pubnative tracker

PubNative Tracker Andrew Djoga

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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PubNative TrackerAndrew Djoga

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Elixir is what would happen if Erlang, Clojure and Ruby somehow had a baby and it wasn't an

accident.Devin Torres open source enthusiast

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animals = ["capybara", "apple", "lemur"]

List.delete(animals, "apple") #=> ["capybara", "lemur"]

animals #=> ["lion", "table", "bear"]

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High-order functions

double = fn(i) -> i * 2 end[1, 2, 3], double) #=> [2, 4, 6]

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Pattern matching[first, second, _] = [ :virginia, :singapore, :ireland, ]

first #=> :virginia

second #=> :singapore

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Pattern matching

list = [1, 2, 3] [1 | tail] = list

tail #=> [2, 3]

[2 | _] = list ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [1, 2, 3]

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CollectionsEnum.any?(["foo", "bar", “hi"], fn(s) -> len(s) == 2 end) #=> true"path/to/unknown/file") #=> {:error, "reason"}

map = %{:foo => "bar", :hello => "hi"} map[:foo] #=> “bar"

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def square([]), do: [] def square([head | tail]) do [head * head | square(tail)] end

square([1, 2, 3]) #=> [1, 4, 9][1, 2, 3], fn(x) -> x * x end) #=> [1, 4, 9]

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defmodule Math do def sum(a, b) do a + b end end

Math.sum(1, 2) #=> 3

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lightweight isolation message passing

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Concurrent processes with no data sharing provide a strong measure of fault isolation.

A software error in a concurrent process should not influence processing in the other

processes in the system.

creator of Erlang

Joe Armstrong

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Based on its designated behavior, the actor responds to incoming messages by send new messages, spawn new actors and/or changing its future behavior.

Each actor has its own mailbox and isolated state.

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Supervisorchildren = [ supervisor(Stats.Supervisor), supervisor(Queue.KafkaSupervisor), worker(Queue.SQSWorker, [period, []]), supervisor(Queue.Supervisor), supervisor(Cache.DBSupervisor), Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.child_spec(:http, Router, [], [port: port]) ]

supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 10, max_seconds: 1 )

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Workerdef handle_cast(:receive, state) do case :sqs.receive(state.queue) do [] ->"no messages") messages -> to_kafka(messages) end {:noreply, state} end

def terminate(reason, _) when reason == :normal, do: :ok def terminate(reason, state) do Logger.error("#{reason}: #{inspect state}") :ok end

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iex(1)> Weather ...(1)> |> where(city: "Berlin") ...(1)> |> order_by(:temp_lo) ...(1)> |> limit(10) ...(1)> |> Repo.all

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mix new my_app compile test deps.get

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ExUnittest "decodes a base64 without padding chars" do assert Token.urlsafe_decode64("YWJjZA") == "abcd" assert Token.urlsafe_decode64("YWJjZA=") == "abcd" assert Token.urlsafe_decode64("YWJjZA==") == "abcd" end

➜ tracker mix test test/tracker/api/token_test.exs --traceTracker.API.TokenTest * decodes a base64 without padding chars (8.1ms) * decodes a base64 in the URLEncoding mode defined in RFC 4648 (0.01ms) * fixes a token with a double question mark (0.01ms) * decrypts a token (15.2ms) * returns error with a broken token (14.8ms)Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.09s on load, 0.03s on tests)5 tests, 0 failures

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Type Specifications

@spec network(integer) :: {String.t, String.t} | :not_found def network(id) do case :ets.lookup(:db_networks, id) do [{^id, name, url}] -> {name, url} _ -> :not_found end end

Dialyzer is a static analysis tool that identifies software discrepancies such as type errors, unreachable code, unnecessary tests, etc in Erlang / Elixir applications.

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$ iex --name [email protected] --remsh [email protected]


Erlang Top is a tool for presenting information about Erlang processes similar to the information presented by "top" in UNIX.


Returns a list of process identifiers corresponding to all the processes currently existing on the local node.


Returns a list with information about memory dynamically allocated by the Erlang emulator.

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Built-In Term StorageETS tables are implemented as BIFs in the ets module.

The main design objectives ETS had was to provide a way to store large amounts of data in Erlang with constant access time and to have such storage look as if it were implemented as processes in order to keep their use simple and idiomatic.

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