queens of the stone age - best of

guitar tablature explained guitar musle can be notated in three different ways: on a musical stave, in tablature, and in rhythm slashes. RHYTHM SLASHES: are winen abve the $hue. Strum chords In the rhyZhm indlcated Round noteheads indicate single notes Motes: THE MUSICAL STAVE. shows pitches and rhythms and 1s dlvided by lines into bars. Pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet Wings: TABLATURE. graphically represents the guitar fingerboard Each horizontal line represents a strlng, and each number represents a fret. ' 41h string, 2nd fret I Isf B 2nd strings I Open D chord own, played together definitions for special guitar notation SEMI-TOWE BEND: Strike the nute WHOLE-TONE BEND: Sbike the note GRACE NOTE BEND: Strike the note QUARTER-TONE BEND: Stnke the and bend up a seml-lone fi step) and bend up a whole-tone (full step) and bend as ind~cated. Play the first note and bend up a $4 step. note as quickly as possible. BEND % RELEASF Strike the note COMPOURD BEND L RELEASE: PRE-'BEND: Bend the note as and bend up as ~ndlcated, then Strlke the note and bend up and down ~ndlcated, then strlke it. release back to the orlgrnal note. in the rhythm ind~cated. PRE-BENO & RELEASE: Bend the note as ~ndlcatad. Strike ~t and releass the note back to the original pitch. HAMMER-DM: Strike the first note PULL-OFF: Place bath fingers on the LEGATO SLIDE (GLISS): Strike the MUFFLED STRINGS: A percussive wlth one finger, then sound the second note to be w n d d , strike the first first note and then slide the same fret- sound is produced by laying the first note (on the same strlng) with another note and wahout picklng, pull the hand finger up or dowr to the second hand across the strlng(s) w~thoul flnger by faettlng ~t without plcking flnger off to sound the second note note. The second note IS not struck depressing, and striking them with the plck hand NATURAl HARMOWIC: Strike the note whlle the fret-hand IhgMly touches the strlng dlrectly over the fret Indicated PICK SCRAPE. The edge of the plck is rubbed down (or up) the string, producing a scratchy sound PALM MUTING: The note Is partially muted by the plck hand Ilghtly touching the strlng(s) just before the br~dge SHIFT SLIDE (GLISS & RESTRIKE): Same as legato sllde, except the second note IS struck Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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Best Of Queens of the Stone Age Guitar Tab Book


  • guitar tablature explained guitar musle can be notated in three different ways: on a musical stave, in tablature, and in rhythm slashes.

    RHYTHM SLASHES: are winen abve the $hue. Strum chords In the rhyZhm indlcated Round noteheads indicate single notes


    THE MUSICAL STAVE. shows pitches and rhythms and 1s dlvided by lines into bars. Pitches are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet


    TABLATURE. graphically represents the guitar fingerboard Each horizontal line represents a strlng, and each number represents a fret.

    ' 41h string, 2nd fret I Isf B 2nd strings I

    Open D chord o w n , played together

    definitions for special guitar notation SEMI-TOWE BEND: Strike the nute WHOLE-TONE BEND: Sbike the note GRACE NOTE BEND: Strike the note QUARTER-TONE BEND: Stnke the and bend up a seml-lone fi step) and bend up a whole-tone (full step) and bend as ind~cated. Play the first note and bend up a $4 step.

    note as quickly as possible.

    BEND % RELEASF Strike the note COMPOURD BEND L RELEASE: PRE-'BEND: Bend the note as and bend up as ~ndlcated, then Strlke the note and bend up and down ~ndlcated, then strlke it. release back to the orlgrnal note. in the rhythm ind~cated.

    PRE-BENO & RELEASE: Bend the note as ~ndlcatad. Strike ~t and releass the note back to the original pitch.

