quakertown conference on reformed theology the … · 2016. 11. 11. · quakertown conference on...

QUAKERTOWN CONFERENCE ON REFORMED THEOLOGY 800·488·1888 · AllianceNet.org In Partnership with THE DOCTRINES OF GRACE November 11–12, 2016 Joel Beeke · Anthony Carter Tony Merida · Timothy Witmer “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world…” Ephesians 1:3-4

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  • Q U A K E R T O W N C O N F E R E N C E O N R E F O R M E D T H E O L O G Y

    800·488·1888 · AllianceNet.org

    In Partnership with

    The DocTrinesof GraceNovember 11–12, 2016

    Joel Beeke · Anthony Carter

    Tony Merida · Timothy Witmer

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in

    the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world…”

    Ephesians 1:3-4


    Here We StandThe Solas of the ReformationGrand Rapids · March 24-26, 2017

    Philadelphia · April 28-30, 2017

    In Partnership with

    800·488·1888 · Register Now · AllianceNet.org

  • Table of ConTenTs

    Conference Schedule .................................................................... 2

    Speakers ......................................................................................... 9

    Restaurant Guide .......................................................................... 15

    The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Board of Directors, and staff would like to express their gratitude:

    to all attendees for making the sacrifice to come to this conference

    to our partnerP&R Publishing for supporting our mission

    to the speakers for sharing their time and wisdom

    To our exhibitors:P&R Publishing

    Reformation Bible CollegeReformed Theological Seminary: Washington, DC

    to our host church, Grace Bible Fellowship Church, and the many volunteers who gladly give of their time to serve the Lord

    and his people at this conference

    to God alone be the glory!

    Bookstore provided by Reformation Heritage Books

    Join us November 17–18, 2017For Still Our Ancient Foe

    Ian Hamilton, Kent Hughes, Peter Jones

  • Place for Truth provides thoughtful yet accessible articles ranging over biblical theology, systematic theology, church history, and practical theology

    emphasizing the continual need for the church to maintain the gains of the Protestant Reformation.

    David Garner · David HallMark Johnston · Jonathan Master


    Theology on the Go, a podcast with accompanying in-depth articles, discusses weighty theological topics

    in a way that help us all understand some of the finer points of theology. Join Jonathan Master, and guest pastors and theologians, and discover how

    relevant and important theology is for today.

  • 1

    sChedule aT a GlanCe

    Friday, November 11, 2016

    6:00 p.m. Registration

    7:00 p.m. Total Depravity, Joel Beeke

    8:15 p.m. Unconditional Election, Tony Merida

    Saturday, November 12, 2016

    8:00 a.m. Late Registration

    9:00 a.m. Limited Atonement, Anthony Carter

    10:15 a.m. Irresistible Grace, Joel Beeke

    11:30 a.m. Lunch

    1:00 p.m. Workshops

    · Preaching the Cross, Tony Merida

    · How the Civil War Changed the Way You Read the Bible, Richard Taylor

    · Grace and Assurance, Timothy Witmer

    2:30 p.m. Break

    2:45 p.m. Perseverance of the Saints, Anthony Carter

    4:00 p.m. Closing Announcements and Benediction

    RECORDINGThe Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology is partially supported by the sales of recordings of our events; therefore, audio and video recording is strictly prohibited during any part of this event without prior written consent from the Alliance and the QCRT committee. Thank you for your stewardship towards this ministry.

  • 2

    sChedule of evenTsfriday eveninG, november 11, 2016

    Registration (6:00 p.m.)

    Prelude (6:50 p.m.) Colin Howland Director of Music Tenth Presbyterian Church Philadelphia, PA

    Call to Worship (7:00 p.m.) Ronald Kohl Chair Quakertown Conference on Reformed Theology

    Invocation *Hymn 92: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ein’ feste Burg Welcome to the 2016 QCRT Ronald Kohl Senior Pastor Grace Bible Fellowship Church Quakertown, PA

    Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 1:5-17 John Muhlfeld Senior Pastor Covenant Presbyterian Church Harleysville, PA

    Prayer John Muhlfeld *Hymn 486: God, Be Merciful to Me Redhead 76 Total Depravity Joel Beeke President Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Grand Rapids, MI

  • 3

    Break (8:00 p.m.)

    Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14 Keith Strunk Pastor Saucon Community Bible Fellowship Church Hellertown, PA

    Prayer Keith Strunk

    *Hymn 470: How Vast the Benefits Divine St. Matthew

    Unconditional Election Tony Merida Pastor Imago Dei Church Raleigh, NC *Hymn 469: How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place St. Columba


    Postlude Colin Howland

    *Please stand if physically able

    saTurday morninG, november 12, 2016

    Registration (8:30 a.m.)

    Prelude (8:50 a.m.) Colin Howland

    Alliance Welcome

    Call to Worship (9:00 a.m.) Invocation

  • 4

    *Hymn 254: Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed Martyrdom

    Scripture Reading: Romans 8:31-39 Robert Lacock Pastor of Ministry Providence Presbyterian Church Quakertown, PA

    Prayer Robert Lacock

    Limited Atonement Anthony Carter Pastor East Point Church East Point, GA

    Break (10:00 a.m.)

    Scripture Reading Richard Taylor Interim Pastor Royersford Bible Fellowship Church Royersford, PA

    Prayer Richard Taylor *Hymn 463: A Debtor to Mercy Alone Trewen

    Irresistible Grace Joel Beeke Pastor Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation Grand Rapids, MI


    Lunch (11:30 a.m.)

  • 5

    Workshops (1:00 p.m.) Preaching the Cross: Tony Merida/Room 113–115 How the Civil War Changed the Way You Read the Bible: Richard Taylor/Room 104–106 Grace and Assurance: Timothy Witmer/Sanctuary

    Break (2:30 p.m.)

    Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:25-27 Mark Orton Pastor Graterford Bible Fellowship Church Collegeville, PA

    Prayer Mark Orton *Hymn 706: Jesus Lives, and So Shall I Jesus, meine Zuversicht Perseverance of the Saints Anthony Carter

    *Hymn 297: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name! Diadem


    Postlude Colin Howland

    *Please stand if physically able

  • 6

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    The Alliance’s voice of Puritan and Reformed theology

    Sharing the theology and piety of the Puritans to reconnect Reformed Christians

    with their heritage.

    Joel Beeke Daniel Hyde Henry Jansma Donald John Maclean Ryan McGraw Bob McKelvey

    Patrick Ramsey


    600 Eden Road • Lancaster, PA 17601800-488-1888 • AllianceNet.org

    Meet the Puritanswhere the dead still speak

  • 8

    with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd

    Join the Conversation


    600 Eden Road • Lancaster, PA 17601800-488-1888 • AllianceNet.org

  • 9

    abouT The speakers

    Joel Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice-president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. He has written or edited fifty books including, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, and Friends and Lovers: Cultivating Companionship and Intimacy in Marriage. Dr. Beeke is a contributor at the Alliance’s MeetthePuritans.org

    Anthony Carter is the lead pastor of East Point Church in East Point, Georgia. A graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando, he is the author and/or editor of several books including Black and Reformed, Glory Road, and Blood Work. Tony, his wife Adriane, and their five children live in East Point, Georgia.

    Tony Merida is the founding pastor of Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, N.C. He also serves as associate professor of preaching at Southeastern Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. Tony has an extensive itinerant ministry and has written several books includingThe Christ-Centered Expositor, Ordinary, Orphanology, and eight volumes in the Christ-Centered Exposition commentary series, of which he also serves as a general editor. Tony is happily married to Kimberly, and they have five children.

