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CALVARY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF DOVER, PA The Rev. John M. Woods, Pastor April 3, 2016 10:00 A.M. In spite of all we have heard and all that we have seen, it is oſten hard to believe. Because it is hard to believe, we will invest ourselves in the Easter mystery for fiſty days (a week of weeks). Because it is hard to believe, John the evangelist will provide sign aſter sign celebrang Jesus’ victory over death. Because it is hard to believe, the Lord Je- sus will return to us again and again in the mystery of the holy communion, inving us

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The Rev. John M. Woods, Pastor

April 3, 2016 10:00 A.M.

In spite of all we have heard and all that we have seen, it is often hard to believe. Because it is hard to believe, we will invest ourselves in the Easter mystery for fifty days

(a week of weeks). Because it is hard to believe, John the evangelist will provide sign after sign celebrating Jesus’ victory over death. Because it is hard to believe, the Lord Je-

sus will return to us again and again in the mystery of the holy communion, inviting us

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CALVARY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH of DOVER, PA Please sign the red books and pass them on. *Indicates: Please Stand if you are able to do so.

ELW is Red Hymnal WOV is Blue Hymnal

The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

Greeting Pastor


Prelude “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today” Arr. By Carol Tornquist

Jeff Byers, Piano

*Confession and Forgiveness Pastor and Congregation

Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, the fountain of living water, the rock who gave us

birth, our light and our salvation. Amen. Let us come into the light,

the revealing and healing light of God. God of grace and glory,

you have brought us through the night of sin into the light of Jesus’ resurrection. Yet our

lives are still shadowed by sin. Make us alive in Christ, O God. Make us new as you make

all things new. Rescue us from evil and the gloom of sin, renew us in grace, and restore us

to living in your holiness, through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. Amen. Rejoice with all creation around God’s throne!

The light of the risen Christ puts to flight all evil deeds, washes away sin, restores innocence to

the fallen, casts out hate, brings peace, and humbles earthly pride. Jesus Christ loves you

and ☩ frees you from your sins by his blood.

To him be glory and dominion forever and ever! Amen.

*Gathering Hymn “Shout To The Lord” ELW Hymn # 821

*Apostolic Greeting Pastor and Congregation

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion

of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And also with you.

*Canticle Of Praise “Glory Be To God…” ELW Page # 204


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*Prayer of the Day Pastor

Let us pray…Almighty and eternal God, the strength of those who believe and the hope of those

who doubt, may we, who have not seen, have faith in you and receive the fullness of Christ’s

blessing, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Special Music:

Tim McCleary-Clarinet, Jennifer McCleary-Piano

THE WORD God speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching, and song.

First Reading Lay Reader

Acts 5:27-32

A reading from Acts.

Peter has been arrested for proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. His

response to the charges of the high priest summarizes the early church’s proclamation of

forgiveness of sin through repentance.

27When they had brought [the apostles,] they had them stand before the council. The high priest

questioned them, 28saying, “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name, yet here you

have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you are determined to bring this man’s blood on

us.” 29But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than any human

authority. 30The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging him on a

tree. 31God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior that he might give repentance to

Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit

whom God has given to those who obey him.”

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.


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Psalm Responsively

Psalm 118:14-29

14The LORD is my strength | and my song,

and has become | my salvation.

15Shouts of rejoicing and salvation echo in the tents | of the righteous:

“The right hand of the | LORD acts valiantly! 16The right hand of the LORD| is exalted!

The right hand of the | LORD acts valiantly!”

17I shall not | die, but live,

and declare the works | of the LORD. R 18The LORD indeed pun- | ished me sorely,

but did not hand me o- | ver to death.

19Open for me the | gates of righteousness;

I will enter them and give thanks | to the LORD. 20“This is the gate | of the LORD;

here the righ- | teous may enter.”

21I give thanks to you, for you have | answered me

and you have become | my salvation. R 22The stone that the build- | ers rejected

has become the chief | cornerstone.

