[progress in brain research] plasticity in the adult brain: from genes to neurotherapy volume 138 ||...

M.A.Hofman,G.J.Boer,A.J.G.D.Holtmaat,E.J.W.VanSomeren,J.VerhaagenandD.F.SwaabCEds.) Pmgress in Brain Research, Vol. 138 0 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved CHAPTER 10 Memory reactivation and consolidation during sleep: from cellular mechanisms to human performance C.M.A. Pennartzl~*, H.B.M. Uylings ‘, C.A. Barnes 2 and B.L. McNaughton 2 t Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2Arizona Research Laboratories, Department of Neural Systems,Memory and Aging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA “When we have been exposed to an unusual stim- ulus for many minutes to hours, a nervous process is set up which results in the haunting of conscious- ness by the impression for a long time afterwards. The tactile and muscular feelings of a day of skat- ing or riding, afer long disuse of exercise, will come back to us all through the night. [. . . ] These revivals [. . . ] show that profound rearrangements and slow settlings into a new equilibrium are go- ing on in the neural substance, and they form the transition to that more peculiar and proper phe- nomenon of memory”. William James (1890). Memory consolidation: introductory remarks William James’ vivid descriptions of postexperien- tial information processing were articulated at a time when modem insights were emerging into memory deficits resulting from head injury. These culminated in the formulation of the Law of Regression by Ribot (1882). This ‘law’ states that memories ac- quired long before the trauma are generally better * Correspondence to: C.M.A. Pennartz, Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31-20-566-5497; Fax: -t-31-20-696- 1006; Errnail: [email protected] preserved than memories of recent experiences - a phenomenon known as temporally graded retro- grade amnesia. The essentials of this phenomenon will only be briefly summarized here because they have been reviewed elsewhere (Squire and Zola- Morgan, 1991; Squire et al., 1993; McClelland et al., 1995). Experiments in which the interval be- tween task learning (e.g. one-trial avoidance) and an amnestic treatment (e.g. electroconvulsive shock, protein synthesis inhibition) was systematically var- ied gave further credence to the ‘consolidation the- ory’ holding that memories become less modifiable and less vulnerable to disruption over time (e.g. McGaugh, 1966,200O; Squire and Alvarez, 1995). A critical neuroanatomical substrate of memory was discovered when severe antero- and retrograde amnesia was manifested following bilateral lesions of the hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe ar- eas in patient HM (Scoville and Milner, 1957). The amnesia comprised memory for events that occurred weeks to months before the lesion, whereas events from a more distant past were remembered well. In some other, more recent cases, however, the amnestic gradient has been reported to comprise 15 years or more (Squire and Alvarez, 1995). When psycholo- gists began to dissect the generic term ‘memory’ into different classes (Cohen and Squire, 1980), lesions of the hippocampal system appeared to disrupt a spe- cific class of memory, viz. declarative memory (i.e.,

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Page 1: [Progress in Brain Research] Plasticity in the Adult Brain: From Genes to Neurotherapy Volume 138 || Memory reactivation and consolidation during sleep: from cellular mechanisms to

M.A.Hofman,G.J.Boer,A.J.G.D.Holtmaat,E.J.W.VanSomeren,J.VerhaagenandD.F.SwaabCEds.) Pmgress in Brain Research, Vol. 138 0 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved


Memory reactivation and consolidation during sleep: from cellular mechanisms to human performance

C.M.A. Pennartzl~*, H.B.M. Uylings ‘, C.A. Barnes 2 and B.L. McNaughton 2

t Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Arizona Research Laboratories, Department of Neural Systems, Memory and Aging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA

“When we have been exposed to an unusual stim- ulus for many minutes to hours, a nervous process is set up which results in the haunting of conscious- ness by the impression for a long time afterwards. The tactile and muscular feelings of a day of skat- ing or riding, afer long disuse of exercise, will come back to us all through the night. [. . . ] These revivals [. . . ] show that profound rearrangements and slow settlings into a new equilibrium are go- ing on in the neural substance, and they form the transition to that more peculiar and proper phe- nomenon of memory”.

William James (1890).

Memory consolidation: introductory remarks

William James’ vivid descriptions of postexperien- tial information processing were articulated at a time when modem insights were emerging into memory deficits resulting from head injury. These culminated in the formulation of the Law of Regression by Ribot (1882). This ‘law’ states that memories ac- quired long before the trauma are generally better

* Correspondence to: C.M.A. Pennartz, Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31-20-566-5497; Fax: -t-31-20-696- 1006; Errnail: [email protected]

preserved than memories of recent experiences - a phenomenon known as temporally graded retro- grade amnesia. The essentials of this phenomenon will only be briefly summarized here because they have been reviewed elsewhere (Squire and Zola- Morgan, 1991; Squire et al., 1993; McClelland et al., 1995). Experiments in which the interval be- tween task learning (e.g. one-trial avoidance) and an amnestic treatment (e.g. electroconvulsive shock, protein synthesis inhibition) was systematically var- ied gave further credence to the ‘consolidation the- ory’ holding that memories become less modifiable and less vulnerable to disruption over time (e.g. McGaugh, 1966,200O; Squire and Alvarez, 1995).

A critical neuroanatomical substrate of memory was discovered when severe antero- and retrograde amnesia was manifested following bilateral lesions of the hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe ar- eas in patient HM (Scoville and Milner, 1957). The amnesia comprised memory for events that occurred weeks to months before the lesion, whereas events from a more distant past were remembered well. In some other, more recent cases, however, the amnestic gradient has been reported to comprise 15 years or more (Squire and Alvarez, 1995). When psycholo- gists began to dissect the generic term ‘memory’ into different classes (Cohen and Squire, 1980), lesions of the hippocampal system appeared to disrupt a spe- cific class of memory, viz. declarative memory (i.e.,

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memory of comprehensive associations between the elements making up events, of a nature that can be explicitly reported about by e.g. verbal description (Squire and Zola-Morgan, 1991)). In contrast, hip- pocampal lesions did not affect non-declarative or procedural memory. Procedural memory can guide behavior without depending on explicit recall of the memorized contents of the events resulting in this behavior. Lesions of the dorsal striatum and con- nected basal ganglia structures have been shown to result in procedural memory deficits, while leaving declarative memory largely unaffected (Mishkin et al., 1984; Knowlton et al., 1996; White, 1997).

Complementary work in experimental animals has produced results generally consistent with clinical- neuropsychological studies. Studies in primates re- vealed object recognition deficits for periods up to several weeks before surgery (Zola-Morgan and Squire, 1990). Because explicit reporting is diffi- cult to investigate in rats, researchers have generally focussed in this species on the role the hippocam- pus plays in contextual/spatial aspects of episodic memory, and indeed these aspects of learning tasks appear to be heavily impaired by hippocampal le- sions, inactivations or transmitter receptor blockade (Morris et al., 1986; Selden et al., 1991; Phillips and LeDoux, 1992; Riedel et al., 1999). As compared to primates and humans, hippocampal lesions in rats produce shorter lasting retrograde amnestic gradients for socially transmitted food preference (Winocur, 1990) or contextual fear conditioning, lasting up till several weeks, with a maximum of about 28 days (Kim and Fanselow, 1992). Altogether, these results suggest important inter-species differences in the steepness of the gradient. In line with the lesion effects on spatial memory, O’Keefe and Dostrovsky (1971) discovered that hippocampal pyramidal cells discharged when the rat is at a specific location of its environment (the ‘place field’) and not at others, and initiated an extended search for the mecha- nisms underlying ‘place cell’ firing and its precise behavioral-cognitive correlates. While there is no common agreement on this latter point, increasing support has been gathered for the notion that area CA1 of rat hippocampus does not literally encode a spatial map of the environment, in the sense that pre- cise geometric relationships between environmental objects are laid down in a neural representation, ac-

cording to a definable, mathematically explicit met- ric. Ensemble firing patterns in area CA1 do seem to be governed by spatiotemporal configurations of cues in the environment, however without an explicit possibility to capture this ‘code’ in a computable allocentric map that the rat would use for spatial navigation (Eichenbaum et al., 1999; McNaughton et al., 2002). Regardless of the precise nature of the hippocampal ‘code’ and its use in hippocampal target areas, it can be safely stated that the hippocampus plays a causally important, but time-restricted role in the formation of long-term memories depending on space and other aspects of context.

