priručnik 31717 engleski jezik za 3. razred - easy 3


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Engleski jezik za 3. razred osnovne škole - Easy 3


Page 1: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3






Page 2: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


dr Gordana Petri~i}, docent na Katedri za anglistiku Umetni~ko-filolo{kog fakulteta u


Zorica Ocokoqi}, profesor u Osnovnoj {koli «„Dr Ar~ibald Rajs“» u Beogradu

Vera Ze~evi}, profesor u Osnovnoj {koli „Jovan Popovi}“ u Beogradu


Ida Dobrijevi}, profesor u Institutu za strane jezike u Beogradu

Lektor za engleski jezik

Sheila Macgregor-Kova~evi}


Slobodanka Ru`i~i}

Odgovorni urednik

Dragan Hamovi}

Za izdava~a

prof. dr Rado{ Qu{i}, direktor i glavni urednik

Ministar prosvete i sporta Republike Srbije, re{ewem broj650-02-00037/2005-06 od 9. maja 2005. godine, odobrioje ovajuxbenik za izdavawe i upotrebu u 3. razredu osnovne {kole.

ISBN 86-17-12672-8

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topics and titles lexical areas language functions/skills


Lessons 1 – 6

Selected vocabulary

from Easy 2

Good morning! Hello!

Hi! My name is… Stand up! Sit down!

Show me..! Count…!

Is it a...? Is it a book? Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

What are you doing? How old…?

Have you got..? Do you like..?

Greeting friends.

Responding to commands.

Asking and answering short questions.

Getting to know each other

Listening to and reproducing the ABC song

Writing and spelling letters

1A Greetings

The English alphabet

What’s this? A book.

Is it a…? Yes…No…

Identifying objects in the classroom.

Giving short answers

1B Colours.

Classroom objects

What’s this? A red pen. Identifying colours and objects in the


Writing/spelling short words.

Reading short sentences.

1C Classroom


What’s this..? It’s a desk.

Is it a door? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Identifying colours and classroom furniture.

Writing /spelling short words.

Reading short sentences.


Unit 1

Learning to


1D Names. What’s your/ his / her name?

My/her/his name is …

Introducing yourself

Writing /spelling short words.

Reading short sentences.

2A Numbers 1–20


People at school

Count the…

One, two,… twenty.

How old are you?

What are you?

Counting from 1–20.

Identifying friends

Writing /spelling short words.

Reading short sentences.

2B Numbers How many….?

There is one chair.

There are many desks

Talking about the number of people/objects.


2C Activities in the


What are you doing?

I’m writing. You are not writing.

Talking about current activities.



Unit 2

Let’s count

and play!

2D Activities in the


S/he is reading. They are playing. Talking about current activities.


3A The time What time is it?

It’s two o’clock.

Telling the time.


3B The time What time is it?

It’s half past nine.

I’m sorry I’m late.

Telling the time

Expressing polite excuses


3C School subjects Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t

Does s/he like…?

Yes, s/he does. No, s/he doesn’t.

Identifying school subjects.

Expressing likes/dislikes.



Unit 3

What time is


3D Timetables What time is English?

English is at nine.

S/he is learning English.

Identifying timetables.

Talking about current activities.


4A Days in a week What day is it today? It’s Monday.

Do you go to school on Sunday?

No, I don’t.

Identifying days in a week.

Talking about everyday activities.


4B Games in the


What are you doing? We are jumping.

She is not crying.

Watch out! Ouch!

Talking about current activities.

Drawing attention.


4C Physical features:


I have blue eyes and fair hair.

big/small; long /short

Describing parts of the face.



Unit 4

School friends

4D A story –


S/he likes maths.

S/he doesn’t like maths.

Two plus two is…

Ten minus two is…

Four times two is…

Listening to the story.

Talking about days, subjects, homework

and friends.

Solving maths problems.




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topics and titles lexical areas language functions/skills

5A Family members

Numbers 30–100

This is Jill’s mother.

Have you got a brother? Yes, I have.

No, I haven’t.

Thirty, forty, fifty, ……..a hundred.

Identifying family members.

Talking about your own family.

Counting from 30 – 100.


5B Jobs He is a doctor.

She is an actress.

Naming jobs.

Talking about family members.


5C House and


Where is the kitchen? It’s upstairs /

downstairs. It’s on the left/ right.

Where do you wash your hands?

In the bathroom.

Identifying rooms in the house.

Identifying position. Associating rooms

with everyday activities.




Unit 5

Together at


5D Furniture Where is the cooker? In the kitchen.

(in / on / under)

Identifying location and position.


6A Months When is your birthday? In May.

Happy birthday!

Come on, blow out the candles!

Make a wish.

Talking about months and birthdays

Congratulating birthday.


6B Christmas

New Year

Before Christmas they trim the tree!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Talking about usual activities.

Talking about feasts and festivals.



6C Santa Claus and


There are presents for everybody.

Here you are. Thank you.

Giving and receiving presents.

Using polite expressions.




Unit 6

It’s December!

6D Winter sports It’s snowing. He has a sledge.