23By the LORD has | this been done;

it is marvelous | in our eyes. 24This is the day that the | LORD has made;

let us rejoice and be | glad in it.

25Hosanna! | O LORD, save us!

We pray to you, LORD, pros- | per our days! R 26Blessed is the one who comes in the name | of the LORD;

we bless you from the house | of the LORD.

27The LORD is God and has giv- | en us light.

Form a procession with branches up to the corners | of the altar. 28You are my God, and | I will thank you;

you are my God, and I | will exalt you.

29Give thanks to the LORD, for the | LORD is good;

God’s mercy en- | dures forever. R


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Second Reading Lay Reader

Revelation 1:4-8

A reading from Revelation.

The book of Revelation recounts a mystical vision of the risen Christ, experienced

by a Christian prophet named John. Here he describes Christ as a timeless redeemer,

the beginning, present, and end of all time.

4John to the seven churches that are in Asia:

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the

seven spirits who are before his throne, 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn

of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.

To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, 6and made us to be a kingdom,

priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

7Look! He is coming with the clouds;

every eye will see him,

even those who pierced him;

and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail.

So it is to be. Amen.

8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to

come, the Almighty.

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

*Gospel Acclamation “Alleluia!...” ELW Page #205

*Gospel Pastor

John 20:19-31

The holy gospel according to John.

Glory to you, O Lord. The unprecedented events of the day of resurrection continue as the risen Jesus appears to his

fearful disciples. A week later, after Thomas worships Jesus, Jesus pronounces that the blessings

of the resurrection are also for those who “have not seen and yet believe.”

19When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where

the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and

said, “Peace be with you.” 20After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the

disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As

the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to

them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you

retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 5

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24But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus

came. 25So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless

I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand

in his side, I will not believe.”

26A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although

the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27Then

he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in

my side. Do not doubt but believe.” 28Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus

said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not

seen and yet have come to believe.”

30Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in

this book. 31But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the

Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

Children’s Message Pastor

After the Children’s Message, if someone has signed up lead the program, Children are invited to participate

in “Children's Church” . Children will return to their families in time to commune with them.

Hymn of the Day “I Believe, I Do Believe” Dakota Road Music

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe in God the Almighty Lord Creator,

Mighty Lord Creator, Might y Lord Creator.

I believe in God the Almighty Lord Creator,

Mighty Lord Creator, Might y Lord Creator.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe in Jesus the Savior of the people,

Savior of the people, Savior of the people.

I believe in Jesus the Savior of the people,

Savior of the people, Savior of the people.

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I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

And I do believe in the Power of the Spirit,

Power of the Spirit, Power of the Spirit.

And I do believe in the Power of the Spirit,

Power of the Spirit, Power of the Spirit.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

I believe, I do believe, truly I believe it,

Truly I believe it, truly I believe it.

Message Pastor

The Nicene Creed ELW Page #104

*The Prayers Worship Assistant, Congregation, Pastor

Rooted in the abundant life and love of Christ Jesus, we pray for the life of the church, the lives

of people in need, and the life of all creation.

Holy God of resurrection, fill us with your Holy Spirit to announce the new life you give

through Christ Jesus. Lead us to people who need to hear good news. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great. Breathe new life into all of creation. Send sun to warm and water to saturate yards, fields, and

mountains. Set all things in order, that abundance may come forth. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great. Open paths for cooperation between nations to care for refugees, survivors of natural disaster,

and people living through war. Bless the efforts of peacemaking troops, diplomats, and relief

organizations to foster peace in the world. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great. Pour out your enduring mercy to strengthen those who persevere in difficult times (especially).

Guide them to places where they may find shelter in your presence. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great. Gather together the various gifts of this community and unite us in praise. Harmonize the sound

and movement of instruments, voices, hands, feet, and, bodies. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great. You have united yourself with the saints at rest through Jesus Christ, the firstborn of the dead.

