project tutorial 5

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  • New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2007: Tracking Progress and Closing the Project

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **In this tutorial you will:Set a baseline and create an interim plan.Review baseline, interim, actual, and scheduled dates.Work with the Variance and Tracking tables.Update and split tasks.Analyze variance, slack, and slippage.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **In this tutorial you will:Create a custom table.Use the Detail and Tracking Gantt Chart to track progress.Create a custom view and a custom report.Add progress lines.Close a project. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Working with a BaselineA baseline is a record of the scheduled dates and costs for each task of a project at a particular point in time.The baseline records 20 primary reference points in five categories:Start datesFinish datesDurationsWorkCostPresentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Working with a Baseline ContdSet additional baselines to a total of 11 for each project.Help measure changes in the project plan.Save a separate baseline at the end of each phase to compare planned values against actual data.Baseline information is available in several table views. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Save Baseline Dialog Box

  • **VarianceA variance is when the baseline data and actual data differ.It is a good practice to monitor variance and compare actual data with the baseline data on a regular basis. The variance information will serve as a guide to better estimate project costs and dates. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Variance ContdBaseline dates and costs are used to calculate the variance. The formula for calculating variance is Variance = Current (date) Baseline (date).Projects ahead of schedule have a negative variance.Projects behind schedule have a positive variance. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Variance Table

  • **Interim PlanAn interim plan is a set of start and finish dates that you can save periodically as your project progresses.Interim plans save projected start and finish dates for the chosen tasks, but not cost information. Project 2007 allows you to save a maximum of 10 interim plans.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tracking ProgressRecord all of the actual progress entries based on progress documentation.Enter up-to-date progress information.Verify that actual versus planned reports are accurate.Identify the project Start date.Understanding the various dates (both project dates and task dates) is essential to successfully tracking progress in a project. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tracking Progress ContdThe Project Statistics dialog box is a valuable overall summary of the date, duration, work, and cost information for a project in progress. Use a tracking form that records each resources actual progress for each task in the project.It is important to track on a daily or weekly basis.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Buttons on the Tracking Toolbar

  • Project Statistics Dialog Boxwith Baseline Data

  • **Understanding the Tracking TableIf you see an error in the scheduled duration change the duration in the Tracking table.Use the Tracking toolbar to help productively update several actual fields simultaneously.Quickly report project progress by using the Tracking toolbar. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Tracking Table

  • **Updating TasksUsing the Update as Scheduled button records only actual data for tasks scheduled before the Status date.You cant update actual values for a task as scheduled that is scheduled in the future.Use Percent Complete buttons to indicate progress for tasks ahead of schedule.Use the Tracking table to enter the specific progress dates, duration, cost, or work data.

    Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Updated Tasks that areahead of Schedule

  • **Creating an Interim PlanAn interim plan is a set of start and finish dates that you can save periodically as your project progresses.Compare baseline or current information to determine project progress.The interim plan does not save duration, work, or cost values, but rather only start and finish dates.Save up to 10 interim plans for a project.

    Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Reviewing Interim Plan Information

  • **Conflicts and the Planning WizardThe planning wizard warns against scheduling conflicts.Project 2007 allows actual entries to override logic and does not track logic errors.If the warning in the planning wizard is overridden, you will not be reminded of the conflict in logic again. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Planning Wizard

  • **Rescheduling TasksProject 2007 provides the Reschedule Work button to reschedule tasks that should have been finished but are not completed. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Comparing Calculation Options

  • **Updating a ProjectThe business needs and the availability of the progress information determine how often you update progress.The preference can be up to you or management.It is a good idea to keep to the schedule and update the project accordingly. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Methods for Updating a ProjectUpdate progress using the Update Tasks dialog box.Update actual progress on a project by using the Gantt Chart itself.Update a project by using the Update Project dialog box. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Updating a Project

  • **Tracking CostsCost tracking is how you determine if the project is staying close to budget or not. Project 2007 tracks the costs for the tasks, resources, and assignments.As you update the progress of tasks, actual costs are automatically calculated.Total costs are the calculated costs of a project, task, resource, or assignment for the duration of a project.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tracking Costs ContdTotal costs include actual fixed costs.Fixed costs are costs associated with the task but are neither specific nor driven by any particular resource.Fixed costs are inherent to the task itself.Timephased costs are task, resource, or assignment costs that are distributed over time.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Calculating CostsCost variances are calculated by Project 2007.By default, Project 2007 automatically calculates actual cost values as you update project progress. You can clear the actual costs that are always calculated within the Options dialog box.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Creating a Custom TableDevelop as many unique tables as you need to communicate the information during a project.Preserve the default tables that Project 2007 provides.Task tables can be applied only to Task sheets.Resource tables can be applied only to Resource sheets.An estimated 200 different fields of information are available for each task and resource.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Custom Tables

