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  • 8/9/2019 Read Daily Meditation


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  • 8/9/2019 Read Daily Meditation



  • 8/9/2019 Read Daily Meditation


    yyyyy fastestthinginthis world. Ifthereisthundersomewhere, we canseetheflash withina

    second, becausethespeed oflightis very fast. Forexample,a bicycleis very slow,and anairplaneis muchfaster. Everyone knowsthatthespeed oflightis very fast, but Buddhasand

    Bodhisattvasarefasterthan light. However,they neverneed to movephysically

    A Buddhaisevenfaster,so that ordinary people

    Meditationis like refuelingand recharginga carto keepit running; orit's likehavingto eatto

    gainenergy to keep working. Since wehaveto eatas muchas we canevery day to remainhealthy and beableto go on working, weshould also recharge oursouls withenergy so that we

    can do greatthings. Why do we wantto do greatthings? It'snot because we wantfame or regardourselvesasa big deal, but because weseetoo muchinjusticeinthis world. Somepeoplesuffer

    too much. Somepeople can'tenjoy human values oreventhe basic dignity ofbeinghuman.Peopletreateach other likesavages. That's why we wantto helpthe world. In orderto helptheworld, wehaveto cultivate ourselvesfirst,practice diligently and bestrict on ourselves,then

    we'll know how to do it. Otherwise, we won't beableto do itevenifwe wishto

    Enlightened Masters' doesn't mean youjustsitthere likeastatue. Youhaveto really

    reconnect with God first;thenthat'sthetrue meditation. Oncethat'stakenplace, yourbeingis changed forever.You becomeapeaceful example ofa walking God onthis

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    planet. ;every millennium isagolden millennium. It depends on what wefeel insideandhow weseethe world outside. When we develop our wisdom eye, weseethings

    differently. Every ageisagoldenage. Ifit'snot, wearenot developed spiritually,andevery ageisa darkage. No problem;forus,thegolden millennium isalready here.

    I don't know ifwe canhelp much. We can only do what we can, what ourability and timeallow. The world is really big,and thesufferingisso great, butevenifwe can only do a

    little bit ofsomething,it's betterthannothing. And ifevery one ofthe world'speopledoesa little bit, like we do,thenthe world will really becomeaparadise. No one will be

    hungry atall

    it'salready too lateto reversethe wheel ofkarma. But we can minimizethem, lubricatethem by beingenlightened, by meditating ontheperfection ofthe Fatherevery day

    throughtheguidance ofateacher,throughinitiation. Then, we can minimizea lot ofthings. well spirituality, our karma will beerased,and we'll naturally recoverfrom our

    illnesses. That's long-lasting magicalpower. I'vealso taught youabout virtues,preceptsand the vegetarian diet,and that'seven moreeverlasting magical power, which will better

    and foreverprotectthe body and spirit,and we'll nothaveto suffer many illnesses. So Ihope you'll erase your own karmathrough yourspiritual endeavor,and then many ofyour

    obstaclesand ailments will diminishnaturally!

    hole world to do it. Weshould do itfirst,and ifotherpeople do it,thenit'seven better. It's veryeasy! Ourgroupis very small. Ifsuchasmall groupas ours can do things likethatand everyone

    inthe biggergroup doesitand the whole world doesit,thenit'sno problem, really. We'll haveno fearand no need to go to Heaven.The best way to helpisto get yourselfenlightened,and

    once you'reenlightened,ifr youhave relativesand friends, you canevenpray forthem better.Because you cantell God what you want. God also knows what you want, but you don't know

    God. You don't know what God wants. That'stheproblem. That's why manyprayersarenot

    answered. God answers but we don'thear because God talksinasubtle language. Wehavetoquiet downin orderto receiveit. We call this meditation, contemplation or quietprayer. But wehaveto open our contact with God first. Wehaveto plug backin, reconnectthetelephone. Then

    we cantalkto Hirm,and we can receivetheanswer. Now God tellsusto do onething,and we doanother. Because wearen't connected,that'stheproblem inthis world.