    HAMMER-DM: Strike the first note PULL-OFF: Place bath fingers on the LEGATO SLIDE (GLISS): Strike the MUFFLED STRINGS: A percussive wlth one finger, then sound the second note to be w n d d , strike the first first note and then slide the same fret- sound is produced by laying the first note (on the same strlng) with another note and wahout picklng, pull the hand finger up or dowr to the second hand across the strlng(s) w~thoul flnger by faettlng ~t without plcking flnger off to sound the second note note. The second note IS not struck depressing, and striking them with

    the plck hand

    NATURAl HARMOWIC: Strike the note whlle the fret-hand IhgMly touches the strlng dlrectly over the fret Indicated

    PICK SCRAPE. The edge of the plck is rubbed down (or up) the string, producing a scratchy sound

    PALM MUTING: The note Is partially muted by the plck hand Ilghtly touching the strlng(s) just before the br~dge

    SHIFT SLIDE (GLISS & RESTRIKE): Same as legato sllde, except the second note IS struck

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • feel good hit of the summer Words & Muslc by Josh Homme & Nick Oliveri

    OCapyhght 2000 b a r d Stiff Music/Natuml Llght Music. USA. Universal Muslc Publishing Limited.

    Alf rights in Germany administerm'by Universal Muslc Publ. GmbH. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.

    Full performance demo: CD track I Backing only: CD track 9 2 bar count in:

    Intro J = 165 N.C.

    1 . Bass Cue:

    Chorus Ds

    I Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, man -ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - ho1.-

    I I - - - - I I ' ?lay ~ t r . 1 part throughout

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na,

    ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - hol, Nic - o - tine, val - iurn,

    I vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and al - co - kol. Oh.

    Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - ho1.-

  • Co, GO, co, CO, co, co - came.- I -


    7 9 I 11

    7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 -5-5-5-5-5-5-X 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-

    Co, co, GO, CO, GO, co

    I Co, co came, - Woah.

    full f

    I I / 1 I

    N.C. A

    I CO, CO, CO, GO, CO, co - caine.

    full wlgradunl release

    f - 9 /' I / -

    P - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - x -

    +5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-x - 4

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • N.C.

    1 Nic - o- tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - j u - a - na,

    I ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - hol. Nic - o - teen, val - ium,

  • vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - hol.

    I Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and al - GO - ho1.-

    I - Nic - o - tine, vai - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na,


    Si-* = I ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - hol.- CO, CO, CO, GO, CQ, co - caine.-

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • I Co, co, GO, co, co, co - came. -

    f i l l A

    ~ b s QS N.C. n < . Y I - I 1 A. a. I F, - - r I / +c I I l l I I I

    *J I

    I Co, co came,-

    Chorus DS

    full .f -

    I Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na,

    A 7-7-7-?-7-7-7-7--8-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7-7-X n " 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--6-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-X

    ec - sta - cy and a1 - co - hol. Nic - o - tine, val - ium,


    9 41 -


    , - / -

    - -

    - -

    - -

  • I vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na, ec - sta - cy and al - cho - hol.

    I - Nic - o - tine, val - ium, vi - co - din, mari - ju - a - na,

    I Co, CO, CO, co, co, co - caine. Yeah!


    7 9 II-

    U 5-5-5-5-5-5-X \\

    ,' /

    L7-7-7-7-7-7-X---- -x - -X -


    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • burn the witch Words & Muslc try Josh Hornme, Joey Castiilo & Troy Van Leeuwen

    Q Copyrrght 2005 Univsrsal Music Publ~shing L~mitsd (BWa)/Cop right Contmf (20%) All nghts In Germany admlnlsterd by UnFveml Music &bl. GmbH.

    All R~ghts Reserved Internabonal Copyright Secured.

    Full performance demo: CD track 2 Backing only: CD track 10 2 bar count in:

    2 2 2- 2- 2- 2- 0- 0 0- 0 0- 0 0- 0 PIay Gtr. 1 part

    Gtr. 3 lelec.1

    I - . . 1. Hold - ing hands, skip - ping like a

    I stone. On our Way to see what we have

    Gtr. 3 w/ fills

  • Chorus (Em) m i

    (B) I I


    Bite your- tongue,

    9 9- 13- 13 5 5 9 9-13- 13- 7 7

    7-11- 11 3 3 0 0 7 7-17- Gtr. 4 11

    L4 'implied harmony

    to keep your- mouth shut.

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  • To Coda $ (Ern)

    Interlude (R5)


    2. Ask your - self will I bum in

    and cast it in the well. There they are, the mob it cries for-

  • Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • D.S. a[ Codn

    r -- Ah. Oh.