  • **Custom ViewsA custom view is any view that is saved with a name and differs from the default views that Project 2007 provides.Custom views can contain a set of fields in a particular view, grouping, and/or a filter.Add a button for a new custom view in the View Bar.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Creating a Custom ViewCreate a custom view through the View option on the menu bar.Edit or copy a custom view just as you edit or copy a Project 2007 view.Use the Organizer dialog box to delete a custom view, copy a view or make a view available for every project.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Creating a Custom View

  • Custom View Applies

  • **Examine Slack and SlippageThe Detail Gantt Chart shows total slack and slippage. Total slack (also called total float) is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without the delay affecting the entire project.Free slack is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without the delay affecting any successor tasks.If the task has no successors, free slack is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the entire projects Finish date.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Examine Slack and Slippage ContdSlippage, or simply slip, is the difference between a tasks scheduled start and baseline start date or its finish date and baseline finish date.A noncritical task can slip without affecting the project Finish date. Recall that a noncritical task is one that has some slip.If a noncritical task slips too much it can become critical.It is important to track slippage on all tasks.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Determining Slippage FactorsIf there is slippage, that is a project falls behind schedule, below are several factors that may be responsible:Overestimated realistic start date.Did not apply sufficient resources.Encountered unforeseen problems during the project.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tracking Gantt ChartThe Tracking Gantt Chart view allows you to compare the baseline to actual dates. The Tracking Gantt Chart displays two task bars.The lower bar shows baseline start and finish dates.The upper bar shows actual start and finish dates.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Tracking Gantt Chart View

  • **Slack and Deadline DatesApply any of a variety of constraints to a task to ensure that the task is done in a timely manner. The deadline constraint is a flexible constraint.The deadline constraint works well when you are trying to realistically display total slack values and yet maintain task-scheduling flexibility. There are also inflexible constraints, such as the Must Start On or Must Finish On constraint.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Creating an Interim Planfor the Entire ProjectRecall that an interim plan is a set of start and finish dates that you can save periodically as your project progresses.Compare baseline or current information with your interim plan to determine the progress of your entire project.Insert dates from your interim plan into the custom view to help analyze the progress. Determine which phases or time periods were realistically scheduled.To work extensively with interim plans define custom tables and views.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Reviewing the Interim Plan

  • **Adding Progress LinesProgress lines give you a visual representation of all tasks that are in progress.The lines connect the tasks to create a line chart.Peaks that point to the left indicate work that is behind schedule.Peaks that point to the right indicate work that is ahead of schedule.The lines are drawn based on the percentage completion value and the status date for each task. The Progress Lines dialog box provides options for setting preferences for the progress lines.

    Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Progress Lines on Gantt Chart

  • **Using Project Progress ReportsProject 2007 provides reports that summarize information and focus on various areas of a project.Reports help manage and prioritize work in progress.The Current Activities reports focus on current project date progress.The Costs reports focus on current project costs. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Custom ReportsProject 2007 allows you to edit any of its reports or to create an entirely new report by using the Custom report category.A custom report can be created using any custom tables, filters, and views that you have developed. Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • Report Dialog Boxes

  • Project 2007 Reports used to Analyze a Closed Project

  • **Closing a ProjectClosing a project means finalizing the data that is stored in the project file.Clarify that the project is finished and the reports are final.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tutorial 5 SummaryLearned how to track progress for a project.Learned how to set baselines and interim plans.Worked with the Tracking toolbar to enter progress for tasks.Learned the importance of establishing a current and status date.Learned how to enter progress in many different ways using different methods.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tutorial 5 Summary ContdUpdated tasks that were ahead and behind schedule.Learned how to enter the actual dates that a task began.Learned how to enter the percent of a task that is completed as of a date.Used the Gantt Chart to update tasks.Learned how to track costs.Learned how to enter a deadline constraint.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

  • **Tutorial 5 Summary ContdLearned how to add progress bars to the Gantt Chart.Learned about splitting tasks and how to read slack lines.Learned how to use a Detail Gantt Chart to assess progress.Learned how to create custom views.Learned how to create custom reports.Presentations Created by C. Hester - Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin

    *Course Technology, Microsoft Project 2007 by Bunin