    u don't do anything,peoplesee youand they feel peace. They wantto bearound you. They wantto takeadvicefrom you. They wantto learnfrom yourexample. And that'show the world will

    becomepeaceful. It's very logical,nothing mysterious. placesarenotfarfrom you--they'reinside you. Just concentrate ontheinner world,and one day you will see better.seetheiractions

    whenthey comeand go. Thus, we call them tathagatas. Thereforeitissaid, Zenis withinwalking, living,sitting,and sleepingTherefore,a balanced lifeisthe Tao;an ordinary mind isthe

    Tao. Weshould not craveforanything. Cravingto becomea Saint quickly isalso a kind ofgreediness. We oughtto be moderatein whatever we do. How can you demand anewborn babyto ridea bicycle? You may beanxiousto seehim grow upand becomea capableperson, but you

    mustnot rushhim. He cannoteven walksteadily,so how can youaskhim to run? Evenifheforceshimselfto run,he will soonfall down. Whenatoddler learningto walktriesto run, won't

    hefall downinjustafew steps? Asa result,he will breakhisnoseand injurehis body,allbecauseheistoo anxious.seetheiractions whenthey comeand go. Thus, we call them

    tathagatas. Thereforeitissaid, Zenis within walking, living,sitting,and sleepingreachthetop.

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    Thispath mustinclude contemplation oftheinner Light,and oftheinner vibrationthatthe Biblecallsthe Word.

    So, wegetin contact withthis Spirit, whichisa manifestation ofDivine Lightand vibration,andby doingso, we know God. Infact,itisn't really a method. It'sthepower ofthe Master. Ifyou

    haveit,then you cantransmitit. The Method isatranscendental onethat cannot be described by

    our language. Evenifsomeone describesitto you, you won't receivethe Lightand the vibration,theinnerpeaceand Wisdom. Everythingistransmitted insilence,and you'll see your oldMasters like Jesus or Buddha. You'll receiveall that youneed to follow intheirfootsteps,and

    little by little you'll become Christ-like,and you'll become one with God.

    I thought I would share with youa littlesecrettechniquethat I've learned and mastered,and

    maybeit canhelp youuse your owngreatestpowerto help yourself, yourfriends, your relatives,yournationand greatest ofall,the wholeuniverse. Because I'veseen with my awakened eyes

    thatall beingsintheuniverseare linked together. We'reall ofthesameessence, we're only one. Ihaven't read itfrom books only; I'veseenit. Therefore,ifyouthinkthat you'restill in misery,

    that your lifeisn'tsmoothenough,that God hasforsaken you,and that youhaven'tseen God withyour owneyes,thenplease letushelp youfind God

    You cansitinatrain,ina bus,inapark,anywhere,and you can beintune with God'spower.

    Youfeel theprotectionand you cansee God faceto face. You may bein contact with Jesus,Buddha or whomever you love mostin yourheart. They'll appearto you,and they may teach you

    something,they mayprotect you,guide youand hold yourhand so your life will neveragain belonely. Buteventhisisnotthehigheststate. Thehigheststateisthat you become like Jesus,and

    then youhaveall thepowerto savethe world and to besafefrom the misery and the round ofbirthand death. You becomeall-wise,all-knowingand omnipresent.concentrate yourselfin order

    to contactthis Heavenly God power or Light withinand heartheinner Word orthe Word ofGodwithin. That's basically theso-called method. Butto do so I don'tuseany language. I may talkto

    youand explainto youall different kinds ofHeavenly scenery, or different levels of

    consciousness,and so wherever youare, you may know what your level is. I may explainallthese outerthings, butthe method istransmitted in completesilence. When I'm silent,that'swhen I transmititto you,and then you'll seethe Lightand hearthe Sound. And now that I'm

    talking, youseenothing,and youhearnothing. So the method isactually no method. It'sthetransmission oftheinnerpowerfrompersonto person,from heartto heart. Thereforein Zen we

    call it "Ying Hsin" (Chinese). It means "heartstamp." "Heart" means ourpower, ourinnerWisdom,notthisphysical heart. Thereforethere'sno method to talkabout really,exceptthat

    when you'rein contact with God, you cantransmitit. Heallows youto. Butthen whateveritisyousee, you'll getenlightened. You'll seethe Light, you'll hearthe Sound, you'll seesome

    Heavenly abodes. You may see Jesus, you may see Buddha. You may learn withthem somethingoftheancient Wisdom. And that'sa benefit ofthe method,asuccessfrom the method, butthe

    method itselfisno method. It's only thesilenttransmission ofthe Light.


