ray campbell in fine fettle for bout with...you should kaow hand the coupon today. cail if you can...

2 fest modem outatrie room*, 35r to 50c. Stewart Houe*. Wml ? Stewart "? ATHLETIC PARK BASEBALL Today at 3 LADIES' DAY VICTORIA V». SEATTLt Ye*ler Car. Adml*elon 25c and 50c. RHEUMATISM Stomach Trouble, Kcaema and All EiHHrSulphurro at uun r hkwti \u25a0 IMKKI HBtN HAH WAY *K\TTI.R K) KVBI.I. TT Limited li.lna »?»\u2666». m ?»-> '»\u25ba » 1 " J.»«. t l«. ? ? ><? «?. H >? Lm.'til llt I >»\u25a0 > \u2666«?» <? JlO T 'A * »? » n 4S n t»> 4ftilv Tl.'k ! Off " \u25a0"???ill*, rtfih »». »?»' t\»ll«*< Own" X»t. AJ*» Drue Ht.'r*. ? Sth * *VII<EIT TO USATTt.K ? I.lmll»4 tr«tn« ! ? m 40« p m t.iv-iU uim. i H ? ?? ' ?? ? ??? VL '!:: It «? » m U « \u25a0»<"< > **i *.t*' 1 ' « 01. b **. « #«. T »«. ' »». » m ««><>> rllle* I p m FAririo nohthwviit rKACTtOfI co \u25a0 VBHETT. WASH SUMMER ICE Telephone Elliott 5560 For Ice rater \\> miaran tee fun *e!*ht and prompt delivery ICE DELIVERY CO "DENNY-RENTON" All Clay Products 1007 Hog« Bldf. ROBERTS rAHf-SAViNo ? ow* nun rK**ow»L iwvin n? \A i _*»* E? I Of. Ow rHe» fi rasaal llMllM imiUtrjr riim\< san miIXIK-WOU *SM HJITM «!*?* m.t i*o« *?< <»iD riixiKoa rh r.XT*Arri*o r*rr rtxtKiw rue* With (Xfcer Wark. EXAMINATION FKtR rti' ?? Kiiioii its* I DENTIST II Weak Nerves Made Strong /V ? «? wt Cures WhHc You Sleep Don't take another d'>ee of flrugs Tou know how they must upset your ?tomach and etuM had digestion Ton know th« many of dmii yet you go on taking tham for my try little pain or dlaorder. Just h»raoM you were taught that nothing «)?«? 4Mld Ctlff We btvc the natural war of curing disorder* and rhronlc ailment way nature does It ours with electricity The reason drugs don't cur* la be- cause they do not h*lp nature Kt- ture needs electricity. nourishment, something that build* up Dm* «««»? tain no nourishment?no ?lwtrtdty? lout poUon. which tear a down (>«r way of curing la to restore electricity where It la needed, and pain and dlaordara dleap pear That's baoauao electricity rlvee atrength. power to tha body, anabllng every or- gan to perform Ita work properly, and whan every organ !? In a atreng. healthy condition, thare can be no pain or lltMflftt Wear Klectra-Vlta while you elaep. It feoda a constant stream of eler trlHty to your narvaa. and they carry It to avary organ and tlasae of your body, reatorlng health and vim. flaturate your nervee with a glow- ing rurrent from E feet ra-Vita for a few hours earh night while yon elaep The ailing organa will raapond to Ita influence In the same way that an a I "'"trie rrvtor »t*rta whirling as soon as the power Is turned on Electra-Vlta la a aaif-charged body battary which generates a eteariy. on broken etream of galvanic electrify and Infuses It Into tha nerves In Just the right volume It builds op vital- ity aa<d strength, and curee ailments resulting from a debilitated state of the nerves and vital organe Rheumatlam. <«esieraJ Weakneee Cared I suffered wl»h rheumatism In dif- ferent parts of the body, nnklea. knees and arm*, for aeveral yars, also gen- eral debility Klectra Vita has cured me. raznoylng ev*ry sign of the pains, and I will rfadly recommend It Tours truly. W H M'CURDT. Kftftl 14th Av. S K . Seattle. Wash rume to ¥ot; Cut out this coupon and mall It to us for our free to page book about our treatment. Thle book contains plcturae of wall built, robust man and woman, showing how Electrat-Vita Is applied, and explains maun / thlnga you should kaow Hand the coupon today. Cail If you can Office houra. t a m. to t:t 0 p m. Hun day, II to 1. Haturday evanlng, Y to t The Electra-Vita Co. OKPT. 4 2M Empreae Theatre Building Macond A v.. Cor. Hprlng Heattle. Wn. Please aend me. prepaid, your fraa *0 page lllustratad book o I*IMI Name Address trr.nr Town SEATTLE BOY TO GET FIRST REAL CHANCE TONIGHT VANCOUVER. B. C., Juki 12. ?An attractive card will ba of- farad patrona of the boxing name tonight at tha new Urlghouee arena whan Freddie Weleh, Brltlah lightweight champion, and one of the clev- ereat boxere In the game, faoaa Ray Campbell of Seattle In a acheduled 15 round bout. Aftcgethar. there will be 26 round* of