  • 10

    MEDIAThe Bible Study Hour Preparing you to think and act biblically. Clear biblical preaching that serves as both a model to pastors and a stabilizing source of biblical truth for lay people featuring James Boice. TheBibleStudyHour.org

    Every Last Word Teaching the whole Bible to change your whole life. A rich diet of expository preaching to help people grow and apply God’s Word to everyday life with pastor, author, Christian college president Philip Ryken. EveryLastWord.org

    Mortification of Spin A casual conversation about things that count. Culturally relevant and often controversial topics taken on in funny, thoughtful, and unpredictable ways with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd. MortificationofSpin.org

    No Falling Word Instilling the Scriptures in an urban culture. Proclaiming and applying the Gospel from the center of one of America’s largest cities, hosted by Liam Goligher. NoFallingWord.org

    Theology on the Go A brief conversation about an eternal truth. Pastors and theologians join Jonathan Master to discuss weighty topics in a thoughtful and accessible way showing how theology is relevant today. TheologyontheGo.org

    Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible Making God’s Word plain. Scholarly exposition of God’s Word that is concise and captivating, with one of the most widely acclaimed American preachers for half a century, Donald Barnhouse. DrBarnhouse.org

    The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of pastors, scholars and churchmen who hold the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith

    and who proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church.

  • 11

    PUBLISHINGreformation21 Encouraging biblical thinking, living, worship, ministry, and constructive cultural engagement. Providing an authoritative, Reformed perspective on historic matters and current issues to inform, inspire, and challenge Christians. reformation21.org

    Place for Truth Exploring the depths of what we believe. Thoughtful yet accessible biblical, systematic, and practical theology, as well as church history exploring the importance and relevancy of what we believe. PlaceforTruth.org

    The Christward Collective Where doctrine and life meet. Like Calvin, these younger contributors wed theological study to an all-in-life experiential godliness, applying biblical truth to a very contemporary culture. ChristwardCollective.org

    Meet the Puritans Where the dead still speak. Sharing the theology and piety of the Puritans to reconnect Reformed Christians with their heritage, introduce evangelical Christians to this heritage, and give the world the answers this heritage provides. MeetthePuritans.org

    Daily Devotionals from James Boice and Matthew Henry Daily Devotionals from James Boice and Matthew Henry sent daily to complement your time in the Word. ThinkandActBiblically.org and MatthewHenry.org

    Reformed Resources 60 Years of Reformed Resources. Thousands of audio on both CD and MP3, video, book, booklet, and e-book resources from trustworthy authors and Alliance speakers. ReformedResources.org

    The Shepherd Leader Shepherding to the Chief Shepherd’s glory. Tim Witmer provides regular insight and on-going coaching material for church leaders. His system contextualizes biblical principles for the specific ministry roles and needs found in today’s Church. TheShepherdLeader.org

    EVENTSPhiladelphia Conference on Reformed Theology and Regional Events Sound doctrine, boldly preached. The oldest, continual, national Reformed conference in North America, and regional events including theology and Bible conferences. AllianceNet.org/Events

    Reformation Societies Encouraging, Emboldening, Equipping. Encouraging, emboldening, and equipping pastors and church leaders for the work of biblical reformation in the church. ReformationSocieties.org

  • 12

    Tune inTo allianCe broadCasTsVisit Oneplace.com to hear The Bible Study Hour and other Alliance speakers any day of the week at any time. Alliance broadcasts can also be heard on satellite radio. The Bible Study Hour airs on 170 XM at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays and on 9781 SkyAngel at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. And Every Last Word airs on 9781 SkyAngel at 10:00 p.m. on Sundays.

