proposed article - bruno da costa abreu with bibliography

Proposta de artigo Bruno da Costa abreu Theoretical Framework New communication technologies occupy a key role in the reconfiguration of contemporary social relations. The Internet connects around three billion people worldwide and has growing influence in economic, political and cultural processes, increasing the interest of governments, companies and numerous political and social movements in using these new medias as propaganda and dissemination of ideas. Social networking is a virtual space that is nonetheless real, but immaterial, a structurally decentralized territory that span the borders of the nation becoming global. These networks are built by social actors, that is, their development takes place between their users. Although each social network has its own rules, it becomes just a tool, since the content produced depends completely on user participation. Therefore, the network, the virtual field, is flexible, reversible, may modify, change, reschedule, is a collective construction, horizontal, multi-faceted, shared. This makes it a non-hierarchical place, since all have the same rights on the virtual field of social network and it is there, that activists find space to disseminate thoughts freely and meet people from different places to turn ideas into collective actions. Simultaneously, referring to the collective phenomena, Alberto Melucci (2001) prefers to talk about

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Movimentos sociais


Page 1: Proposed Article - Bruno Da Costa Abreu With Bibliography

Proposta de artigoBruno da Costa abreu

Theoretical Framework

New communication technologies occupy a key role in the reconfiguration of

contemporary social relations. The Internet connects around three billion people

worldwide and has growing influence in economic, political and cultural processes,

increasing the interest of governments, companies and numerous political and social

movements in using these new medias as propaganda and dissemination of ideas.

Social networking is a virtual space that is nonetheless real, but immaterial, a

structurally decentralized territory that span the borders of the nation becoming global.

These networks are built by social actors, that is, their development takes place between

their users. Although each social network has its own rules, it becomes just a tool, since

the content produced depends completely on user participation. Therefore, the network,

the virtual field, is flexible, reversible, may modify, change, reschedule, is a collective

construction, horizontal, multi-faceted, shared. This makes it a non-hierarchical place,

since all have the same rights on the virtual field of social network and it is there, that

activists find space to disseminate thoughts freely and meet people from different places

to turn ideas into collective actions.

Simultaneously, referring to the collective phenomena, Alberto Melucci (2001)

prefers to talk about movements networks to emphasize the dimension of social

movements. In his view, the network idea enhances the way of being and the expression

of a movement: a network of small groups immersed in everyday life that requires

people to engage in experimentation and practice of cultural innovation. His network

definition includes both 'formal' organizations, as well as the 'informal' network of

relations connecting individuals and key groups in a wider area of participants and

'users' of services and cultural goods produced by the movement. The network consists

of a system of exchanges, providing multiple associations, where militancy is only

partial and short-lived.

The activism begins in cyber-communities (Lévy, 2009), but extends into the

physical field in an attempt to win their ideals. The use and occupation of public spaces

through social mobilizations are consequences of the demonstrations started in social

media, increasingly looking to democratize the spaces and the participation of society in


Page 2: Proposed Article - Bruno Da Costa Abreu With Bibliography

Proposta de artigoBruno da Costa abreu

The action strategy is the same worldwide: activists, young people mostly

occupy public spaces for demonstrations and to express their indignation. In general, it

is the occupation of symbolic spaces of cities, such as Wall Street in New York; Tahrir

Square in Cairo; or Puerta del Sol square in Madrid; the Congress or the Avenida

Paulista, in Brazil.

In search of a theoretical construct in order to converge and diverge prospects

of Agency and Structure in studies of social movements, the purpose of this article is to

address, from the outbreak of confrontation cycles(Tarrow, 2009), forms of

dissemination of repertoires of action(Tarrow, 2009), through new technologies of

auto-communication in contemporary society that corroborated with the mobilization

and subsequent organization of collective action held in major Brazilian cities.

Therefore, the days of June 2013 were used as empirical object correlating it

with the main drives around the planet from the crisis of financial capitalism in 2008.

The application of these methodological tools enables connections between global and

local scopes, a perspective where these movements can also be termed as

“glocal”( Gohn, 2012). Hence, the proposed article would fit in the key of "Theoretical

and methodological developments on the relationships between social movements and

the digital."


The method used to shape the survey took place in three phases: literature

investigation about the analytical categories that involve the central theme, data analysis

of the period leading up to the protests until June 17, 2013, using the materials disclosed

by the main actors of internet, in addition to major news portals in the country. Finally,

complementing the empirical base, the experience of protests in the city of Rio de

Janeiro in June 2013 will be extensively discussed and investigated.

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Proposta de artigoBruno da Costa abreu

Bibliographic reference - English

BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Liquid Modernity. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2001.

BURGOS, M. T. B. The democratic uprising of the streets in Brazil. Bulletin CEDES.

Dossier: mobilizations June, p. 05-09, 05 July 2013. Available in: <http://www.cis.puc->

CARVALHO, José Murilo de. Citizenship in Brazil: the long road. Rio de Janeiro,

Civilização Brasileira, 2002.

