proc no 110 1998 stamp duty

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  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    **~~r-k f t..f..& .i\'e .itI fDh& 'f \.f 'e tT llfLh


    hl..'''~ (~oo..,. ~I:1'C 91;},Jtil hnl) ann 1 Iily'j

    4t h Year No. 36A DD IS A BA BA - 12tl'M ay, 19 98nh. r -k ,r & Y..I..I\ceJ t l fPtJl .. It ,rce ~TlIhetJf c 'h1'11+ml1 r- :f 9 tJC 0 . m l}~1 ' fh .~ 1'fH } iJ1:1 1:f4.f,Cj1i1 +*qiJ:f1 h 1: iI,.4>(L ~,Cj fl1 (:t'A11}~ 1'lD

  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    h;r 1~f.ifti:t ., fr .t .A ;1&-1- ;1f1 ,f1J(~ 'I 'C: c9 i ' '} f1' '' ' Q .,.') H tlj 't.,...

    f. '

    f. f'H 11 ..'}- il9 9 .'}- tPJl\.'}- nn'}~ mf,9 hn'}~.. nOlJ.flAm. f lP& 'T1f~ tP J' In& ..'} .l\ ~ 1\'1 nn '}~mf -.9u hn'}~ n O IJ.nAm. nlPt.9'~ mf,9 fnlP~tPJ' IfM.''' ' m h.l\ ~ m f,9 nlPt.9'~,} n tmhl\-'''mt.9'~ oPilhA ill\JP &. lJ-),;J-9'~ fOlJ.1.l. .. , n~lJ-tt:f lP'{'l. i l9 9 . '}- m-:9.' f JPt.. m-A tPJl\T tPJ'} ;; :me9 om- 1 .oPm1,1 \fTh&e l\me: f ln lP t. oPt. .'}- n4'T;J-9 If nTU'P'Pt.oP'}1~ l\Tmo mf,9 ATmo,9 fTmoJP I.. l\ i', ot.m- l\ oP JP t... '}- (} .iltPJtPJ n lJ-l\ 1: oPilhAfOT/.oPlPl..'}- m-A m-:

    ?;. o .f.: tPJl\ .' }- tPJ '1Tme9 oP11.'}-mf ,9 . . ,Yo;J- f.,.oPlPl.T n:,': fo f-o PJl1 fH l,'}-: fT l\,{ ,n .'} -~ fTm11.n .'}-~ A hef.,.mo n.'}- 'mf,9 f,,.il

  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    , 1A 11~~ U -t.A ~;J~+ ;JILII)-k1 Cen 71f1+ + 'J li if J 't .,..I ~.Feder al Nega rit Gaz eta No . 36 - 12thM ay, 1998 - Page 738

    ,r; G,',~

    f+~m- 1\+-IoP1{i . 01\1 ,( - ...~ .( - oPlP ~: '~~Dt f tIT ~1D- o P-o : tDf,'

    ~:1 1\. '00-} fDt :fA hIT~ Ofl.V- ...~.(- I\f, fDth~ ID- f+~~ oPm } OlP }m~1f I\f, }~ 'oP h 'lD-f 'l '; J1D - bP-F-~ f ,IT'iA==

    I' 01\ }. (- . .. ~. (- oP lP~ : '~~ 7.. fD tIT ~qJ- oP-f1: tD~'~:1 1\. '00-} fD 7~ :fA hIT ~ O fl.V - ...~.(- I\~ I\.h~A

    fDt1f}1D- f+~~ oPm } ,, Y }J; }.c;. ...~.(- O fl.V -lP }m~:rr ID-il~ f 'oPt\h 'lD- f+~~ oPm } ~IT'iA==(. 1 \ } '( - . ..~. (- I\~ .,.h 4-f, f 7..IT~1D- +~~ o-oe '~IT )OA.I\ 1 } -o hIT~: f+~m- oPm } f 7.. 'I\1D- ...~.c;.O '~~oPO : + } O 'l't\1D - fr }.,~ A h ~ID -::

