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Page 1: RAPID WEALTH CODE - Amazon S3 › jctips › the... · 2017-10-05 · People build wealth momentum and reach their success in different ways. None of them are wrong, but like any
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Daily Exercises: ..............................................................................................................................9

Wild Card Exercises: ....................................................................................................................11

Introductory Day Bonus Exercises: ..............................................................................................13

Wealth Affirmations .................................................................................................. 13

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 14

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 14

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 15

Handling Your Wealth ................................................................................................. 15

Spread the Wealth ...................................................................................................... 16

Real World Speed Bumps ............................................................................................. 16


It’s Time to Look at Things In a New Way.....................................................................................21

Day One Exercises:......................................................................................................................24

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 24

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 24

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 24

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 25

Handling Your Wealth ................................................................................................. 25

Real World Speed Bumps ............................................................................................. 25


You’re all on the same, but different, paths ..................................................................................29

The Power of Persuasion .............................................................................................................30

We Need To Remind Ourselves A Few Things .............................................................................31

Instant Gratification is The Enemy ................................................................................................32

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Day Two Exercises: ......................................................................................................................33

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 33

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 34

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 34

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 34

Real World Speed Bumps ............................................................................................. 35


Physical and Mental Asset Count .................................................................................................38

People Are Your Assets ...............................................................................................................40

YOUR most valuable assets are the soft ones ..............................................................................42

Day Three Exercises: ...................................................................................................................43

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 43

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 43

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 44

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 45

Spread the Wealth ...................................................................................................... 45


What does this market need? ......................................................................................................48

A River of Wealth .........................................................................................................................50

Five Simple Keys to Creating Market Demand .............................................................................52

Day Four Exercises: .....................................................................................................................54

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 54

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 54

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 55

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 55

Real World Speed Bumps ............................................................................................. 57

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Stop thinking like the end user .....................................................................................................60

Rapid Wealth Does Not Mean Fast Cash .....................................................................................61

Health doesn’t just rhyme with Wealth .........................................................................................63

Day Five Exercises: ......................................................................................................................63

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 63

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 64

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 64

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 65

Spread the Wealth ...................................................................................................... 66


Let’s get real ................................................................................................................................69

Build on the successes of those before you .................................................................................71

Finding your natural balance ........................................................................................................72

Day Six Exercises: .......................................................................................................................74

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 74

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 74

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 74

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 75

Handling Your Wealth ................................................................................................. 75

Real World Speed Bumps ............................................................................................. 76


Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin ....................................................................................................80

Recognize And Allow The Domino Effect To Work ........................................................................81

The most important word in your vocabulary is NO ......................................................................82

Day Three Exercises: ...................................................................................................................83

Wealth Affirmations ................................................................................................... 83

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

The Why/What of the Day .......................................................................................... 84

Gratitude ................................................................................................................ 84

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 85

Spread the Wealth ...................................................................................................... 86


Learn to Leverage Your Skillset ....................................................................................................89

Think Beyond Your Region ...........................................................................................................90

Network for Growth .....................................................................................................................91

Building a Platform .................................................................................................... 92

Creating Value .......................................................................................................... 94

Give Back ............................................................................................................... 95

Day Eight Exercises: ....................................................................................................................95

Wealth Affirmations .................................................................................................. 95

The What/Why of the Day .......................................................................................... 95

Gratitude ............................................................................................................... 96

Goal Setting/Visualization .......................................................................................... 97

Spread the Wealth ...................................................................................................... 97


Don’t Conform ...........................................................................................................................101

From Dropouts to Millionaires ....................................................................................................102

The Poor Have Become Rich .....................................................................................................103

There Are No Circumstances That You Can’t Overcome ............................................................104

Day Nine Exercises: ...................................................................................................................105

Wealth Affirmations .................................................................................................105

The What/Why of the Day .........................................................................................105

Gratitude ...............................................................................................................106

Goal Setting/Visualization .........................................................................................106

Spread the Wealth .....................................................................................................107

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1. Understand That You DESERVE Money .................................................................................110

2. Change the Subconscious .....................................................................................................112

3. Understand Greed .................................................................................................................113

Day Ten Exercises: .....................................................................................................................114

Wealth Affirmations .................................................................................................114

The What/Why of the Day .........................................................................................114

Gratitude ...............................................................................................................115

Goal Setting/Visualization .........................................................................................116

Spread the Wealth .....................................................................................................117


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INTRODUCTIONThis workbook is a hands-on approach toward taking a system that is known to work in rapidly creating wealth and making it work for your individual situation.

People build wealth momentum and reach their success in different ways. None of them are wrong, but like any great journey, you must find your own path and the key to rapid wealth is finding your specific path both within yourself and in the outside world. This book is designed to help you do both. Fortunately, every path has common traits and this book highlights those traits while you plot your course of rapid wealth momentum. This is an exciting day.

Regardless of the time in history, the species of animal or the conditions of the world, there are two universal truths that this entire system is based upon. First,

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it is a miracle that you are here in this moment in time, looking at this book, reading these words. From conception through death, the infinite variables that had to take place to deliver you to this one spot are mind blowing. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Second, all is possible through practice and repetition. Whether you are an Olympic athlete on the verge of a gold medal, a sea lion balancing a ball on your snout or a monk in the mountains of Tibet who can regulate their heartbeat down to 20 beats per minute, through practice and repetition, all is possible.

This is not a novel - it’s a workbook. Have a notebook and pencil by your side to jot down ideas, questions, and topics you may want to further research.

In this workbook, we will introduce a concept to you every day for 10 days. At the end of the chapter, there will be a couple of chapter-specific thoughts and questions for you to consider. Then, you’ll tackle two sets of exercises. One set you’ll see daily and the other are called Wild Card. You won’t see them everyday, but they are useful in helping create the well-rounded wealth generating machine you will be shortly after finishing this program.

Let’s take a look at what the purpose of these exercises are and run through a bonus introductory set that we encourage you to make part of your rapid wealth momentum building routine. Then, it’s time to jump right in with Day One.

Daily Exercises:

You will see the same set category of daily exercises at the end of every chapter. Described below, they are designed to train your conscious and subconscious mind to understand not only is your rapid wealth momentum possible, it’s just a matter of staying on course and adapting a set of principles to the world around you. You’ll find yourself doing these exercises without prompting probably within a day or two of starting.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Wealth Affirmations - Sometimes we simply have to remind ourselves what we’re capable of doing. They can be to simply motivate ourselves to run that last mile at the gym or read the last few pages of the book before we fall asleep at night. They can also be to remind ourselves of the big things: We are worthwhile and deserve to be treated with respect. Affirmations are simply the little voice inside of ourselves telling us the truth when the rest of our body wants to give up or doubt. That’s the part of your psyche that is going to be your best friend on this fast track to wealth. There are three affirmations for each of the 10 days. Read them a couple of times per day and by the end of the 10 days, you’ll probably have all 30 memorized.

The Why/What of The Day - Why do you want to be wealthy? What does wealthy mean to you? Is it a specific amount of money? A lifestyle? A mindset? A lack of stress? What makes someone wealthy? At what point can you say, ‘I am wealthy!’ and what next? There are a lot of questions to you ask yourself on this journey and their answers are important to know because they are pieces of the map that will help you reach the wealth you seek. We’re going to ask you a few questions just to remind you to keep your eye on the prize.

Gratitude - You want more, you deserve more and you follow the simple plan in this book, you’ll get more, but if you can’t be grateful and appreciate what you have now, gaining wealth loses a lot of meaning. Be thankful you’re here in this moment, with this book. Every step forward on your journey is a gift and the bounty that awaits will be felt tenfold if you are able to practice gratitude.

Goal Setting/Visualization - It is important to practice gratitude, just as it is important to practice goal setting. You’ve got to this point, but you know more is possible, but it’s time to commit with a real goal setting plan. Goal setting will be part of every day on your path of rapid wealth momentum. Part of goal setting is visualization. What is the successful, wealthy you doing? The sooner you see it, the sooner it will happen.

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Wild Card Exercises:

The world is a complicated, chaotic place. It is what it makes it simultaneously beautiful, frustrating, fun and challenging. We have all heard the term “expect the unexpected” yet somehow, it still surprises us. Sometimes things change in a blink of an eye or or over a long period of time, yet we only realize it in a split-second. How we react to change - or the realization that a change has occurred - can set us back or propel us forward - on our path of rapid wealth momentum. These non-daily exercises will help you practice for those times when a shift in thinking, or the need for quick thinking, is necessary.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Handling Your Money - As your attitudes and mindset toward “being rich” and “being wealthy” changes, your actual handling of money does, too. Why aren’t you wealthy at this point? What needs to change? You will need to treat money differently than you have up to this point, and this book will help you recognize what money management patterns must develop. The good news here is once a few changes are made, you’ll be surprised how quickly things start to add up.

Spread the Wealth - “No man is an island,” “It takes a village,” “A rising tide lifts all ships.” These are but three of hundreds of quotes that have been said over the centuries that correctly point to the fact almost everything in life you try to accomplish will be easier if you have the support of those around you. Make no mistake, if rapid wealth acquisition like you seek were a sport, it would not be a team sport. It would be more like an individual track and field event, but even Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, has people around him to help keep him at his best.

Real World Speed Bumps - It probably brings you joy to sit and plan your financially unburdened future. It’s an exciting adventure getting there and the exponential quality of life improvement you’ll experience is enough to make you want to put this book down now and start earning those dollars. Unfortunately, there will be bumps along the way. You’re going to meet a lot of naysayers along the way. Let’s call them what they are: haters. You’re going to have life throw you curveballs and your ability to recover is crucial. What happens when other people and Mother Nature make things difficult? If you’re prepared, any obstacle can be overcome.

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Introductory Day Bonus Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ The more money I have, the more freedom I have

❯ I am the owner, CEO and only employee of my Wealth Destiny.

❯ I am grateful for the mind, body and spirit that will allow me to increase my wealth

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

The Why/What of the Day

What is the difference between being rich and wealthy? Let’s say twin sisters are standing on a stage side-by-side and each is worth $20 million. Unfortunately, you missed each talking about their lives. The audience unanimously agrees one sister is “rich” while the other is “wealthy.” What are some of the characteristics that make the two women different? Are these important things to you on your path to rapid wealth?


Can you think of an event or two in your life that has helped shaped your outlook

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on money and wealth? Was this event a positive or negative experience? Even if you said negative, couldn’t the fact it brought you to this point be seen a positive? Are there negative experiences in your life you are now grateful for having upon looking back? How will they help you on the path to rapid wealth?

Goal Setting/Visualization

Find a container. It can be a jar, shoebox, and bowl. Decide on a reasonable (notice we said reasonable, not easy) goal of money that could be in that container at the end of the 10 days of doing this program. Maybe it’s $20. Maybe it’s $200. Maybe it’s $2,000. From today until the end of the program, you are going to put money into that container every day. What does that container look like with your goal reached? If you reach that goal in 10 days, by how much could you increase it for the next 10 day cycle? What does that container look like?

Handling Your Wealth

Your end goal in life is probably not work for somebody else, but it’s something we all have to do along the way. Take full advantage of a company-sponsored retirement plan while you are working for somebody else. Often, the larger a corporation, the better the retirement plan. The more you invest and the earlier you invest, the less you have to worry about down the road. This is because of COMPOUND INTEREST. One of the greatest fuels in the engine of wealth momentum in financial markets is compound interest. It will make you exponentially wealthy exponentially faster than simple interest. Companies will also usually match part of your retirement fund contribution, which is essentially like getting free money.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Spread the Wealth

Find a networking group, meeting or other event to attend where you will meet people who may be able to help you on the road to wealth. Try to find an event you haven’t attended before at least once per month.

Real World Speed Bumps

What is the most cost effective way for you to get around in your daily life? Depending upon your age, location and daily schedule it could vary greatly. Where is money being spent? If your go-to mode of transport disappeared, are you responsible for repair or replacement? What would be your back-up plan? What if that mode disappeared? Take a look at all of the different ways you could get around and what they cost, even if you’ve never tried that mode of transportation before. Don’t forget fuel, insurance, ticket prices, etc. You don’t have to make any changes, but just taking a look at the cost of how you do things vs. the cost of how you could do things is a good habit of getting into.

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It’s about time to recognize what you consider conventional

paths to riches are not going to get you to millionaire status

Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t need this workbook? It would mean that you’re sitting poolside, sipping on a drink with an umbrella. Or maybe you’d be bungee jumping on the other side of the world or buying another expensive piece of art for

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

your home. Whatever the dream, you’re not there yet, and while you don’t want to listen to it, that little voice in the back of your mind that has always been right is starting to wonder out loud if you have what it takes.

Relax. You do have what it takes. If you didn’t, you’d be like all of the other people walking through life blind who wanted to be wealthy, but don’t bother to put in the kind of work you’re doing. People invest in different ways. Whether you paid exactly what the cover suggests, you paid $1,000 or a friend let you have it for free, the REAL investment in this workbook is about the time and energy you’re willing to put into internalizing the lessons and putting them into practice in your everyday life.

There are 10 days worth of lessons and exercises in these pages, but once you’ve wrapped up, we urge you to go right back to the introductory exercises and start over. These lessons and exercises should eventually become like your ABCs or your multiplication tables. You won’t need to refer to the book because they’ll simply be a part of you and that’s what will set you apart from the people who walk around wondering why they’ll never be wealthy.

Did you know the National Endowment for Financial Education once performed a study and found that 70 percent of all major lottery winners end up bankrupt? It seems unimaginable, but when you think about it, it’s more surprising that 100 percent don’t. Buying a $1 lottery ticket is a horrible investment. It may allow for a moment of euphoria to dream about what it would be like to be rich, but it’s a poor use of money. People who don’t make a good decision with $1 are not going to suddenly be hardwired to make good decisions with $1 million.

Are You Good With Money? We could write six other books about just this topic and it will come down to you being honest...so let’s forget this question. It’s not the real question you need to answer. Those lottery winners all probably answered yes.

Anybody can be rich. That only takes a lot of money. Not everybody can be wealthy. Those lottery winners who ended up back in their one-bedroom apartments five years after hitting the Mega Millions were never wealthy.

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DAY ONE The Reasons You’re Not Wealthy

Can You Be Honest With Yourself Regarding

Your Relationship To This Point With Money?

It seems like a simple question, but it’s not. Let’s take away the obvious reasons that you’re not rich:

❯ Your last name isn’t Getty, Kennedy or Kardashian. You didn’t get lucky in the DNA lottery. Don’t waste energy blaming your parents or grandparents. That ship has sailed.

❯ Your professional career has not yielded the riches that you hoped it would. You have not invented a breakthrough invention, are not a professional ath-lete nor have written a bestselling novel.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

❯ You have neither saved nor invested the money that you have acquired along your path of life in a way that has resulted in allowing yourself to feel “rich”.

❯ Something happened, either by your own fault or that was out of your control that wiped out all of your savings and assets, leaving you without money.

Take a moment and reflect on why you are not rich. We’ll get to the idea of wealth a little further into the book. You should be very proud of yourself for picking up this book and taking the first step on the fast track to a pocketful of money, but before you start dreaming of needing bigger pants, you need to address why there isn’t more money in those pockets right now.

