Титульный лист программы дисциплины (SYLLABUS) Ф СО ПГУ 7.18.4/19 Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан Павлодарский государственный университет им. С. Торайгырова Кафедра География и туризм ПРОГРАММА ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ (SYLLABUS) Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык Павлодар, 2013 г.

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Титульный листпрограммы дисциплины


Ф СО ПГУ 7.18.4/19

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Павлодарский государственный университет им. С. Торайгырова

Кафедра География и туризм


Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык

Павлодар, 2013 г.

Лист утвержденияпрограмма дисциплины


Ф СО ПГУ 7.18.4/19

УТВЕРЖДАЮДекан факультета ФХТиЕ___________ К.К.Ахметов«___»_____________20__г.

Составитель:____________старший преподаватель Чашина Б.А.

Программа дисциплины (Syllabus)

Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный языкдля студентов очной формы обучения специальности 5В060900-География

Программа разработана на основании рабочей учебной программы,утверждённой «___» _________20__г.

Рекомендована на заседании кафедры от «___»____________20__г. Протокол №_____.

Заведующий кафедрой ____________ Д.Д. Есимова «____» ________20__г.

Одобрена учебно-методическим советом ФХТиЕ «____»______________20__г. Протокол №____

Председатель УМС факультета________Ю.М.Каниболоцкая «__» ____20__г.

1. Паспорт учебной дисциплины

Наименование дисциплины Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный языкКоличество кредитов и сроки изученияВсего – 2 кредитаКурс: 2Семестр: 4Всего аудиторных занятий – 30 часов Практические /семинарские занятия – 30 часовСРС – 60 часовв том числе СРСП – 15 часовОбщая трудоемкость - 90 часовФорма контроляЭкзамен – 4 семестр1. Пререквизиты: Для освоения данной дисциплины необходимы знания, умения и

навыки, приобретенные при изучении следующих дисциплин: практический курсиностранного языка в университете языковой компетенции согласно уровню В1, введение вспециальность.

2. Постреквизиты: методика преподавания географии и экологии, педагогическаяпрактика

2. Сведения о преподавателях и контактная информацияФ.И.О. Чашина Бибигуль АскаровнаУчёная степень, звание, должность: магистр географии, старший преподавательКафедра «География и туризм», аудитория 313, телефон: 87182-67-36-85 (вн.12-77), Е-mail: [email protected]

3. Предмет, цели и задачиЦель дисциплины – формировать профессиональную иноязычную речь позволяющую

реализовывать различные аспекты профессиональной деятельности будущих специалистов дляповышения уровня профессиональной компетенции специалиста.

В основе целевой установки курса «Профессионально-ориентированного иностранногоязыка» лежит обучение студентов речевому общению на иностранном языке в пределахтематики, предусмотренной программой, оказание студентам помощи в осмыслении правил,подчиняющих своему действию использование грамматических, лексических и структурныхмоделей в реальном речевом контексте. Это предполагает:

- ознакомление студентов с различными регистрами и функциональными стилямисовременного иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности;

- формирование и развитие коммуникативной компетенции (лингвистической,социолингвистической, социокультурной, стратегической, дискурсивной и прагматической),необходимой для профессиональной деятельности;

- формирование достаточного уровня владения профессиональным иностраннымязыком для осуществления письменного и устного информационного обмена, чтопредполагает отработку коммуникативных навыков, дальнейшее развитие всех 4 видовречевой деятельности (чтения, письма, аудирования и говорения - монологической идиалогической речи), а также систематическое расширение активного профессиональногословаря;

- приобщение студентов к самостоятельной исследовательской работе над языком,развитие у студентов аналитического подхода к изучаемым языковым явлениям путемсопоставления их с соответствующими явлениями родного языка.

Наряду с языковой подготовкой курс ставит образовательные и воспитательные цели:расширение кругозора студентов, повышение уровня культуры мышления, общения и речи,воспитания уважения к духовным ценностям других народов.

4. Требования к знаниям, умениям, навыкам и компетенциямСтудент должен знать:- структуру и основы построения письменных и устных текстов по профессиональной

тематике;- правила речевого поведения в соответствии с ситуациями профессионального

общения в зависимости от стиля и характера общения в социально-бытовой и академическойсферах.

уметь:- вести диалог делового характера в профессиональных сферах; - передавать содержание прочитанного и услышанного текста, уметь аннотировать и

реферировать аутентичные научно-популярные статьи, тексты и монографии;- составлять деловую корреспонденцию (резюме, автобиографию, деловые письма,

эссе);- расширять глоссарий профессиональной терминологии;- делать сообщения по теме в виде обзорного реферата или доклада, содержащие

личную оценку и аргументацию; участвовать в дискуссии, требующей предварительного сбораи обработки фактов;

- вести презентации, деловые встречи, переговоры, дискуссии;- составлять научные статьи профессионального характера.иметь опыт:- конструктивного диалога с целью достижения наибольшей эффективности

поставленной цели;- подготовки проектных заданий на иностранном языке;- работы с Интернет-сайтами на иностранном языке.При изучении дисциплины «Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык»

формируются следующие компетенции:

общие:- логико-структурная целостность;- владение предметным содержанием речи;- лингвистическая корректность речи.профессиональные:- реализация коммуникативного замысла.- владение профессиональным языком.- чтение и понимание аутентичной литературы для специальных целей;- ведение дебатов, дискуссий по специальной тематике.

5 Тематический план изучения дисциплиныРаспределение академических часов по видам занятий


Наименование тем Практ. СРС

1 Международные контакты и их роль в жизни современного специалиста.

2 4

2Встречи, договоренности, телефонный разговор. Переговоры, профессиональные дебаты, презентации, конференции.

2 4


Деловая переписка (резюме, сопроводительное письмо; рекомендательное письмо; рекламации, просьбы, запрос информации, письмо – подтверждение, заказы, контракты и т.д.).

2 4

4Международные программы и проекты. Международное сотрудничество вуза.

2 4

5 Введение в географию 2 5

6Мировое хозяйство: определение, основные понятия и терминология

2 5

7 Методы экономико-географических исследовании 2 5

8Фундаментальные категории, концепции и теории экономической, социальной и политической географии

2 5

9Экономико-географическое изучение компонентов природной среды и хозяйства

3 5

10 Социально-демографический и хозяйственный потенциал 3 511 Территориальное разделение труда 3 5

12Глобальные проблемы человечества и задачи экономической и социальной географии в их исследовании

3 5

13 Текущий контроль 2 4ИТОГО: 30 60

7. Содержание практических занятий, их объем в часахТема 1. Международные контакты и их роль в жизни современного специалиста (2

часа)План: 1. Понятие международных контактов2. Требования, предъявляемые к современным специалистам3. Компетенции современного специалистаМетодические указания:Овладеть лексическим материалом, необходимым для описания значимых

международных контактов, основных видов международных контактов и их воздействия нажизнь современного специалиста (положительные и отрицательные черты). Необходимоповторить следующий грамматический материал:

временные формы глагола (активный залог);

временные формы глагола (пассивный залог); сравнительные конструкции. Литература: (1, 2, 3)

Тема 2. Встречи, договоренности, телефонный разговор. Переговоры,профессиональные дебаты, презентации, конференции (2 часа)

План: 1. Диалоговые жанры в деловом общении2. Деловой разговор и деловая беседа3. Особенности телефонного разговораМетодические указания:Овладеть лексическим материалом, необходимым для описания значимых видов

деловых форм общения, основных видов диалоговых жанров и их особенностей. Необходимоповторить следующий грамматический материал:

спряжения глаголов; порядок слов в предложенииЛитература: (1, 2, 6, 7)

Тема 3. Деловая переписка (резюме, сопроводительное письмо; рекомендательноеписьмо; рекламации, просьбы, запрос информации, письмо – подтверждение, заказы,контракты и т.д.) (2 часа)

План: 1. Составление резюме2. Составление рекомендательного письма3. Составление иных видов деловой документацииМетодические указания:Овладеть лексическим материалом, необходимым для составления документации

деловой переписки (резюме, сопроводительное письмо; рекомендательное письмо;рекламации, просьбы, запрос информации, письмо – подтверждение, заказы, контракты и т.д.).