Two more lines of research should be mentioned to complete this introduction. First, consolidation theory has been challenged by the notion that mem- ory traces can be ‘reactivated’ and return to a modi- fiable state after the animal has been exposed to the context or cue that was used for its original training. We will refer to this phenomenon as ‘cue-triggered reactivation’. When animals were briefly exposed to such ‘reminders’ before they enter a task they had been trained on previously, they made fewer errors than control animals placed in a neutral environment before the retention test (Deweer and Sara, 1984; Sara, 2000). More dramatic with respect to the pre- sumed stability of consolidated memories were a se- ries of early papers showing that amnestic treatments can disrupt performance in a retention test when they were applied to well-trained animals that had been exposed to a cue or task-reminder just before treatment. In contrast, classic consolidation theory presumes that such amnestic treatments should be largely ineffective well after an initial consolidation period. For instance, animals that had been fear con- ditioned to a white-noise stimulus were re-exposed 24 h later to the same conditioned stimulus (CS), given an electroconvulsive shock (ECS) treatment briefly thereafter, and showed a deficit in the sub- sequent retention test (Misanin et al., 1968). Other treatments disrupting performance in retention tests after cue-triggered reactivation include hypothermia (Mactutus et al., 1979) and protein synthesis in- hibition (Judge and Quartet-main, 1982). Task re- minders that are effective in reactivating brain states amenable to memory disruption include contextual cues and conditioned as well as unconditioned stim- uli. Recently, local inhibition of protein synthesis in

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the amygdala shortly after CS exposure has been shown to impair behavioral expression of previously acquired conditioned fear memory (Nader et al., 2000), a finding which has rendered the issue of cue- triggered reconsolidation more concrete by imply- ing a specific neuroanatomical substrate in memory reactivation. Nonetheless, researchers in this field remain situated in the midst of a somewhat con- tentious debate about both conceptual and practical issues, rather than having an accomplished, full the- ory of both consolidation and reconsolidation. This debate addresses questions concerning the longevity of memory disruptions after reactivation and amnes- tic treatment and whether the relative persistence of the memory deficit depends on the type of learning task used. Furthermore, it has not always been clear whether performance deficits in the retention test are attributable purely to memory loss or to failure to retrieve memorized information and utilize it to or- ganize the behavioral response effectively (Cahill et al., 2001). Finally, it is conceivable that reminders not only recall original memory traces, but also initi- ate a process of newly organizing the memory trace which thus becomes an ‘update’ rather than a copy of the original version.

The second line of research has addressed the importance of sleep processes for memory consoli- dation. It is intuitively attractive to think that sleep, as an essentially ‘off-line’ period of the day-night cycle, may allow reprocessing of information that has been acquired during prior waking. Such re- processing might not only involve consolidation of memorized experiences that had been acquired in rapid succession during previous waking, but also a selection of information especially relevant to the organism’s survival and reproduction, filtering out irrelevant information that need not be stored in an endurable form. First we recall the critical distinction between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and slow- wave sleep (SWS). REM sleep, also called paradox- ical sleep, is associated with dreaming and is charac- terized by rapid eye movement, atonia of the postural muscles and rapid desynchronization in cortical elec- troencephalographic (EEG) traces, with dominant activity in the theta frequency band (6-12 Hz in rats). In contrast, SWS, being part of the broader category of non-REM sleep, is recognized by slow waves in the cortical EEG (delta type; 0.5-3 Hz), alternating

with neocortical spindles (lo-15 Hz EEG oscilla- tions lasting 1-2 s). During SWS, the hippocampal EEG is marked by the occurrence of ripple/sharp waves complexes, which are high-frequency (-200 Hz) bursts of pyramidal cell activity with concomi- tant dendritic depolarization (Buzs&i, 1986; Buzs&i et al., 1992; Ylinen et al., 1995).

REM sleep deprivation has been shown to lead to performance deficits on subsequent retention tests in various tasks both in animals and humans (Fish- bein, 197 1; Pearlman and Greenberg, 1973; Fishbein and Gutwein, 1977; Smith, 1985; Smith and Rose, 1996). While suggestive of a memory deficit, cau- tion has to be applied in interpreting these results in view of possible disruptions of arousal, atten- tion, working memory, planning and other executive deficits, and it has proven difficult to disentangle effects on memory formation from such confound- ing factors (Siegel, 2001). In a correlative approach, it was shown that periods of intensive learning are followed by an increase in REM sleep (Hennevin and Ham, 1985; Smith and Rose, 1996, 1997; Stick- gold, 1998). Analogous to cue-triggered reactivation tests in the awake state, Ham et al. (1985) presented a CS having an acquired association with a foot- shock as a reminder during REM sleep and found improved memory performance on a subsequent re- tention test during wakefulness. The importance of SWS for memory consolidation has been examined less extensively, but recently affirmative evidence was found in a visual discrimination task, both in a correlative (Stickgold et al., 2000a) and an inter- ventional approach (Gais et al., 2000). The causal relevance of SWS and REM sleep for different types of learning will be evaluated in further detail below, but in the next section we will first pay attention to theoretical and electrophysiological studies on ‘re- play’ of memorized information during sleep.

Consolidation during sleep: a conceptual framework

The hippocampal formation plays an essential, time- restricted role in declarative/episodic memory. Con- sidering the vast expanse of plastic neural processing elements - be it synapses or other modifiable ele- ments of somatodendritic architectures - found in specialized, distributed neocortical brain areas with

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functions in sensory, motor and higher-order cogni- tive processing, it is logical to propose a main role for the neocortex in more final, long-term storage of memories. Lesion studies on the basal ganglia and cerebellum impair procedural but not declarative forms of learning and have thus pointed attention to- wards the neocortex as a focus of investigation. This tenet of neocortical dominance is widely adhered to and not contradicted by experimental findings, but it should not be forgotten that it is still an assumption at this point, and that an involvement of some sub- cortical structures such as the thalamus, mammillary bodies and basal forebrain should not be excluded as yet. The hypothesized course of events leading to long-term declarative memory formation would be as follows. In the awake state, a feedforward surge of polysensory activation sequences sweeps across the neocortex during the first stages of a behav- ioral experience. When this sweep arrives at higher processing stages such as the temporal lobe, parietal and prefrontal cortex, networks for sensorimotor pro- cessing, planning and decision-making are activated, and recurrent connections back to the lower-level stages initiate more refined, attentive processing. Meanwhile, the dynamic ensemble representations of experience in these neocortical areas would be propagated, at least in part, towards deep temporal lobe structures, including the entorhinal, perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices. Widespread and re- ciprocal connections between these regions and al- most the entire neocortical mantle have been found (Van Hoesen, 1982; Squire et al., 1989; Squire and Zola-Morgan, 1991; Witter et al., 2000). From these way stations, information flows converge further un- til arriving in the dentate gyrus of the hippocam- pus. Following processing throughout the trisynaptic hippocampal circuit - and other, nested circuits within the larger hippocampal formation (Witter et al., 1989) - an ensemble representation specific for the current configuration of objects and events in the organism’s environment would be formed, as discussed above. The hippocampus is presumed to store this representation, at least on a temporary ba- sis, by way of distributed synaptic weight changes in its synaptic matrices (Hebb, 1949; Marr, 1971; McNaughton and Morris, 1987; Treves and Rolls, 1992; McClelland et al., 1995). At the next stage of consolidation, the hippocampus may then ‘re-

generate’ or reactivate this representation either in a stimulus-driven or spontaneous fashion. Next, the hippocampus may orchestrate the coordinated reacti- vation in its target areas which then leads to the se- lective potentiation or depression of co&co-cortical connections.

Marr (1971) was the first to propose a role for sleep in memory consolidation within a computa- tionally explicit body of theory. He already recog- nized the importance of the transience of hippocam- pal memory and thus, by implication, the need to transfer the results of hippocampal information pro- cessing to other brain regions. Sleep, in his view, would be a suitable period for this transfer pro- cess, as this would avoid an interference between hippocampal output to the neocortex and the bom- bardment of inputs to neocortex instigated by novel sensory experiences. Whereas Marr hypothesized the hippocampus to provide ‘rehearsal trials’ to the neo- cortex to support strengthening of representations shared between hippocam$us and neocortex, most of the recent evidence is not consistent with the view that the hippocampus would replay copies, or even compressed versions, of neocortical information pat- terns. Instead, it is proposed that hippocampal rep- resentations, as far as they reach neocortical sites intactly, may provide a contextuospatial ‘stamp’ by which more focal, object-based neocortical represen- tations may be bound together (cf. the ‘index theory’ of Teyler and DiScenna, 1986; McNaughton et al., 2002). The experiments reviewed below provide ev- idence that it is this type of representation that may be re-expressed or replayed during sleep. By linkage to a hippocampus-dependent spatiotemporal frame- work a neocortical representation may be integrated with other simultaneously active neocortical repre- sentations. This may explain the importance of the hippocampal memory system in episodic memory, which is by definition specific to the time and place of the events an individual experiences throughout life. Although it is evident that this hypothesis must be extensively tested by experiment, computational modeling studies support the possibility of this pro- cess (Treves and Rolls, 1994). There is still consider- able debate about the precise contents of experiential ‘records’ produced by the hippocampus. Whereas some researchers favor contextuospatial coding, oth- ers emphasize their more global nature, incorporat-

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ing distinct sensory object features and features of the behavioral task next to spatial aspects (Wood et al., 2000).

