the provincial-wide monitoring and ... - western cape · 7 wale street, cape town, 8001 enquiries:...

CHIEF DIRECTORATE: Monitoring, Evaluation, Review and Reporting tel: +27 21 483 6275 fax: +27 21 483 6275 7 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001 ENQUIRIES: RS Wynford 1 Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System Readiness Assessment Report 2009/2010 October 2009 Department of the Premier in collaboration with University of Cape Town, Southern Africa Labour & Development Research Unit [SALDRU]

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Page 1: The Provincial-wide Monitoring and ... - Western Cape · 7 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001 ENQUIRIES: RS Wynford 1 Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System Readiness Assessment

CHIEF DIRECTORATE: Monitoring, Evaluation, Review and Reporting tel: +27 21 483 6275 fax: +27 21 483 6275

7 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001



Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System

Readiness Assessment Report


October 2009

Department of the Premier in collaboration with

University of Cape Town, Southern Africa Labour & Development Research Unit [SALDRU]

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2 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

CCoonnttaacctt ddeettaaiillss:: Chief Director: Monitoring, Evaluation and Review – Zeenat Ishmail

Chief Directorate: Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

Department of the Premier

Tel: 021 483 8709

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3 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU


The Department of the Premier, Provincial Government of the Western Cape would like to thank the

following people for their valuable contribution to this work:

The M and E departmental staff in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape

The Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) Mr. Faldie Esau

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DOA : Department of Agriculture DOCS : Department of Community Safety DCAS : Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport DEDT : Department of Economic Development and Tourism DEADP : Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning WCED : Western Cape Education Department DOH : Department of Health DLGH : Department of Local Government and Housing DTPW : Department of Transport and Public Works DSD : Department of Social Development


APP: Annual Performance Plan BIS: Business Intelligence System BMT: Bus and Minibus Taxi CASP: Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme CeI: Centre for e-Innovation COGTA: Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs CPF: Community Police Forum CTRU: Cape Town Roots Unlimited DOPMS: Departmental Operations and Performance Management System DORA: Division of Revenue Act GWMES: Government-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System HOD: Head of Department ICT: Information Communication Technology LGSA: Local Government Strategic Agenda MEDS: Micro Economic Development Strategy M & E: Monitoring and Evaluation MER: Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting MIG: Municipal Infrastructure Grant MS: Microsoft MTSF: Medium Term Strategic Framework PGDS: Provincial Growth and Development Strategy PGWC: Provincial Government of the Western Cape PPMS: Programme Performance Management System PSC: Public Service Commission PSP: Provincial Strategic Plan [5-year] PWMES: Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System QA: Quality Assurance QPR: Quarterly Performance Review RBME: Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation REAF: Rural Economic Assistance Fund RED: Real Enterprise Development RPM: Rational Portfolio Management SALDRU: South African Labour Development Research Unit SAPS: South African Police Servicers SITA: State Information Technology Agency SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Surveys

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1. KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss............................................................................................................................................................ 7

Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement ................................................................................................................................... 7

Section 2: Overarching Frameworks ................................................................................................................................... 7

Section 3: Indicator and Monitoring and Results Frameworks ............................................................................................ 8

Section 4: Data Management and Data Assessment.......................................................................................................... 8

Section 5: Information Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Section 6: Planning to Implement and Sustain the PWMES ............................................................................................... 9

Section 7: Extension of Data Assessment Study conducted in 2008/2009 financial year................................................... 9

Departmental Research Studies within the Provincial Government of the Western ........................................................ 9

2. CCoonntteexxtt................................................................................................................................................................... 10

1. Readiness Assessment Process............................................................................................................................. 10

2. PWMES 7-phase Model.......................................................................................................................................... 10

Project Objectives............................................................................................................................................................... 11

3. DDeessiiggnn aanndd MMeetthhooddoollooggyy ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Questionnaire Design ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Sample Frame and Communication Process ..................................................................................................................... 12

Data Collection Process ..................................................................................................................................................... 13

4. PPrroojjeecctt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree............................................................................................................................................ 15

5. DDaattaa CCaappttuurriinngg,, DDaattaa AAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd RReeppoorrtt WWrriittiinngg ........................................................................................... 16

6. RReessuullttss aanndd FFiinnddiinnggss............................................................................................................................................ 17

SSeeccttiioonn 11: This section relates to Phase 1 of the PWMES Model which deals with Readiness and Stakeholder

Engagement ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17

SSeeccttiioonn 22: This section relates to Phase 2 of the PWMES Model which deals with Overarching Frameworks..................... 19

SSeeccttiioonn 33: This section relates to Phases 3 and 4 of the PWMES Model which deals with Indicator and Monitoring and

Results Frameworks ............................................................................................................................................................... 24

SSeeccttiioonn 44: This section relates to Phase 5 of the PWMES Model which deals with Data Management and Data Assessment

................................................................................................................................................................................ 25

SSeeccttiioonn 55: This section relates to Phase 6 of the PWMES Model which deals with the Information Architecture for an

automated PWMES ................................................................................................................................................................ 27

SSeeccttiioonn 66: This section relates to Phase 7 of the PWMES Model which deals with Planning to Implement and Sustaining the

PWMES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 28

SSeeccttiioonn 77: This section is an extension of the Data Assessment Study conducted in the 2008/2009 financial year............. 33

7. CCoonncclluussiioonn............................................................................................................................................................. 35

8. RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss................................................................................................................................................ 36

9. BBiibblliiooggrraapphhyy .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

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TTaabbllee 11: Contact details of the Respondents........................................................................................ 13

TTaabbllee 22: Summary of Departmental participation in Provincial Audits [Phases 1 and 2] as well as

reasons for non-participation ................................................................................................................ 17

TTaabbllee 33: Summary of Departmental representation on the Provincial M & E Forum since its inception in

2005...................................................................................................................................................... 18

TTaabbllee 44: Summary of PGWC Departmental Overarching Frameworks in place ................................... 19

Table 5: Summary of PGWC Departmental Overarching Frameworks and description........................ 20

TTaabbllee 66: Summary of Indicator and Results Frameworks in place within PGWC.................................. 24

TTaabbllee 77: Alignment of Departmental Indicators to PWMES, format and storage of data sets ............... 25

TTaabbllee 88: Departmental Readiness in terms of Provincial ICT Infrastructure Framework....................... 27

TTaabbllee 99: Departmental Indication of whether M & E Reports are being produced within PGWC.......... 28

TTaabbllee 1100: Summary of M & E Reports produced for 2009/2010 within PGWC..................................... 29

TTaabbllee 1111: Summary of M & E Research Studies conducted within PGWC........................................... 33

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7 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

11.. KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss

Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement

• All Provincial Government departments within the Provincial Western Cape have participated in both

provincial audits [Phases 1 and 2].

