ramu droid for swach bharat abhiyaan

RamuDroid ( Bot to clean Roads and Outdoors ) Altanai Bisht & Deepak Aagri

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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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( Bot to clean Roads and Outdoors ) Altanai Bisht & Deepak Aagri

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who am I ?Altanai Bisht

Telecom + VOIP + R&D on Media Codecs + IOT+ Robotics + Make Open source software


Author of WebRTC Integrator’s Guide

Inventor of RamuDroid ( Bot to clean roads and outdoors )

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Latest trends of technology

Applicable in Robotics

1.SOC - Rpi , arduino

2.BLE - Low energy Bluetooth

3.WebRTC - Real time Communication

4.Low Power Management

5.Image processing , streaming

6.Data Visualization

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IOT stack

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Application of webRTC in IOT

Media Streaming & WebRTC

Surveillance and

Security Asset


Machine to Machine

communication through

MEdia Streaming

data handling in IOT

Robotics &

remote navigati



Smart Cities

Power Grid




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Let’s make the country Clean

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Why do people litter ?

The area is already messy, why bother finding a trash can?

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Rs 3,265,00,00,000

updated Wednesday, March 11 , 2015


source : http://sanitation.indiawaterportal.org/english/node/3234

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Swachh Bharat Rankings

1. Mysore2. Thiruchirapalli (Tamil Nadu)3. Navi Mumbai4. Kochi (Kerala)5. Hassan6. Mandya ( Karnataka) 7. Bengaluru ( Karnataka )8. Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)9. Halisahar (West Bengal)10. Gangtok (Sikkim)

1. 1.Mysuru2. 2.Chadigarh3. 3.Tiruchirapalli4. 4.New Delhi Municipal council5. 5.Visakhapatnam6. 6.Surat7. 7.Rajkot8. 8.Gangtok9. 9.Pimprichindwad

10. 10.Greater Mumbai

15 Feb 20168 Aug 2015

By Ministry Of Urban Affarirs

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Rs 8000Circuit , communication module , camera , body

6 monthsTo come up with a successful prototype!

2 memberAnd a lot of feedback and support

Cost of Making 1 RamuDroid

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Define the technical

architecture and build the bot

Add communica

tion modules , streaming and cloud


BLE module , GPS , Sensors to collect data as it passes by

an area

Sep 2015 Oct 2015

Power conversion principles and

decision building in the bot to make it


NowNov 2015 Jan 2016

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How can you build something too ?

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stage 1 : Do the basics of IOT

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SetupTo Setup an electronics lab/

workshop .

● Tools and Devices : Multimeter, voltage detection

probe , Soldering Iron , Pliers , Wire cutters ,

Screwdriver set

● Electrical components : LEDs, Resistors, Relays

(12V DC) , Transistors and Capacitors , Diodes ,

Voltage Regulators ( LM7805 )

● Raspberry Pi / other SOC

● Comm modules like BLE , GSM , Wifi , RFD

● Power Source / battery - at least 24 V 45 mA

● Motors like gear/DC motors

● DC _ DC booster circuit

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Interacting with Remote MachinesSignalling REST

Media WebRTC

GPIO control Wiring Pi

Communication Wifi

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Demo video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrFpzN1jCR8&feature=youtu.be

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

Web page for control Electronic devices Hub and Electronic devices

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Modes Of CommunicationGSM / 3GRange unlimited

WifiRange 100 m

Bluetooth Low EnergyRange 30 m

Ethernet LANWired connection

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Communicate on GSM

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Building parts for Robot

Get the mechanical parts

● Assemble the small units required to build

a robot such as nuts , bolts , rods , base ,

collection tray .

● Also get the components wielded

according to design . Can also use

feviquick and fevibond for sticking plastic

and rubber respectively .

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Block Diagram

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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BlueprintAltanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Collecting Litter - AeroDynamics

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Camera feed and Live streaming

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Camera Module and WebRTC based Live streaming InfrastructureCamera Module / Webcam + Streaming

● Get a Rpi camera Module

● Build logic for live streaming the camera

feed on WebRTC peerconnection

● Make repeaters on amazon ec2 instances

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Camera Access Libraries


Browser based camera and audio access



JanusUv4l mpeg


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WebRTC Live Streaming

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Standing robot view View from robot moving towards right

Remote Navigation

Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

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Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

Web and Mobile web UI

Mobile App and Web interface

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Later Stages : Cloud Storage Data VisualizationMachine Learning

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Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )


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Road Map

1. Image analysis on streamed frames

2. More autonomous feature for realtime automatic decision in robot itself .

3. waste segregation based on recyclable ( eco ) and non recyclable ( plastic etc ) materials .

4. Solar panels

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Altanai Bisht ( http://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com )

Demo Run video

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thank you .Email [email protected] or @altanai

website : https://altanaitelecom.wordpress.com

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References 1. http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=124639

2. http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=136427

3. http://tools.ietf.org/wg/rtcweb/

4. https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/

5. https://webrtc.org/

6. http://www.html5rocks.com/

7. https://bloggeek.me

8. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/webrtc/index.htm

9. http://caniuse.com/#search=webrtc

10. http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/

11. https://github.com/webrtc/samples

12. http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/#webcam-texture