prospectws ysgol school prospectus...

PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion Jones Ysgol Gynradd Clydau, Tegryn, Llanfyrnach, Sir Benfro SA35 0BE Rhif ffôn / Telephone Number: 01239 698236 E-bost/ e-mail : [email protected]

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Page 1: PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018— · SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion




Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion Jones

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau, Tegryn, Llanfyrnach, Sir Benfro SA35 0BE

Rhif ffôn / Telephone Number: 01239 698236

E-bost/ e-mail : [email protected]

Page 2: PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018— · SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion


Page 3: PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018— · SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion


Annwyl Rieni/Gwarcheidwyr, Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Clydau. Ein bwriad yw estyn croeso i’ch plentyn a chwithau ac i gyflwyno ein nôd ac amcanion fel ysgol. Ceir gwybodaeth am nifer o bethau sydd yn cynorthwyo’r ysgol i redeg yn effeithiol a chynorthwyo’ch plentyn i ymgartrefu a mwynhau eu cyfnod gyda ni. Gofynnwn felly i chi gymryd amser i ddarllen y llyfryn yma. Mae addysg yn bartneriaeth tair ffordd, rhwng eich plentyn, chi fel rhieni a ninnau fel ysgol. Mae eich rhan yn eithriadol o bwysig os yw eich plentyn am fanteisio yn llawn ar yr holl brofiadau a gyflwynir yn yr ysgol. Ni ellir pwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw eich cefnogaeth chi yn y cartref os yw eich plentyn i wneud y gorau o’r addysg. Cofiwch fod croeso i chi gysylltu â’r ysgol unrhyw amser os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn am ddatblygiad eich plentyn. Yn ddiffuant, Mr S Jones

Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to Ysgol Gynradd Clydau. The purpose of this handbook is to welcome your child and yourself and to present the school’s aims and objectives. Within the handbook there is information to ensure that the school runs efficiently and that your child settles well and enjoys their time with us in school. We therefore ask you to take time to read this handbook. Education is a three way process between your child, you as parents and us as a school. Your part in this is extremely important if we are to ensure that your child is to benefit fully from the varied experiences we present as a school. We cannot over emphasise the importance of the support given at home to ensure the best education for your child. If you have any questions about your child’s development please don’t hestitate in contacting the school. Yours Sincerely, Mr S Jones

Lleolir ein hysgol ym mhentref gwledig Tegryn ger Crymych, Sir Benfro a gwasanaetha’r pentref a’r ardal gyfagos. Derbynia’r ysgol ddisgyblion yn llawn amser i’r dosbarth Derbyn yn dilyn eu penblwydd yn bedair oed. Dynodir yr ysgol yn ‘Ysgol Gyfrwng Gymraeg’ yn ôl polisi iaith yr awdurdod addysg; golyga hyn mai’r Gymraeg yw prif gyfrwng gwaith a bywyd yr ysgol ond anelir at sicrhau bod y disgyblion yn gwbl ddwyieithog erbyn iddynt drosglwyddo i’r sector uwchradd.

Our school is situated in the rural village of Tegryn near Crymych in the county of Pembrokeshire, and serves the village and surrounding area. The school admits pupils on a full-time basis to the reception class in the term following their fourth birthday. The school is designated as a Welsh medium school in accordance with the Education Authority’s language policy. This means that Welsh is the main medium of life and work of the school and that pupils are fully bilingual by the time they transfer to the secondary sector.

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Aims and Objectives

Values: We are an inclusive school by:

Providing equal opportunities for everyone regardless of religion, race, ability, culture, gender and age.

Establishing a good working relationship with all pupils, parents, staff, Governors and the community.

Being respectful and gaining respect.

Celebrating, embracing and valuing diversity.

Adopting an open door policy.

Valuing each person as an individual.

Challenge to succeed: We will challenge to succeed by:

Creating a learning and teaching environment that promotes and motivates all.

Setting aspirational targets.

Striving to achieve full potential.

Focusing on excellence.

Enjoying challenges, celebrating and sharing successes.

Create an inspiring Child Centered environment that encourages children to be:


Confident and independent



Share opinions / experiences


Continually developing

Safe and secure


Working towards their potential

Working together

Able to trust pupils and staff


Nod ac amcanion yr Ysgol

Gwerthoedd: Bod yn ysgol gynhwysol drwy:

Gynnig cyfle cyfartal i bawb heb wahaniaethu o ran crefydd, hîl, gallu, diwylliant, rhyw ac oedran.

Sefydlu perthynas dda gyda disgyblion, rhieni, staff, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned.

Barchu ac ennill parch.

Ddathlu, croesawu a gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth.

Fabwysiadu polisi drws agored.

Werthfawrogi pob person fel unigolyn.

Herio i lwyddo: Byddwn yn herio i lwyddo drwy:

Greu amgylchedd dysgu ac addysgu sydd yn hyrwyddo ac ysgogi pawb.

Osod targedau uchelgeisiol.

Ymdrechu i gyrraedd eu llawn potensial

Ffocysu ar ragoriaeth.

Fwynhau her, dathlu a rhannu llwyddiant.

Creu amgylchedd ysbrydoledig gyda’r plentyn yn ganolog. Annogir iddynt i fod :

Yn hapus

Yn hyderus ac annibynnol

Yn cael eu parchu

Wedi eu sbarduno

Yn rhannu profiadau a barn

Âg agwedd cadarnhaol

Yn gyfeillgar

Yn datblygu’n barhaus

 ffydd mewn disgyblion a staff

Yn gytbwys

Yn gymdeithasol

Yn chwilfrydig

Yn cydweithio

Yn ddiogel

Yn gweithio i gyrraedd eu potensial

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Staff yr Ysgol / School Staff

Pennaeth Mr Sion Jones Headteacher

Athrawes Cyfnod Sylfaen Mrs Catrin Davies Foundation Phase Teacher

Athrawes Rhan Amser Mrs Rhiannon Davies

Part Time Teacher

Athrawes Gerdd Miss Helen Standing Music Teacher

Cynorthwywraig Cyfnod Sylfaen (Rhan Amser)

Mrs Cheryl Whittal-Williams

Foundation Phase Assistant (Part Time)

Cynorthwywraig Cyfnod Sylfaen (Rhan Amser)

Mrs Jamean Tilley Foundation Phase Assistant (Part Time)

Cynorthwywraig Cyfnod Sylfaen

Mrs Felicity Lamb Foundation Phase Assistant

Cynorthwywraig Cynnal Dysgu (Rhan Amser)

Mrs Jan King Learning Support Assistant (Part Time)

Cynorthwywraig Cynnal Dysgu (Rhan amser)

Mrs Joy Davies Learning Support Assistant (Part time)

Cynorthwywraig Cynnal Dysgu

Mrs Kim Lewis Learning Support Assistant

Gofalwraig a Chogyddes Mrs Suzette James Caretaker and Cook

Goruchwylwragedd Amser Cinio

Mrs Cheryl Whittal-Williams

Mrs Meagan Circus

Lunchtime Supervisors

Swyddog Clerigol Amser Cinio

Mrs Jan Halle-Stewart

Meals Clerical Assistant

Swyddog Gweinyddol Mrs Jill Horwood Administrative Officer

Glanhawraig Mrs Meagen Circus Cleaner

Cogyddes Clwb Brecwast Mrs Suzette James Breakfast Club Cook

Goruchwylwragedd Clwb Brecwast

Mrs Cheryl Whittal– Williams

Mrs M eagan Circus

Breakfast Club Supervisors

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Llywodraethwyr yr Ysgol / School Governors

Enw/Name Tymor yn dod i ben

Term of office due to end

Statws/ Status Tymor yn dechrau

Term of office start date

Julie Rees-James


20/05/2022 Llywodraethwr Cymunedol Community Governor


Mrs E Davies 16/10/2020 Llywodraethwr Cymunedol Community Governor


Mrs Vanessa Thomas 16/01/2023 Llywodraethwr Cymunedol Community Governor


Mrs G Davies 23/01/2021 Rhiant Llywodraethwr Parent Governor


Mrs G Savins 13/02/2020 Llywodraethwr yr Awdurdod

Local Authority Governor 14/02/2016

Cyng Rod Bowen

12/07/2020 Llywodraethwr yr Awdurdod

Local Authority Governor 13/07/2016

Mrs C James 12/10/2019 Rhiant Llywodraethwr Parent Governor


Mrs S Bailey-Williams 25/03/2022 Rhiant Llywodraethwr Parent Governor


Mrs C Davies 04/06/2022 Athro Llywodraethwr Teacher Governor


Mrs J King 25/01/2020 Llywodraethwr Staff Staff Governor


Mr S Jones Pennaeth Llywodraethwr Headteacher Governor


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Oriau Ysgol / School Times

Amserlen / Timetable

Clwb Brecwast Breakfast Club

8:00 – 8:45

Cofrestru / Gwasanaeth

Registration / Assembly

9:00 – 9:15

Gwers 1

Lesson 1

9:15– 10:35

Egwyl y Bore

Morning Break

10:35 – 10:50

Gwers 2

Lesson 2

10:50 – 12:00



12:00 – 1:00

Gwers 3

Lesson 3

1:00 – 2:30

Egwyl y Prynhawn

Afternoon Break

2:30 – 2:45

Gwers 4

Lesson 4

2:45 – 3:30

Diwedd y Dydd

End of the Day


Clwb ar ôl Ysgol After School Club

3:30 – 5:00

(Mawrth / Tuesday)

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Gwisg Ysgol Mae ein gwisg ysgol yn cael ei wisgo gan bob disgybl a gellir ei brynu yn: Revelation Clothing, Arberth. Hefyd dymunwn i’ch plentyn wisgo dillad addas ar gyfer gemau a chwaraeon. Cofiwch ysgrifennu enw eich plentyn ar bob dilledyn.

