professor vladimir avgustovich kind (to 120th anniversary of his birthday)

1070-4272/03/7612-2014 $25.00 2003 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 12, 2003, pp. 2014 2016. Translated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol. 76, No. 12, 2003, pp. 2064 2066. Original Russian Text Copyright 2003 by Morachevskii. HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Professor Vladimir Avgustovich Kind (To 120th Anniversary of His Birthday) V.A. Kind, and engineer and pedagogue, made an outstanding contribution to the science of construc- tion materials, the training of specialists in technology of binders, and the development of the cement indus- try. All his pedagogical and scientific activities were closely associated with higher school institutions of St. Petersburg, Polytechnical and Technological In- stitutes. Vladimir Avgustovich Kind was born on October 3 (September 20), 1883, into the family of the manager of Avzyano-Petrovskie ironworks and steel-making plant in the former Verkhe-Ural’skii uyezd (district) of Orenburg Province. The parents of the scientist- to-be, Avgust Kind and his wife Amaliya, were born in Alsace-Lotharingia, a part of Germany in 1871 1918. V.A. Kind was educated at Kazan Nonclassical Secondary School, which he finished with success in 1902. In the same year, he entered, having passed the competition of school-leaving certificates, the elec- trochemical subdepartment of the metallurgical de- partment at the newly opened St. Petersburg Poly- technical Institute. In those years, N.A. Menshutkin, N.S. Kurnakov, and F.Yu. Levinson-Lessing were among professors; A.A. Baikov, V.A. Kistyakovskii, P.P. Fedot’ev, and a number of other scientists, later widely known, were beginning their pedagogical ac- tivities. In 1908, V.A. Kind graduated from the institute as an engineer metallurgist. Already when being a stu- dent, V.A. Kind published his first scientific study Reactions between Carbamides and Chlorous Salts. Having graduated from the institute, V.A. Kind started teaching at the chair of analytical and organic chem- istry at the Polytechnical Institute, headed at that time by B.N. Menshutkin (1874 1938). Till 1916, V.A. Kind’s scientific interest were focused on studies and description of oil fields in Southern Russia, oil refining, and technical analysis of oil. Beginning in 1916 and till the end of V.A. Kind’s life, his scientific activities were devoted to study of construction ma- terials and binders. The Society for Promotion of the Development of Portland Cement Industry was organized in St. Petersburg. Not abandoning his peda- gogical activities, V.A. Kind became society manager and editor of the Portland-Tsement (Portland Cement) journal (published till 1918). In 1919, the chemical faculty was organized at Petrograd Polytechnical Institute on the basis of the electrochemical subdepartment of its metallurgical department (faculty). The faculty included chairs (lab- oratories) of general chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical electrochemistry, technical electrochemis- try, mineral technology, geology, mineralogy, and some others. Professor P.P. Fedot’ev (1864 1934) was appointed the dean of the chemical faculty. On V.A. Kind’s initiative, and with his direct participa- tion, a silicate department was organized at the new faculty to train engineers for cement, ceramic, and glass-making industries. A large laboratory of artificial silicates, the first of this kind in St. Petersburg, was created at the silicate department. The laboratory was concerned with the technology of binders and cer- amics. Beginning in 1922, V.A. Kind also delivered a course of lectures on construction materials at the construction engineering faculty of the Polytechnical Institute. In 1927, he became professor. In 1930, the higher school institutions of Leningrad were subjected to a shake-up. The chemical faculty of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute was included in Leningrad Technological Institute. V.A. Kind and his co-workers and colleagues constituted the main part of the staff members of chairs of the silicate profile at the Technological Institute, those of binders, ceramics, glass, and physical chemistry of silicates. V.A. Kind

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1070-4272/03/7612-2014 $25.00 � 2003 MAIK �Nauka/Interperiodica�

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 12, 2003, pp. 2014�2016. Translated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol. 76, No. 12, 2003,pp. 2064�2066.Original Russian Text Copyright � 2003 by Morachevskii.


Professor Vladimir Avgustovich Kind(To 120th Anniversary of His Birthday)

V.A. Kind, and engineer and pedagogue, madean outstanding contribution to the science of construc-tion materials, the training of specialists in technologyof binders, and the development of the cement indus-try. All his pedagogical and scientific activities wereclosely associated with higher school institutions ofSt. Petersburg, Polytechnical and Technological In-stitutes.