Join us all together in his resurrection on the last day. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

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We deliver all this into your care, O God, trusting in the work of your Holy Spirit to bring all

things into the risen life of Christ our Lord.


*The Peace The peace of the Lord be with you always. And also with you.


We Offer Our Gifts Ushers will receive our gifts.


*The Offertory “Let the Vineyards” ELW Service Music Page # 184

*The Offertory Prayer Worship Assistant and Congregation

Blessed are you, O God, ruler of heaven and earth. Day by day you shower us with blessings.

As you have raised us to new life in Christ, give us glad and generous hearts, ready to praise

you and to respond to those in need, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

*The Great Thanksgiving WOV PG. 36

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

*Proper Preface Pastor

It is indeed right and salutary that we should at all times and in all places offer thanks and

praise to you, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everliving God. But chiefly we are bound to

praise you for the glorious resurrection of our Lord; for He is the true Passover Lamb who gave

Himself to take away our sin, who by His death has destroyed death, and by His rising has

brought us to eternal life. And so, with Mary Magdalene and Peter and all the witnesses of the

resurrection, with earth and sea and all their creatures, and with angels and archangels,

cherubim and seraphim, we praise Your name and join their unending hymn:

*Sanctus “Holy, Holy, Holy” ELW PG. 207

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*Eucharistic Prayer Pastor, Leader’s Guide

*The Lord’s Prayer In Unison ELW Page #208

*Invitation to Communion Pastor

The table of life is spread before you.

Feast on the goodness and mercy of God.


“Lamb of God” ELW Page #208

“O Savior, Precious Savior” ELW Hymn # 820

The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you and keep you in his grace. Amen

*Post Communion Prayer Worship Assistant

We give you thanks, O God, that you make your home with us, bringing heaven to earth in this

holy meal. Fill us with your Spirit as we go from here, that we may wipe away tears,

tend to those in mourning and pain, seek the healing of the nations, and bring to earth the

presence of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

*Blessing Pastor

The blessing of the Lord God Almighty, the blessing of ☩ Christ, the Lamb who was slain,

and the blessing of the Holy Spirit of truth be among you and remain with you always.


*Sending Hymn “Thine Is The Glory” ELW Hymn # 376

*Dismissal Worship Assistant and Congregation

Alleluia! Go in peace. Share The Good News! Thanks be to God! Alleluia!

Postlude “The Strife Is O’er, The Battle Done” Arr. By Cindy Berry

Jeff Byers, Piano

From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2016 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23239.

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WELCOME! A warm and loving welcome to all who enter this worship space. We especially welcome those who are visitors for the first time here at Calvary Lutheran! We hope and trust that your visit will be filled with God’s Holy Spirit, giving you cause to know Jesus the Christ

better than you did before we all gathered here today. Please join us after worship for refreshments and fellowship. And, you are invited to join us for Christian Education at 10:00am

every Sunday, which is held for all ages in various classrooms. We are glad you are here today, and we look forward to the next time we are called and gathered by the Holy Spirit to share

worship together. This is most certainly true! Sincerely, Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Attendance for March March 6 88 74’

March 13 94 61

March 20 105 61

March 24 37

March 25 59

March 26 7

March 27 135* 100

* designated no count paper, used communion

count in Sacristy.

Gluten free communion wafers are available.

If you require this product, please make sure

an usher is aware of this.

April Anniversaries 7 Terence & Marcia Feehan 7 Wayne & Deb Latchaw 10 Craig & Lauren Hoffheins 14 Wesley & Ann Bridge 20 Ralph & Sue Goodwin

April 70+ Birthdays 3 Ralph Slothower

5 Ken Gentzler 7 John Rodgers

14 Ruthanna Heiner 17 Shirley Crone

30 June Fickes



Please bring in your donations

of the following: 4 or 5 oz. bars of bath soap (each kit gets 2)

52 x 27 bath towels (dark colors preferred)

Adult size toothbrush in individual packaging

Sturdy combs

Metal nail clippers

Kits will be assembled on April 16.