    . O il-F-h tD~r A.I\ 'PiI: 'i f}t\1D- ~1e I\~ I\.h~Af 7..1f}1D- f+~~ oPm } O 'P;JID- I\f, 'oPile-F - hIT ~tf '~m- oPm } f 7..(tl\1D- (t~.c;. O '~~oPO: + )O 'l'''1D- 1 \D7 '~ 'I';J oPlPl.: ~ID-::?;. il . f 't\Y~ ~1C' :ff+m,t\t\-O'- tD~r t\il . A~(t~J'.. :f f~oP OOJ'iTlD-tJu ( t~ .( - O Yt'T tD A ~ A ~ (t~ J'..'foPm ) IIlLU n'P~ oo'Pl.'- n Y }J; }.c;. (t~ .(- I\~f\1D- 'l~ noom,t\A +f.9 C: ~ht.AO:J-A==~. 0) }11l'- } nl1t\o.'- ~'- t\OOJil001'111n+ I: l:oo (t~.(-

    I\~ f\ w. f1 ;9 l1 e '''IT f 7..+00 (t~.(- W'ilT n+w (t~ 1D - f }l1l-l: tp;J I\~1fti' 'P ;JID - l} to 1ot..A fn 1e lD -ilT 1 0. 11t\P'AIIJ )+ 1~~'- Y11 }f.lf~ ~ID -= =t\) n }l1l.-I: (t~.(- I\~ f+oot\h+lD - ) tp;J ft..1ot..Afn1C lD -ilT 10. 11t\P'AIIJ } J'A+.,.nt\1D- 'f.IT~.+1n .lD - f1;9 11C '''IT f 7..h t.An'- f }l1l-l: tp;Jt\ILU- ~ J;~ ft..1o t..A 001.,p''-'' f1 l1 .s P'f I1C.(-

    n OOJ.t~oo lD - 1 '1DIJ .1 ; ~W (t 'i A :=o\ .,1o:J-{i . h lLU n:J -'f n+oo t\h- l:'- 1o-il 1 \1 .,.f .'f n t\ .I \ n~~1

    I1A+1 t\~ n iI+.,.C n n }.(- (t ~.(- .,. m,DIJ. .IT ~ (t1D-(t~.c;. I\~ fDIJ.. '00 ~W'1 f1;9 il C '''IT f ooh t.A. ,1o:J- nt\n '- :=

    I' nh.'- f'k.r lD-ilT (t~J;.1 fDIJ..lPt..lD-W~9 fDIJ..(tmlD-(tlD-(t~J;. 'f.+4t~oo f1;9 l1C 'lm- ) fooht.A 1o:J- 1 , t\n' - ==tr ti '9 n } .( - (t~.(- f+lPt..1D- lD~9f+(tmw. hh . '- f-k. r w'6/}> htr~ f1;9 l1C 'lm-1fooht.A .e..:J- J't\n'- (t~J;. ) nh.'- f-kf lD-ilToo1.oo~.r .rilt.~oow. (tlD- ~(&o==C' nh.t..~ lD -1A lD -ilT f+t\f il9 9 ~'- hl\.t\ nil+.,.Cn h .t..~ lD-1A I\f- fDIJ .. h4 tt\ lD-1 f1;9 l1C '''ITfooht.1A ~:J- JJt\n'- +ht..f- ~lD-==

    . n oo .r tr (t~.(- I\f- fDIJ.h4tt \lD- ) f1;9 l1C '''IT+nJ;~w. fooh4t1A '1o: J- n t\ n'- ==?; . n }l1l '- I1tto.' - ~ ' - i l9 OOJil001'10.f (t~~ I\f-

    I \. h& .1A fDIJ .1 11D-1 f 1 ; 9 u11C '''IT 1\.1\ il9 9 ~'- h I\.t\nil+cI'C fooh4t1A I1o:J- .rt\n'- f111l-l: l1t\o.'- ~'-fDIJ.ooll111t\'- (tw. f-lf'iIA==

    5. Mode o fVaJua tion1) W here the value of the right or obligation executed, by m eans of an instrum ent can be determ ined, the

    rate chargeable on such instrument shall be thepercentage of such value as specified in theSchedule.2) W here the value of the right or obligation executedby means o f an in str umen t c anno t be dete rm ined , th eamount cha rgeable on such an ins trument is the f ixedam ount specified for each such instrum ent in theSchedule.3 ) Where an in strument is chargeable w ith stam p dutyin re spec t o f any amount exp re ssed in any curr ency ,other th an B irr, such am ou nt shall be com puted onthe bas is o f th e p reva iling ra te o f exchange.