Vladimir Avgustovich Kind was born on October 3(September 20), 1883, into the family of the managerof Avzyano-Petrovskie ironworks and steel-makingplant in the former Verkhe-Ural’skii uyezd (district)of Orenburg Province. The parents of the scientist-to-be, Avgust Kind and his wife Amaliya, were bornin Alsace-Lotharingia, a part of Germany in 1871�1918. V.A. Kind was educated at Kazan NonclassicalSecondary School, which he finished with successin 1902. In the same year, he entered, having passedthe competition of school-leaving certificates, the elec-trochemical subdepartment of the metallurgical de-partment at the newly opened St. Petersburg Poly-technical Institute. In those years, N.A. Menshutkin,N.S. Kurnakov, and F.Yu. Levinson-Lessing wereamong professors; A.A. Baikov, V.A. Kistyakovskii,P.P. Fedot’ev, and a number of other scientists, laterwidely known, were beginning their pedagogical ac-tivities.

In 1908, V.A. Kind graduated from the instituteas an engineer metallurgist. Already when being a stu-dent, V.A. Kind published his first scientific study�Reactions between Carbamides and Chlorous Salts.�Having graduated from the institute, V.A. Kind startedteaching at the chair of analytical and organic chem-istry at the Polytechnical Institute, headed at thattime by B.N. Menshutkin (1874�1938). Till 1916,V.A. Kind’s scientific interest were focused on studiesand description of oil fields in Southern Russia, oilrefining, and technical analysis of oil. Beginning in1916 and till the end of V.A. Kind’s life, his scientificactivities were devoted to study of construction ma-terials and binders. The �Society for Promotion ofthe Development of Portland Cement Industry� wasorganized in St. Petersburg. Not abandoning his peda-gogical activities, V.A. Kind became society managerand editor of the Portland-Tsement (Portland Cement)journal (published till 1918).

In 1919, the chemical faculty was organized atPetrograd Polytechnical Institute on the basis of theelectrochemical subdepartment of its metallurgicaldepartment (faculty). The faculty included chairs (lab-oratories) of general chemistry, physical chemistry,theoretical electrochemistry, technical electrochemis-try, mineral technology, geology, mineralogy, andsome others. Professor P.P. Fedot’ev (1864�1934)was appointed the dean of the chemical faculty. OnV.A. Kind’s initiative, and with his direct participa-tion, a silicate department was organized at the newfaculty to train engineers for cement, ceramic, andglass-making industries. A large laboratory of artificialsilicates, the first of this kind in St. Petersburg, wascreated at the silicate department. The laboratory wasconcerned with the technology of binders and cer-amics. Beginning in 1922, V.A. Kind also delivereda course of lectures on construction materials at theconstruction engineering faculty of the PolytechnicalInstitute. In 1927, he became professor.

In 1930, the higher school institutions of Leningradwere subjected to a shake-up. The chemical facultyof Leningrad Polytechnical Institute was included inLeningrad Technological Institute. V.A. Kind and hisco-workers and colleagues constituted the main part ofthe staff members of chairs of the silicate profile atthe Technological Institute, those of binders, ceramics,glass, and physical chemistry of silicates. V.A. Kind



headed the chair of binders at Leningrad TechnologicalInstitute till 1938. Simultaneously, he continued tohead the chair of construction materials at the Poly-technical Institute. Under the severe conditions of thattime, V.A. Kind managed to create a prominent scien-tific school and to organize training of specialists intechnology of binders , ceramics and glass. AmongV.A. Kind’s pupils and closest associates were suchwell-known, in the future, specialists as V.F. Zhuravlev,Ya.V. Klyucharov, S.D. Okorokov, V.V. Yurganov,and V.A. Kind’s son, V.V. Kind. V.A. Kind main-tained permanent close friendship with academiciansA.A. Baikov (1870�1946), D.S. Belyankin (1876�1953) and corresponding members of the Academy ofSciences of the USSR, N.N. Kachalov (1883�1961)and P.P. Budnikov (1885�1968).

V.A. Kind started his active research activities in1919�1920 at the laboratory of silicates at the chem-ical faculty of Petrograd Polytechnical Institute and,later, at laboratories of quite a number of institu-tions, which appeared and disappeared. Nevertheless,V.A. Kind’s studies were systematic and interrelatedand resolved important problems of manufacture anduse of binders. One the first areas of V.A. Kind’sresearch was devoted to use of shale in calcinationof portland cement and application of shale ash inmanufacture of construction materials. A large seriesof scientist’s studies, which were continued for morethan 15 years, were devoted to comprehensive ana-lysis of natural and artificial hydraulic acid additivesto various cements. First of all, methods for evaluat-ing the �activity� of additives were developed onthe basis of chemical processes that occur in hydra-tion of the most important classes of cements. Par-ticularly important was the fact that V.A. Kind sub-stantiated the possibility of using acid blast-furnaceslags as hydraulic additives. This area of V.A. Kind’sscien tific activities was analyzed in ample detail byP.P. Budnikov [1].