    Sincetimeimmemorial, music has beena mustto humankind. Evenanimalsfeel attracted tomusic and plantsaresupposed to grow faster withit. Thus,ifthe outer melody isso importantto

    all our lives,theinner Celestial, wondrous Sound iseven moreenchanting,and full ofgraceandblessing.

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    Thefetus, whileinthe mother's womb eatsnothing. Insidethere'sno air,no sunlightand hedoesn'tseem to mind atall. The reasonisthathe'sin contact withtheinner wondrous Sound,the

    source ofall love, blissand power. Thefetusgrowsatanincrediblepaceundersuch conditions,and ifit wereto continue,he would beastall asthesky afterhe was born. Butafterhis birth,he's

    disconnected from this vibration,and he criesatthefirst contact withthe outer world. No child

    hasever been born laughing. It's becausehefeelsagreat lossasthe Sound issevered from him.

    Therearetwo kinds ofsound: the worldly sound,and thesupra-worldly Sound. The worldlysound is very importantto oursensual and mental comfort, butthesupra-worldly Sound draws

    us backto God.This Word or divine vibrationis mentioned inall religions. We call it Yin,andothers call itthe Celestial Music,the Logos,the Tao,etc. It vibrates withinall lifeand sustains

    the wholeuniverse. Thisinner melody canheal all wounds,fulfill all desiresand quenchallworldly thirst. It'sall-powerful and all-love. It's because we're made ofthis Sound that contact

    withit bringspeaceand contentmentto ourheart. After listeningto this Sound, our whole beingchanges,and ourentire outlook on lifeisgreatly altered forthe better. The wondrous vibration

    will cleanse offall undesirabletraces of'original sin' or what others call 'karma.' It's likeamighty river carryingalong withits currentall ugly garbage

    Divine Sound?

    M. The Lightis meantto show usthe way backto God,and the Sound is meantto pull youupward. It's likethe lightand theengine ofa car;the lightisto show youthe road,theengineisto take you onthe road. Whoeverasked this question musthavesomeexperiencealready.

    Do youpracticethe Lightand Sound? Who's your Master? Do you wantto say? An IndianMaster? You don't know hisname?

    But what can I do for you? Why don't you bless yourselfwith your own God powerand getthe

    blessingevery day and forever,instead ofjust once by the blessingfrom my hand, my feet, my

    eyes, or whatever? It'sshort-lived and it's borrowed. Itis betterto earn your own money,investit,and becomea millionaireinno time. The best blessingis your own blessing. When youdevelop yourselfmorally,inpurity,and intellectually,then you will have wisdom. You will

    know that God is within you. You can contactthat God and get blessed every day,unasked,andinplenty. Ifyougetfed up with your blessing,then you cangiveitto someoneelse.

    Bypracticingthe Quan Yin Method, we change ourspiritual condition, conceptsand wisdom,and also our bodily organsand cells, which become refreshed and purged oftoxins. Ifwehave

    no timeto meditate,these changes will nottakeplace. Ifweare busy workinghard forthe

    multitude, or when wearetoo exhausted,these changesarenot discernible. Otherwise,eachtimewe meditate,all our cellsare renewed;therefore, wesay "returnto childhood". We become

    youngernot only in mentality, butin body as well. Wefeel healthier, our body becomes moresupple,and ourskin moretender. Asall toxic substancesareeliminated, we look betterand

    bettereach day

    Our owninner Masterhasgreat wisdom. Hes knows what weshould useand what weshoulddo to avoid causingharm to ourselves,interveningin otherpeople'saffairs,and messing withthe

    law ofthis world. Thisis differentthanthe very limited miraculouspower registered in ourminds. Ifwe know certain miraculouspowers,thenthatisall wehave. Ifwe derive miraculous