Литература: (2, 7, 8, 9)

Тема 4. Международные программы и проекты. Международное сотрудничество вуза(2 часа)

План: 1. Международные программы и проекты2. Международное сотрудничество вуза3. Международное сотрудничество ПГУ им. С. ТорайгыроваМетодические указания:Овладеть лексическим материалом, необходимым для описания международных

программ и проектов, международного сотрудничества вузов. Литература: (1, 2, 3)

Тема 5. Введение в географию (2 часа)1 Practice the reading of the following words:feature [´fI:t∫ə] measurement [´meʒəmənt]climate [´klaImət] latitude [´lætItju:d]to appreciate [ə´prI:∫IəIt] longitude [´lɔndʒItju:d]famine [´fæmIn] to emerge [I´mə:dʒ]flood [flʌd] ancient [´eIn∫ənt]to emphasize [´emfəsaIz] observation [ ِ ɔbzə´veI∫n]height [haIt] knowledge [´nɔlIdʒ]plot [plɔt] increasingly [in´krI:sIƞlI]data [´deItə] pl or datum [´deItəm] emphasis [´emfəsIs]2 Check if you remember the meaning of the following words:

surface, scientific, relationship, environmental problems, plain, influence, since, science, anumber of, to dedicate, to create, to found.

3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:see, saw, has seen; combine, combined, has combined; helps, was helped, are helped; use,

used, can be used, are being used; show, are shown, have shown, is being shown; examine, examined,were examined, will be examined; include, is included, was included.

4 Give the initial forms of the following words:resources, boundaries, remaining, centuries, brought, advancing, emphases, people’s, easier,

began, improving, data.Text

Geography: its tools, history and developmentThe scientific study of the surface of the Earth is known as geography. The word

comes from the green words “geo”, meaning “earth”, and “graphein”, meaning “to write”. Expertswho study geography are known as geographers. Today most of them are interested not only in theEarth’s physical features – its landforms, climate, vegetation, and soils – but also in the people wholove on the planet – what they do, what they produce and now they live.

Geography helps make the worlds more understandable. Through its study, people can betterappreciate the great variety of the Earth’s land and people as well as the complex relationshipbetween the two. Geography can be used to manage natural resources, to explain disasters such asfloods and famines and to find the causes of environmental problems such as pollution, among manyother things.

The main toll used by geographers is the map. Mapmakers or cartographers displaygeographic information in a visual way. Political maps emphasize natural features such as mountains,plains, rivers and lakes. Heights of the land above sea level are shown on relief maps. Maps showingthe types of minerals or soils in a region are known as geological maps. Other kinds of maps are used,to plot a vast range of physical, biological, historical, economic, political and social data.

To help locate places on the face of the Earth, geographers use a system of measurementscalled latitude and longitude. Latitude measures the distance of a place above or below an imaginaryline called the equator. Longitude measures distance east or west of a line called the Greenwich, orprime meridian. The latitude and longitude of a place are expressed in numbers representing degrees,minutes and seconds.

Geography emerged as a field of study in ancient Greece. In the 5th century B.C. the greenhistorian Herodotus made detailed observations of his travels. The green geographer and historianStrabo wrote a 17-volume summary of classical knowledge about geography. The first two booksfocused on the aims and methods of geography. The remaining volumes examined the geography ofcountries and peoples of the ancient world.

Germans took the lead in advancing geography as an Academic study. Alexander vonHumbolt traveled throughout South and Central America between 1799 and 1804 and made detailedmeasurements of physical features, population, trade, resources and their relationships. His emphasison direct observation and accurate measurements laid the groundwork for modern geography.Humbolt and another German, Carl Ritter, were among the first to teach geography as a science.

As departments of geography arose in universities, interest in the science grew. A number ofcountries created professional associations dedicated to geography, including France in 1821 andGermany in 1828. The Royal geographic Society was founded in England in 1830 and the Americangeographical Society began in the United States in 1851.

In the late 20th century geography became increasingly specialized. Although geography hasalways combined the work of many fields of study, today’s geographer is more likely to be an expertin only one aspect than in the subject as a whole.

Geography has also seen a growing emphasis on the relationship between humans and theEarth. Many geographers began to apply their knowledge to problems such as pollution, poverty, andhunger. They aimed at improving both the environment and people’s quality of life.Geographers in all specialties have benefited from modern technology. Aerial photography andartificial satellites have offered new ways to collect information about the Earth. And computers haveenabled geographers to handle masses of data and their analysis much easier than in times past.

5 Read the text and find the answers to the questions:1) What is geography?2) Where does the word “geography” come from?3) What are geographers interested in?4) What can geography be used to?5) What is the main tool of geographers?6) What kinds of maps are there?7) Geographers use a system of measurements, don’t they?8) Where did geography emerge?9) Who laid the groundwork for modern geography?10) What problems did geographers begin to apply their knowledge to in the late 20th

century?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:1) The word “geography” comes from the Italian words “geo” and “graphein”.1) Due to geography people can better appreciate the great variety of the Earth’s land and

people as well as well as the complex relationship between the two.2) Heights of the land above sea level are shown on physical maps.3) Geographers use a system of measurements called latitude and longitude to help locate

places on the face of the Earth.4) Longitude measures the distance of a place above or below an imaginary line called the

equator.5) Herodotus wrote a 17 – volume summary of classical knowledge about geography.6) In the late 20th century geographers aimed at improving both the environment and people’s

quality of life.7 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) Political maps (emphasizes, are emphasized, emphasize) the location and boundaries of

political units such as nations and states.2) In the 5th century BC the green historian Herodotus (was made, makes, is making, made)

detailed observations of his travels.3) Humbolt and Carl Ritter (is, are, were, have been) among the first to teach geography as a

science.4) A number of countries (create, created, were created) professional associations dedicated to

geography in the 19th century.5) Many geographers (begin, began, has begun) to apply their knowledge to problems such as

pollution, poverty and hunger.6) Geographers (benefited, benefits, have benefited) from modern technology. 7) In the late 20th century geography (becomes, has become, became) increasingly specialized.

Тема 6. Мировое хозяйство: определение, основные понятия и терминология (2 часа)

1 Practice the reading of the following words:measurement [´meʒəmənt] component [kəm´pounent]foresight [´fɔ:saIt] to exceed [IksI:d]depletion [dIplI∫n] desease [dI:´zI:z]survival [sə´vəIvəl] sanitation [sænI´teI∫n]to require [rI´kwəIə] to worsen [´wə:sn]replenishment [rI´plenI∫ment] pasture [´pæst∫ə]forestry [´fɔrIstrI]2 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:is recognized, was required, will call on, is learning, has offered, is being done, will worsen,

can be depleted, became desert, was destroying, have exploded.3 Give the initial forms of the following words:divided, better, charting, surprising, practices, became, boundaries, requires, found, poorer,


TextWhat is environmental Science?

What is environmental Science? To understand the term, take each word separately. The word environmental refers broadly to everything around us: the air, the water and theland as well as the plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit them. Science of course, refers toa body of knowledge about the world and all its parts. It is also a method for finding information.Science seeks exactness through measurement, insight through close observation and foresightthrough its theories.

Environmental Science came into existence as a recognized discipline to cope with the vastproblems such as overpopulation, recourse depletion and pollution. It has become a key tool in oursurvival. Modern environmental Science is aimed at helping us control our own actions in the naturalworld to avoid irreparable damage. In this sense environmental science means learning to masterourselves…

To solve the highly complex problems of overpopulation, resource depletion, and pollutionrequires knowledge of many scientific fields. Environmental Science dells on chemistry, biology,geology and many other disciplines including sociology, climatology, anthropology, forestry andagriculture. Environmental Science offers an integral view of the world and our part in itEnvironmental Science is the study of the environment its living and nonliving components and theinteraction’s of these components. By choice it focuses on many ways that humans affect theenvironment and the ways our actions come back to haunt us. Crossing many traditional boundaries itattempts to find answers to complex, interrelated problems of population, resources, and of humanity.The environmental crisis can be divided into three main categories: overpopulation, depletion andpollution. In 1990 the world’s population exceeded 5.3 billion and it was increasing at a rate 1.7percent a year.