    4) W here an instrum ent is chargeable w ith stam p dutyon an ad-v alorem basis in respect of any stock or ofany marketable security, such amount shall becomputed on the average value of the stock orsecur ity preva iling a t the time when the ins trument ismade.5) Any instrum ent com prising or relating to severaldistinct m atters shall be chargeable w ith the ag-g reg ate amount o f d utie s p ay ab le in re sp ect o f ea chseparate instrument.

    6 ) (a) T he stamp duty p ay ab le o n documents tra nfe rrin gti tl e sha ll be calcula ted on the value of the proper tyinvo lved as agreed upon b etw een th e tran sfererand th e tran sferee, pro vid ed h ow ever that suchvaluation is approved by the Federal InlandRevenue Authority; ,(b) W here the value agreed betw een the transfererand the t rans fe ree is not accep table to the FederalInland Revenue Authority, the value of theproper ty involved in the tr ansfer o f ti tl e sha ll , forthe purpose of calculating the stam p duty, bed eterm in ed by a sp ec ia l c omm itte e which sh allbe appointed for such purposes by the FederalGovernment Revenues Board.6. Liability1 ) Unle ss o th erw ise p ro vid ed h ere in th e b en eficiary o f

    an instrument shall b e liable to pay the stam p dutythereon.2) The person making (drawing) or issuing an ins-trum ent in Ethiopia shall, upon its execution, beliable for the paym ent of stamp duty; provided,h owev er, th at when an in strumen t is m ad e (d rawn )or issued outside Ethiopia the person w ho is firstexecuting it in Ethiopia shall be liable for thepaymen t o f s tamp duty .3 ) Un le ss o therw is e specifie d in th e le as e agre ement th es tamp duty in re spec t o f th e le as e agr eement sha ll b epaid by the le sse e.4) The borrower shall be liable for the payment ofs tamp duty cha rgeable on s ecurity deeds.5) The transferee shall, unless otherwise agreed, beliable for the paym ent of stam p duty chargeab le ondocuments t ransfer ring t it le to proper ty .

  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    ~'A IIt )ii u.t.1\ ~;M T ;JIL IIJ.,C eM '(IT + , liif' ~.,...,III

    Fed eral Neg arit G aze ta No. 3 6 - 121bM ay, 1998 - Page 739

    i' IA m ,.. (\ ''''~T fOtoP(\C-I: m1'i f A-I: '-o~ '~'I' n;Jt.~ n '~m lA 'm l-t 1I'~it'1S

    i' n~'I'C,.1A fOthLA' f-l:,..-oC '~'I' foPhLIA11.:J- fhlP~ II'~IA :1~ . ~1= f' n11A11A fOl/.1(\m(\). m1'i f A -I:,..-oC '~'I' hh4-LIA n;Jt.~ n '~mlA 'ml-t 1I'~it'==

    i' n .. ,-o~-1- ( \ '' ''~-1- AOthLA f-l:, . .-oC '~'I'hlP~~ 1Pt-+if =t: n;Jt-~ n '~mlA 'm lct II'~ it's:

    i' '~m- fO thLlAn-1 - 1 .1 1.~ o-~:J-i f-l:,..-oC .,. ~ 'I ' fOthLA nOth .,.A 1 .11 .~ o-~:J-~,.;

    V) noPoP(\~~~ oP '~1.~1 2t h.c:. f~ h ,..1 I11} n&-1 -m ,.. n,. .1I11} 1.11.~

    A) n1/A1l\ ~ ,.I)~,. hoP(\m-l: n&-1- m ,.. nOt(\'I' n -1- 1.11. ~th) n lA m ,.. n(\,. ., ..~ (\~p.. f ,,~ hoPL~ ':fn&-1-m ,.. nOtL~ou-nT 1 .1 1.~oP) nh.t - m ,.. n.,.ht. hht- IA ~ ,.It-hoPL~OU- n&-1-m ,.. nOtL~,. .n-1- 1.11.1

