progressive ethics in the digital age

Progressive ethics in the digital age A joint meetup with London Futurists and GlobalNet21 (21st Century Network) #LonFut Newspeak House Stephen Minger former Chief Scientist GE Healthcare Life Sciences James Lawford Davies Partner, Hempsons (Leading Health Care Lawyers) David Wood Chair, London Futurists Principal, Delta Wisdom

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Post on 11-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Progressive ethics in the digital age

Progressive ethics in the digital age

A joint meetup with London Futurists

and GlobalNet21 (21st Century Network)


Newspeak House

Stephen Minger former Chief Scientist

GE Healthcare Life Sciences

James Lawford Davies Partner, Hempsons

(Leading Health Care Lawyers)

David Wood Chair, London Futurists Principal, Delta Wisdom

Page 2: Progressive ethics in the digital age

Progressive ethics in the digital age?

Principal, Delta Wisdom Chair, London Futurists

David Wood @dw2

3 modern-day challenges for ethics

4 possible responses: bases for new ethics?

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Ethics – a working definition • Agreed constraints on our freedom

– Things we agree not to do, even though we have the ability (and maybe the desire) to do so

– Things we agree to do, even though we might desire to stand back and not take action

• Agreements with our society – And/or with our communities or partners

– And/or with our (higher) self

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3 modern-day challenges for ethics 1. Technology gives us options to do many more

things than before, and we haven’t taken the time to figure out what new constraints we need

2. Constraints that made sense in the past may be unnecessary hindrances in the changed circumstances of the present and near-future

3. The principles underlying ethics are lost in the mists of time, frequently disrespected, but we risk “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”

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“Why Does Uber Keep Breaking the Law? Because They're Disrupting, of Course”

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“Sweden’s highest court bans drones with cameras” “Only cops and users with special filming permits can attach cams to drones”

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I liked it better when

our bank was just a bank

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“Select the Gender of Your Next Baby” “Lowest base price of any U.S. PGD gender selection program”

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UK Deaths each year


• 1914-1918: World War 1: 17 million people killed – ~10 million military personnel and ~7 million civilians

• 1918-1920: “Spanish Flu” – 50 million people killed (~100 million by some estimates) – Deliberately under-reported at the time in the media – “The greatest medical holocaust in history”

• “Killed more people in 24 weeks than AIDS has killed in 24 years” • “Killed more in a year than the Black Death killed in a century”

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“The most predictable disaster in the history of the human race…”

“A Spanish flu–like disease unleashed on the modern world would kill more than 33 million

people in 250 days”


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“Explosives Used on US Police Robot to Kill”

LAWS: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems

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4 possible responses: bases for new ethics? 1. If it feels good, do it? (Respect “yuk” and “wow” feelings)

– But our intuitions are far from complete guides to the future

2. Technolibertarian? (Get out of the way of new tech & entrepreneurs) – Keep your foot on the accelerator: trust future technology – But the outcomes could be horrific (Big Brother, terrorists with WMDs…)

3. Precautionary principle? (Risk avoidance) – Don’t develop new technology (e.g. GM food) until we’re sure it’s safe – Technoconservative: keep your foot on the brake (“take back control”) – But doing nothing is risky too! (Probably fatally risky)

4. Proactionary principle! (Risk management) – Calculate risks of both action and inaction – Take small steps, observe, rapidly learn, repeat – Technoprogressive: actively steer progress of new tech for common good

Education; Knowledge

Agility (not inertia)

Powerful vision of the common good Vision of the role of humanity

“First, do no harm”

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@dw2 Page 15 Cartoon by Patrick Hardin:

Self-directed human


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Self-directed human evolution?

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Self-directed human evolution?

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The post-scarcity vision

• An abundance of clean energy (via next-gen greentech++)

• An abundance of healthy food (via synthetic biotech++)

• An abundance of material goods (via nanotech++)

• An abundance of affordable health (via rejuvenation biotech++)

• An abundance of all-round intelligence (via cognotech++)

• An abundance of time for creativity (via automation++)

• Supported by cooperative robots, value-aligned AI, better collabtech

• Underpinned by wise use of accelerating technology – Enabled by directing and utilising beneficial positive feedback cycles

Technoprogressive transhumanist vision

Page 20: Progressive ethics in the digital age

Progressive ethics in the digital age

A joint meetup with London Futurists

and GlobalNet21 (21st Century Network)


Newspeak House

Stephen Minger former Chief Scientist

GE Healthcare Life Sciences

James Lawford Davies Partner, Hempsons

(Leading Health Care Lawyers)

David Wood Chair, London Futurists Principal, Delta Wisdom

Page 21: Progressive ethics in the digital age

Saturday, 21 Jan 2017, 2pm-4pm

Effective Altruism: The future of doing good deeds


Main building, room to-be-announced, Birkbeck College

“How will current and future trends change the way we seek to do good in the world?”

Sam Hilton, Founder of Effective Altruism London