The explosion of world population is an outgrowth of the industrial age. Three key factors ofthat situation are: increased food production, disease control, and better sanitation. As a result,population worldwide has exploded. Most experts agree that it will grow especially in the poorernations and the problems of depletion and pollution will worsen. The earth’s supply of non-renewableresources such as oil, silver, and coal is finite or limited. Many of us will see the end of the oil supply within our lives. It’s high time forcharting new paths, converting to renewable fuels, and practicing conservation, but little is beingdone to make the needed changes on the scale required.

Even renewable resources, which have the capacity to regenerate, can be depleted if demandexceeds replenishment. In the USA excessive demand and poor land management practices arecurrently destroying the land at the surprising rate, depleting a crucial renewable resource. Two of themajor problems are erosion and desertification. Worldwide, 6 million hectares of cropland, pasturebecome desert each year.

4 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) What is necessary to understand the term environmental Science?2) How does science seek exactness?3) Why has environmental Science become a key tool in our survival?4) Why is it necessary to have knowledge of many scientific fields for solving complex

environmental problems?5) What categories can environmental crisis be divided into?6) What is the reason of the explosion of world’s population?7) Where does population grow especially?8) Is the depletion of crucial renewable resources dangerous for mankind?5 Say whether the following statements are true or false?1) Science refers to a body of knowledge about the world and all its parts.1) Environmental Science does not mean learning to master ourselves.2) Environmental Science studies only nonliving components of our planet.3) Environmental crisis can be divided into two categories.4) In 1990 the world’s population exceeded 7 billion.5) The population grows especially in rich countries.

6) Worlds wide, 6 million hectares of croplands become desert each year.6 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) The word environment … (is referred, refers, referring) to everything around us.2) Environmental Science … (was becoming, became, has become) a key tool in our survival.3) Environmental Science … (means, is meaning, has meant) learning to master ourselves.4) The environmental crisis … (divides, can divide, can be divided).5) The problems of depletion and pollution … (had worsen, can be worsen, will worsen).6) Even renewable resources (are depleted, can be depleted, must be depleted).7) In the USA excessive demand and poor land, management practices … (are destroying, are

being destroyed, destroyed).

Тема 7. Методы экономико-географических исследований (2 часа)1 Practice the reading of the following words:meteorologist [ ِ mI:tjərɔ´lɔdʒIst] contaminant [kən´tæmInent]atmospheric [ætmɔ´sferIk] hydroscopic [haIdrɔ´skɔpIk]diffusion [dI´fju:ʒn] droplet [´drɔplIt]visibility [vIzI´bIlItI] evaporate [´IvæpəreIt]liquid [´lIkwId] wastes [´weIsts]gaseous [´gæsjəs] stagnation [stæ´gneI∫n]source [´sɔ:s] layer [´leIə]favourable [´feIvərəbl] precipitation [prI ِ sIpI´teI∫n]2 Check if you remember the meaning of the following verbs:to confront, to increase, to reduce, to create, to heat, to pollute, to observe, to persist, to clear

away, to expect, to wash out, to disseminate.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:has come, comes, is coming, came; reduced, was reduced, is reducing; described, was

describing, can describe; to heat, will heat, it is heated, must heat; polluted, can be polluted, waspolluted, is polluting.

4 Give the initial forms of the following words:factories, sources, damaging, breezes, the most, increased, cities, took, contaminating, types.Text

Atmospheric pollutionProbably the most widespread problem confronting meteorologist is atmospheric pollution

around cities and factories. But it is not the problem of meteorologist alone. Weather and climate are not the cause of air pollution, but atmospheric conditions. They

greatly affect the rate of diffusion of contaminating agents. Air pollution is more common around cities and it has increased with their growth. So it is

evident that it is a man-caused problem. Reduced visibility due to pollution is related to the greaterpeople activity on weekdays. One can locate a distant city by its cap of smoke and log.

There are also some foreign materials in the air in liquid, solid and gaseous forms. Theincrease in pollution has come from many sources. The meteorological effects of pollution are largelyconcerned with visibility and sunshine. Since many contaminants are hydroscopic they create a hazeor fog, further reducing visibility. Moreover, the water droplets thus formed are more stable thannormal cloud droplets and do not evaporate so readily upon being heated. The combination of fog andpollutant has been called smog.

Solar radiation is reduced by polluted air in the daytime, and outgoing radiation is reduced atnight. Chemical reactions among various types of contaminants in the air produce new compounds.And they are more damaging than the original wastes. Certain of these reactions are photochemicalthat is they take place under the effects of sunlight.

It is comparatively easy to observe and describe the effects of atmospheric pollution, but it ismore difficult to explain meteorological conditions favouring the stagnation of polluted air at certaintimes and places. In general, stable air and light winds are conductive to the concentration ofpollutants near the source of contamination. Industrial areas where stable air persists for long periodsare locations for a pollution problem. Temperature inversions are particularly suited to the formation

of lagers of smoke and industrial haze. The most intense smog usually develops when the inversion iswithin 1.500 feet of the ground. Unstable air and strong winds are unfavourable to formation of densesmogs. Local winds, such as mountain and valley breezes, may have a favourable effect in clearingaway polluted air.

The effect of precipitation on local atmospheric pollution is not as great as might be expected.Some materials are washed out by rain, but wind is more effective in cleansing the air during a storm.However much of the material disseminated into the air must eventually be returned to the Earth byprecipitation.

5 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) What is the most widespread problem for meteorologists?1) Where is pollution more common?2) What is reduced visibility related to?3) Why do many contaminants create a haze or a fog?4) Is it difficult to explain meteorological conditions?5) When does the most intense smog develop?6) What is very effective in cleansing the air?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:1) Weather and climate are the cause of air pollution.1) The increase in pollution has than come from one source.2) Water droplets are more stable than cloud droplets.3) Solar radiation is reduced by polluted air in the daytime.4) Unstable air and strong winds are unfavourable to formation of dense smogs.7 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) Air pollution is more common around cities and it – (has increased, will increase, is

increasing).2) The combination of fig and pollutant – (called, was calling, has been called).3) It is comparatively easy – (is observing, observed, to observe) the effects of atmospheric

pollution.4) Unstable air and strong winds – (are, is being, was) unfavourable to formation of dense

smogs.5) Some materials – (washed, washes, are washed) by rain.8 Find the topical sentence of each passage and make a short summary of the text out of

topical sentences.

Тема 8. Фундаментальные категории, концепции и теории экономической, социальнойи политической географии (2 часа)

1 Practice the reading of the following words:to occur [ə´kə:] accidental [ ِ æksI´dentl]harmful [´ha:mfl] poisonous [´pɔIznəs]living beings [´lIvIƞ] [´bI:Iƞ] to penetrate [´penətreIt]environment [In´vaIrənmənt] contaminate [kən´tæmIneIt]to require [rI´kwaIə] to suffer [´sʌfə] to survive [sə´vaIv] sewage [´su:Idʒ]quantity [´kwɔntətI] circumstance [´sə:kəmstəns]fuel [fju:əl] 2 Check if you remember the meaning of the following words:pollution, mostly, stream, underground water, bay, to contain, moderately, to remain, to

absorb, petroleum products, lethal form, exhausts, to cause damage.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:contains, is containing; makes, is making, has made; pollute, polluted, is polluted, are being

polluted; absorb, are absorbed, was absorbed, will have been absorbed; becomes, became, hasbecome; takes, is taken, took.

4 Give the initial forms of the following words:

substances, polluted, classes, warmer, killing, are absorbed, industries, living, broke, smaller,the fifth.

TextWater pollution

Water pollution occurs mostly, when people overload the water environment such as streams,lakes, underground water, bays or seas with wastes or substances harmful to living beings.

Water is necessary for life. All organisms contain it, some drink it and some live in it. Plantsand animals require water that is moderately pure, and they cannot survive, if water contains toxicchemicals or harmful microorganisms. Water pollution kills large quantity offish, birds, and otheranimals, in some cases killing everything in an affected area.