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    powers bypracticingthe Quan Yin Method,thentheseareinconceivableand we canusedifferentpowersunder different circumstances.

    outside contact. Insideis when you meditate, you mightseethe Masterhelping, or you may seelight,and feel good, comfortableand blissful. You will feel your wisdom growing moreand

    moreeach day,and that your loveexpandsto infinity. Thatis when you know thatthe method issuccessful,is very useful. Otherwise,how do you measureit,ifeveryonetells youto do

    something,to close youreyesand believeit,and offers youno proof? Proof, we mustgive you.Proof, you must demand. And you will haveitatthetime ofinitiation,immediately and

    continually afterwards,every day. You will experience miraclesfor yourself, when youareintrouble, when youhaveanaccident, when youhaveno oneto turnto. Thatis when you know

    God'spower. Thatis when you know you love God. Thatishow you know that God isprotectingand loving you. Otherwise,how do you know? How do we know that God exists!

    Whatistheuse ofGod when we don'tsee Him, or don'tseetheprotectionand help when weareinneed? We mustfeel thatsomeoneisthere. So,thatishow you worship God,even moreasa

    Christian,afterpractisingthe Quan Yin method, because we will know what God knows, wesee,wefeel, weexperiencetheprotection,the blessingpowerevery moment ofour life.

    Anything canhappen when youencountera Master. Forexample,ifsomeoneseesa Master only

    onthestreetand looksattheeyesfor onefraction ofasecond,evenjust onefraction ofasecond,then whenthatperson dies,the Master will helphim also. Beginningfrom that day,his karma

    will slowly be changed;the Mastertriesto purify thatpersonuntil deathand then will takehimto heaven

    M: Yes,it'strue. Every Mastersaysthat. Jesusisthename ofHis body,and Christis Histitle.Every Mastershould have His Christpower;therefore,inasense, Jesusnever died. Jesus worksthroughall the Mastersthroughoutthe centuries,throughouttheages,to liberateand enlighten

    us,theignorant, who arestill left behind. Jesusalone cannotenlightenusifHeisgone. Of

    course, He canto some degree, but wearehuman. We can'tgetintouch with Him when Heisinahighersphere;therefore,aphysical Masterisnecessary. Butthe Christpower worksthroughany physical Master who is destined orposted to beatthattime;therefore, when Jesussaid He

    wasthe only way and the only one, Hespoketheabsolutetruth, butso doesany Master, whenthe Masterisalive.

    M. Initiationisthe moment ofconnection with God within you. Afterward, you

    arealways connected and see God every day

    So your body,speechand mind youshould adjustaccordingto God's virtue, what

    He means, because you wantto become God, you wantto become I and my Father

    are one. Now you may wonderifGod gambled or God drankany liquor or Godhad any,so many terribleadulteries or,how to say,all kinds oflower desires,

    yeah? Ifwe wantto become one with God, ofcourse wehaveto lift our own body,

    speechand mind to match His. So,thisisthe condition. Youshould be vegetarian,

    that'sall,and be chasteinspeech, body and mind, be lovingand not violent That'sall.

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    fight with yourself.

    Think likea Buddha (Enlightened Master), behave likea Buddha,and speak likea Buddha,and

    youarea Buddha

    A: All through ourprevious lives, our mind has recorded many darkthoughtsand wrong

    conceptionsthat cannot beerased inashorttime. Infact, wehavetwo kinds offorces within.Oneispositive,and the otherisnegative. Thisisthe cause ofourinnerstruggles. Wepracticethe Quan Yin Method to develop ourpositivepower. As longas we canpractice methodically

    and persistently,and communicate withthehighest Powerevery day,the God Power within willblessusand cleanseall our darkthoughts

    We mighthavefear, we mighthaveemotion, but we can withdraw itanytime, or we can makeuse ofthefear oremotionforthe benefit ofother beings. Afterenlightenment,all thefeelings ortheemotionsarestill there because weare madeto havethesein orderto usethem to understand

    other brothersand sisters. Ifyouhaveno feeling,no emotion,how can youunderstand humanbeings? How can youhelpthem? Butthefears ofthe Mastersare different