boxing, Percy Cova and Eddie Moy, a pair of clever and hard-hitting feather- weight*. being echeduled to furnl*h the preliminary ovar the 10-round route. The flret bout will be atagatl at 8:30 p. m. aharp. Both Welah and Campbell are reported In flna condition. GO GET LICENSE! The now state game law. which provides that all fishermen must buy a llt-vnse at the cost of |1. goen Into effwt today The privilege to hunt Is Included In the license, which Is for the county only A state license for fishing and hunt- ing costs $S. Those violating thla act will he guilty of a misdemean- or under the law. While huutlng licenses have al- ways prevailed, thla Is the first time a fishing license haa ?'??en ra- il til red It was principally through the efforts of Oarne Warden Harry Kief of Seattle that the legislature passed the bill Women are allow- ed to fish without a license, and boys under 16 years of a<e The limit catch Is 50 fish, the weight not to exceed 10 ponnds. No fish under six Inches shall be taken. WE WIN ANOTHER VICTORIA. B C. June IJ?Ry tying up the game In the elgßtb and then rushing an additional tally across In the final game. Seattle'* Champs took a third consecutive game from Victoria here Wednes- day. ' Silent" Smith blanked the visitors for the first seven Innings, but single tallies gathered In the last two Innings cost him the game Score. Seattle I. Victoria 1. The two tearaa left for Seattle last night, where they will finish the series. Score: \u25a0Mill*- *a K II i-o. a g *»>?" '«> 4 * I 1 4 ( 4 I I t I 4 ;"trail. If S 4 4 « 4 4 ?"»'l<waa. ? 4 4 4 I ? 4 Ktimar et « I 1 4 4 4 lb « » , j, , . WIHob. rf t 4 | | ? « llarmnart. SS .... 1 4 4 S 4 4 rullartra. p 4 « j « I t Total. II | i it 14 4 Vl<-tnrta - AH It IT P<> A T. Alberta, rf *114 4 4 wI4I 4 ( 1 >k I 4 4 || 4 I Swain, lb *44114 I.*n«-h. et 4 4 1114 *?"4. If 4 4 S « « 4 Lamb, tb 4 4*414 «44| I | 4 Smith. » t 4 * * | * T<*al. II I 4 IT 14 "4 Summary Two baa* hit. -KlllllaT. Shra rtntna rua?Will StMon baaae? Jarkaon. Kawlln.a Pullartnn |ta»« oa balls?Off Fu!!«rton I. off «mltk * Strark oa«--Br r»ll»rtoo 4. by Smith ? Tim. ?I I* Umpire?Olaaann *»*THWWfItV I.KAOIE Won !>.« Ptl ** 10 414 Vanr/nirer II }t »?, P"f tlan4 11 m Vkinrla IT It 4T4 Tarnroa « *1 «tt Spokana 11 >( Ml AMBMCA* IJMOII Won L"«t prt Philadelphia I? 1| .TTI n«*aia»4 it 11 nt 'Tilca*o SI 14 ||| Wuhlnfton J4 y| til float on 21 j| «| Detroit * St ss lit Ht Ixnjla || || i7| *#w York It It Sit NATIONAL LKAOCI Won Ltat Pet. Philadelphia ii Tit Vew York II n Brooklyn II &ll Chtr««o JR 14 It 0 Ptttatnarc 21 25 471 Ht Ixrola II IT 449 Boeton II 14 401 Cincinnati It II IS! COAAT LKAOVI Won 1/wt. pet l<M AII»»IM 41 (21 0»kl»n-l IS I! 11l fUn FrancJaco II 14 tit Venice II It tIT Harrarnaata S! II til Portltnt ft II ?!!! AMKMCAN LRAOri f'hlcaco 1, New York t Detroit 11, Washington t. *t fsiula I. Philadelphia I. C)4v«lant i, >n I. NATIOMAI. V.KAnrS Plttabur* 11. Brooklyn I noaton S. 8t I f'lnclnnitl I. Philadelphia I New York I. Cblc4|o I. NORTHWKHTKRM LEAOH Feattl* 2, Victoria 1 Spokane t. Taroma t Portland T-t. Vancourer 1-1. COAHT LBAOrS Oakland I. Han franclnt Ik Marramen to I, Venire f. Loa Ancalaa I, Portland 1 She Had a Reason "Mabel In koliik to bo a blond thlit Bummer." "Why?" "They rained the price of dark hair and brumal powder." Nat Goodwin bu opened m cafe at Ranta Monica. Thla 1* tha flrat tine Nat opened a cafo, though he haa kept maojr a tale open. Honor winner* at tha twelfth annual Interecholaatlo meet at tha Unlveralty of Chicago, June 7, In which 470 schoolboy athlete* from 105 *choola con- tested their atrength, eklll and apaad. At top la Shapard, Chi- cago high achool lad, winning running high Jump, 6 feet 8 Inchee. Below him, from left Oh, perlar, who I* that sleeping *o *oundly In lower 8f Ah'ni not *uh, boa*, but Ah think It be Ml*t«r Tlf*. e e ? . e In view of what Spokan* nooda In ? ba**ball way, w* *ugg**t thla future linkup for tb* Indiana Help. If. Reaorve. Jb Succor, ef. Ability, lb. Assistance, rf. Claaa. c. Relief, 3b. Skill, p. Reinforcement, sa. =SPORTING CHATTER Marry Oatdlek's resignation. Wednesday, as manager of the S|K>kane club comes as no surprise to hla friends Oetdlek ha* fre- quently declared that the Spokane team thla season I* the worst he has ever handled during hi* base- ball career. Cohn offered no relief In the way of securing first-class talent. On the team'* last appear- and here. Oatdlek appeared to have loft all Interest In the squad Since Ostdlek became leader of the I WATCH IttflS I SPACE H Every H Thursday for I Specials Aiiial Ml Sporting Goods.