Pollution makes streams, lakes, and coastal waters unpleasant to swim in or to have a rest.Fish and shellfish harvested from polluted waters may be unsafe to eat. People who polluted watercan become ill, if they drink polluted water for a long time, it may develop cancer or hurt their futurechildren.

The major water pollutants are chemical, biological, and physical materials that lesson thewater quality. Pollutants can be separated into several different classes:

The first class is petroleum products: oil, fuel, lubrication, plastics. The petroleum products get into water by accidental spills from ships, tanker trucks and when there are leaks from underground storage tanks. Many petroleum products are poisonous for animals. Spilled oil damages the feathers of birds and the fur of animals, it often causes death.

The second class is pesticides and herbicides. There are chemicals used to kill harmfulanimals and plants. If they penetrate into streams, rivers, lakes, these chemicals can be verydangerous. The chemicals can remain dangerous for a long time. When an animal eats a plant that’sbeen treated with it, the poisons are absorbed into the tissues and organs of the animals. When otheranimals feed on a contaminated animal, the chemicals are passed up to them. As it goes up throughthe food chain, the chemical becomes more harmful, so animals at the top of the food chain maysuffer cancers, reproductive problems, and death.

Nitrates can cause a lethal form of anemia in infants.The third class is heavy metals, such as, mercury, selenium, uranium, radium, cesium, etc.

They get into the water from industries, automobile exhausts, mines, and natural soil. Heavy metalsalso become more harmful as they follow the food chain. They accumulate in living being’s cells andwhen they reach high levels of concentration in the organism, they can be extremely poisonous, orcan result in long-term health problems. They can sometimes cause liver and kidney damage.

The fourth class is fertilizers and other nutrients used to promote plant growth on farms and ingardens.

The fifth class is infectious organisms and pathogens. They enter water through sewage, stormdrains, runoff from farms, etc.

The last one is thermal pollution. Water is often taken from rivers, lakes or seas to be used infactories and power plants. The water is usually returned to the source warmer than when it wastaken. Even a small temperature change in a body of water can drive away the fish and other speciesthat were originally there, and attract other species in place of them. It breaks a balance and can causeserious circumstances in future.

5 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) When does water pollution occur?2) Why do plants and animals require pure water?3) What are the major water pollutants?4) How can pollutants be separated?5) How do petroleum products affect the animals?6) Why can pesticides and herbicides be dangerous if they penetrate into streams, rivers and

lakes?7) What do heavy metals result in?8) How do fertilizers penetrate to water?9) What damage can thermal pollution cause?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Water is not necessary for life.2) Pollution makes streams unpleasant to swim in or to have a rest.3) The major water pollutants are chemical.4) Many petroleum products are poisonous for animals.5) Heavy metals can accumulate in living being’s cells and cause serious healthy problems.6) Many infectious organisms enter water though sewage and storm drains.7) Even a small temperature change breaks a balance and can cause serious circumstances in

future.7 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) Water pollution (killed, is killed, kills, was killing) large quantity of fish, birds and other

animals.2) Pollutants (is separated, are separated, can be separated) into several different classes.3) Chemicals (are being used, is used, are used) to kill harmful animals and plants.4) Heavy metals (became, has become, become) more harmful as they follow the food chain.5) Spilled oil (damaged, is damaging, damages) the feathers of birds.8 Find the topical sentence of each passage and make a short summary of the text out of

topical sentences.

Тема 9. Экономико-географическое изучение компонентов природной среды ихозяйства (3 часа)

1 Practice the reading of the following words:equator [I´kweItə] moisture [´moIst∫ə]swirling [´swə:lIƞ] carbon dioxide [ka:bən daI´ɔksaId]pressure [´pre∫ə] escape [Is´keIp]anticyclone [æntI´səIklɔun] menacing [´menəsIƞ]collide [kə´laId]2 Check if you remember the meaning of the following verbs:to behave, to wear away, to stay, to carry, to push, to arise, to strengthen, to forecast, to pour,

to mean, to shape.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:has shaped, wore away, stays, are caused, will happen, were called, is formed, was changing,

is pairing.4 Give the initial forms of the following words:rising, boundaries, causing, contributing, cooler, heaped, meaning, gases, striving the best.5 Find the antonyms to the following words:moist, depression, to arrive, cool, to strengthen, dark, to move, to escape, to increase. Text

The weather The lives of us all are affected by the weather-what we eat and drink what we wear, how we

behave, and what our homes are like. Weather has even shaped the landscape. Wind and rain, snowand ice all wear away the rocks and grind down the mountains. Weather is with us all the time. It canbe hot, cold, windy, still, wet or dry. In some places it changes from day to day; in others it staysmuch the same all the year round. The usual weather of a place from south of the Equator a place isand therefore how much sun it gets. The world’s weather is carried around the Earth by huge swirlingweather systems called highs and lows-areas of high and low pressure. Areas of high pressure, calledanticyclones, are made by falling air. They move slowly causing the warm weather in summer andcold, clear weather in winter. Areas of low pressure are called depressions. They are caused by risingair. The air is moist, bringing cloud, rain, or may by snow. A depression is formed where belts ofwarm and cool air collide. The two do not mix, but push into each other. Fronts form at theboundaries of the air masses and the weather becomes unsettled. A depression can be hundreds ofkilometers across but usually the first to arrive. When it passes, a cold front follows close behind.

Making weatherAll weather conditions happen because the heat from the Sun keeps the air constantly moving.

As the Earth’s surface heats up, it heats the air. Hot air arises and cool takes its place, stirring up

winds. Heat from the Sun makes water evaporate from the seas and form clouds. When the cloudscool down, their moisture falls as rain.

Global WarmingThere are natural reasons for the Earth warming up, but people are contributing to global

warming by producing too much carbon dioxide and other gases, known as greenhouse gases. Thesegases trap heat that would otherwise escape into space, strengthening “the green house effect”. Ifcarbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to pour into the atmosphere unchecked, theworld will warm rapidly. This computer forecast shows how much temperature will increase by 2010,compared the temperature in 1950.

CloudsClouds are responsible for many aspects of weather. They therefore give some of the best

clues as to what the weather will be like in the next few hours or days. If you look up and see a skyfull of dark menacing clouds, you know that it is likely to rain heavily. White clouds form on a warmsunny day and mean the weather will probably stay warm and dry. There are three basic types ofclouds: cumulus, meaning heaped, stratus, meaning layered, and cirrus, meaning feathery. All theother many shaped and shades of cloud are a mixture or variation of these three.

6 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) Is the weather important in our life?2) What is called a climate?3) What does climate mainly depend on?4) How are anticyclones formed?5) Where is a depression formed?6) What makes water evaporate?7) Who is contributing much to global warming?8) In what case will the world warm rapidly?9) Can we forecast the weather looking up at the clouds?7 Give the definitions to three basic types of clouds:cumulus –stratus – cirrus –8 Make a short summary of the text. Use the questions of task 6 as an outline.

Тема 10. Социально-демографический и хозяйственный потенциал (3 часа)1 Practice the reading of the following words:length [leŋθ] equatorial [ ِ ekwə´tɔ:rIəl] unexpected [ ِ ʌnIk´spektId] humidity [hju´mIdətI]average [´ævərIdʒ] wheat [wI:t]grade [greId] thrive [θraIv] similar [´sImələ] agricultural [ ِ ægrI´kʌlt∫rəl]violent [´vaIələnt] employment [Im´plɔIment] influence [´Influəns] opportunity [ ِ ɔpə´tju:nətI ]mild [maIld] 2 Check if you remember the meaning of the following words:mountains, winds, growing season, difference, common, moderate climate, distinct, principal,

to combine, expansion, corner, to change, coast, rapid.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:changes, changed, was changed; find, found, is found; reach, may reach, can be reached;

grow, is growing, grew, has grown; combine, combined, were combined; influences, is influenced.4 Give the initial forms of the following words:circled, kinds, differences, the hottest, colder, have meant, grew, countries, country’s, were,


The temperature

There are all kinds of unexpected differences in climate, as temperature maps of the UnitedStates show. For instance, all along the western coast, the temperature changes little between winterand summer. In some places, the average difference between July and January is as little as 10degrees centigrade.