School Uniform We have a school uniform which is worn by all pupils and can be bought at : Revelation Clothing, Narberth We also ask for your co-operation in ensuring that your child wears appropriate clothes for Physical Education activities. Please write your child’s name on all garments.

Mission Statement We are committed to providing all children with a high quality inclusive education in a learning environment that nurtures and provides them with experiences to become effective, enthusiastic, bilingual, independent learners, preparing them for lifelong learners.

Datganiad Cenhadaeth Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu addysg gynhwysol o safon uchel mewn amgylchedd dysgu sy’n hyrwyddo datblygiad pob plentyn sy’n meithrin dealltwriaeth a darparu hwy gyda phrofiadau er mwyn creu dysgwyr effeithiol, brwdfrydig, dwyieithog, annibynnol a’u paratoi hwy ar gyfer bod yn ddysgwr gydol oes

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Cwricwlwm yr Ysgol Mae ein cwricwlwm yn sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn aelodau llawn o gymuned ein hysgol, ac yn cael mynediad i’r cwricwlwm ehangach a holl weithgareddau’r ysgol. Mae’r cwricwlwm yn gytbwys ac yn eang ei sylfaen, sy’n ceisio hyrwyddo datblygiad ysbrydol, moesol, diwylliannol, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol, meddyliol a chorfforol ein disgyblion, a’u paratoi ar gyfer cyfleoedd a chyfrifoldebau fel oedolyn.

School Curriculum Our curriculum ensures that all learners in our school are engaged as full members of the school community, accessing the wider curriculum and all school activities. It is a balanced, broad curriculum that seeks to provide the cultural, moral, social and emotional, physical and mental development of pupils and prepare them for opportunities and responsibilites in adult life.

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Y Cyfnod Sylfaen

Yn ein hysgol ni mae’r Cyfnod Sylfaen yn cyfoethogi’r profiadau dysgu sy’n galluogi plant i fod yn greadigol, defnyddio’u dychymyg a chael hwyl wrth ddysgu. Mae’r plant yn cael mwy o gyfleoedd i archwilio’r byd o’u cwmpas a deall sut mae pethau’n gweithio drwy gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ymarferol sy’n hwyl ac yn berthnasol i lefel eu datblygiad. Chwech maes dysgu

Datblygiad Creadigol

Sgiliau iaith, llythrennedd a chyfathrebu

Datblygiad Mathemategol

Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol

Datblygiad Corfforol

Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth o’r Byd. Mae chwech Maes Dysgu i’r Cyfnod Sylfaen, lle gellir gweu gweithgareddau chwarae strwythuredig i mewn i’r profiadau dysgu mewn ffordd sy’n ysgogi’r plant. Mae’r cwricwlwm wedi’i lunio ar sail y chwech maes hwn i ategu a hyrwyddo datblygiad lles personol, cymdeithasol, emosiynol, corfforol a deallusol pob plentyn. Rhoddir pwyslais ar ddatblygu sgiliau plant ar draws y Meysydd Dysgu er mwyn sicrhau bod plant ifanc yn dysgu mewn modd addas ac integredig. Mae amgylcheddau y tu mewn a’r tu allan sy’n hwyl, yn gyffrous, yn ysgogi ac yn ddiogel yn hyrwyddo datblygiad plant a’u chwilfrydedd naturiol i archwilio a dysgu drwy brofiadau uniongyrchol bywyd go iawn.

The Foundation Phase In our school the Foundation Phase is about enhancing the learning experiences which enable children to be creative, imaginative and to have fun whilst learning. Children have more opportunities to explore the world around them and to understand how things work through engaging in relevant practical activities which are fun and enjoyable and relevant to their developmental ages. Six areas of Learning

Creative Development

Language, Literacy and Communication Skills

Mathematical Development

Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity

Physical Development

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

The Foundation Phase has six areas of learning where stimulating structured play activities are woven into the learning experiences. The curriculum is built around these six areas to support and encourage every child’s personal, social, emotional, physical and intellectual well-being and development. Emphasis is placed on developing children’s skills across the Areas of Learning, to provide a suitable and integrated approach to young children’s learning. Indoor and outdoor environments that are fun, exciting, stimulating and safe, promote children’s development and natural curiosity to explore and learn through first hand real-life experiences.

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Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Yng nghyfnod Allweddol 2 mae disgyblion yn cael cyfleoedd i adeiladu ar y profiadau a gafwyd yn ystod y Cyfnod Sylfaen, a hybu eu dealltwriaeth a’u gwybodaeth o Gymru, eu datblygiad personol a chymdeithasol a lles. Caiff y plant eu dysgu trwy gyfuniad o ddull pynciol a thema gan sicrhau fod sgiliau a gwybodaeth yn cael eu datblygu yn y modd mwyaf effeithiol. Paratoir gwaith tymhorol mewn cyfres o gyfarfodydd. Dysgir y thema a’r pynciau unigol o fewn strwythur amserlen er mwyn rhoi’r sylw priodol i ddatblygu pob agwedd o’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol. Ceisir sicrhau bod yr addysg a ddarperir yn hybu datblygiad moesol, diwylliannol, meddyliol a chorfforol pob disgybl a bod natur y cwricwlwm yn amrywiol, eang a chytbwys. Er mwyn ymateb i’r gofynion hyn bydd trefniadaeth y dosbarth yn hyblyg. Rhoddir ystyriaeth i allu pob plentyn wrth i athrawon baratoi’n wahaniaethol er mwyn sicrhau datblygiad pob unigolyn. Er mwyn sicrhau dealltwriaeth ac ymroddiad i’r gwaith fe ddefnyddir amrywiaeth o ddulliau dysgu megis

dysgu unigol, dysgu pâr neu grŵp a

dysgu fel dosbarth. Atgyfnerthir y dysgu yn rheolaidd trwy sicrhau profiadau uniongyrchol megis ymweliad â’r theatr, safleoedd hanesyddol a siaradwyr gwâdd. Mae’r pynciau canlynol yn cael eu cynnwys yn y cwricwlwm yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 : Cymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg, Gwyddoniaeth, Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Technoleg Gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Celf a Dylunio, Cerddoriaeth, Addysg Grefyddol ac Addysg Gorfforol.

Key Stage 2 In Key Stage 2 pupils are given opportunities to build on the experiences gained during the Foundation Phase, and to promote their knowledge and understanding of Wales, their personal and social development and well-being. The National Curriculum is taught through thematic studies or as individual subjects, ensuring that the skills and knowledge are developed in the most effective way. The thematic studies and indivdual subjects are taught within a structured timetable thus ensuring that adequate time/attention is given to develop all areas of the National Curriculum. The aim of the school is to ensure that the education provided enhances the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of each pupil and that the nature of the curriculum is varied, broad and balanced. The organisation within the classroom therefore needs to be flexible. The teachers give consideration to each child’s ability as work prepared is differentiated thus ensuring individual development. In order to ensure an understanding of the work a variety of teaching methods are used such as individual teaching, pair or group work and class teaching. The work in the classroom is often reinforced with direct experiences such as visits to historical sites, theatre visits or guest speakers. The following subjects are included in the National Curriculum in Key Stage 2: Welsh, English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, Information and Communication Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Religious Education and Physical Education.

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Sgiliau ar draws y Cwricwlwm Ym mhob agwedd o’r cwricwlwm cynllunnir yn ofalus er mwyn sicrhau bod y sgiliau allweddol o’r Fframwaith Sgiliau yn cael rhan blaenllaw.

Skills across the Curriculum All aspects of the curriculum are carefully planned to ensure that the following key skills from the Skills Framework are given prominence.

Asesu ar Gyfer Dysgu Mae’r ysgol yn canolbwyntio ar gyrhaeddiad y disgybl a sut yw’r ffordd orau i symud ymlaen: Ble mae’r disgybl ar y continiwm dysgu ? Ble mae angen anelu ato ? Beth ydy’r ffordd orau i gyrraedd yno ? Mae’r athrawon yn cynllunio ar gyfer creu cyfleoedd i asesu ar gyfer dysgu er mwyn datblygu gwybodaeth fanwl am gryfderau pob dysgwr, a’r meysydd lle mae angen mwy o gefnogaeth .

Assessment for Learning We focus on the pupil’s achievement and on ways in which they can move forward: Where they are in the learning continuum ? Where they need to go ? How best to get there ? Teachers plan to provide opportunities for assessment for learning in order to gain knowledge of learner’s strengths and of areas that require further development.