He is sledging.

Expressing ownership.

Talking about winter activities.


7A Morning at


Good morning!

I get up at 7 o’clock.

I brush my teeth…

Greeting. Connecting time and usual



7B Afternoon at


Good afternoon!

He comes home at ..

We have tea at five..

Greeting. Connecting time and usual



7C Evening at


A telephone call

Good evening! Are you tired?

What’s your phone number?

My phone number is 237806.

Can she come..? No, she can’t.

Greeting. Talking about feelings. Making

phone calls.

Asking for permission.




Unit 7

Morning to


7D Cutlery and


This is a spoon….

Set the table, please!

Who is coming to dinner? Super!

Naming cutlery and crockery.

Giving orders. Expressing pleasure


8A Food I like.. I don’t like..

S/he likes…S/he doesn’t like..

We like….

Naming food items.

Expressing likes/dislikes.


8B Meals I have lunch at one o’clock.

What’s for lunch? Soup, fish…

I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. Can I have…?

Here you are. Thank you.

Naming meals. Connecting meals and food

with time. Expressing hunger and thirst.

Polite requests.


8C Sweets


Can I help you? Yes, please. How

much is it? 1 pound.

How many… can you eat?

I can eat…Wow!

Offering help. Buying things.

Expressing ability.

Expressing surprise.




Unit 8

I’m hungry!

8D A party Happy birthday!

There is nobody in the kitchen.


Turn off/Turn on the light!

Listening to the story. Describing a surprise






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topics and titles lexical areas language functions/skills

9A A Fancy dress


I’m wearing a skirt. It’s too long.

funny, big /small,

long /short

Naming and describing clothes (singular).

Describing what you are wearing.


9B Clothes I have white trainers.

They are old/new.

Naming and describing

clothes (plural).

Expressing ownership.


9C Clothes Put on/Take off your jumper.

I’m cold. I’m hot.

Naming activities connected with clothes.

Expressing sensations of cold and heat.



Unit 9

Dressing up

9D Physical features:


I can see her fingers.

I have ten toes. I have one mouth.

Naming parts of the body.

Expressing ability.


10A Indoor games

and toys

How many toys have you got?

I have many toys.

Whose car is that?

This is.. That is…

Naming toys. Talking about possession.

Using demonstratives (this /that)


10B Indoor games Do you like computer games?

Let’s play computer games.

Can I watch? Don’t talk!

Expressing likes/dislikes.

Suggesting an activity.

Asking for permission.

Giving negative commands.


10C Easter Easter is on Sunday.

Happy Easter.

Chocolate bunnies and eggs are in the

garden.(in, under, behind)

Talking about and congratulating Easter.

Identifying position.



Unit 10

Playing at


10D Seasons It’s warm in spring.

It’s hot in summer.

It’s windy in autumn.

It’s cold in winter.

Naming seasons.

Connecting weather conditions with



11A In the park It’s warm! Let’s play!

What can you see..?

I can see a swing.

Suggesting an activity.

Naming objects for playing in the park.

Expressing ability.


11B Games in the


Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can.

No, I can’t. We can teach you.

Expressing ability.


11C Games in the


What are you doing? I’m skipping.

S/he is swinging. They are riding a

bike. We are running.

Talking about current activities



Unit 11

Playing in the


11D The weather What’s the weather like? It’s snowing/

raining/ cold/ sunny/ windy/ warm/


Talking about the weather.

Asking for help. Giving instructions.


12A TV I like sports/ cartoons/ films on TV.

They are watching a cartoon/film

My favourite cartoon is,….

Identifying TV programme.

Talking about current activities.


12B Cinema and


What’s on? A sad film

I like funny films.

Talking about films.

Expressing likes /dislikes.


12C Sports What’s your favorite sport?

Everybody likes football.

He is the best player. (fast/slow)

Naming sports.

Describing a football match.



Unit 12

Let’s have fun!

12D A story –


They are at the circus.

The clowns are funny.

He is wearing Maggie’s cap.

Listening to the story.

Describing funny clothes

Expressing possession.




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topics and titles lexical areas language functions/skills

13A Pet animals Have you got a pet?

Jill has a dog.

Buddy is Jill’s pet.

Birds can sing.

Naming pet animals.

Expressing likes and abilities.

Expressing possession.


13B Farm animals There are many animals on the farm.

Chickens can’t fly.

Naming and counting farm animals.

Expressing abilities.


13C Zoo animals The animals are in the cage.

I can see a giraffe and an elephant.

Naming Zoo animals.

Describing a Zoo.




Unit 13

We like


13D Animal world Where does a lion live?

A lion lives in the jungle.

He is strong. (tall/ dangerous)

Identifying places where animals live.

Describing wild animals.


14A A village There is …There are..

It’s near. It’s far from..

Can I feed the ducks?

Describing a village and surroundings.

Asking for permission.


14B A farm There is …There are..

It’s in front of/behind.

It’s so sweet. It’s from my garden..

Describing surroundings of a farm

Identifying taste and origin of food.


14C A town There is.. There are..