* rjj Plfcone Elliott 1311. \u25a0 1021 First Ave. I Seattle, Wash. Spokane club, they won thi cham- pionship on® year and twice finish ed Id second place. ? ? . Walt*r Powell, the Indian out- fielder, who ha* been out of the game with a broken arm, haa been appointed Oatdlek'e eucceeeor. Powell will be unable to play for a couple of weeke yet. and will man- age the team from the bench. He la one of the beat fielder* in the league. ? ? ? Seattle returned home today, after having elunK the Hoe* for three straight. Juat to show what fine fettl« they are really In. the Champa yesterday narrated "Hllin" Smith, who on two previous occa- alona applied the whitewash to them. The Bees and the Champs open here thla afternoon. Incident- ally. It la lad lea' day. e e ? Portland Increased our load Wednesday by taking at double- header frora the Vancouver Heav- er*. ? ? ? The fate of baseball In Spokane will hang In the balance when th<' league director* meet heru, next week, to *ettle the question ol keep- ing the franchise In Spoknne or transferring It to Everett. Cohn believe* the franchlie will be trsnn- ferred, a* the attendance In Spo- kane continue* to fall off. ? ? | L*ck of con*l*tency on the part of the Beaver pitcher* appear* to bo the real reason for the Vancou- ver dump. Sixteen hits nnd 11 runs were mndo by Portland Wed- nesday. Clark wa* burned for nine hit*. ? ? ? Nlil I* faHt developing Into one of the bent little frequent four-base Clouters In the league. If he con- tinues hitting homers, ho will soon find hlmielf being passed by the pitchers In the pinches. Unlike Meek, Issuing a walk would be a dangerous experiment. A pitcher 1* really In no danger when he gives Meek four wldo ones, a* the Vic- toria catcher 1* the slowest player In the league on the paths. ? ? ? Grammar School league playere, about 400 of 'em, will be the guest* lof President Dugdsle at the ball park Friday. Prior to their vlalt to the park, the school boy* will pa- rade the principal business atreete, clad In the uniform* of their re- spective school*. A band will lead the proceaslon. MODKRN elegantly furnished rooms at lowest rate* at Hotel VI r- gin us. Eighth and Virginia, near WestUke. Elliott _ ??el THE STAR?THURSDAY, JUNK 12. 1913. RAY CAMPBELL IN FINE FETTLE FOR Schoolboy Athletes From Atlantic to the Pacific Win National Honors and Break a Few Records in Big Track Meet at Chicago to right, ara J. Allenby, Uklah, Cel., winning one-half mile run; Schoenfeldt, Toledo, aec- ond In half mile; E. Caughey, UkTah, winning ahot put, 48 feat 3 Inchaa; Hoyt, Green- field, la., winning 100 yard daah final, 945 aeconds, ea- tabllahlng a new world'* Inter- acholaatlc record. CREW ON LONG ROW POUUHKKKPBIIC. Jiin« 12 ?All the m«rnbrra of lh« I'nlvcrnltjr of WimhlnKton cpp* r*|>ortod In aplrndld »ha[.r today, taking a I>ractlr« apln of 12 mllna In thr aft- ernoon. Coach ronlb<*ar did not [irrait bin m*n hard. Tb« poal(Ion of th» Cornell rrrw haa changed aomrwhat BOUT WITH WELSH MIDDLE WEST DOLE EXPEDTS ON SEATTLE INVASION TODAY Tim Middle Western golfor*, an all Mar i??am i>f eight of the.best golfers 111 Amimlmi. made their first appearance on the Seattle Golf chili link* today. In the af Utiitoii tli" team play* IX hole* at medal play on handicap. The team arrive* here after con- cluding two day»' |il»y »t Victoria On Friday. match games will be played, mid on Saturday the moat Important event of their visit, thn game with a team picked from the boat nolfcra on Iho I'aclflc coast. but*. Kvana' morning and after- noon *ror*« w*r« 71 arid T.