psychic surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029 : +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website: Dr. Naresh Mintri, RMP(AM) Ms. KArthika Nair

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Psychic Surgery


Page 1: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:

Dr. Naresh Mintri, RMP(AM)

Ms. KArthika Nair

Page 2: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:


The procedure discussed in the following pages are meant for only those who have

completed their Masters Level in Reiki

and utmost care should be

taken when working with these systems.

The authors have taken utmost care to provide all details

as per their knowledge and experience in working with these systems.

Any error, omission or wrong interpretation of what

has been explained does not in any way make

them liable for action.

Please respect the confidentiality of your client

and also respect for the Laws of your Land.

Page 3: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:


As the word surgery suggests, and as it is understood by us as lay-persons means carrying out a medical

procedure where the surgeon enters your physical self by making an incision on your skin and

conducting repair or removal of an organ in the body.

Medical procedure requires the need of anesthesia and the use of cutting tools, viz. scalpel, scissors and

forceps, etc. This is a painful procedure and takes time for the patient to recover. Compared to this,

psychic surgery is done by using your mental powers and without the use of external tools or

anesthesia, wounds or pain. The recovery time is also very short. The patient may have a temporary

sense of pain or discomfort, as in actual surgery.

Psychic surgery is a phrase with many meanings. To some it refers to drawing negative energy out of the

energy field and/or the body, to others it means the removal of thought-forms and to still others it

refers to processes such as the removal of memory imprints or soul retrieval. In areas such as the

Philippines, psychic surgery means the literal physical removal of cysts or tumours from inside the body

by use of the bare hands, with no cutting instruments, scars or healing time. The main reason people are

not in optimum health is because they attract or create blocks to the flow of life force energy within

themselves. These blocks are usually made of ideas, beliefs and emotions and are usually created

because of misunderstanding about how to receive your needs in a healthy way. Blocks to life force

energy usually take on a particular shape and lodge themselves in or around the organs of the body or in

the charkas or aura. These negative energy blocks can cause health problems as well as other difficulties

in life. Once they are removed, the life force energy returns to its normal flow and the person’s health is


Psychic surgery can be used to release these negative energy blocks. This process can assist in the

healing of any problem or difficulty including emotional difficulties, relationship problems, addictions,

spiritual problems as well as physical health problems. It must be kept in mind that if a person has a

physical or psychological problem, it is important to advise them to seek medical help, as your

treatment is to work in conjunction with medical care.

Psychic surgery can be done by itself or with a normal Reiki treatment; psychic surgery is usually done

prior to treatment, but can be done during a treatment.


The first step is to give the cause of the problem an identity. This will allow the client and practitioner to

focus directly on the cause and release it. Giving the problem an identity can be very healing in itself, as

Page 4: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:

it allows you to bring the cause into awareness where it can be dealt with. This involves finding the

location of the block and deciding what it looks like.

Ask the client to think about the issue they would like to have healed. Note that it is not necessary for

them to tell you what the issue is, just ask them to think about it. This can be very helpful to the client,

as some issues are so sensitive, that the client may not want to let anyone know about them.

Ask them to close their eyes and meditate on the issue. Ask them, if the cause of this problem were to

exist in a part of the body, which part would it be? This is often easy as the client will feel tension or pain

in an area of the body whenever they think about the issue. If there is any difficulty in choosing an area,

just ask the client to take a guess with the idea, that there is no wrong answer.

Ask them to imagine they are looking into the area they have chosen and ask them, if the cause of this

problem had a shape, what shape would it be? This can be any shape, even little spots. If the problem is

in more than one area, then deal with the most important location first.

Then ask them, if the shape had a colour, what colour would it be? Then ask, if you could feel its

surface, what texture would it have? It could be smooth, slippery, rough, bumpy. Then ask, How heavy is

it, how much does it weigh? Then ask, If it could make a sound or say something, what would it be?

Remember, there is no wrong answer.

After they get all or most of these answers, the cause will now have a non-verbal identity that the client

will be consciously aware of. This process gives the client something to focus on and by having a

location, shape, colour, texture, weight and sound, for the cause, the person will be more connected as

you proceed with your healing work.

Now ask your client if they are willing to completely let go of this cause and be healed now. Tell them

that you are going to send the problem up to the Universe, or God or the Higher Power (whatever you

feel is the most applicable). Ask them to focus on the shape and meditate on letting go of it; ask them to

acknowledge and be willing to learn any lesson or receive any information necessary for the healing

process to take place.