CASTELLS, Manuel. Network Society — The Information Age: Economy, Society and

Culture. Vol. 1. 10. Edição São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2007.

______. The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. Rio de

Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2003.

______. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age, 1º.ed. –

Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2013.

GOHN, Maria da Glória. Theoretical approaches in the study of social movements in

Latin America. Dossiê. Caderno CRH, Salvador, 2008. v. 21, n. 54, p. 439 – 455.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 out.


______. Social movements and networks of Civil Mobilization in Contemporary Brazil.

Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2010.

______. New Theories of Social Movements. São Paulo, Loyola, 2008.______. Movements June 2013 in Brazil and squares of outraged the world. Petropolis,

RJ: Vozes, 2014.

______. Theory Social Movements in Contemporary. In: Gohn, Maria da Glória e

Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.). Social movements in the Global Age. Vozes, Petrópolis, RJ,


HALBWACHS, Maurice. The Collective Memory. São Paulo: Vértice, 1990.

HARVEY, David. The Right to the City, Revista Piauí nº 82, 2013. Available in:<>

______. The Freedom of the City. In: Cities Rebels: Free Pass and the demonstrations

that took to the streets of Brazil. São Paulo: Boitempo: Carta Maior, 2013. Available in:

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JOEL, Candau. Memory and Identity. São Paulo: Contexto, 2011.

KERSTENETZKY, Celia Lessa & UCHÔA, Christiane. Inadequate housing, poor

education, limited credit: in search of the new middle class. In: Bartelt, Dawid Danilo

(org.). The "New Middle Class" in Brazil as Concept and Political Project. Rio de

Janeiro: Fundação Heinrich Boll, 2013.

Available in: <>

LÉVY, Pierre. Cyberculture. (Trad. Carlos Irineu da Costa). São Paulo: Editora 34, 2009.______. Collective Intelligence. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 1998.

______. The Universe-Machine. Creation, cognition and Computer Culture. Porto

Alegre: ArtMed, 1998.

MAIA, Felipe. The Days of June and the time of politics. Bulletin CEDES. Dossier:

mobilizations June, p. 32-35, 05 July 2013. Available in:


MELUCCI, Alberto. Invention of the Present. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 2001.______. Collective action, daily life and democracy. México. El Colégio de México,

Centro de Estudos Sociológicos, México, 1999.

MARICATO, Ermínia. It is the urban issue, stupid! In: Cities Rebels: Free Pass and the demonstrations that took to the streets of Brazil. São Paulo: Boitempo: Carta Maior, 2013. Available in: <>

MOVIMENTO PASSE LIVRE – SP. The Freedom of the City. In: Cities Rebels: Free

Pass and the demonstrations that took to the streets of Brazil. São Paulo: Boitempo:

Carta Maior, 2013. Available in:


SCHERER-WARREN, Ilse. Social networks: paths and borders. In: DIAS, Leila

Christina; SILVEIRA, Rogério L. L. da (Orgs.). Networks, society and territory. Santa

Cruz do Sul: EDUNISC, 2005.

______. Social Movements and the New Generation Rights in Global Times. In: Gohn,

Maria da Glória e Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.). Social movements in the the Global Age.

Vozes, Petrópolis, RJ, 2012.

VIANNA, Luiz Werneck. The Passive Revolution: Iberism and Americanism in Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro, Revan, 1997.

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PAIVA, Angela R. Social movements and Critical Theory: Notes on Brazilian

democracy. In: D’araujo (org.). Democratization and social change in Brazil. FGV, Rio

de Janeiro, 2014.

PLEYERS, Geoffrey. Internationalization without Institutionalization? - The World

Social Forum experience. In: Gohn, Maria da Glória e Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.).

Social movements in the the Global Age. Vozes, Petrópolis, RJ, 2012.

PERLATTO, Fernando. The manifestations of June and the new agendas for the

institutions, the parties and the social sciences. Bulletin CEDES. Dossier: mobilizations

June, p. 14-17 05 July 2013. Available in:


REZENDE DE CARVALHO, Maria Alice. Good To Think. Bulletin CEDES. Dossier:

mobilizations June, p. 01-04 05 July 2013. Available in:


TARROW, Sidney. Power in movement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998

TOURAINE, Alain. Thinking Differently, Cambridge; Malden, MA : Polity

Press, c2009.

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Referências / Bibliographic reference - Portuguese

BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Liquid Modernity. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2001.

BURGOS, M. T. B. O levante democrático das ruas no Brasil. Boletim CEDES. Dossiê:

Mobilizações de Junho, p. 05 - 09, 05 jul. 2013.

CARVALHO, José Murilo de. Cidadania no Brasil: o longo caminho. Rio de Janeiro,

Civilização Brasileira, 2002.

CASTELLS, Manuel. A Sociedade em rede — A Era da Informação: economia,

sociedade e cultura. Vol. 1. 10. Edição São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2007.

______. A Galáxia da Internet. Reflexões sobre a internet, os negócios e a sociedade.

Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2003.