\. Th«t vtaltora left laal nlKti*. for MAKI VISITORS GO SOME VICTORIA, 11. C? June IL' While Thick" Kvans played up clime to Ills heat form and abowed Home exceptionally fine golf at the Oak May lltika yesterday, the Mid- dle W'catern player* were neverthe- |e»» glv«n another example of the high clam of golf played here It waa oven more convincing than that of the prevloua day, when ('apt Chamber* and K. V, Ma<an heat Bvana and Davts. .1 Arhuckle and J A. Hlthet up- held the honor of Victoria, defeat Ing 11. II l.ee of Detroit and I*. Hlant'in of lirand Kaplda, running out In brilliant atyle, one up over nr. hole* In a 33 hole match. Kvana and W. T Wood, lioth of Chicago, won from Captain Chambers and K. V. Macan. 7 up and '? to play. Eighteen hole* were played In the morning and over that atretch the game waa very cloae, there be- >tng only one bole separating the contesting teams, but In the after noon the Victoria plavera fell off and the visitors ran out easy win- THE MONET IS IIP ISjr Prwi Wlr* BAN PRANCIBCO. June 12 The laat iK>«r|' lo chant<? for a hitch In the Willi" Rltchle-Joe Rivera battle here July < for the llKhtwelght chainplonibip Ik awept away by th<* natnliiK of Prank Ixiron* aa the stakeholder. I.«i>vy, Rivera' man acer. who ha<l Imlketl at Itaroux. accepted the latter ufter he hat) conferred with Daroui for two hotim Hilly N'oUji, Itltr-hle'e man nicer, Immediately put up a certlfl- fled check and left late laat ntxht for hla I.ake county ranch, Her Scanty Gown Shocks Gay Paris PARIS. June 12.?Mil*. Adoree Vlllany, a young wom- an who danced In a muals hall In acant coatuma. haa baan fin- ad $40 for **a public outrage of modeety." The dance wai given Ia at February. The maglatrate decided that the coetume waa too alight. Mile. Vlllany wa* fined some time ago for a similar offence In Munich. \u25a0» « i-Mi \i>, orn. »i im, m£r II BULL BROSj Just Prlnt*rJ 1013 THIRD MAknil IT'S JUST AS CHEAP ID DRESS CORRECTLY Clothes that don't fit cost as much at the best. Clothes that don't hold their style,?look commonplace after the first few days,? cost a* much as correct Adler-Kochester Clothes. That Adler-Rochester Clothes lead and act the styles is today conceded, but they do mora than thii. These clothes not only look and are correct, but they show their class every day you wear them. They stay looking correct. That's why we handle Adler-Rochester Clothes You will find about town hundreds of men who have the name of being correctly dressed. Th«f are customers of ours. They are the men who know that good dressing is not a matter of price but one of selection. , Drop in and let us show you some dif- ferences, ?let us show you why these clothei are distinctive. Compare the«e prices with the ordinary and the "giicss work" tailor prices? Suits $18 to $40. Vcith-Cammack Co. Second at James The Burham Shaving Outfit Seven Guaranteed Blades Nickel-Handle and Heavy Knurled Handle A LEATHERETTE CASE The Seattle Star's Latest P Gift Offering to New and Old Subscribers?and It Is Probably the Most Accept- able Gift We Have Ever 9 Made?Here /? a Complete iIHHHKHrIHBn Shaving Outfit, Safe, Simple EVERY BLADE THOROUGHLY TESTED AND GUARANTEED IT IS ONE OP THE BEST AND SAFEST F FPI SHAVING OUTFITS ON THE MARKET F II bLa READ OUR OFFER ? THE SEATTLE STAR For One Year (Regular Price, $3.25) «£ 9 *)C , Together with This Burham Shaving Outfit for i THE SEATTLE STAR For Six Months {Regular Price $1.80) O O/l ] Together with This Burham Shaving Outfit for J \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' - THE SEATTLE STAR For Three Months (Regular Price $1.00) & 1 lyf) Together with This Burham Shaving Outfit for *P * tW Those Already Readers of THE SEATTLE STAR and Who Desire the Shaving Out* '* fit May Secure Same by Sending 85 Cents to Cover Cost and Postage ' ' Do not delay, but take advantage of one of these offers at once. You need The STAR in your home. It is your paper. It° is the paper that is fighting YOUR battles. Whenever any matter of public interest arises wherein the interests of the ninety-and-ninc per cent are affected, the Seattle Star is on your side, fighting tooth and nail for you. It should have your support. Remember, every subscriber helps just that much to make The Star's battles in your interests mora successful. Read The Seattle Star and get your friends to subscribe for it. "

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Post on 08-Sep-2020




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Page 1: RAY CAMPBELL IN FINE FETTLE FOR BOUT WITH...you should kaow Hand the coupon today. Cail If you can Office houra. t a m. to t:t0 p m. Hun day, II to 1. Haturday evanlng, Y to t The


fest modem outatrie room*, 35rto 50c. Stewart Houe*. Wml

? Stewart"?


BASEBALLToday at 3


Ye*ler Car. Adml*elon 25c and 50c.

RHEUMATISMStomach Trouble, Kcaema and All

EiHHrSulphurroat uun r hkwti \u25a0


li.lna »?»\u2666». m ?»-> '»\u25ba » 1" J.»«. t l«. ? t» ? ><? I» «?. H >?

Lm.'til llt I >»\u25a0 > \u2666«?» <?

JlO T 'A * »? » ?» n 4S n t»> 4ftilv

Tl.'k ! Off " \u25a0"???ill*, rtfih »». »?»'

t\»ll«*< Own" X»t. AJ*» Drue Ht.'r*.? Sth *

*VII<EIT TO USATTt.K ? I.lmll»4tr«tn« ! ? m 40« p m t.iv-iU

uim. i H ? ?? ' ?? ? ??? VL '!::It «? » m U « \u25a0»<"< > **i *.t*' 1 '

« 01. b **. « #«. T »«. ' »». » m

««><>> rllle* I 0« p mFAririo nohthwviit rKACTtOfI co


SUMMER ICETelephone Elliott 5560

For Ice rater \\> miarantee fun *e!*ht and promptdelivery


"DENNY-RENTON"AllClay Products1007 Hog« Bldf.

ROBERTSrAHf-SAViNo ? ow* nun


n? \A i _*»*

E? IOf. Ow rHe» firasaal

llMllM imiUtrjr

riim\< sanmiIXIK-WOU *SMHJITM «!*?*

m.t i*o« *?<

<»iD riixiKoa rhr.XT*Arri*o r*rrrtxtKiw rue*


rti' ?? Kiiioii its*


Weak NervesMade Strong

/V ? «?

wtCures WhHcYou Sleep

Don't take another d'>ee of flrugs

Tou know how they must upset your?tomach and etuM had digestion Tonknow th« many

of dmii yet you go on taking thamfor mytry little pain or dlaorder. Justh»raoM you were taught that nothing«)?«? 4Mld Ctlff

We btvc the natural war of curingdisorder* and rhronlc ailmentway nature does It W« ours withelectricity

The reason drugs don't cur* la be-cause they do not h*lp nature Kt-

ture needs electricity. nourishment,something that build* up Dm* «««»?

tain no nourishment?no ?lwtrtdty?

lout poUon. which tear a down(>«r way of curing la to restore

electricity where It la needed, andpain and dlaordara dleap pear That'sbaoauao electricity rlvee atrength.power to tha body, anabllng every or-gan to perform Ita work properly, andwhan every organ !? In a atreng.healthy condition, thare can be nopain or lltMflftt

Wear Klectra-Vlta while you elaep.It feoda a constant stream of elertrlHty to your narvaa. and they carryIt to avary organ and tlasae of yourbody, reatorlng health and vim.

flaturate your nervee with a glow-ing rurrent from E feet ra-Vita for afew hours earh night while yon elaepThe ailing organa will raapond to Itainfluence In the same way that anaI "'"trie rrvtor »t*rta whirling as soonas the power Is turned on

Electra-Vlta la a aaif-charged bodybattary which generates a eteariy. onbroken etream of galvanic electrifyand Infuses It Into tha nerves In Justthe right volume It builds op vital-ity aa<d strength, and curee ailmentsresulting from a debilitated state ofthe nerves and vital organe

Rheumatlam. <«esieraJ Weakneee CaredI suffered wl»h rheumatism In dif-

ferent parts of the body, nnklea. kneesand arm*, for aeveral yars, also gen-eral debility Klectra Vita has curedme. raznoylng ev*ry sign of the pains,and I will rfadly recommend It

Tours truly.W H M'CURDT.

Kftftl 14th Av. S K . Seattle. Washrume to ¥ot;

Cut out this coupon and mall It tous for our free to page book aboutour treatment. Thle book containsplcturae of wall built, robust man andwoman, showing how Electrat-Vita Isapplied, and explains maun / thlngayou should kaow

Hand the coupon today.Cail If you can Office houra. t a

m. to t:t 0 p m. Hun day, II to 1.Haturday evanlng, Y to t

The Electra-Vita Co.OKPT. 4

2M Empreae Theatre BuildingMacond A v.. Cor. Hprlng

Heattle. Wn.Please aend me. prepaid, your

fraa *0 page lllustratad booko I*IMI


Address trr.nr



VANCOUVER. B. C., Juki 12.?An attractive card will ba of-farad patrona of the boxingname tonight at tha newUrlghouee arena whan FreddieWeleh, Brltlah lightweightchampion, and one of the clev-ereat boxere In the game, faoaaRay Campbell of Seattle In aacheduled 15 round bout.

Aftcgethar. there will be 26round* of boxing, Percy Covaand Eddie Moy, a pair of cleverand hard-hitting feather-weight*. being echeduled tofurnl*h the preliminary ovarthe 10-round route.

The flret bout will be atagatlat 8:30 p. m. aharp.

Both Welah and Campbellare reported In flna condition.

GO GET LICENSE!The now state game law. which

provides that all fishermen mustbuy a llt-vnse at the cost of |1. goenInto effwt today The privilege tohunt Is Included In the license,which Is for the county only Astate license for fishing and hunt-ing costs $S. Those violating thlaact will he guilty of a misdemean-or under the law.

While huutlng licenses have al-ways prevailed, thla Is the firsttime a fishing license haa ?'??en ra-iltilred It was principally throughthe efforts of Oarne Warden HarryKief of Seattle that the legislaturepassed the bill Women are allow-ed to fish without a license, andboys under 16 years of a<e Thelimit catch Is 50 fish, the weightnot to exceed 10 ponnds. No fishunder six Inches shall be taken.


tying up the game In the elgßtband then rushing an additional tallyacross In the final game. Seattle'*Champs took a third consecutivegame from Victoria here Wednes-day. ' Silent" Smith blanked thevisitors for the first seven Innings,but single tallies gathered In thelast two Innings cost him the gameScore. Seattle I. Victoria 1.

The two tearaa left for Seattlelast night, where they will finishthe series. Score:

\u25a0Mill*- *a K II i-o. a g*»>?" '«> 4 * I 1 4 (

4 I I t I 4;"trail. If S 4 4 « 4 4?"»'l<waa. ? 4 4 4 I ? 4Ktimar et « I 1 4 4 4

lb « » , j, , .

WIHob. rf t 4 | | ? «

llarmnart. SS .... 1 4 4 S 4 4rullartra. p 4 « j « I t

Total. II | i it 14 4Vl<-tnrta - AH It IT P<> A T.Alberta, rf *114 4 4

wI4I 4 ( 1>k I 4 4 || 4 ISwain, lb *44114

I.*n«-h. et 4 4 1114*?"4. If 4 4 S « « 4Lamb, tb 4 4*414

«44| I | 4Smith. » t 4 * * | *

T<*al. II I 4 IT 14 "4Summary Two baa* hit. -KlllllaT.Shra rtntna rua?Will StMon baaae?Jarkaon. Kawlln.a Pullartnn |ta»« oaballs?Off Fu!!«rton I. off «mltk * Strarkoa«--Br r»ll»rtoo 4. by Smith ? Tim.?I I* Umpire?Olaaann

*»*THWWfItV I.KAOIEWon !>.« Ptl

** 10 414Vanr/nirer II }t »?,P"f tlan4 11 mVkinrla IT It 4T4Tarnroa « *1 «ttSpokana 11 >( Ml


Philadelphia I? 1| .TTIn«*aia»4 it 11 nt'Tilca*o SI 14 |||Wuhlnfton J4 y| tilfloat on 21 j| «|

Detroit * St ss litHt Ixnjla || || i7|*#w York It It Sit


Philadelphia |« ii TitVew York II n M«Brooklyn II &llChtr««o JR 14 It 0Ptttatnarc 21 25 471Ht Ixrola II IT 449Boeton II 14 401Cincinnati It II IS!