• All Provincial Government departments within the Western Cape were represented on the Provincial M & E

Forum except for the Western Cape Education Department whose M & E [Quality Assurance] unit was

established in 2006.

Section 2: Overarching Frameworks

• Eight [8] Provincial Government departments have compiled a Conceptual Framework and three [3]

departments have not.

• Reasons for departments not having a Conceptual Framework in place ranges from not having developed

one yet and in the process of currently being crafted to complying with national frameworks to no specific M

& E unit for a specific department.

• Ten [10] Provincial Government departments have compiled a departmental M & E Framework and one [1]

department have not.

• With reference to the one [1] department not having a M & E Framework in place, the reason for this refer to

no dedicated M & E unit in place for a specific department.

• Eight [8] Provincial Government Departments have compiled a departmental M & E Strategy and three [3]

departments have not.

• Two [2] of the Provincial Departments who do not have a M & E Strategy in place has stated the reason for

this as not developed yet whilst the third department has indicated that there is no M & E unit in place in that

department and resultant from this, no M & E Strategy.

• The majority of Provincial Government Departments have Conceptual Frameworks, M & E Frameworks and

M & E Strategies in place.

• The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning do not have a structured M & E

departmental unit in place and uses an operational unit resource for M & E requirements with technical

support when required. This leans towards that the department does not have the necessary overarching M

& E Frameworks in place to align to the outcomes and impacts that the Provincial Government of the

Western Cape aims to achieve.

• In terms of reasons for departments not having the necessary overarching M & E Frameworks in place

ranges from Frameworks not yet developed to the Western Cape Education Department indicating that this

department uses and complies with the M & E Frameworks of the GWMES, PWMES and the National

Department of Education. This Department indicates that it will not be developing a Conceptual Framework

as it would constitute a duplication of what is already in place at a transversal level.

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8 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

• The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning is the only department that has no

Overarching Frameworks in place. All the other Departments have one [1], two [2] or all three [3] proposed

Overarching Frameworks in place.

Section 3: Indicator and Monitoring and Results Frameworks

• Seven [7] Provincial Government departments have Indicator Frameworks in place and four [4]

department does not have

• Three [3] Provincial Government departments have Monitoring and Results Frameworks in place and eight

[8] departments do not.

• Four [4] out of the eleven Provincial Government departments focused on during this study have provided

departmental Indicator Frameworks as requested via the questionnaire

Section 4: Data Management and Data Assessment

• All eleven [11] Provincial Government departments have indicated that they have performance indicators

which are linked to departmental Annual Performance Plans (APPs).

• Eight [8] Provincial Government departments have indicated that they have departmental Indicator

Frameworks aligned to the PWMES.

• The most common formats of databases containing data attached to the Indicators across PGWC include:

o Ms Word, Excel [majority of departments]

o Three [3] departments have indicated that they use Access.

o Two [2] Provincial Government departments have indicated that they are using Departmental

Management Information systems such as DOPMS, RPM and Livelink.

o The Department of Education is the only department to indicate the use of a statistical database

viz. Oracle.

o The storage of data ranges from completed templates stored electronically and hard copy formats

to data stored on laptops and desktop computers.

o The Department of Health has indicated that some of their storage systems are feeder systems

feeding into management reporting systems. The Department is attempting to consolidate its

feeder systems into a Business Intelligence System (BIS).

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Section 5: Information Architecture

• All of the eleven [11] Provincial Government departments have engaged with CeI regarding departmental

ICT Plans which are aligned to the ICT Infrastructure Framework. This will make a positive contribution to

the development of the PWMES e-Platform.

• The Department of Local Government and Housing is the only Provincial Government department that has

indicated that the department has an approved departmental ICT Plan.

• Evidence provided by Provincial Government departments indicate that there are regular and continuous

engagements between CeI and the Provincial Government departments in terms of aligning departmental

ICT plans to the transversal ICT Infrastructure Framework which is managed and implemented by CeI within

the Department of the Premier.

Section 6: Planning to Implement and Sustain the PWMES

• All of the eleven [11] Provincial Government departments who participated in this Study, with the exception

of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, are producing M & E Reports for


• The main M & E Reports produced across the Provincial Government of the Western Cape focuses on

compliance reporting and includes Quarterly Performance and Annual Performance Reports.

• Evidence provided by the Provincial Government departments indicates that there are some Evaluation

Assessments are being produced within the Provincial Government sector departments.

Section 7: Extension of Data Assessment Study conducted in 2008/2009 financial year

Departmental Research Studies within the Provincial Government of the Western

Taken from a baseline of 98 Research Studies conduced within PGWC since 2004:

• The Department of Community Safety has registered four [4] additional Research Studies

• The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has registered seventeen [17]

additional Research Studies

• The Department of Social Development has registered an additional eleven [11] Research


• The Department of Transport and Public Works registered eight [8] Research Studies but one

study [BMT study] has been withdrawn. This indicates that the Department now has seven [7]

registered Research Studies.

• A post facto addition is that the Department of Agriculture has no M & E research projects as

such but that the department has 998 research projects registered on the PMIS database of

which some 50% are current projects.

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22.. CCoonntteexxtt

1. Readiness Assessment Process:

The purpose of this report is to provide an understanding of the readiness of the Provincial Government

of the Western Cape to conduct coherent and integrated Monitoring and Evaluation in respect of the

strategic objectives and directives of the 5-year Provincial Strategic Plan which the province is currently

driving. This is the third readiness assessment process which has been conducted since the inception

of the PWMES. The Readiness Assessment process which has been conducted forms part of a series

of processes designed and implemented by the Department of the Premier in an effort to institutionalize

the Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System across the Western Cape province. As

engagements are currently underway with the Centre for e-Innovation [CeI] within the Department of

the Premier to automate the PWMES, it is imperative that the readiness of the Provincial Government

departments be assessed if this province is to conduct coherent and integrated Monitoring, Evaluation

and Review [M, E & R] in respect of the strategic objectives and directives of the 5-year Provincial

Strategic Plan which the province is driving.