The seminal works of Marr and Hebb have in- spired a whole generation of theoretical neuroscien- tists to elaborate this framework, and address further, deeper problems concerning consolidation. Two fun- damental questions were addressed by McClelland et al. (1995). First, if the brain already contains a giant information storage device such as the neocortex, why would it need another, much smaller tempo- rary repository such as the hippocampus? Second, why would it take the neocortex such a long time to incorporate new knowledge and become indepen- dent from the hippocampus in long-term storage and retrieval of information? Briefly, McClelland et al. developed a hippocampal-neocortical model based on the assumption that initial exposure to an event leads to memory trace formation in both hippocam- pus and neocortex, but with different strengths: the strength of initial trace storage would be larger for the hippocampus than neocortex. Memory storage in both structures is also subject to decay, with the decay rate being larger for hippocampus than neocortex. Furthermore, hippocampal information is transferred to the neocortex at a specified, constant rate, also regulating the pace at which hippocam- pal output is incorporated into the overall body of neocortical representations.

Simulations with this model have provided the following answers to the two aforementioned ques- tions. First, despite its vast storage capacities, the neocortex would depend on the hippocampus dur- ing memory formation because the hippocampus, as a device for initial memory storage, allows the entire system to avoid interference between stor- age of new experiences and storage of previously acquired knowledge. Without an intact hippocam- pus the memorization of novel events would disrupt older representations, or the stability of older rep- resentations would prevent proper incorporation of novel event representations. Second, incorporation of novel information may take such a long time be- cause simulations suggest a catastrophic breakdown of the existing knowledge structure if the continuous flux of experiences is crammed into the neocorti- cal system at the high pace characteristic of daily life. A more gradual process of knowledge incor-

poration is needed, which McClelland et al. have labeled ‘interleaving’ of novel representations with the previously acquired knowledge structure. The hippocampus would store essential episodic aspects of novel experiences and feed these pieces of infor- mation repeatedly and gradually to the neocortical system, which responds by slowly adjusting its ex- isting synaptic matrices and thus preserving older representations next to new ones. Computationally, sleep would be a period most suitable for ‘replay’ of hippocampal representations and their insertion into neocortical storage processes, as interference with novel sensory inputs can be avoided.

Needless to say, these model-based predictions must be subjected to experimental scrutiny and are uncertain in several respects. For example, the sever- ity of interference effects and the complementary need for gradual interleaving of information regen- erated from an initial storage medium will strongly depend on the sparsity of neocortical representations and the exact learning and ‘forgetting’ rates in the neocortical system. Simulation studies suggest that cortical synaptic matrices with sparsely coded corti- cal representations can accommodate large amounts of new representations before interference occurs (Nadal et al., 1986; Rolls, 1989). Furthermore, it is not clear whether the model, under a variety of test conditions, may still be hampered by the problem of catastrophic interference, now having been displaced from the neocortex to the hippocampus.

The ever-looming question concerning the need for a hippocampus in the presence of a much larger neocortex can also be approached from a novel, evolutionary-ecological angle. Instead of pointing to a possible deficit of the neocortex in mediating long- term trace formation, one might posit the question which representations are worthy of being stored in the neocortex, based on their value for predicting consequences important for survival and reproduc- tion of the organism. We may hypothesize that the hippocampus forms temporary contextuospatial rep- resentations which can only coordinate and reinforce long-term storage in the neocortex if they have been validated as being functionally important to the ani- mal. Thus, processing of hippocampal output by its target areas would be accompanied by a filtering process by which irrelevant information is either dis- carded or stored at a lower strength. In this view,

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the time limitation of hippocampal storage will not be defined by a basically malfunctioning neocortex slowly absorbing new information, but by the tem- poral span across which animals can form and hold representations of temporal contingencies between neutral and reinforcing events that may be spaced far apart in time. The gradually evolving independence of the hippocampus in memory formation may thus arise when the time span has elapsed across which the brain was trucking possible consequences of the original novel experience. Cues and situations that appeared to be predictive of reinforcing events must be consolidated by that time, and those that were not can be either forgotten or stored with lower access priority.

Trace conditioning is a form of classical condi- tioning in which a considerable time interval (usually in the order of 30 s to 1 n-tin) elapses between the CS and the unconditioned stimulus (US). Although hip- pocampal lesions impair trace conditioning (Meek et al., 1984; Huerta et al., 2000), little attention has been paid to contingencies spanning intervals of several days or longer. Our hypothesis would pre- dict that the hippocampus would be important for forming context-related contingency representations for intervals lasting until 28 days in rats (Rim and Fanselow, 1992; see above), with a larger ‘weight’ attached to more recent experiences. According to this idea, the hippocampus still encodes contextu- ospatial frameworks within which discrete events are situated, not having a primary role in the assess- ment of reinforcers or their prediction by discrete stimuli. The evaluation of stimuli and actions calls for involvement of reward-encoding and reward- predicting structures in the overall processes me- diating long-term memory, and these are likely to in- clude the amygdaloid complex, orbitofrontal and me- dial prefrontal cortex, ventral tegmental area, ventral striatum and/or anterior cingulate cortex (Nishijo et al., 1988; Pennartz et al., 1994, 2000; Pennartz, 1996,1997; Robbins and Ever&t, 1996; Schoenbaum et al., 1998; Baxter et al., 2000; Gehring and Knight, 2000; McGaugh, 2000; Schultz, 2000). Testing the hypothesis will require elaborate efforts to under- stand how hippocampal and amygdaloid/prefrontal outputs are integrated in order to ‘weigh’ the behav- ioral relevance of situations for future survival and thus to direct long-term memory storage.

We will next review experimental data arguing in favor of one crucial element of the aforementioned hypotheses, viz. the ‘replay’ of hippocampal records of behavioral experience during off-line periods such as sleep.

Spontaneous reactivation during sleep: unit recordings in hippocampus

Pavlides and Winson (1989) first showed that hip- pocampal place cells exhibit a retention effect when they are first activated by placement of the animal in the appropriate place field of the environment and then go to sleep. They made a counterbalanced com- parison between cells that were activated by forced exposure of the rat to their place field and a control group of ‘non-exposed’ cells (i.e. cells not activated by exposure to their place field). They found that the mean firing rates of the ‘exposed’ cells during postbehavioral periods of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and REM or pre-REM sleep were higher than in the ‘non-exposed’ cells, whereas there was no sig- nificant difference during several awake states (i.e., exploration, ‘still alert’ and quiet, awake states). In addition to the mean firing rate, the burst occurrence rate was also enhanced in the exposed cells dur- ing sleep. Thus, the level of hippocampal firing in the awake stage significantly affects their activation status during subsequent sleep.

However, this first indication for information re- processing during sleep remained susceptible to the criticism that the activated place cells may partially retain their firing rates due to an interaction be- tween place field exposure and long-lasting effects of arousal or stress, caused by forcing the rat into a sub- space of the arena. Replay of memories during sleep should be characterized not just by re-expression of enhanced firing rates of individual neurons, but also by reactivation of temporally precise relationships between the firing patterns of many neurons, reflect- ing their synchronous or sequential activation during preceding behavior. If such temporally specific re- play occurs it is unlikely to originate from a persis- tent arousal effect because this will be expressed as a global, non-specific change in neuronal state, for in- stance as a gain modulation of the overall firing rates of the neurons. Using the tetrode-array recording technique (Wilson and McNaughton, 1993), Wilson

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and McNaughton (1994) were able to simultaneously follow ensembles of 49-74 CA1 neurons during a behavioral episode of spatial exploration and a pre- behavioral and postbehavioral sleep phase. When firing activity of pairs of neurons within these en- sembles was highly correlated in the behavioral state (mostly because their place fields would overlap), this correlation was also enhanced during subsequent sleep, but low during preceding sleep. In contrast, fir- ing patterns that were uncorrelated during behavior remained uncorrelated during subsequent sleep. This temporally specific sleep reactivation across ensem- bles was spontaneous, in contrast to cue-triggered re- activation, and particularly prominent during SWS, when CA1 cells discharge in ripples/sharp-wave complexes. Indeed, reactivation in the postbehavioral sleep phase was significantly larger during ripples as compared to non-ripple intervals. The latter finding also argues in favor of the possibility that ‘reactiva- tion’ reflects the re-emergence of a representation, rather than reflecting a fragment of a persistent neu- ral representation that keeps on lingering within the hippocampus after the behavioral experience.

