qms auditing powerpoint

1 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE AUDITING OF A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QMS) Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing What is a Quality Audit ? •An audit is a systematic , independent , and documented process of obtaining and evaluating evidence in order to determine the extent to which agreed criteria have been fulfilled •An audit program will address all elements of the QMS to ensure its continued compliance with relevant National and International standards •An audit is NOT intended to criticise or apportion blame Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

What is a Quality Audit ?•An audit is a systematic , independent , and documented process of obtaining and evaluating evidence in order to determine the extent to which agreed criteria have been fulfilled

•An audit program will address all elements of the QMS to ensure its continued compliance with relevant National and International standards

•An audit is NOT intended to criticise or apportion blame

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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Why Audit ?•To ensure compliance with relevant standards

•To ensure that activities are performed and recorded

•To ensure contractual obligations are fulfilled

•To identify simplification or additions to procedures

•To identify opportunities for improvement

•To provide confidence that the QMS is effective

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

The Auditor :-•Ideally be independent of the facility being audited

•Should have relative training / qualifications

•Should have an agreed agenda / checklist

•Should work to an agreed company audit plan

•Will be fair , truthful , discreet , inquisitive , and communicative . He will also be non-critical , responsible , and accountable for his actions .

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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The Auditee(s) :-•Ideally a team member of the facility being audited

•Should have relative training/qualifications

•Should be sincere , open , willing , and decisive

•Should be able to offer a constructive opinion

•Remember , the QMS is under audit NOT the Auditee

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

Depths / Scope of the Audit

Quality Manual

Operational Procedures

and Work Instructions

Records and Evidence

Who ….. What ..… When ..… Where ….. How ..…

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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The Audit Plan (1)•Be agreed with senior management / Quality Manager

•Should list all (relevant) sections of ISO 17025

•Should cover each section of ISO 17025 at least annually

(workload permitting)

•Ideally be phased over a 12 month period

See next slide for a typical annual plan

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

The Audit Plan (2)

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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The Audit Checklist (1)•A series of questions based on the QMS element(s) being audited , and prepared prior to the audit itself .

•Can only address statements within the relative section(s) of ISO 17025 , and to those of the operational procedure and work / calibration instruction being audited

A sample can be seen on the next slide

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

The Audit Checklist (2)Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

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The Audit Itself•Interviewing and questioning staff directly involved in the process

•Observation of activities and processes

•Viewing and witnessing records

•Determination of Observations or Non-compliances

•Recording results and findings/conclusions

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

The Audit Forms (1)•1. An Audit Report form :

To record the evidence of the audit and used in conjunction with the Audit Checklist

•2. A Non-compliance/Corrective Action Form :

To record non-compliances arising from the audit which may require a follow-up audit

Samples of both can be seen on the next slide

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The Audit Forms (2)Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

The Audit Forms (3)The Audit Report Form : -

•A narrative of the audit checklist

•Documented evidence that the procedure / process

has been followed completely and correctly

•Is itself auditable itself via Quality Records audit

•A communication tool for management

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The Audit Forms (4)The Non-Compliance Form Form :-

•Identifies any violations of policies , procedures , or work instructions

•Identifies what Corrective Action is to be taken

•Decides / agrees when the Corrective Action and any follow-up audit is scheduled for completion/discharge

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

Post Audit Discussions•The audit report must provide conclusive evidence to show that the facility has demonstrated compliance with the Standard (or reported otherwise if not) .

•If a Non-Compliance is raised , it should be fully documented , with agreed discharge dates

•It should be noted that an Observation is purely the opinion of the auditor , and as such is not enforceable

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Issue of Reports and Follow-up•Agree when the report(s) will be issued , to whom , and in what format

•Agree a time scale

•Agree a date for a follow-up meeting to verify discharge of any non-compliances raised during the audit , plan a re-audit of this one , or plan a future new audit

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

Audit Summary (1)Procedural Requirements for an ISO 17025 Audit

•The Quality Manual

•Operational Procedures

•Work / Calibration Instructions

•An Audit Plan

•An Audit Checklist

•An Audit Report and Non-Compliance Form

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Audit Summary (2)Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing

Plan it

Do it

Report on it

Follow it up

Quality Assurance Consultancy & ISO 17025 Auditing