The climate along the northern part of this coast is similar to that of England. But in the northcentral part of the country, summer and winter are worlds apart. There the average difference betweenJuly and January is 36 degrees centigrade and more violet extremes are common. The coldest days ofa typical January may be 40 degrees Centigrade, and the hottest July day may be 45 degrees. This isthe sort of climate that is also found in central Asia, far from the moderating influence of the oceans.In the eastern part of the United States, the difference between summer and winter is also verydistinct, but not nearly so extreme.

Near the southwestern corner of the country, the climate is mild and springlike in winter, butin summer the temperature may reach equatorial intensity. In Alaska, almost continuous daylight insummer makes the short growing season an intense one.

The variations in temperature within the United States have had a marked effect o thecountry’s economy and living standards. There is a long crop-growing season along the southeastcoast where cotton is a principal product. This is also true in several small strips and pockets to thewest where crops like grapes grow well during a large part of the year. In some of the cooler climatesor in climates which combine coolness and humidity, animals and produce such as apples, wheat andcorn thrive, thus giving the United States a large range of agricultural products.

These variations, combined with a fast transportation system, have meant that there can be arapid interchange of agricultural products from one part of the country to another. Thus, not only isthere a greater market for what otherwise would have been strictly regional products, but thisexpansion of markets has meant great employment opportunities in all areas.

5 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) What is the climate of the USA?1) What is the main feature of the climate there?2) What is the average summer (winter) temperature?3) Does Alaska have the short growing season?4) Do the variations in temperature influence the economy of the USA?5) What is a result of these variations?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:1) There are all kinds of unexpected differences in the US climate.2) The temperature does not change between winter and summer all along the western coast.3) The climate along the northern part of the western coast is similar to that of England.4) The variations in temperature within the USA have not had a marked effect on the

country’s economy and living standards.5) Cotton is a principal product along the southeast coast of the USA.6) There is a rapid interchange of agricultural products from one part of the country to

another.7 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) In some places of the USA the average difference between July and January (are, is, had

been) as little as 10 degrees centigrade. 2) In Alaska almost continuous daylight in summer (made, is making, makes, is being made)

the short growing season an intense one.3) In some places of the USA grapes (grows, grew, grow) well during a large part of the year.4) Some climates (combines, were combined, is being combined, combine) coolness and

humidity.5) The expansion of markets (has meant, meant, means, mean) great employment

opportunities in all areas.8 Find the topical sentence of each passage and make a short summary of the text out of

topical sentences.

Тема 11. Территориальное разделение труда (3 часа)

1 Practice the reading of the following words:census [´sensəs] adventure [əd´vent∫ə] to explore [Ik´splɔ:] religious freedom [rI´lIdʒəs] [´frI:dəm]to acquire [ə´kwaIə] poverty [´pɔvətI]purchase [´pə:t∫əs] to plow [plau]at least [lI:st] herd [hə:d]dry [draI] to double [´dʌbl]to astonish [ə´stɔnI∫] hunger [´hʌngə]2 Check if you remember the meanings of the following words:belong to, settler, treaty, unify, believe, perhaps, discovery, valley, mountains, disappear,

movement.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:Take, took, have taken, was taken; explore, explored, have been explored; acquired, had

acquired, has been acquired; settle, was settled, will settle, will be settled; knows, knew, is known,had been known; comes, came, have come.

4 Give the initial forms of the following words:unifies, unified, cities, acquired, developing, found, astonishing, people, came, entered, better.Text

The populationWhen the first census was taken in 1790, much of the century had not even been explored,

and much of it did not belong to the United States, but to France and Spain. The “western settlers” ofthat day were in the Appalachian Mountains.

By 1854, the United States had acquired the western part of the country by purchase and bytreaty. This region had been unified politically, and there were about as many people living west ofthe Appalachians as east of them. At that time, people seriously believed that the task of settling anddeveloping the country would require at least 500 years, and perhaps as long as 2,000.

The speed with which it actually was settled is one of the most exciting stories in Americanhistory. Within the space of a single lifetime, vast expanses of forests and prairies were converted intofarms and industrial cities.

At first, the settlers pushed westward in thin lines, along the rivers; then they began to fill theintervening spaces throughout the middle of the country. And then, dramatically, the movement ofpopulation jumped to the Pacific.

The reason was the discovery of gold in northern California in 1849. By then, too, a routeknown as the Oregon Trail had been found through the mountains to the farming valleys of thenorthwest coast. The last regions to be settled were the dry plains just east of the Rocky Mountains.In the meantime, the cities of the East grew at an astonishing rate.

Where did all these people come from? Many left the East because of discontent with theirprospects or the appeal of adventure. Many came from abroad, mostly from Europe, in search ofpolitical or religious freedom; others fled from poverty and hunger. Before 1880, most of the settlerscame from northern and western Europe; after that, from southern and eastern Europe. Thousands ofAsians came to the Pacific Coast. The peak of movement was reached in the period from 1901 to1910 during which some 8,800,000 persons entered the country. Even before the turn of the century,however, the frontier disappeared in the United States: no longer was there good new land ready forthe plow or the herd. Nevertheless, since 1910, the nation’s population has more than doubled.

5 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) When was the first census taken in the USA?1) What did it show?2) How had the western part been acquired by the USA?3) What is the most exciting thing in the US history?4) How did people begin to inhabit the country?5) What was the reason of movement to the west?6) Where did all these people come from?7) When was the peak of the nation’s movement reached?8) What does the map on the opposite page show?

9) What do the patches (light red, think red, light blue, purple) indicate?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:1) The first census was taken in 18th century.2) Much of the USA had not been explored by 1928.3) The western part of the USA was settled during a short period.4) The movement of population jumped to the Pacific, because of the discovery of gold in

North Caroline.5) The last regions to be settled were the dry plains last of the Rocky Mountains.6) Many people came from abroad in search of political or religious freedom.7) The peak of movement was reached in the period from 1910 to 1922.7 Fill in the gaps using one of the words in brackets:1) Much of the country (doesn’t belong to, isn’t belong to, didn’t belong to) the USA, but to

France and Spain.2) The USA (acquires, has acquired, had acquired) the western part of the country by

purchase and by treaty.3) People (believes, believed, is believing) that the task of settling and developing the country

would require at least 500 years.4) Vast expanses of forests and prairies (converted, were converted, are being converted) into

farms and industrial cities.5) Oregon Trail Route (was found, is found, find, had been found) through the mountains to

the farming valleys of the northwest coast.6) The cities of the East (grows, grew, was grown0 at an astonishing rate.7) Since 1910 the nation’s population (doubled, has doubled, doubles).8 Find the topical sentence of each passage and make a short summary of text out of

topical sentences.

Тема 12. Глобальные проблемы человечества и задачи экономической и социальнойгеографии в их исследовании (3 часа)

1 Practice the reading of the following words:to worry [´wʌrI] benefit [´benIfIt]expansion [Iks´pen∫n] resort [rI´zɔt]wilderness [´waIldənIs] injury [´IndʒərI]beast [´bI:st] spoliation [ ِ spoulI´eI∫n]response [rI´spɔns] curiosity [ ِ kjuərI´ɔsItI]to transfer [trænsfə:] penalty [´peneltI]diversity [ ِ daI´və:sItI] jurisdiction [ ِ dʒuərIs´dIk∫n]desire [dIzaIə]2 Check if you remember the meanings of the following verbs:to set aside, to title, to grant, to place, to prohibit, to proclaim, to comprise, to profess, to

acquire, to evaluate, to refine, to allow.3 Refresh your grammar. Define the grammar form of the following verbs:has been credited, might be preserved, it is titled, will transfer, was known, were proclaimed,

are not created, is evaluating, provided, were given, are not created.4 Give the initial forms of the following words:worried, curiosities, penalties, offenders, comprising, beginning, proudest, wrote, sighed

shaping, were, concentrated, best.Text

US National Park SystemThe national park idea – the concept of large-scale natural preservation has been credited to

the artist George Catlin, best known for his paintings of American Indians. On a trip to the Dakota region in 1832, he worried about the destructive effects of America’s westward expansion on Indian civilization, wildlife and wildness. They might be preserved, he wrote “by some great protecting polices of government in a in a magnificent park, a National Park, containing man and beast, in all the wildness and freshness of their nature’s beauty.