2. PWMES 7-phase Model

The PWMES is a results-based monitoring and evaluation (RBME) system and operates through an

effective indicator and data management system. The PWMES, which is aligned to the Government –

wide Monitoring and Evaluation System (GWMES)1, is informed by international best practices and

developed using a seven (7)-phase model. The PWMES has been developed over years and is now

gearing towards an overarching automated phase approach.

The PWMES has all the required frameworks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) elements and

mechanisms in place to conduct integrated and coherent monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The

context of the system as well an understanding of the seven [7] phases is documented in the

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Framework with the strategic approach documented in the

MER Strategy for the 5-year Provincial Strategic Plan. The M&E Elements provide the platform and

mechanisms to improve departmental M&E systems and entrench norms and standards within PGWC.

1 The GWMES approved in 2005 forms the basis for a comprehensive system across government, encompassing monitoring,

evaluation, early warning mechanisms, validation and verification systems, data quality and analysis and reporting processes

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11 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

The PWMES Model comprises of the following seven [7] phases:

Phase 1: Readiness Assessment and Stakeholder Engagements:

Phase 2: Overarching Frameworks for the PWMES:

Phase 3: Indicator Definition Process and Indicator Frameworks

Phase 4: Monitoring and Results Frameworks

Phase 5: Data Management and Data Assessment

Phase 6: Information Architecture

Phase 7: Planning to implement and sustain the PWMES.

The Readiness Assessment Report in essence thus provides an indication of whether provincial

government departments in the Western Cape have the necessary elements and mechanisms in place

to conduct coherent and integrated Monitoring and Evaluation on both implementation and results-

based levels.

Project Objectives

The Readiness Assessment process will thus yield:

1. A Readiness Assessment Report for the PGWC to institutionalize the adopted PWMES 7-

phase Model; and

2. A Research Catalogue of the 98 research studies plus additionally registered studies

conducted by the Provincial Government departments within the Western Cape.

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12 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

33.. DDeessiiggnn aanndd MMeetthhooddoollooggyy

Questionnaire Design

The data collection instrument was a questionnaire designed and developed by the Directorate: Monitoring in

collaboration with SALDRU. The questionnaire had the following range of answers:

• Yes or No

• Multiple options with one primary answer

• Open ended question

• Questions requesting departments to complete related tables with specific departmental information

The questionnaire was structured into the following sections in order to elicit the required information pertaining

to readiness of the Provincial Government departments to institutionalize a Provincial-wide Monitoring and

Evaluation System (PWMES) within the Provincial Government of the Western Cape.

Section 1: Phase 1 of the PWMES Model: Stakeholder Engagement;

Section 2: Phase 2 of the PWMES Model: Overarching Frameworks

Section 3: Phases 3 and 4 of the PWMES Model: Indicator and Monitoring and Results Frameworks

Section 4: Phase 5 of the PWMES Model: Data Management and Data Assessment

Section 5: Phase 6 of the PWMES Model: Information Architecture

Section 6: Phase 7 of the PWMES Model: Planning to implement and sustaining the PWMES

Section 7: An extension of the Data Assessment Study conducted in 2008/2009 and serves as a prelude

to the proposed Data Scoping Exercise currently being conducted by the Directorate:


Sample Frame and Communication Process

Eleven line departments participated in the Readiness Assessment process and the Provincial M & E Forum

representative was the main respondent. Although the Readiness Assessment instrument was sent out to the

Department of Provincial Treasury, they did not participate in the process. The main respondents were trained

to complete the instrument in a Provincial M & E Forum meeting [as per the work programme of the Forum] held

on 23 June 2009.

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Table 1: Contact details of the Respondents

Department Directorate Position of Respondent

Name of Respondent

Contact Details

DOA Agricultural Economics Directorate

Deputy Director Riaan Nouwers [email protected]

DOCS Directorate: Strategic Services & Communication

Deputy Director Johan Krynauw [email protected]

DCAS Office of the HOD Deputy Director Luyanda Qomfo [email protected]

DEDT Strategic Co-ordination Unit

Deputy Director Mary-Anne Lahusen

[email protected]

WCED Directorate: Quality Assurance

Deputy Director Ramesh Maharaj [email protected]

Assistant Director Wouter Swart [email protected] DEADP

Directorate: Strategic Environmental Management Deputy Director Joos Roelofse [email protected]

DOH Directorate: Information Management

Director Eugene Reynolds [email protected]

DLGH Directorate: Monitoring & Evaluation

Deputy Director Selvin Diamond [email protected]

DotP Directorates Monitoring & Review

Deputy Director Thoko Speelman Rowina Wynford

[email protected] [email protected]

DTPW Project Office Manager Jan du Plessis [email protected]

DSD Directorate: Monitoring & Evaluation

Deputy Director Clifford Mkhabela [email protected]


DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEDT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

The Provincial M and E Forum representative completed the questionnaire on behalf of the specific department.

The rationale for requesting that the M and E Forum member assume the responsibility for the completion of the

questionnaire was to ensure consistency and understanding of the information required. The details of the M

and E Forum members are presented in the table above.

Data Collection Process The Directorate: Monitoring commenced the process with a scoping exercise to determine the business and

project needs for the assessment. On this basis, the methodology for the Readiness Assessment Study was

chosen to be qualitative in nature. The method of data collection entailed a process whereby the instrument was

sent to the provincial government departments via the electronic mail system.

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• A workshop was held with the Provincial M and E Forum members on 23 June 2009 with the purpose of

presenting the objective and scope of the Readiness Assessment process as well as to train the provincial

M & E officials on how to complete the questionnaire. Part of the objective of this workshop was to ensure

that the Provincial M and E Forum members, who acted as the main respondents to the questionnaire,

understand the meaning and interpretation of each question within the questionnaire.

• Four weeks were allocated to the departments to complete the questionnaire.

• Another four weeks were granted to the departments as an extension.

• The questionnaires were completed electronically. All eleven [11] provincial government departments who

participated in the Readiness Assessment process returned the questionnaires via the electronic mail


• The questionnaires were checked through a quality assurance process [Directorate: Monitoring and Saldru].

• Individual working sessions in a semi-structured format and follow up telephone calls to specific

departments served as a verification process to rectify errors and fill the missing gaps within the


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44.. PPrroojjeecctt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree

The Chief Directorate: Monitoring, Evaluation and Review located in the Branch: Governance and Integration

(Department of the Premier) despite having limited resources, assumed the challenge of conducting a

Readiness Assessment process in an attempt to yield:

a. A Readiness Assessment Report for the Provincial Government of the Western Cape to

institutionalize the adopted PWMES 7-phase model on a process level; and

b. A Research Catalogue of the 98 research studies conducted by the Provincial Government

departments of the Western Cape.