Special Offering will go to: WORLD HUNGER


Pancake Breakfast: April 16

Work Day: April 16

New Member Brunch: April 17

Confirmation: May 15

Mother/Child Luncheon: May 15

Richard A. Sultner, Sr. Music

Scholarship Spring Concert:

May 21


for your work at Calvary this morning! We are honored to have you leading our worship and our music !

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Announcements…Welcome To Calvary!

We will be having a work day on April 16th beginning at 11:00 after the pancake breakfast, We need

volunteers to do some work around the homes of shut-ins and members in need. We also need places

to work, so if anyone needs anything- they can contact me. We will also be putting the health kids

together. Please contact Diane Brosius

Mother’s Day Geranium Sale-to benefit Auxiliary to SpiriTrust Lutheran. Robert Downs and Donna

Sharp will be taking orders for Red or Salmon Geraniums on April 17 and April 24. The cost is $3.00

each and they will be in church of Mother’s Day.

In The Narthex you will find your 2016 Offering Envelopes. If you need help locating your number,

please refer to the lists on the table or ask Sam Herman or Deb Harlacher for assistance.

Attention Parents of Infants: The nursery is downstairs in Room #1, that is the classroom closest to

Main Street, across from the flower room. Please, if you change diapers in there, place the soiled

diapers in the trash cans in one of the rest rooms, do not let them in Room #1.

Outreach Project: Comfy toes!!! We are collecting new socks of all sizes and colors to distribute to those

in need. Please place your donations in the box in the coffee area. Thanks so much! Marcia Feehan

Have you placed your name on the bulletin & flower charts for 2016? The sign up papers are on the

bulletin board in the hallway downstairs. Choose your dates before someone else does! The cost to

sponsor bulletins is $30 and the cost to sponsor flowers is $35.

Get your Weis and Giant Gift Cards! If you make purchases at Weis and/or Giant, pick up gift cards

here on Sunday mornings and help support this significant Calvary fund raiser! They make wonderful

gifts all year around! You can even use these cards to also purchase gas at Giant and postage stamps at

both stores. DID YOU KNOW...any profit from Gift Card Sales-over the budget amount will go to

benefit Calvary’s Children?

The Simply Giving Program: Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving. which allows you to make

donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every

week, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides

much-needed donation consistency for our church. How to get started: To set up electronic

donations, simply complete an authorization form located in the narthex and return to the church

office. Donations can be debited automatically from either a checking or savings account.

We are so looking forward to summer and VBS!!!

Cave Quest VBS will be July 24th through July 29th.

If you have never have helped before please consider helping out this year or coming to see our closing

program. All volunteers need their clearances, See Diane Brosius

for more information or to volunteer. We NEED crew leaders!

You Can Now Register Online At:



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Calvary Youth Group

Open to People in Grades 5-12

Join in anytime and bring a friend! Youth Director: Aaron Laird 717-577-9594

[email protected]


Instagram - calvarydoveryouth

Twitter - @CalvaryDvrYouth

Please consider signing up to help serve during Coffee Fellowship or help sell Giant or Weis Gift Cards. And, don’t forget to buy them-you can get groceries, postage stamps, gas with your gift cards!

ANGELS AND POCKET CROSSES! On the white stand aside of the mailboxes downstairs in the hallway you will find these beautiful items from wonderfully talented ladies Helen Weigel and Carolyn Baum-gardner which will benefit the Youth Group through your donations. (Thanks Helen and Carolyn!! ) They

make wonderful little gifts to someone who has done something nice for you, or “just because” you value a friendship. Everyone NEEDS an angel, a cross and a prayer!

If you would like to know about/be involved/be first to know about youth events go to www.simplycircle.com and sign up. Invite code is SM97KH

Next Youth Group Meeting; April 24, following 11:00 Worship

Thanks to God and to our Calvary Family

& Friends for everything!