    : Thesamethingthat makes youequal with othergreat masters makes meequal. All ofusareequal. Youareasgreatas Jesusand Buddha-ifyou wantto be,ifyou know where your

    greatnessis. I know;that's what makes megreat. Ifyou don't know, okay it'sfine. Ifyou wanttoknow, you will beasgreatasany.Theso-called "magical powers" imply chanting mantras,hand

    mudras, willpower, or curingillness by touching certainparts ofthe body. Thesearestill atthelevel ofthe body,speech,and mind. Magicalpoweratany level derived from the body,speech

    and mind still consists ofthe "ego" and is withinthethree realms. Whenthese magicalpowerswithinthethree realmsare beingexercised, only onephenomenon or one response can be

    affected eachtime. Forexample, when youaskforthe wind and rain you will only getthe windand rain. You can only cureasickness when you wantto cure one. However, whenthe Masteris

    blessing,thereisn'tany concept of"I am blessing you." Everythingis beinggenerated naturallyand withoutany deliberateaction,justasnaturally ashavinga meal and drinking water. Butall

    those who are blessed will receivea corresponding response ofenlightenmentaccordingto theirneeds. Thisisthe "egoless" magical power ofthe Master

    Ifwhat you wanthasanythingto do withpolitical orsocial changeinthe world,it'sa little bit

    difficult. But concerning your ownambition or your ownfun,it'snotthat difficult, really. Just doit withall yoursincerity and all your wishto succeed,and then you'll getit. Most ofthetime,

    we're miserable because we can'tsucceed in what we wantto do and because wehavefear.Sometimes you loveaperson but yousay, "Oh,he'stoo handsomefor me." Who knows? Maybe

    you'retoo beautiful forhim! Younever know. I don'tencourage youto chasearound with boys.But, yousee,that's what makes our lives miserable: We don't believein ourselves,and we don't


    M: Do what you canthat's within yourpower. When you meditate, ofcourse yougenerategoodwill and blessingfor your country,and thenafter youget out ofmeditation youstill havethe

    blessingfrom thesamadhi;so whenever orwherever yougo people will feel peaceand harmonyaffectingthem suchthatinturnthey will react withthenextpersoninharmony and peace. That's

    how theplanet will become betterand betterand the country will become betterand better, butofcourse,everythingtakestime. It'sgood that you love your country, very good! We're doing

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    our besteverywhere

    The mostimportantthingsinthis life,in ourprinciples ofspiritual practice,are loving others,

    loving ourselvesand being liberated from all hatred,prejudice, criticizingattitudesand negativethinking. And once you'realready liberated inthis lifetime, you'll surely go to ahigher level.

    Becausethesearethenegativethings,the burdensthat bind usto thisphysical world or withinthe Three Worlds. Ifwehavenone ofthat, we're liberated while living. That's mostimportant,

    not visions orsounds. Theseare only thefood to support our well-being.

    Wehavesucha business mind thatthe Masterhas

    to cuta deal withus,and say "Okay" likein business, "Yougo uphereand you will havethis;yougo upthereand youhavethat." Butifwe really arepractitioners, we careforno levels. We

    just know that weare very sincereand we workfor ourimprovementso that we becomeanoblebeing,a real being. Weneed to beanobleand real being, very good, loving, compassionate,and

    wise. That's what weneed to be. And the more we workat ourhomework,the betterand quickerwe becomethat being. That'sall thereis; levelsand positionsare only for outsidepeople. We

    haveno need to worry aboutthat. So it'snotjustthe Holy Namesthat bring youto the Kingdom.It'sthesoul. Iftheperson really wantsit,thenthe Master can do anything. Even without

    initiation,the Master cantakethem. They don'tneed initiation. People withthe ConvenientMethod cango upto Heaven. Forpeople who justseethe Master onetimeand thenarepraying

    intheirheartatthetime ofdeath,the Master comes

    So it'snotjustthe Holy Namesthat bring youto the Kingdom. It'sthesoul. Iftheperson reallywantsit,thenthe Master can do anything. Even withoutinitiation,the Master cantakethem.

