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Page 1: Recovering locally compact spaces from disjointness ...Recovering locally compact spaces from disjointness relations on function algebras Luiz G. Cordeiro 46 th COSy University of

Recovering locally compact spaces from disjointness

relations on function algebras

Luiz G. Cordeiro46th COSy

University of Ottawa

June 7, 2018

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Theorem (Gelfand-Naimark '43)

If X and Y are compact Hausdor� and T : C (X )→ C (Y ) is a∗-isomorphism, then X ' Y .

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Generalizations: We can recover X from C (X ) (or C (X ,R)) as

Banach-Stone '37

A Banach space: ‖f ‖∞ = sup |f |(X ).

Gelfand-Kolmogorov '39

A ring: (f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x), (fg)(x) = f (x)g(x)

Milgram '40

A multiplicative semigroup: (fg)(x) = f (x)g(x).

Kaplansky '47

A lattice: f ≤ g ⇐⇒ ∀x(f (x) ≤ g(x)).

+other recent results, even for non scalar functions.

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Proof of Gelfand-Naimark

. Open sets Closed ideals

U {f : f = 0 outside U}

= {f : supp(f ) ⊆ U}

points Maximal ideals /

General proof of the other results

. Open sets �ideals�

U {f : supp(f ) ⊆ U}

points Maximal ideals /

and Urysohn's Lemma repeatedly.

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Develop general techniques to recover all these results in fullgenerality;

Classify isomorphisms for di�erent algebraic structures;

Non-scalar valued functions;

Locally compact spaces;

Non-commutative setting.



Urysohn's Lemma.

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De�nitions and notation


X ,Y , . . . will be locally compact Hausdor� (the domains).

CX ,CY , . . . will be Hausdor� (the codomains).

Let θ : X → CX be a �xed continuous function (the zero).


[f 6= θ] = {x : f (x) 6= θ(x)};supp(f ) = [f 6= θ];

Cc(X ,CX ) = {f : X → CX : supp(f ) is compact}.


If CX = R (or C), θ = 0.

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De�nitions and notation


If CX is a group, θ = 1.


If CX is a semigroup with a zero, θ = 0.


If C is an lattice with minimum, θ = minC.


If CX = X , θ = idX .

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De�nitions and notation

De�nition (Urysohn's property)

If A ⊆ Cc(X ,CX ) is a subset containing θ. We say that A is regular if forall x ∈ X , Uopen 3 x and c ∈ CX , there exists f ∈ A such that f (x) = cand supp(f ) ⊆ U.

Convention: A(X ) will be always regular for some CX and θ.

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Some relations

De�nition1 f ⊥ g : if [f 6= θ] ∩ [g 6= θ] = ∅ (f and g are weakly disjoint);2 f ⊥⊥ g : if supp f ∩ supp g = ∅ (f and g are strongly disjoint);

supp(f ) supp(g) supp(f ) supp(g)

f ⊥ g f ⊥⊥ g

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The main theorem


If T : A(X )→ A(Y ) is a ⊥⊥-isomorphism then there is a unique

homeomorphism φ : Y → X such that φ(suppTf ) = supp f for all

f ∈ A(X ).

Proof. Appropriate notion of ⊥⊥-ideal:

Uopen ←→ I(U) = {f ∈ A : supp(f ) ⊆ U}


φ is the T -homeomorphism.

Why ⊥⊥ and not ⊥?The result is false for ⊥(weak)-isomorphisms.

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Recovering results

Let C = R, θ = 0.

Example (Milgram)

Let Cc(X ,R) as a multiplicative semigroup. Then

f ⊥ g ⇐⇒ fg = 0, the absorbing element

f ⊥⊥ g ⇐⇒ ∃h(hf = f and h ⊥ g)

(same for C, [0, 1], D1,. . . ).





f ⊥ g f ⊥⊥ g

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Basic ⊥⊥-isomorphisms

How to classify an �isomorphism� T : Cc(X ,CX )→ Cc(Y ,CY )?

φ : Y → X homeomorphism: Tf = f φ;

χ : CX → CY homeo/isomorphism: Tf = χ(f φ);

χ : Y × CX → CY such that sections χ(y , ·) are homeo/isomorphisms:

Tf (y) = χ(y , f φ(y)).


T : A(X )→ A(Y ) is basic if there are such χ and φ.

χ is called the T -transform.