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Our Church Family: Jan and Pastor Ambrose

Ron Bair§

Sherry Baldwin

Irv Baumgardner

Doris Beitzel§

Russ Blank §

Mike Busser

Jeff Byers

Rickey Cox

Althea Crone §

Leroy Crone

Norma Diehl

Floyd Drawbaugh

Miriam Ehrhart

Jane English

Charlotte Escobar

Scott Evans

Eileen Fadely

Marcia Feehan

Helen Fischer§

Garrett Harlacher

Pat Herman

Janet Laughman§

Nancy Little

Tom Luchka

Don Marsden

June May

Stephen McWilliams

Dave Quickel

Cheryl Reese

John and Pat Rodgers

Owen Ryan

Donna Senft§

Kim Shaw

Lois Slothower

Ralph Slothower §

Angela Small

Ruth Smeltzer

Lee & Charlotte Snyder

Art§ & Helen Weigel

Louise Yingling

Bill and Marlene Zech

Barbara and Clair Zinn

Rev. John Woods, (Our Pastor)

Aaron Laird, (Our Youth Director)

Bishop James Dunlop (Lower Susquehanna Synod)

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (ELCA)

Derrick Matthews & Family (Missionary)

§ Shut-In

From the Community:

John Allen

Ruby Aliese Alley

Jamie Arbaugh

Ryan Arevalo and Family

Kathy Arnold

Betty & Family (sister of

Sue Goodwin)

Steve Barkdoll

Sarah Black

Glen Brosius

Jake Calhoun

Kori Chronister

Jayden Coval

Stephanie Cox

Marie Crawford

Sheila Crist

Kevin Crone

Louella Deardorff

Bob Dentler

Natalie Dentler

Richard Dressler

Rita Erney

Jacinda Frigm

Gilbert (our sponsored child)