Take one more moment and reflect on why you are not rich. What’s happened? Who has stood in your way? What opportunities did others get that you were denied? When were you pushed to the back of the line while others who worked half as hard were handed whatever they wanted? Do you ever get onto Facebook or Twitter and see people you knew when you were younger and wonder how they are doing so much better than you now? Think about these things for just a minute.

Hopefully you enjoyed that, because it’s the last time you’re ever going to throw a “poor me” party for yourself. If you didn’t get it out of your system, go back and read the last paragraph again. Do not move forward until you get every last lame excuse why you are not rich out of your system.

Seriously...Do Not Move Forward With This Workbook Until You Understand That It is Your Faulty Thinking That Has Got You To This Point. This workbook will not fix your parents, the people you work for, the government or society in general. This workbook will help you to see that while your dreams of riches, wealth and success are noble, you’ve been going about it the wrong way with the wrong thinking. We need to change that thinking. Repeat these words: I WAS WRONG.

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DAY ONE The Reasons You’re Not Wealthy

It’s Time to Look at Things In a New Way

As you learned in the introduction, Wealth Affirmations are going to become part of your everyday life with the exercises at the end of every chapter. We also urge you to write down quotes you hear that strike a chord. Reflecting on what other people say is sometimes the best way to drive a point home. Our favorite of all-time is still from Albert Einstein:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing

over and over and expecting different results.

—Albert Einstein

If you’re going to see the riches you want - the lifestyle you deserve - it’s time to start looking at the world in a different way. We’ll get more involved with these concepts on other days, but for now, here are some concepts to keep in mind as your thinking evolves to that of someone who creates rapid wealth momentum:

You are not a martyr: Kill the word fair from your vocabulary. We’re not saying kill the words nice, decent, justice, equal or lawful from your vocabulary. There was an election in the Midwest United States in the late 1990s for the mayor of a medium-sized town. A candidate won by a single vote. When the losing candidate was asked for a reaction, he said: “If I had known it was going to be that close, I would have voted for myself.” The reporter asked why the loser didn’t vote for himself and he said, “I didn’t think it would be fair.”

This man spent months campaigning, asking for money, probably spending his own and working toward a goal of leading his town. Nowhere in the voting rules did it state a candidate couldn’t vote for themselves. He just believed when it came to picking yourself or somebody else, you act the martyr. This will never end in riches or wealth. Stop debating whether life is fair. Stop wondering about your fair share. Stop asking “What would be fair?” Start looking at the way things actually are and how you can get the most.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Don’t turn into a bad person, a criminal or a know-it-all. You’ll learn later the law of attraction will simply burn you in this case. You simply need to recognize that you are not second-best. You are not to be placed in the backseat. Life is challenging, but it’s up to you to rise to the challenge and if you’re waiting for someone who is a bigger martyr to come along, you don’t deserve to be rich. Why didn’t that losing candidate just work harder and get two more people to vote for him and then this never would have been an issue?

Surround yourself with the right people: It seems silly to point this out, but you’re not the first person to decide to become wealthy. Maybe you know other people who have tried and succeeded. If you do, spend more time with them. If you don’t, find them. Depending upon your job, there may be networking opportunities within your industry or in your geographic area that will help connect you with people who have either done it before you, or others on the same path. Having the right energy around you is just as important as having the right information to achieve your rapid wealth momentum. Energy breeds like energy.

Conversely, take a look at who you are spending your time with, both professional and personally. Negative people will bring you down and help you focus on what’s wrong. Time spent dwelling in negativity is not momentum. Earlier in this chapter we said it was the end of the “poor me” party. It’s time to no longer accept invitations to “poor us” parties either. Empathize and recognize they probably don’t want solutions. Misery loves company. The next time somebody wants to bring you down with their negative energy, excuse yourself and practice your Wealth Affirmations instead.

You are in control of your destiny: So many of those lottery winners expected their life to be perfect when the big check came in. They thought money equaled control, but they were wrong. They were the same people who were not good at handling money who suddenly had a lot of it to handle. It would be like if you knew somebody who owned an apartment in the city and suddenly gave them a farm.

Are you the apartment dweller or the farmer? You can become the farmer, but you cannot be the farmer with the apartment dweller’s life. You must let go of the

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DAY ONE The Reasons You’re Not Wealthy

apartment and learn to be a farmer, especially since that is what you have always dreamed about. If you have always dreamed about being a wealthy person, it is time to recognize that what you saw as mistakes of the past you feel shame over were just opportunities to learn the correct path to success.

Take responsibility: The most successful people are the ones who own it when they make a mistake and don’t demure when they achieve something great. You are responsible for your life, nobody else. Putting limits on yourself is allowing yourself a victim mentality. Blaming other people or circumstances for things hinders our ability for positive change.

Don’t like your job? You’re the one who decides to go there every day. Lost both of your legs and want to climb a mountain? They make equipment for

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

that. Want to have three children but are biologically incapable? It’s called adoption.

There isn’t enough money in your life. You’re taking responsibility by picking up this workbook. Your responsibility will continue in with the exercises on the next page. Responsibility is something that never ends and is at the core of who you are a person. When you see responsibility as a positive to embrace and not a negative to shun...you’re going to find yourself on the inside lane to rapid wealth.

Day One Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ My past history with money will not be future destiny with wealth.

❯ I will not feel guilty, ashamed or afraid about my journey toward wealth.

❯ The only person who will deliver me to a place of wealth is me.

The Why/What of the Day

If you’re between 18 and 30, go back over the last five years. If you’re over 30, go back over the last 10 years. Think of three times you made a decision out of fear, shame, guilt or another negative emotion that hurt your wealth momentum. Imagine you had made a different decision. Write a few sentences about how things turned out with each different decision. What can you do to ensure your decisions would be different today?


Earlier in this chapter, we talked about surrounding yourself with the right people. Who are some of the people who have been positive role models for you to this point? What kind of traits have they displayed and how can you use those on your

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DAY ONE The Reasons You’re Not Wealthy

journey of rapid wealth momentum? Do those people know how grateful you are for their presence in your life? Let them know and then reflect upon how it feels to let people know they are appreciated.

Goal Setting/Visualization

How many times have you been in a job interview and the interview has asked you where you see yourself in a year or in five years? What was your answer a year ago? Five years ago? Why are you not there? It’s time to get a real one-year and five-year plan. It’s time to tell people about it - successful people. As you start to surround yourself with people who are attracting wealth, share with them your plans. It will help you keep yourself on the right track and remain accountable.

Handling Your Wealth

You probably know off the top of your head exactly how much you spend on things like rent/mortgage, car payment and insurance, but how close are you on how much you spend on food, gasoline, clothing or entertainment? You’re the one who is in control, so you need an honest picture of how money is being spent. We’re not tell you to put together a precise budget, just track your spending, but also guess what your spending is like before you start. For the next month, keep track of the categories: Food (home or restaurant), Entertainment (outside the home or items like video games or books brought back) and Personal Care (Hygiene, Laundry Supplies and Medicine).

Real World Speed Bumps

As you begin to build your path toward rapid wealth momentum, you may be faced with situations where you will need to decide whether to put all of your time and resources into one area or diversify. Currently, what is your main source of

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income? What happens if that disappears tomorrow? What is your secondary source? Do you have emergency sources? More importantly, what is your plan to change this situation as your wealth grows?

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Being honest about your strengths and weaknesses, the power

of persuasion and understanding how the mind works are crucial

Where are your natural talents? What are the areas you have always seemed to excel or had a natural knack for as long as you can remember while others have struggled? Could you always do math quicker than others or maybe you’ve never had an issue talking in front of crowds? There are God-given gifts that you possess and if you’re not careful, you can forget about them along the way. It’s tragic when you realize someone who could be the next Van Gogh

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

or Picasso may be toiling away at an office cubicle but will never see their potential realized.

There are also skills you’ve picked up by circumstance, be it school or a professional environment that you found immediately came naturally. Nobody knows they’re good at putting work schedules together or can fix computers until they’re put into the situation and then find they excel. For whatever reason, after learning the basics, you ran with it and become highly competent in an area you had no idea you were so proficient.

The point is, whether you were born with it or picked it along the way, there are things in this world you are good at. Conversely, there are things that you struggle with. For every person who excels at something, there is somebody who is below average. Much like I stressed how you must be honest with yourself about your relationship with money in our Day One chapter, you must be honest with yourself about what your strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to your abilities.

It is important to point out that there is a difference between being talented at something and enjoying doing something. I love to sing, but I’m also honest enough with myself to know I will never get rich doing it. Unfortunately, one look at YouTube and it’s easy to see there are thousands of people who won’t admit they don’t have the talent they wish they did. How many people or their parents, partners or other loved ones have wasted thousands of dollars on delusional “singers” with very little talent chasing their dreams? Love for something does not always equal talent for it, but love and enthusiasm for what you do are both important ingredients of the formula for success.

Common sense - and simply looking at those who have achieved the kind of wealth that you’re looking for - tells us that the most favorable scenario for success is one where you are leveraging talents that you already possess and that you enjoying utilizing them. Remember, we’re talking about Rapid Wealth Momentum. This journey should feel like you’re running downhill, not trudging uphill. You should be doing something you’re good at and having fun in the process!

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DAY TWO The Psychology of Wealth

You’re all on the same, but different, paths

If you didn’t know that you had the ability to be wealthy sooner than later, you wouldn’t have picked up this workbook. If there was some way to look at the last dozen people who decided to use this book, you wouldn’t be seeing a mirror of who you are and what your plans are. You might find a 68-year-old retired grandmother, who has decided it’s time to become an alpaca farmer followed by a 19-year-old college dropout with an idea for a new kind of juice bar followed by 40-year-old brothers who think they’ve figured out a new way to help struggling artists online to a 24-year-old single mother who just knows there is something - anything - better out there for her and her son. Every single one of them is on a very different path, but this workbook will get them there because of what makes them the same.

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Every single person who picks up this book and ends up as a wealthy, successful person because of it will have stacked the deck in their favor as much as possible. What do I mean by this? They will have created the Most Favorable Conditions for prospering, which starts with knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses.

It goes far beyond that though. Let’s say that you have created the world’s greatest surfboard...and you live in Chicago. Nobody surfs in Chicago. Nobody buys surfboards in Chicago. Even the nearest ocean isn’t one where they surf. Can you surfboard company survive in Chicago? Yes, but if you look at the headquarters of the best surfboard companies in the world, they are almost always within a few miles of the beach, whether they are in the United States, Australia or Spain. Staying in Chicago will not create the most favorable condition for your surfboard company. There are a million factors - and some will contradict each other - into creating favorable conditions from taxes to government regulations to weather to proximity to your family and friends.

The Power of Persuasion

The next part of stacking the deck in your favor is evaluating your natural ability for persuasion. In the professional world, this translates into sales and marketing. Maybe you were born with the ability to do math. Were you born with the ability to convince people you were the best at it and get them to purchase a calculator if they weren’t?

Persuasion, sales, and marketing - these are all areas of great nuance deserving of their own workbooks - but they all come down to a simple word: Confidence. If you do not have confidence in yourself in these areas, you may be traveling down the wrong path. Confidence cannot guarantee success, but a lack of confidence can almost certainly spell disaster.

Let’s take the surfboard company example. Perhaps as an engineer you can build the greatest surfboard and you move your operation to Honolulu, Hawaii or Byron

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DAY TWO The Psychology of Wealth

Bay, Australia. You’ve created a great product and are in the right place, but can you convince your customers you’ve got the best boards? Whether you try to set up shop as a distributor, have a surf shop on the beach or sell them out of the back of your van, you’re going to have to convince surf professional you’ve got the goods.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling surfboards, alpaca wool, real estate, or trying to convince your father-in-law to drop his retirement savings on an investment idea; the successful salespeople are selling the same thing: Themselves. People want to support nice, courteous, funny, confident people. They do not want to support cold, quick, unfeeling people. Studies have proven this time and time again. It’s rarely about the product or service - it’s about the salesperson. This extends everywhere in life. Doctors who are sued for malpractice are not actually apt to make more mistakes. They are just more prone to be disliked by their patients.

We Need To Remind Ourselves A Few Things

Between the Introduction and Day One, you’ve had six Wealth Affirmations introduced. Hopefully you’ve memorized them and are saying them out loud multiple times during the day and introducing the new ones as part of the exercises at the end of every chapter. These are designed to help reprogram your subconscious mind.

As you’re falling asleep at night, there is to be no more thinking about the negative things in your life. Put whatever your troubles, worries or fears may be to the back of your mind. This is your time to think about being wealthy. This is your time to remind yourself that you will be wealthy soon and life will be much easier, joyful and enjoyable. This is your time to reflect on the fact you’re a smart, capable person who is going to be one of the people that others are envious of, who others wish they could be like.

When you wake up in the morning, along with your Wealth Affirmations, decide

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to live a day where your road to wealth does not carry any resentment. You will not resent the fact building momentum means hard work. You will not resent the fact there are others who are also getting wealthy, even if it feels like they haven’t worked as hard. Jealousy kills momentum. Before you begin your day, tell yourself it will be one of peace, fulfillment, prosperity and success.

Instant Gratification is The Enemy

I will always believe one of the smartest people in the world was the guy who decided to put the candy bars and cold coffee drinks at the checkout line at the supermarket. It was as if he understood two of my greatest weaknesses when I am at my most vulnerable...hungry and waiting in line. And the truth is, of course he did. That’s exactly why they are there.

Instant gratification is everywhere when it comes to the world of wealth, and it almost always is the wrong road to take because it taps into emotions that should not be listened to if you want to make smart decisions. When I’m standing in line at the supermarket, I know that I can be 20 minutes away from a healthy home-cooked meal. I’ve never starved waiting 20 minutes. I’ll save money and calories I don’t need leaving the candy bar on the shelf and the iced coffee in the refrigerator. But I’m hungry, bored, irritable, tired. I want a jolt of happiness. Having given in before, I know whatever jolt may be produced will only come with a sense of guilt and regret and I’ll feel even worse than I did before. The best move is to skip the coffee and candy bar.

Instant gratification when it comes to money has taken down national economies. It’s destroyed companies, families and individuals. Instant gratification is the opposite of genuine investment. This program is about rapid wealth momentum, but it is about building and sustaining your wealth, not looking for that one “get rich quick” moment. Avoid these as much as you can. They may feel good for a moment, but like the stomach ache you’ll get from a quick coffee and candy bar, you don’t want to give in to get your fix. The more you give in, the easier it is to give

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DAY TWO The Psychology of Wealth

in and eventually, it’s no longer even instant gratification - it’s your regular routine and you’re back at square one.

Day Two Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ My unique strengths will carry me to the life of my dreams.

❯ I have created the best possible conditions for rapid wealth momentum.

❯ I will not cave to the promise of quick, instant gratification of being rich.

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The Why/What of the Day

How does your main path to rapid wealth momentum tap into the natural or acquired talents you currently possess? Are there other skills you will need to ensure success? How will you get them?