Using partial correlation methods, Kudrimoti et al. (1999) showed that a significant fraction of the variance in pairwise firing correlations during post- experiential sleep was accounted for by preceding awake-phase correlations. This statistical approach evaluates reactivation on the basis of all firing cor- relations within the recorded ensemble, not just the most highly correlated cells. Taking the explained variance as a measure, the reactivation was observed to decay within about 30 min during postexperi- ential sleep, although incidental pattern recurrence during the next 24 h seems likely. No evidence for REM sleep reactivation was found in this study. Importantly, the presence of sleep was not manda- tory to observe reactivation. Instead, the presence of ripple/sharp wave complexes turned out to be an essential condition, and these can also occur dur- ing awake immobility and consummatory behavior (Buzsiiki, 1986). Thus, hippocampal ripples present a temporal window of strong reactivation, whereas non-ripple epochs exhibit the phenomenon to a much lesser extent. When rats were subsequently exposed to two different behavioral conditions requiring spa- tial exploration (a familiar and an unfamiliar con- figuration for maze running), both conditions were

found to make independent contributions to reactiva- tion during the following SWS. This finding suggests an interleaved replay of multiple memory traces and shows that both novel and familiar situations give rise to reactivation.

Two important elements on hippocampal reac- tivation have been added to this pioneering work in subsequent studies. First, if the hippocampus stores memory traces that are more than momen- tary ‘snapshots’ of experiences and also incorporate their evolution in time, reactivation processes should be expected to contain information about the tem- poral order of firing of previously activated cells. This prediction was confirmed first by Skaggs and McNaughton (1996) and later by Nadasdy et al. (1999). When rats were instructed to run along a tri- angular track, a subset of hippocampal CA1 neurons exhibit partially overlapping place fields. Because of the fixed running direction, many of these place cell pairs were activated in a distinct temporal or- der, reflected in the temporal asymmetry of their cross-correlation (Fig. 1; Skaggs and McNaughton, 1996). This asymmetry, or temporal bias, was signif- icantly preserved during subsequent sleep, whereas it was absent during the pre-experiential sleep phase. Fragments that may be replayed in this way are of a rather short duration (So-100 ms), and thus ripple-associated reactivation may not be a suitable mechanism to encode long-range temporal relation- ships. Nadasdy et al. (1999) sought for recurrence of spike sequences during sleep after a wheel run- ning experience with the use of template-matching methods and joint probability maps, controlling for random recurrences by Monte Carlo shuffling of spike trains. They confirmed the replay of spike se- quences during postexperiential sleep and extended the previous findings by demonstrating re-expression of temporal structure in more than two cells. Possi- bly, replay is subject to a time-compression (Skaggs and McNaughton, 1996; Nadasdy et al., 1999).

The second major novel element concerns neuro- physiological studies investigating the possibility of REM sleep-associated reactivation. Louie and Wil- son (2001) trained rats on a four-trial sequence in a circular track task, resulting in a rather stereotyped running behavior intermitted by reward consump- tion phases. Subsets of task-activated hippocampal neurons showed a significant resemblance (correla-

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tion) between the familiar ‘run’ phase of the task as compared to preceding REM sleep in 19 out of 38 episodes, whereas correlations were not significant for the remaining 19 cases. The measure of resem- blance was based on computing a template corre- lation coefficient between two multi-neuron spiking patterns and emphasized pattern similarity across behavioral timescales (seconds to minutes), while ignoring temporal structure in the millisecond range because of an additional Gaussian smoothing oper- ation imposed on individual spike trains. A scaling factor was employed to accommodate the possibility that the speed of REM replay may be different from spike patterns during awake behavior. The statistical


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-400 -200 0 200 400

The (ms)

significance of the template correlation coefficient was assessed by comparison to spike train data that were shuffled in various ways, and the smallest difference between values computed for real and shuffled data was used for further evaluation. No- tably, the rats spent much more time in REM before the behavioral episode than afterwards and it proved difficult to examine the resemblance between spike patterns obtained from behavior versus postexperi- ential REM sleep. At this point, it is thus difficult to decide whether the significant correlations between prebehavioral REM and behavioral patterns reflect a replay of rather stereotyped experiences from the preceding test day, or a preplay of specific REM spike patterns that persist in the awake state, per- haps as a result of the intrinsic attractor dynamics of the hippocampus, unrelated to mnemonic operations. To control for this possibility, Louie and Wilson examined correlations between prebehavioral REM episodes and a novel track-running behavior instead of the familiar task, and failed to find pattern cor- relations between these two. Again, however, reac- tivation during postbehavioral REM could not be demonstrated, which complicates the evaluation of these results.

Poe et al., 2000 (Fig. 2) focussed on the phase specificity of firing patterns relative to theta oscilla-

Fig. 1. Preservation of temporal order in hippocampal spike trains replayed during sleep. Multiple neurons were simultane- ously recorded from area CA1 of the rat hippocampus. Rats went through a sequence of task stages consisting of a prebehav- ioral sleep phase (‘Sleep before’), a behavioral phase (repeated, counterclockwise running along an elevated triangular track with intermittent consumption of food reward ‘On track’) and a post- behavioral sleep phase (‘Sleep after’). Cells 1 and 2 had partially overlapping place fields on the triangular track as shown in the upper graph. The mean firing rate of the two cells is plotted as a function of the rat’s position on the track. The direction of motion is from left to right. In the three bottom graphs, cross-correlation plots (bin size: 10 ms) are shown for cell 1 and 2 during the three task stages. The duration of the sleep periods taken into account was 15 min for each (before and after track running). The temporal bias in the firing relationship of the two cells was quantified as the difference in the light- and dark-shaded regions. Note the absence of clear cross-correlated firing during prebehavioral sleep, contrasting to the strong peak, just left to time lag zero, during postbehavioral sleep. During track-running, cross-correlated firing was subject to a clear theta- modulation (-8 Hz). (From Skaggs and McNaughton, 1996. Reproduced with permission.)

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tions in hippocampal EEG activity during behavior and REM sleep. They compared place-associated firing of hippocampal neurons during familiar and novel experiences. Surprisingly, cells having a ‘place field’ only on the familiar track showed a phase reversal (180” shift) during subsequent REM sleep, whereas cells with fields on the novel track showed only small phase differences between running and REM episodes. The phase reversal seen in the ‘farnil- iar field’ cells displaced spike bursts from the theta peak phase (during behavior) to the theta trough phase (during REM sleep) or vice versa. It has been shown that firing activity during the peak phase of the theta oscillation is associated with long-term po- tentiation (LTP) and firing during the trough phase with depotentiation or long-term depression (LTD; Pavlides et al., 1988; Huerta and Lisman, 1995; Holscher et al., 1997). These combined results lead to the hypothesis that synapses involved in represent- ing older, often-repeated experiences may be weak- ened at the expense of reinforcement of synapses engaged by new memories.

Finally, complementary studies on experience- dependent expression of immediate early genes dur- ing sleep have been conducted. Ribeiro et al. (1999) found enhanced $268 expression during REM sleep in the neocortex and hippocampus of animals exposed to an enriched environment, whereas non- exposed control animals showed a general downreg- ulation. These results are in line with earlier results on the effects of enriched environment on both sleep and brain development. Working with juvenile rats, Mirmiran et al. (1982) reported an increase of both slow-wave and REM sleep by environmental emich- ment, as well as an increase in the weight of their cerebral cortex. Although this type of study does not offer the means to reveal temporally specific pattern replay of neural activity, these findings are consis- tent with sleep representing a temporal window of enhanced neuronal plasticity (Jones et al., 2001).