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Polisi Iaith Mae’r ysgol yn gweithredu’n unol â Pholisi Iaith Awdurdod Addysg Sir Benfro. Nod y polisi hwn yw addysgu’r plant i fod yn gwbl ddwyieithog wrth ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg erbyn gadael yr ysgol gynradd fel eu bod yn gallu fod yn aelodau cyflawn o’r gymdeithas ddwyieithog y maent yn rhan ohoni. Mae’r ddarpariaeth a wneir yn yr ysgol yn sicrhau fod pob plentyn yn medru cyfathrebu yn hyderus yn y ddwy iaith ac eu bod yn ymwybodol o etifeddiaeth ddiwylliannol Cymru. Y Gymraeg fydd prif gyfrwng bywyd a gwaith yr ysgol. Yn nosbarthiadau cynnar yr Ysgol trwythir y plant yn y Gymraeg er mwyn sicrhau meistrolaeth o’r iaith yn gynnar. Cyflwynir Saesneg fel pwnc yn y tymor cyntaf ym Mlwyddyn 3. Dysgir Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cael y cyfle i ddatblygu dwyieithrywdd erbyn iddynt adael yr ysgol. Mae nifer o fanteision i fod yn ddwyieithog:

Yn gyntaf, lleolir yr Ysgol mewn ardal lle mae’r iaith Gymraeg yn cael ei siarad a’i ddefnyddio’n eang. Mae’n bwysig felly i sicrhau bod disgyblion yr Ysgol yn datblygu’r gallu i defnyddio ddwy iaith yn hyderus a rhugl, fel eu bod yn gallu dewis cymryd rhan lawn ym mhob agwedd o fywyd yr ardal.

Bydd rhai o’n disgyblion yn symud ymlaen i ddysgu ieithoedd eraill yn y dyfodol, ac mae gwaith ymchwil yn dangos bod plant sy’n medru siarad dwy iaith yn barod, yn dysgu ieithoedd eraill yn gynt na phlant sy’n siarad ond un iaith.

Hefyd, yn y tymor hir, mae’r gallu i ddefnyddio’r ddwy iaith yn fantais bwysig yn y gweithle yng Nghymru. Felly mae sicrhau fod plant yn datblygu i siarad dwy iaith felly yn medru rhoi cyfleoedd ehangach iddynt i gael gwaith a chyfleoedd i ddatblygu yn lleol, o fewn Cymru ac yn rhyngwladol.

Cymraeg yw prif gyfrwng, bywyd a gwaith yr Ysgol. Bydd hwyrddyfodiaid i’r ysgol yn cael eu hannog i fynychu’r Ganolfan Iaith yn Ysgol y Preseli am ddeuddydd yr wythnos er mwyn eu galluogi i integreiddio yn llawn i waith a bywyd yr ysgol.

Language Policy The school operates in accordance with Pembrokeshire Education Authority’s Language Policy. The aim of this bilingual policy is to teach children to be totally bilingual in the use of Welsh and English by the time they leave primary school to enable them to particpate fully in the bilingual community of which they are a part. This provision at the school ensures that each child is able to communicate confidently in both languages and be aware of Welsh cultural heritage.

Welsh is used as the main medium of communication in the Early Years classes, in order that children receive a thorough grounding in the language. Welsh will also be the main medium of life and work in the junior classes. English is introduced as a subject when children enter Year 3. Mathematics and Science are taught through the medium of Welsh in the Key Stage 2 phase of their education in order to ensure that they have the opportunity to develop bilingually by the time they leave the school. Being billingual has a number of advantages

The school is situated in an area where Welsh is spoken and used widely. It is therefore important that the school’s pupils develop the ability to use both languages confidently and fluently, so that they can choose to take part fully in all aspects of community life.

Some of our children will move on to learn other languages in the future, and research shows that children who are billingual learn other languages more quickly than those who speak only one language.

Also in the long term the ability to use both languages is an important advantage in the workplace in Wales. Therefore, ensuring that children can develop the ability to speak languages means wider work and development opportunities both Nationally and Internationally.

Welsh is the main medium of the life and work of the school, and therefore non Welsh speaking pupils who move to Ysgol Gynradd Clydau midway through their primary education i.e. in Years 3,4,5 and 6 are encouraged to attend a two day a week course at the Welsh Language Centre at Ysgol y Preseli. This course ensures a basic introduction to the language in a small and reassuring setting.

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Addysg Rhyw Un o amcanion yr ysgol yw sicrhau fod y disgyblion yn cael y cyfle i ennill gwybodaeth a sgiliau i’w paratoi ar gyfer bywyd fel oedolion. Mae’r ysgol yn darparu rhaglen addysg rhyw sydd yn rhan integredig o gwricwlwm yr ysgol. Rhaid cymryd i ystyriaeth oed, aeddfedrwydd, datblygiad a chredoau’r disgyblion. Mae’n briodol cyflwyno addysg rhyw i blant yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen gan fod llawer ohonynt yn chwilio am wybodaeth a sicrwydd yn ifanc iawn. Mae’n llawer mwy gwerthfawr i ateb y cwestiynau’n mewn modd naturiol fel maent yn codi ac ar lefel sy’n briodol i ddatblygiad ac aeddfedrwydd y plentyn. Rydym yn trefnu ymweliadau a fydd yn hybu datblygiad y rhaglen rhyw drwy’r ysgol. Mae croeso i rieni ddod a thrafod gyda’r staff ar unrhyw adeg ym mywyd ysgol eu plant ac fe’u hanogir i fod yn rhan o’r bartneriaeth wrth baratoi pobl ifanc i fod yn oedolion cyfrifol. Pan fo rhieni/gwarcheidwyr yn pryderu am addysg ryw, gallant dynnu eu plentyn allan o unrhyw adran o’r rhaglen nad yw’n ffurfio rhan o’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol.

Sex Education It is one of the aims of this school that every pupil shall be given the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills to equip them for adult life. The school provides a programme of sex education which is an integral part of the school curriculum. We must take account of the age, maturity development and beliefs of the pupils. It is appropriate to introduce sex education to Foundation Phase children, as many seek information and assurance at a very early age. It is far more valuable if questions are answered naturally as they arise at a level appropriate to the development and maturity of the child. We organise visits which may enhance the development of the sex education programme to school. Parents/Guardians are welcome to come in and talk to the staff at any time in their child’s school life and will be encouraged to feel part of a partnership in preparing young people to become responsible and caring adults. Where parents are concerned about sex education they may ask to withdraw their child from any part of the programme that does not form part of the National Curriculum.

ABCH Mae Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol yn rhan statudol o’r cwricwlwm sydd wedi ei seilio ar yr arfer gorau. Rhoddir pwyslais ar ddysgu sgiliau ehangach bydd plant eu hangen i ddod yn ddinasyddion gweithredd ac i gwrdd a sialensiau a chyfleoedd mewn bywyd. Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen mae Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol yn cael eu datblygu ar draws yr holl Feysydd Dysgu drwy withgareddau dysgu drwy arbrofi tu mewn a thu allan.

PSE Personal and Social Education is a statutory part of the curriculum and draws on the best of existing practice and places an emphasis on providing young children with the skills they will need to become active citizens and to meet the challenges and opportunities of life. In the Foundation Phase, Personal and Social Education is developed across all areas of Learning through experimental learning activities indoors and outdoors.

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Asesu a Chofnodi

Gwahoddir rhieni i Noson Rieni yn flynyddol lle rhoddir cyfle i chi edrych o amgylch yr ysgol i weld gwaith y plant ac i siarad yn unigol âg athro’r plentyn. Dosberthir adroddiad ysgrifenedig ar gynnydd y disgyblion ar ddiwedd tymor yr Hâf. Mae croeso hefyd i rieni ymweld â’r ysgol ar unrhyw amser sy’n gyfleus i chi a’r athro drafod gwaith eu plentyn neu unrhyw broblemau a allai godi. Gwahoddir rhieni sydd yn pryderu ynglŷn â phroblemau addysg, ymddygiad neu ddatblygiadau corfforol i gwrdd â’r Pennaeth ar unrhyw amser. Yn aml, gellir trin problemau fel yr uchod yn llwyddiannus yn yr ysgol.

Assessment and Reporting Every year a Parent’s Evening is held so that they may see the child’s work and discuss his/her development with the teacher. A written progress report on each child is sent out to parents at the end of the Summer Term where specific targets are set for each child to move their learning forward. Parents are also welcome to visit the school at any convienient time to them and the teacher, to discuss their child’s progress and any problems that may arise. Parents with anxities about their children’s educational, behavioural or physical developments are invited to discuss the problem with the Headteacher. Often the above issues can be dealt with successfully at school.