TAKE AWAY: You’ve got the tools to be a very wealthy, successful person, but you’ve also got to know if you need more tools. Taking stock of where you stand is going to be an ongoing process. If you’re not exactly sure what your path is going to be, write down your strengths and different ways to make money using those strengths. Which of these seem like the most natural for your rapid wealth momentum to begin?


At the end of this Chapter, I talked about Instant Gratification and how it can be the enemy. It’s one of the big ingredients of addiction and never helps things. Can you think of a few times in your life when you succumbed to the need for Instant Gratification? Think about all of the people who are not in any condition to pursue a world of wealth because they are so locked into the pursuit of instant gratification. Be thankful you are not among those unfortunate souls.

TAKE AWAY: It’s important to remember that the lessons practiced in this workbook can be carried over to other aspects of life. Make sure Instant Gratification isn’t a big piece in any part of your life, not just wealth building.

Goal Setting/Visualization

I mentioned that deciding to not be resentful toward others who are able to achieve wealth faster or easier than you is only going to help you. How will your resentments disappear when you have money? Do you resent your bills? Do you resent your old car or old furniture? Picture what a life free of resentment will look

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DAY TWO The Psychology of Wealth

like when you are a wealthy person. Work on starting to let go of some of that resentment now.

TAKE AWAY: Resentment takes energy and time. Those are resources you should be spending toward your rapid wealth momentum building, not on negativity. You may find yourself forcing negative thoughts away more often than you’d like, but as you work this program, you’ll discover the negative thoughts are replaced with positivity and resentments no longer play a role in your life.

Real World Speed Bumps

Whatever your path to riches, there will be people lining both sides telling you that it’s impossible and it can’t be done. On good days, they are easy ignore and sail right past. On rough days, it can be tough to not listen to the negativity coming

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

at you. The best thing to do is prepare for those rough days. Can you get away from that kind of energy? If not, what distractions can you use to ignore it? Letting the naysayers know that you will not be taken down by their negative thoughts is important. Prepare a polite sentence or two informing others their opinions will not deter your success.

TAKE AWAY: If becoming wealthy were easy, everybody would be wealthy. Most people are too lazy and scared to make the commitment that you’re making. Most people also dislike change. If they can convince you to stay the way you are, it won’t highlight their shortcomings, but when you’re a wealthy person, they’re going to be left behind. Don’t let them hold you back. Be ready to deal with these kind of people and do not let them detour or stall you on your path.

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Grab a pencil and a piece of paper because it’s time to list

all of things - and all of the people - you have going for you

On Day Two, I asked you to start thinking about your talents, whether they came naturally or were acquired. We’re going to expand upon that in today’s lesson and get a bit more specific. Once again, we’re looking to create the Most Favorable Conditions for your rapid wealth momentum and that’s going to be to leverage not just your talent, but also other aspects of your personality, physical body and physical world around you.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Once again, this is an exercise in honesty, not looking at yourself through a lens as you wish you would appear to the world. If you’re not a person who is easy to get to know or a person who is physically weak, it’s going to be crucial to be upfront about. You can change things about yourself - that’s not the issue here. The important thing is that you have a clear picture, almost as if you’d stepped outside of your body, of exactly what you’re working with. We call this the Physical and Mental Asset Count.

Physical and Mental Asset Count

Basic Physical: First, take a look a real hard look at yourself. You know yourself physically better than anybody and know what you can and cannot do or handle. Maybe you’re somebody who NEEDS eight hours of sleep every night or perhaps you can get by on just five. Are you overweight and that affects your mobility, although you try to pretend it doesn’t? Do you have an amazing metabolism and can eat all the bad food you want or is it just the opposite?

That’s just scratching the surface, but you need to understand your body’s needs when it comes to food and sleep. Maintaining momentum is also about maintaining stamina. This isn’t a diet or exercise book, but it doesn’t take a scientist to understand that you must listen to your body and maintain a certain level of health. Without your physical health, just about everything else in this book is pointless. We’re all different, but we all must pay attention to signs our body gives us. Your body is your greatest asset, even if you sometimes feel otherwise.

Physical Skills: I love watching the Olympics to see how people will focus on one discipline and train their bodies and their minds to excel in a single area. Usain Bolt may be the world’s fastest human, but there are men 10 years old and 50 pounds heavier who can throw a discus further than he could ever imagine. Meanwhile there’s a guy on the other side of the track who can jump higher than both of them combined. Are you fast? Strong? Have tremendous endurance?

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DAY THREE Understanding Your Assets

Maybe you have few skills when it comes to the physical realm. That’s OK, too. It’s just important to know what you’re working with. You may not be cut out for heavy lifting, or you may find it easy but still not like it. Right now all I want you to do is make the list of your assets. It’s better to know you’ve got a tool in your chest and opt not to use it than to not realize it was there in the first place.

Basic Mental: This is sometimes harder for people to be honest about than their physical strengths or weaknesses. Anything that isn’t a physical trait I tend to put into the mental category. Do you feel like most people you deal with are smarter than you? Are you an overly emotional person? Are you a driven, motivated person? Do you have the kind of personality that attracts people or repels them? Does your mind get tired before your body?

Much like your physical body, your mind is a complex piece of machinery you’ll never fully understand, but you must keep in tip-top condition if you’re looking to make

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

the most of your situation. Please understand, I’m not - and you shouldn’t - be placing value judgments on any of these traits. It doesn’t matter at this point if you’re a “people person” or not. The most important thing is to know in all truth if you are or not. Moving forward with a plan for somebody who is a “people person” that is carried out by somebody who isn’t is not creating the Most Favorable Conditions.

Mental Skills: Let’s get a little more specific. One of the easiest ways to figure out where to start when you’re taking a mental skills asset count is to ask yourself what you found easiest in school and what you’ve found easiest when it comes to your professional life thus far. Did you prefer subjects like math and science or were you more geared toward communications-based subjects like reading, writing and spelling? Where there kinds of math, like algebra, you liked while others, like geometry proved troubling? These days, do you read for fun? When you play games on your phone are there any word games (language) or card games (math)?

If I tell you that to become wealthy, it’s going to take equal parts reading/research and math/tracking money, which one seems the hardest? Beyond learning, are you mentally tough? Do you give up on things easy? Do you look for shortcuts in everyday life? A Physical and Mental Asset Count is going to be one of your best guides, if done honestly, to showing you both areas you may want to consider improving or changing and the direction to head for rapid wealth momentum by creating the Most Favorable Conditions.

People Are Your Assets

Once you’re done taking a look at what your key assets are and figuring out how to leverage your positive attributes and skills, it’s time to take it to a new level. On Day One, I mentioned that one of the things that has likely held you back is the company you have kept. I’m guessing that among your friends, there are plenty who would like to be rich, but few who are going to do anything other than complain about the fact that they haven’t fallen into a pile of money. Like most

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DAY THREE Understanding Your Assets

people, they probably blame others for their shortcomings.

Thankfully, you’re different and thankfully you’ve realized that you need to get away from these people as much as possible. They’re just going to bring you down. Thankfully, there are other people like you out there. Not only are there people like you, but there are people who have been successful, radiate positive energy and vibes and are exactly the kind of person you should want to strive to be like. These are the people that I want you to begin to surround yourself with. These are the people who, instead of trying to hold you down at their level are going to lift you up to where they currently reside - physically, mentally and spiritually. You’re not going to believe how easy it is to not only become rich, but to truly live the life of a wealthy person when you’re being pushed forward, not pulled backward. There are three kinds of relationships I want you to look for as you begin this journey into Day Three:

Networking: These are your acquaintances and friends. You don’t have to know them well, but you should ask yourself how they can play a role in your rapid wealth momentum. What assets do they have that you can leverage? Take as many opportunities as you can to grow your circle of acquaintances and friends. This does not mean every person has to know your life story and vice versa. It just means that you never know when a relationship with someone will prove to be important.

Mastermind: This is a group of people - usually 5 or 10 - you meet with on a regularly basis who have a similar goal with you. For instance, it could be a group of small business owners, or a group of people in your age group or gender who are all trying to build wealth. These groups can easily be found online and are sometimes the best places to feel like you’re not the only person in the world trying to make something of yourself.

Mentors: These are teachers. They are the ones who have “made it” and can show you the ropes. Whatever your strategy or path to wealth, they traveled a similar one and can warn you of potential hazards and provide valuable

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feedback. They’ll not only help you become the best you, but they’ll be an informed cheerleader, who can give you that wise nudge and that informed pat-on-the-back when you need it.

YOUR most valuable assets are the soft ones

There is one final category of assets I want to touch upon before you get on to today exercises, which I think you’ll enjoy. I call this category soft assets because they aren’t tangible, like your bank account or anything you own, but they also aren’t anything specific to your personality in the sense we’ve talked about in today’s chapter. Yet when it comes down to it, these soft assets are often the areas that most people will remember and make their judgments upon you the most.

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DAY THREE Understanding Your Assets

Are you someone who always keeps their word and is loyal? Do you always exceed your promises? Are you the first to arrive and the last to leave and do you always give 110% regardless of the task at hand? Almost as importantly, do other people see you doing this and respect you for it?

These are a few of YOUR most valuable assets:

YOUR Reputation YOUR Effort

YOUR Time YOUR Energy

YOUR Opinion YOUR Attention

It’s ironic, you can only control these things to a degree yet it is these soft assets - not your ability, nor your mental or physical assets, nor the people you know - upon how you will be judged. These valuable assets are not to be given away in haste. Treat them like gold as they are worth so much more than most people give them worth.

Day Three Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ My assets will create my Most Favorable Conditions bring me closer to wealth.

❯ I belong in the same class as rich and successful people. They are my peers.

❯ Everything I give of myself has value and I must treat my soft assets as commodities

The Why/What of the Day

Instead of a Why/What, today is going to be a Who. Who are the people in your life that can be listed as assets on your path of rapid wealth momentum? This may seem like an easy task on the surface, but you’re going to have to take a look at

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

some of your close relationships and determine if the people if your life are helping or harming your chances at wealth. Start with those closest and work outward. This task can take a while, and shouldn’t be rushed.

TAKE AWAY: The tough part of this exercise is recognizing that there are people who are very important to you who are also among the most toxic in your life. Thankfully, if done correctly, you’ll also see there are relationships you haven’t worked on and acquaintances who could become friends that are much healthier situations. Brilliant Nobel Prize winning scientists don’t hang out in pool halls with criminals and successful millionaires aren’t found at the off-track betting parlor gambling on horses in the middle of the day with their friends. We are who we surround ourselves with, like it or not.


Take a look at your Physical and Mental Asset Count. Do you take all of those things for granted? When was the last time you stopped to think about the things you’re capable of doing that you’ve learned - and mastered along the way? Who taught you these skills? Have you passed them along to anyone else? Make time every day, even if just for a moment to be thankful for the gifts you were born with and the gifts others saw within you and helped to cultivate. Look for your opportunities to cultivate them in others.

TAKE AWAY: One of the traits that are found in successful wealthy people who are also the most content and happy is that they are grateful for their good fortunes. Practicing gratitude will help keep things in perspective through both the good and challenging times in life, bringing you back to a place of centeredness not commonly found in most people. When you’ve got this center, it’s easy to focus on the important things that will keep you on your path of rapid wealth momentum.

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DAY THREE Understanding Your Assets

Goal Setting/Visualization

On days we feel great, we don’t need a reminder of our strengths, but on the days where it feels like nothing is going the way we want, having visual cues to not only remind us things will get better, but that we are the same amazing people we were the day before can help up lift us out of whatever is causing the trouble. Create an “Assets Highlight” list. List your two or three strongest physical and mental assets. Write down the names of a few people who are your personal assets and write a couple of words about your soft assets like “My Opinion is Important” and “My Time is Valuable.” Create a couple of these and always have one within reach for those days you need to be reminded that the most valuable thing in your life is YOU.

TAKE AWAY: Reminding ourselves things are good when we feel fine is easy. Training ourselves to pull a U-Turn on negative attitudes when things are slipping is crucial and your Assets Highlights list can help train you to focus on the positive since your assets are all positive things. If looking at this list isn’t enough some days, give one of the people on the list a call. Just hearing the voice of someone you value and respect can often make you feel better about yourself.

Spread the Wealth

When you join a mastermind or networking group, make sure to give of yourself just as much, if not more than you take. Recognize that if somebody is leaning on you for support, advice, suggestions or help of any kind it is because they see you as giving value to their life. Your rapid wealth momentum will grow just as quickly when you are giving of yourself as when you are taking from others, and in many cases, even quicker.

TAKE AWAY: When we were children, we were all told “It’s better to give than to receive” and on many levels, this is true. Visit a Habitat for Humanity job site and you may be surprised how it is a better networking event than a Chamber of

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Commerce mixer, and you walk away with your good energy and good kharma meters full. Never turn down an opportunity to be around people who may be able to guide you. It may seem pointless to your future wealth, but what happens when that person you’re working next to is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company you’d never get to meet otherwise? The universe has a way of rewarding people who spread good energy.

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The lessons that must be followed were all put on display by a

visionary who knew ice was the future more than 200 years ago

The Kennebec River in Maine is named after a Native American Indian tribe who once lived on its banks. Today, the Kennebec cuts through the state capital of Augusta where 15,000 people work in state government, but that’s only half the number of people who worked in Augusta’s largest industry 150 years ago. For

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

around 100 years from the 1820s to the 1920s, the Kennebec River was the largest natural resource for commercial ice production in the world.

Giant blocks of ice were harvested from the mighty river - frozen four-to-six months per year - and literally shipped all over the world. It’s proximity to seaports in Portland, Boston and New York City along with developing railroad lines to points all over the expanding United States made its location perfect and cost effective.

Why am I about to tell you a story about an industry - natural ice harvesting - that has been dead for nearly 100 years? I could drone on about market demand, or I can illustrate it in a way that happened in real life and prove that these lessons don’t change. They are guaranteed. All of today’s lessons can be found in the rise and fall of this niche industry.

What does this market need?

It’s the kind of question you silently answer 100 times a day, yet when you sit down to answer for an exercise like this, it’s more likely than not you draw a blank. That’s OK. It is why I want you to always have a notebook, voice recorder, or download those apps for your cell phone. You need to be able to record your thoughts when inspiration hits and as we’ve all experienced, it never happens when we’re planning.

This book is about rapid wealth momentum. You want to be on a downhill trajectory toward making money and the easiest way that’s going to happen is if you are providing a product or service that is in high demand, but in short supply. This is a simple premise that is understood by many, yet followed by few. It’s romantic to open a restaurant or become a painter, but if there are already too many restaurants in a town or too few art purchasers in an area, failure is just around the corner.

Without a long, drawn out history lesson (although I hope you will spend the time to read a few biographies and books about business leaders - they are fantastic resources) the ice harvesting industry developed when a young Boston merchant

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DAY FOUR The Marketplace is Where You Will Succeed

realized the multiple uses for ice from a luxury item for rich people who wanted cool drinks to preserving meat bound for West Indies on ships. Others, as always the case, followed his path.