    IP) n '~;J1~ (\~.(- ,,~ '~;J1~ nOt(\'I'n-1-1.11.1~ ) n oP.r..,. (\~ ~ , ht1P,L~OU-n&-1-m ,.. n 7.L~,.. n -1- 1.11. 1f\) n1-o~ -1 - I }An. ~-1 -(\,.. '(\o P1 I1 n.1 (\~ .(- ~f '(\o P1 .1 (1 - .,.1 1}C hoPL1aOU- n&-1- m ,.. n 7.L1a

    ,..n .'t' 1 .1 1.::g. V) fOthLA f-l:,..-oC '~'I' h-nc ~ n:J- f n 7.l1 '1n-1-1.11. 'htt:I . +1n.,., CP;Jf ' ' -I:,..-nCnoPAmtt: L1a 'IA::A) f 7.hLAI& f-l:,..-nC '~ 'I' h -n c r; fnA m (\.11'1ti. ~.m ,.. f(\~~ 'i ~-1-~ o-~:J- Af-1- IA hlPt.C1

    (\.m ~1 f~Yot.1A oP1 lP'-1- f1n.,, f f1C.(-nOl/ .1mtIJ, . oPoP~.r oP lP~-1-- I :, .. -nC hoPAmtt:n ,,, oP11.(- '~m- '.JlhLIA t\.11.C l ,, f IA::

    f. ' V) f '~'I' - I:,. .- nC n+AmLn-1- ( \~ .( - f 7.lPt. m ,..f 7..,.n lA (\,. n tL U -I:,..-nC o-A +~ '~ lPt.oPlP~1 ' hAn -1 -::

    A ) -I:,..-n C f.,. Am L n -1 -1 (\ ~.(- f 7.' n It- (\,, f (\A -I:,..-n~ h(\t-~1I f~Yot.1A fh1C ,.(\'1 ' 1n. I}AP'

    IAtlJ1 nOtm(\~,. oP lP~-1- ,,~1t 7it ': :th ) n (\~ .(- f+AmL -I:,..-nC f~Y..t.1A fh1C,.(\'1' 1 n . I) AP' IAtIJ' nOtm (\ ~,. oP IP ~ -1- I11A+

    IP~ f \~~ -I: ,. .-nC '~IA+AmLn-1- mt.IA::n tLU , ..h11-1- fOtoP tI J,. ~ ,,& ~-1-f 7 .m .( - 'nI}A ~' 1) 11'1f '~'I' -I:,..-aC n+AmLn-1-f\~'(- nOtlPt . m ,.. nOt. ,.nlA f \, . IT~IA::~. f~Y..t.1A fh1C ,.(\'1 ' 1n. I}AP 'lA tlJ 1P 'lA tlJ 1

    f~Yo t.1A fh1C ,.(\'1 ' 1 n. I}AP'~ tlJ1 ;i' n fLU hCP~ oPlP~-1- f+m( \~ ' +~ 'I ' AoPf \-nf \-nU1hCP~ A '(\L 1a,..;I' +~'I' h4-f- f (\A+~m - hml)f\, f 7.~~ oP l-n-1-'~1.-n.,.c- f1 ' m~ '''' f1~ '~=f '''' lA , lA, f\~p..

    f1~ ,.I)~ f '.Jl1 'Cn- A ''(-~''l~ AoPoPCoPCh(\L 1. 1T'i ( \.J'1~ ' ,.~, f 7.oPA h ''' f\,. t. 'CP 1JU 'it.,.,~,..Cm ,.. 1.Jl1(\~~A ' 1II


    6) Parties to a contract or to an agreem ent are jointiyand severally liable fo r th e paym ent o f stam p dutythereon.7) The employer shall be liable for the payment ofs tamp duty on con tra cts o f emp loyment. .8 ) P arties to a n awa rd a re j oin tly a nd sev era lly liab le fo rth e paymen t o f s tamp duty thereon ,9) The employer and employees are jointly andseverally liable for the paym ent of stam p duty oncollective agreement.7. T ime and Mann er of Payment1) The stam p duty shall be paid:(a) on memorandum and articles of association,b ef ore o r a t th e time o f regis tr ation;(b) on aw ard s, before or at the tim e of issuance of theaward;(c ) o n c on tra cts o r ag reements, b efo re o r a t t he tim e o fsignature; .(d) on leases or sub-leases, before or at the tim e ofsignature;(e ) o n nota rial a cts, a t th e tim e o f issu an ce ;(t) on security deeds, before or at the time ofsignature;(g) on do cum ents of title to prop erty, b efore or at the