Susanne Gray

Charlene Gross

Mary Lou Gross

Rita Heilmann

Ashlie Hilbert

Maddie Hill and Family

Ethan Hollifield

Joann Kauffman

Pastor Gregory Lindsey

Paula Little

Laura Little Livingston

Brooklyn Loucks

Travis Luchka

Pat Mc Evoy

Cindy Marco

Bernard Marine

Michael Martin

Donald Miller

Nancy Moser

Fred Peterson

Ashlyn Poff & Family

Barbara Poulin

Kandis T. Prato

Kevin T. Prato

Don Reed & Family

Wayne Reich

John Rockafello

Taiven Schopf

Sandy Shellenberger

Kim Shelley

Lee Snelbecker

Ralfiael Sontoago

Bill Stamm

Cori Strathmeyer and Family

Cathy Strine and Family

Kathy Tolbert

Brad Trimmer

Grace Trimmer§

Michelle Weber

Dorothy Wolk

New Hope Ministries


Brody Black

Mike Blaszczyk

Jason Kelly

MAJ Clair Kling

Brandon Krantz

Ryan Kules

LTC Jimmy Matthews

PFC Jefferson P. Miller

CPT Seth Reed

Joshua Shearer

Military Overseas

Please take a few

moments to look over the


and if you know of any changes that

need to be made, please contact Zina

Compton 586-2718

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The week ahead at Calvary. . . Friday, April 1...Psalm 150, 1 Samuel 17:19-32, Acts 5:17-26 Retreat begins at Camp Joy-El, Chambersburg and continues through Sunday, April 3) Saturday, April 2...Psalm 150, 1 Samuel 17:32-51, Luke 24:36-40 Sunday, April 3...Acts 5:27-32, Psalm 118:14-29, Psalm 150, Revelation 1:4-8, John 20:19-31 10:00 AM One Worship Service at 10:00 am today at Calvary Monday , April 4…Psalm 122, Esther 7:1-10, Revelation 1:9-20 6:30 PM Christian Ed Meeting, Room 8 7:00 PM Worship & Music Meeting, Youth Room Tuesday , April 5 …Psalm 122, Esther 8:1-17, Revelation 2:8-11 7:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting, Parish House Wednesday , April 6 ...Psalm 122, Esther 8:1-5, 18-23, Luke 12:4-12 Preschool Wonderful Wednesday 6:00 PM Girl Scouts, Social Hall 6:30 PM Bible Study, Youth Room (unless otherwise advised by Pastor John) Thursday, April 7...Psalm 30, Isaiah 5:11-17, Revelation 3:14-22 6:45 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal (unless otherwise advised by Director, Miriam Ehrhart) 8:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal (unless otherwise advised by Director, Jennifer McCleary) Friday, April 8 ...Psalm 30, Isaiah 6:1-4, Revelation 4:1-11 Saturday, April 9...Psalm 30, Genesis 18:1-8, Luke 14:12-14 10:00 AM Crossroad Rehearsal (unless otherwise advised by Director, Suzanne Tilley) Sunday, April 10 ...Acts 9:1-6[7-20], Psalm 30, Revelation 5:11-14, John 21:1-19 8:30 AM Traditional Worship with Holy Communion, Welcome new members Gus & Jeanne Gerstle 9:40 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal, Room #5, (unless otherwise advised by Director, Jennifer McCleary) 10:00 AM Sunday School For All Ages 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion, Praise Band: Crossroads SH Reserved PM

Commemorations for this week. . . Benedict the African, confessor, died 1589

Monday, April 04, 2016

Born a slave on the island of Sicily, Benedict lived as a hermit until the pope ordered all hermits to attach

themselves to a monastery, at which time Benedict joined the Franciscans. Though illiterate, he was highly

respected as a confessor and later superior of his community.

Albrecht Dürer, died 1528; Matthias Grünewald, died 1529; Lucas Cranach, died 1553; artists

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

These great artists revealed through their work the mystery of salvation and the wonder of creation. Dürer's work

reflected the apocalyptic spirit of his time. Though he remained a Roman Catholic, he was sympathetic to Martin

Luther's reforming work. Grünewald's paintings are known for their dramatic forms, vivid colors, and depiction of

light. Cranach's work includes many fine religious examples and several portraits of Martin Luther. Cranach was

also widely known for his woodcuts.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian, died 1945

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Bonhoeffer was a German theologian who wrote profoundly, yet in an accessible manner. In the Second World

War, he became a leader of the Confessing Church in Germany that resisted the Nazi movement. Linked to a plot to

kill Hitler, he was hanged shortly before the end of the war.

April 23-Relay Recess to benefit American Cancer Society, April 24 Preschool Sings at 11:00 Service!

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8:30 AM


11:00 AM




10:00 A.M.

Karena Strain Eden Dusich

Christy Harlacher Chris Harlacher


Shirley & Carl Gross

Elaine Byers Jeff Byers

Ken Gentzler Pat Gentzler

Bob Snelbecker Stefanie Crone Donna Sharp

Mel Sharp


Janie Paff Carl Gross

Wes Bridge Need one Volunteer

Zina Compton Ludwig Kardos Worship Asst. Cheryl Reigart

Steph Hake Steph Hake Acolyte Steph Hake

Bobbi Gorman D. J. Heinle Lay Reader

Brad Brosius

Ben Myers Karen Myers

Carl Gross

Heather Callaghan Deb Harlacher

Offering Tellers

Jenni Melhorn Michael Melhorn

Blair English

Eden Dusich Samantha Schrum Nursery Attendant

Ann & Wes Bridge Becky Snelbecker Altar Guild

Zita Smith

Comm. Elements





Gift Card Table

Altar Flowers


Bulletin Sponsor

Jane English

Carolyn & Irv Baumgardner

Steph Hake

Gerald Markle, Sam Herman

In Celebration of Craig & Lauren’s Wedding Anniversary by Mom, Dad, Evelyn, Carter,

