race hill car parks marketing brochure

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  • 7/29/2019 Race Hill Car Parks marketing brochure

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    Town centre retaildevelopment opportunityApprox. 1.51 hectares (3.74 acres)

    Race Hill Car Park, Launceston, Cornwall


    public car parking. There is currently

    active interest in the town from a

    number of foodstore operators and

    developers, and the site at Race Hill,

    with its favourable proximity and links

    to the town centre, is considered to be

    the sequentially preferable site for sucha development.

    Race Hill Car Park comprises of

    a stepped site of approximately

    1.51 hectares (3.74 acres) currently

    operated by Cornwall Council as a pay

    and display public car park. The site

    is situated adjacent to the eastern

    side of Launceston town centre and isconsidered suitable for an imaginative

    foodstore led scheme, subject to

    planning and the provision of on site

    rown copyright and database rights 2012

    nance Survey 100049047

  • 7/29/2019 Race Hill Car Parks marketing brochure


    Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Cornwall Council 100049047. 2012

    Strategic Road

    Network in



    Strategic Road Network(Trunk roads)

    Primary A Roads


    The siteThe reehold interest in the site is owned by

    Cornwall Council and occupies the middle and

    upper tiers o Race Hill Car Park, which is the

    main pay and display public car park servingLaunceston. The lower tier o the car park will

    remain in the ownership o the Council and

    continue operation as a short stay public car

    park. Vehicular and pedestrian access to the

    site is via Race Hill, the upper section o which

    is currently a one-way system. It is considered

    unlikely that Race Hill would be a suitable

    access route to service a retail development

    on the site and accordingly consideration will

    need to be given to the provision o alternative

    servicing arrangements.

    Crown copyright and database rights 2012

    Ordnance Survey 100049047

  • 7/29/2019 Race Hill Car Parks marketing brochure

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    Development proposals

    The Council intends to undertake a structureddevelopment competition which will involve

    bidders preparing scheme designs and nancial

    oers supported by the supplementary inormation

    summarised below:

    Principal points o contact (including details o

    partner organisations where a consortium bid is made

    Details o proessional team

    Scheme layout drawings (including sections,elevations and oor area schedules)

    Financial oer (supported by unding strategy)


    Development appraisal (highlighting key value and

    cost assumptions)

    LocationLaunceston is an important historic town

    and retail centre serving the north eastern

    area o Cornwall. The town is known as the

    Gateway to Cornwall as it straddles the

    A30 dual carriageway and sits one mile

    west o the River Tamar, which marks the

    border with Devon. Launceston is situatedapproximately 47 miles east o Truro, 25

    miles north-west o Plymouth, and 45 miles

    west o Exeter.

    Deliverability strategy (which in particular addresses

    the planning and community engagement strategy)

    Project programme (incorporating key milestone


    Relevant examples o track record

    The scheme layout drawings submitted by bidders

    should include detailed plans indicating the

    position o the oodstore, servicing and access

    arrangements and the layout and conguration

    o the public car parking element o the scheme.

    Bidders are requested to submit one electronic

    copy in CD ormat together with three hard copieso their submission by midday on 22nd February

    2013 to:

    Iain Thomson,

    Development Surveyor,

    Cornwall Council,

    3/5 Barn Lane,


    PL31 1LZ.

  • 7/29/2019 Race Hill Car Parks marketing brochure


    Indicative disposal

    timeframe Commence marketing 12 January 2013

    Mid Point Clarication Meeting 5 February 2013

    Submission Closing Date 22 February 2013

    Clarication Period February/March 2013

    Shortlisting and Best and Final Oer (i applicable)

    Early April 2013

    Reporting April 2013

    Selection o Preerred Bidder April/May 2013

    During the preparation o submissions the Council

    intends to oer bidders the opportunity to attend

    a Mid Point Clarication Meeting where emerging

    scheme proposals can be discussed with the Councilsdevelopment team.

    I you would like this inormation in another

    ormat or language please contact:

    Cornwall Council, County Hall, Treyew Road,

    Truro TR1 3AY

    Telephone: 0300 1234 100

    Email: [email protected]

    www.cornwall.gov.ukPrinted on recycled paper.

    32595 01/13

    Viewing and contact


    For urther inormation please contact:

    Iain Thomson

    Development Surveyor Cornwall Council

    Tel: 01208 265703 or 07528 983387

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Ben Colman

    Development Manager Cornwall Council

    Tel: 01872 326985 or 07972 142187

    E-mail: [email protected]


    These particulars are a guide only the accuracy

    is not guaranteed and they should not be relied

    upon or any purpose, they do not orm any

    part o any contact. Please contact the ofcei there is anything o particular importance

    to you to check inormation particularly i

    travelling some distance or commissioning


    Please note

    Services, equipment or appliances on the

    property or land have not been tested and

    we strongly advice prospective purchases

    make their own enquiries to their suitabilityprior to nalising any oer to purchase. All

    measurements are approximate and are

    intended or guidance only.

    Selection criteria Financial Proposals - 60%

    Scheme Designs - 10%

    Deliverability - 20%

    Relevant Experience - 10%