    time is suance i s e ff ec ted.2) (a) The paym ent of a stamp duty under Birr 50 shallbe e ffec ted by aff ix ing s tamp of appropr ia te valueto the ins trument.(b) When the stam p d uty ex ceed s B irr 50 or w here thetype and nature of instrum ent so requires, theFederal Governm ent Revenues Board m ay bydirec tive provide that s tamp duty be paid by meanso ther than a ff ix ing s tamp.3) (a) W hoever executes or receives an instrumentbearing an adhesive stamp shall at the time ofexecution cancel the sam e, so that it cannot beused aga in .(b) Persons required. to cancel the adhesive stam {:sha ll c ance l it in such manne r a s w ill b e p re sc rib edby the F edera l In land Revenue Authority .(c ) Any in strument b earin g a n a dh esiv e stamp whichhas not been cance led a s p re sc rib ed by the F eder alIn lan d R ev enue Auth ority sh all b e d eemed , so fa ra s su ch stamp is c on cern ed , to b e unstamped . T herespons ib ili ty a ri sing f rom the non cance lla tion ofthe stamp shall be on the person executing orrecev ing the ins trument bea ring an adhes ive s tampand not on the person subm itting the documen t fo rexecution.

    8. Power of t he Federa l Inland Revenue Au thorit yThe F ed era l In la nd R ev enue Auth ority is h ereb y v estedw ith powers to :1) collect the stam p duty determ ined under, and im -p lement the provi sions of this P roclamat ion ;2 ) re qu ire p erso ns lia ble to p ay stamp duty to su bm it fo rits inspection any registers and books, papers,,documents and proceed ings necessa ry for the dete r-mination of stamp duty, or where necessary torequ ir~the a tt endance of such per sons who sha ll g ivethe necessary explanation in the course of itsinspec tion of such records ;

  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    ~ K ' :U ~~1.('.1A ~ ;J(.'''' ;J.LIIJ -k 'C c jj ''} ft:'' .,.'} Ii fj ~,,..,f.' 1 '~f. f 'l.o Pt\h 'ND' '1.1' h4-,e . IULO n ,} '1 \ '}o-lln '} 'Y , (~ ) fH 'oPt\h .,.m . oPIPI.T AoPL 'I .' J L~Y.~It,e.rr'} n .,.1 . 1 .IL ''} W 'J T AoPm(a'}c;' AoP(a

    .n (a 11 :, A t l)'} '''(a1'''':r A::

    'i ' ,e. '(I~ f 'l~l.l1 oP1H'f &..Y-..t.A fn1C ID-ll1' 1a. 'M ' Atl)'} nm(a~1D-f1:'J l1C '1.1' ' '1.n f 'l,e.llO?O? '1.1' h4-,e. A 'Atl) ''}n 'l .',. h.c ,: t }ll :J -m. ,.n ', . ,.'} n '} ll .,. h?; ,l i '''i 1' aO?,e.nA1'1.IL m'lll A&..Y-..t.Ah(~ '~: (~C.(' o.T ,e. I~ AO?~l.l1,e.1'''A::

    I' f'1:9u11C '1.1' , .,AoPht .A f ' l. J' llh .. ,. t\m. m.m.j ' 1II/'}~(D'9u (a~.(' IUlO ntp:~ oPIPI. '1.1' t}A .HM .An.1 ' n ll ..,.C nm'A m,e.'Jn,.n, tII/lll.~ foP.,.nA , AtI)'} 'Mm' (am. m ,e.'J

    foP'} ''''''T oP, ~.f n': II,}J~..nO?ll l. ~~T ' ''' '' 'I ,e .~Tn ,e . i I .(D '9u : 9uA h.., ' n .e .,~ .I .' n T9u m,e.'J O?l.;n6IiJ.i',,e.(aI n 'J ::

