“rebirth” 1300-1500s-ish move from medieval to modern

The Renaissance “Rebirth” 1300-1500s-ish Move from medieval to modern

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Page 1: “Rebirth” 1300-1500s-ish Move from medieval to modern

The Renaissance “Rebirth”

1300-1500s-ish Move from medieval to modern

Page 2: “Rebirth” 1300-1500s-ish Move from medieval to modern

Why did it begin in Italy?1. Location

Legacy of Ancient Rome

Catholic Church

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Why did it begin in Italy?2. Trade Revival Mediterranean Sea &

many portsCity-states

Powerful familyWealthy merchant class

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Why did it begin in Italy?3. PatronsFlorence & the Medici

Bankers“Uncrowned Kings”

Patron—supporter of arts Learn from Classical

(Roman) art—what are the characteristics of Roman art?

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What was the Renaissance? Time of cultural creativity and political change

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New World View: Influenced by Greece & RomeMiddle Ages seen as “backwards”

Focus on eternal, religion Focus on the individual & human experience (here and now)

“Man can do all things, if they will” –Leon Battista Alberti Adventure and ExplorationThe Prince by Machiavelli

Describes the perfect prince “The end justifies the means,” “It is better to be feared than

loved,” “Force and prudence, then, are the might of all the

governments that ever have been or will be in the world” “Renaissance Man”—talent in everything

The Courtier (1528) by Castiglione

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The CourtierA true man should be:

Charming, witty, & well-educated in the classics

Skilled in sword-fighting, wrestling, & horse riding

Dance, sing, play music, write poetry

Above all, have self-control and be well-mannered

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Humanism Response to Medieval scholasticism Classical (Grk-Rmn) Studies

worldly subjects > religious studies Find fulfillment in daily lifeEducation fuels creativity

Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history “Father of Humanism”: Petrarch

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New Techniques in ArtReligious topics, famous people Realistic Perspective—try to paint 3D Shading & Reflection of Light

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Renaissance Artists

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Leonardo da Vinci The Essential Renaissance Man

Artist, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer…..

Most famous artist: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper

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Michelangelo Sculptor

Pieta, David Artist

Sistine Chapel in Rome Four years Most done standing on a platform

Architect Designed St. Peter’s Basilica Dome

Never finishes

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Raphael Artist Blends Christian and Classical Modannas (mother of Christ) School of Athens

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Donatello Sculptor Realism and natural (Greek)

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Albrecht Dürer “German Leonardo”Studies in Italy &

brings ideas back to Germany

Engravings, religious themes, details

Uses math and science in art

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Other Artists Jan & Hubert van Eyck

Everyday lifeRich detail

Pieter BruegelVibrant colorsPeasant life

Hans Holbein the YoungerGermanPortraitsRealistic & Symbolic

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Northern Writers Erasmus: Dutch Priest, Christian

Humanist Classical knowledge in Christian

studiesSpreads ideas to wider public Called for church reform & Bible in

vernacularThomas More

English Social Reform Utopia—ideal society

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William ShakespeareEnglish poet and playwrightCommon themes in everyday settings Used common language Very popular

favorite of Queen Elizabeth I

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The Globe Theatre

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Gutenberg First printing press with moveable type Printed Bible Books are now:

Easy to produceCheapAvailable to all

Ideas spread quickly