Llais y Disgybl Caiff disgyblion y cyfle i leisio barn a syniadau yn rheolaidd ac mewn amrywiol ddulliau. Y mae hyn yn eu hannog, i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu dysgu eu hunain. Caiff cyngor newydd ei ethol yn flynyddol ar ddechrau blwyddyn ysgol. Y mae yna gynrychiolwyr o bob dosbarth (Blwyddyn Derbyn –Blwyddyn 6) Y mae’r disgyblion yn cael y cyfle i enwebu a chynhelir pleidlais gyfrinachol er mwyn penodi cynrychiolwyr y dosbarth. Y mae’r cynghorwyr a etholwyd yn dewis Cadeirydd, Is-Gadeirydd ac Ysgrifennydd/es. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd cyson yn ystod y flwyddyn er mwyn trafod amrywiol faterion a gwneud penderfyniadau. Caiff cofnodion y cyfarfodydd eu trosglwyddo i’r Pennaeth er mwyn cynllunio’r ffordd ymlaen.

Voice of the Learner Pupils are given opportunities to voice their ideas and opinions on a regular basis and in a variety of ways. This encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning. A new council is elected annually at the beginning of the school year. There are representatives from each class (Reception – Year 6). Classes propose their nominees and a secret ballot is then held to vote their class representatives. The elected councillors then choose their Chairperson, and Vice Chairperson and a Secretary. Regular meetings are held throughout the year where various issues are discussed and resolutions made. Minutes of meetings are forwarded to the Headteacher in order to plan ahead.

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Rheolau’r Ysgol a Disgyblaeth

Y mae cyfrifoldeb disgyblaeth yr ysgol yn nwylo’r Pennaeth, ond mae’n fater i bawb sydd â chysylltiad â’r ysgol gan gynnwys rhieni/gwarcheidwyr. Disgwylir i bob plentyn gydymffurfio a’r safon ymddygiad. Anogir pob disgybl i ddilyn Rheolau Euraidd yr ysgol a restrir isod: RHEOLAU EURAIDD

Rhoi o’ch gorau bob amser

Parchu, rhannu a bod yn gyfeillgar a phawb

Mae pawb yn gyfartal

Edrych ar ôl eiddo personol ac eiddo eraill

Bod yn brydlon

Cerdded o fewn yr ysgol bob amser Bod yn gwrtais a moesgar.

Discipline and School Rules Overall responsibility for school discipline rests with the Headteacher, but it is a matter for everyone connected with the school, including parents. Children are expected to conform to certain standards of behaviour. All pupils are encouraged to follow the school’s ‘Golden Rules’ listed below. GOLDEN RULES

Try your best at all times

Respect, share and be friendly with everyone

Everybody is equal

Look after your own property and that of others

Be punctual

Walk inside the school at all times

Be polite and use good manners.

Addoli ar y Cyd: Fe cynhelir cyd-addoliad bob dydd i blant yr ysgol sydd “yn gyfangwbwl neu’n bennaf yn Gristnogol ei natur”. Caiff dosbarthiadau unigol y cyfle i gynnal gwasanaethau a gwahoddir ymwelwyr i annerch y plant.

Collective Worship Collective worship is taken daily by the pupils. These are “ wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian nature.” Individual classes take the lead in assemblies and visitors are often invited to address the children.

Religious Education Religious Education is provided to all pupils. Teachers follow the agreed syllabuses of the Local Education Authority. The subject’s main function in the school is to promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of school pupils. Parents who wish to withdraw their pupils from Religious Education or collective worship, either totally or partially should contact the Headteacher.

Addysg Grefyddol Darperir Addysg Grefyddol i bob disgybl. Mae’r athrawon yn dilyn meysydd llafur cytun yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol. Pwrpas sylfaenol y pwnc yw hybu datblygiad ysbrydol, moesol a diwylliannol disgyblion yn yr ysgol. Dylai rhieni/gwarcheidwyr sydd am dynnu eu plant o’r gwersi Addysg Grefyddol neu’r Gwasanaethau Ysgol, yn gyfan gwbl neu’n rhannol, gysylltu â’r Pennaeth.

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Cynhwysiant Fel ysgol rydym yn ceisio sicrhau fod pob plentyn gydag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn derbyn addysg briodol o safon uchel a mynediad i gwricwlwm eang, cytbwys a pherthnasol. Yr ydym yn ceisio adnabod disgyblion sy’n cael anawsterau cyn gynted a phosib gan dargedu cymorth yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Pan greda athro fod anghenion ychwanegol gan blentyn mae’n nodi ei anghenionac yn trafod gyda’r Pennaeth. Cyn rhoi plentyn ar gam priodol y gofrestr addysg ychwanegol byddwn bob amser yn gofyn caniatad y rhieni/gwarcheidwyr, lle bo’n briodol. Mae’r ysgol yn

darparu cwricwlwm ystyrlon a pherthnasol sy’n cymell dysgwyr.

diwallu anghenion penodol dysgwyr a hyrwyddo datblygiad cyffredinol. Rydym yn ymdrechu i gadw mewn cysylltiad â’r rhieni gan eu gwahodd i’r ysgol yn dymhorol a hefyd yn rhoi cyfle iddynt gyfrannu i sylwadau ar Gynllun Addysg Unigol eu plentyn. Mae pob athro yn yr ysgol yn ymwybodol o bwysigrwydd gwahaniaethu er mwyn darparu addysg gyflawn a pherthnasol i’r disgyblion. Yn dibynnu ar y dasg, mae gwahaniaethu yn digwydd o ran lefel y gwaith, marcio a chanmoliaeth, disgwyliadau a threfniadaeth dosbarth, h.y gweithio mewn pâr, grŵp neu’n unigol. Mae’r ysgol yn darparu ar gyfer disgyblion ag anghenion addysgol arbennig drwy’r dulliau canlynol: rhoi cynorthwywyr i mewn yn y

dosbarth i roi cymorth i ddisgyblion ag anghenion arbennig.

defnyddio cynlluniau gwaith gwahaniaethol tu mewn i grwpiau gallu cymysg.

mae’r Pennaeth yn gyfrifol am drefniant addysg plant ag Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig.

Mae un aelod o’r Corff Llywodraethol â chyfrifoldeb dros Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol.

Ymgynghori a chydweithio gydag Ymgynghorwyr Addysg Arbennig ac asiantaethau allanol o fewn y Sir pan fo’n briodol.

Inclusion As a school we aim to ensure that every pupil with additional needs receives a high standard of educational provision and has access to a curriculum that has breadth, balance and relevance. We try to identify children who are having difficulties as early as possible and target support in the Foundation Phase. When a teacher believes that a pupil requires additional support he/she will make a note of any difficulties and discuss the matter with the Headteacher. Parental permission will always be needed before placing a child on the Additional Needs Register and, where appropriate, the child’s view will also be taken into account. For all learners in our school we:

Provide a meaningful, relevant and motivating curriculum.

Meet the specific needs of learners and further their all-round development. We aim to keep parents well informed and invite them to school every term to discuss progress and to comment on their child’s Individual Educational Plan. Every teacher is aware of the importance of differentiation in order to provide a full and relevant education to his or her pupils. Depending on the nature of the task, differentiation will focus on the level of the work, marking and praise, expectations and class management, i.e. working in pairs, groups or individually. We provide for children with Additional Educational Needs in the following ways:

The presence of additional support assistants in the class to give support to pupils with additional needs.

The use of differentiated schemes of work in mixed ability teaching groups.

The headteacher has specific responsibility for Additional Learning Needs.

The Governing body has a designated person with responsibility for Additional Learning Needs.

Consultation and liaison with ALN Advisors and outside agencies within the county when it is considered necessary.

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Mr Sion Jones yw’r person penodedig ar gyfer Plant sy’n Derbyn Gofal, a fe sy’n gyfrifol am holl fuddiannau’r plant. Sicrheir bod safbwyntiau’r disgyblion yn cael eu clywed ynghŷd â gweithredu fel swyddog cyswllt rhwng yr ysgol ac asiantaethau eraill. Sicrheuir cyfrinachedd bob amser. Mae Ysgol Gynradd Clydau yn ymwybodol o’r Deddf Diogelu Data 1998 Confensiwn Ewropeaidd ar Hawliau Dynol Cylchlythyr Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2/2001 Mr Sion Jones is the designated person

for Looked After Children, and is responsible for the welfare of these pupils in school. He will liaise between the school and other agencies, and will ensure that the pupils’ views are sought and discussed. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Ysgol Gynradd Clydau is aware of The Data Protection Act 1998 The European Convention on Human Rights National Assembly of Wales Circular 2/2001

Amddiffyn Plant Mae gan yr ysgol bolisi ar gyfer Amddifyn plant sydd yn cynnwys y cymal canlynol – Pan wna plentyn honiad yn erbyn aelod o’r teulu neu rywun ar yr aelwyd. NI fydd yr ysgol yn gofyn am ganiatad rhiant cyn cyfeirio mater i’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Sir Benfro. Bydd angen i Adran y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a’r Heddlu siarad â’r plentyn cyn gynted ag y bo modd os credir fod trosedd wedi’i chyflawni. Y pennaeth yw cydlynydd amddiffyn plant yr ysgol. Os yw’r Pennaeth yn absennol yr athro sydd a gofal yr ysgol fydd yn gyfrifol.