    ~, IUlO i ', ,} '1 \ '}O-l l n,} '1\ ( j i ) f 'f-f.~111D-nm'}1:Ac,:Cf.' a. n ' l.:J .,e . h ehe nO?ill.~~T f 7..,.ea.(a~f. ) ,} n,e.oPl\h'}9U::

    i:' nllO i',tp ~ oPlI'I.: noPl.~'~'1' '''''I,e.~T .f 1'';'(a~f:') I \.h t.A 'F f:CO' f 'l :, Ilm . c/'/.I nV-I\'r ~ \1 'e t: 'h(~I\ I l: ': co ' noP/.~~: I \.c/'ea. ,e.': ;' ''A':: rr i 'J IUlOu.~.:J' fOl/.ht.t\m' c/'/.I t r : .ne OI/~llfAn 9u::

    ~ . h llO n t\,e. n , (JP l\h .t::'. '} n,} '? f f 'm(a~m'~ tI } : , t. 7. 01/. oP rY'} (lIl 0 i', tp ~ i', '}.,. 'I.' :O ~ oP IP I.Thuph (a il i ' fO'f .'9U ::I li' h.,./. I (, (JP rr'}ji, 0I/ .~ il .1 '~ , (1

  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    1~ if~ii IJ.~.A ~;J~+ ;J,l.tIJ ~...c m -n f1+ + -J I iU 'J.,-. Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 36 - 12111M ay, 1998 - Page 741I' -n~ ,.,. 'm-;V) 1:,.ilC tD 1:,.ilC f+A m.t.flT tDl.+TA OD ir~ +.t.~P.A T flflU 1.'P~ ODlPl.T f tDm-

    ~~flT~f~ '~~~W~:tD~A I 1 :9 ilC tD~ 'l:9 ' ilC f+Am.t.flT tDl.+TAODir~ '''.t.+ Y:AT : firm tD~ AODir~l+l.fI

    ~~~W~ :...4 -+ ~~ .,: 1 1t;:(:Y : f1 .T 1.;J1~ hilC ~ itu 11 7 ,n ...'ihilC ti itu 11 7 flA~ f1~ iI OD+r.a'i h~ ~ODT11 71~ ''i hI ~O DT 11 7~I1A ~~). ~P'?T +~A ::

    If' f+ 7fl.'i ~ ~.,. fll7 .~ 6 11..,i' f1:9' ilC +l.~ 1 .'P~ -k 'rC rft J /IiifC:ii ~'9' +1i~f IILU1.'P~ ++h:l ;A: :I' f1:9' -{)C +l.~ ~~iI -k~c If;i/Iiif2i ~'f Y:~;J1. ,:r. ~u~ 1.'P~ ~ '''A+''+l.)' Y:l.' ~,+ ,.

    . -- ~~ ,fA'::Ig . ODOD ff~~~.A OD''1P'T f1f1. ''f flCY: AfLU1\'P~ 1..t~~9'1\ '.tl\1. flf). ODOD/ f ,:r., f 'l ~T P'AtfJ' .,....... ':1 A::

    ~ . 1 .'1 ':( f 'l.O 'iI1T 1.11.i f,U1.'P~ h'1'flT .,., Yf: i. ~ '9 f.9' ~ f~ 'i ~ 1f'iA ::1\Jt... 1.n ll '1 'f I .,., I ii f: i. q.9 ' ~ ;J ' 'z.~~f1\.Tf.k.f ~~t.I \P. Jt 'l ht. l1. .fp' /,Tilt\.h

    T i'oll~'' '' '

    2) Any Person who:(a) appointed to sell stamps or stamped papers,disobeys Regulations issued under thisP ro clamatio n; o r .(b ) n ot so ap po in te d, sells o r o ffe rs fo r sale stamps o rs tamped papers ; .

    sh all b e liab le o n co nv ictio n to a fin e n ot le ss th an B irr5,0 00 and n ot exceedin g B irr 20,0 00 and to rig orou sim prisonment for a term no t less than 5 years an d no tmore th an 1 0 y ears.13. Repeal and SavingsI) The Stamp Duty Proclamation No, 334/1987 ishereby repea led and rep laced by this P rocl ama tion .2) T he provisions of the Stam p D uty R egulations N o.221 /1959 sha ll remain in f orc e in so fa r a s th ey a re notincons is tent wi th this Proclamation .'14. Directives

    The Federal G overnm ent Revenues Board m ay issuedirectives for the proper implementation of thisProclamation.15. EffectiveDateThisProclamationshallenterinto force as of the 12thdayof May, 19 98.Done at Addis Ababa, this 12thday of M ay, 1998.