The findings of this Readiness Assessment process will serve as a management instrument used within the

Provincial Government of the Western Cape to encourage departments to align their respective Indicator and

Results Frameworks to the outcomes and impacts that the Provincial Government of the Western Cape aims to

achieve over the next five [5] years through the vehicle of the ten [10] Strategic Objectives and ensuring

Strategic Directives of the 5-year Provincial Strategic Plan currently being promoted by the government of the


The Readiness Assessment Study is a practical application of a monitoring and evaluation process of collecting

and interpreting data within the Provincial Government of the Western Cape and then evaluating the results for

further review that could lead to strategic outcomes.

The in-house project team consisted of the following members:

Chief Director: Monitoring, Evaluation and Review: (Zeenat Ishmail) – Conceptualisation and configuration

throughout the project phases.

Deputy Director: Monitoring (Rowina Wynford) – Questionnaire Design, Survey Research Operations, Data

Collection, analysis, interpretation and report writing.

SALDRU (Faldie Esau) – Conceptualisation, Questionnaire Design and Quality Assurance of Report, Capacity

building was provided throughout the duration of the project.

The project team held three working sessions to design the questionnaire.

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55.. DDaattaa CCaappttuurriinngg,, DDaattaa AAnnaallyyssiiss aanndd RReeppoorrtt WWrriittiinngg

Excel was used to do basic tabulations and cross tabulations on the dataset. Microsoft Excel can be uitlised for

further refinement of data and advanced statistical analysis. The Directorate: Monitoring designed the data-

capturing tool and captured all data. Data conversion and analyses were done by the Directorate: Monitoring in

collaboration with Saldru who also assisted with the editing and quality assurance of the report. The Readiness

Assessment process was thus a joint initiative between the Department of the Premier and Saldru.

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66.. RReessuullttss aanndd FFiinnddiinnggss

Section 1: This section relates to Phase 1 of the PWMES Model which deals with Readiness and Stakeholder Engagement

1. Did the Department participate in the Provincial Audit [PA] Phase 1 [2005] and Provincial Audit

Phase 2 [2007]?

1=Yes; 2=No

1.1 If No, then why not. Please list reasons


The background to this question relates to the Provincial Audits [Phases 1 and 2] conducted by the Department

of the Premier in 2005 and 2007 respectively. The purpose of these audits was to provide an overview of the

readiness of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape to implement provincial-wide monitoring and

evaluation. The first audit served as a detailed scoping exercise for establishing a comprehensive study across

all M & E units in the province. [Source: Department of the Premier: Chief Directorate: MER. Current reality of

M & E in the Western Cape province (2005)]. The second audit served as a readiness assessment. It identified

a number of critical challenges facing the establishment of a PWMES, detailing capacity constraints, strategic

alignment problems and reporting inconsistencies. [Source: Department of the Premier. Chief Directorate: MER.

Provincial M & E Audit –Phase 2 (2007)]. The outcomes of both audits contributed to the establishment of the

Provincial M & E Forum [2005] and the design of a structured capacity building work programme for the Forum

[2007 – present].

Departments were thus asked whether they participated in both Provincial Audits.

Table 2: Summary of Departmental participation in Provincial Audits [Phases 1 and 2] as well as reasons for



Phase 1 [2005]

Phase 2 [2007]

If No, then why

DOA Yes Yes

DOCS Yes Yes

DCAS Yes Yes

DEAT Yes Yes

WCED Yes Yes


DOH Yes Yes

DLGH Yes Yes

DotP Yes Yes

DSD Yes Yes

DTPW Yes Yes

DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

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In summary of the above table, it is noted that all Provincial Government Departments within the

Western Cape participated in the Phases 1 and 2 Audits which were conducted in 2005 and 2007


2. Was the Department represented on the Provincial M & E Forum since its inception in 2005?

Departments had to respond by making a tick in the appropriate block.

Table 3: Summary of Departmental representation on the Provincial M & E Forum since its inception in 2005

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Department Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No









DotP X X X X X



DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

The Provincial-wide M & E Forum was established in 2005 as a direct result of the Provincial Audit 1

conducted in 2005. Motivation around this can be gleaned from two references in the report entitled

“Current reality of M & E in the Western Cape province (2005)” which refers:

1. ‘It is understood that it is the responsibility of the PWMES to promote dialogue between

departments with regard to their M&E activities’ and this relates to part of the role and

function of the Internal reference group’; and

2. ‘The Consultative Process has confirmed that there is a wealth of operational and

transversal databases / systems within the province. As there is talk of developing a Data

Core, the recommendation is that instead of re-inventing the wheel, a participative system

across departments be constructed and that the Centre for E-Innovation manages this

process from a technical perspective. With regards to the strategic perspective of this

process, the proposed Provincial M & E Forum will be constituted during the first week of

August 2005.’

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In summary of Table 3 above, in 2005, all the mentioned departments within the table, except for

Department of Education were represented on the Provincial M & E Forum. The Western Cape

Education Department were not represented at the time as their M & E unit [Quality Assurance unit]

only had it’s inception in 2006.

As from 2006 to 2009, all Provincial Government departments within the Western Cape were

represented on the Provincial M & E Forum. This points to the fact that since its inception, the PWMES

has adopted a participatory approach and that all provincial government departments [except for the

Western Cape Education Department in 2005], were on board across the 5-year period [2005 – 2009].

Section 2: This section relates to Phase 2 of the PWMES Model which deals with Overarching Frameworks

1. Does the Department have the necessary Overarching Frameworks [Conceptual

Framework, Monitoring and Evaluation [M & E] Framework and M & E Strategy] in

place to align to the outcomes and impacts that the Provincial Government of the

Western Cape wants to achieve?

Departments had to respond by making a tick in the appropriate block.

1.1 Please provide the name of the Framework and a brief context of each.

1.2 Please provide the name of the Framework and reasons for these Overarching

Frameworks not being in place.

Table 4: Summary of PGWC Departmental Overarching Frameworks in place

Conceptual Framework M & E Framework M & E Strategy

Department Yes No & reason Yes No & reason Yes No & reason

DOA X X X – no dedicated M & E


DOCS X X X- not developed yet

DCAS X – not developed X X


WCED X- complies to


& National DoE


DEADP X-No dedicated M

& E unit


dedicated M

& E unit

X-No dedicated M & E




DotP X X X



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In terms of Table 4 above, the following observations are made:

• Eight [8] Provincial Government departments have a Conceptual Framework in place and three

[3] departments do not have.