In the 1850s and 1860s, Americans became more health conscious and a move was made toward adding dairy and fresh produce to diets, especially for people living in cities. This was when the “ice box” - the non-electric forerunner to the refrigerator was introduced into homes. To say the ice harvesting industry exploded would be downplaying the situation.

In 1882, two-thirds of the 1.5 million tons of ice harvested in Maine that year came from the Kennebec River, where 25,000 men were employed by the industry.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

During the boom decades of 1870-1890, the ice harvest on the Kennebec River in Maine returned greater wealth than California’s annual gold production.

Commercial wholesalers began producing ice mechanically at the turn of the century in urban areas, dropping the price dramatically. River pollution and fear of typhoid fever turned people off to the natural product as well. By the 1920s, home refrigerators became commonplace, putting the last nail in the coffin for the once mighty ice harvesting industry on Maine’s Kennebec River, but what a run it was.

A River of Wealth

I love this story because there are 200 years worth of lessons of wealth creation. Think about a world without ice. It existed. Maine was a poor state and nobody there had the money, infrastructure or connections to create a national and international ice harvesting industry. Those people existed in Boston and New York, but despite cold temperatures and harsh winters, they didn’t have a natural resource like the Kennebec River. These first pioneers of the industry - men with names like Frederic Tudor, Rufus Page and James Cheeseman - transformed their entire lives to follow the wealth.

Take a look at the West Indies on a map. It’s the area of Cuba, Jamaica, Aruba, Haiti and the two dozen or so other small countries in the Caribbean Sea. Limited land mass meant limited resources. Year-round high temperatures (and a lack of infrastructure) meant producing ice was nearly impossible. By the time certain foods would make it to the West Indies from America, or vice versa, they would be spoiled. There is an opportunity for wealth here!

Frederic Tudor wasn’t an overnight success in the West Indies. He went bankrupt multiple times. Buying a ship at the young age of 23, harvesting the ice and bringing it to a place where people were unfamiliar with a practical use was a daunting task. His first trip to Martinique took place in 1806, but it wasn’t until 1810 he turned his first profit and his life became about convincing people they NEEDED ice.

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DAY FOUR The Marketplace is Where You Will Succeed

Tudor stayed for a while at a boarding house in South Carolina around 1819. He treated dinner as his own personal market research session. People would laugh at the frozen water chunks he dropped into his beverage at the table, but on those hot July days, by dinner’s end they were calling him a genius as they enjoyed their chilled beverages. After realizing he could create market demand by showing people they couldn’t live without ice once they tried it, he knew the West Indies venture was going to just be the tip of the iceberg. (Get it? Iceberg.)

Tudor didn’t go door-to-door. He was smarter than that. He visited restaurants and bars, proving that a restaurant’s customers would pay more for chilled

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

drinks. While the recipe existed, Tudor taught restaurants how to make ice cream. He showed doctors and hospitals how ice could cool feverish patients. Just a couple years after his time at the boarding house, America had ice mania thanks to one man.

This, in turn, spurned people who copied his ideas, improved them and found new uses for ice. New saws, carriages, conveyer belts, warehouses, etc. all had to be invented or developed. Demand for ice created demand for everything else connected to ice. Markets spurred markets.

It’s said that only 10%-15% of the ice harvested in those days ever made it to sale, and the casualty rate was up there with serving in war. Clearly there was a market to create products and services that would make ice harvesting more efficient and safer. A little more than 100 years after those first holes were cut in the Kennebec River, there was no more need. We had electric refrigerators and could make our own ice at home. This market was dead, but what a glorious ride it had been. The refrigeration market that replaced Tudor’s ice empire? Still alive and well. Maybe you’re the next Frederic Tudor and we’ll be talking about how you put an end to refrigerators in our homes. It may seem silly, but the idea of creating frozen water in your kitchen in a giant metal box struck everybody as ludicrous once, too!

Five Simple Keys to Creating Market Demand

Frederic Tudor followed five my Five Simple Keys to Creating Market Demand. He may, or may not have, realized he was doing it at the time, but in following these philosophies, he contributed to creating the Most Favorable Conditions for Rapid Wealth Momentum. Keep in mind, he didn’t get rich in one winter, but continued to move forward with his belief in his ideas and his belief in himself, never letting setbacks stand in his way. Forget Henry Ford or Donald Trump. The great Frederic Tudor is a man every business student should study.

Whether he knew it or not, here are the steps Tudor took that led to him being the reason you’ve got ice in that drink next to you right now.

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DAY FOUR The Marketplace is Where You Will Succeed

Position Yourself As The Expert: We are all as much of an expert about ice as Frederic Tudor these days, but back then, he was The Man because he said he was. With many new inventions/discoveries, this is the case. However, if you’re developing a new kind of dry cleaning or irrigation system for farms, you’re going to have to know your market better than the person to whom you’re explaining your product or service. People are compelled to act on compelling expert advice, not on someone who comes along and thinks they may have a solution.

Create Value In Your Product or Service: Why would anybody put ice in their beverage, Mr. Tudor? What did you say will happen when I put this frozen water against a fever sufferer’s forehead? You can make that ice cream stuff with this? Tudor knew not everybody needed ice for the same reasons, so he looked at his market and found their specific needs and pitched to them accordingly.

Create Value For the Most Successful Users First: Tudor may have tested ice on the people who passed through that boarding house, but when he realized there was a consumer demand beyond large international shipping, he didn’t take it to the consumer. He took it to people who took it to the consumer. He went to the hospitals and restaurants, not the sick and the hungry. A restaurant owner or a hospital administrator was much more apt to take a risk (and place a large order) compared to a housewife talking to a door-to-door salesman.

Find A Long Term Trend or Problem to Solve: So was this ice thing a fad? No. It spawned countless other industries. Think about it. When you see an athlete crack a chemical ice pack and put it against their knee, there’s no water in there, but it never would have happened without Tudor. Think about the size of the ice cream case at the supermarket. That’s Tudor. The ice machine on your refrigerator that breaks far more than it should? Thank Tudor. Frederic Tudor knew people needed things to always be cold, even if they didn’t realize just how much they needed it. The need is still there today and it’s hard to debate that will ever change.

Go Where There Are Few Perceived Options: For Tudor, this wasn’t a question of “Who needs ice?” it was a question of “Where is rapid cooling or preservation needed?” It was needed across multiple markets covering a gamut of needs.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

It’s like asking who needs wood or electricity. The unifying theme among all of these industries, be it food service or health care was that they hadn’t solved their problems with an easy, cost-effective solution until Tudor introduced ice as the solution.

Obviously, the story of ice harvesting and the growth of the industry is not as succinct as I have briefly presented it here. There were plenty of challenges, but Tudor - and the thousands of others who ventured into it - figured out how to tackle those challenges and create one of America’s first homegrown industries. As I said before, I urge you to read about other entrepreneurs like Tudor who saw markets that needed something and went after the open space. Sometimes they ended successful in something completely different. It’s hard to imagine when Tudor was on his first ship bound for the West Indies, pulling out of the Kennebec River, he thought he’d be teaching chefs how to make dessert 20 years down the road...but he followed his path of rapid wealth momentum. Follow your path, and enjoy today’s exercises.

Day Four Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ Today’s question is tomorrow’s answer is the next day’s pay check.

❯ The world is waiting for me to create a solution for one of its problems.

❯ Opportunities for wealth are everywhere if I am always open to finding them.

The Why/What of the Day

Most people create their wealth not by inventing anything new, but by improving upon an existing product or service. Regardless of what your plan for rapid wealth momentum may be, it’s always good to exercise the part of your brain that is thinking about how things could be better. Pick up a magazine or turn on the television and look at a couple of advertisements. Think of a completely rational

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DAY FOUR The Marketplace is Where You Will Succeed

way a product or service you see could be improved and think of a completely irrational way it could be made better. How wide is that gap between rational and irrational REALLY? Do you sometimes dismiss your ideas as irrational, silly or stupid too fast? Why?

TAKE AWAY: It’s the irrational ideas that have changed the world. Think about the first person who suggested to people they try deodorant or toothpaste. They were seen as crazy, but now it’s the people who scoffed who seem like the irrational ones. When Frederic Tudor dropped ice into his drink, the boarding house visitors thought he was insane. An hour later, they wanted to know where they could get ice. The irrational ideas are the ones that often deserve a second look before the ones we deem as “safe”.


Think about the fact that you are here, right now, in this exact moment in history. We are more technologically advanced and have more knowledge in this second than we ever have had in the history of man. We live in a world where people ask Google for 3.5 billion pieces of information every day - and there was no Google 25 years ago. Tomorrow, we’ll be even smarter. Yet there it is your glass, keeping your beverage cold...ice.

TAKE AWAY: We take the simple things for granted, but the simple things for one generation are not the simple things for another. There is now a generation entering the workplace that doesn’t know a world without Google. There isn’t a generation left that remembers a world without easy access to ice. A lot of people get wealthy giving generations of people things they didn’t even know they needed.

Goal Setting/Visualization

Frederic Tudor likely never saw himself pitching ice as a fever reducer or as the main ingredient in ice cream two decades after preserving meat and fruit in large ships

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

bound for Martinique. Picture yourself in far-fetched situations. Imagine yourself as a successful fashion designer, or talk show host. Imagine you’ve invented the flying car or give the medals to the winners at the Olympics. Forget how you got there. Just picture that you did. You can get anywhere. Picture yourself successful in the most obscure situations until they seem not so obscure.

TAKE AWAY: Anything is possible. Somebody wins the Academy Award for Best Director in 2040. That could be you. But you may be busy leading your country as President or Prime Minister if you’re not too busy piloting your lear jet. The sooner you recognize anything is possible the sooner you’ll recognize any MARKET is possible and start thinking outside of the box.

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DAY FOUR The Marketplace is Where You Will Succeed

Real World Speed Bumps

The story of Frederic Tudor sounds rosy, but here are some true details. The original ice harvesting idea wasn’t his, but his brother’s. They pooled their money to buy their first ship. Almost nobody bought their ice on their first trip to Martinique because they didn’t market the ice correctly. William bailed from the venture and Frederic had to buy his $5,000 portion of the ship. He was never great with finances and between 1809 and 1813, even after he started turning a profit, Frederic spent short stints in debtors’ prison three times and ran from the law a good portion of the rest. Yes, it’s a happy story in the end, but it was only his persistence and his belief in himself and his idea that kept him going.

TAKE AWAY: Getting wealthy isn’t easy. If it were, everybody would be. The difference between people who make it and those who don’t is the ability to stick to it. They dust themselves off when things get challenging and refocus, knowing that they have the right idea and never letting anything stop them. How often have you let things hold you back in the past? That can’t happen on the road to rapid wealth momentum.

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You’re no longer a consumer. If you’re looking for rapid wealth

momentum, welcome to the world of the producers

I’ve been throwing a lot at you over the first several days here and it’s time to connect some dots for you. I have a goal for this book and it’s not a secret. I want to teach you how to retrain your mind to create an environment where a life of wealth is not only a possibility...not only a probability...but nearly a

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DAY FIVE It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

given. This book takes years of my experience - both in study and practical application - and boils it down into easily understandable concepts that, if followed correctly, will vastly improve your life. This book is a project I have put a lot of time and effort into whether you follow every rule or use it as a beverage coaster.

It’s not what I wanted to write when I was a little kid growing up. And honestly, I’d rather be out on my sailboat right now meditating or reading somebody else’s book. But here’s the thing: There is a market for these books, I have an expertise in this field and I have been able to achieve the wealth discussed within this book by following its lessons.

I’d rather write a fun science fiction book about aliens, but there are literally thousands of “writers” whose careers don’t amount to anything. It’s not just writers. These are the people who have Passion Jobs. They are most musicians, artists, craftsman, shopkeepers, and restauranteurs. They work full-time dead-end Passion Jobs that lead nowhere, often having to supplement with other part-time or full-time employment just to cover basic necessities.

You’re going to point to the tiny amount of them who are successful doing something they love and I will then encourage you to buy them each a lottery ticket, because that is all they are doing. They could all be very successful. My monetary success as a writer comes from the knowledge I have as a wealth creator. It’s not because I tell good stories about alien invasions. As I mentioned earlier, I also love to sing karaoke, but there is no success path that involves my singing.

There is an old adage, “The person who loves his job never works a day in his life.” Well, the person who never works a day in his life never makes a dime, either. I’ve never met many people who are poor and happy. We don’t have to love the work we do. Sitting alone at a computer writing books like this is hard. It’s usually not fun. The fun part is when people buy it and later tell me how much it has changed their life. The fun part is when I get a check and spend it on the things I want. The actual part where I work? It’s not fun.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

Stop thinking like the end user

I mentioned that I’d rather be on my sailboat reading somebody else’s book. It’s true. But I’d probably be reading a book on self-improvement or finance. Maybe it would be behavioral economics or philosophy. I like those topics. I like those topics, but I don’t love them. When I read them, I think about how I can integrate some of the ideas into what I’m currently working on in realm of wealth creation. This is because I am a PRODUCER. I love science fiction aliens. I am a CONSUMER of science fiction aliens. When I look in the mirror, I see a producer, not a consumer.

We’re all consumers. It’s not a dirty word, but it is a mindset that you must shed if you’re going to be successful in creating wealth momentum. You are no longer the user. You are the creator. Things are no longer built, served, made, designed, hosted, held-up, created, etc. FOR you. They are all of these things BY you.

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DAY FIVE It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

Think about how a seed becomes the carrot on plate at a restaurant. A farmer plants it, tends to it, harvests it and brings it to market. The grocer sells it to the restaurant owner, who turns it over to the chef. That chef prepares the meal that is put in front of you. There is only one pure consumer in this equation. You. Every other person consumes the carrot and produces something new. You are the end user.

As long as you are the end user, and the closer you stay to the end user, the less likelihood you will ever have of creating rapid wealth momentum. Odds are, the server makes less money than the chef and the chef makes less money than the restaurant owner (if that owner knows what they are doing.) The closer to being the end user one is, the less important they are in the production chain.

Rapid Wealth Does Not Mean Fast Cash

I hate saying those words and hold off as long as I can because I know if you deliver them too early it’s going to scare people away. Those are the lottery ticket people. But as you read in Day 4 about Frederic Tudor, it was his mindset as a 23-year-old that led him to riches, even as he was dodging the law in his early days. (Do everything legally, by the way.) His brother, who had the brilliant idea of shipping ice to the West Indies bailed almost immediately.

It’s well-documented Tudor didn’t love week-long boat rides in rough seas to get laughed at in Martinique. He knew at the beginning of dinner at the boarding house, he’d have to sit through ridicule from people who thought he was idiot for putting ice in his lemonade. He saw his finances dwindle, then ping-pong, before settling and finally trending upward. The one constant though was his mindset. Tudor was a producer. He had a mindset for rapid wealth momentum. At the bottom of the hill was a pile of money and a good life and it didn’t matter how many roadblocks life threw at him. He kept moving onward. That’s the mindset you need.

