quality system management & manufacturing

Quality System Management & Manufacturing Project On ISO 9000 Francis Chong Chern Hao s10026545H Lim Wei Ming s10025535F Wang Jun Xiang s10025786B Sim Zhen Feng Rennie s10027148K

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Quality System Management & Manufacturing

Project On ISO 9000

Francis Chong Chern Hao s10026545HLim Wei Ming s10025535F

Wang Jun Xiang s10025786BSim Zhen Feng Rennie s10027148K

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Short Movie 1

Short Movie 2.

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What is ISO• Known as International Organization

Of Standards• Global network of the national standards

institutes of 157 countries

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ISO 9000

• ISO 9000 is basically concerned with “quality management system”

• Fulfills customers quality requirements

• Enhance customer’s satisfaction

• Continual Improvement

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ISO 9000 Family Of Standards

• 9001:requirements for a quality management system, aims to enhance customers satisfaction

• 9004: provides guidelines that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management system

• 19011: provides guidance on audit quality and environmental management systems

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Examples Of Companies Whom Obtained ISO 9000

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Tetra Pack

International Company involve in food carton packaging of dairy products around the world

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Tetra Pack

=+ SuccessQualityActivity


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Tetra Pack

• Products & Services: Meet specifications right the first time and responsible for the products & services

• Customers & Suppliers: Accept feedback given, initiate improvements on failure and strive towards customers satisfaction.

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Objectives For Tetra Pack To Obtain ISO 9000 Certification

• Search For Improvement

• Attempt To Adopt Relevant & Recognized Management System

• Approach ISO : 9000

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Processes & Challenges Faced

• Management

1) Involved & committed management

2) Able to provide long-term top-to-bottom organization support

3) Defining & setting the quality & targets

4) Ensure quality management system is planned and carried out

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Overall In Charge; set quality objectives and steer company towards mission

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Challenges/Obstacles Undergo By Tetra Pack

• Main Obstacle:

Implementing structured quality management system the management has developed because the existing workers who may have work for years might not be able to adapt to it.

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• Operations slowed down due to time for adapting to new system

• Old workers might not be happy

• Increased workers leaving company due to discipline problems

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1)Find ways to convince and motivate the workers to accommodate to hew procedures and work instructions

2)Provide Training to upgrade relevant skills

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ISO Quality Management System In Tetra Pack

• Documentation Requirement

• Resources Management

• Monitoring & Measurement

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Documentation Requirement

• Departmental heads ensure Q.M.S documentations are understood, implemented, maintained and effective

• Distribution lists of documents are maintained by Quality Manager to ensure proper control and to facilitate update of ISO management systems manual, procedures and work instructions

• Tetra park store and maintain all documentations well to demonstrates Tetra park commitment to quality

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• Adequate resources and trained personnel's are provided for performing the work and verification activities, including inspection, testing, production, internal quality and environmental auditing, customer satisfaction survey

• Department heads ensure there are suitably qualified employees who are able to execute their duties and responsibilities to meet quality requirements

Resources Management

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Resources Management

• Training conducted

• Employees provided with workspace, process equipment associated utilities for the job to ensure conformity

• Production hall is air-con, doubled door to prevent insect from flying in, ultra violet lamps are located at specific location to kill insects to prevent them from getting into the products, machines cleaned and maintained

• Preventive and corrective maintenance are performed in accordance with documented procedures and manuals

• Top priority given to repair of production machines and checking the completed work before handling over

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Internal Quality Audits:


1) Objectively evaluate the compliance of TPJ’s quality systems with established requirements and documents procedures.

2) Determine efficiency of system

3) Verify implemented corrective actions

4) Determine QMS Complies To standards of ISO 9001:2000

Monitoring & Measurement

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Monitoring & Measurement


Audits occur depending on:

1) There is changes to operation system

2) Poor results of earlier external results 3) Outcome of management review’s

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Monitoring & Measurement

Annual ISO management system audit

1) Internal auditors assigned to audit areas with no direct responsibilities

2) Non-compliance found in the audit will be recorded and discussed with and issued to the head of the department being audit

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Control Of Nonconforming products Requirements

• Prevent inadvertent usage

• Discovered materials are reported to the Customer Service & Planning Department

• It will then be segregated, identified, reviewed internally and the suppliers will also be informed

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Benefits Of Obtaining ISO 9000

• Fewer on-sites audits by customers:Reduced cost in customers audit as trust in quality system increased

• Increased Market Share

• Improved quality internally and externally

• Improved product and service

• Greater awareness of quality from employees

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Benefits Of Obtaining ISO 9000

• A formal documented system

• Reduced operating costsNon-conforming items reduced due to increased quality

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Continual Improvements

• Tetra Pack continuously improves the effectiveness of its quality system through the use of the quality policy, quality objectives, analysis of data and the audits results etc

• Few of the more unique improvements techniques we will look into

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WCM (World Class Manufacturing)

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Key Concepts:

1) Identify all potential losses based on facts

2) Keep the situation under control

3) Secure Improvements with structured methodology

4) Sustain improvements with standards

WCM (World Class Manufacturing)

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Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)

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• Developed in Japan to achieved Zero-defects

• 3 components of Zero defect control used in Poka Yoke

1) Source Inspection 60%2) 100% Inspection 30%3) Immediate Actions 10%

Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)

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FMEA (Failure Mode & Effect

Analysis)STEP 1: DEFINE




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• A technique used to define, identify, verify and eliminate breakdown.

• It aims is to reduce the amount of turn-backs as much as possible.

• Usually conducted once a month

FMEA (Failure Mode & Effect


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In conclusion, ISO 9000 is a standard of quality management system where companies improvise their system to achieve the high quality standard of ISO

The company, Tetra pack is a international organization whom modify their system to obtain the certificate of ISO 9000

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