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Post on 18-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Professional


Page 2: Professional

You are a third year student on the cusp of graduating. You have been using the Internet socially since you were a teenager via chatrooms, gaming and more recently Facebook. You have already secured first interviews for graduate training schemes with two large corporations (A & B), but are still waiting to hear from the one you are most interested in (C).

Scenario 1

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A friend tells you they have heard this company routinely screens potential and existing employees on the Web, but the two firms you have interviews with both have a policy to not screen them. In this worksheet, if you do not have a profile yourself, imagine you have one.

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Company A & B has a policy “not to check” any of their employees profile on web but Company C check their potential and existing employees accounts online

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Answer the following questions!

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1. What might your existing Facebook profile say about you if firm C looks at it?

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2.Are there any things that can be seen on your, wall, or in notes you have posted which might help encourage firm C to employ you?

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3.Conversely, is there anything on your profile that might put an employer off?

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4.If you were in the position of shortlisting people for interview and your company had a policy of checking candidates' DIs, how would you interpret it if it was obvious someone had just ‘cleaned up’ their profile?

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5.How would you feel if the company you wanted to work for banned use of social networking sites such as Facebook during work hours?

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6.How, on the other hand, would you feel if the company you worked for decided its staff had to use a social networking site, and to build customer relationships through it?

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Think about after graduation, find out if background research on potential employees using web is common in your country?


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Scenario 2

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You are looking for the opportunity to work abroad for a year. You have avoided being drawn in to social networking sites, preferring to spend time with your friends. You have three organisations that offer interesting opportunities for a year out, and you discover from one of your friends that two of them have been getting in touch with potential applicants through LinkedIn, a business social networking site.

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While you were chatting with friends over coffee, you heard that there are 20 people applying for each position within the organisations, so it is going to be quite competitive.


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1.What basic research would you do to try to determine whether you are more likely to be successful in your application if you have a LinkedIn profile?

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2.If you choose to create a profile, for the purposes of enabling the organisations to find you, what sort of information would you make available?

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3.What do you think it says about you, if you just create the profile with your academic achievements and areas of professional interests?

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4.If you were interacting with potential employees via a social networking site, how would you see someone who had created a profile just to interact with you, or to get your attention?

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5.What would you post and where would you do it


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REFERENCES The content are extracted from ‘This is me’.