Think about this: Most people who get into debt don’t do it in one magnificent moment. Falling behind is done day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month,

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

until all of a sudden, you’re standing in a hole that you never realized was so big. The exact same thing can happen with wealth creation if you can just change a few things about how you handle and view money and changing your outlook from consumer to producer will be the biggest help of all.

Let’s say you smoke one pack of cigarettes (at $8/pack) and drink two cans of beer per day (at $1.50/beer). You’re spending $11 per day, or $77 per week on these habits. At the end of the year, you’ve spent $4,004. If you stopped that today, you immediately have $4,004 to spend on other things. But what if you not only stopped it, but did something to invest it? What if you took that $11 and put it into an IRA or a 401K? What if you saved it for the business you want to start next year? What if you used it for a down payment on a house so you’d stop wasting money on rent?

How about this? If you can afford $11 per day in January, can you afford $12 per day in February? Can you afford $13 per day in March? If you went up $1 per day each calendar month, at the end of the year, you’d have $6,032. If you can get into

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DAY FIVE It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

debt a few dollars per day, you can get into a position of wealth a few dollars per day too. It’s about momentum. Once you start saving this money - once wealth creation becomes YOUR PROJECT - you’ll find that it gets easier every day and as you see the numbers add up, it gets more satisfying, too.

Health doesn’t just rhyme with Wealth

And it’s not a coincidence I mention cigarettes and beer. I’ll spare the moralization and negative health effect lecture, but it does need to be noted that most successful millionaires engage in healthy lifestyles and as we know, healthy lifestyles take a little more work. Cigarettes, beer, unhealthy snacks, a sedentary life of videogames, gambling, etc. - these vices are great at giving a minute of pleasure, but cause more harm in the long-run and will cost more (monetarily, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) than they ever provide.

Clean living and healthy living isn’t always fun. Those people jogging aren’t always smiling. Neither are those people drinking their kale smoothies or eating hummus. But much like when it comes to professional work, personal work is like a job. You don’t have to love it. It’s a mindset and for those of us who are the most successful, it all ties together. It really is about connecting the dots in your life.

Wealth and health. Health and wealth. Say them fast several times and they start to blend together, as they should.

Day Five Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ My mind is now that of a producer, not a consumer.

❯ I can create wealth just as easily as I can create debt.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

❯ If I am not loving what I am doing to create wealth, I am doing something right.

❯ Wealth is not a sprint. It is a marathon with a hard-earned victory waiting for me.

The Why/What of the Day

Why do you think it so important to have a producer’s mindset vs. a consumer’s? When you look at the successful people who you would like to pattern yourself after, what kind of mindset do they have? Why has a producer’s mindset been important to their success? What are things you can do today to begin changing the way you look at things? Are there areas of your life now where you are a producer? What can you do to leverage these positions?

TAKE AWAY: Remember, when I ask you to see what you can do today, it’s not that great changes will happen, it’s that momentum begins with a single movement and that movement can start today - it can start NOW! Changing thinking patterns and ways of looking at the world is a process and one that needs to be consciously worked on and takes effort.


The greatest attributes you were given came to you the day you entered this world, your mental and physical beings. It astounds me how poorly we are taught to care for them when we are young and even when we are taught the difference between positive and negative care, we rarely follow it, preferring for the quick fix that usually turns into a long-term crutch. Instead of just looking at your physical and mental health as part of “you” - who may not always be first on your priority list - if you looked at your physical and mental health as your two best friends, would you treat them better? Unlike your friends, they’re going to be there with you through thick and thin because you can’t get rid of them. You can only harm them and drag them along with you.

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DAY FIVE It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

TAKE AWAY: From an objective standpoint, it’s unfathomable how much we understand about the human body and the care it needs, yet we do the exact opposite thing it needs for a moment of joy. It’s not like we don’t know what happens to people who have smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years. They don’t get 50 years. Same thing with people who weigh 450 pounds. Usually, when people are driven to seek pleasure and relief in destructive behavior, something else is wrong and that’s where mental health plays a big role. While all of this negative health is happening, the wallet is also slowly being drained. Nobody with this lifestyle is every going to build any kind of positive wealth momentum. It’s just not possible.

Goal Setting/Visualization

I mentioned the replacement of money spent on beer and cigarettes into an account for another purpose earlier in today’s lesson. Perhaps you don’t have vices as unhealthy as those, but it is necessary for you to start saving money

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

and taking some from where you are a consumer is the best way to start your transformation to producer. A few days ago, we talked about saving money in the goal setting exercise and I’d like you to revisit that if you haven’t begun. You need a daily plan of savings. Not weekly, not monthly. Daily. On top of that. I’d like you to take a piece of paper and write down five scenarios that will occur as a result of the extra money. They could take six months, six years, or 66 years, it’s just important that you see them. Maybe it’s owning a garage full of classic cars or owning the largest garage in your area where you service classic cars. Maybe it’s taking a trip to see every member of your family once you’re retired or paying for every member of your family to visit you at the same time once you’re retired. Visualize those goals and stop spending money on your consumer lifestyle.

TAKE AWAY: We’ll always need to eat, have clothing, transportation, etc. Nobody stops being a consumer, and that’s a good thing! You’ll need them to create your wealth! It’s important to start having some goals based on your new mindset. Rewarding yourself for changed behavior is parts of what helps new behaviors become new habits. Visualization is a terrific technique to help you “keep your eye on the prize” on those days things are tough.

Spread the Wealth

You’re not rich

You’re not wealthy right now and that’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s to be commended you’re doing something about it. Most people do nothing beyond hoping somebody in their family dies and leaves them money. You’re about halfway through this book. I’m sure there are concepts and ideas you’ve been introduced to that have you have maybe been presented in the past but never clicked or others you’ve heard for the first time that made you think “A-ha!” If you really want to know if you understand something, try to teach it. You’re not only reinforcing your knowledge, you’re spreading the wealth. (I love ending on a great joke.)

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DAY FIVE It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

TAKE AWAY: I have felt teachers have never got the credit they deserve. We give all of our admiration to movies stars and rappers yet people who pass along knowledge are among the least paid and most ignored. Hopefully you’ve been marking up this workbook with a highlighter or a pencil. Find at least one topic you liked and share about it today or tomorrow and then re-read it again to see if you covered everything important. We often learn the most when we’re teaching.

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INVEST IN YOURSELFIt’s going to take a well-rounded person to be a wealth generator. Figure

out which areas you need the most improvement and how to fix it.

There are people who simply have great gut instincts. Don’t confuse yourself with one of these people. They are ego-driven and without methodology, their “gut instincts” almost always have an expiration date, much like the wealth of a lottery winner.

These people live by the credo “It’s better to be lucky than good.” They are neither because they view luck as a magical force. It’s not. They are momentarily defying

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odds and as we’ll discuss in a moment, much of building wealth momentum is about math, science and putting odds in your favor. It’s a numbers game.

Unfortunately, many people confuse having great gut instincts with being lucky.

Luck is real, but luck is simply being prepared when opportunity presents itself. It is not lucky for me if a talent scout for my favorite football team walks in the room right now because I’m not prepared to play professional football. It is lucky if a publisher looking for a book on wealth mindset walks in because I am prepared to deliver that book.

Lucky people seem to have an ability to pick winners, predict the future and make guesses the way the most others look up at the sky, see dark clouds and assume it’s going to rain. You can call it a sixth sense or being psychic, but I call it what it really is: utilizing all the knowledge at hand and making the best educated choices. It’s a different way of creating Most Favorable Conditions.

When I meet people who have benefited from my knowledge, experience and expertise, I’m sometimes struck that they treat me as a cross between a celebrity, mad scientist, economic guru and luck magnet. Maybe there are a little bit of these traits in all of us, but who they are meeting is a guy that works harder and smarter than the next guy, takes calculated risks and believes he can do anything in the world. That’s who you need to be to succeed and that’s who this book is going to turn you into.

Let’s get real

There are a lot of authors and speakers in this wealth creation space who will never talk about failure as if it could never happen. As if it already hasn’t happened. I find them to be the most disingenuous. You’re not looking to create rapid wealth momentum in a fairytale. You’re going to have to do it in the real world.

You may have reached this book after experiencing your first failure. Maybe your second. Maybe your sixty-fourth. Failure is rough. I have been there myself and I have spoken with thousands of people who all say the same thing once the sting

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of that failure has waned. We have all come out the other side of it as smarter people, ready for the next challenge. Many times, that next challenge is not the runaway success that was desired, but more knowledge is gained and usually the outcome is better than the first time around.

Whether you’re an author, running restaurants, flipping houses or trading stocks, there are going to be outcomes that are more favorable than others. If you’re doing things correctly, learning from your mistakes and learning from those around you, your overall success should be an upward trajectory, but if you zoom in, you’ll see that upward slope may have some jagged ups-and-downs.

Remember: Most people’s greatest successes come after their greatest failures. The only time that is guaranteed to not happen is when their greatest failure is quitting. Failure is a data-gathering opportunity that allows you to have an edge on your next attempt at success.

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Build on the successes of those before you

Every great creation or innovation has copycats. If you’re not the first to bring something to market, you’ve often got to chase the person who was or be rendered obsolete. It’s not flattery, it’s a matter of survival. Patterning yourself after successful people while developing your own way of doing things is one of the ways to stack the odds in your favor.

Let’s say that you are going to manufacture automobiles. You believe that you have a design and building methodology - not to mention the initial start-up capital - that you can make a real run at becoming a player in the marketplace. It’s a steep hill to climb. It’s a nearly impossible hill to climb.

On the side of the road on that hill are names of people from Clement Studebaker to John DeLorean who almost made it. But there are plenty of names of people who have made to the top from Henry Ford to Elon Musk. You should learn from these people. All of them. Where did Studebaker and DeLorean make their mistakes? What made Ford or Musk different?

Any opportunity you have to listen to somebody who has been successful in their field is an opportunity to learn about to be successful in yours because there are skills and tactics that can be carried over into your life, both professional and personal, that will help fine-tune your success track. Think about it: Is the manager of a world championship sports team and the CEO of a successful Fortune 500 company really all that different?

You need to start recognize patterns in successful people that you see within yourself. What are the great automobile manufacturers or sports team managers or world leaders or yes, even economic mindset authors, thinking or saying that you can relate to? What are they saying that you always believed but never saw put into words? What are you hearing or reading again and again that is suddenly clicking? What are the patterns of successful people that are going to be part of your success?

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When you’re cruising on that road to success, you’re going to stop and have an “a-ha!” moment. You’re going to realize things are moving along as second nature. You are thinking like a successful person. You’re not questioning. You’re doing. Until then, study the successful.

Finding your natural balance

If success were a track and field event, it would be the decathlon. A decathlon is 10 track and field events with the scores combined and the overall score determining the winner. The only way an athlete is successful in the decathlon is to have a skill set more wide ranging, and better balanced, than their competitors’. Success - and eventual wealth - are not the kind of thing that is usually created with a single skill or one-track approach.

The greatest pole vaulter in the world doesn’t compete in the decathlon. It’s because they focused on one thing. But it also means they can’t run, jump, throw or compete in the other nine decathlon events to the level of the rest of the field. Finishing first in one decathlon event and last in the other nine will not bode well for a strong finish. It’s better to finish in second or third place in many events than first in one and last in the rest. Consistency and balance is the key to long-term success in an event like the decathlon.

If you’re going to create rapid wealth momentum, both in the real world AND in your mind, it’s a series of steps taken to point yourself in the right direction. Doing well in the first event or two of the decathlon is pointing yourself in the right direction, but it doesn’t mean that you’re there. Success is a series of steps in the right direction.

As with an event as varied as the decathlon, made up of smaller mini-events, you’ll find that the road to wealth is more a series of smaller roads. It’s one of trial-and-error and meeting different people. It’s about money management and changing the way you think. It’s about retraining yourself and willpower in the face of your

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old habits and people who may not be conducive to your evolution as a wealth attractor. It’s about these things and so much more, but you can’t succeed at just one and expect to win the overall event. You need to strike a balance and excel at all of them.

Some things may come more natural than others. When you need to invest, be it money or time, in yourself, do it. There is no business, no stock, no speculative opportunity - that is a better investment than you. In the end, it will come down to you and you alone. Enjoy today’s exercises.

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Day Six Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ I will not let my ego fuel my wealth defining decisions.

❯ My failures are valuable learning experiences bringing me one step closer to wealth.

❯ The most important investment I will ever make will be in myself

The Why/What of the Day

You may not use the answer “I was lucky” or “I was unlucky” on this exercise. Think about games of chance you have played in the past, be it games you find in a casino or something as simple as flipping a coin. Why did you win or lose? Now think about games of skill, like sports or trivia that you have played. Why did you win or lose?

TAKE AWAY: When you remove the mystical security blanket of “luck” there really isn’t an answer why you win a game of chance, but casinos are full of people with systems who will tell you otherwise. The math and science are not on their side. People lose games of skill all the time, but at least they have experience, reason and aptitude on their side. Wealth generation is not a game of chance.


Walk into your bookstore or local library and head to the biography section. Then head to the business section. Then head to the history section. Then head to the self-help section. Everything you need to be the wealthiest person in the world is here. The people who have come before you have not only collectively had hundreds of thousands of years of experience that you can use to fine-tune your path of rapid wealth momentum, they’ve written it all down for you. That’s kind of amazing when you think about it. Google has been sitting on those shelves all along!

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TAKE AWAY: You will probably never be in a situation that a person has never faced before you and if you’re curious what decision to make, you can often learn the outcome of multiple decisions others have made. How lucky is that? What decisions did leaders of business make that brought their companies greater wealth and what decisions drove their companies into bankruptcy? Be thankful we have all of this information at the tip of our fingertips, and utilize it as often as you can.

Goal Setting/Visualization

Write yourself a check for whatever you want your yearly salary to be in 10 years. Are you hoping to be making $500,000 by then? Maybe $1 million? Maybe $10 million? Carry it around with you in your wallet. It will be a constant visual reminder of what you’re working toward.

TAKE AWAY: This is an exercise that worked for Hollywood actor Jim Carrey. He floundered in Hollywood for years until he heard about a visualization technique similar to this and decided that he was going to write himself a check for “Acting Services Rendered” in the sum of $10 million. He was able to cash it seven years later when he was hired for the film Dumb and Dumber. He said that he believed seeing it so often helped remind him of his goal even when he wasn’t looking for a reminder. Try it for yourself.

Handling Your Wealth

Let’s go back to the decathlon example. There are 10 events in a decathlon. An athlete has just so much time to train. If the athlete is a natural jumper, they may need to focus less time on the long jump or high jump and more on running and throwing. This is just budgeting time. If the athlete has 10 coaches for 10 sports and pays each hourly, but only a finite amount of money, they are going to spend more on the coaches in the disciplines they need more help. This is just budgeting money. Much like the athlete who would see very different results if they switched

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their time and money budget around when it came to training and coaching, what would happen if you budgeted your time and money differently? What changes would result in your life? What if you spent less money on frivolous things? What if you spent less time with friends who were not bringing anything to your life? What could you do with that extra time and money to improve your conditions?