When did National Park System begin? The usual response is 1872, when an act of Congressset aside Yellowstone National Park. Before it, in 1864, in response to the desires of various people ofCalifornia Senator John Conness of California sponsored legislation to transfer the territory to thestate so that they might be used and preserved for the benefit of mankind. The act of Congress, signedby President Abraham Lincoln on June 30, granted California the lands for public use, resort andrecreation for all time.

The geological wonders of the Yellowstone region, in the Montana and Wyoming territorieswere reserved for public use rather than allowing it to fall under private control. The bell passed byCongress on March 1, 1872 placed the park under the exclusive control of the US government. Itprovided for the preservation, from injury or spoliation, of all timber, mineral deposits naturalcuriosities, or wanders within the park and their retention in their natural conditions. It also prohibitedhunting and set penalties for offenders.

With Yellowstone establishment, the precedent was set for other natural reserves under federaljurisdiction. Within 16 years 159 national forests were proclaimed comprising more than 150 millionacres of land. The special act of 1906 was the very beginning of National Park System shaping. By1997 there were 376 areas in the System which were given different names, as National HistoricParks, Nation Preserves, National Parks, National Monuments, National Memorials etc.

All national parklands are not created equal. There are physical and qualitative differences aswell. From the beginning, the National Park Service has professed to acquire only the mostoutstanding lands and resources. Guidelines for evaluating national significance have been developedand refined over the years. Natural Park should be an outstanding or rare example of a geologiclandform or biotic area, a place of exceptional ecological or geological diversity, a site with aconcentrated population of rare plant or animal species or unusually abundant fossil deposits, or anoutstanding scenic area. National Park system is among America’s proudest and best loved creations.

5 Read the text and find answers to the questions:1) What did George Catline worry about?1) When did National Park System begin?2) Who sponsored the legislation about creating the places for public use?3) What did the bill of the Congress of March 1872 provide?4) What date was the beginning of National Park System?5) Are national parklands created equal?6) What were the guidelines for evaluating national significance of National Parks?6 Say whether the following statements are true or false:1) President Washington granted California the lands for public use.1) The Yellowstone region and Wyoming territories fell under private control.2) US government prohibited hunting in National Parks?3) The special act of 1926 was the beginning of National Park System.4) National Park should he an outstanding or rare example of a geologic landform.7 Find in the text the sentences logically connected with the following:1) Senator John Conness of California sponsored the legislation to transfer the territory for the

benefit of the nation.2) In 1872 the Congress passed the bill placing the park under the exclusive control of the

government.3) Within 16 years 159 national forests were proclaimed comprising more than 150 million

acres of land.4) The national parklands were not created equal.8 Make a short summary of the text. Use any of the following phrases:1) The subject of the text is … 1) The text says that …2) It emphasizes the idea that …3) It makes the conclusion that …Text

Global warming

Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect isthe absorption of energy radiated from the Earth’s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in theatmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer. Each time we burn gasoline, oil, coal, oreven natural gas, more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is what iscausing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to take placein the coming decades.

Today, however, major changes are taking place. People are conducting an unplanned globalexperiment by changing the face f the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allowslife to exist on the Earth’s surface. All of these activities are unfavorably changing the composition ofthe biosphere and the Earth’s heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stopdestroying the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years.Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree over the last century. If carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10degrees by the middle of the next century. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, willdry out and a greater occurrence of forest fires will take place. At the present rate of destruction, mostof the rainforests will be gone by the middle of the century. This will allow man-made deserts toinvade on once lush areas. Evaporation rates will also increase and water circulation patterns willchange. Decreased rainfall in some areas will result in increased rainfall in others. In some regions,river flow will be reduced or stopped all together completely. Other areas will experience suddendownpours that create massive floods.

If the present arctic ice melting continues, the sea could rise as much as 2 meters by themiddle of the next century.

Large areas of coastal land would disappear. Plants and other wildlife habitats might notenough time to adjust to the rapidly changing climate. The warming will rearrange entire biologicalcommunities and cause many species to become died out.

The greenhouse effect and global warming both correspond with each other. The green houseeffect is recalled as incoming solar radiation that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere into outerspace. It causes the overheat of the air and as a result, we have the global warming effect. As you see,greenhouse effect and global warming correspond with each other, because without one, the otherdoesn’t exist.

Answer the following questions:1) What is global warming?2) What is greenhouse effect?3) What activities are unfavorable and change the composition of the biosphere and the

Earth’s heat balance?4) What can prevent the developing of greenhouse effect?5) Why are water circulation patterns changing?6) What might cause disappearing of large areas of coastal land?7) Does the warming effect on biological communities?8) Is there a correspondence between greenhouse effect and global warming?Text

Oceanology Modern oceanology can be said to have begun about a hundred years ago. However, men have

been interested in the sea for millennia (thousand of years) and there was a scattering of scientificocean studies before the mid-nineteen century.

With the advent of open sailing voyages, navigators began to take an interest in the physicalside of oceanology, at least as far as major ocean currents were concerned, although the old sailingrecords produced little that could be called scientific studies of currents. Benjamin Franklin, however,was able to draw a tolerable chart of Gulf Stream, based partly on reports of Yankee sailing captains.He also made his own observations of water temperature on several Atlantic crossings by picking upbuckets of surface water and measuring their contents. The British explorer Captain James Cook alsogathered oceanographic information during his three celebrated voyages of exploration whichoccupied the later part of his life and included circumnavigation of the Pacific.

In spite of such early interest, oceanography as an organized research effort is a youngscience. It grew in the latter part of the nineteenth century partly because the basic sciences that liebehind it – physics, chemistry, geology, biology – and the technology of research had reached a pointwhere scientific exploration of the deep oceans became possible.

One of the pioneers who helped turn men’s curiosity about the sea into a science was MatthewFontaine Maury (1806-1873). Maury’s interests were those of a practical sailor. But his intensivestudy of current helped lay the foundation for the modern science of physical oceanography. BeforeMaury, men sailed without accurate knowledge of currents, winds, or storm patterns. When hislifework was finished, charts of major currents, prevailing winds and storm tracks were part of everynavigator’s equipment.

Maury’s work led directly to once of the first international scientific conferences. It met atBrussels in 1853 to consider setting up a uniform marine weather observing system. Maury iscredited with inspiring the establishment of the official meteorological office in both Great Britainand Germany. Because of the demonstrated value of Maury’s charts and partly as a result of thisconference, other maritime nations began establishing hydrological services, which often co-operatedwith one another and with Maury in charting the seas.

Nowadays the world oceans are threatened on all sides. Especially dangerous is pollution.And to avert the disaster, the nations have joined the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commissionthat has recommended the establishment of worldwide system to monitor marine pollution.

We must learn more about the ocean itself and the life it contains so that we will be able torecognize changes, whether harmful or beneficial when they occur.

Answer the following questions:1) When did modern oceanology begin?1) Who drew a chart of Gulf Stream?2) What British explorer gathered oceanographic information?3) Why is oceanography considered a young science?4) What is the role of M. Maury in laying the foundation of physical oceanography?5) Where did the first international scientific conference meet?6) Who helped to establish the official meteorological office?7) What presents the largest danger for world oceans nowadays?8) Why is it necessary to learn more about the ocean?Text

Overpopulation The world’s population is an important issue. For hundreds of thousands of years, the human

population grew at a low but steadily increasing rate. Then, in less than last 200 years, the worldpopulation went from several hundreds of millions to more than 6 billion people.

The Earth has certain limitations and in particular, there are limits to growth of things thatconsume the Earth resources.

Many people believe that these resources, both the Earth and the human intellect are endlessand population growth can continue and that there is no danger that we will ever run out of anything.Yet, many people had predicted catastrophic shortages of natural resources that would follow,because of continued population growth. Countries try not to raise this subject to the public much,because they do not want to raise panic.

