proposal for cooperation moulay ismail university (umi) umi as a driver for regional development...

Proposal for cooperation Moulay Ismail University (UMI) UMI as a driver for regional development Meknes – Morocco

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Post on 19-Jan-2018




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P ART 5 REGIONAL CONTEXT Advanced regionalization : Fez-Meknes Region Strengthening cooperation within academic institutions in the Region Establishing centers of excellence (EH, Agri, AMP, Reg. Dev) Environment and Health Regional Plan Multisectoral approach promoting local actors networking and communication of environmental risks on health Contribution to its development and support/accompaniment Known for its agriculture and agro-industry One of the important centers of fruit and vegetable production (Agropolis, SIAM, Plan Maroc Vert) Large companies known as national leaders on agri-business High biodiversity potential / Aromatic and medicinal plants richness A worrying environmental profile Constraints and challenges for water resources (pollution, recurrent droughts, etc.) Deficiencies in the convergence and coordination between sectoral policies and territorial development plans.


Page 1: Proposal for cooperation Moulay Ismail University (UMI) UMI as a driver for regional development Meknes  Morocco

Proposal for cooperation

Moulay Ismail University (UMI)

UMI as a driver for regional development

Meknes – Morocco

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Advanced regionalization : Fez-Meknes Region

• Strengthening cooperation within academic institutions in the Region• Establishing centers of excellence (EH, Agri, AMP, Reg. Dev)

Environment and Health Regional Plan

• Multisectoral approach promoting local actors networking and communication of environmental risks on health

• Contribution to its development and support/accompaniment

Known for its agriculture and agro-industry• One of the important centers of fruit and vegetable production

(Agropolis, SIAM, Plan Maroc Vert)• Large companies known as national leaders on agri-business• High biodiversity potential / Aromatic and medicinal plants richness

A worrying environmental profile• Constraints and challenges for water resources (pollution, recurrent

droughts, etc.)• Deficiencies in the convergence and coordination between sectoral

policies and territorial development plans.

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3 Government strategies place the University at the heart of regional development by its management autonomy and its role in innovation


2 Advanced regionalization requires the university to contribute to showcase the potential and strengths of the region

UMI : Strengths & Opportunities

UMI is located in a region with high economic potential

Research professors’ skills matching with defined strategic orientations and region’s vocation and needs

Interesting disciplinary diversity

Significant involvement in international networks

Availability of tools to promote technology transfer and innovation ( Incubator, ITTC)

Development of Meknes agrifood-technopole and the existence of a research university triangle Meknes-Fez-Ifrane

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UMI : Needs & constraints- Lack of flexibility and efficiency in human and financial resources

management ;

- Lack of diversity in degrees and continuing programs;

- Research is not structured, not capitalized and don’t meet institutional programs ;

- Academic staff (administrative, professors, researchers, students) aren’t sufficiently aware/trained to collectively contribute to effective university development.

Identified specific needs

- Non organization of data and difficulty in access to information ;

- Local actors in the region are weakly committed to the University and act without any real coordination ;

- Lack of transfer and development structures allowing an impact of UMI on local actors and populations.

Constraints in the

surrounding context

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IUC : UMI as a driver for regional development

Academic Global Objective

• Improving Moulay Ismail University Governance and its capabilities of teaching, research and community services.

Global objective for development

• Contributing to regional development with a leading role for the University in five (5) priority sectors : Food and Agribusiness, Environmental Health, Water, Plant ressources, and sustainable territorial development.

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Institutional strategy of IUC

Strengthening governance and capacity management

as part of a quality approach

• University central administration and its institutions;

• Services computerization;• Information resources support &

networking;• Engagement in performance and impact’s

evaluation process.

Strengthening training, research and community

service capacity of 5 Clusters of Competence


• Creating a critical mass of researchers around five strategic axes;

• Promoting a research based on performance and excellence criteria and meeting regional development needs;

• Developing a training strategy (Master and continuing programs) for the socio-professional environment ;

• Support to public policies and development of participation platforms and decision-making tools.

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Environment & Territorial


MAP Governance

Environmental Health

Agribusiness, Food Safety and Sanitation

Integrated Water Resources

Management (IWRM)




IUC = 1 Institutional project + 5 thematic projects

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PhD at UMI and on joint supervision with Flemish universities

and Moroccan doctoral students internships

in Flemish universities.