TAKE AWAY: Life is a series of choices of resource allocation, with time and money at the top of the list and how you allocate those resources will be the biggest factor in your bottom line. For the decathlete, it can mean the difference between the gold medal podium and “better luck next time”. For you, it can mean the difference between a life of chasing wealth and getting wealth. Careful planning is part of the science.

Real World Speed Bumps

When you suffer a failure or a setback, it’s easy to want to walk away as quickly as possible, or ignore what happened and move forward. And we may put a disingenuously positive “spin” on it for others to make ourselves look more successful. It’s human nature to do all of this. It’s not human nature to sit there and really analyze what happened, yet that is what is going to make the failure a positive experience. We learn from our mistakes, but only if we know what they were. Sometimes it’s also helpful to discuss those mistakes with our mentors and others we respect. Why were incorrect decisions made? How much of a role did ego play? Was luck a factor? Here’s a tougher assignment. Own your mistakes and errors and let people know you’ve learned what they were. In sharing them with others, you truly internalize what you’ll need to succeed the next time.

TAKE AWAY: Look at those people you consider your mentors. Do they care if people know about their past failures? What is their demeanor when they talk about them? Do they treat them as embarrassing situations to run from or opportunities that they learned from and chances to teach others? If you mentors don’t want to talk about mistakes they’ve made and what they’ve learned, you probably need

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to find new mentors. Analyzing your mistakes and failures is going to teach your more than analyzing your successes and doing it with somebody who has more experience is going to teach you more than you’ll ever learn on your own.

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There is a science to wealth creation, but there are also forces at work

in this universe that can help nudge you along if you’re willing to listen

Early in this book, I said there was a difference between being a rich person and being a wealthy person. Lottery winners have a big bank account… temporarily (and usually little between their ears.) Being a wealthy person comes with a mindset that is more than a bank account. You’ll be a wealthy person by the time you’re

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DAY SEVEN Let the Universe Help Guide You

done reading this book and the money will soon follow because your mind is already there.

One of the most important thing for you to work on when it comes to your journey with rapid wealth momentum is faith. I don’t care if you’ve practiced religion you’re entire life and have a deeply held rigid set of beliefs or if you are scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs atheist. I believe too many people confuse the idea of religion and faith.

Faith, for me, is the idea that things work out the way they are supposed to base on my belief the world is a just place that ultimately rewards those who are decent and hard-working. Yes, I could spend the rest of this book listing instances where good people have been unfairly maligned and where bad people have triumphed, but in the end, statistically-speaking, good wins over evil, hard-working wins over lazy.

I mentioned in the last chapter that building rapid wealth momentum involves a scientific approach. I also believe the approach needs some trust that there are forces greater than us at play. This doesn’t necessarily mean a good guy in the clouds or a bad guy in a pit of fire. I’ve just seen too many people with positive attitudes and great work ethics succeed and those with chips on their shoulders waiting for handouts fail to think that there is something else at play.

I feel like once you make the decision to seize your potential and seize the opportunities you have in life, the universe is going to nudge you along and be on your side. Can I prove this? Maybe if I spent years performing studies, but I’d rather just go on what I’ve seen time and time again.

There are people who I bump into that don’t want to give the universe any credit. That’s OK. I don’t think it needs your approval, nor cares if you shun it. As long as you’re sending good energy into it the universe, it will reciprocate. While it needn’t be recognized to work, I think it is one of those gifts that should be appreciated.

Listen to the universe. Tuning in, you may feel like it’s trying to tell you things from time-to-time. I did not want to go through the 10 Days of lessons without touching

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upon some of the messages you may feel like you’re getting. Have faith that you’re not crazy, you’re just receiving energy the universe is sending back.

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

Think of your wealth momentum as a steady stream of water going down the side of a hill. It’s not a deluge. It’s not a flood. It’s not a snowball or an avalanche. It should gain in both speed and volume at a reasonable rate, but you don’t want it getting out of control. It may momentarily seem like a good problem to have, but it will suck you under.

At the same time, keep that steady stream focused on its path. There are so many things that can cause a stream to veer off into another direction, or to pool-up and overflow. This is also when things become unmanageable and get out of control. Watching the path is just as important as watching the water itself.

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DAY SEVEN Let the Universe Help Guide You

Despite the narrative we tell ourselves, I find we ALWAYS know before things get too unmanageable. We know when we’re spreading ourselves too thin. We just tell ourselves that we can handle it despite the fact the universe tells us otherwise. We are not superheroes. It is great to push ourselves, but we also need to recognize the negative effect of ignoring our limitations. One of those effects can be a temporary (or not-so-temporary) slowdown or halt in your wealth momentum.

When your path is supposed to expand, it will, organically. Expansion is always going to be part of any healthy and successful rapid wealth plan. I can’t think of a single, successful wealthy person either in my inner circle or somebody world famous who didn’t utilize expansion as the key driver of their wealth, but I can’t think of one who had good results forcing things. Do not spread yourself too thin. Focus on your plan, focus on your track and the universe will let you know which are the divergent obstacles masquerading as opportunities and which are the genuine articles.

Recognize And Allow The Domino Effect To Work

Some people will read “Domino Effect” and think simply of those black rectangular tiles with white dots and think that I’m trying to tell you to allow momentum to make things work for you. Some people will read the subhead of this section and skip right onto the next one thinking they just got all of the information they needed. They were wrong.

Do you know what The Domino Effect REALLY is? It is the fact that not only can one domino take down the next and take down the next. It is the fact that a domino can take down the next domino that is 50% bigger! That one can take down the next that is 50% bigger and so on and so on. Think about it. If you started with a domino that was one inch tall, by the time you reached the 29th domino, it could be the size of the Empire State Building in New York City. The 50th domino could be the distance from the Earth to the Moon!

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How does this translate to what you’re doing? Easy. You can take down the moon, if you do it in simple, logical steps. You can’t start with domino No. 4. You can’t build to domino No. 23 and then jump to No. 50. Momentum is a smooth, steady build, just like the domino effect should be. When you see one of those amazing domino set-ups that take weeks to build get knocked over, it may only take a matter of minutes, but what you are literally seeing the domino effect in action on something that was built over time.

I stress again, your success and your momentum will take time and it may not feel like the frenetic action of a domino free-for-fall when you look at your bank account, but over time you are acquiring knowledge, skills, experience and yes, money. You are building monetary wealth step-by-step, in the proper order.

There is one thing that does not need to take any time and that is the first domino. That is this book. That is the mindset part of things. Changing your mindset isn’t a difficult process. Perhaps having the willpower for some people to live out the changes are, but if you’re doing this book at the pace that it is intended, you have been reading it for one week today. Your world should be very different than it was one week ago.

The most important word in your vocabulary is NO

The moment you start achieving some level of success, you are going to know because others are going to let you know. You enjoy being around successful people, right? You want to be involved with other people’s successful ventures and next big idea, right? Well, welcome to the club. Unfortunately, unlike you, there are a lot of people - and you’ll find out just how many are your family and friends (be patient with them) - who don’t have the best intentions or ideas.

It’s at this point where you need to have a strong will and the ability to say no. The best investor is the one who can turn down “opportunities” whether they come from a stranger or his own mother. You’ll get crazy schemes that you wonder

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DAY SEVEN Let the Universe Help Guide You

who would be foolish enough to part with their money, but you’ll also get pitched ideas that seem like plausible situations to consider.

Learn to say no. Are they part of the plan? Are they part of that path of water flowing down the side of the hill. Your best friend from high school may have a winning idea with his car/dog wash or your uncle may very well have a legitimate tip on a stock that will make money, but if it’s not part of your track, you need to have the mindset that it is not for you.

You know your path, the universe knows your path and it is constantly reinforcing that path within you. Let’s be honest: Most investments don’t pan out as hoped.

Even if you have one that does, are you going to be happy and fulfilled going down a different road than the path you were supposed to take? Learn to say no. Enjoy today’s exercises.

Day Three Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ The universe is one of the best guides on my track of rapid wealth momentum.

❯ Saying no to investment opportunities does not make me weak or scared.

❯ The Domino Effect will allow me to reach goals that seem impossible

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The Why/What of the Day

Imagine you are on that track of rapid wealth momentum, heading down that stream of water on the side of the hill. What are some of the things that may cause you to spread yourself too thin? On a piece of paper, list five things you need to aware of based on past experience. Then, next to each of those items, list two or three “red flags” that indicate that item may soon be an issue. Finally, beyond that, list another two or three things that you can do to make sure the item does not become an issue. For instance, let’s say one of your items is “Spend too much time with the wrong friends.” Red flags may be: 1. Spending too much money on food and entertainment outside of the house, 2. Not getting enough sleep, 3. Not having time to do healthier things like go to the gym. Things you can do to stop the behavior before it becomes an issue could be: 1. Only see my friends one day per week and put a limit on the money I will spend, 2. Encourage my friends to engage in healthier activities with me, 3. Not participate in unhealthy activities with friends and leave at an earlier time.

TAKE AWAY: It isn’t until we actually sit and map out the decisions we’ve made that we can see the folly in our ways, and it isn’t until we devise a plan to change that we can easily change our ways. Creating a lifestyle that involves staying on the rapid wealth momentum track is one that involves discipline and analysis. If you can spot what is going to throw you off track before it becomes a problem, living a smarter, cleaner, healthier life will gradually get easier over time.


As I mentioned in the opening, it doesn’t matter to me what religion you are, or if you have religion at all. What does matter is that you have a set of values that you decide to live by and they are more stringent than simply the laws of the government. Wealthy people are mentally disciplined people and you’re going to have to become one. This doesn’t mean you lose your personality, it simply means that you do not remain the center of the universe. Instead, you let the universe

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DAY SEVEN Let the Universe Help Guide You

become the center of you. If you can let that switch take place, it’s an amazing feeling because you will never be alone.

TAKE AWAY: Think about how vast our universe is - the vastness is actually incomprehensible to the human mind. Think about everything that is happening simultaneously, right now, this very moment, everywhere in our universe. But you’re still here, doing your thing in the middle of all of it. Isn’t that amazing when you really think about it?

Goal Setting/Visualization

In the book (and movie) Fight Club writer Chuck Palahniuk wrote “On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” That line stuck with me because when you think about it, on a long enough timeline, everything can statistically happen. On a long enough timeline where death isn’t an issue, we all get hit by lightning, learn to skydive, bowl a perfect game, get in a plane crash and become movie stars. But we don’t have that time line. Sadly, some of us will get hit by lightning or be in a plane crash without planning. And some of us will learn to skydive, bowl the perfect game and become movie stars - if we make the time. We have just so much control of the time line we have. Write down a handful of things you want to experience while living your timeline. While you’re on your journey of rapid wealth momentum, don’t forget to pull the car over to the side of the road to go bowling or jump out of a plane now and then.

TAKE AWAY: I don’t like the idea of a bucket list. Having a “to-do” list before you die is morbid. You’re living your timeline right now and your goal is rapid wealth momentum leading to a lifestyle you’ve always wanted. But you need to have other goals along the way. Yes, the unexpected bad stuff will come, too, but just take it in stride. It, too, is just part of the time line that the universe is providing. It’s your unique ride and nobody before you and nobody after you is going to get the same journey. Try to make the best of it.

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Spread the Wealth

There will be people who are simply looking to exploit your expertise or growing wealth once your momentum starts growing. It may a bit cumbersome to have to start toward people with bad ideas looking for handouts off, but you’ll also run into people who are maybe where you are now or where you once were. With these people, be patient. They genuinely want to create their own wealth momentum and probably look to you as a mentor the way you look to other successful people. Do not let these people’s admiration cloud your judgment. That said, do not be afraid to share why you are declining to work with them. Maybe their idea isn’t great. Maybe you don’t trust they have the experience to pull off a project they have pitched to you. Perhaps they have a great idea, but you don’t have the time. Explaining why you are declining to participate in other’s investment opportunities helps you become a better communicator and will help them understand issues that could exist with their project.

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DAY SEVEN Let the Universe Help Guide You

TAKE AWAY: You’ve reached a point in your life where you will always be a student and a teacher. Sometimes, you’ll learn twice as much when you’re in a teaching role as when you’re learning. Saying no can be awkward, even when it is the right thing to do. If you properly explain yourself, the person you are rejecting may still not like your answer, but they should at least understand your reasoning. The more successful you get, the more often you’re going to have to learn to reject other’s ideas.

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The ability to scale is also the ability to grow infinitely. In order to understand

limitless growth and wealth, you need to understand scaling a business.

Unlimited growth is impossible without the understanding of how a business—and a business network—scale. If you are unable to continue with your growth, you’ll eventually hit a financial wall that won’t let you push forward to the millions of dollars that the universe is ready to provide for you.

When most people think of scaling their business, they simply think of throwing more money into the growth of production, or expansion. While these are both

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important to the growth of your business and to scaling it into a larger company, they aren’t the only aspects of growth. You’ll want to learn to not only grow your business’ production, but also your own network.

Scaling also means the ability to see beyond boundaries, whether they be physical or mental. A lot of companies have trouble with growth because they are stuck with a local or regional mindset. They only see how their product or service can benefit those around them, instead of people all over their country, or even the world. In order to scale to your full potential, you need to tear down these mental boundaries, and you need to think outside of the box. There ARE ways of expanding your business beyond the borders that you’ve created in your own head. You just need to learn HOW.

Another consideration with scaling your business is building a network that allows you to scale that involves the biggest names in your industry, as well as surrounding industries. There are various ways to do this, from helping them with the growth of their own business, to building different platforms that allow the brightest minds in your industry to meet and discuss ideas.

First and foremost, though, you need to have a strong understanding of how to take the skillset that you already possess, and leverage those skills to make massive amounts of money.

Learn to Leverage Your Skillset

Before you get into networking, and before you consider how you are going to grow an enormous business empire, you need a strong understanding of your skillset. This will allow you to better leverage your skills for real and lasting growth.

We’ve discussed understanding your skills previously, but I now want to take it a step further—I want you to understand your skills from the perspective of how you can take those skills and scale up. If you can properly leverage the skills that you have, you’ll find that you can use this knowledge to affect limitless growth, and earn millions of dollars!

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Consider your skills at a higher level. For instance, if you are a writer, how can you take that skill and scale it up? You may consider starting a series on Kindle that allows you to make passive income. Or, you may consider taking this knowledge of writing and putting together a team—and then eventually a business—of writers and editors.

Whatever the case may be, you should take a look at what skills that you possess, and how you can scale them to make massive and even unlimited amounts of money.

Think Beyond Your Region

A trap that I see a lot of budding entrepreneurs fall into when they are starting a business is thinking too small. They think that because they started a business

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locally, that the business has to stay local. Not only is this not the case, but it’s a counter-productive line of thinking that will lead to massive losses in business opportunities.

I want to take a look at an example of a friend of mine that was stuck in this limiting mentality. Let’s call her Jessica for anonymity.

Jessica made beautiful purses unlike any that I had ever seen. The craftsmanship was fantastic, and her unique ability to make a practical yet fashionable purse was next to none. I knew this not because I knew purses, but by looking at her sales, and what her customers had to say. She got Facebook messages and emails all of the time from satisfied customers, and she really knew that she had something. The problem was, she was stuck selling her purses at art festivals and local markets.