    They don'tneed initiation. People withthe Convenient Method cango upto Heaven. Forpeoplewho justseethe Master onetimeand thenareprayingintheirheartatthetime ofdeath,the

    Master comes

    weshould keep our mindssimpleand weshould not craveanunattained level to avoid such

    obstacles. Rememberto silently recitethe Holy Namesatallpossibletimes. Focus yourattentiononthe wisdom eye, recitethe Holy Names,and askthe Inner Masterforhelpifyouare

    disturbed. Before you meditate, makesurethereareno uninitiated peoplearound and recitealoud the Holy Namesforaboutanhour. No matter what youthink, do,speak orhear, makesure

    itis only good and noble. Havepositiveand brightthoughts,and then you will attract onlygoodnessto yourself. Ifyou meditate moreseriously,it will help youto exceed the low levelinfluences more quickly. = I oncetold youastory aboutan Indian woman who received

    immense blessings. Perhapsshehad just returned from aseven-day retreat. She remained elatedevery day. Whenevershe was making chapatis (round Indianflat bread),shefell unconscious;

    hersoul would fly outand leaveher body behind. Theflour would fall all overtheplaceand herwhole body would bestained withflourand become white. Things werestrewnaround,thepan

    infrontand the chopsticks behind. You know that kind ofsituation. Or maybeno one does

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    = When wepracticespirituality, weshould check on ourselves,instead ofkeeping oureyes onothers. Weshould lookafterhow much courage wehave,and whether ourfaithisstrong. We

    don'thaveto lookathow well orpoorly othersarepracticing. Itisenoughalready to lookatourselves. Each day wetake care ofour courage, our conductasagreathuman,and ourfaithin

    thespiritualpath (Tao),notallowingthem to diminish, waver, or be destroyed. Thisis our


    = Ifany fellow practitionerputsthe Truthfirstand this mundane world second,he will beliberated forsure,no matterhow quickly orslowly heprogressesinhisspiritualpractice, orhow

    much or lesshisexperiencesare. Thisisthe best way to measureit. The world exists only forthepurpose oftyingus down. All thepleasures,anger,griefand happinessinthis world arethereto

    test our confidenceand courage, ourattitudeasgreathumans,and ourfaithinthe Tao.

    = So ifyou wantto bea Saint, youshould clearly understand thatany unfavorable conditionisthereto testus. Weshould live on bravely. Evenifitis very painful,things will get betterina

    couple ofdays. The darkestand longestnight will only lasttill thenext morning. Thenightcannot lastforever;neither can oursuffering. We musthave learned this lessonasa child,thatno

    painful situation will lastforever. Eventhe mostpainful situation will not lasttoo long. Thehappy situation will lasteven lesstime. So this world offersnothingforusto hold onto,nothing

    forusto becomeattached to!

    Weshouldn'tand we don'thaveto change our way oflife. Wejusthaveto adjustto a correct

    way oflife. Wejusthaveto add more lightinto ourspirit. It'sjust likenow, weadd electric lightsto our daily use. Once wehave discovered electricity, we canuseitin many, many ways. We can

    havetelevision, radio, light, refrigerator,etc. Everything we want,itisavailable.

    Electricity wasnottheinvention ofmankind. It wasjusta discovery. Similarly,enlightenmentisnotaninvention ofBuddha or Christ orit'snotagiftfrom any master. It

    isa birth-right,itisaninheritance withinall ofus. Each moment we wantto haveit,provided wehaveanexperienced friend to show usthefirsttimehow to do it,then we

    haveit;and we canhaveitall thetimespiritual power or differentenergy from differentpeople. Sometimes yougo outto eatinsome restaurant orsomewhere,and eventhoughit

    looks cl o ean, youstill feel dirty. Thatistheenergy;there'ssome blessingpowerthat'smissing. So a lot ofpeople bringfood to thetemple orto the churchto askthepriest or

    the commissioner,thenun orthe monk,to blessthem. This doeshavesomeeffect,eventhoughthese monksand nuns, maybethey arenot reallypracticing Quan Yin oranything.