• Reasons for departments not having a Conceptual Framework in place ranges from not having

developed one yet and in the process of currently being crafted to complying with national

frameworks [hence avoiding duplication] to no dedicated M & E unit for two [2] departments.

• Ten [10] Provincial Government departments have an M & E Framework in place and one [1]

departments do not have.

• With reference to the one department not having an M & E Framework in place, the reason for

this refers to no dedicated M & E unit in place for a specific department.

• Eight [8] Provincial Government departments have an M & E Strategy in place and three [3]

departments do not have.

• One [1] of the departments who do not have a M & E Strategy in place has stated the reason

for this as not developed yet whilst the other two [2] departments has indicated that there is no

M & E unit in place in those departments and hence no Strategy.

Table 5: Summary of PGWC Departmental Overarching Frameworks and description

Department Name of Framework Description of Framework

DOA The Department has indicated various

departmental sector and strategic plans as the

Departmental M & E Framework

The description of two of the Departmental Sector

Plans relates to strategic objectives of those specific


M & E Conceptual Framework for Community


Describes M & E functions for the department on

Performance management as per the National

Framework for Performance Management.


M & E Policy document for Community Safety Policy that describes M & E functions for dept on

Performance Management according to National


DCAS Draft M & E Framework Framework is informed by the GWM&E and WC

provincial M & E Strategy. This draft reflects

approach and methodology followed by DCAS in

implementing PWMES


Departmental Planning, Monitoring and

Evaluation Framework [Conceptual


Provides systematic, co-ordinated and integrated

outlook on implementation and impact of

interventions undertaken by Department.

Framework sets parameters and identifies linkages

between departmental strategic goals, PSP strategic

objectives, departmental interventions and desired

outcomes to underpin shared growth and

development trajectory. As performance measure,

framework enhances policy coherence, strategic

focus and results-based approach in planning & M &

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21 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

E process. Framework also serves as mechanism to

pursue and facilitate shared dialogue, learning

outcomes and accountability amongst various

departmental programmes, spheres of government

and strategic partners.

Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation for a

5-year Departmental Strategic Plan

Provides succinct overview of importance &

usefulness of M & E for government and DEAT.

Purpose also to M & E Dept’s 5-year Strategic plan,

MTSF and APP. 5-year Strategic Plan and MTSF

evaluated at outcomes and impact levels whilst APP

monitored at output level.

Draft M & E Framework Internal and external application, roles and

procedures of M & E for WCED.


M & E Policy (Strategy) Utility, roles, functions of M & E within WCED and

oversight role of Directorate: QA

DOH Conceptual Framework: Healthcare 2010


Healthcare 2010 forms the basis for all planning and

hence M & E. Planning expanded in Dept’s 5-year

Strategic Plan and APP.

M & E Framework Registered as Dept’s APP which cascades

throughout the dept and is monitored monthly,

quarterly and annually.

M & E Strategy (untitled) Quarterly, monitoring tool completed that includes

the monitoring requirements of provincial and

national depts. Of Health as well as provincial and

national Treasuries.

DLGH M & E Conceptual Framework for DPLG Framework clarifies M & E concepts and definitions;

provide the legislative and policy context for M & E,

provides analysis of current M & E arrangements in

the dept and outlines key components for the

development and implementation of an outcomes-

based M & E system. The dept's. M & E Strategy is

incorporated into the Departmental M & E

Conceptual Framework.

M & E Strategy: Programme Performance

Concept Document

Strategy outlines key concepts in the design and

implementation of Departmental Programme

Performance Management System [PPMS}, to

define, collect, report and use performance

information in the dept.

M & E Conceptual Framework The purpose of the Conceptual Framework is to

provide a perspective on the context of

the PWMES and to articulate the theoretical basis for

the development of the PWMES.


M & E Conceptual Framework in Abridged


The Conceptual Framework in abridged form

provides a compressed format of a wide and

somewhat broad context within which there is

reference to the broad principles and other

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22 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

theoretical considerations around M & E.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Framework for the PWMES/PGWC

The MER Framework sets the parameters and

identifies the links between the GWMES, PWMES,

the 5-year PSP and the APPs. It provides the

context of the development of the PWMES. 7

phases have been developed which is outlined in the


Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Strategy The MER Strategy sets out the strategic approach to

operationalise results-based M & E. The Strategy

distinguishes between the strategic and process

links of implementation and results-based M & E to

achieve results focusing on the strategic objectives

in an integrative and coherent way.

DSD Policy on Performance Information

Measurement and Management

Purpose of Policy is to facilitate measurement of how

dept meets its goals and objectives & which policies

and processes are effective. It also aims to facilitate

M and transformation of service delivery and justify

budget allocation. There is a focus on redress. The

Policy also outlines a set of agreed terms for

performance information for use with public sector.

DSD M & E Strategy The Strategy aims to guide the institutionalization of

a results-based M & E system within the dept

M & E Implementation Plan 2009 - 2012 Implementation of M & E activities within the dept

within the specified timeframes

DTPW Departmental M & E Framework & Strategy This is an approved Departmental Framework. The

Strategy covers the establishment, staffing and

operationalisation of an M & E Component for

DTPW. Strategy envisages M & E activities at policy

and programme level. Objective of the Strategy is to

provide information to improve decision-making at

management level and to institutionalize


DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

With reference to Table 5 above the following observations are made:

In terms of the proposed Overarching Frameworks for a PWMES for the Provincial Government of the

Western Cape:

• The Department of Agriculture has two [2] out of the proposed three [3] Overarching

Frameworks in place. The descriptions provided by the Department regarding these two

frameworks focuses only on the strategic objectives relating to the specific frameworks

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mentioned. This department also has no dedicated M & E unit and M & E is operationalised

through the Agricultural Economics Directorate.

• The Department of Community Safety has two [2] out of the proposed three [3] Overarching

Frameworks in place.

• The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport has indicated that it has two [2] out of the three

[3] required Frameworks in place. It has however only elaborated on one [1] of these

Frameworks which is informed by the Government-wide Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

as well as the Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

• The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has indicated that it has all three [3]

Overarching Frameworks in place.

• The Western Cape Education Department has indicated that it has two [2] out of the three [3]

Overarching Frameworks in place. An interesting observation in terms of this department

refers to the reason for not having a Conceptual Framework in place. It indicates that it is

aligned to the Conceptual Frameworks of the GWMES, the PWMES and the National

Department of Education and it would see the development of a departmental framework as a

duplication of those that are already in existence.