Child Protection The school has a child protection policy which contains the following clause – When a child makes an allegation against a family member or someone at the household, then, parental consent to make a referral to Pembrokeshire Social Services will NOT be sought by the school. The Social Services Department and the Police will need to speak to the child as soon as possible if it is believed that a crime has been committed. The headteacher is the school’s child protection officer. In his absence the Teacher in Charge takes responsibility.

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Diogelwch Yn ein hysgol ni, diogelwch y plant sy’n dod gyntaf. Rydym wedi cymryd camau i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw ddrws allanol ar agor yn ystod gwersi, ac mae’n rhaid i bob ymwelydd ddod i’r brif fynedfa a chanu’r gloch er mwyn cael sylw. O ran mynedfa’r ysgol rhaid cydweithio i sicrhau diogelwch y disgyblion. Mae gennym hefyd bolisi cynhwysfawr ysgol gyfan o ran hyrwyddo Iechyd a Diogelwch i bawb.

Safety The safety of our pupils is of paramount importance within the school. We have taken appropriate procedures to ensure that no external door is open during lessons and all visitors must use the main entrance and ring the bell for attention. In relation to the school entrance, co-operation is of prime importance in order to maximise the safety of the children. We have a comprehensive whole school policy to promote Health and Safety to all.

Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Gyfrifol Mae datblygu sgiliau TGCH yn rhan bwysig o ddysgu plant ac mae Ysgol Gyn-radd Clydau yn darparu mynediad i’r Rhyngrwyd dan oruchwyliaeth lle mae’n briodol. Rydyn ni’n credu bod defnyddio nodweddion Rhyngrwyd fel y We yn ef-feithiol gan ei bod yn sgîl hanfodol i blant wrth iddyn nhw dyfu yn y byd modern. Ry-dyn ni’n gofyn i bob rhiant ddarllen Rheo-lau ar Ddefnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn Gyfrifol, a llofnodi’r ffurflen ganiatad a’i ddychwelyd. Oherwydd pryderon bod disgyblion yn cael mynediad at ddeunydd annymunol, rydyn ni wedi cymryd camau cadarnhaol i leihau’r perygl hwn yn yr ysgol. Mae Cyn-gor Sir Benfro’n gweithredu system hidlo sy’n atal mynediad at ddeunyddiau amhri-odol, ac mae gennym bolisi o oruchwylio pob defnydd a wneir o’r Rhyngrwyd yn yr ysgol. Er y gwneir pob ymdrech i atal mynediad at ddeunyddiau amhriodol, ni all yr Ysgol fod yn gyfrifol am natur a chynnwys y deunyddiau y ceir mynediad iddyn nhw drwy’r rhyngrwyd. Ni fydd yr ysgol yn ate-bol am unrhyw ddifrodau sy’n codi wrth i’r plentyn ddefnyddio’r cyfleusterau’r Rhyn-

Responsible Internet Use

The development of ICT skills is an im-portant part of children’s learning and Ysgol Gynradd Clydau provides super-vised access to the Internet where ap-propriate. We believe that the effective use to Internet features such as the web is an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. We are asking all parents/guardians to read the attached Rules for Responsible Internet Use and sign and return the consent form. Because of concerns about pupils hav-ing access to undesirable materials, we have taken positive steps to reduce this risk in school. Pembrokeshire County Council operates a filtering system that blocks access to inappropriate materials and we have a policy that all Internet use in school is supervised. Whilst every endeavour is made to pre-vent access to inappropriate materials, the school cannot be held responsible for the nature or content of materials ac-cessed through the Internet. The school will not be liable for any damages aris-ing from your child’s use of the Internet facilities.

Trefn mewn argyfwng Mae gan yr ysgol weithdrefnau mewn lle ar gyfer diogelwch disgyblion a staff yr ysgol. Sicrheir hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf cyson a gweithdrefnau Tân, a chynhelir ymarferion dril tân ysgol gyfan yn dymhorol.

Our procedures in an emergency Procedures are in place to ensure the safety of both pupils and staff in cases of emergency. Regular staff training in First Aid and Fire procedures, as well as termly fire and evacuation drills ensure that all parties are aware of procedures.

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Attendance When a child is absent from school, a note is required explaining the absence when the child returns. If you arrange for your child to leave the school premises for any reason during school hours, notfication is necessary.

Presenoldeb Pan fydd disgybl yn absennol o’r ysgol, dylai ddod â nodyn pan ddaw yn ôl yn egluro’i absenoldeb. Gofynnir am nodyn/eglurhad hefyd os rydych yn trefnu i’ch plentyn adael yr ysgol am unrhyw reswm yn ystod oriau’r ysgol neu i fynd i dŷ rhywun arall ar ôl oriau’r ysgol.

Presenoldeb Absenoldeb â chaniatad

Absenoldeb heb caniatad

95.9% 4.1% 0%

Attendance Authorised Absences

Unauthorised Absences

95.9% 4.1% 0%

Salwch neu niwed Dyletswydd y rhieni yw gwneud trefniadau ar gyfer plant sy’n mynd yn sâl yn yr ysgol, drwy eu casglu i fynd a hwy adre, neu at y meddyg neu i’r ysbyty. Os na ellir cysylltu â rhieni neu berthnasau pan fydd plentyn yn ddifrifol sâl, byddwn yn gofyn am gyngor y meddyg, neu os bydd angen, am gymorth y gwasanaeth ambiwlans. Mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, bydd angen o bosib i’r Pennaeth drefnu cludo i gartref y plentynneu i’r ysbyty.


Mae trefniadau yn yr ysgol i gynorthwyo plant sy’n sâl ac sy’n gorfod cymryd meddyginiaeth ar gyngor eu meddyg. Fe wneir y trefniadau naill ai oherwydd eu bod yn dioddef o ryw ffurf neu’i gilydd o afiechyd cronig neu alergedd (e.e. diabetes neu asthma) neu oherwydd eu bod yn cwblhau cwrs o driniaeth tra’n gwella o afiechyd tymor hir. Mae’n bolisi gan yr ysgol i weinyddu meddyginiaeth i ddisgyblion sy’n gwella o afiechyd tymor byr e.e. meddyginiaeth gwrth-fiotig, yn dilyn caniatad ysgrifenedig gan riant neu warcheidwyr.

Illness or injury It is the duty of parents to make arrangements for pupils who become unwell at school, by collecting them to take them home or to the doctor or hospital. If parents or relatives are not available when a pupil becomes unwell or injured, medical advice will be sought and, if necessary, the assistance of the ambulance service. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for the Headteacher to arrange for the pupils to be conveyed to the home or the hospital.

Medicines Arrangements will be made in school to assist pupils who are ill and who require to take medicines upon their doctor’s advice. These provisions will be made for children who suffer from some form of chronic illness or allergy (e.g. asthma, diabetes) or because they are completing a course of treatment whilst recovering from a long term illness. It is the school’s policy to administer medicines to pupils recovering from short term illness e.g. antibiotics following written consent from parent or guardian.

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Inclement Weather The decision to close the school rests with the Headteacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors. If the decision is taken to close before the beginning of the school day then this will be posted on the Pembrokeshire County Council Website. When inclement weather necessitates the early closure of school, steps will be taken to inform parents to collect pupils. If this is not possible, we shall ensure that your children are in a safe place until parents arrive home e.g. relative’s house.

Tywydd Gwael Penderfyniad y Pennaeth ar ôl trafod gyda Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr ydy cau’r ysgol mewn tywydd gwael. Os penderfynir cau yn y bore cyn amser ysgol, yna rhoddir y wybodaeth ar safle Cyngor Sir Penfro. Os bydd y tywydd yn gwaethygu yn ystod y dydd, fe wneir pob ymdrech i gysylltu â rhieni pob plentyn. Os na fydd hyn yn bosib, byddwn yn sicrhau fod yna le diogel gan y plant i fynd iddo tan fod ei rhieni yn cyrraedd adre e.e.Tŷ Perthynas.

Mynediad i Ddisgyblion Anabl Ein nod fel ysgol yw gwneud yr hyn a allwn i sicrhau fod gan unrhyw blentyn sy’n dioddef o anabledd, boed yn anabledd corfforol, meddyliol neu anhawster dysgu, fynediad i Ysgol Gynradd Clydau. Mae’r ysgol wedi cwblhau awdit mynediad ac mae cynllun gweithredu ar waith sy’n cwrdd â gofynion Deddf Gwahaniaethu ar Sail Anabledd (2005).

Iechyd a Lles Bydd Nyrs Ysgol a therapydd lleferydd yn ymweld â’r ysgol yn rheolaidd. Rhoddir archwiliad meddygol gan y Nyrs Ysgol. Fe’ch hysbysir ymlaen llaw o’r dyddiad a’r amser.

Access for Disabled Pupils Our aim is to do our upmost to ensure that pupils who suffer from any disability – physical, mental or learning disbailities are admitted to Ysgol Gynradd Clydau. The school has undertaken an access audit and an access plan has been put in place that complies with The Disability Discrimination Act (2005).

Health and Wellbeing The school is visited by the School Nurse and Speech therapist that make periodic vists to examine children. Parents are informed of these visits, and can, if they wish, attend the examinations with their children.