Memory reactivation in non-hippocampal structures


If the hippocampus is capable of replaying recently acquired information, one must ask how this re- play affects ‘off-line’ information processing in other

parts of the brain. If the hippocampus engages in a carefully orchestrated dialogue with the neocortex during memory consolidation, one may expect to see a replay also in this latter brain structure. In en- semble recordings with tetrodes placed in hippocam- pal area CA1 and posterior parietal cortex (PPC, a structure processing visuospatial information), Qin et al. (1997) indeed found evidence for sleep re- activation with preservation of temporal order in both areas, taken individually. Moreover, the corre- lation patterns between hippocampus and PPC also partially re-emerged during postbehavioral sleep, al- though temporal asymmetries between cells were not re-expressed. While these results partially sup- port the idea of a hippocampal-neocortical dialogue during off-line processing, the question remains why the temporal order of firing as observed in the hip- pocampus is not apparent in PPC. One possibility would be that neocortical ensembles ‘drive’ the hip- pocampus during behavior, while the reverse occurs during sleep (Qin et al., 1997). Strictly speaking, this would predict a reversal in the temporal asymmetry in the cross-correlogram of hippocampal-PPC cell pairs from waking to sleep, which was not observed. This possibility should not be rejected yet, however, because the order in which sequentially acquired memories are replayed is unknown, as are the ways in which temporal records of experience are seg- mented and phased with respect to one another. A second explanation for the lack of observed tempo- ral coordination between hippocampus and PPC is the presence of at least one way station placed in between these structures (Squire and Zola-Morgan, 1991; Eichenbaum, 2000; Witter et al., 2000). In- deed, one potential caveat in all the different versions of hippocampal-neocortical consolidation processes is the anatomical fact that the intermediate stations, such as the subiculum, perirhinal, postrhinal and en- torhinal cortex, receive extensive inputs from many other brain structures, including the medial pre- frontal, piriform and cingulate cortices. The perirhi- nal and entorhinal cortices should by no means be regarded as way stations simply mediating ‘through- put’, but as highly integrative centers of multimodal and behaviorally relevant information (Meunier et al., 1993; Suzuki et al., 1993; Liu et al., 2000; Wit- ter et al., 2000). By consequence, the necessity for relatively undisturbed hippocampal-neocortical in-

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formation transfer through these intermediate stages findings. Amzica et al. (1997) conditioned cats to may require some unknown mechanism regulating generate 20-50 Hz oscillations in the EEG of mo- and segregating spike trafficking. tor or visual cortex (area 4 or 17). They found that

Nonetheless, the results of Qin et al. (1997) sug- conditioning induced an increase in grouped fast os- gested for the first time that experience-dependent cillations that were spatially selective for these areas, reactivation does occur in the neocortex, and ad- and that this local increase was associated with a ditional evidence has been raised to support these much more widespread increase in the synchrony

A Familiar Field Cell B Novel Field Cell




“f (Track - REM) 180 0 :

Familiar Field Cells Novel Field CeUs

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of these fast oscillations across thalamocortical net- works. This enhanced cross-correlation amongst ar- eas was also found during post-training periods of quiet waking and REM as well as non-REM sleep, but not during control or extinction sessions. It remains to be investigated whether the enhanced recurrence of cross-regional oscillation synchrony represents replay of specific memory contents or serves a more global purpose such as implement- ing a brain state that might facilitate post-training processing in a general sense. In a recent study on hippocampal-neocortical communication, Siapas and Wilson (1998) studied the temporal relationship between hippocampal ripple activity and neocortical spindles during slow-wave sleep in rats. On average, hippocampal ripples and associated spiking activity tended to precede neocortical spindles and unit firing in prefrontal cortex. These findings provide initial, tentative support for the concept that hippocam- pal replay during ripples may bias or select which neocortical neuron assemblies are engaged during ensuing spindle episodes.

Recently, support for reactivation in the human cerebral cortex has come from a PET imaging study by Maquet et al. (2000). They chose a procedural learning paradigm, viz. a visuomotor serial reaction time task, which is unlikely to require an intact hip- pocampus to be accomplished. Taking into account the earlier results of Karni et al. (1994), implying REM sleep in procedural learning, they focussed their PET imaging strategy on REM sleep episodes.


Brain activation patterns were compared between awake and REM states, and REM-associated activa- tion was compared between trained versus task-naive subjects. In a conjunction analysis the overlap was determined between brain regions activated by the task in the awake state and brain regions selectively activated during REM in trained subjects, excluding overlap with brain regions activated in task-naive subjects. Focal regions of reactivation were found predominantly in the neocortex, especially striate cortex (mostly cuneus) and premotor cortex. Re- markably, overlap between the awake training and ‘trained’ REM state was also revealed for the sub- cortical mesencephalon. As expected, no evidence for hippocampal reactivation was found in this task.

Ventral striatum

There are two strong reasons to investigate the pos- sible occurrence of reactivation in subcortical struc- tures that receive direct hippocampal inputs. First, a demonstration of reactivation in those structures would imply that the hippocampal-neocortical di- alogue - when considered from the viewpoint of memory replay - should be extended to in- clude hippocampal-subcortical dialogues. Second, because of the overwhelming interest in the role of the hippocampus in memory consolidation in gen- eral, contextuospatial forms of memory have been logically emphasized until now. If any subcortical structures showing reactivation process information

Fig. 2. Phase reversal of spikes with respect to theta rhythm during REM sleep. Rats were instructed to run for food reward on a paired rectangular track. This track was divided into one rectangle to which the rat was familiarized, whereas the other rectangle presented a novel part of the environment. Ensemble firing activity was recorded from area CA1 of the rat hippocampus during track running and subsequent sleep. Simultaneously, electroencephalographic (EEG) traces were recorded from the same area. Hippocampal theta rhythm, observed in the 5-10 Hz band, was prominent during both track running and REM sleep. This figure shows representative examples of two hippocampal cells, simultaneously recorded from one rat. (A-D) Polar plots illustrating the mean percentage of spikes occurring at each phase of the theta rhythm. The cell in A had a place field only on the familiar track whereas the cell in B had its field on the novel track. The shaded area represents the firing phase profile during track running and the area outlined by a thick black line represents tbe profile of the same cell during REM sleep. In C and D, the mean number of spikes was plotted versus theta phase during track running (C) and REM sleep (D). Tbe gray and black outlines denote the novel and familiar groups, respectively. The mean durations of behavior on the familiar (12 min) and novel tracks (14 min) were similar. In the subsequent sleep period, rats spent an average of 2 rnin in REM sleep. For familiar group cells, the firing phase distributions were significantly different for track running versus REM sleep (n = 13, P < 0.001, x2 test). In contrast, no difference was found for novel group cells (n = 19, P = 0.49). (E,F) These diagrams depict the change in peak firing phase from maze running to REM sleep for familiar group cells (E; change: 168 k 6”, mean f SEM; n = 19) and for novel group cells (F, change: 11 f 6”; n = 13), as observed on the day of novel track exposure. Each filled circle represents the difference in peak firing phase between track running and REM sleep for each cell. The length of the arrow represents the relative mean vector. (From Poe et al., 2000. Reproduced with permission.)

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streams that are distinctly different from place-like information, it may become feasible to generalize conclusions across different types of information do- mains. Therefore we decided to examine whether the ventral striatum, which mainly consists of the nucleus accumbens (ACB), displays reactivation of multi-neuron activity patterns (Pennartz et al., 2001). The ventral striatum receives extensive projections from both the dorsal and ventral parts of the hip- pocampal formation (area CA1 and subiculum) as well as from the entorhinal cortex (Groenewegen et al., 1987; Pennartz et al., 1994). This structure is thought to integrate emotional, contextual and polysensory information and to direct motivated be- havior (Mogenson et al., 1980; Pennartz et al., 1994; Robbins and Ever&, 1996). A role for the nucleus accumbens in spatial learning has been suggested by several studies. Recently, Setlow and McGaugh (1998) showed that intra-accumbens infusion of the D&ass antagonist sulpiride immediately following a water maze training session impaired spatial mem- ory, raising considerable support for this contention.

In our ensemble recording study in ACB (Pen- nartz et al., 2001), rats were trained on a T-maze task involving probabilistic reward distributions at both ends of the T-maze arms and subsequently a 12- tetrode array was implanted and directed to the ACB, with EEG electrodes placed in both the hippocampus and neocortex. The task consisted of: (1) a choice phase, in which the rat started from the T-maze stem and had to choose between the left and right arm for locating the site with the highest reward probability (e.g. 75% at south end, versus 25% at north end); and (2) a shuttle phase, in which the rat had to run from the north to the south arm ends and vice versa for 20-40 times in order to retrieve food reward at these arm ends, with the same probabilities as applied to the choice phase. This behavioral phase was flanked by two sleep episodes, referred to as Sleep 1 (Sl, pre-experiential sleep) and Sleep 2 (S2, postexperiential sleep). In most sessions, ensembles of 15-25 cells could be recorded simultaneously and stably across the three task phases. Changes in firing rate correlated to: (1) encountering and con- suming reward; (2) approach to reward, coupled to the direct anticipation of reward; (3) specific motor behavior, such as turning on the T-maze, or locomo- tion across particular sectors of the maze; and (4)

specific phases of the task, such as intertrial intervals (‘waiting’ phase). Only rarely did we find evidence for strictly place-related activity. Unlike firing pat- terns in the hippocampus, firing of ACB units that occurred at specific maze locations generally corre- lated to specific behavioral events or salient stimuli at those locations, not to the mere location itself. In general, neural correlates of reward and approach to reward were predominant, in agreement with ear- lier studies (Schultz et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1993; Lavoie and Mizumori, 1994; Shibata et al., 2001). Thus, information processed by the ACB car- ries a strong motivational-emotional component and is generally different from place-related correlates as found in the hippocampus. The heterogeneity of information apparent in ACB firing patterns should be emphasized, spanning virtually all phases of an individual trial of the task.