Of high theoretical and practical importance areV.A. Kind’s studies in the field of alumina cements,whose hardening is based on hydration of calciumaluminates. As far back as 1925, V.A. Kind presentedat the All-Union Congress on construction materialsa report on main prerequisites for manufacture ofalumina cements from Tikhvin bauxites. In 1928,V.A. Kind became a member of a special commissionfor alumina cement. On the basis of the experimentalstudies carried out by the scientist and his co-workers,a decision was made to manufacture the alumina ce-ment by blast-furnace smelting.

Beginning in 1931, V.A. Kind supervised researchat the laboratory of construction materials of the All-

Union Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineeringand at the laboratory of binders of the TechnologicalInstitute. The attention of the first of these two labo-ratories was focused on problems associated with pro-duction of a hydraulic concrete with high water resis-tance, low shrinkage, weak exothermic effect, highwater-impermeability, which would satisfy all the re-quirements to hydraulic concrete. At the laboratory ofthe Technological Institute, the chemistry of cementsand the influence exerted by their chemical and mi-neralogical composition on the processes of hardeningand the working characteristics of the cements werestudied with active participation of students. One ofthe last V.A. Kind’s studies, carried out together withhis pupil, V.F. Zhuravlev (1907�1952), was devotedto use of D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic law in classifica-tion of chemical compounds with respect to theirbinding properties (Zh. Prikl. Khim., 1938, no. 5).The authors established that binding properties areobserved in chemical compounds that are similar instructure to calcium silicates and aluminates. Later,research in this area was continued by Zhuravlev.

V.A. Kind wrote quite a number of textbooks andmonographs, which became widely known and ex-erted strong influence on the training of specialistsand the development of the cement industry in thecountry. They include: Instruksii po opredeleniyuaktivnosti gidravlicheskikh dobavok (Recommenda-tions for determining the Activity of Hydraulic Ad-ditives) (together with S.I. Druzhinin and S.D. Okoro-kov, Moscow, 1931), Khimicheskaya kharakteristikaportlandtsementa (Chemical Characterization of Port-land Cement) (Moscow, 1932), Spetsial’nye svoistvastroitel’nykh rastvorov (Special Properties of Mortars)(together with Okorokov et al., Moscow, 1933), Spe-tsial’nye tsementy (Special-Purpose Cements) (Mos-cow, 1932, 1st ed.; 1936, 2nd ed.), Stroitel’nye ma-terialy (ikh poluchenie, svoistva i primenenie) (Con-struction Materials: Manufacture, Properties, andUse) (together with Okorokov, Moscow, 1934), andPutstsolanovye tsementy (Puzzolan Cements) (togeth-er with Baikov et al., Moscow 1936). Among thesebooks, Stroitel’nye materialy (Construction Ma-terials) is a textbook of unique information value,largely based on original research of that time, includ-ing studies by V.A. Kind and his pupils.

Vladimir Avgustovich Kind suddenly died on Feb-ruary 12, 1938, in Leningrad. Prematurely passedaway an excellent person, talented engineer and re-searcher, pedagogue beloved by his pupils, and or-ganizer and supervisor of research collectives. To hiscareer and pedagogical and scientific activities were



devoted a spacious obituary, written by P.P. Budnikov[1], Okorokov’s paper [2], small book by I.L. Znachko-Yavorskii and I.G. Savelov [3], and other publica-tions [4�8]. In [2, 3], a list of the most importantV.A. Kind’s works was presented.


1. Budnikov, P.P., Zh. Prikl. Khim., 1938, vol. 11, no. 5,pp. 807�810.

2. Okorokov, S.D., Tr. Len. Politekhn. In�ta, 1949, no. 1,pp. 111�119.

3. Znachko-Yavorskii, I.L. and Savelov, I.G., K istoriirazvitiya otechestvennoi nauki i tekhniki proizvodstva

tsementa (The History of the Development of DomesticScience and Technology of Cement Manufacture),Frunze: Maktep, 1974.

4. Tsement, 1938, no. 5, pp. 2�4.5. Zhuravlev, V.F., Okorokov, S.D., and Val’berg, G.S.,

Tsement, 1948, no. 3, pp. 6�8.6. Okorokov, S.L., Tsement, 1967, no. 4, p. 13.7. Okorokov, S.D. and Sychev, M.M., Tsement, 1970,

no. 8, pp. 20�21.8. Uchenye LTI imeni Lensoveta (Scientists of Lensovet

Technological Institute in Leningrad), Leningrad: Len.Tekhnol. Inst. im. Lensoveta, 1987.

A.G. Morachevskii