Nowadays they have to do something about it before it gets out of hand. They try to censor itand sometimes lie. Do you know that the USA itself consumes 50 per cent of all electricity producedon the Earth? The population of the USA is just 285 million people. It is an interesting fact.

Overpopulation is like a big magnifying glass making little problems into big ones.Overpopulation is destroying our environment, lowering the standard of living, and generally

degrading the quality of life.Overpopulation also causes more violence, environmental pollution that reflects on land

degradation, tropical forest destruction, global warming and destruction of coral reefs. 6 billionmember society has to get a huge food infrastructure, so society start producing genetically madefood, which is cheaper than ordinary one but might reflect in the nutrient balance. For example, in

China it is prohibited to have more than one child for a couple. There is a very dangerous situation inIndia. By the year 2025 its population might reach 1.5 billion people.

The planet urgently needs population control. Birth control needs to be supported, if the planetis to remain habitable in the long term.

Every second five people are born and two people die, so there is a gain of three people. Atthis rate, the world population is doubling every 40 years and would be: 1.2 billion in 40 years, 24billion in 80 years and 48 billion in 120 years. But the Earth could provide food only for 20 billionpeople.

Answer the following questions:1) How many people live on the Earth today?1) Why is overpopulation an important issue?2) Does overpopulation hurt our environment?3) Is it prohibited to have more than three children for a couple in China?4) How much time does it take to double the Earth’s population?5) How many people might live in India by the year 2025?Text

AntarcticaThe ice cap of south polar covers the vast continental plateau of Antarctica and its coastal

waters to a minimum extent of nearly 5,360,000 square miles. Each winter period of prolongeddarkness it extends outward into the surrounding oceans, increasing its area by about 70 per cent toan estimated 9.112.000 square miles.

Little is know about most of Antarctica. Only certain coastal tracts have been explored indetail (most of them since World War I) while the interior is still an enormous unknown territory, thelargest remaining unexplored part on earth. It was not until 1911 that the Norwegian explorerAmundsen first reached the South Pole. Since that time several expeditions have increased ourknowledge of a small part of a continent two thirds as a large as Australia.

The most prolonged investigation of Antarctica was begun in July 1957 with the start of theInternational Geophysical Year. Since then a number of scientific observation stations have beenmaintained by a few of participating nations for the continued collection of data on such topics asglaciology, geology and biology, as well as on atmospheric studies begun in 1957.

Antarctica is a continent almost devoid of lakes, without rivers, marshes, or swamps, havingno soil, no forests, no grasslands, nor any deserts of the sort found in milder latitudes. Its fauna arecreatures of the sea, such as certain varieties of whales, giant Weddel seal, the flightless penguin, andflying birds like the albatross, petrel, etc. plant life includes over a hundred species.

Antarctic weather may be described as a combination of very cold air, high winds, andblowing snow. The cold dry air releases little moisture to the surface beneath. Almost all of it falls assnow or in the form of minute crystals of clear ice, or more rarely, as very fine, ice mist.

Most precipitation in Antarctica occurs with the passage of frontal storms that apparentlyexert their greatest effect along coasts.

General air movement in Antarctica is a product of several geographical circumstances: 1) thepresence of the large mass of persistent polar ice, 2) the elevation of most of the mass a mile or moreabove sea level, 3) the much warmer ocean surfaces surrounding the ice cap at sea level, 4) theCoriolis effect.

Air temperatures over the interior of Antarctica remain below zero throughout most of year.Constantly cold surface air thus tends at all times to move outward and downward over the warmer,unfrozen waters of the southern Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

Deep within Antarctica air movements are much more gradual, wind velocities much lower asa rule, than along the coasts. Along the coast the winds are mainly westward. Their ruling effect isindicated partly in the direction taken by coastal currents, in turn revealed through the movement oficebergs. The wind in Antarctica is the dominant feature of atmospheric behavior. At all stationssurface winds from all points of the compass have been observed. The mean direction of predominantoff shore winds is generally east or southeast. This is a natural quality of anticyclone air movement inthe southern hemisphere.

Answer the following questions:

1) Is much known about Antarctica?1) What explorer first reached the South Pole?2) When was the most prolonged investigation of Antarctica begun?3) Are there any lakes, rivers, swamps in Antarctica?4) Does plant life include many species?5) How may Antarctic weather be described?6) What geological circumstances influence upon general air movement in Antarctica?7) What is the dominant feature of atmospheric behavior in Antarctica?8) What winds have observed at all the stations?

Содержание модулейМодуль 1 - «Деловая коммуникация»1. Избранное направление профессиональной деятельности.2. История, современное состояние и перспективы развития изучаемой науки.Изучаемые дисциплины, их проблематика. Основные сферы деятельности в данной

профессиональной области.Функциональные обязанности различных специалистов данной профессиональной

сферы. Выдающиеся личности данной науки. Основные школы и открытия.

Рецептивные виды речевой деятельности. Аудирование и чтение.Понимание основного содержания: публицистические, научно-популярные и научные

тексты об истории, характере, перспективах развития науки и профессиональной отрасли:тексты интервью со специалистами и учёными данной профессиональной области;

Понимание запрашиваемой информации: научно-популярные и прагматические тексты(справочники, объявления о вакансиях);

Детальное понимание текста: научно-популярные и общественно-политические текстыпо проблемам данной науки/отрасли (например, биографии).

Продуктивные виды речевой деятельностиГоворение: монолог-описание (функциональных обязанностей/ квалификационных

требований); монолог-сообщение (о выдающихся деятелей науки и профессиональной сферы,о перспективах развития отрасли); монолог-рассуждение по поводу перспектив карьерногороста/возможностей личностного развития; диалог-интервью/ собеседование при приёме наработу. Аннотирование, реферирование аутентичных научно-популярных статей, текстов,рефератов, монографий.

Письмо: написание биографии Lebenslauf; сопроводительного письма; тезисовписьменного доклада.

Модуль 2 - «Введение в специальность»Квалификационные требования к специалистам данной профессиональной области в

Казахстане и за рубежом. Личностное развитие и перспективы карьерного роста. Предпосылкии последствия научных открытий и изобретений.

Социальная ответственность специалиста за результаты своего труда.Мировое хозяйство: определение, основные понятия и терминология.Методы экономико-географических исследовании.Фундаментальные категории, концепции и теории экономической, социальной и

политической географии.Экономико-географическое изучение компонентов природной среды и хозяйства.Социально-демографический и хозяйственный потенциал.Территориальное разделение труда.Глобальные проблемы человечества и задачи экономической и социальной географии

в их исследовании.

Рецептивные виды речевой деятельности. Аудирование и чтение.Понимание запрашиваемой информации: научно-популярные тексты, специальные

прагматические тексты (буклеты, справочники), нелинейные тексты (таблицы, схемы, графики,диаграммы, карты, гипертексты и др.);

Детальное понимание текста: научно-популярные и общественно-политические текстыпо проблемам данной науки/ отрасли.

Продуктивные виды речевой деятельностиГоворение: монолог-сообщение/доклад; выступление на круглом столе проблемной

группы; диалог-беседа по обозначенной проблематике; деловая беседа/ деловая игра;обсуждение проблемных деловых ситуаций,

Письмо: деловые письма различных типов, памятки, протоколы и т.д.; выполнениеписьменного проектного задания.

7Задания для самостоятельной работы№ Тема СРС Наименование

СРССодержание СРС Литература

1 Международные контакты и их роль в жизни современного специалиста.

Самостоятельнаяработа № 1

Роль знания иностранногоязыка в деятельностисовременного специалиста

(1, 4)

2 Встречи, договоренности, телефонный разговор.Переговоры, профессиональные дебаты, презентации, конференции.

Самостоятельнаяработа № 2

Составление диалогапереговоров


3 Деловая переписка (резюме, сопроводительное письмо; рекомендательное письмо; рекламации, просьбы, запрос информации, письмо – подтверждение, заказы, контракты и т.д.).

Самостоятельнаяработа № 3

Составление договора (1, 4)

4 Международные программы и проекты. Международное сотрудничество вуза.