During an initial screening for reactivation phe- nomena in ACB we considered whether firing rates could be useful measures, as shown by Pavlides and Winson (1989) for hippocampus. However, in agreement with.Callaway and Henriksen (1992) we found a strong modulation of ACB firing rate by sleep/wake state, and even by specific sleep stages such as REM and SWS, making it difficult to de- tect small added effects during sleep as induced by enhanced firing during previous behavior. Therefore we concentrated on the analysis of temporal relation- ships in firing during Sl, behavior on the T-maze and S2. First, spike trains from all simultaneously recorded ACB neurons were binned into T inter- vals to obtain, for each cell i, a sequence of spike counts per consecutive bin (fi). The T intervals were taken from one episode (i.e., S 1, behavior or S2) and we did not discriminate between different types of behavior displayed on the maze or between REM versus SWS. Furthermore, we used the last 10 min of S 1, immediately preceding the behavior for anal- ysis, as well as the first 10 min of S2, immediately following the behavior. Thus, differences in pat- tern similarity between S l-behavior and S2-behavior cannot be ascribed to a mere time-dependent, non- specific drift of firing patterns. Usually a bin size of 50 ms was chosen, although 10, 20 and 100 ms bins gave similar results. Next, temporal correlations in firing patterns of ACB neurons were determined by computing a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC)

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using the following equation (cf. Kudrimoti et al., 1999):

n=l rij =

1 T 1 T (1)

where rij is the correlation coefficient between neu- rons i and j, /.~i the mean spike count for cell i and n an index for bin number. When using bin sizes of lo-50 ms, this measure of firing correlations is especially sensitive to near-synchronous firing, not to temporal relationships with fairly long delays or ad- vances which may be detected in cross-correlograms with broad time windows.

Thus, a PCC value was obtained for each cell pair and for each of the three sleep/wake phases of the experiment. All PCC values pertaining to a particular sleep/wake phase were assembled into a single ma- trix, and thus the similarity of these three (so-called R) matrices could be compared: Sl vs. Maze, Sl vs. S2 and Maze vs. S2 (McNaughton, 1998). The similarity between two matrices with correlation co- efficients as entries was determined by computing a novel correlation coefficient, this time defined at the level of two matrices. Thus, the following similarity measures were obtained for the three consecutive episodes: rMaZe,sl, ~2,s~ and r&&2. Reactivation was assessed by testing whether the similarity be- tween S2 and Maze was larger than for Sl and Maze. An important refinement in this approach, utilizing partial correlation methods (Kleinbaum et al., 1998), was to compute the SZMaze similarity while factoring out any preexisting influence from S 1. This was done by determining the explained variance, which signifies how much of the variance in the correlation patterns during S2 can be explained by the pattern of correlations during prior behavior, but correcting for any correlations already present during the pre-experiential sleep phase, S 1. This cor- rection is important because ensemble firing patterns in ACB are characterized by a fair amount of basal correlations that remain constant throughout the en- tire sleep/wake cycle, including Sl, which would tend to overshadow the recruitment of novel corre- lations during learning and their reactivation during

subsequent sleep. The explained variance (EV) was computed as follows:

EV = Gla%S2,SI 2 rMaze,S2 - rMaze,SlrS2,Sl

= (2) (1 -&,,s1)(1 -r&1) To be able to assess the statistical significance of

the EV, which always assumes a value between 0 and 1, it was mandatory to design a novel control measure that could be applied to the same animal and preferably to the same experimental session as was used for computing the EV. By definition, re- activation must follow the arrow of time, as pattern recurrence follows, but never precedes a novel be- havioral experience. Our design of a proper control measure was based on the idea that the same R ma- trices and the same matrix correlation coefficients rMxlaze,S 1, rs2,sl and rM=,s2 can be used as for the EV, but in reverse temporal order. Thus, a ‘reverse explained variance’ (REV) was computed simply by switching around S 1 and S2 in Eq. 2:

REV = &ze,S 1 JS2 2

rMaze,Sl - rM’Maze,S2rS2,Sl = (3)

(1 - r&e,s2)(l - rs22.d

If EV and REV are not significantly different, one should accept the null hypothesis that any difference between S2-Maze and Sl-Maze pattern similarity should be attributed to chance. When these mea- sures were applied to eight recording sessions in ACB, however, a significant difference was found (Fig. 3; EV = 9.2f3.3% versus REV = 1.7 f0.6%; P < 0.02 according to Wilcoxon’s matched-pairs signed rank test). Specific association of ACB reac- tivation with different stages of sleep awaits further investigation.

If the hypothesis is true that the hippocampus acts as an initiator of reactivation and the ACB acts as a ‘follower structure’, we predict that ripple-associated reactivation in the hippocampus precedes, on aver- age, reactivation in ACB. Although this prediction has not yet been tested, the combination of ACB ensemble recordings with hippocampal EEG record- ings allowed us to test whether the firing rates of ACB neurons are modulated by the occurrence of

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P < 0.02 I I

Normal (forward) Reverse (backward)

(r2Maze,S21S1) (r2Maze,S1 152) Fig. 3. Reactivation of ensemble firing patterns in nucleus ac- cumbens. The explained variance was computed as explained in the main text. Briefly, the normal (forward) explained variance is a measure of reactivation, because it quantifies the pattern similarity between the behavioral phase (‘Maze’) and subse- quent sleep (‘S2’), correcting for any preexisting influences as visible during prebehavioral sleep (‘Sl’). With ‘pattern’ we de- note the matrix of cross-correlation coefficients of cell pairs in the recorded population. In contrast, the reverse (backward) ex- plained variance is a statistical control measure, which assesses the pattern similarity in the reverse temporal direction. It quan- tifies the pattern similarity between ‘Maze’ and Sl, correcting for any correlation patterns visible during S2. Both measures are based on the same three matrices of cross-correlation co- efficients. If these two measures are not significantly different, then it remains possible that pattern similarity between Maze and S2 is due to chance occurrences. This null hypothesis can be rejected at P cc 0.02 (Wilcoxon’s matched-pairs signed rank test; n = 8 sessions).

hippocampal ripples. Indeed, we found strong ex- citatory, inhibitory or biphasic excitatory-inhibitory firing rate modulations in close temporal associa- tion with hippocampal ripples in a subset (ranging from 20-40s) of ACB neurons. It is not yet known whether this subset accounts for a large part of the reactivation as gauged by our EV and REV mea- sures. Nevertheless, the exciting perspective emerg- ing from these ensemble recording studies is that ripples may not only define narrow time windows in which hippocampal retrieval of specific behavioral

events occurs, but may also represent ‘information vehicles’ traveling from the hippocampal areas CA3 and CA1 and the subiculum, to target structures such as ACB, triggering reactivation at these sites. This working hypothesis is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Finally, after having considered reactivation in hippocampus, neocortex and ventral striatum, one may wonder whether this phenomenon may be gen- erally present throughout the brain during sleep and may not be specific for brain areas involved in learning. Hoffman et al. (2001) presented evidence from monkey neocortex arguing against such a gen- eral, non-specific reactivation, because they failed to observe reactivation in the dorsal prefrontal cortex whereas the somatosensory and motor cortex did reactivate.

Different sleep phases, difSerent learning?

The multi-neuron recording studies reviewed above, notable for their high time resolution, offer evidence for a temporally specific recurrence of ensemble firing patterns in hippocampus, neocortex and ven- tral striatum during resting and sleep. Despite their sophistication and ability to reveal natural modes of information processing, they cannot answer the question on the causal relevance of this phenomenon for memory formation. No tools are currently known to disrupt precisely this phenomenon without af- fecting other physiological processes associated with sleep. In an attempt to bridge the large gap between these studies in rats and those conducted in humans, we will briefly summarize some recent literature on contributions by specific sleep stages to memory consolidation.

Studies aiming to manipulate specific sleep stages have primarily focussed on REM sleep deprivation both in humans and rats. In the past, animal studies have made extensive use of the platform depriva- tion technique, which exploits the fact that animals lose their muscular tone during REM sleep and thus will slide into the water surrounding the platform (Vimont-Vicary et al., 1966; Fishbein and Gutwein, 1977; Smith, 1985). This approach has been met with equally extensive criticisms because of con- founding effects of stress and related motivational and emotional changes, such as anxiety, irritabil- ity and general activity levels (Vertes and Eastman,

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Fig. 4. Hypothesis on the role of the hippocampal formation in triggering reactivation in neocortex and ventral striatum. Reactivation is postulated to originate spontaneously within the hippocampal formation. Owing to its recurrent associative connections and burst- generating capacities, area CA3 may constitute the site where ripple-associated reactivation is initiated, although external control is also possible. Following propagation to area CA1 and the subiculum, ripple-associated hippocampal output modulates ensemble activity both in neocortex and accumbens and thereby drives these structures into the appropriate state for spontaneous reactivation a.s well. Abbreviations: AC, anterior commissure; ACB, nucleus accumbens; DG, dentate gyrus; S, subiculum; TH, thalamic complex.