• The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning does not have a

dedicated departmental M & E unit on its organizational establishment and has stated this as

the reason for this department not having crafted any of the proposed Overarching

Frameworks to align to the PWMES. The department is using an operational unit resource

with technical support when required.

• The Department of Health has indicated that it has all three [3] Overarching Frameworks in

place. This department is strategically guided by its Healthcare 2010 Plan which serves as the

Department’s main overarching framework. Healthcare 2010 forms the basis for all planning

and hence M & E. Planning in this department is further expanded in the Department’s 5-year

Strategic Plan and APP.

• The Department of Local Government and Housing has indicated that it has all three [3]

Overarching Frameworks in place. The overarching frameworks of this department do not

encompass M & E approaches and methodologies for District Municipalities as this is left to the

respective District Municipality offices. The department has a comprehensive Conceptual

Framework and its M & E Strategy is incorporated into its Overarching Framework.

• The Department of the Premier has indicated that it has all the Overarching Frameworks in


• The Department of Social Development has indicated that it has two [2] of the three [3]

Overarching Frameworks in place and that it is currently drafting its Conceptual Framework.

The departmental M & E unit adopts a participatory departmental approach to facilitate buy-in

and ownership in an attempt to co-ordinate and report on programme performance information

• The Department of Transport and Public Works has indicated that it has all three [3]

Overarching Frameworks in place.

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In summary of Tables 4 and 5 above insofar as it relates to the readiness of the Provincial Government

Western Cape departments to implement the PWMES, the Department of Environmental Affairs and

Development Planning is the only department that has no Overarching Frameworks in place. All the

other departments have one [1], two [2] or all three proposed Overarching Frameworks in place.

Section 3: This section relates to Phases 3 and 4 of the PWMES Model which deals with Indicator and Monitoring and Results Frameworks

1. Does the Department have the necessary Indicator Frameworks; Monitoring and

Results Frameworks in place to align itself to the outcomes and impacts that the

Provincial Government of the Western Cape wants to achieve?

Departments had to respond by ticking the appropriate block.

2. Please provide an Attachment of these Frameworks

Table 6: Summary of Indicator and Results Frameworks in place within PGWC

Indicator Framework

M & R Framework

Indicator Framework Attached
















DotP X X X



DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

With reference to Table 6 above, the following observations are made:

In terms of the necessary Indicator and Monitoring and Results Frameworks for a PWMES for the

Provincial Government of the Western Cape:

• Seven [7] Provincial Government departments have Indicator Frameworks in place and four [4]

department does not have.

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• Three [3] departments have Monitoring and Results Frameworks in place and eight [8]

departments do not have.

• Four [4] departments attached the requested departmental Indicator Frameworks as per the

questionnaire and seven [7] departments did not.

In summary of Table 6 above, as it relates to the readiness of the Provincial Government Western

Cape departments to implement the PWMES, only four [4] departments attached the requested

Indicator Framework as per the questionnaire. A technical engagement around the Indicator

Framework for the 5-year Provincial Strategic Plan was held with the Provincial M & E Forum on 7

August 2009. Since then and up till the end of October 2009, more departments have submitted

departmental Indicator Frameworks to the Department of the Premier. As an outcome of the planned

capacity building programme conducted with the Provincial M & E Forum from 4 – 6 November 2009,

departments are now using their departmental Indicator Frameworks to report on departmental

programme performance which is shaping into a six [6] month Score Card for the Provincial

Government of the Western Cape.

Section 4: This section relates to Phase 5 of the PWMES Model which deals with Data

Management and Data Assessment

1. Does the Department have Performance Indicators and Indicators for the Provincial-

wide Monitoring and Evaluation System?

Departments had to respond by ticking the appropriate block.

1.1 If yes, what is the format of the database containing data for these indicators?

1.2 If no, how is the data attached to departmental indicators stored?

Table 7: Alignment of Departmental Indicators to PWMES, format and storage of data sets











How is data stored?

Yes Yes No No

DOA X X Ms Word, Excel &


DOCS X X Ms Word, Excel,


DCAS X X Ms Word


WCED X X Statistical package,

Oracle- database

hosted by SITA

DEADP X MS Word, Excel &

published reports

X Not indicated

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DOH X MS Word, Excel,

Access & others. Dept

currently attempting to

consolidate systems

X Not indicated

DLGH X MS Word, Excel No



Data is stored by means

of departmental file server,

laptop, desktop computers

and hard copies in Dept’s


DotP X X MS Word, Excel,


DSD X X Excel Spreadsheets

DTPW X X MS Word, Excel,

Access and other

programmes such as

RPM & Livelink

DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

With reference to Table 7 above, the following observations are made:

In terms of the necessary Data Management and Data Assessment processes for a PWMES for the

Provincial Government of the Western Cape:

• All eleven [11] Provincial Government Departments have indicated that they have Performance

Indicators which are linked to the Departmental APP.

• Eight [8] out of the eleven [11] departments have indicated that they have Indicators for the

PWMES. No response provided by the Department of Local Government and Housing

regarding whether the department has any PWMES indicators.

• The most common formats of databases containing data for these indicators include:

o MS Word, Excel [majority of departments]

o Three [3] departments have indicated that they use Access

o Two [2] departments have indicated that they are using Departmental Management

Information systems such as DOPMS, RPM and Livelink.

o The Department of Education is the only department to indicate the use of a statistical

database, viz Oracle

o The storage of data within provincial government departments ranges from completed

templates stored electronically and hard copy formats to data stored on laptops and

desktop computers.

o The Department of Health has indicated that some of their departmental storage

systems are feeder systems feeding into management reporting systems. The

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Department is attempting to consolidate its feeder systems into a Business Intelligence

System (BIS).

In summary of Table 7 above, as it relates to the readiness of the Provincial Government Western

Cape departments to implement the PWMES, the Departments of Environmental Affairs and

Development Planning and Health are the two departments who at this stage, does not have an

Indicator Framework for the Provincial-wide Monitoring and Evaluation System which is an essential

element through which to measure progress relating to the strategic goals and directives of the 5-year

Provincial Strategic Plan.

Section 5: This section relates to Phase 6 of the PWMES Model which deals with the Information Architecture for an automated PWMES

1. Has the Department engaged with the Centre for e-Innovation regarding the

Department’s ICT Infrastructure Framework?

