redistricting, reapportionment and reform

Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform Morgan Cullen National Conference of State Legislatures

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Morgan Cullen National Conference of State Legislatures


Page 1: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Morgan Cullen National Conference of State Legislatures

Page 2: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform
Page 3: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Redistricting OverviewRedistricting Overview What? Why? When? Who? Where? How? So What?

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Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-What?What?

Redistricting or


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Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-Why? Why?

Baker v. Carr, 1962

• Congress: as equal as possible

• State legislature: up to 10% “deviation,”if for good reason

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Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-When?When?

All Census Data was delivered by April 1st Final Deadline--2012 elections (except

Maine & Montana) Filing deadline for candidates for primary Time for local officials to re-precinct Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act

Preclearance--add 60 (or 120) + days Four states had 2011 legislative elections Two states don’t have legislative elections

until 2014

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2013 Redistricting 2013 Redistricting Progress Report—April 10thProgress Report—April 10th

Redistricting Plans Incomplete

Redistricting Plans Complete

Redistricting Plans Complete Lawsuit Pending

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Reapportionment 2010-Reapportionment 2010-



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Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-Who?Who?

Board or commission-- 13 States for Legislative Lines 7 States for U.S. House

Advisory Back-up

Iowa model Courts (Mandatory Review Process KS, CO, FL)

Legislature 37 States for Legislative Lines

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Legislative Redistricting Legislative Redistricting Commissions 2013Commissions 2013




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Legislative Redistricting Legislative Redistricting Commissions 2013Commissions 2013

Party Appointed Commission




Politician/Politician Appointed Total Legislative Control


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California Citizens Redistricting California Citizens Redistricting CommissionCommission

14 member commission (5 Dem, 5 GOP, 4 other)

State Auditors Office selects 60 registered voters

Legislative Leaders can reduce the pool

Auditors office then selects 8 member through a lottery

Those eight members pick rest of the members

Plans must be approved by a supermajority

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Iowa ModelIowa Model Three maps drawn by nonpartisan

legislative staff No political data can be used Legislature must approve--no

amendments Legislature can re-take control of

third set of proposed maps

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Party Control of Redistricting Party Control of Redistricting U.S. House DistrictsU.S. House Districts

1990 2000 2010 2011

Democrats 168 135 110 47


5 98 90 202

Split 240 157 189 87

Commission & Iowa

15 38 39 92

At-Large 7 7 7 7

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Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-How? How?

Population equality Comply with Voting Rights Act and

14th Amendment Traditional Districting Principles Technology--software and data

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The Voting Rights ActThe Voting Rights ActSection 2 • Do minorities represent most

of the voters in a concentrated area?

• Do other voters tend to vote for different candidates than minorities?

• Is the minority population otherwise protected given the “totality of the circumstances”?

Do Not Dilute

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Illinois Congressional District - 2001Illinois Congressional District - 2001

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Complying With The Voting Complying With The Voting Rights ActRights Act

Chicago Suburbsburbs


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Complying With The Complying With The Voting Rights ActVoting Rights Act

Chicago Suburbs suburbs


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The Voting Rights ActThe Voting Rights ActSection 5

• “Preclearance” for certain jurisdictions

• Is the new map intended to dilute minority votes?

• Does the new map leave minority voters worse off?(“retrogression”)

Page 21: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

After federal law, add state After federal law, add state limitationslimitations

• Contiguity

• Political boundaries

• Compactness

• Communities of interest

State leg.Congress

48 23

46 20

38 19

22 13

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State Mandates On Partisan State Mandates On Partisan Competitiveness/FairnessCompetitiveness/Fairness

Fair Districts

Competitive Districts

Page 23: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Florida State Legislature Party Florida State Legislature Party CompositionComposition



120 120

Republicans 81 76Democrats 39 44

Senators 40 40

Republicans 28 26

Democrats 12 14

2011-2012 2013-2014

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Key Points:Key Points: Constitutionally mandated Highly regulated by federal and

state laws--not all about Gerrymandering

Changes in 2010: Prisoners California Public Access/Participation ACS

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Thank You!

Morgan [email protected]

National Conference of State Legislatures

Page 26: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

"Redistricting may be the single least interesting word in the English language."

--Dan Schnur, Sacramento Bee October 2008

Page 27: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

"Redistricting may be the single least interesting word in the English language."

--Dan Schnur, Sacramento Bee October 2008

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"Redistricting may be the single least interesting word in the English language."

--Dan Schnur, Sacramento Bee October 2008

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“The once-in-a-decade redrawing of political boundaries is exceedingly important and excruciatingly arcane.”

--Los Angeles Times

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After federal law, add state After federal law, add state limitationslimitations

• Contiguity

• Political boundaries

• Compactness

• Communities of interest

• Partisanship/competition

State leg.Congress

48 22

43 18

37 17

24 13

10 7

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Court Sent Map Back To Legislature

Court Approved Legislative Map

Court Drew Map (Not Legislature)

Court Approved Commission MapCourt Sent Map Back to Commission

Court Drew Map (Not Commission)

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Page 34: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

CD 7

CD 6

CD 1

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Page 39: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Redistricting 2010-Redistricting 2010-How? How?

Legal--Population equality & Compliance with Voting Rights Act and 14th Amendment and not subverting traditional districting principles and making race the predominant factor in drawing a plan

Technology--software and data

Page 40: Redistricting, Reapportionment and Reform

Key Points:Key Points: Constitutionally mandated Highly regulated by federal and state

laws 2010 Redistricting Cycle:

3 states require adjusted data for prisons Public involvement ACS/CVAP California commission Dramatic Hispanic growth and rural

population loss

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"Redistricting may be the single least interesting word in the English language."--Dan Schnur, Sacramento Bee

“The once-in-a-decade redrawing of political boundaries is exceedingly important and excruciatingly arcane.” -- Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times

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