Alyssa & Derrick

In Celebration of the April 14th Birthdays of Ruthanna Heiner and Her Granddaughter

and Her Great-Granddaughter

Bob Snelbecker

Steph Hake


Louise Yingling

In Celebration of Kaidence Smith’s Birthday by Mom, Dad, Willow, Eden

Grandma and Grandpa

In Celebration of Lauren Hoffhein’s Birthday by Mom, Dad, Craig, Evelyn, Carter,

Alyssa & Derrick

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CALVARY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH of DOVER, PA 9 North Main Street, Dover, Pennsylvania 17315

Office phone: 717-292-3891

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: calvarylutherandover.org

Pastoral Emergencies: Pastor Woods, 717-891-5503

COMMUNION We invite all baptized believers in Jesus Christ as Lord

and Savior to commune with us this morning. If you are unable to come forward for the sacrament,

please bring this to the attention of an usher and communion will be brought to you.


We at Calvary believe God wants our congregation to exist in order to reflect God’s love through our actions, programs and image; to reach out to our family,

the community and the world; to provide moral and spiritual leadership. We are called to grow and adjust with the times to make the Gospel

relevant for contemporary society.


Pastor: The Rev. John M. Woods

Church Organist/Crossroads Director: Mrs. Suzanne Tilley

Assistant Organist: Mr. Jeffrey Byers

Hand Bell Choir Director: Ms. Miriam Ehrhart

Assistant Handbell Choir Director: Jenni Melhorn

Adult & Youth Choirs Director: Mrs. Jennifer Fadely McCleary

Youth Chimes Director: Mrs. Marcia Feehan

Youth Director: Mr. Aaron Laird

Sexton: Mr. Melvin Sharp

Treasurer: Mr. Sam Herman, Ms. Deb Harlacher

Financial Secretary: Mr. Tim Herman, Ms. Deb Harlacher

Pre-School Director : Mrs. Deb Latchaw

Office Administrator: Mrs. Deanna Laird

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VBS 2016…CAVE QUEST…Following Jesus, The Light of The World! July 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 from

6 pm – 8:30 pm. Last Monday night was the first 2016 Vacation Bible School meeting. Lots of great ideas went round and we came up with a

first list of things we are asking you to donate to make this another great VBS year. As you know we attract a lot of children

from the community and for some this is their first (or once annual) opportunity for exposure to a Christian environment-

this is the main reason that we try so hard to make this worship experience memorable for them. So here we go…please

help us turn the first floor hall and social hall into the best cave ever! A successful VBS takes PEOPLE, TIME and SUP-

PORT-we need YOUR help, please!!!

In addition to the list below of donations needed-we really need CREW LEADERS…these are the people who escort the

children from one area to another throughout the evening. If you are 18/over-you will need clearances (which are now

free). You do not have to be there every night-we will take your help any day(s) you can be there!

Donations needed (what we don’t have by the end of April, we will have to buy, so we are also accepting monetary donations

for VBS supplies)…contact Diane Brosius, Aaron Laird or Deanna in the church office if you can donate any of the follow-


Gift cards to Giant or Weis (to purchase food/snacks for the week) these may be given to Sandy Dehoff or Don-

na Sharp

6 ft. – 9 ft. expandable tension (shower or curtain) rods-as long as they “work” we don’t care about the design/

color-we need a lot of these, and we would like to keep them for future use!

Rolls of brown craft paper (lots-after all, we are making a cave)

Snack size zip lock bags

Glow in the dark chalk

Fake bats (the creatures, not the sport stick)…I stress the word fake here.

Some of the battery operated candles, mostly small tea light size.

If anyone has access to or a contact for spray foam, please contact Diane(891-7747) or Aaron (577-9594).

We need to borrow some black lights.

We will announce the first props work night soon. And we would love to have you help us make our props-if you can’t come

to VBS week, here is your opportunity to still be part of the action!

We are so looking forward to summer and VBS!!!

Cave Quest VBS will be July 24th through July 29th

6:00 PM—8:30 PM If you have never have helped before please consider helping out this year or coming to

see our closing program. All volunteers need their clearances,

see Diane Brosius for more information or to volunteer.


You Can Now Register Online At:
