rastoke (瀑布村)


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Panorama on Rastoke

瀑布村 (Rastoke) 全景圖

Page 3: Rastoke (瀑布村)

Waterfalls village (Rastoke) [also known as the mills village], located about 30 kilometers north of the Plitvice 16 lakes National park, situated in the confluence of Slunjčica River and Korana River. 瀑布村 (Rastoke) [ 亦稱水車村 ] 位於普萊維采 16 湖國家公園北方約 30 公里,小村座落在斯盧尼其洽河 (Slunjčica) 和 科拉納河 (Korana) 的匯流處。 “Waterfalls village Rastoke” is a small, beautiful, very quiet old village, houses built above the river waterfalls, known as the“mini Plitvice Lakes” (Plitvice 16 lakes National park). Landscape is so guileless like a fairy tale world, it is worth to stay here for one night. 「瀑布村 Rastoke 」是一座很小、很美、很靜的古老山村,房屋就建在河流瀑布上面,被稱為「迷你的 Plitvice Lakes 」 ( 普萊維采 16 湖國家公園 ) 。景色樸實彷彿是童話世界,值得在這裡停留一晚。

When you wandering around the village. Water was everywhere, lakes, the little waterfalls, and the old homes that are still standing amongst all of this! There were umpteen wood bridges, and it really felt like had stepped back in time. 當你徘徊在村莊周圍。水是無處不在,湖泊,小瀑布,和許多木橋樑,古老的家園依然屹立其中!真的感覺就像步入了時光隧道。

Rastoke 瀑布村 ( 亦稱水車村 )

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斯盧尼其洽 河道Slunjčica

Korana Korana

科拉納 河道

The term RASTOKE generally refers to the branching of rivers. At Rastoke, the Slunjčica river splits into several river branches flowing across cascades and small waterfalls into the Korana river.RASTOKE 這個字一般是指河流的分支。斯盧尼其洽河 (Slunjčica) 在瀑布村 (Rastoke) 分成幾個支流,經由一些大小瀑布流進科拉納 (Korana) 河道中。

瀑布村 Rastoke

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View on a waterfall from the north從小鎮北邊觀賞瀑布

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Water falling into the Korana river瀑布注入到科拉納河 (Korana) 中

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Waterfalls of the Slunjčica river

斯盧尼其洽河 (Slunjčica) 的瀑布

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Waterfalls of the Slunjčica river andthe water falling into the Korana river

斯盧尼其洽河 (Slunjčica) 的瀑布注入到科拉納河 (Korana) 中

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Houses above the waterfall在瀑布上方的房子

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The old mill machine which is no longer operated 老磨坊不再使用的機器

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Trout in the town's restaurants are very delicious food鱒魚在小鎮的餐廳是很鮮美的食物

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http://www.slideshare.net/changcy0326 Music : Memory - Barbara Streisand