That’s when I had a discussing with her about starting an online business. I introduced her to Etsy, and once she was making enough money there, she started her own website. Still, she was stuck. She could only produce so many purses…

That’s when I discussed with her the idea of going into production. She could start with a small factory, then grow as she made more money. She now makes millions of dollars, and she has been able to expand her business from making purses to making a variety of different clothing and accessories.

Jessica is an amazing example of escaping the chains of regional sales, and scaling up to international and limitless growth.

Network for Growth

Your ability to grow will directly correlate with your ability to network. This is important, so I will repeat it:

Your ability to grow will directly correlate with your ability to network!

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If you are unable to utilize networking to scale your business, your business won’t get very far. This is because everything and everyone that you need to grow your business is available through networking, and they are so much more difficult to reach without networking. Trust me…cold calling is a LOT tougher than having a friend introduce you to someone that can help you to build your business.

I’ve personally been able to utilize networking to grow my business by reaching out to people that are further along the path than me, and getting advice on next steps. I wouldn’t have been able to meet these mentors and grow my business as quickly and efficiently as I did, though, without networking.

When most people think of networking, they think about either going through a mutual connection, or going to some sort of networking event. While both of these are excellent ways to network, they are also very limiting. If you are relying on others to dictate your ability to network, your growth will be a lot slower than it can and should be. That’s why you need to take the reins, and you need to create the networking opportunities that you are looking for.

You’re probably asking how you can do that. It’s pretty simple…

❯ Build platforms for experts in your field to congregate.

❯ Create value for people that can help you to further your business.

❯ Help others that are in need.

Let’s go through each of these in more detail for a more in-depth understanding of how you can create amazing networking opportunities that allow you to get ahead without waiting around for the next networking conference.

Building a Platform

Instead of being reactive with your networking efforts, flip the script and become proactive. What I mean by this is create the opportunities for others and you to network, and become the person that people go to when they need to meet other

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people. This will grow your network exponentially, and it will put you square in the middle of your industry.

You can accomplish this by creating…

❯ Online business pages or forums

❯ Conferences

❯ Workshops

Building a business forum may take a little time and money to put together a website and attract users, but once it’s off the ground, you have a global network that you have access to when it comes time to grow your business, meet new vendors, meet new clients and more.

While this gives you complete control over the way the forum is run, who is allowed and what happens in your forum, it is costly and time-consuming. You can skip

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all of this hassle by putting together a Facebook group centered around business professionals helping each other, sharing tips and—of course—networking. I’ve found that joining these groups by itself has helped my business to grow. If you add the ability to have full administrative and creative control of one of these Facebook groups, you have created a new pool of business professionals to network with on YOUR terms.

Another way to bring people together is through conferences and/or workshops. While conferences are some of the best ways to grow a large networking base, they are also pretty costly to put on. You may want to think about them later down the line, when you can hire a team to put the conference together for you.

Workshops, on the other hand, are easy and affordable to put together. There are plenty of open office spaces and conference rooms that you can rent by the hour. This gives your potential networking partners a place to congregate and learn that is accessible and professional. There are also establishments that are built for these sorts of workshops, and will help you to put yours together.

Creating Value

When you put together a workshop, make sure that you are creating value for the audience. Don’t spend the entire workshop pitching them and discussing your services! Instead, give the practical advice that they can use to grow their business. You can even pay other, more popular presenters to run a class during your workshop session. This will provide even more value, while also allowing you to create a name for yourself as someone that puts together valuable workshops.

As you grow your workshops, you can start charging for them, and eventually build up enough money and a big enough reputation to put a full conference together. Being the man or woman in charge of the conference will give you full access, as well as the ability to be the keynote speaker. Your access to others becomes exponential, and it increases your ability to reach out to bigger names in your field.

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Once you connect with these bigger names, you can provide them with valuable services in exchange for their help. I’ve seen an online marketer build an entire online marketing business from the ground up for a big name speaker in exchange for them giving a speech at a conference and selling the marketers services.

In business—as in life—you need to build your opportunities.

Give Back

Keep in mind that others helped you to get to where you are. Because of this, it’s important to give back to the community. Help others that are in need, and if you are available, mentor a student. This will put out positive energy into the universe, and it will make you feel amazing!

Day Eight Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ I am capable of building great wealth through a coordinated network.

❯ I have a skill that is marketable, and can make me rich.

❯ My skills are valuable, as is my expertise.

❯ My capability for growth is unlimited.

The What/Why of the Day

Why is scaling up so important to your business? What actions can you take to scale your talents into a big business? Why is networking so important to scaling your business? What are some examples of platforms that you can build for networking, and how can you build them? How big can your business grow? What limitations are there on your ability to grow? How can you overcome these limitations? What value can you give potential mentors and networkers? How can

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you attract networking partners, especially those with the resources that your business needs to grow and thrive?

TAKE AWAY: The ability to scale your business comes from an understanding of what you have to offer, and how you can grow that into an unlimited enterprise. Boundaries such as state or country lines need to be removed, and you need to see your business from a global—instead of local—perspective. Networking will also be key to your success with scaling your business, so an understanding of how to most efficiently network with people that can help to grow your business is key. Also, the ability to create networking opportunities is a valuable tool, and will help you to grow your business much faster than if you were to wait around for networking opportunities. To grow your business, you need to scale up. If you stagnate, you’ll never reach your full potential, and you may even backslide.


Facing change is one of the most difficult things that a person can do. When faced with fundamentally changing their understanding of who they are and what they are able to accomplish, most people tuck their head and run. It takes real courage to not only understand that you are trapped in a cycle that needs to be broken, but to also look out for and chase what you are worth. Building a network may seem intimidating, but you have the tools to do so. The question becomes whether you are ready to take those tools and create something worthwhile with them. Are you ready to build not only a business, but a business empire? Do you have a strong understanding of what skills that you have, and how you can scale them?

TAKE AWAY: You have the ability to grow something real and lasting for yourself. Through the Law of Attraction, you have already begun manifesting wealth by attracting people into your life that you can learn from. Even if that is just me so far. You are on the right path, and you have an understanding of what you want for your life, which is a step further than most people will ever get. You also have the tools to network, and to build places that people in your field can congregate

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to build their success. You have the ability to make real and lasting change, and you have the will to create this change in your life. That is something that you can and should be proud of.

Goal Setting/Visualization

Building a business network is an active step, and because of that, it takes planning and execution. First, consider what skills that you want to scale. Then, brainstorm what scaling these skills would look like. Remember, don’t simply think local or even regional…think global. Also consider how you can build an atmosphere in which other business professionals can network and grow their businesses. This will put you at the forefront of a new network, and it will allow you to network with a variety of people in your own environment.

TAKE AWAY: When you are thinking about what your network should look like, draw a clear mental picture. Really think through what platforms that you want to build, and how to scale those platforms to grow your business. Remember, all of your goals and brainstorming should be focused on not only understanding your skills, but how to constantly grow your business bigger and bigger. This is how the rich get—and stay—rich.

Spread the Wealth

A big part of the network that you are building is providing value. You’ll want to make sure that you aren’t the only one that is able to scale their business and make money when you are building networking platforms. Actually, you may not even be involved in some of the networking and business deals that are going on at your events. That’s okay. You are building a community, and part of that is the ability for others to grow and succeed—even without you directly involved. If you do a good enough job with connecting people, they’ll more than likely attend your next event. When that happens, you can meet them directly, and see how you can help each other to scale your respective businesses.

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TAKE AWAY: Part of growth in networking is the community aspect. Your focus needs to be on creating a win-win atmosphere, where everyone walks away happy. To do this, you need to create the kind of value that you would be looking for in an event. Take an outside look at the events that you are building, and see how they can benefit others. When you are helping others to grow, you are helping yourself to grow—as long as you utilize the network that you’ve built.

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There are no circumstances that can’t be overcome. If the rules don’t fit

your needs, don’t sit around moping. Instead, change the rules of the game.

I wasn’t born rich. It would have been great to have had a head start, but like most people, that simply wasn’t the case. I came from a modest family with modest means. I was loved and I wasn’t dying in the streets, but I also wasn’t blowing thousands of dollars on online poker, and I didn’t get a Lamborghini for my high school graduation. I had the same opportunities as other people around me, but

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I didn’t have the head start that maybe 5% of the people out there had. That was okay, though. I knew I could become successful on my own.

The “rules” were telling me one thing about how to become successful. I was supposed to follow the path that everyone else followed, and by some alchemy, I would become rich and successful. Looking around at everyone else, though, I knew this wasn’t the case. Everyone that was following conventional wisdom and the advice of their elders was getting exactly to the point that their elders were, and rarely further.

Even those that were born in poor and uneducated families only hoped for a small bump in class, by helping their kid to get into college and become a professional—like a businessperson, a doctor or a lawyer. Sure, this was a HUGE step up from extreme poverty, but it wasn’t limitless wealth and success.

I have heard every excuse in the world to NOT be rich. I’ve heard all about how the game is rigged, and how “normal” people from modest means will never get ahead. People have pontificated all about the evils of the rich, and how undeserving they are to be buying their third house. I’ve heard all of this…and even believed it for a little while. Eventually, though, I learned to reject it. I found out that in order to break free of the cycle of limitations that those around me were stuck in, I had to learn to think outside of the game.

I already knew the rules…I then had to learn how to break them. It wasn’t until I changed the game that I was playing entirely that I was able to truly win. That’s because the game that most people play is unwinnable. It is stacked against you on purpose. The way the poor play the game keeps them poor. The rich play by a different set of rules entirely.

That’s why, in order to win the game, you need to learn how to change the rules. In order to do that, though, you need to understand how to stop thinking like everyone around you that is stuck playing a losing game.

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DAY NINE Change the Rules

Don’t Conform

Conformity is an amazing tool for keeping the masses in line. It keeps the machine working, and it keeps the cycle of wealth moving to the top. This isn’t a bad thing. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you are going to become successful. Why this isn’t a bad thing is because of opportunity. There is a major difference between what is known as “equal opportunity” and “equal outcome.”

Communists, for instance, believe in equal outcome. They believe that no matter what you do, or how hard you work, you should get the same thing as everyone else. That sounds nice, until you consider a doctor being paid the same as a fast food employee. There’s a reason that all truly communist societies have failed.

Free Market (or severely limited free market) Capitalism, on the other hand, believes in equal opportunity. This means that not everyone will have the same

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outcome, but those that can innovate and think outside of the box, will rise to the top. The free market dictates whether ideas are good or bad, and then it rewards those that have created value, and have created something that people are willing to pay for.

Those that aren’t doing well often call for equal outcome. They want not only their needs, but their wants cared for. They then perpetuate a system that allows people to either rely on the government, or conform to a system of employment that keeps them poor. If they are lucky, they move up in class, and make more money—but they are never fully free.

In order to gain financial freedom, you need to stop conforming. You need to take advantage of equal opportunity, and you need to utilize the free market to break yourself out of the cycle that others are stuck in. This means going down a different path—the path that scares people. You need to be the exception to the rule, and you need to be the person that people say, “Doesn’t count,” in a conversation about wealth and poverty, because you are too exceptional.

Don’t fall into the same cycle of conformity that keeps those around you poor and…


Would you take the advice of someone that has been morbidly obese their entire life on how to lose weight…especially if their advice was to eat exactly like they are eating? Probably not.

Don’t do what the mediocre are doing if you want to be great.

From Dropouts to Millionaires

I was told my whole life—like most people—that the most important thing in the world was a college education. I was told that going to college would open doors, and that I would get nowhere in life without attending a University. While

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DAY NINE Change the Rules

I understand that college is for some people, I also understand that others have dropped out of college and gone on to be the richest and most successful people in the world.

Here are a few college dropouts that you may have heard of:

❯ Steve Jobs

❯ Bill Gates

❯ Mark Zuckerberg

❯ James Cameron

❯ Oprah Winfrey

That’s just the short list. There are SO MANY MORE names that could be on there. Those are also the famous people. There are so many real world examples of people that have dropped out and gone on to be wildly successful in their field. I met someone the other day that dropped out of school at 16 years old and went on to be a successful graphic designer at one of the biggest advertisement firms in the world!

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that you should drop out of secondary school, but I do want you to consider the fact that aptitude isn’t necessarily measured by good grades in school, or even level of education. Once again, I want to stress that getting your basic schooling in is important to enter the real world. Also, if you want to attend college, go for it! Just don’t let a college education dictate whether or not you will be successful in life.

The Poor Have Become Rich

Speaking of your situation dictating how far you can go in life, I also want you to have a strong understanding of the fact that being born in a certain income bracket doesn’t mean that you have to stay there for your entire life. There are plenty of examples of millionaires that started from modest means, and grew to be inspirations.

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One example is the motivational speaker Les Brown. His brother and he were adopted and raised in a lower income household, with a loving mother. He became a DJ, then went on to win a spot in the Ohio House of Representatives. That wasn’t enough, though. He had a dream of inspiring others, and risked everything to become a public speaker. Even to this day he is considered one of the best motivational speaker of all time.

Where you start in life doesn’t have to dictate where you end up. I don’t care if you were born rich or poor, if you grew up in the ghettos of Chicago, Illinois or the richest area of Seoul, South Korea…you have the same opportunity for growth and you can rise above your means. You just need to change the rules of your circumstances, and you need to be better than what others expect of you. Don’t let society tell you how far you can or should rise. Instead, live up to your own standards, and make sure those standards are high!

There Are No Circumstances That You Can’t Overcome

Ultimately, you need to understand that there are no circumstances that you can’t overcome—no matter where you start your journey. You may have grown up believing there were a set of rules for life, a set of rules for your income level or a set of rules for yourself, but you need to throw those rules out the window. The old rules are for people without an imagination; who don’t know how to—or don’t care to—change the game.

You aren’t one of those people, though. You are a game changer. You have it in you to create the world around you that you’ve always wanted. Remember, the universe will manifest what you think is the reality—not what you want. If you think the reality is that you are poor and will always be poor, the universe will make it so. If you believe that you can change the rules and change your circumstances, the universe will accommodate.

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DAY NINE Change the Rules

Don’t play the game by the same rules as people who are losing. Instead, play by your own rules and change the game to favor you. Then, win!

Day Nine Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ I am not defined by the socioeconomic conditions that I was born into.

❯ I do NOT have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

❯ I am not a conformist.

❯ My level of traditional education does not dictate my success.

The What/Why of the Day

Why do you feel limited by your current circumstances? What do you believe you are capable of? Why do you have these beliefs? What would happen if you believed in a different path for yourself? Why do you feel the need to conform to other people’s expectations for you? Why do you feel that you need to take the same path as those that have gone before you, yet failed to be rich? Whose rules are you playing by? Where did these rules come from? What would your life look like if you changed the rules? Who is a game changer that you can look up to?