Having completed Part one you are now ready to proceed with the Psychic Healing Process.

In the following pages two methods of Psychic Surgery will be described; you may choose to use

whichever one you are most comfortable with as well as what is the most appropriate method for each

individual client.

Page 5: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:


1 The client can be standing, sitting on a chair or lying on a Reiki table.

2 Move behind the client or turn away from them so they can’t see what you are drawing on your

hands. Then draw the Usui Master Symbol (DKM) on both hands and clap them together three times,

repeating its sacred name to yourself three times. Do the same with the Power Symbol (CKR),

Mental/Emotional Symbol (SHK) and the Distant Healing Symbol (HSZSN). Draw the Power Symbol (CKR)

down the front of your body for protection. Draw small Power Symbols over each charka to empower


3 Then extend your Reiki fingers. This is done by grabbing hold of your fingers with one hand, and

imagine that you are stretching them out about 12-18 inches (30-45cm). As you do this, breathe in

through partly closed lips, so you can hear the air flowing. Do this three times for both hands. Then draw

a Power Symbol on the ends of the extended fingers and tap them to affirm they are extended and have


Psychic surgery is done with your full focus and intention. It is much like a martial art and done with your

entire being, using your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. It is done with complete

confidence in your ability, knowing that Reiki is all powerful and that you will succeed. Note that it is

your focused intention through which your guides will be able to work, so keep your intention clear and

strong. This will be created in part by your posture, so when doing psychic surgery, keep your posture

confident, definite and clear, so that there is no question about what you are doing.

4 Say a prayer to yourself, asking God, your guides and all healing beings of light to work with you to

create the most powerful healing possible. Ask that the healing take place within divine love and

wisdom so that the highest good is created for all concerned.

Ask the client where the cause is located in the body and what its shape, colour, texture, weight, sound

etc. is. Ask them to focus on the area and be willing to let go of the shape and be healed. Draw the

Power Symbol over the area where the block is located.

5 Stand in a powerful position and using the full strength of your total being imagine that you are

reaching in and grabbing the negative energy with your extended Reiki fingers, pulling it out and sending

it up to God. This is done with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intention, the full strength of

your being. You may actually be able to see the negative shape or you may be aware of it in some way.

Page 6: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:

When you pull the negative energy out, breath in vigorously through partly closed lips, sucking in your

breath. When you release the negative energy up to God, breathe out vigorously, making an audible

sound. When using the breath in this way, imagine that you are breathing the negative energy into your

hands and not into your lungs. This will prevent you from pulling the negative energy into yourself.

6 Do this process over and over five to ten times or more, as your intuition guides you, reaching in,

pulling out the shape and sending it up to the light. As you do so, you will feel a change in how the area

feels. This means you are making progress. Try pulling from different angles and sides of the area. Allow

yourself to be guided as to what to do and how to do it. Let the area that is healing speak to you and

guide you. You may be guided to expand the area you are working with or to work higher or lower or to

move to the other side of the body.

After continuing for one to two minutes or more, stop and ask your client how they feel and if they

perceive any change in the shape, colour, texture, weight of the negative energy. They may say that the

shape has completely gone. If so, ask them to look very carefully all around inside to be sure that it is

completely gone. If there is still something left, continue doing psychic surgery, periodically asking what

the shape looks like and continue with this process until it has gone.

7 After the shape has gone, do Reiki on the location to fill it with light and complete the healing. Then

step back, make a karate chop in the air between the two of you to break any psychic cord(s) that may

have formed. You may even use the Raku symbol to disconnect. Also retract your Reiki fingers by

pushing them back into your physical fingers with your hand while making a blowing sound. You can

follow this with a complete hands-on Reiki treatment if you wish.


The preparation and lead up to this technique is the same as for the above method.

Having completed stage 4 now visualize that you have a bucket of healing stones or oils.

With your extended Reiki fingers imagine that you are teasing out fibers of negative energy. Keep your

wrists soft and flexible, open the fingers and smooth-out fibers by gently stroking the fingers from the

body towards you.

Imagine that your hands are full of fibers and empty them into your healing bucket.

Keep your clients description in mind and imagine that you are drawing fibers from the outside of the

shape, making it smaller and smaller.