  • 8/13/2019 Proc No 110 1998 Stamp Duty


    i'''t. fw~.t;. ~f,~: f-/'CDI'I~ ftl'Ulht.f:o UI- .f 1 'I . .~ 9 , ':e'l' .ne 350,,) n 00 tne). 1'1. .~ 9 10 02 f ;,,,111.: I {. . '' ' ' '~l1e ou.,. .c\Y.t' .,f .1,11:

    u) OO~.OOt' .. f 1 ' I. .~9 , ':e'l' .ne 35,,) nO O tn'} 1'I. .~ 9 10;II 3 IA IA nt p ;JCD' f '/.'''001

    1%I f 'lf ,,001

    'l1 e 3 5

    4 ,/.,:'F ((l'H~:) ntp ;JCD' 1%

    5 f6:P ' Ih '/ ;/ : ' '' '1 .;1 ', (>1 '1 .I~'~.r..' n., .. ;J CD ' 1%

    6 ( II . . .: f. : f l9 9 ~ . r. :f ,c i 00 '6bJ.9';/::':Cf)< ,..,:e'l' ,ne 5'00 7 foo,f'l I~ '~,f: 11.,..JCD' 1%

    8 f ;11'111. : fl9 9 ~'}u) l'I.ouI/','11 , ':e'l' ,ne 350

    , ,) 1'I)'i7iA .ne 1009 f') re (II'A fl9 9 ~: f ~, 1.r ..' CD e 1%

    I . ou CD'

    10 \It.f,: f-I'h t.f, M 1/.. 8 c/u l'lA o o'IH n tp ; JCD ' 0.5% 'IfI ''''''',.f w~.r..'

    11 'I1.;J.,6bJ. , ':e'l' 'l1e 5,00

    12 fCD 'nA r, I A lf J1 n'~e'l' l1 e 35 ,0 0

    13 \'1111.: '1 '1.H,). MU 'Ifl001 ,n.f ntp ;JCD- 2%

    In strumen ts C harg eab le w ith B asis of R ates ofS tamp D uty Valuation StampDuty

    1 Memorandum andArticles of As-sociation o f any busin ess or-g an iz atio ns, o r a ny a sso cia tio n:(a) upon I st execution flat Birr 350(b ) u po n an y su bse qu en t e xec utio n flat Birr 100

    2 Memorandum and Articles ofA ss oc ia tio n o f c oope ra ti v es(a) upon 1st execution flat B irr 35(b) upon any subsequent ex- flat Birr 10ecution

    3 A ward on value a) with de-terminablevalue 1%b) with un-


    v alu e B irr35

    4 B onds on value 1%5 Warehouse Bond on vlaue 1%6 C ontracts and agreem en ts and flat Birr 5

    memo ra nd a th ere of7 S ec ur ity D ee ds o n v alu e ]%8 Co ll ec ti ve Agre ement(a) on 1s texecution flat Birr 350

    (b) on any subsequent executo n flat Birr 1009 ontr ac t o f emp loymen t salary ]%

    10 Lease including sub-lease and on value 0.5%transfer the reof

    11 Notarial act flat Birr 512 Power of Attorney flat Birr 3513 Reg iste r title to p ro pe rty on v alu e 2%

    t'l~ :U~ i . . Y u t . . \ ~;M''' ' ; J1I .(1)el: 'I 'C i ) j OJ '}(1. f . .,.1 IitIj q.9 .f 1: 9 11 C 4>l.If :h ~ lj: IP'} ml.1f

    nlP~f.:f I\~ fll'/.h t.A f1 :9D.nC 4>l.1f fD? ro r'l~ ro ': fD ?m f4>OJ-ljifD ?r'l(1 r'l(1 ro . h lU } (1 ;J-:f (1 -t-o Pt\h -t-O J- A n ~ OJ-I

    Federal N egarit G ezeta N o. 36 -- 12thM ay, 1998 - PageSCHEDULE OF STAMP DUTY RATES

    The stamp duty on each instrument shall be charged, levied andco llected at th e fo llowin g rates: