, 157, (Cfi, 184, f lto JEflO and upward. I'or talaj'unntj, tO.3H a «imrter anaipwBid. CfcUlocuus free J U -IDN k, HAMI.IN OHOAN CO ,51 T t i l t BOSTON 46

    L'UHILi lul l l l . "


    BECAtlfll! IT ACTS

    NEV8 AT Tin; B.V.IIR'H;.;::.

    pIn ItldncyIOJOIICCS, nPilot], or In ntand Female Ji

    . i R o t ) a j pUrinary tilabascy, Ui.

    Kuril ittf

    o tha urgrat i*q t)Opl»whopr«Cw to mtrohui »rt ttrtmAr prtp«r»4. U» pro- fl Mlabratsd nnud j t p I

    I pare it In liquid form u woll M dry. It to II ywniaeiitnLteil.Iaput DplnUrssboUloc, L

    tU itutlutputu I

    ys ready, uul Is D japto. Pric«,»lportottlo.

    imreoxD B T DBITOOISTS. [


    151 TrcmoittBt. , BO8TUN: i6East 14Hi St., (Union Square).

    NEW YOUK ; H'J Wnliasb Mcuuo, Chicago4(Mw





    1VM.8. 1VH1GIIT, i mLock Uoi f.8.

    ELY'S CREAM BALM!HflMM.EIjliirtho uwt IjIwitfatinlnrrl

    i., DruRfif-lB, OWI-RO, H.Y.

    .tl clilif'in Ui?li!'!ijn * j qji

    wiwft?- I iiHL-d jour Cream Ililmfrtiui

    F . iicco:llMIGK (- J., ADS.



    A large number ofGOOD BUILDINGlOTSon l s t , 2d.3d,4tli, 5th, aud 6th.streets, PENN AVENUE.

    These lots are the best lo-cated in this city, within eightminutes walk of the denotSplendid water easily reachedon each one.

    Terms Easy.RicM & Van Koibsd, imn,

    *ppir i» WM. H. LAMBERT, Agt.iB-tr

    The Mf, Hope Band!Tliii lyniHinnlnrKamz.tiaii in now fullj pcr-

    iKiusd. nticl IB toady t(j mnko onEtgoiiient* to

    iipun tlio moat'rcTBnt:aMe tutni*. i d d r c t JL. W. STEPHENS, SocroUrr,

    FALL FASHIONSJ!WliattoWfarnn(l" POftTFQLlOB''How to Wak

    j u d t o t t

    T8 !U," ami

    w. 8.