Page 7: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:

Using this technique and following your guidance continue with step 6 onwards.

This technique is more discreet instead of the sucking and blowing, which you may not feel comfortable

with or which you feel may disturb some clients.

A lesson may need to be learnt.

Most psychic blocks can easily be removed using this process. However, if after doing several sets of

psychic surgery, you find that the shape has not changed or has changed very little or if it seems there is

some resistance, then it is likely that the cause of the problem has something to communicate to the

client before it will be willing to leave. There may be a lesson the client needs to learn and it may be

necessary for the client to interact consciously with the cause in order for it to heal.

If you feel this is the case, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the area and do Reiki there. As you

do Reiki, talk directly to the cause and let it know that you respect the information it has to offer and

that you are ready to hear what it has to say now. Ask it to tell you what it needs to do in order to heal.

Then ask the client to tell you whatever comes into their mind even if it seems like nonsense. You can

also start verbalizing whatever comes into your mind. At first it may not make sense, but ask the client

to tell you if anything you say has any meaning or connection to the problem and if it causes any feelings

or emotions to come up. Ask them to tell you if they get any meaningful ideas about it too. They may

feel jealous about a friend or treated someone badly for example. Let the client decide what feels right

and what makes sense to them concerning what feelings come up and what they need to do to

complete the healing.

After you get an idea of what the client needs to do, ask them if they would be willing to do it right now.

If they say yes, then continue to do Reiki on the area and ask them to take some time to focus on the

area and the issue and to process it, letting go of the anger, or forgiving themselves or releasing the

negative issues etc. Ask them to let you know when they feel complete with it.

After they have done this and feel complete, ask them to look into the area and see if the shape is still

there. It may be completely gone now, but if it is still there, proceed with more psychic surgery. This

time, the shape should release completely. Then do Reiki on the area to fill it with light.

Step back, doing the karate chop or Raku symbols and retracting your Reiki fingers as described. You

may want to follow psychic surgery with a Reiki treatment.

Page 8: Psychic Surgery

66B Jatin Das Road, Kolkata 700029

: +91 94340-27646 : [email protected] Website:


The therapist uses his mental powers to visualise the diseased organ as clearly as is possible, and then

with imaginary hands, which is an extension of his physical hands, as explained earlier, enters the body

of the patient and conducts the surgical procedure, even going to the extent of stitching the point of

incision, the point from where the organ has been removed or repaired, as if he is conducting a

procedure physically.

Care however is to be taken to make sure that the therapist is aware of the location and function of the

organs in the body, the safest and surest way to approach it with least discomfort to the patient. For this

a good working knowledge of the human anatomy is an absolute necessity. Without adequate

knowledge of anatomy, it is possible that the therapist start rummaging inside the body, as if looking

for something inside a cluttered drawer, and in the process cause more discomfort that relief.

It is also advised that adequate care be taken of hygiene and cleanliness, both in the therapist and the

location where the surgery is being conducted. Since it is being done mentally, the location of the

surgery can be made mentally clean, an atmosphere resembling the traditional operation theatres.

Personal hygiene of the therapist can be taken care of by actually washing the hands with soap and

antiseptic liquid, as if it is an actual operation. You never know what the mind can transmit!

One session is often all that is needed to completely heal an issue. However, some issues have more

than one level, so the person may get some relief, but then experience more symptoms later as a

deeper level of the issue comes up to be healed. If this is the case, simply do more psychic surgery to

heal the next level.

It is also important to know that as healing takes place, the person could feel other symptoms such as

weakness, headaches, diarrhea etc. as the body adjusts to the healing process and begins cleansing. This

is sometimes called a healing crisis and is part of the healing. To minimize this, it is important that the

client drink more water, eat lightly and rest.

This technique works. It is powerful and is easily learned by anyone willing to take the time to try it. All

of our problems are within our ability to solve and it is important to realize that there is always a higher

purpose for everything in our lives. What we consider to be a problem, may actually be an opportunity

to learn and grow. Using inner guidance and developing new techniques which allow us to tap more

deeply into our innate healing abilities is an important part of our growth process as spiritual healers.

I would like to add that I would first do a Healing Attunement, then the Aura Cleansing/Psychic Surgery,

then a full Reiki treatment probably using the Karuna symbols (if attuned to it) with maybe some Reiki to

end it. This would be about a 90 minute session.