T is basic i� f (φy) = g(φy) ⇐⇒ Tf (y) = Tg(y).

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Basic ⊥⊥-isomorphisms and their transforms


T : Cc(X ,CX )→ Cc(Y ,CY ) is a basic ⊥⊥-isomorphism, and CX and CY

are �good enough� (e.g. admit some Lie group structure). TFAE

(1) Each section χ(y , ·) is a continuous;

(2) T is continuous with respect to the topologies of pointwise


(3) χ is continuous.


If CX and CY have some operation ∗ and A(X ) and A(Y ) are (pointwise)

∗-closed, then a basic T : A(X )→ A(Y ) is a ∗-morphism i� every section

χ(y , ·) is a ∗-morphism.

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Example of a T -transform

C = R, θ = 0.


If T : Cc(X ,R)→ Cc(Y ,R) is basic ⊥⊥-isomorphism

Tf (y) = χ(y , f (φ(y)))

T is linear ⇐⇒ χ(y , ·) is linear for all y⇐⇒ χ(y , t) = p(y)t for some p(y)

⇐⇒ Tf (y) = p(y)f (φ(y))

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For X locally compact Hausdor�, we recover X from Cc(X ,R) (orCc(X ,C)) from

Linear ‖ · ‖∞-isometries (Banach-Stone `37);

Multiplicative isomorphisms (Milgram `40 ⊇ Gelfand-Kolmogorov `39);

Lattice isomorphisms (Kaplansky `47);

Linear ⊥-preserving isomorphisms (Jarosz `90);

�Compatibility order�-isomorphisms (Kania-Rmoutil `16).

and for X compact and C (X ):

Linear non-vanishing isomorphisms (Li-Wong `14);

Non-vanishing group isomorphisms (Hernández-Ródenas `07)

+ classi�cations of isomorphisms for all except Kania-Rmoutil.

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New consequences

Endow C (X , S1) with the supremum metric:

d(f , g) = supx∈X|f (x)− g(x)|.


If X and Y are Stone spaces and T : C (X ,S1)→ C (Y , S1) is an isometric

isomorphism, then there is a homeomorphism φ : Y → X and a continuous

function p : Y → {±1} such that Tf (y) = f (φy)p(y)


Every isometric isomorphism between unitary groups of commutative unitalC*-algebras of real rank zero extends to an isomorphism orconjugate-isomorphism on complementary corners.

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A groupoid is a small category with inverses.


If a group G acts on a set X , the transformation groupoid

G n X = {(gx , g , x) : x ∈ X , g ∈ G}

with product

(z , h, y)(y , g , x) = (z , hg , x) x y zg



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Groupoid algebras

Discrete case

CG = 〈δg : δgδh = δgh if sensible, 0 o/w〉.

Continuous case: C ∗r (G) is de�ned in terms of a Haar system. (Renault &Anantharaman-Delaroche)


Jiang-Su algebra Z; Razak-Jacelon algebra W; graph/higher rank graphalgebras; Cuntz-Krieger; group algebras; C (X )-crossed products; Kirchberg.

Xin Li (arXiv:1802.01190 [math.OA]): classi�able unital stably �niteC*-algebras admit (twisted) groupoid models.

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New consequences

Let G be a locally compact Hausdor� groupoid with a regular fullysupported Haar system λG and µG a fully supported regular Borel measureon G(0). De�ne the fully supported measure λG ⊗ µG by∫


fd(λG ⊗ µG) =∫G(0)


f (g)dλxG(g)



If T : Cc(G)→ Cc(H) is an algebra isomorphism which is

(λZ ⊗ µZ )-isometric (Z = G,H), then there are unique topological

groupoid isomorphism φ : H→ G and a continuous cocycle p : H→ S1such that

Tf (h) = p(h)D(φ(h))f (φ(h))

where D(g) =dλ




)(g), and in this case µG = φ∗µH.

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New consequences

Similar results hold for:

Étale Haar groupoids (G, λ), with norm

‖f ‖I ,r = supx∈G(0)


|f |dλx , f ∈ Cc(G)

and diagonal (Cc(G(0)))-preserving ‖ · ‖I ,r -isometric isomorphisms

For topologically principal, ample groupoids G, and diagonal-preservingisomorphisms of Steinberg algebras AR(G) over indecomposable ringsR .

Thank you.

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References I

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