    State City Station Program Freq Time Day(s)NJ Trenton WCHR BSH 920 AM 10:00 a.m. SaturdayNJ Trenton WCHR BSH 920 AM 10:00 a.m. SundayNJ Trenton WCHR BSH 920 AM 2:00 a.m. SaturdayPA Allentown WBYN AM BSH 1160 AM 8:00 a.m. SundayPA Carlisle WIOO BSH 1000 AM 11:00 a.m. SundayPA Danville WPGM AM BSH 1570 AM 9:00 a.m. SundayPA Danville WPGM AM BSH 1570 AM 5:30 p.m. SundayPA Danville WPGM FM BSH 96.7 AM 9:00 a.m. SundayPA Danville WPGM FM BSH 96.7 AM 5:30 p.m. SundayPA Lancaster WDAC BSH 94.5 FM 9:30 a.m. SundayPA New Berlin WBGM BSH 88.1 FM 9:00 a.m. SundayPA New Berlin WBGM BSH 88.1 FM 5:30 p.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WFIL BSH 560 AM 9:30 a.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WFIL BSH 560 AM 12:30 p.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WFIL NFW 560 AM 12:30 p.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WNTP NFW 990 AM 8:30 a.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WVCH BHB 740 AM 6:00 p.m. Mon-FriPA Philadelphia WVCH BHB 740 AM 10:00 a.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WVCH BHB 740 AM 4:00 p.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WVCH BSH 740 AM 7:30 a.m. SundayPA Philadelphia WVCH ELW 740 AM 4:30 p.m. SaturdayPA Philadelphia WVCH ELW 740 AM 8:00 a.m. SundayPA Sayre WPEL BHB 92.1 FM 3:30 p.m. SundayPA Sayre WPEL BSH 92.1 FM 11:30 a.m. SaturdayPA Sayre WPEL BSH 92.1 FM 5:30 p.m. SundayPA Scranton WPEL BHB 96.5 FM 3:30 p.m. SundayPA Scranton WPEL BSH 96.5 FM 11:30 a.m. SaturdayPA Scranton WPEL BSH 96.5 FM 5:30 p.m. SundayPA Williamsport WJSA AM BSH 1600 AM 8:30 a.m. SundayPA Williamsport WJSA AM BSH 1600 AM 7:00 p.m. SundayPA Williamsport WJSA FM BSH 96.3 FM 8:30 a.m. SundayPA Williamsport WJSA FM BSH 96.3 FM 7:00 p.m. Sunday

    BSH—The Bible Study Hour · BHB—Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible· ELW—Every Last Word

    NFW—No Falling Word

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    The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of confessional pastors, scholars, and churchmen who hold the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and who proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church. Our members join for Gospel proclamation, biblically sound confessional doctrine, fostering of reformation, and the glory of God. We work and serve the Church through media, events, and publishing.

    The work started in media – The Bible Study Hour with James Boice, Every Last Word featuring Philip Ryken, Mortification of Spin with Carl Trueman, Todd Pruitt, and Aimee Byrd, No Falling Word with Liam Goligher, Theology on the Go with Jonathan Master, and Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible with Donald Barnhouse. These broadcasts air throughout North America and online at AllianceNet.org.

    Place for Truth is our online magazine—a free “go-to” theological resource. Christward Collective is a theological conversation on a wide range of questions and issues. reformation21 provides cultural and church critique. The Shepherd Leader is a resource for pastors and church leaders. Meet the Puritans shares the theology and writing of the Puritans with a modern audience. Our online daily devotionals include Think and Act Biblically and MatthewHenry.org, a resource fostering biblical prayer.

    Our events include the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, the oldest, continual, national Reformed conference in North America and regional events including theology and Bible conferences. Pastors’ events, such as Reformation Societies, continue to encourage, embolden, and equip church leaders in pursuit of reformation in the Church.

    Alliance publishing includes books from a list of trustworthy authors including titles such as Zeal for Godliness, Our Creed, and more. We also offer a vast list of affordable booklets, as well as eBooks such as Learning to Think Biblically and How to Live a Holy Life.

    The Alliance further seeks to encourage sound, biblical doctrine by offering a wide variety of CD and MP3 resources featuring Alliance broadcast speakers and many other nationally recognized pastors and theologians at ReformedResources.org

    What is the Alliance

  • 15

    resTauranT Guide

    A. Target shopping center has these restaurants:Chick-Fil-AFrank’s TrattoriaRed RobinStarbucks (located inside Target)Wawa

    B. Trainer’s Corner shopping center has these restaurants:TGI Friday’sMcDonald’sBurger KingGiovanni’s Pizza and Italian RestaurantBest Food in Town (Chinese)StarbucksFive Guys Burgers and Fries

    C. Richland Crossing shop-ping center has these restau-rants:Applebee’sArby’sGarden Buffet (Chinese)Panera BreadSubway (located inside Wal-Mart)

    D. Quakertown Plaza shop-ping center has these restau-rants:Boston MarketFriendly’sThe Pub

    Sakura Supreme Buffet (Chinese)Italian Delight (Pizza)

    E. The following restaurants can be found south of Quaker-town along Route 309 (before 309 becomes an expressway):BigBites BBQDairy QueenDragon Penn Chinese FoodDunkin Donuts Embers CaféFrank’s PizzaFries’ Rebellion Kitchen and TaphouseLee’s Hoagie HouseLittle Caesar’sPapa John’sPizza HutRossi’s PizzaSal’s Pizza RandaSubwayTaco BellWawaYellowtail Grill & Bar (Japa-nese)

    F. The following restaurants can be found in the center of Quakertown along or in sight of Route 313:Carlton Café (Diner)China WokDominick’s PizzaTijuana Tacos

  • 16

    resTauranT Guide

    1. Brick Tavern Inn2. Quakertown Family Restaurant (Diner)3. Yum Yum Bake Shop4. Wendy’s5. John’s Plain and Fancy Diner6. Popeye’s Chicken7. Roma Pizza8. McCoole’s at the Historic Red Lion Inn

  • Quakertown audio Qty Cd totalSession 1: Total Depravityby Joel Beeke D-16QRP01 $6.00 Session 2: Unconditional Election by Tony Merida D-16QRP02 $6.00

    Session 3: Limited Atonementby Anthony Carter D-16QRP03 $6.00

    Session 4: Irresistible Grace by Joel Beeke D-16QRP04 $6.00

    Session 5: Perseverance of the Saintsby Anthony Carter D-16QRP05 $6.00

    Workshop 1: Preaching the Cross by Tony Merida D-16QRS01 $6.00

    Workshop 2: How the Civil War Changed the Way You Read the Bible by Richard Taylor D-16QRS02 $6.00

    Workshop 3: Grace and Assurance by Timothy Witmer D-16QRS03 $6.00

    All 5 sessions and 3 workshops on CDs with free case SD-16QR $48.00 All 5 sessions and 3 workshops as MP3s on CD media in paper sleeve SM-16QR $8.00 Quakertown Anthology: 69 MP3 messages on $69.00DVD media from 2008–2016 M-QRANTH $34.00

    Shipping free if ordered at conference, $4 flat rate if ordered later $

    My Gift to Support the Alliance $

    Total $ Name

    Street Apt.


    Method of Payment: Check Cash Visa MasterCard Discover American Express

    Card # Expiration



    allianCe of ConfessinG evanGeliCals · 600C Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601(215) 546-3696 · Fax (215) 735-5133 · [email protected]

  • QuakerTown ConferenCe on reformed TheoloGy evaluaTion form—2016

    Please rank the following categories on a scale of 1-41=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree

    1. The theme and content of the event was useful for my church ministry. 1 2 3 4

    2. The theme and content of the event was useful for me personally. 1 2 3 4

    3. The event logistics (parking, seating, communication) were well organized. 1 2 3 4

    4. The speakers delivered thoughtful and fair presentations. 1 2 3 4

    5. I plan to attend a future Alliance event. 1 2 3 4

    6. The event staff and volunteers were helpful. 1 2 3 4

    Please provide as much feedback to the following questions as you would like:

    1. What is your position in your church? (Circle one) Pastor Elder Deacon Layperson Teacher Other?

    2. What is your church affiliation? (name and denomination)

    3. How did you hear about this event? (Circle one) Mail Web Newspaper Radio Church announcements Other

    4. What was the best part about this event?

    5. What suggestions do you have for us?

    Please return completed survey to the registration table or mail to: 600C Eden Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601

  • Q U A K E R T O W N C O N F E R E N C E O N R E F O R M E D T H E O L O G Y

    For Still ouranCient Foe

    November 17–18, 2017Grace Bible Fellowship Church

    Quakertown, PA

    Ian Hamilton · Kent Hughes · Peter Jones

    800·488·1888 · AllianceNet.org

    In Partnership with

  • The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of pastors, scholars, and churchmen who hold the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and who proclaim biblical doctrine in order to

    foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church.

    The Bible Study Hour · Every Last Word · Dr. Barnhouse & the BibleNo Falling Word · MeetthePuritans.org · TheShepherdLeader.org

    Reformation Societies · Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology · MortificationofSpin.orgreformation21.org · ChristwardCollective.org · PlaceforTruth.org

    600 Eden Road · Lancaster, PA 17601215-546-3696 · AllianceNet.org