    1 Make UP- some - thing and- make UP- some - thing-


    - g d . 1 Gtr. 2

    Gtr. Solo

    Gtr. 2 w1Fig. l(x16)

    5- 5 5- 5 . 5 7-7-7- 7 7-7-7- 7-7-7- 5 7-7 0 0

    7 7-5- a-o-o- 0-0-0- 0-0 o

  • Verse

    3. Hold - ing hands,- skip - ping like a

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  • I

    Bum the witch,- burn to ash a n d bone.

    I - burn to ash a n d bone. Bum the witch,- bum to ash and-

    - - - * 7 8-5 A

    -B 7 7 0 0

    7- 7 0- 0- 0-3-0-3 0- 0

    Gtr. 2

    7 - 1 - 7- 7

    8-5 7

  • - Ooh.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • first it giveth Words & Muslc by Josh Homme & Nick Oliveri

    6 Cwright 2002 bard Stiff MusidNatural LigM Music, USA. Universal Muslc Puhllshing Llmlled.

    All rlghts in aermany administered by Universal Music PUM. GmbH. All Rlghts Reserved. International Copyrlght Securecl.

    Full performance demo: CD track 3 Backing only: CD track 11 2 bat count in:

    rntro J = 105 N.C.

    I sass cur:

    N.C. A


    6- 6 1 L 5; F 5-5- I 1-3-

    Play Gtr. 1 part S S s u

    Verae N.C.

    I I . I'm in YOU,-

  • I - you're - in me, I can tell.-

    - -

    Youke so cruel, - more - than me, - it i s true. -


    I U - Lo - yal too, on IY YOU, -

    1 . Ctr. 2

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • -

    up your sleeve. - I want some -

    I - (ef)all- of YOU, - trick - ing me.-


    % D5

    I Gtrs l i 2 First it giv - eth, then it tak - etb a - way.-

  • 1 - (First.)- First it giv - eth, then it tak - etb a - way.-

    To Coda + G5 Ds

    --. r

    I (First.)- First it giv -

    I - eth then it tak - eth a - way. (First.)- First it giv -

    10-8-10-8-10-8-10-8 12-10 12-10 12-TO 12-10--10-8-10-8-10-8-10-8--8--6-8-6-5-3-53--1-10 12-70 42-10 1 2 1 0 - 12-40 A2-10.12-10 12-10--8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 -8-6-8-6-5-3-5-3--12-10 12-10.72-10 1 2 1 0 - 10-10 10-10 la-10.10-lo 6-6-6-6-3-3-3-3-10-10 10-10 10-10 10-10- s s s s P s s s s s s s s s s s

    [ - eth, then it tak -eth a - way.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Bridge Dm

    I - Oh. - Oh. - I Gtr. 3+5 (amus.) Wvlon B steel strln~.

    F- Oh.

    I would beg, - - --

    would plead,-

    I I let ring. .. Gtr. 5 hcet

    p wldist. & open wah IIW - PIay Gtr. 4 part

  • I - I would shake.

    Verse N.C.

    2. On a hook- dan - gling by the way. _. Gtrs. l+2

    *p Gtrs. 3+4 tacet

    B 5-5-S-5-5- 6 6 I 1 5 - 5-6- 6 S s 5

    I 5- 5- 7- 17 -~3 -& s s b Play ~ t r . 1 part S S d d

    1 - I'm so- young, - beau ti - fu1,-

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  • I'm no fool. - Time goes by,-

    - ta - bles turn,- now I know.

  • 4 Coda

    I - First it giv - eth, then it tak -eth a - way.

    I - First.- First it giv - eth, then i t tak - eth a - way.-

    I - First it giv - eth, then it tak - eth a - way.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • I - First. - First it giv - a h , then it tak - eth a - way,

    I - a - way. Ah. -

    I W - Oh!

  • go with the flow Words & Music by Josh Homme & NFck Oliveri

    Full performance demo: CD track 4 Backing only: CD track 12 2 bar count in:

    7 7 wJdist + modulation fx cont. in slashes n

    12+15-12- 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1--1-1-1-i-1-1-1-1 12 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-a-0-0 Play Gtr. 1 throughout

    .- ,


    full n

    1 2 4 1 4 - 14 12 17 t - 17

    12 (17++-

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Verse n

    I I. . I =, - I

    r I I I

    I A I I 1. She said "I'lI throw- my - self a - way,- I 2. R'S 50 s a f e to play a - long,-