Самостоятельнаяработа № 4


(1, 2)

5 Введение в географию

Самостоятельнаяработа № 5

Место географии всистеме наук

(1, 2, 5, 6 )

6 Мировое хозяйство: определение, основные понятия и терминология

Самостоятельнаяработа № 6

Современные тенденции мирового хозяйства

(1, 2, 5, 6)

7 Методы экономико- Самостоятельная Современные методы (1, 6)

географических исследовании

работа № 7 экономико-географическихисследований

8 Фундаментальные категории, концепциии теории экономической, социальной и политической географии

Самостоятельнаяработа № 8

Современные теорииЭСПГ

(1, 3)

9 Экономико-географическое изучение компонентов природной среды и хозяйства

Самостоятельнаяработа № 9

Современные формывзаимодействияприродной среды ихозяйства

(1, 2, 5)

10 Социально-демографический и хозяйственный потенциал

Самостоятельнаяработа № 10

Современные тенденции вформировании социально-демографического ихозяйственногопотенциала

(1, 5, 6)


Территориальное разделение труда

Самостоятельнаяработа № 11

Формы территориальногоразделения труда

(1, 2, 5)

12 Глобальные проблемы человечества и задачиэкономической и социальной географии в их исследовании

Самостоятельнаяработа № 12

Участие РеспубликиКазахстан в решенииглобальных проблемчеловечества

(1, 5, 6)

10. График консультации СРОП (СРОП составляет 25% из СРО)

№ Виды занятия понедельник вторник среда четверг пятница суббота1. Консультирование по

вопросам семинаров12.3513.25

2. Консультирование по вопросам СРО


3. Консультации по вопросам тестовых заданий


Консультация по всем вопросам осуществляется согласно графику СРОП на текущийсеместр

11. Расписание проверок знаний обучающихсяПосещение лекции и практическая оцениваются 0-100 балловГрафик выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине

№ Виды работ Тема, цель исодержание








1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Глоссарий Составление

глоссария на английском языке по географии

2 недели устно 2-аянеделя

2 Рубежныйконтроль

Тема 1-6 1-9 2 недели коллоквиум 8-аянеделя

3 Рубежныйконтроль

Тема 7-12 1-9 2 недели коллоквиум 15-аянеделя

12. Критерии оценки знаний обучающихсяИзучение дисциплины заканчивается экзаменом в форме тестирования, который

охватывает весь пройденный материал. Обязательным условием для допуска к экзаменуявляется выполнение всех предусмотренных заданий в программе.

Каждое задание оценивается 0-100 баллов.Рейтинг допуска выводится из средне арифметического всех выполненных заданий на

текущих занятиях (посещение лекции, домашние задания, задания по СРО, задания попрактике и другие, рубежный контроль).

К итоговому контролю (ИК) по дисциплине допускаются студенты, выполнившие всетребования рабочей учебной программы (выполнение и сдача всех лабораторных работ, работи заданий по СРС), получившие положительную оценку за защиту курсового проекта (работы)и набравшие рейтинг допуска (не менее 50 баллов).

Уровень учебных достижений студентов по каждой дисциплине (втом числе и по дисциплинам, по которым формой итогового контроля ГЭ)определяется итоговой оценкой (И), которая складывается из оценок РД иИК (экзамена, дифференцированного зачета или курсовой работы/проекта) сучетом их весовых долей (ВДРД и ВДИК).

И = РД*0,6 + ИК*0,4Весовые доли ежегодно утверждаются ученым советом университета и должны быть

для РД не более 0,6, а для ИК не менее 0,3.КП/КР защищаются перед комиссией. Оценка выставляется в

соответствии с продемонстрированными знаниями с учётом отзываруководителя.

Итоговая оценка по дисциплине подсчитывается только в том случае,если обучающийся имеет положительные оценки, как по рейтингу допуска,так и по итоговому контролю. Не явка на итоговый контроль понеуважительной причине приравнивается к оценке «не удовлетворительно».Результаты экзамена и промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине доводятсядо студентов в тот же день или на следующий день, если письменныйэкзамен проводился во второй половине дня.

Для корректности подсчета итоговой оценки знания обучающегося на рубежномконтроле (рейтинге) и итоговом экзамене оцениваются в процентах от 0 до 100%.

Оценка рубежного контроля складывается из текущих оценок и оценки рубежногоконтроля.

Учебные достижения, то есть Знания, умения, навыки и компетенции студентов подисциплине «Финансы» оцениваются по многобалльной буквенной системе адекватной еецифровому эквиваленту и традиционной шкале оценок:

Оценка побуквенной



Оценка потрадиционной

системе баллов системеA 4,0 95-100

ОтличноA- 3,67 90-94B+ 3,33 85-89

ХорошоB 3,0 80-84B- 2,67 75-79C+ 2,33 70-74

УдовлетворительноC 2,0 65-69C- 1,67 60-64D+ 1,33 55-59D 1,0 50-54F 0 0-49 Неудовлетворительно

13. Требования преподавателя, политика и процедурыПосещение обучающимися всех аудиторных занятий без опозданий является

обязательным. В случае пропуска занятия отрабатываются в порядке установленномдеканатом. Допускается максимально только два пропуска занятий. Два опоздания на занятиеприравниваются одному пропуску. В случае более двух пропусков преподаватель имеет правов дальнейшем студента не допускать к занятиям до административного решения вопроса.Присутствие на лекциях посторонних лиц, не являющихся контингентом студентов данногокурса, запрещается.

Работы следует сдавать в указанные сроки. Крайний срок сдачи всех заданий – за 3 днядо начала экзаменационной сессии.

Студенты, не сдавшие все задания, и не защитившие курсовую работу, не допускаютсяк экзамену.

Повторение темы и отработка пройденных материалов по каждому учебному занятиюобязательны. Степень освоения учебных материалов проверяется тестами или письменнымиработами. Тестирование студентов может проводиться без предупреждения.

При выполнении самостоятельной работы студентов под руководством преподавателя(СРСП) учитывать следующие четыре основные функции.

Первая – предполагает реализацию активного восприятия студентами информациипреподавателя, полученной в период установочных занятий по учебной дисциплине.

Вторая функция предполагает, что студенты самостоятельно, на основаниирекомендаций преподавателя, изучают учебно-методические пособия, литературныеисточники, выполняют домашние задания, контрольные и курсовые работы и т.д. На этомэтапе от студентов требуется знание методов работы, фиксация своих затруднений,самоорганизация и самодисциплина.

Третья функция студентов состоит в анализе и систематизации своих затруднительныхситуаций, выявлении причин затруднений в понимании и усвоении ими учебного материала,выполнении других учебных действий. Студенты переводят неразрешимые затруднения всистему вопросов для преподавателя (ранжируют их, упорядочивают, оформляют), строятсобственные версии ответов на эти вопросы.

Четвертая функция студентов состоит в обращении к преподавателю засоответствующими разъяснениями, советами, консультациями.

14. Список литературыОсновная:1. Шевелева С.А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс. М., 2003.2. Мерфи Р. English grammar in use. – Cambridge, 2009.3. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнесс-курс английского языка. М., 2003.4. Экономическая и социальная география: Основы науки: учебник для

студ. вузов/М.М.Голубчик [ и др.].-М.:ВЛАДОС. - 2004.5. Желтиков В.П. Экономическая география: учебное пособие для студ.вузов.

- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2003.

Дополнительная: 6. Аужанова С.К., Нуркина Г.К., Яцик Л.М. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь студента.

– Алматы, ААЭиС, 2003.7. Омарова Х.С, Успанова Г.К., Макарихина И.М. и др. Английский язык. Учебно-

методическое пособие для практических занятий студентов вузов неязыковых специальностей.– Павлодар, 2008.

8. Аипова А.К., Смагулова Г.Ж. и др. Сборник учебных текстов по развитиюанглийской речи для студентов неязыковых специальностей.

9. Пфейфер Н.Э., Нурбекова М.К., Асаинова А.Ж., Даутова А.З., Раисова А.Б.,Смагулова К.Ж. «Электронный учебный курс по английскому языку». –Павлодар, 2008