rdac brief

Recruiting District Assistance Council (RDAC) Kick-Off

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Post on 22-May-2015




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NRD Phoenix Recruiting Assistance District


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Recruiting District Assistance Council(RDAC)


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NRD Phoenix

Approx. 160 Enlisted recruitersApprox. 11 Officer recruiters

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Phoenix Area Stations

Approx. 15 Stations in Metro Phoenix Area

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Recruiting Challenges


QUALITY of Applicants Ongoing War Decrease in influencers Fluctuating Economy

Delayed Entry Time

Specific Challenges: Nuclear Field Reserve Medical

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Two-thirds of male target market does not qualify for Navy service.

Source: Lewin Group Study 2007 for disqualifying factors.

16M - 17 – 24 male target market

5.3M - qualified for military service

850,000 - propensed and qualifiedSource: W&P population estimates propensity JAMRS youth poll


It is not enough to just recruit those propensed … Navy Recruiters must interest the non-propensed.

17 – 24 Year Olds

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In FY-11, NRD PHX Enlisted 1,130 Sailors (Nation ~ 40,000) Commissioned 100+ Officers (Nation ~ 4,000)

Looking Forward

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Influencer’s Role

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What is the RDAC?• An excellent resource for Navy Recruiting Phoenix to tether the talents available in the civilian community to assist in the recruiting effort.•Assist new recruiters in integrating into the community.•“Open doors” and provide invaluable access, inroads and influence in the local community.•A valuable referral network.•Assist in the promotion and support of community special events.• Membership comprised of two-levels•Level One. serves as vital Centers of Influence in the broader RDAC network.•Level Two. The actual “working” organization (Chairperson and various committee membership)

“The main goal of RDAC is to open doors…not attend meetings”

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RDAC Objectives:• Diversity Committee:

In order to embrace the demographic changes of tomorrow, and build a Navy that always reflects the make up of the country.

NRD Phoenix is a reflection of a broad society that captures America’s proud diverse culture and history

• Membership Diversity is a leadership issue that requires the talent and innovation of all

RDAC members.

RDAC Engagement/Function Nurture diversity initiatives through community outreach, recruitment and

mentoring. Participate in events and groups to include: Affinity Chapter outreach,

creating pipelines and increasing awareness among influencers of diverse youth to Navy career opportunities.

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Women in Non-Traditional Ratings (WINR) Committee

Currently, 15.4 percent of the Navy enlisted force are females, and the Navy wants to increase that number to at least 20 percent.

• Membership Team Phoenix has partnered with NOSC Phoenix to leverage the unique talents of both officer and enlisted female sailors in the Navy Reserve. All RDAC members are invited and encouraged to support the continued development of this committee.

• RDAC Engagement/Function Assist in female Future Sailor Mentorship and High School/College outreach initiatives. Provide information that highlights a broad spectrum of career opportunities for women throughout all Navy communities.

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Science Technology Engineering and Math


Students' declining interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers adversely affects the future operations and capabilities of the U.S. Navy , posing a challenge to the country's economic health and national defense.

• Membership Education Faculty, Corporate Partners, Partnerships with “Best Practice”

programs (i.e. Carl Hayden First Robotics)

• RDAC Engagement/Function Engage students and build their STEM confidence and skills through

hands-on learning activities. (i.e. National Underwater Robotics Challenge, First Lego, )

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Social Medial and Public Relations Committee

The Navy uses social media to show the country what the heroes of the US Navy are doing on their ships and bases all over the world every day. Speed and transparency of information have increased, the roles of traditional and new media are changing, and social networking tools allow collaboration as never seen before. NRD Phoenix’s advertising budget suffered a $50,000 reduction of funds from the previous FY.

• Membership Public affairs and media professionals, corporate partners, NRD

advertising coordinator and PAO.

• RDAC Engagement/Function Develop a communications network that responsively exchanges

information and builds a relationship and in return trust through sharing and engaging topics of interest and upcoming events of interest.

Convey positive Navy outreach to include university listserv initiatives.

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Officer Interview and Collegiate Mentorship


• Membership Active, Reserve & Retired Officers (All specialties and communities)

RDAC Engagement/Function Evaluate accurately and impartially the characteristics of candidates to

determine potential as a commissioned officer and motivation toward service in the Navy and Navy Reserve.

Mentorship of on-campus Collegiates and NROTC applicants. Provide Officer career opportunity awareness and support to perspective

NROTC candidates and enrolled college students.

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NRD RDAC Support• Direct and Indirect Support:

– Provide training and mentorship for Officer interviewers.– Meeting location and conference room at NRD Phoenix.– Provide Navy Displays and manpower (with lead time.)– Provide recruiting literature and promotional devices.– Receptive to additional requests with emphasized need.

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Questions? & Contact Info



NavyRecruiting NRD Phoenix



[email protected]