COAAT LKAOVIWon 1/wt. pet

l<M AII»»IM 41 I« (21

0»kl»n-l IS I! 11lfUn FrancJaco II 14 titVenice II It tITHarrarnaata S! II tilPortltnt ft II ?!!!

AMKMCAN LRAOrif'hlcaco 1, New York tDetroit 11, Washington t.*t fsiula I. Philadelphia I.C)4v«lant i, >n I.

NATIOMAI. V.KAnrSPlttabur* 11. Brooklyn Inoaton S. 8t If'lnclnnitl I. Philadelphia INew York I. Cblc4|o I.

NORTHWKHTKRM LEAOHFeattl* 2, Victoria 1Spokane t. Taroma tPortland T-t. Vancourer 1-1.

COAHT LBAOrSOakland I. Han franclnt IkMarramen to I, Venire f.Loa Ancalaa I, Portland 1

She Had a Reason

"Mabel In koliik to bo a blondthlit Bummer."

"Why?""They rained the price of dark

hair and brumal powder."

Nat Goodwin bu opened m cafeat Ranta Monica. Thla 1* tha flrattine Nat opened a cafo, though hehaa kept maojr a tale open.

Honor winner* at tha twelfthannual Interecholaatlo meet attha Unlveralty of Chicago,June 7, In which 470 schoolboyathlete* from 105 *choola con-tested their atrength, eklll andapaad. At top la Shapard, Chi-cago high achool lad, winningrunning high Jump, 6 feet 8

Inchee. Below him, from left

Oh, perlar, who I* that sleeping *o *oundly In lower 8fAh'ni not *uh, boa*, but Ah think It be Ml*t«r Tlf*.

e e ? . e

In view of what Spokan* nooda In ? ba**ball way, w* *ugg**t thlafuture linkup for tb* Indiana

Help. If. Reaorve. JbSuccor, ef. Ability, lb.Assistance, rf. Claaa. c.Relief, 3b. Skill, p.Reinforcement, sa.

=SPORTING CHATTERMarry Oatdlek's resignation.

Wednesday, as manager of theS|K>kane club comes as no surpriseto hla friends Oetdlek ha* fre-quently declared that the Spokaneteam thla season I* the worst hehas ever handled during hi* base-ball career. Cohn offered no reliefIn the way of securing first-classtalent. On the team'* last appear-and here. Oatdlek appeared tohave loft all Interest In the squadSince Ostdlek became leader of the

I WATCHIttflSI SPACEH EveryH Thursday forI Specials

AiiialMl Sporting Goods.*

rjj Plfcone Elliott 1311.\u25a0 1021 First Ave.I Seattle, Wash.

Spokane club, they won thi cham-pionship on® year and twice finished Id second place.

? ? .

Walt*r Powell, the Indian out-fielder, who ha* been out of thegame with a broken arm, haa beenappointed Oatdlek'e eucceeeor.Powell will be unable to play for acouple of weeke yet. and will man-age the team from the bench. Hela one of the beat fielder* in theleague.

? ? ?

Seattle returned home today,after having elunK the Hoe* forthree straight. Juat to show whatfine fettl« they are really In. theChampa yesterday narrated "Hllin"Smith, who on two previous occa-alona applied the whitewash tothem. The Bees and the Champsopen here thla afternoon. Incident-ally. It la lad lea' day.

e e ?

Portland Increased our loadWednesday by taking at double-header frora the Vancouver Heav-er*.

? ? ?

The fate of baseball In Spokanewill hang In the balance when th<'league director* meet heru, nextweek, to *ettle the question ol keep-ing the franchise In Spoknne ortransferring It to Everett. Cohnbelieve* the franchlie will be trsnn-ferred, a* the attendance In Spo-kane continue* to fall off.

? ? |

L*ck of con*l*tency on the partof the Beaver pitcher* appear* tobo the real reason for the Vancou-ver dump. Sixteen hits nnd 11runs were mndo by Portland Wed-nesday. Clark wa* burned for ninehit*.

? ? ?