Departments had to respond by ticking the appropriate block.

1.1 When did this engagement take place?

Table 8: Departmental Readiness in terms of Provincial ICT Infrastructure Framework




When engagement took place

DOA X 2009. CeI assisting in design of departmental databases

DOCS X 2008. CeI assisting with NHW database integration

DCAS X 2008. Regular engagements between CeI and department

DEAT X 2007. Ongoing – Dept's Top Management Com approved ICT

Framework Plan for department in 2009

WCED X 2009

DEADP X 2008. Continuous engagements

DOH X 2009. Department’s ICT Strategy currently being developed by Dept.

DLGH X 2008. Departmental ICT Plan signed off 30 May 2008

DotP X 2008

DSD X 2007

DTPW X 2007 – handled by Departmental ICT Committee

DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

With reference to Table 8 above, the following observations are made:

In terms of the required Information Architecture for an automated PWMES for the Provincial

Government of the Western Cape:

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• All of the 11 [eleven] Provincial Government of the Western Cape departments have engaged

with the Centre for e-Innovation within the Department of the Premier regarding departmental

ICT Plans which are to be aligned to the ICT Infrastructure Framework.

• The Department of Local Government and Housing has an approved Departmental ICT Plan.

• Evidence displays that there are regular and continuous engagements between CeI and

Provincial Government Departments in terms of aligning departmental ICT Plans to the ICT

Infrastructure Framework managed by CeI.

In summary of Table 8 above, as it relates to the readiness of the Provincial Government Western

Cape departments to implement the PWMES, all Provincial Government departments have engaged

with CeI regarding the alignment of their departmental ICT systems to the ICT Infrastructure

Framework. This in its own will create an enabling environment contributing to the automation of the


Section 6: This section relates to Phase 7 of the PWMES Model which deals with Planning to Implement and Sustaining the PWMES

1. Is the Department producing/planning to produce any Monitoring and Evaluation [M &

E] Reports for the financial year 2009/2010?

Departments had to respond by ticking the appropriate block.

If yes, departments had to respond by completing a table which speaks to:

• The name of the Report

• The Methodology used

• The completion date for the report

• For whom is the report compiled

Table 9: Departmental Indication of whether M & E Reports are being produced within PGWC


























DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development WCED: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

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Table 10: Summary of M & E Reports produced for 2009/2010 within PGWC


Name of Report




For whom Report is


Quality Performance


Quantitative & Qualitative Quarterly

within fin yr


Landcare Evaluation


Change Methodology 3 months

after end of

fin yr

DOA, Dept of Forestry &

Fisheries, National Treasury


CASP Evaluation


Quantitative analysis &

descriptive methodology

End of fin yr DOA, Dept of Forestry &

Fisheries, National Treasury

Expansion of NHWs

and its alignment to


Assessment of quarterly

reports. Evaluation of outcome.

Focus meetings with key role-


31 Mar 2010 Chief Director: Secretariat for

Safety and Security


Policing Priorities and

Needs of the

communities of the


Interviews with CPFs 31 Mar 2010 SAPS, CPFs

Safety Barometer of

6 gang infested areas

Focus Group discussions,

Household Survey

31 Mar 2010 Communities of 6 gang

infested areas

Reports of

field/monitoring visits


Mixed methods – interviews,

observations, desktop surveys

Monthly Stakeholders of the



Reports on large

scale Evaluations

Mixed methods – interviews,

observations, desktop surveys,

focus group interviews

31 Mar 2110 Stakeholders of the


SPV Outcome


Outcome Survey data collection

and analysis

30 April 2010 DEDAT

Impact Study on the

Bandwith Barn


Interviews, site visits, review

reports, e valuation programme

documents, review criteria used

to evaluate the proposals

31 Jan 2010 DEDAT

Impact Evaluation of

the RED Door

Outcome assessment approach 31 Jan 2100 DEDAT

RED Door Survey Outcome survey, data

collection and analysis

30 April 2010 DEDAT

Impact Study of the


Interviews, site visits, review

reports, evaluate programme


31 Jan 2010 DEDAT

Evaluation of the

Tourism Tiered

Support Programme

Interviews, site visits, review

reports, evaluate programme

documents, review criteria used

for intake

31 Jan 2010 DEDAT


Evaluation of the

Rural Economic

Assistance Fund

Interviews, site visits, review

reports, evaluate programme

documents, review criteria used

31 Jan 2010 DEDAT

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(REAF) for intake

Evaluation of the

Tourism Safety


Outcome survey, data

collection and analysis

28 Oct 09 DEDAT

State of readiness of

Learning Institutions

Sampled learning sites using

standardized monitoring


April 09; Jul


WCED Districts

Evaluation: roll-out of

Grade R classrooms

[White Paper 5]

Formative evaluation: Micro-


Aug 09 WCED Public Works

Policy compliance –

leave for non-

teaching staff

Monitoring and Policy analysis Aug 09 WCED


Whole school


Formative Evaluation October 09 WCED, National Dept of

Education, Teacher Unions


No M & E Reports registered in completed questionnaire

M & E Template and


Template compiled for review,

minutes recorded after review

Quarterly HOD and Programme



Quarterly Report to


Treasury specifications Quarterly Treasury and National Dept of



Performance Report

Collect performance data from

each Directorate

Quarterly National and Provincial


Annual Report Reporting on Performance on


Annually National and Provincial




M & E Report on Performance Bi-weekly Minister



Performance Report

Assessment of departmental

performance according to

weighted & scaled priorities

Quarterly HOD

Public Service

Commission M & E


Provide data for PSC to do

assessment on 9 Constitutional


Annually PSC

Evaluation Report Evaluation of a departmental


To be





Worker’s Review


Survey and secondary data June 2009 HOD

Review of Strategic


Dec 09 HOD

Municipal Quarterly

Performance Report

Collect performance data by

each Directorate

Quarterly Department of Co-operative

Governance & Traditional

Affairs (COGTA)


Municipal b-annual

5yrs LGSA Report

Collect performance data by

each Directorate

Bi-Annually COGTA

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31 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