    I a,'- ,-. r

    I I A

    I can't m a k e you hang a - round,- Fall - ing i n and out of love, -

    I can't wash- you off- my skin.- Some - thing sweet- to throw- a - way.-

  • I I u Out - side the frame- is what weye leav-

    I want some - thing good to die for. (@------------------------ I

    ,# ~ ~ 1 - I I 8 I 8 I I- (I0) 1 1

    ful t

    - ing out,- r

    you won" re - mem - ber an - y - way.- To make it beau - ti - ful to live.-

    I I full

    I - 1 wan - na n e w mis - take,- loss is more- than res-

    I - i - due.- Do you be - l i e v e it i n y o u r head?

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Chorus

    I - I can go- with the flow,-

    I! wldist + swell w/volume pedal 1 , 12 1 10 11 12 1 9

    I (I can go- I Uh! I L I h

    I cont. sim. '

    i 1 12

    - ter, with the flow,)-

    - mat - ter a ny - more-

    (I can go-

    . .r,

    &,I I - I - m? r 0 , I - . ., I *J I-

    - with the flow,)-

  • C5 E

    (I can go-

    it Do you be - lieve- i n your- f;~&m------------------------------..----f-'"-**--"*-h*------------------'

    full hold bend ....................................

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • in my head Words & Music by

    Josh Homme, Alain Johannes, Joey Castillo, Troy Van Leeuwen & Josh Freesr. @ Copyr ght -W5 Cn versa MJSIC P~blishing Lirni ld (45'my Copyrgnr Contro ,500A)IEM. MLSC Publoshun L mulea (5%)

    A I rights n Germany aom n srareo t y ,n varsal d ~ s c Publ. Grnbn. - All Rights Risewed. lnlernatibnal Copyright Secured

    - .

    2 bar count in:

    Intro J = 134

    cuplf. sitn.

    13-13-43-73-13-13-13-13--13-13-13-13-13-13-~3-13--12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12--12-12-12-12-12-~2-12-~2- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X 11-1~-11-11-~1-11-11-11--1~-11-11-11-11-11-~~-11--10-10-1~-10-10-10-10-10--10-10-10-10-10-~0-10-~0-

    *chords implied by harmony Play Gb. l part

  • I I'm- so h i g h I'm mn - ning in place.

    I O n - l y a l i n e w e s e p - a - rate. So,-

    they keep on pIay - ing our fav -'rite I turn it UP,-

    while- you're gone.- It's all I've g o t when you're in my head,-

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • - and you're in my head so I need it.

    9-9-9-9-9-9- 9-9-9-9-9-9- 4-4-4-2-4-2-2-2 X-X-X-X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X

    9-9-9--9-9-9-9-5 5-5-5-3-5-3-3-3

    Verse E Cmaj7

    2. Y o u ' r e the - Iy thing- I've

    Cmai7 (G bass)


    I I can't seem To g e t e - nough.-

    9 11-11-11-11-1~-- X-

    4 4 4 2 4 - 2 2 - 2 9-9-9-g-9-9- X-X-X-X-X-X- 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-9

    0-0-0-0-0-0-0-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-5- 9-9-9-9-9-9- X-X-X-X-X-X-

    9--9-9-9-9-9-9- 4- X--X-X-X-X-X-X- X-

  • Cmaj7 c#m7 F # ~ A ENG E (G bass)

    a 1 I I

    " ,I ' -- I LI A- -. I I I

    9-9-9-9-9-9- 4--4-4-4-2-4-2-2-2 9 X-X-X-X-X-X- X--X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X--11-13-11-11-11-14- X- 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-5-5-5-5-3-5-3-3-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-8-

    I - for o n e em - brace.-

    9-9-9-9-9-9- 9-9-9-9-9-9- X-X-X-X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X


    Chorus E5

    I I keep on play - ing our fav -'rite song- I Turn it UP,-

    I while- you're gone.- It's all I've g o t when you're in my head,_

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  • and you're in my head so 1 need it. so I need it. Gtr. 1

    I - - I I 4

    I A /

    Gtr. 2 rn m

    I Fig. I . . . 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 8-8-8-8-8-8-8 X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X x-x-x-x-x-x-x-9 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-X

    8-8-8-8-8- 9 9-12-11- 12 12-1 2-12-12-2- 8- X-X-X-X-X 6-6-6-6-6- 7 7- 9-9- 10 10-10-10-10-10- 6-

    ... Fig. 1 ends cunr. sim.