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Admissions Pembrokeshire County Council manages admissions to the school. The maximum number of pupils to be admitted is determined by the admission number set annually in consultation with the Governing Body. The criteria for considering admissions of pupils to school:

Written expressed preference by Parents,

The number of pupils that can be admitted by the school,

The geographical area which the school normally serves,

Sibling links

Specific medical and social reasons appertaining to the prospective pupil. On admission a home/school agreement is signed.

Derbyn Plant Cyngor Sir Penfro sy’n rheoli derbyn disgyblion i’r ysgol. Penderfynir uchafswm y disgyblion sydd i’w derbyn, gan y rhif mynediad a bennir yn flynyddol mewn ymgynghoriad â’r Bwrdd Llywodraethol. Y meini prawf ar gyfer ystyried derbyn disgyblion i’r ysgol:

Y rhieni yn datgan ei dewis cyntaf o ysgol mewn ysgrifen,

Nifer y disgyblion gall yr ysgol ei derbyn,

Yr ardal ddaearyddol a wasanaethir fel rheol gan Ysgol,

Brodyr a chwiorydd sydd yn yr ysgol yn barod

Rhesymau meddygol a chymdeithasol penodol sy’n berthnasol i’r darpar ddisgybl.

Arwyddwyd cytundeb cartref / ysgol ar fynediad.

Trafnidiaeth Anogir plant y pentref i gerdded i’r ysgol. Mae’r Awdurdod Addysg Lleol yn darparu trafnidiaeth rhad i blant sydd dros wyth mlwydd oed sydd yn byw mwy na thair milltir o’r ysgol, ac i blant sydd dan wyth mlwydd oed sydd yn byw mwy na dwy filltir i ffwrdd.

Trefniadau i gwrdd a rhieni’r

ddarpar ddisgyblion Gwahoddir y rhieni a’u plant i ymweld â’r ysgol cyn iddynt gychwyn yma. Yn ystod y sesiwn bydd y Pennaeth yn arddangos yr ysgol ac yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ofyn cwestiynau. Yn ôl y trefniadau presennol, mae’n ofynnol i rieni gwblhau ffurflen gais am Fynediad erbyn dyddiad penodedig sy’n seiliedig ar y dyddiad pan fydd y plentyn yn cyrraedd yr oedran perthnasol ar gyfer dechrau ysgol. Bydd y plant hefyd yn cael y cyfle i ymgyfarwyddo â’r ysgol cyn dechrau.

Transport Pupils who live in the village are encouraged to walk to school. Free transport is provided for children over eight years of age who live more than 3 miles from school, and for those under eight years of age who live more than 2 miles away.

Arrangements for meeting

prospective parents Prospective pupils and their parents/guardians are invited to visit the school. During the session the Headteacher will introduce the school and give the parents/guardians an opportunity to ask questions. The present arrangements require parents to complete an Admission Application Form by a designated date, which is based on the date when the child attains the appropriate age for admission. The children will also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school before starting.

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Home / School Agreement This agreement is designed to help your child to develop in supportive surroundings, both at school and at home, so that he/she can make the most of the opportunities available during his/her time at school. This agreement is a way in which we can all commit ourselves to work in partnership during the next few years. We hope that by signing the agreement, given to you when your child starts school, we will forge an effective link between the home and school, which will lead to a better understanding of our responsibilities and that your child will feel the benfits of our joint pledge in the future.

Cytundeb Cartref / Ysgol Amcan y cytundeb yw cynorthwyo eich plentyn i ddatblygu mewn amgylchedd cefnogol yn yr ysgol yn ogystal ag yn y cartref er mwyn iddo ef/iddi hi fedru gwneud y gorau o’r cyfleoedd fydd ar gael yn ystod ei amser ef/hi yn yr ysgol. Drwy’r cytundeb hwn, gall pob un ohonom ymroi i weithio mewn partneriaeth yn ystod y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod. Hyderwn y byddwn yn ffurfio cyswllt effeithiol rhwng y cartref a’r ysgol, cyswllt fydd yn arwain at ddealltwriaeth gwell o’n cyfrifoldebau, ac y bydd eich plentyn yn y dyfodol yn elwa o’r addewidion a wnaethpwyd ar y cyd gennym.

Fel rhiant/gwarcheidwad gwnaf fy ngorau i:- Fel athrawon yn yr ysgol gwnawn ein gorau i:-

Ddanfon fy mhlentyn i’r ysgol yn lân a thaclus ac mewn gwisg addas a sicrhau fod offer addas gan fy mhlentyn ar gyfer diwrnod ysgol.

Hyrwyddo gwisg addas a glendid a thaclusrwydd personol a sicrhau fod y plentyn yn ymwybodol o’r offer sydd ei angen ar gyfer diwrnod ysgol.

Hybu cymriectod gyda fy mhlentyn, annog fy mhlen-tyn i barchu disgyblion eraill ac i wneud ei orau/gorau glas.

Sicrhau fod y disgyblion yn siarad Cymraeg, yn par-chu eraill a sicrhau fod y disgyblion yn gwneud eu gorau glas.

Sicrhau fod fy mhlentyn yn bresennol ac yn brydlon bob dydd.

Annog presenoldeb a phrydlondeb drwy’r amser.

Annog fy mhlentyn i feithrin a datblygu safonau uchel o ymddygiad bob amser.

Annog safonau uchel o ymddygiad yn unol â rheo-lau’r ysgol.

Hysbysu’r ysgol os oes problem sy’n debygol o ef-feithio ar addysg fy mhlentyn.

Wrando ac ymateb i broblemau neu ofidiau yn syth.

Gymryd diddordeb yng ngwaith fy mhlentyn a’i an-nog i wneud ei (g)orau a sicrhau fod gwaith cartref yn cael ei gwblhau’n reolaidd.

Roi gwybod i chi am gynnydd eich plentyn yn arben-nig am faterion yn ymwneud â’r ysgol yn gyffredinol.

Gefnogi’r gweithgareddau mae’r ysgol yn ei gynnal e.e. cyngerdd.

Eich hysbysu am ddigwyddiadau sy’n cael eu cynnal neu mae’r ysgol yn rhan ohonynt.

As a parent/guardian I will do my best to:- As a school we will do our best to:-

Send my child to school clean and neat and if possible wearing school uniform and make sure he/her has the things required for a school day.

Promote the wearing of official school uniform and personal hygiene and make sure that the child knows what is needed for the school day.

Promote welsh culture with my child, encourage my child to respect other pupils and to try his/her best at school.

Ensure pupils speak welsh with peers, respect others and ensure that all pupils do their best.

Make sure that my child is present and punctual every day.

Promote attendance and punctuality at all times.

Encourage my child to foster and develop high standards of behaviour at all times.

Promote high standards of behaviour in line with the school rules.

Inform the school if there are any problems that are likely to affect my child’s education.

Listen to and respond to problems and worries imme-diately.

Show an active interest in my child’s work, en-courage him/her to do his/her best and make sure that my child does his/her homework at all times.

Inform you of your child’s development especially on matters which are relevant to the school.

Support activities held by the school e.g. con-certs.

Inform you of all events that are to be held or that the school is part of.

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Pastoral Care

The Headteacher has the overall responsibility for the school and depends on the close co-operation of all members of staff in caring for the pupils. Each pupil is allocated to a class for the purpose of registration and this enables the class teacher to be personally responsible for the pastoral care of his/her pupils. The school keeps a record of the telephone numbers of parents and in case of accidents should a child require medical treatment every effort is made to contact parents first, depending on the seriousness of the case. Minor accidents will be dealt with by members of staff, but in the case of more serious accident, the pupil will be taken to a doctor. In all cases where serious accidents occur full details will be forwarded to the Risk Assessment unit of the Local Education Authority. During playtime a member of teaching staff as well as members of the support staff are on duty in the playground, or in the case of imclement weather, in the school. During the lunch period supervision is carried out by the staff.

Trefniadaeth Fugeiliol Y pennaeth sy’n gyfrifol am redeg yr ysgol gan ddibynnu ar gydweithrediad y staff i ofalu am y plant. Y mae athro dosbarth yn gyfrifol am y plant yn ei ddosbarth ac y mae hyn yn ei alluogi i drefnu gwasanaeth fugeiliol i’r plant sydd dan ei ofal. Mae’r ysgol yn cadw cofnod o rifau teleffon rhieni rhag ofn bydd rhaid cysylltu â hwy. Gwneir pob ymdrech i gysylltu â rhieni petai damwain ddifrifol yn digwydd. Delir a damweiniau bach yn yr ysgol, ond petai damwain difrifol yn digwydd, fe eir a’r plentyn at feddyg. Mae’n angenrheidiol felly bod rhieni yn hysbysu’r ysgol am unrhyw newid mewn cyfeiriad neu rif teleffon. Mewn pob achos o ddamwain difrifol bydd yr ysgol yn anfon y manylion ymlaen at adran Asesu Risg yr Awdurdod Addysg. Mae athro ac aelodau o’r staff cynorthwyol ar ddyletswydd ar yr iard bob amser chwarae, neu os yn wlyb, yn yr ysgol. Amser cinio edrychir ar ôl y plant gan y staff.