TAKE AWAY: A big reason that you are stuck where you are is a misunderstanding of how the game should be played. You are in a position where you are trying to win by playing by someone else’s rules, and that leaves you with the cards stacked against you. In order to succeed, you need to change the rules of the game. You need to play by a different set of rules—the rules of the rich. You need to understand that millionaires don’t play by the same rules of lower-income people, or even middle-income. The rich have broken the patterns of expectations that have kept others poor, and they have done so by changing their mindset.

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They don’t look to the poor for advice on money and success. Instead, they follow the paths of other rich people whom all—in their own way—are game changers.


Simply understanding the fact that things can change, and that you have the ability to affect your outcome, are extremely important. Most people go through their entire lives thinking that things have to be a certain way, and that they are trapped in the cycle of living the same lives as their parents, and of the people around them. You are in a unique position. You have been given the gift of sight, and you are able to see the sham that is the “traditional” path to success. This new sight will help you to realize that you are NOT trapped by your circumstances. Instead, you have the ability to forge your own path, and create the destiny that you were always meant to live.

TAKE AWAY: You are already so much further ahead than where you were, and where other people are. You were blessed with the foresight of knowing that the life that you were leading wasn’t going to bring you true happiness. Very few people are given the gift of freedom, and you are lucky enough to have an understanding of how to open that gift. It’s up to you to go forth with the knowledge that you have acquired, and build a new life for yourself. You have been given the ability to change the rules, and to change the game entirely. With this gift, you can manifest the life that you’ve always wanted. You can build a life of abundance, and you can get off the hamster wheel that you’ve spent your entire life running on. Be grateful for this gift of clarity, and for the ability to change your circumstances. You are in control of your destiny, and you can play the game however you see fit.

Goal Setting/Visualization

Imagine yourself in a world where the rules were different. Consider what it would be like if you were raised to believe in your capabilities, instead of your limitations. Imagine that you were told growing up that despite your current situation, you

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DAY NINE Change the Rules

were able to break free of the cycle that is keeping the poor and middle-income trapped. Then, consider yourself breaking the rules of the game. Consider what it would look like for you to give up on your old path, and become successful following your new path. Imagine yourself rich, on your own terms. Take a moment to really sit in this visualization. Feel what real freedom feels like. Allow yourself to really feel what it’s like to be rich and free. Sit in this moment and live this life. When you come back, take the experience of being rich with you, moving forward.

TAKE AWAY: Once you put yourself in a position where you can really see what freedom feels like, you can start to make the changes that will reinforce your new beliefs. You need to not only understand on a conscious level, but feel deep down what your new freedom feels like. You need to take a step inside of your new life, where the game has changed. You can change the game and build a life of abundance, but first you need to understand that it is real. By visualizing this future, you’ll be able to see what your life should be like, so you can start making decisions that allow your life to be in line with this new reality.

Spread the Wealth

Now that you understand how to change the rules in order to change your circumstances, it’s time to pass this knowledge along. There will always be people that are ahead of where you are, as well as people who aren’t there yet. You actually already know someone that ahead of you, helping you to break free of the cycle and create a new sense of freedom in your life—me! Help people in the same way that others have helped you. Make sure that you are helping at least one person on their journey to success and freedom.

TAKE AWAY: If you wanted to take a look at things from a very selfish perspective, understand that by helping other people, you are reinforcing your own ideas. Teaching someone else how to do something is an amazing way to build your mastery in that field, so to better understand how to change the rules, teach others how the game works and how they can change the rules for themselves.

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You’d be amazed how much you will learn when you are forced into the position of being an “expert,” and when you have to answer the questions that the person or people that you are trying to help are asking. You will also feel a sense of pride and contentment knowing that you have helped someone to change their lives for the better. You’re giving them the gift of a better future...which is a PRICELESS gift.

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Your understanding of wealth and success can get in your way more than any

external setback that stands in your path. To build real and lasting wealth, you

need to retrain your brain to accept wealth as a natural part of your life.

If you are like most people, you’ve been conditioned to reject wealth. This may be because of a subconscious belief in what wealth is, or what you are worth. It also may come from a misunderstanding of how you look at acquiring wealth, and the fear of greed that this misunderstanding has built. In order to be successful with money, you need to reprogram your beliefs about money, and about your own worth.

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I’ve worked with plenty of people that have a lot of talent, and are amazing at what they do. I’m blown away by their abilities—and by what they are charging for their products or services. It is then that I understand why they aren’t wealthy…their fear and misunderstanding of money is getting in the way of them reaching their full potential. They have the wrong thought process when it comes to money, and this has put up self-imposed limitations that they will never surpass without understanding their limitations, and overcoming them.

We have been programmed like a computer, and we respond to certain commands in an automatic function. When you try to run the “wealth” command, there is a corruption in the programming. Because of this, you’ll need to reprogram your inner computer to accept and complete this path in order to access wealth. It’s completely possible to do this, and trust me, it won’t corrupt your operating system. If you don’t know anything about computers this metaphor may be a bit confusing, but I’m essentially saying you need to rewire your brain to accept wealth.

I am going to go over 3 game changing ways to rethink wealth that will help you to build your understanding of your current beliefs about wealth, and change them from the ground up. You’ll also understand some of the pitfalls that you’ve run into so far, and how to avoid them.

I want to start with the most basic and commonplace issue when it comes to the way that most people understand and react to the idea of wealth.

1. Understand That You DESERVE Money

One of the biggest issues that I see people have with growing wealth isn’t actually the act of making money. I know, that’s crazy, but making money—for some people—can be the easy part. I’ve met people that are talented, good with people and know their industry, but are still unable to build wealth. This sounds insane, right? How could someone that is ready to be rich be unable to pull the trigger?

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DAY TEN 3 Ways to Rethink Wealth

A huge issue that you may be running into with making money may not be your actual capabilities or talent—it may be that you have a negative outlook on money, and/or your relationship with money. If you can get past this, you’ll skyrocket to the top of your industry. If you can’t, you’ll never get beyond the middle class—at best.

The first problem that you may be running into is your beliefs about what money is, and what it represents. Money, in reality, is just a vehicle for transaction. That’s it. It’s not powerful, it’s not evil and it has no special abilities—it is only worth the value that we collectively agree to attach to it.

People will often defer to the quote, “Money is the root of all evil.” First of all, that’s not the actual quote. The real quote is, “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” Second, this doesn’t actually have anything to do with money. Instead, it’s about being unethically greedy and a miser. I said “unethically” for a reason. We’ll get to that. For now you need to understand that money itself has no real power. Actually, these days, in most currencies around the world, it’s a matter of ones and zeroes.

The global currency is currently the U.S. Dollar, and do you know what that’s backed by? NOTHING. They went off the Gold Standard in the 70s. That means that money is literally worthless. It only has the meaning that we ascribe to it. Knowing this, it’s easy to understand that there is no reason to be afraid of money, or what it can do. It’s not some evil creature conspiring against the poor...It’s an idea that people share to trade goods.

The next problem that I see people running into is the belief that they don’t deserve money. For whatever reason growing up, they were conditioned to believe that money is something that they are only allowed so much of. Once they hit some invisible limit, they are no longer able to attain money. In fact, many people will subconsciously self-sabotage when they get to a certain income level. Their subconscious and their conditioning won’t allow them to make more money than they feel they are “worth.” This sense of “worth” is a fallacy. Just like with money, you are only worth as much value as you assign to yourself. If you feel like you are worth less, or if you feel that you aren’t worthy of any success at all, then you’ll end up with nothing. I don’t care how revolutionary your business is—it’s limited by your ability to believe in success.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

In order to get past this, you need to do two things:

1. Get over your GUILT of being successful.

2. Understand your worth.

Stop feeling guilty about being successful when those around you are not. You aren’t them. They have their own limitations, and those limitations don’t need to be yours. I don’t care what environment you grew up in, or what you were told you were worth growing up. I’m here to tell you that you are worth MORE.

Start working on rewiring your brain to understand that you not only CAN but WILL be successful. Imagine yourself as being successful, and fulfill that destiny—not the one that limits who you are and what you are capable of.

2. Change the Subconscious

You aren’t forever trapped in your subconscious beliefs. Actually—no matter how rooted you are in those negative beliefs—they CAN change. You have the ability to reimagine who you are, and then become that person. It’s all about how you look at yourself and how you look at the world, though. You need to create a new understanding of the world around you, which means that you need to change the language that you view the world in.

What I mean by this is that we often speak and even think in metaphor. Metaphors are extremely powerful, and if you can attach yourself to the right metaphor, you can use it to launch you into a life of success and positivity.

I understand that constructing your own metaphor to believe in is difficult, so if you need to, have a friend, business partner or mentor help you to construct the perfect metaphor to propel you forward. It doesn’t have to be too complex—actually the more convoluted it is, the less likely it will be to stick in your head. Instead, come up with something simple—even cliché—that you can latch onto. Then remember that metaphor when you are struggling, or when you are questioning yourself.

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DAY TEN 3 Ways to Rethink Wealth

For instance, you may say that are solar panels, the sun is positivity and energy is success. The more positivity that you soak up, the more success that you can produce. I just came up with that, but if you want, go ahead and use it. Then, repeat it to yourself when you are feeling down, or when you are beating yourself up. You will see the world from a new perspective, and you can use this change in perspective to propel yourself forward.

Pro Tip: If you can come up with a metaphor that directly relates to your ability to grow your wealth, you can use that whenever you feel like undercharging or giving up!

3. Understand Greed

Greed, in and of itself, isn’t a bad thing. What IS bad is what greed can often do to people, and how they try to leverage greed for success. Greed is essentially just

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality

a strong form of “want.” It means that you want something very badly, and you want a lot of it. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you believe in infinite love and kindness, then wanting that would make you greedy. Would having infinite love and kindness hurt you or the ones around you? Probably not.

Where people get into trouble is that they want immediate relief, and they want quick greed. This leads them to make bad business decisions, and to work with people on an extremely short-term basis. When you think about the amount of investment that you need to put in to land a client, you can see that these kinds of one-off clients can actually be counterproductive. Instead, you’ll want to look for long-term greed that will keep the money rolling in.

You may not be able to charge as much upfront as you would for a bulk, rush project, but you’ll be investing in a client that will make you a lot more money in the long run. This is a better way of thinking about building wealth than by thinking about it as a series of quick bursts that you—hopefully—keep finding for yourself.

Day Ten Exercises:

Wealth Affirmations

❯ I deserve wealth.

❯ I do NOT have wealth limitations.

❯ I don’t fear or hate money.

❯ I have no guilt over being greedy or successful, as long as I am being ethical.

The What/Why of the Day

Why do you believe that you only deserve so much money? What would happen if you made more money than you feel you deserve? Would anything negative come from breaking through this barrier? Who instilled these beliefs in you? Are they wealthy? Why would they teach you to be poor? Why do you dislike—or even

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DAY TEN 3 Ways to Rethink Wealth

hate—money? How much do you think you are worth? Where did you come up with that number? What would actually happen if you asked the universe for more? What are some metaphors that you can use to increase your level of success?

TAKE AWAY: Wealth is not evil—nor is money. You are stuck in a negative belief cycle that you were trained to believe in, likely from an early age. Even if the people that trained you to be poor were well intentioned, these beliefs no longer serve you. They are getting in the way of your success, and they are limiting your happiness. Instead, you need to not only understand, but be proud of your worth. Grow a bit of an ego. Allow yourself and others to know what you are worth. Don’t sell yourself short. You may feel like others will like you more if you are being modest, but in reality you’ll lose respect for being meek. Stand up tall and be the person you were always meant to be.


You were given a gift that few people have ever and will ever receive. You have a particular set of skills that the universe gave to you, and the universe wants you to use them to become happier and more successful. You are fortunate enough to be able to make limitless wealth, but you are squandering this ability by trying to defeat yourself and your efforts. The universe wants you to share your gift with the world, and to make the world a better place with it. You were born with the ability to accomplish great things…you just have to get past your own defenses.

TAKE AWAY: Be grateful for the gifts that the universe has provided for you, and don’t throw them away by charging and asking for less than you are worth. While you may feel like you are doing the right thing by taking less than you are worth, you are actually doing yourself and the universe a disservice. You won’t be able to do your best work if you’re constantly broke. Be grateful for the ability to rewire your brain, and the knowledge and understanding that things need to change. This puts you well ahead of the pack.

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Goal Setting/Visualization

Imagine yourself wealthy and successful. Really take in the world around you when you are imagining your successful, happy life. Think about the life that you’ve created for your family and yourself. Think about the opportunities that you have, because you have allowed yourself to reach your full potential. More than anything else, feel what it feels like to believe in yourself and your worth. Really soak up the feeling of self-worth, and self-love.

TAKE AWAY: When you come out of this visualization, take those feelings of self-love and worth with you. Use those feelings to build a better life for yourself. Use the future that you imagined for yourself to propel you forward, and to reach new heights of success. Part of the reason that you aren’t successful is that you are unable to SEE YOURSELF as successful. You now have the ability to see what the successful version of yourself looks like. Use this to build a better future.

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DAY TEN 3 Ways to Rethink Wealth

Spread the Wealth

One of the best ways to see your own worth is to help others to discover theirs. Teach people how to rethink wealth, and how to get past their negative and limiting self-beliefs. As you work with other people, you will see a lot of the issues that you are facing—some of which that you may not even be aware of. Your students may pose certain questions that make you consider your beliefs, and this could be the catalyst that you need for lasting change. Teach others to build their ability to be wealthy, and build your own wealth while doing so.

TAKE AWAY: Mentorships wouldn’t work is the mentor wasn’t getting anything out of it. When you are teaching someone how to accept wealth into their lives, accept their worth and get past their fear of greed, you will be reinforcing these lessons for yourself. You will be drawing deeper etches into the sculpture or your new self, and you will be learning more about the beauty of who you are—especially at your full potential. Don’t feel bad about being greedy with your lessons. Make sure that you are getting as much from your student or students as they are getting from you.

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RAPID WEALTH CODE : Leap Into Your New 1% Reality


THE 10 DAYS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFEI’ve given you the tools to change your life. With this ten day plan, you’ll be able to envision a new future for yourself, and achieve your dreams. You will build your self-worth, and you will understand the value that you provide for the world. Your ability to achieve success is exponential, and the wealth that you can manifest is limitless. You need to understand this, though, and you need to believe it. You won’t become wealthy if you believe in the same limitations that have held you back up and to this point.

I’m not going to lie—some of the changes that you will need to make will be difficult. You may need to go through this ten day plan a few times, and you may even need to come back to it occasionally as a refresher. That all depends on how far along on your journey you are, and how open you are to change.

Still, if you stick to the ten day plan, you WILL see change. If you work it fully, you’ll see real success! If you work it multiple times, you’ll see things that you overlooked, and you’ll strengthen different areas that you are still weak on.

These ten days are just the beginning. Remember that wealth is something that you continue to build. This is the beginning of the snowball. Once you get the ball rolling, it will continue to grow exponentially. So, get the ball rolling! Work through the ten day plan. Do the visualizations, set the goals and make the changes that you need to make. Question yourself and your old beliefs in order to form new ones.

More than anything else, break down the barriers that are keeping you from reaching your full potential, and journey forward to real wealth and lasting success!