Create a powerful pole of excellence in


Develop international partnership

Professional Masters in the five strategic


Professional bachelors

Continuing training and e-learning

Language training (English)

Establish platforms for exchange and


Initiate and actively engage in

information systems development

Develop analytical and decision-making


Implementation and monitoring/evaluation

of public policies (regional development)

1st axis – Research

2nd axis – Training

3rd axis – Community service

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Research Training Community service


Consolidation of existing technical skills

Ownership and mastery of analysis tools

Development of joint PhD programs

Regional development impact assessment

Design platforms for participation and transfer

Development of information and monitoring


Development of tools for assessment and support to

public policies

Developing continuous training programs and e-


Joint development, implementation and

coordination of Master programs

Establishment of monitoring and evaluation indicators of

training and academic/occupational


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University partnerships within the triangle Meknes -Fez - Ifrane and institution of Competency Clusters

with local actors


Strengthening the exchange and cooperation with the Flemish universities including prospecting other

multinational financing instruments

Development and Capacity Building

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Hassan SAHBIPrésident

[email protected]+212 661 192 658

Samir EL JAAFARICoordinator

[email protected]+212 661 480 440

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5 axes


• Administrative Governance: Restructuring and improving the effectiveness of UMI management and administration committee (communication, General secretaries, IT services, Financial Services ).

• Training Governance : Systematic evaluation of Bachelor, Master programs and Doctoral training / Marketing, prospecting and contracting.

• Research Governance : Systematic evaluation of research structures / Equipment sharing / Projects and fundrising Service.

•Operationnalization of the quality charter approved by University council and development of control management and internal audit system

•Digital University : Improving access to information and communication through University computerization

Project 1 – Governance

Project leader : Hassan SAHBI+212 661 192 658 / [email protected]

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• Identification of carcinogenic pesticides

and their sources and analysis of practices in agriculture in Meknes region

• Development of a matrix model of environmental and health indicators

• Biomonitoring of pesticides / ED

exposure and analysis of their clinical effects on target population

• Development of analysis tools for E-H relationship and biomonitoring and environmental monitoring studies

• Analysis of cellular and epigenetic mechanisms of action

P Project 2 – S-E

5 axes

Project leader : Karima EL RHAZI+212 661 480 368 / [email protected]

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5 axes


• Mastering of technological processing

operations and their impact on foodstuffs kinetics and quality

• Valorization of food processing by-products by a value chain approach

• Evaluation and prevention methods in

order to implement a new prevention-focused Food Safety System.

• Bio-active fermentation products and development of conservation processes of fermented dairy products

• Quality assessment of organic foodstuffs fertilizers and bio-films as agricultural inputs

P Project 3 – ASSA

Project leader : Hassan HAJJAJ+212 671 380 696 / [email protected]

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5 axes


• Geomatics and water risk management / Risk modeling

• Water Information system and tools :

constitution of geographic databases , Design of an WIS / Geoportal on water resources

• Monitoring degree of achievement indicators towards goals on IWRM

• Characterization of the main effluents of SEBOU Watershed : Hydrographic charts ; quality maps ; pollution points

• Gender approach and water management by local actors

P Project 4 – GIRE

Project leader : Ali ESSAHLAOUI+212 661 438 401 / [email protected]

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• Territory and environment : analysis

and evaluation of environmental degradation costs

• Territorial development : development

of a composite indicator of sustainable development at Fez - Meknes region

• University and territorial development :

analysis and development of an evaluation framework based on the case of UMI

• Analysis and evaluation agribusiness contribution to sustainable territorial development

• Entrepreneurship and territorial development : development of methodology support for women’s entrepreneurship

5 axesP Project 5 – EDT

Project leader : Abdelilah BAGUARE+212 661 317 386 / [email protected]

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• Conservation and sustainable

management of plant resources that characterize AMP sector (spontaneous) in the Region

• Domestication of high value AMP

• Valorization and transformation of AMP : Sit a scientific basis of local traditional heritage associated with alternative medicine and empirical knowledge of their uses• Standardization of bioactive natural products : Upstream and downstream Intervention in industry to ensure a standard quality

• Development of new formulas and finished products for cosmetics, aromatherapy and phytotherapy

5 axesP Project 6 – PAM

Project leader : Abdelhamid ZAID+212 661 259 394 / [email protected]