    Butthey aresincere,they'repureand they havesome blessingpower. So it does work,tosomeextent, butnotas well as withanenlightened person, ofcourse. Butit's betterthan

    nothing, likethe Japanesescientistshowed. And when yousay to someone, "Oh, blessyourheart!" or, "May God bless you," it really hasaneffect. So, do say thesethings. Do

    wishpeople well.

    . Ifwetruly know how to reach Hirm withinand askfor Hiershelp, Hes will helpusineveryaspect. Hes will try all kinds ofmethodsto helpus,through many peopleand varioussituations.

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    Mostpeople only lookfor God from the outside,so they havenotfound the real God. Therefore,theirprayersaren'tanswered. All theteachingsand storiesthat I tell youarethepersonal

    experiences ofmeand my disciples. I don'tgetthem by reading books orthescriptures. I havealready experienced thegreatness ofGod; I havefound out where Hesis; I cansee Hirm every

    day. Therefore, I canguaranteethatall thesethingsaregenuine

    whenthey go outto fightin battle, do you know what kind ofmusic they giveto people?

    It'snot "I love you!" oranything likethat, but "Bong! Bong! Bong! ... Boom! Boom!Boom!" All kinds ofdeathly tunesand aggressive melodiesaregivento thesoldiers. So

    they just marchand marchand then die blindly. Becausethat'sthetime whenthey wantto kill,they'reinthe mood to kill. So music is very important, ofcourse.. Ifyou kill him,

    his wife might kill you, orhis daughter orson. It will continueforever. So we'd betterlove ourenemy. It'sthe best way to kill him! (Laughter) Ifyou love yourenemy,he or

    she becomes yourfriend. Thentheenemy'sgoneforgood. And youhave morefriends:from hisfamily: his wife,his kids,his relativesand hisfriendsas well. Make onefriend

    and youhave many friends. Make oneenemy and you make many enemies. So we losebusiness'ifwehatetheenemy.

    It's likeseeing God walkingall overthe country. This doesn't only affect your country;it

    will affectthe whole world. There will beno more war. There will be more love, morepeace, moreabundantfood and morenecessitiesforeveryone,notjustforthisnation.

    The blessings will beshared moreequally. So evenifthis country is very prosperousandpeaceful, westill should think more ofthe world.We must be connected withthis God

    powerfirst. Then whatever wethink will cometrue, whatever we want will cometrue. Atthe moment, we wantsomething but we don'thaveanythingto backitup. Just like we

    wantto buy a dress, or we wantto buy shoes, but we don'thave money inthe bank. Havemoney inthe bankfirst,thenanythingelse you wantweshould sharethegood

    atmosphere obtained throughpracticeto helppurify thehearts ofothers. Therefore we

    should not mind that our relativesand spousesarenotinitiated, but rather weneed toshow more loveand patience,sharing withthem any merits wehavegained from ourspiritualpractice. It will befineforusifwe meditate more. Ifwe only careabout our

    level ofpracticeand do nothave compassionand loveforeven our dearest relatives,thenweareno longer Truthpractitioners.

    . Kill theenemy by makingthem becomeafriend,and thenthey areanenemy no more.There'sno oneinthis world you can't overcome with kindnessand loveunlessthey'recuckoo orsomething. Butthey will still feel your kindnessand love. So that'sthe only

    way we can returntheirattack: with kindness, love, recitingthe Holy Namesand prayer.when you love God. Then you love withoutattachment becausethereisnothingto be

    attached to. You don'tgain what wegain materially asinthis world. Youjustgain bliss,happinessand contentment. You cannot beattached to something whenthereisnothing

    there. The more you love God,the more relaxed and non-attached you become. Butstillyou can lovepeopleinthis world because yourheartis large. A heartthatis large can

    includeanyone,evenenemies; otherwise,itis difficultto love yourenemy. . Ourspeechshould only concern moral thingsthatguidepeopleto goodness. In our minds, weshould

    wishforthe well being ofothersand pray for world peace.

    , weshould concentrate ourattention on our wisdom eyeinthe center ofourforehead,

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    and meditate orpray before retiring. Then we can cleansethe contaminated atmospherethat wehavegathered duringthe whole day,and protect ourselvesinpeacethe whole