Cwynion Dylid cyfeirio cwynion i’r Pennaeth. Os nad yw’n bosibl datrys y broblem o fewn yr ysgol yna bydd y Pennaeth yn dilyn y trefniadau Awdurdod Addysg Penfro ar gyfer sefyllfaoedd tebyg.

Polisi Bwlio Mae gan yr ysgol bolisi arbennig ar fwlian sy’n datgan bod gan bob plentyn yr hawl i dderbyn ei addysg mewn awyrgylch ddiogel a hynaws. Ein bwriad yn yr ysgol yw sicrhau na fydd bwlio’n cael ei ddioddef o gwbl. Byddwn yn gweithio tuag at ddileu pob ffurf ohono drwy ennyn cydweithrediad llwyr y disgyblion, y staff, y rhieni a’r llywodraethwyr. Os ydych yn amau fod eich plentyn yn cael ei fwlian dylech gysylltu â’r ysgol yn syth – ni ddylech godi’r mater gyda disgyblion neu rieni unigol.

Complaints Complaints should be directed to the Headteacher. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint within the establishment then the Headteacher will follow the procedures arranged by Pembrokeshire Education Authority for such sitautions.

Bullying Policy The school has a firm policy on bullying that states that every pupil has the right to receive his/her education in a safe, caring and happy environment. Our aim is to ensure that no form of bullying occurs. We work towards eliminating bullying in all its forms with the help of fellow pupils, staff, parents and governors. If you suspect that your child is being bullied then you should contact the school immediately - please do not raise this matter with individual pupils or parents.

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Equal Opportunities We are committed to providing the highest possible standards of education for our pupils and will endeavour to meet the needs of all without unfair discrimination of any kind. We will Oppose all forms of unfair

discrimination, whether individual or institutional, direct or indirect, on the grounds of gender, colour, ethnicity or national origin, religion, disability, financial resources, social background, HIV status, age, appearance, ability, language, political view, size, marital status or sexual orientation.

Challenge prejudice or unreasonable beliefs about groups in society and endeavour to instil tolerance and acceptance of differences.

Promote and celebrate diversity within our community and beyond.

Seek to become an inclusive community in the widest sense of the word.

Cyfleoedd Cyfartal Rydym yn ymrwymo i ddarparu addysg o’r safon uchaf bosibl i bob disgybl a byddwn yn ceisio diwallu anghenion pawb heb unrhyw fath o wahaniaethu annheg. Byddwn:

Yn gwrthwynebu pob math o wahaniaethu annheg, boed hwnnw’n gwahaniaethu uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol ar sail rhyw, lliw, cefndir ethnig neu genedl, crefydd, anabledd, adnoddau ariannol, cefndir cymdeithasol, statws HIV, oed, golwg, gallu, iaith, barn wleidyddol, maint, statws priodasol neu dueddfryd rhywiol.

Yn herio rhagfarn neu syniadau afresymol ynghylch grwpiau mewn cymdeithas ac yn ceisio meithrin goddefgarwch a pharodrwydd i dderbyn gwahaniaethau.

Yn hyrwyddo ac yn dathlu amrywiaeth mewn Cymuned a thu hwnt.

Yn ceisio bod yn gymuned gynhwysol, yn ystyr ehangaf y gair.

Codi tâl am weithgareddau

ysgol Mae Corff Llywodraethol yr Ysgol yn ymwybodol iawn o werth gweithgareddau allgyrsiol megis gwibdeithiau, chwaraeon a phrofiadau cyrsiau allgyrsiol tuag at addysg y plant. Yn unol a gofynion Deddf Diwygio Addysg 1988, polisi’r ysgol yw:- Gofyn am gyfraniad gwirfoddol tuag at weithgareddau’r ysgol a gynhelir yn ystod oriau ysgol. Ni ellir cynnal y gweithgaredd os na dderbynnir cefnogaeth ariannol digonol.

Charging for school activities The Governing body of the school recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, sport and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ education. Following the Education reform Act 1988, the School’s policy is: To request voluntary contributions from parents for School activities which can only be provided if there is sufficient voluntary funding.

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Health Promoting /

Sustainable School The school is part of Pembrokeshire’s Health Promoting Schools initiative and makes every effort to ensure that pupils learn these key life skills in a fun and practical way. Our school has a strict non-smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed on any part of the campus. The school has received it’s fifth leaf of the initiative. The school has a fruit shop where children can buy fresh fruit on a daily basis. Children are responsible for running the shop. Through doing this children develop their language and mathematical skills. Children are able to have fresh drinking water every day. Eco The school is working on the Sustainable Schools project which is a programme which provides a framework to enable the school to become more sustainable. The project encourages teamwork and helps to create a shared understanding of what is needed in order to run a school in a way that respects and enhances the environment. The school has received a Gold award of the Sustainable School’s initiative.

Hybu Iechyd / Ysgol

Gynaliadwy Mae’r ysgol yn rhan o strategaeth ‘Ysgolion Hybu Iechyd’ Sir Benfro ac yn gwneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod y disgyblion yn dysgu’r agwedd hwn mewn ffordd ymarferol a hwylus. Mae ein hysgol yn ysgol ddi-fwg ac ni chanieteir ysmygu o gwbl ar gampws yr ysgol. Mae’r ysgol wedi derbyn ei phumed deilen o’r cynllun. Mae siop ffrwythau yn yr ysgol sy’n darparu ffrwythau ffres i’w prynu gan y plant yn ddyddiol. Y plant sy’n gyfrifol am redeg y siop, a thrwy hyn maent yn datblygu sgiliau rhifedd a sgiliau ieithyddol. Mae plant yr ysgol yn yfed dŵr ffres yn ddyddiol. Eco Mae’r ysgol yn gweithio ar y prosiect Ysgol Gynaliadwy, sef rhaglen sy’n rhoi fframwaith syml er mwyn galluogi’r ysgol i fod yn fwy cynaladwy. Mae’r prosiect yn hybu gwaith tîm ac yn helpu i gael pawb i ddeall beth sydd yn angenrheidiol er mwyn bod pawb o fewn yr ysgol yn parchu ac yn gwella’r amgylchedd. Mae’r ysgol wedi derbyn y Wobr Aur o’r Cynllun Ysgol Gynaliadwy.

Cinio Ysgol Darperir pryd o fwyd yn ddyddiol a phenderfynir y gost gan yr Awdurdod Lleol. Y mae lle i blant sydd am ddod â brechdanau eu hunain. Mae’r ysgol yn darparu goruchwylwyr cinio. Y mae modd i rai plant gael cinio rhad ac am ddim.

School Meals School meals are provided daily at a cost determined by the Local Authority. Provision is made for children wishing to bring a packed lunch. The Local Authority provides supervisors at lunchtime. Free meals are provided for children whose parents qualify for this.

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In the Foundation Phase children are encouraged to take reading books home so that they may enjoy reading with their parents.

At Key Stage 2 homework is set for pupils once a week. The homework set will be an extension of class work. Parents should check the Homework book on a regular basis and sign that their child has completed the homework to the best of his/her ability. Homework will include:

Formal and creative writing in both languages

Mathematical exercises

Learning poetry/words to be related to school productions, Urdd Esiteddfod etc.

Gwaith Cartref

Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen anogir y plant i fynd â’u llyfrau darllen adref er mwyn iddynt gael y mwynhad o ddarllen gyda’i rhieni/gwarcheidwad.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 bydd gwaith cartref yn cael ei osod yn wythnosol. Bydd y gwaith a osodir yn estyniad o waith y dosbarth. Gofynnwn i rieni/gwarchediwyr archwilio’r llyfrau Gwaith Cartref yn gyson gan arwyddo bod eu plentyn wedi cwblhau’r gwaith a osodwyd hyd at eithaf ei allu. Bydd y gwaith cartref yn cynnwys:

Gwaith creadigol a ffurfiol yn y ddwy iaith

Gweithgareddau mathemategol

Dysgu barddoniaeth/geiriau yn ymwneud â chynyrchiadau’r ysgol, Eisteddfodau yr Urdd ayyb

Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol Fel ysgol yr ydym yn cynnig nifer o weithgareddau i’n disgyblion ar ôl ysgol. Bydd disgyblion yn cystadlu mewn nifer fawr o gystadlaethau chwaraeon ac mae’r ysgol yn rhedeg timau pêl-droed, pêl-rwyd, athletau, rhedeg trawsgwlad, nofio, dawns a chriced ar wahanol adegau yn ystod y flwyddyn.

Ymweliadau rhieni a’r ysgol

Y mae ysgol lwyddiannus yn dibynnu ar ewyllys da a chyfranogiad rhieni. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi’r sgiliau a’r amser sydd gennych i’w roi. Y mae yna nifer helaeth o ffyrdd i helpu eich plentyn/plant ynghŷd â chyfrannu at fywyd yr ysgol.

