radical reform: abolitionist movement beginnings, vision and shifts in strategies

Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

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Page 1: Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

Radical Reform:Abolitionist Movement

Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

Page 2: Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

Slavery is Tested in Massachusetts Elizabeth Freeman

(1781) and Quock Walker (1783)sued for their freedom under the Mass. Constitution

Page 3: Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

Slavery Declared Unconstitutional Provision in the Mass. Constitution was

cited in both cases“All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness."

Chief Justice of M.A., William Cushing, who wrote that "there can be no such thing as perpetual servitude of a rational Creature ..."

Page 4: Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

African American Community in Boston

Initially denied any public education, blacks in Boston and a few other Massachusetts communities were later required by law to attend racially segregated schools

The Abiel Smith School in Beacon Hill was established in 1836 Schools were desegregated in 1855 in Massachusetts

Page 5: Radical Reform: Abolitionist Movement Beginnings, Vision and Shifts in Strategies

Context and Beginnings Early 1800’s, slavery being phased out

slowly in the North Becoming more entrenched into Southern

society/economy Wide ranging American reform efforts

taking place Abolitionists viewed slavery as “the sum of all

evil”, which gave rise to every imaginable sin: violence, despotism, racial prejudice, etc.

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Essential Questions facing Abolitionists

How do we shape public opinion? How do you persuade slave owners and

people that slavery is wrong? What specific strategies should be taken?

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Early Action Many opponents of slavery supported

"colonization" -- the deportation of black Americans to Africa, the Caribbean, or Central America. By late 1820s, colonization was clearly

impractical Slave pop. rose 50,000/yr., but in 1830, only 259

free blacks to migrate to Liberia, (total no. of blacks colonized in Africa to just 1,400.)

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Abolitionist Vision The abolitionists put forward a definition of birthright

citizenship: "Anybody born in America is a citizen, black or white,

doesn't matter. And they are citizens of the nation, not just of the state, and are entitled to the same equal rights as all other citizens of the nation."

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Turning Points 1829 David Walker’s Appeal

calls for an immediate end to slavery, through violence if necessary

William Lloyd Garrison denounced colonization as a “cruel hoax” 1831 calls for "immediate

emancipation" of slaves without compensation

Within six yrs. 200 antislavery societies in the North

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Initial Strategy Garrison was a pacifist,

advocated “non-resistance”

Believed in the use of moral persuasion: Southerners, over time, could be convinced of the sin of slave holding

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Obstacles Facing Abolition Northern Indifference:

No support from the Gov’t, Difficult to raise the issue of slavery in public

Violence Abolition efforts often met with resistance in both the N.

and S. Northerners Economic Ties

Trade and financing of cotton Fearful of massive northern black migration and loss of


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Breaking the “Conspiracy of Silence”

First goal of Abolitionists was to raise awareness of the issue of slavery, to put the issue “on the table” Wendell Phillips, the great abolitionist orator,

said: “We must divide public opinion. Our enemy is not the slaveowner only. It's also the person of good will who simply doesn't want to talk about slavery and wants to keep it off the national agenda.”

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Divided in Strategies In the face of vicious attacks, the antislavery

movement divided over questions of strategy and tactics in three general ways. Moral Persuasion: Southerners, over time, could be convinced

of the sin of slave holding Politics: Believed the most effective method to end slavery

was through traditional politics. (Liberty Party in 1840, the Free Soil party in 1848, and the Republican party in 1854.

Militancy: Did not believe pacifism was effective, that more aggressive tactics were required; Southerners would only react to violence.

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Starting the Shift… Fugitive Slave Law (1850):

Southerners allowed to apprehend slaves

North = Armed resistance to slave catchers Signficance:

Justified the use of violence in attacking slavery

STARTED the SHIFT to violence

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Increasing the Shift… Bleeding Kansas (1855-6): Anti and proslavery

settlers rushed into Kansas to claim land and to ensure future status of slavery.

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Completing the Shift! John Brown’sRaid on Harpers

Ferry (1859) Reached final point:

Brown viewed as a hero/martyr in the North.

Sent shock waves throughout the South, fears of slave revolt and race war.

Only way to protect slavery was to secede.

Harpers Ferry, U.S. Marine Raid on John Brown’s forces