2000; Siegel, 2001). Although REM sleep depriva- tion studies in humans can be liable to the same critique, the more recent study by Karni et al. (1994) on visual discrimination learning and REM sleep included two important control procedures, making non-specific confounding effects of the deprivation procedure less likely. Whereas performance on this procedural learning task improved after a regular night of sleep, no learning effect occurred after REM sleep deprivation during a comparable sleep interval. In one control procedure, improvement was shown to occur when SWS was disrupted, which would also be expected to cause side effects such as stress. Sec- ondly, performance of a well-established task was

not affected by REM sleep deprivation. However, it remains possible that an interaction between REM sleep and stress caused a learning impairment.

Using a slightly modified version of the per- ceptual skill learning task of Karni et al. (1994), Stickgold et al. (2OOOa) adopted a correlational, non- intervening approach in humans and found overnight improvement in task performance to be proportional to the amount of SWS in the first quarter of the night and to the amount of REM sleep in the last quar- ter (Fig. 5A). The product of these two parameters was highly correlated to performance improvement (Fig. 5B). Essentially, these results do not contradict the results of Kami et al. (1994) but rather extend

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1 2 3 4 - 0 50 loo 150 200

Quartile SWS, x REM, (% x %) Fig. 5. Correlations between early-night slow-wave sleep and late-night REM sleep with visual discrimination learning. (A) the Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value) between the relative amount of slow-wave sleep and overnight task improvement is plotted as a function of the consecutive quartiles of the total overnight sleep period (black squares). The same applies to the correlation between the relative amount of REM sleep and overnight task improvement (open circles). Heavy- and light-dashed lines indicate significance levels of 0.05 (r > 0.57) and 0.01 (r Y 0.71), respectively. Overnight task improvement is found to correlate significantly with slow-wave sleep during the first quartile of the night and with REM sleep during the last quartile. (B) if the improvement on the task is plotted as a function of the product of the relative amounts of slow-wave sleep in the first quartile (SWSr) and REM sleep in the fourth quartile (REW), a strong positive correlation is obtained (r = 0.89; P < 0.0001). This suggests a two-step model of memory consolidation during sleep. (From Stickgold, 1998. Reproduced with permission.)

their hypothesis by suggesting a two-step process depending on SWS in the early night and REM sleep in the late night as being critical for memory for- mation. In a complementary sleep deprivation study in humans, Stickgold et al. (2000b) showed that per- formance gradually increased across the first four day-night cycles after training, whereas no signifi- cant gain in learning was seen when subjects were deprived of sleep the first night after training and were tested following two nights of recovery sleep. Whereas these results control for non-specific con- sequences of sleep loss immediately before testing, it remains possible that such effects interacted with the consolidation process in the first night after train- ing. While it is difficult to decide whether learning is actively supported by sleep or rather is permitted by the avoidance of stress in post-training stages, the results from Stickgold et al’s correlational study (2000a) would favor a beneficial role for sleep itself.

A study by Gais et al. (2000) on the same vi- sual discrimination task produced results strikingly parallel to those of Stickgold et al. (2000a). In- stead of adopting the method of Karni et al. (1994) to disrupt REM sleep episodes shortly after their onset, which may lead to substantial sleep fragmen- tation and emotional disturbance, Gais et al. (2000)

deprived subjects of much larger blocks of sleep ei- ther in the early night (enriched with SWS) or late night (enriched with REM sleep), or across a full night. Effects of circadian timing on consolidation or testing were controlled for. No improvement was seen upon early night sleep deprivation, whereas late night deprivation produced only a minor gain in performance, clearly smaller than the effect of a full night’s sleep. Thus, REM-enriched, late night sleep on its own appeared insufficient for learning. These findings also support a two-step consolidation process during sleep, prompted by SWS and car- ried further by a second stage of late REM sleep, which is only effective if early sleep has occurred. However, the results do not rule out the possibil- ity that early-night REM or late-night SWS may be important despite their lower prominence. It is not clear how the discrepancy concerning the necessity of SWS between the studies of Karni et al. (1994) and Gais et al. (2000) should be explained, although it is possible that the short period (about 30 min) of SWS remaining intact in the study of Kami et al. (1994) may have been sufficient for initiation of consolidation. In rats, SWS- and ripple-associated reactivation is most clear within the first 30 min af- ter a behavioral experience (Kudrimoti et al., 1999).

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It remains to be examined whether the results on the visual discrimination task can be generalized to others forms of skill learning.

As compared to procedural learning, less is known about the sleep dependence of declarative memory consolidation. Whereas some declarative memory tasks in humans failed to reveal a require- ment for sleep, two recent studies argue in favor of such a dependence. Recall on a declarative paired- associate task after early or late night sleep depri- vation was compared to recall on a mirror-tracing task. Improvement on the declarative memory task showed dependence on early night sleep, whereas procedural performance improved particularly when late night sleep was intact (Plihal and Born, 1997). In their study from 1999, using a similar experi- mental design, Plihal and Born found superior re- call of spatial memory (in a mental spatial rotation task) after an early night sleep period as compared to the late night, whereas the opposite held for a non-declarative memory task (wordstem priming). Because early and late sleep retention intervals are enriched with SWS and REM sleep, respectively, these results suggest that SWS supports consolida- tion of declarative memory while REM sleep fa- cilitates non-declarative memory (Plihal and Born, 1999). This suggestion becomes even more tempting when recalling that reactivation in the rat hippocam- pus is especially associated with SWS and ripple episodes (Kudrimoti et al., 1999). However, slow hippocampal replay of often rehearsed behavioral experiences during REM sleep remains a distinct possibility (Louie and Wilson, 2001). Smith and Rose (1997) compared performance of rats on two versions of the Morris water maze: one (spatial) version with a hidden platform and one (visually guided) version with a visible platform. REM sleep deprivation was found to impair performance in the spatial, hippocampus-dependent version but not the visually guided, striatum-dependent task.

More types of declarative memory will have to be tested before generalizing conclusions can be drawn. Further studies should also take into account that: (1) the dependence on SWS may be restricted to a rather narrow time window during the early phase of sleep, considering the decay of SWS-associated re- activation in the hippocampus; and (2) the parameter critical for consolidation may not be SWS per se, but

rather the repetitive occurrence of ripple episodes, which also occur during quiet wakefulness.

In summary, recent studies in humans and rats support the concept that certain forms of procedural learning depend on a sequential memory processing during early night, SWS-enriched sleep followed by a later, REM-enriched sleep period. Certain forms of spatial and declarative memory show dependence on early sleep periods predominated by SWS and asso- ciated with hippocampal reactivation, possibly with additional dependence on subsequent REM sleep (Fig. 6). -

Synthesis: three-phase hypothesis of memory consolidation

Before attempting to integrate the data reviewed above, ranging from human cognition to single- neuron firing, we wish to draw attention to some recent studies on cue-triggered memory reactivation in the awake state. Behavioral evidence supports the concept that exposure of the awake animal to a cue or a context previously associated with a learning task reactivates memories linked to that task and renders these neural representations fragile and modifiable. If spontaneous reactivation during sleep represents a similar kind of recall, it may be assumed that this process activates the same synaptic matrices as dur- ing waking, and thereby renders them modifiable as well. As in the awake case, this modifiability may be presumed to allow reinforcement of initially weak representations by repeated replay and updating of older memories to match the current situation more precisely.