Annual State of

Municipality Report

Collect performance data from



Municipal Annual

Report Assessment

Assessment of the report Department



Assessment of


(Compass) Report




Excellence Awards

Assessment best performing

Municipality in the province

annually COGTA

Quarterly Housing

Performance Report


Collect performance data by

each Directorate

Department of Human


Quarterly MIG Report Collect performance data by

each Directorate




Monitoring Reports

Directorate presentations made quarterly DotP and Treasury

Periodic PGWC

Score Cards

Departments report against

Indicator Framework

As requested Provincial Cabinet

Responsive Budget


Specific methodology followed Annually Standing Committee for

Gender, Youth and Disability

Provincial Cabinet



Assessment of

PGWC Budget


Qualitative and Quantitative Annually Standing Committee for

Gender, Youth and Disability

Provincial Cabinet


Reports on Local


Strategic Agenda

Specific template Bi-annually DPLG


Annual Report Card

for PGWC

Specific template Annually Presidency



Data Assessment

Report 2008/2009

Qualitative and Quantitative Once-off Cabinet




Assessment Report


Qualitative and Quantitative Once-off Cabinet


Global Provincial

Status Monitoring


Based on 16 District Offices

Monitoring findings

December 09 Senior Management DSD DSD

Annual Performance


Compilation and synthesis of all

4 QPRs.

April 2010 Management, Treasury,

National DSD

DTPW Gov Motor Transport Qualitative and Quantitative 29 July 2009 HOD and Head of GMT

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Annual Performance




Qualitative and Quantitative 31 July 2009 HOD and CFO

SMS Financial


Qualitative and Quantitative 14 August


Minister and HOD

First Quarter QPR Qualitative and Quantitative Not decided


No data provided

3 X Lead Strategies

Progress Reports:

No data provided No data


No data provided

DOA: Agriculture DOH: Health DOCS: Community Safety DLGH: Local Government and Housing DCAS: Cultural Affairs and Sport DotP: Premier DEDAT: Economic Development and Tourism DSD: Social Development DOE: Education DTPW: Transport and Public Works DEADP: Environmental Affairs and Dev Planning

With reference to Tables 9 & 10 above, the following observations are made:

In terms of the required planning to implement and sustaining the PWMES for the Provincial

Government of the Western Cape:

• All of the 11 Provincial Government of the Western Cape departments, except for the

Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning are producing M & E Reports

for the 2009/2010 financial reports.

• The main M & E Reports produced within the Provincial Government of the Western Cape

focuses on compliance reporting which includes Quarterly Performance and Annual

Performance Reports.

• There appears to be some Evaluation Assessments being produced within the Provincial

sector departments.

In summary of Tables 9 & 10 above, as it relates to the readiness of the Provincial Government

Western Cape departments to implement the PWMES, all Provincial Government departments, with

the exception of one department, have geared themselves into producing departmental M & E Reports.

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Section 7: This section is an extension of the Data Assessment Study conducted in the

2008/2009 financial year.

The 2008/2009 Data Assessment process indicated that 98 Research Studies were conducted within

the Provincial Government of the Western Cape.

Departments were given an indication regarding the amount of Research Studies which they registered

for the Data Assessment process and were then asked to complete a Table providing the following


Column 1: The year in which the Research Study was done

Column 2: The Methodology applied in this Research Study

Column 3: A synopsis of the objectives of the Research Study

Column 4: The indicators that are measured in the Research Study

Column 5: The overarching strategic objectives addressed in the Research Study

Column 6: The objectives of PGWC [the new 5-year Provincial Strategic Plan]

Table 11: Summary of M & E Research Studies conducted within PGWC


Research Studies registered 08/09

Additional Research Studies registered for 90/10











31 MEDS Studies

17 additional studies registered

Tourism – 4 studies

CTRU – 13 studies






9 additional studies registered




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9 0






11 additional studies registered



1 Study withdrawn [BMT]

With reference to Table 11 above, the following observations are made:

Taken from the baseline of 98 Research Studies recorded through the Data Assessment process

conducted during the 2008/2009 financial year:

• The Department of Community Safety has registered four [4] additional Research Studies

• The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has registered seventeen [17]

additional Research Studies

• The Department of Social Development has registered an additional eleven [11] Research


• The Department of Transport and Public Works registered eight [8] Research Studies but one

study [BMT study] has been withdrawn. This indicates that the Department now has seven [7]

registered Research Studies.

This section of the Readiness Assessment Study forms the foundation for an Evaluation Scoping

exercise which is currently being conducted by the Directorate: Evaluation within the Department of the

Premier and which explores, in much further detail, these Research Studies across the Provincial

Government of the Western Cape. The Directorate: Monitoring has thus compiled a Catalogue of

Research Studies in which all the Research Studies conducted by the Provincial Government of the

Western Cape is profiled.

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77.. CCoonncclluussiioonn

The key findings and analysis of this Report reflects that most of the Provincial Government

departments in the Western Cape have all the necessary elements in place to conduct coherent and

integrated M & E in respect of the ten [10] Strategic Objectives and ensuing Strategic Directives of the

5-year Provincial Strategic Plan.

Two of the departments [Agriculture and Environmental Affairs and Development Planning] do not have

dedicated M & E units and this need to be addressed within the Top Management and Executive

structures of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape.

Other than the above, most departments across the Provincial Government of the Western Cape have

demonstrated a fair amount of readiness in terms of the PWMES 7-phase Model.

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36 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

88.. RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss

Emanating from the above the following recommendations are made:

1. With reference to the required Overarching Frameworks for the PWMES, technical

guidance is provided to those departments who are in the process of developing these

Frameworks. This could be addressed in the upcoming International/Provincial M & E

Results-based course proposed for the Provincial M & E Forum to be held in February


2. With reference to Indicator and Results Frameworks, guidance should be provided so that

Provincial Government departments could align their respective PWMES Indicator and

Results Frameworks to the outcomes and impacts that the Provincial Government of the

Western Cape wants to achieve.

3. The Provincial M & E Forum work programme for 2010/2011 be designed to capacitate

Provincial departments to move to an outcomes/results-based approach in terms of the M

& E Reports generated by the respective departments.

4. The Evaluation Scoping exercise as per Section seven [7] of the Readiness Assessment

report be expanded in 2010/2011 and that a Provincial Government Western Cape

Research Forum be established to ensure that any research undertaken within PGWC is in

line with the ten [10] Strategic Objectives and the respective Strategic Directives of the 5-

year PSP.

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37 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

99.. BBiibblliiooggrraapphhyy

1. Department of the Premier: Chief Directorate: MER. Current reality of M & E in the Western Cape

province (2005)

2. Department of the Premier. Chief Directorate: MER. Provincial M & E Audit –Phase 2 (2007)

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38 Department of the Premier in collaboration with SALDRU

ISBN: 978-0621-39151-0