    Play Gtr. 1 part

  • Oh. Gfrs. 1+2

    Bridge E5



    Citr. 2 tacet

    I keep on play-

    ?-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0


    a n

    \ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7- 7-1-7-9-7-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-


    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • 1 - ing our fav -'rite son&- I turn it while- you're gone.

    It's all I've when you're in my

    - and you're in my head SO I need it.

    ... Fig. 2 ends

    Gtr. Solo ES

    w/warm disr. Gtr. 2 plays Fig. 2 P

    1 Play Gtr. F part


  • - Ba -ba - ba,- ba -ba - ba.- Ba - ba - ba,- ba -ba - ba.

    full full Alll full

    -t t ? t full

    / / / 1 - 9--11-11-11-42-12-12f 14-14--14-12-12-12-11f 12-11 t9-

    ba-ba - ban- Ba -ba - ba,- ba -ba - ba.

    I - Ba -ba - ba,- ba -ba - ba.- Ba-ba - ba,- ba-ba - ban-

    full f-',

    I keep on play - ing our fav -'rite song,- I turn it up,-

    cont. rim

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  • . ,

    while- you're gone.- -

    It's all I've g o t when you're in my head,-

    I - and you're in my head so I need it.

    I need it. I need it.

    I I need i t now.

  • little sister Words & Muslc by Josh Homme, doey Castillo & h y Van Leeuwen

    0 Co ynghc W ,n versa1 HLSC Publ shtng -m tea. A nyhts n germany aam nisrerea by Jniversal Must PJO GmbH

    A Rights Reserved. nternal'ona Copyrlqnl Secured.

    Full performance demo: CD track 6 Backing only: CD track 14 2 bar count in: Gh. 1+2

    (elsc.) Intm J = 150

    (cowbell) F5 C5

    Play Gtr. I part

    Verse F5

    1. Hey sis - ter, why- YOU all- a - lone?- I'm stand - ing out- 2. You whis - per se - crets in- my ear.- Slow - ly danc-

    - your win dew.- Hey lit - tle sis - ter, can- 1 come - ing c h e e k to cheek.- It's such- a s w e e t thing when_ you OP -

    12-12-TZ -12-12-fZ- 13-13- 10-10-10- to 10-to 13--13-13- to- 10-10-10- 8- '11-11 8 8-8- TO-?O-10- 11--11-11


    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • in side, dear? I wan - na show- - en up, ba - - by.- They say- I'll on -

    - You a l l my love.- I wan - na be- the on - ly one.- - IY do- you wrong.- We come- to - geth - er 'co?: I un -

    - 1 knaw- YOU Iike- no - bo - dy der - stand- just who- YOU real - l Y

    13- 8-8- 10-10-10- 11-

    lo-la- 10-1 0-10 8-8- 8-8-8- -

    "> -1 i I I I --.

    G5 F5 Y , I I

    t?. b' !\\ r

    I I-

    W r I

    er,- ba - -

    - by. - yeah,- ba - - by.



    13--13-13- j3-13-13-12\1D---10-10 1*1--11-11- TI-11-TT-10+8

  • Chorus

    -1 I -j Lit -tie sis - , can't- you f i n d an - 0th - er- way?

    I No more liv - ing life- be - hind- a sha dow.

    nbs A bs

    I - Lit - tle sis - ter, can't_ you find_

    an - 0th I - e r way? No more liv -

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  • To Coda t%

    - ing life- be - hind a sha - dew.-

    1. * Gtr. I

    f wtwhammy pedal

    Play Gtr. I part


    Interlude F5

    Gtr. 2

  • -12-12-$2 10-10-10 13-13-13- $0-10-70

    11-11- 8--8-8- 10-10-10 11-11-11 8-8-8

    D.S. al Coda F5

    Gtr. 2 tacet

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  • ~ b 5 CY* (1 O only)

    ( 1 only)

    I I Fig l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Gtr. 2 plays Fig. I

  • full

    f t 1


    8-10-8-rd-108 10 l3 9 8 10- 8-ti712 10-12f 13- I 0 -

    I t ' I - U Mr. 2

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • the lost art of keeping a secret

    Words & Music by Josh Homme & Nick Oriveri D Copyr~ght 2000 Board StrA Mus~cMatural Llght Muslc. USA

    Universal Music Publlshlng Llmlted. All rights rn Germany admln~stersd by Un~versal Musk Publ GmbH

    AH Rights Resewed. Internatnonal Copynght Secured

    Full performance demo: CD track 3 Backing only: FD track 15 2 bar count in:

    A A A A

    Drums P.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - etc.

