reco4j @ munich meetup (april 18th)

Alessandro Negro Reco4J Project @ Munich Meetup April 2013 Reco4J Project Intelligent RecommendaAons for Your Business

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These slides were presentet at Munich Meetup of April 18th. They present the reco4j project, its high view and it vision. See the project site for more details here:


Page 1: Reco4J @ Munich Meetup (April 18th)

Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013  

Reco4J  Project  Intelligent  RecommendaAons  for  

Your  Business  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  1  

Recommender  Systems  •  A  system  that  can  recommend  or  present  items  to  the  user  based  on  the  user’s  interests  and  interacAons  

•  One  of  the  best  ways  to  provide  a  personalized  customer  experience  

•  Built  by  exploiAng  collecAve  intelligence  to  perform  predicAons  

•  Examples:  Amazon,  YouTube,  NeRlix,  Yahoo,  Tripadvisor,,  IMDb  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  2  

The  Example:  NeRlix  •  The  world  largest  online  movie  rental  services,  33  million  members  in  40  countries  

•  60%  of  members  selecAng  movies  based  on  recommendaAons  (September  2008)  

•  NeRlix  Prize:  US$  1,000,000  was  given  to  the  BellKor's  PragmaAc  Chaos  team  which  bested  NeRlix's  own  algorithm  for  predicAng  raAngs  by  10.06%  (September  2009)  

•  75%  of  the  content  watched  on  the  service  comes  from  its  recommendaAon  engine  (April  2012)  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  3  

Why  Recommender  Systems  •  Standard  uses:  

–  Increase  the  number  of  items  sold  –  Sell  more  diverse  items  –  Increase  the  user  saAsfacAon  –  Increase  user  fidelity  –  Beeer  understand  what  the  user  wants      

•  Advanced  uses:  –  Create  ad  hoc  campaigns  (per  geographic  area,  per  type  of  users)  –  OpAmize  products  distribuAon  over  a  wide  area  for  large  retail  chains  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  4  

Problem  •  There  are  no  available  sofware  products  for  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  recommender  systems  

•  A  high-­‐end  recommender  engine  can  be  built  only  through  expensive  custom  projects  

•  Large  scale  user/item  datasets  require  a  big  data  approach  

•  There  is  no  "best  soluAon"  •  There  is  no  "one  soluAon  fits  all”  •  The  NeRlix  winner  composed  104  different  algorithms  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  5  

SoluAon:  Reco4J    

A  graph-­‐based  recommender  engine  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  6  

Reco4J  Main  Goals  •  Implement  the  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  in  the  recommendaAon  on  top  of  a  graph  model  

 •  Provide  sofware  /  cloud  services  /  consultancy    

 •  Contribute  to  the  RecSys  research  field  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  7  

Reco4J  Features  •  Composable  models/algorithms  •  Persistent  models  •  Updatable  Models  •  Independent  from  source  knowledge  datasets  •  Cluster  and  cloud-­‐ready  •  MulAtenant  •  Social  recommendaAons  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  8  

Reco4J  Under  the  Hood  •  J  is  for  Java  •  CollaboraAve  filtering  algorithms  –  Neighborhood-­‐based  methods  –  Latent  factor  models  

•  Neo4J  Graph  Database:  –  Data  source  repository  –  Persistent  model  repository  

•  Hadoop  cluster/MapReduce  •  Apache  Mahout  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  9  

Advantage  of  graph  database  •  NoSQL  database  to  handle  BigData  issue  •  Extensibility  •  No  aggregate-­‐oriented  database  •  Minimal  informaAon  needed  •  Natural  way  for  represenAng  connecAons:  

–  User  -­‐  to  -­‐  item  –  Item  -­‐  to  -­‐  item  –  User  -­‐  to  -­‐  User  

•  Graph  ParAAoning  (sharding)  •  Performance  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  10  

Example:  Find  neighbors  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  11  

Why  Neo4J?  •  Java  based  •  Embeddable/Extensible  •  NaAve  graph  storage  with  naAve  graph  processing  engine  

•  Open  Source,  with  commercial  version  •  Property  Graph  •  ACID  support  •  Scalability/HA  •  Comprehensive  query/traversal  opAons  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  12  

RecommendaAon  Model  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  13  

Persistence  Model  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  14  

Persistence  Model  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  15  

Persistence  Model  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  16  

Reco4J  +  Hadoop  •  Queue  Based  Process  •  Operates  both  on  cluster  and  cloud  •  Each  process  downloads  data  from  

Neo4J/Reco4J  before  or  during  computaAon  

•  Stores  data  into  Reco4J  Model    

•  Scaling  augmenAng  the  number  of:  •  Neo4J  Nodes  (only  one  master)  •  Hadoop  Nodes  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  17  

Reco4J  in  the  Cloud  •  Recommenda)on  as  a  service  (RaaS)  •  Reco4J  cloud  infrastructure  offers:  –  Pay  as  you  need  –  Pay  as  you  grow  –  Support  for  burst  –  Periodical  analysis  at  lower  costs  –  Test/evaluate  several  algorithms  on  a  reduced  dataset  –  Compose  algorithms  dynamically  

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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  18  

Consultancy  Goals  


Data  Source  


Process  DefiniAon  

Import  Data  



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Alessandro  Negro   Reco4J  Project  @  Munich  Meetup    -­‐  April  2013   Page  19  

Research  Topics  •  Real-­‐Time  recommendaAon  •  MulA-­‐criteria  recommender  systems  •  Recommending  to  groups  •  Parallel  algorithms  •  Filtering  

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Reco4J  Site  AnalyAcs  

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Thank  you  

Alessandro  Negro  Linkedin:  hep://  Email:  [email protected]    Reco4J  Site:  hep://  Twieer:  @reco4j  GitHub:  heps://