Datblygu sgiliau rhifedd a llythrennedd

Darllen gyda’ch plentyn,

Darllen storiau i’ch plentyn,

Gwrando ar eich plentyn yn darllen,

Datblygu gwaith rhif adre,

Cefnogi eich plentyn.

A oes gennych unrhyw sgiliau, talentau neu arbenigedd i’w gynnig ? megis :


Celf a chrefft


Gwaith coed


Extra Curricular Activities As a school we offer a wide range of activities for our pupils after school. Our pupils compete in a number of sporting activities and at different times of the year we run a number of teams including football, netball, athletics, cross-country running, dance and swimming.

Parental Involvement

A successful school relies upon the goodwill and active participation of the parents. We value the skills and time you have to offer. There are a number of ways you can help your child(ren) and enhance the life of the school. Develop Numeracy and Literacy skills

Reading with your child,

Reading a story to your child,

Hearing them read to you,

Develop understanding of number

Supporting your child. Have you got any skills, talent and expertise to offer ? e.g.


Art and Craft



Painting and decorating

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Attendance Policy School has to be informed of ALL absences. Parents are advised to contact school by 9:30am so as to avoid pupils being marked as absent without consent. If no reason is given then the child is marked as being absent without consent, and a letter asking for a reason is sent home. If a letter is returned with reason stated then the marking is reversed to absent WITH consent. If however no reason is given in a letter then the marking of unauthorised absence remains. If a child’s attendance is under 90% for the academic year then this is of concern to the Local Department and they will notify the Pupil Support Officer. In agreement with ERW, our regional Education Consortium, we believe that any absence from school, for whatever reason, is detrimental to a child’s long term life opportunities, so should be avoided if at all possible.

Polisi Presenoldeb Rhaid hysbysu’r ysgol am BOB absenoldeb. Rhaid cysylltu â’r ysgol erbyn 9:30 y.b. a rhoi rheswn dros yr absenoldeb. Os na dderbynir rheswm yna bydd yr ysgol yn nodi bod y disgybl yn absennol, heb ganiatad a byddwn yn danfon llythyr yn gofyn am esboniad. Os derbynir esboniad yna mae’r rheswm dros yr absenoldeb yn newid i absenoldeb â chaniatad. Os na dderbynir esboniad yna byddwn yn nodi absenoldeb HEB ganiatad. Os yw canran presenoldeb o dan 90% yna bydd yr Awdurdod Lleol yn hysbysu’r Swyddog Cefnogi Disgybl. Yn unol a barn ERW, ein Consortiwm Addysg Rhanbarthol, cytunwn bod unrhyw absenoldebau o’r ysgol, am ba reswm bynnag, yn niweidiol i gyfleoedd hirdymor plentyn mewn bywyd, felly dylid ei osgoi, os yw’n bosibl.

Presenoldeb 95-100%

Y cyfle gorau o lwyddiant Mae’ch plentyn yn cymryd mantais lawn o bob cyfle dysgu.

Presenoldeb 90-95%

Wedi colli o leiaf 2 wythnos o ddysgu

Boddhaol. Efallai y bydd rhaid i’ch plen-tyn dreulio amser yn dal i fyny gyda gwaith.

Presenoldeb 85-90%

Wedi colli o leiaf 4 wythnos o ddysgu

Gallai’ch plentyn fod mewn perygl o dangyflawni ac mae angen cefnogaeth ychwanegol oddi wrthych i ddal i fyny a gwaith.

Presenoldeb 80-85%

Wedi colli o leiaf 5½ wythnos o ddysgu

Mae presenoldeb gwael eich plentyn yn cael effaith arwyddocaol ar ddysgu.

Presenoldeb Islaw 80%

Wedi colli o leiaf 7½ wythnos o ddysgu

Mae’ch plentyn yn colli addysg eang a chytbwys. Rydych mewn perygl o gael eich erlyn.

95-100% attendance

Best chance of success Your child is taking full ad-vantage of every learning oppor-tunity.

90-95% attendance

At least 2 weeks of learning missed

Satisfactory. Your child may have to spend time catching up with work.

85-90% attendance

At least 4 weeks of learning missed

Your child may be at risk of un-derachieving and may need extra support from you to catch up with work.

80-85% attendance

At least 5½ weeks of learning missed

Your child’s poor attendance has a significant impact on learning.

Below 80% attendance At least 7½ weeks of learning missed

Your child is missing out on a broad and balanced education. You are at risk of prosecution.

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Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Lefel 4+/Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4+

Mathemateg/Mathematics Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau

Ni ellir nodi y

Due to number canlyniadau

In cohort unable oherwydd y nifer record the data.

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 90.2% 92.7% 91.3%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 90.3% 93.1% 91.6%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Lefel 4+/Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4+

Saesneg / English Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau Ni ellir nodi y Due to number

canlyniadau In cohort unable

oherwydd y nifer record the data.

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 88.4% 93.5% 90.7%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 88.7% 93.7% 91.1%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Lefel 4+/Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4+

Gwyddoniaeth / Science Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau

Ni ellir nodi y

Due to number canlyniadau

In cohort unable oherwydd y nifer record the data.

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 90.1 % 93.2% 91.5 %

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 90.6% 94.0% 92.2%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Lefel 4+/Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4+

Cymraeg / Welsh Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau Ni ellir nodi y Due to number

canlyniadau In cohort unable

oherwydd y nifer record the data.

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 88.8% 91.9% 90.4%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 88.6% 94.6% 91.6%

Canlyniadau Cyfnod Allweddol 2 2018 Key Stage 2 Results

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Lefel 4+/Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4+

DPC / CSI Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau

Ni ellir nodi y

Due to number canlyniadau

In cohort unable oherwydd y nifer record the data.

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 87.4% 91.2% 89.2%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 87.3% 91.9% 89.5%

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Canlyniadau Cyfnod Sylfaen 2018 Foundation Phase Results

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Deilliant 5+ Percentage of pupils Outcome 5+

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language Literacy & Communication

Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau 100% 75% 85.7%

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 84.1% 88.5% 86.3%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 87.9% 93.9% 90.9%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Deilliant 5+ Percentage of pupils Outcome 5+

Datblygiad Mathemategol Mathematical Development

Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau 100% 75% 85.7%

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 87.5% 91.3% 89.3%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 88.3% 92.4% 90.3%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Deilliant 5+ Percentage of pupils Outcome 5+

Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol/Personal and Social Development

Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau 100% 100% 100%

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 90.9% 96.0% 93.4%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 92.2% 97.2% 94.7%

Canran y disgyblion sy’n cyrraedd Deilliant 5+ Percentage of pupils Outcome 5+

Dangosydd Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Indicator

Bechgyn/Boys Merched/Girls Disgyblion/Pupils

Ysgol Gynradd Clydau 100% 75% 85.7%

Cyfartaledd Sir Benfro

Pembrokeshire Average 80.9% 87.5% 83.9%

Cyfartaledd Cymru

Wales Average 83.8% 90.9% 87.3%

Page 31: PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018— · SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion


Dyddiadau Ysgol a Gwyliau Ysgol 2018-2019



Hanner Tymor


Nifer dyddiau Ysgol



Hydref 2018 Dydd Mawrth Medi 4ydd 2018

Dydd Llun Hydref 29ain 2018

Dydd Gwener Tachwedd2il 2018

Dydd Gwener Rhagfyr 21ain 2018


Gwanwyn 2019

Dydd Llun Ionawr 7fed 2019

Dydd Llun Chwefror 25ain 2019

Dydd Gwener Mawrth 1af 2019

Dydd Gwener Ebrill 12fed 2019


Hâf 2019 Dydd Llun Ebrill 29ain 2019

Dydd Llun Mai 27ain 2019

Dydd Gwener Mai 31ain 2019

Dydd Gwener Gorffennaf 19eg 2019


Diwrnodau athrawon dan gyfarwyddyd

Dydd Llun Medi 3ydd a Dydd Llun Gorffennaf 22ain


Cyfanswm 195



Half term End

Number of school days



Autumn 2018

Tuesday September 4th 2018

Monday October 29th 2018

Friday November2nd 2018

Friday December 21st 2018


Spring 2019

Monday January 7th 2019

Monday February 25th 2019

Friday March 1st 2019

Friday April 12th 2019


Summer 2019

Monday April 29th 2019

Monday May 27th 2019

Friday May 31st 2019

Friday July 19th 2019


Directed teachers’s closure days

Monday September 3rd 2018 and Monday July 22nd 2019


Total 195

Gall y calendr hwn newid oherwydd newidiadau yng ngofynion y gwasanaeth neu bolisi’r llywodraeth. Er bod newidiadau o’r fath yn anarferol, dylech gofio nad yw Cyngor Sir Benfro yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw golledion a ddigwyddodd oherwydd newid trefniadau gwyliau yn sgîl newidiadau o’r fath.

This calendar is subject to any change that may arise as a result of service requirements or government policy. Whilst such changes are unusual, you should note that Pembrokeshire County Council does not accept liability for any losses incurred in respect of altered holiday arrangements following such changes.

School Term and Holiday Dates 2018-2019

Page 32: PROSPECTWS YSGOL SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018— · SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2018—2019 Pennaeth / Headteacher : Mr Sion