    I 1 .Wel l I've got a se - cset- I can -not- say,- blame all the move- I 2. Look for re - flec - tions- in y o u r face,- ca - nine de - vo -

  • You've got- some - thing - tian- time can't e - rase. - Out on the cor - ws- or lmked in your room.

    hold i t on tight - caught on w m - mand. a - sume.-

    there is a lie, pro - mi - ses, pro - mise, aneye for an eye.-

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Chorus % E5

    just cut you out. 1 how will you f e e l ? j What - ev - er you do,

    omit harmony 1

    don't tell a - nv - one.- What - e v - e r you do.-

    I 2. G5 E5

    - ny - one.- What - w - er you do,

  • teIl a - ny - one.

    I - hoo, hoo, don't tell. -

    Bridge ~ b 5

    I think you a1 - rea - dy know- how

    N.C. (425)


    1 far I- g o not to say.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • A

    You know the art is - n't gone,- and I'm

    Solo N.C. 8 Gtr. 2 F,

    I tak - ing my s o n g to the grave.-

    Gtr. 2 cont. in slahes full full *Ull full full furl t .f I>/ 15 A6-11 A a//

    13 14 - 10-10-10-$0 10-10-(0-10 ; I 8-8-8-8

    Play Gtr. 1 part

    b full full Full 12, 't. 15 16-la -15 15- D.S. a1 Coda

  • I - what - ev - er you do,

    don't tell.

    I I full >--

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • no one knows Words & Music by Josh Homme, Nick Oliveri & Mark Lanegan

    Q Copynght 2002 Board Stin Hus~matural LrgM MusdRipplestick Mwk, USA Unhrersat Musle Publlshlng hmlted (90%)IEMI MUSIC Publishing Llmited [5%)ICopynght Contrd (5%).

    All r i g h rn Germany adrntn~stersd by Un~venal MUSIC Publ. GmbH All R~ghts Reserved lntematronal CqqngM k u r e d .

    FnlE performance demo: CD track 8 Backing only: CD track 16 2 bas count in:


    - I .tp'

    1' I ? I I I I

    I . We g o t some rules to fol - low, 2. We g e t these pills to swal - tow,

  • that and - this, how t h e y stick

    these in

    a n d those.- y o u r throat.-

    No one- knows. - T a s t e like-

    Oh, what you do

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • (B51 N.C.

    I I

    mine. I re a

    -lise you're- mine. In -


    I -deed a fool of mine.

    I Ah.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Verse


    3 . 1 jour - neyed 4.1 drift- a

    through - the des ert long the o cean,

    o f the mind- d e a d life - boats-

    with no - hope. - in the- sun.-

    I found low.- And c o m e un done.-

    Harm. -I

  • - Plea - sant - ly cav -

    I - ing in. 1 come un done. -

    y' - And I

    full A * *

    Bridge N.C.

    a lise you're- mine.

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • I In - deed a fool of

    [Bs) N.C.

    rJ mine. And I re a

    I -- - lise you're- mine. In -


    I - deed

  • Bass solo B5 C5 J3#5 B5 A5 B5 B5 C5 ~ # 5 B5 A5 J35 E5)

    Solo lE5)

    Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • Hea - ven smiles - a - b o v e me,

    I what- a gift c a n b e lave.-

  • Download 1000+ free Ebooks and Instructional DVDs at www.gitara1.com

  • But no - one- knows.-

    (A) gift that you give

    Harm. 3. 0

    8-10-10-8 10-10-8 7 10-10-8 10-10-8-10-10-0- 9-9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9-7 9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9 9-9-9-9-9

    7 0

    n I

    to me. - No -

    - one

    Guitar tablature explained01. Feel good hit of the summer02. Burn the witch03. First it giveth04. Go with the flow05. In my head06. Little sister07. The lost art of keeping a secret08. No one knows