______. Redes de indignação e esperança: movimentos sociais na era da internet, 1º.ed.

– Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2013.

GOHN, Maria da Glória. Abordagens teóricas no estudo dos movimentos sociais na

América Latina. Dossiê. Caderno CRH, Salvador, 2008. v. 21, n. 54, p. 439 – 455.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 out.


______. Movimentos Sociais e Redes de Mobilizações Civis no Brasil Contemporâneo.

Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2010.

______. Novas Teorias dos Movimentos Sociais. São Paulo, Loyola, 2008.

______. Movimentos de junho de 2013 no Brasil e praças dos indignados no mundo.

Petropolis, RJ: Vozes, 2014.

______. Teoria Dos Movimentos Sociais na Contemporaneidade. In: Gohn, Maria da

Glória e Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.). Movimentos Sociais na Era Global. Vozes,

Petrópolis, RJ, 2012.

HABERMAS, J. Mudança Estrutural na Esfera Pública: investigações quanto a uma

categoria da sociedade burguesa, Rio de Janeiro, ed. Tempo Brasileiro, 1984.

HALBWACHS, Maurice. A Memória Coletiva. São Paulo: Vértice, 1990;

HARVEY, David. O Direito à Cidade, Revista Piauí nº 82, 2013. Available in:<>

______. The Freedom of the City. In: Cidades Rebeldes: Passe Livre e as manifestações

que tomaram as ruas do Brasil. São Paulo: Boitempo: Carta Maior, 2013.

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JOEL, Candau. Memory and Identity. São Paulo: Contexto, 2011.

KERSTENETZKY, Celia Lessa & UCHÔA, Christiane. Moradia inadequada,

escolaridade insuficiente, crédito limitado: em busca da nova classe média. In: Bartelt,

Dawid Danilo (org.). A “Nova Classe Média” no Brasil como Conceito e Projeto

Político. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Heinrich Boll, 2013.

LÉVY, Pierre. Cibercultura. (Trad. Carlos Irineu da Costa). São Paulo: Editora 34,


______. A inteligência coletiva. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 1998.

______. A máquina universo. Porto Alegre: ArtMed, 1998.

MAIA, Felipe. As Jornadas de Junho e a hora da política. Boletim CEDES. Dossiê:

Mobilizações de Junho, p. 32 - 35, 05 jul. 2013.

MELUCCI, Alberto. A invenção do presente. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 2001.

______. Ação coletiva, vida cotidiana e democracia. México. El Colégio de México,

Centro de Estudos Sociológicos, México, 1999.

MARICATO, Ermínia. É a questão urbana, estúpido! In: Cidades Rebeldes: Passe Livre

e as manifestações que tomaram as ruas do Brasil. São Paulo: Boitempo: Carta Maior,

2013. Available in:


MOVIMENTO PASSE LIVRE – SP. Não Começou em Salvado, não vai terminar em

São Paulo. In: Cidades Rebeldes: Passe Livre e as manifestações que tomaram as ruas

do Brasil. São Paulo: Boitempo: Carta Maior, 2013. Available in:


SCHERER-WARREN, Ilse. Redes sociais: trajetórias e fronteiras. In: DIAS, Leila

Christina; SILVEIRA, Rogério L. L. da (Orgs.). Redes, sociedade e território. Santa

Cruz do Sul: EDUNISC, 2005.

______. Movimentos Sociais e a Geração de Novos Direitos em Tempos Globais. In:

Gohn, Maria da Glória e Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.). Movimentos Sociais na Era Global.

Vozes, Petrópolis, RJ, 2012.

VIANNA, Luiz Werneck. A Revolução Passiva: Iberismo e americanismo no Brasil.

Rio de Janeiro, Revan, 1997.

PAIVA, Angela R. Movimentos Sociais e Teoria Crítica: notas sobre a

redemocratização brasileira. In: D’araujo (org.). Redemocratização e Mudança Social

no Brasil. FGV, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.

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PLEYERS, Geoffrey. Internacionalização sem Institucionalização? – A Experiência do

Fórum Social Mundial. In: Gohn, Maria da Glória e Bringel, Breno M. (org´s.).

Movimentos Sociais na Era Global. Vozes, Petrópolis, RJ, 2012.

PERLATTO, Fernando. As manifestações de junho e as novas agendas para as

instituições, os partidos e as ciências sociais. Boletim CEDES. Dossiê: Mobilizações de

Junho, p. 14 - 17, 05 jul. 2013. Disponível em:


REZENDE DE CARVALHO, Maria Alice. Bom Para Pensar. Boletim CEDES. Dossiê:

Mobilizações de Junho, p. 01 - 04, 05 jul. 2013. Disponível em: <http://www.cis.puc->

TARROW, Sidney. O Poder em Movimento: movimentos sociais e confronto político,

ed. Vozes, 2009.

TOURAINE, Alain. Pensar Outramente: o discurso dominante, Petrópolis, ed. Vozes,
