professional services and solutions 2011 brand tracking study

2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends Julie Schwartz Senior Vice President Research and Thought Leadership ITSMA Abbreviated Summary | January 2014 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends | Abbreviated Summary | B025AS | © 2014 ITSMA. All Rights Reserved.

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2014 Services Marketing

Budget Allocations

and Trends

Julie Schwartz

Senior Vice President

Research and Thought Leadership


Abbreviated Summary | January 2014 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends | Abbreviated Summary | B025AS | © 2014 ITSMA. All Rights Reserved.

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ITSMA Benchmarking Study | 2014 Budget Allocations and Trends

© 2014ITSMA. All rights reserved. Reproduction or forwarding of this document to others is prohibited.

Abbreviated Summary

The 2014 Services

Marketing Budget

Allocations and Trends

survey provides data on

services marketing budgets,

budget allocations, and

marketing priorities from a

range of companies across

the technology and

consulting industries.

Topics covered in the report include:

marketing budget size and growth rates

revenue growth rates

marketing budget allocations

marketing staff growth rates

marketing staff allocations

marketing mix budget allocations

marketing operations and automation

marketing priorities

digital marketing

Account Based Marketing


budget allocations

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ITSMA Benchmarking Study | 2014 Budget Allocations and Trends

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As we look ahead to 2014, we see both good news

and some concerns

Note: This Abbreviated Summary highlights some

of the significant findings from 2014 Services

Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends. A more

in-depth analysis can be found in the full report.

Good News The perception of marketing is


Marketing roles are expanding

Marketing budgets, staff, and agency spend are increasing

Concerns • Senior executives still

do not see marketing contributing enough to – Strategy development

–Revenue growth

– Shareholder value

• Marketing budgets are declining as a percentage of revenue

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Despite an improving economic picture, the era of doing


is not yet over

with less

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More companies are increasing

marketing spend in 2014…

In FY2014, do you expect your marketing budget to increase, decrease, or stay the same when compared to FY2013? % of Respondents (N=45)

Source: ITSMA, 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

Average increase:

10.0% Average

decrease: 15.3%

51% Increase

13% Decrease

36% Stay the Same

Overall 2014 B2B Services

Marketing Budget Growth:


… but as a percentage of revenue,

marketing budgets are trending


What is the size of your annual services marketing budget as a percentage of services revenue? % of Services Revenue Spent on Marketing

Source: ITSMA, Budget Allocations and Trends: Key Metrics Survey, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014






1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014(est)

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Marketing Budget Trends

In response to changing buyer behavior and economic pressures,

marketers are shifting their spending in 2014 to reflect new priorities

Decreasing spending • Sponsorships

• Public trade shows, events, conferences

• Advertising (traditional)

• Direct marketing (email/mail/telemarketing)

• Content development

• Sales (channel) enablement and support

• Brand and communications

• Digital marketing

• Private events, seminars, and conferences

• Marketing technology

• Marketing performance management

Increasing spending

Source: ITSMA, 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

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The digital marketing budget composition is shifting with

the old mainstays—email and webinars—declining Digital Marketing Budget Trends

Decreasing spending • Email, email newsletters

• Client extranets or microsites

• Virtual tradeshows, conferences, and events

• Webinars

• Podcasts

• Online video

• Blogs

• Search engine optimization (SEO)

• Public online communities

Increasing spending

Source: ITSMA, 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

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Content development, leadership, and

data/analytical skills are in highest demand 53

















Data and analytics

Critical thinking

Business acumen

Strategic planning

Vertical market/industry expertise

Influence and negotiation


Project management

Social media


Sales/business development

Primary research

OtherNote: Up to three responses allowed. Source: ITSMA, 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

Which of the following skills do you believe are essential to your marketing organization’s future success? % of Respondents (N=45)

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Five mandates for marketers in 2014

1. Measure and communicate metrics that matter

2. Become a data and technology frontrunner

3. Improve relevance and personalization

4. Enable thought leadership selling

5. Develop a proactive and adaptive marketing culture

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Study Participants

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In Services Revenue

7% 7% 11% 11%

33% 31%



$100– 249M

$250– 499M

$500– 999M

$1–5B Greaterthan$5B

Study Methodology From December 2013 through January 2014,

ITSMA used a web-based survey to gather data

from its members and select non-members about

services marketing budgets, services growth, and

top marketing priorities. ITSMA received 45

responses from 44 unique companies.

Source: ITSMA, 2013 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

Industry Subsector

Which of these categories best describes your industry subsector? % of Respondents (N=45)





9% Professional services firm (consulting, outsourcing, and systems integration)

Computer systems and solutions provider

Software solutions provider

Network systems and

solutions provider


How large is your services business? % of Respondents (N=45)

Organization Size

Type of Company


40% We sell both

products and


We primarily

sell services

Which of the following best describes your company? % of Respondents (N=45)

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What was/will be the percentage growth rate of your company or division revenue? % of Respondents (N=35)

ITSMA analyzed the survey data in four ways:

The data set as a whole

Company type: primarily services or product and services

Company size: less than $1B or $1B or more in annual services revenue

Revenue growth rate: less than 10% or 10% or more

Geographic location: North America, Europe, or Asia

Geographic Location



13% North America


In which geography are you based? % of Respondents (N=45)


Services Revenue Growth Rate


63% Lower Growth (<10%)

Higher Growth


Note: Includes only those companies that provided services revenue growth rates. Higher Growth = annual services revenue growth rate >=10%; Lower Growth = annual service revenue growth rate <10%

Source: ITSMA, 2013 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

Respondents’ Perspective

From which perspective will you be answering this survey? % of Respondents (N=45)



Entire company

A specific business unit

or division

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Table of Contents for 2014 Services Marketing Budget Allocations and Trends

For More Information Julie Schwartz Senior Vice President Research and Thought Leadership ITSMA Email: [email protected] Phone: +1-781-862-8500, Ext. 112


Survey Highlights 3

Survey Methodology and Demographics 26

Size of the Marketing Budget 36

Services Revenue 42

Marketing Staffing 45

Agency Relationships 54

Services Marketing Budget Allocation 59

The Marketing Mix 67

Marketing Operations 73

Account Based Marketing 76

Marketing Priorities 79

Marketing Organization Perception and Scope 82

Crosstabs 87

By Size of Company 87

By Type of Company 130

Select Crosstabs by Growth 171

Select Crosstabs by Geographic Location 185

Appendix: Definitions Used in This Report 193

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