Nlil I* faHt developing Into one ofthe bent little frequent four-baseClouters In the league. If he con-tinues hitting homers, ho will soonfind hlmielf being passed by thepitchers In the pinches. UnlikeMeek, Issuing a walk would be adangerous experiment. A pitcher1* really In no danger when he givesMeek four wldo ones, a* the Vic-toria catcher 1* the slowest playerIn the league on the paths.

? ? ?

Grammar School league playere,about 400 of 'em, will be the guest*

lof President Dugdsle at the ballpark Friday. Prior to their vlalt tothe park, the school boy* will pa-rade the principal business atreete,clad In the uniform* of their re-spective school*. A band will leadthe proceaslon.

MODKRN elegantly furnishedrooms at lowest rate* at Hotel VIr-ginus. Eighth and Virginia, nearWestUke. Elliott




RAY CAMPBELL IN FINE FETTLE FORSchoolboy Athletes From Atlantic to the

Pacific Win National Honors and Break aFew Records in Big Track Meet at Chicago

to right, ara J. Allenby, Uklah,Cel., winning one-half mile

run; Schoenfeldt, Toledo, aec-ond In half mile; E. Caughey,UkTah, winning ahot put, 48feat 3 Inchaa; Hoyt, Green-

field, la., winning 100 yarddaah final, 945 aeconds, ea-tabllahlng a new world'* Inter-

acholaatlc record.


the m«rnbrra of lh« I'nlvcrnltjr ofWimhlnKton cpp* r*|>ortod Inaplrndld »ha[.r today, taking aI>ractlr« apln of 12 mllna In thr aft-ernoon. Coach ronlb<*ar did not[irrait bin m*n hard. Tb« poal(Ionof th» Cornell rrrw haachanged aomrwhat


ON SEATTLE INVASION TODAYTim Middle Western golfor*, an

all Mar i??am i>f eight of the.bestgolfers 111 Amimlmi. made their

first appearance on the SeattleGolf chili link* today. In the af

Utiitoii tli" team play* IX hole* atmedal play on handicap.

The team arrive* here after con-cluding two day»' |il»y »t VictoriaOn Friday. match games will beplayed, mid on Saturday the moatImportant event of their visit, thngame with a team picked from the

boat nolfcra on Iho I'aclflc coast.

but*. Kvana' morning and after-noon *ror*« w*r« 71 arid T.\.

Th«t vtaltora left laal nlKti*. for


While Thick" Kvans played up

clime to Ills heat form and abowedHome exceptionally fine golf at the

Oak May lltika yesterday, the Mid-

dle W'catern player* were neverthe-|e»» glv«n another example of thehigh clam of golf played here Itwaa oven more convincing thanthat of the prevloua day, when('apt Chamber* and K. V, Ma<an

heat Bvana and Davts..1 Arhuckle and J A. Hlthet up-

held the honor of Victoria, defeatIng 11. II l.ee of Detroit and I*.Hlant'in of lirand Kaplda, running

out In brilliant atyle, one up overnr. hole*

In a 33 hole match. Kvana and W.T Wood, lioth of Chicago, wonfrom Captain Chambers and K. V.Macan. 7 up and '? to play.

Eighteen hole* were played Inthe morning and over that atretchthe game waa very cloae, there be->tng only one bole separating thecontesting teams, but In the afternoon the Victoria plavera fell offand the visitors ran out easy win-


BAN PRANCIBCO. June 12 Thelaat iK>«r|' lo chant<? for a hitch Inthe Willi" Rltchle-Joe Rivera battlehere July < for the llKhtwelghtchainplonibip Ik awept away byth<* natnliiK of Prank Ixiron* aa thestakeholder. I.«i>vy, Rivera' manacer. who ha<l Imlketl at Itaroux.accepted the latter ufter he hat)

conferred with Daroui for twohotim Hilly N'oUji, Itltr-hle'e mannicer, Immediately put up a certlfl-fled check and left late laat ntxhtfor hla I.ake county ranch,

Her Scanty GownShocks Gay Paris

PARIS. June 12.?Mil*.Adoree Vlllany, a young wom-an who danced In a muals hallIn acant coatuma. haa baan fin-ad $40 for **a public outrage ofmodeety." The dance wai givenIa at February. The maglatratedecided that the coetume waatoo alight.

Mile. Vlllany wa* fined sometime ago for a similar offenceIn Munich.

\u25a0» « i-Mi \i>, orn.»i im, m£r II

BULL BROSjJust Prlnt*rJ1013 THIRD MAknil


Clothes that don't fit cost as much at thebest.

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