Przybyslawski and Sara (1997) first overtrained rats on a radial arm maze task. At a dose which had no effect on overt behavior, pretrial injection of MK-801 disrupted well-trained performance of this task. In line with the concept of memory reconsoli- dation, they also found a persisting behavioral deficit (i.e. increased number of errors to find the three baited alleys) on a drug-free performance test 24 h after MK-801 injection. The temporal window for observing these amnestic drug effects comprised the first 2 h following the trial, thus indicating the pe- riod during which NMDA receptor activity would be required for reconsolidation. Although the injections were given systemically, it is reasonable to assume

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Macroscopic state Cellular Processes

Phase 1: Awake state Initial storage

Phase 2: SIow-wave sleep: I Fast replay during ripples Short-term consolidation

Phase 3: REM sleep:


High ACh activity Old/new memory selection Further consolidation

NMDA-R dependent synaptic plasticity

Muscarinic-R and PLC/PKC mediated effects on synaptic plasticity

Fig. 6. Three-phase hypothesis of memory consolidation. On the left-hand side, macroscopic brain states are represented. On the right-hand side, the corresponding cellular processes are outlined. The first stage of consolidation takes place during the actual behavioral experience in the awake state. Little is known about the cellular processes underlying this initial storage process. The second stage is marked by the prominence of slow-wave sleep and associated hippocampal ripples. This second stage may already begin before the actual onset of slow-wave sleep, because ripples are also found during behavioral immobility and consummatory behavior in the awake state. Fast replay during high-frequency ripples may give rise to NMDA-receptor dependent synaptic weight changes in the hippocampus and its target areas, supporting short-term, consolidation. The hallmark of the third phase is REM sleep, with its prominent muscarinic receptor-dependent theta rhythm. This phase may serve to further strengthen consolidated memory traces, integrate and replay larger segments of behavioral information, and select newer versus older memory traces at the level of hippocampal output. The biochemical cascade activated by muscarinic receptors may support those forms of plasticity subserving these macroscopic processes. The hypothesis is based on data from correlative as well as interventional studies on sleep in humans, data from unit recordings and interventional studies on sleep in rats and in vitro electrophysiological studies on long-term potentiation and other forms of synaptic plasticity.

that the hippocampus was critically affected. Fur- thermore, the exact wake/sleep state of the animal in the posttrial period was not documented in Przy- byslawski and Sara (1997), but very likely involved resting and/or sleeping in the home cage (personal communication). The results with MK-801 contrast to those with intracranially applied b-(noradrenergic) receptor blocker, which caused amnestic effects not earlier than 60 min post-training (Roullet and Sara, 1998).

Combined with the human data and the rat studies on spontaneous reactivation, these findings permit us to outline a three-phase hypothesis of memory consolidation. It should be noted that much of the neurophysiological evidence supporting this hypoth- esis is derived from studies on declarative/spatial memory and the hypothesis as such is of a heuristic nature. It should also be kept in mind that the hypoth- esis is based on both human and animal literature, and that there are large differences between different

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animal species in sleep architecture, dynamics of in- dividual sleep stages and alternations of wake/sleep episodes throughout the day-night cycle. Such dif- ferences have not yet been accommodated at this rather crude stage of formulation.

The first phase is composed of early, rapid mem- ory storage during and just after the relevant behav- ioral experience occurred (McGaugh, 1966; Fig. 6). Surprisingly, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this phase. Experiments by Miller and Springer (1971) suggest that at least temporary rep- resentations associated with passive avoidance be- havior with a footshock as unconditioned stimulus can be formed within seconds after training. They exposed rats to a single training trial and adminis- tered electroconvulsive shock 10 s after footshock onset. Performance was found intact when tested 15 min later, but not with longer delays in testing. Thus, the initial memory may be formed rapidly, seems relatively resilient to a massively disruptive stimulus but is nonetheless transient in nature. It has proven difficult so far to investigate specific re- ceptor and transduction signaling pathways involved in this acute awake phase, because manipulations by drug infusion often extend beyond the immedi- ate learning phase. Taking this restriction into ac- count, NMDA receptors may mediate some aspects of early hippocampus-dependent memory but not others (Riedel et al., 1999; Steele and Morris, 1999; Zamanillo et al., 1999; Huerta et al., 2000).

The second phase is postulated to span the pe- riod of off-line processing during rest/sleep periods directly after training. This period is predominated by SWS and, within the hippocampus, by ripple- associated replay of memory representations. Neo- cortical and striatal target areas are modulated by these ripples and/or the events underlying the trig- gering of ripples (Battaglia et al., 2001; Pennartz et al., 2001). Possibly, ripples draw these areas into a state of reactivation. The findings of Przybyslawski and Sara (1997) argue for a strong NMDA receptor dependence at this stage. Tentatively, this can be ex- plained by recalling that ripples are rather massive high-frequency (-200 Hz) population discharges, resembling bursts of tetanic stimulation having been shown to induce NMDA-receptor dependent LTP in in vitro studies (Buzs&i et al., 1987; Staubli and Lynch, 1987; Larson and Lynch, 1988). Al-

though hippocampal ensemble reactivation is still observed after NMDA receptor blockade (Ekstrom et al., 2000), we hypothesize that the consequence of ripple-associated reactivation is affected by this treatment. This consequence holds that the synaptic interfaces targeted by those hippocampal population subsets selectively engaged in high-frequency reac- tivation bursts will be modified to strengthen the associative storage of new memories. From the per- spective of area CAl, the main direct targets would include the subiculum, entorhinal and perirhinal cor- tices, ventral striatum, whereas associative neocorti- cal areas, including cingulate cortex, and the amyg- daloid complex may be reconfigured by polysynaptic projections (cf. Gabriel, 1990).

In rats, SWS-associated replay and consolidation decays across about 30-60 min, but is hypothe- sized to leave behind a reinforced set of cell assem- blies that are capable of more prolonged reactivation, amongst others during REM sleep. This constitutes the third phase of consolidation. Possibly, REM re- play occurs at a slower time scale than SWS replay and may involve larger time segments of behavioral records (Louie and Wilson, 2001). One of the hall- marks of REM sleep, theta activity, strongly depends on activation of the cholinergic system and may sub- serve two functions: (1) selective strengthening of newly acquired behavioral records at the expense of others, due to shifting of phase relationships between firing patterns and the theta cycle, and concomitant shifts in LTP/LTD induction (Poe et al., 2000); (2) general support for synaptic plasticity by activation of muscarinic receptor signaling pathways involving G-proteins, IP3, phospholipase C, protein kinase C and A (Metherate et al., 1987; Auerbach and Segal, 1994; Kirkwood et al., 1999; Graves et al., 2001).

The hypothesized sequential dependence of con- solidation on early ripple-associated processing, prominently but not exclusively occurring during SWS, and later REM sleep, is consistent with the aforementioned correlational and interventional studies on visual discrimination learning in hu- mans (Gais et al., 2000; Stickgold et al., 2000a). These and other studies have indeed prompted simi- lar hypotheses emphasizing sequential consolidation stages (Giuditta et al., 1995; Stickgold et al., 2001) viewed from a more global, psychological angle rather than from a cellular and network perspec-

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tive. The question whether a sequential scheme also holds for declarative memory must await experimen- tal scrutiny in the future. It should be recalled that SWS and REM sleep can alternate within larger sleep epochs, and it may well be that natural SWS- REM sequences are repeated cyclically during a full night’s sleep. Finally, previous proposals favoring REM sleep as a hippocampal ‘read/storage’ mode and SWS as a ‘send/retrieval’ mode (cf. Buzsaki, 1989) also deserve further scrutiny.

Conclusions and future perspectives

Clearly, the hypothesis advanced above must be re- garded as a heuristic working model rather than an established theory. In this review, we have at- tempted to forge links between our knowledge of synaptic plasticity and neuronal population dynam- ics on the one hand and macroscopic behavioral- cognitive phenomena on the other hand. This cannot be done unless inference and speculation is admitted on some points, and these are precisely the points calling for further investigation. First, the causal rel- evance of cortical and striatal ensemble reactivation for memory consolidation awaits further study. A difficult problem will be to examine the contribu- tion by isolated brain regions in a time-restricted way, so that distinctions between the contributions of various sleep phases can be made in an anatom- ically specific, stress-free manner. Reactivation in neocortical regions and ventral striatum has been demonstrated, and we know that activity in these structures targeted directly or indirectly by the hip- pocampus is modulated in close association with hippocampal ripples. Reactivation is not restricted to a hippocampal-neocortical dialogue. Much remains to be learned, however, about the precise modes of information transfer between areas, and how puta- tive hippocampal traces may be disseminated, in a parallel-distributed fashion, to other areas (Treves and Rolls, 1994; McNaughton et al., 2002). An- other gap in our knowledge concerns the possible dependence of REM sleep processing on preced- ing SW& and the question whether results from perceptual skill tasks can be generalized to declara- tive memory and motor skills. What are the critical steps during SWS and other early ‘off-line’ process- ing stages that would be required to make subse-

quent REM sleep effective for further consolidation? Finally, prolonged research efforts will be needed to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying different consolidation phases, not only paying the traditional attention to NMDA receptor- dependent LTP but also to alternative mechanisms.


This work was supported by PHS Grant MH46823 to B.L.M., NATO collaborative Grant CRG 972196 and HFSPO Grant RGP 0127 to C.M.A.P. and B.L.M. and the Graduate School Neurosciences Amsterdam. We would like to thank J. Verheul for her comments on this review.


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