Excuse me! Where is..?

It’s in front of/near/ on the corner.

Thank you. You’re welcome.

Naming institutions in a town.

Asking for and giving direction.

Using polite expressions.




Unit 14

Where do you


14D A big city-


Where do you live?

I live in London.

What’s your address?

My address is 10 Park Street.

Describing a big city.

Talking about the place of living and the



15A Streets and


There is a book shop.

There are many shops in this street.

I can buy books in a book shop.

Identifying shops in a street. Associating

shops with goods.


15B Streets and



The red light is on.

Be careful!

Let’s cross the street

Identifying traffic signs.

Warning. Giving suggestions.


15C Public transport How do you go to school?

I go to school by bus.

I walk to school

Identifying public transport.

Talking about commuting.




Unit 15

This is my street

15D A weekend Where do you go at weekends?

We go to the village.

Talking about usual activities.


16 A Summer


Where are you going on holiday?

I’m going to the seaside by plane.

They are going by train/bus/car.

Talking about holiday plans.

Naming kinds of transportation.


16 B Holiday in the


They are fishing!!

S/he is swimming in the river.

I like fishing.


Describing current activities. Expressing


Expressing sudden pain.


16C Holiday at the


They are at the seaside.

They are on the beach.

I’m afraid/not afraid of…

Describing activities on the beach.

Expressing fear.




Unit 16

Going on


16D Going to the


They are on the bus.

They are singing. They are happy.

Who wants some juice?

Describing a bus ride with friends.

Identifying joy. Making offers.




Good bye! Farewell Have a nice holiday! Have fun! Saying goodbye.

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(tre}a godina u~ewa)

Nastavni materijal

Uxbeni~ki komplet se sastoji od:

♦Priru~nika za nastavnike,

♦ Uxbenika (sa ilustracijama u boji, fotografijama i kratkim tekstovima),

♦ Radne sveske/Ve`banke (sa materijalom za ve`bawe pisawa i ~itawa),


♦ Zidnih slika,♦Fle{-kartica ( Easy 1),

♦Postera ( Easy 1).


Nastavni materijal EASY 3 jezi~ki sledi materijal koji je obra|en u 2. razredu osnovne {kole.

Jezi~ka gra|a se spiralno {iri oko tema koje su obra|ivane prethodne dve godine. Iste temesu organizovane i prezentirane na druga~iji na~in, s obzirom na to da se od dece o~ekuje da utre}em razredu savladaju ve{tinu pisawa i ~itawa na elementarnom nivou. Imaju}i u vidu daje ovo tre}a godina u~ewa engleskog jezika i da su deca uglavnom savladala izgovor engleskihglasova i intonaciju, kao i da su osposobqena za osnovnu komunikaciju, sada je najbitnije uve-`bavawe engleske ortografije, spelovawe i prepisivawe, kao i ~itawe. Prvi koraci u pisawui ~itawu se zasnivaju na jezi~kom materijalu koji je poznat deci i koji je usvojen tokom oralnenastave u prvom i drugom razredu.

Iako likovi i teme ostaju isti kao i prethodne dve godine, oni dobijaju novu dimenziju u EASY 3.

Deca imaju nova interesovawa i obaveze, {iri se krug prijateqa i u stawu su da samostalnoobavqaju vi{e aktivnosti i da sami planiraju i odlu~uju o vi{e stvari. Samim tim jezi~ka gra|a}e biti bogatija ali samo u obimu koji je primeren deci ovog uzrasta.

Metod je i daqe u osnovi komunikativan, veliki deo jezi~ke gra|e se prezentira i uve`bava nazanimqiv na~in, kroz grupni, timski i rad u parovima, kroz igru, takmi~ewa, glumu, recitovawe,pevawe i fizi~ke aktivnosti. Pisawe i ~itawe se uvodi i uve`bava uz pomo} specijalno osmi-{qenih igara koje }e decu zainteresovati i motivisati da {to br`e i boqe u|u u tajne pisawai ~itawa kratkih tekstova na engleskom jeziku.

Materijal }e se obra|ivati na dva ~asa po 45 min. nedeqno.


Bitna novina u programu je uvo|ewe ve{tina pisawa i ~itawa. Od u~enika se o~ekuje da savlada-ju englesku ortografiju i da se osposobe da samostalno pi{u i ~itaju kratke tekstove prime-rene wihovom uzrastu i interesovawu.


Page 9: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

Jezi~ki program za drugi razred u EASY 3 je neznatno pro{iren novom leksikom. Jezi~ke struk-ture i funkcije se ponavqaju i utvr|uju.

Na kraju tre}eg razreda od u~enika se o~ekuje da savladaju slede}e:

♦ imperative

♦ sada{we prosto vreme: potvrdni, upitni i odri~ni oblik♦ sada{we trajno vreme: potvrdni, upitni i odri~ni oblik♦ sada{wi perfekat u pitawima: ‘Have you got a……? Has he/she got a …..?

♦ modale: can, can’t

♦ li~ne zamenice: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

♦ upitne zamenice: what, who, where, how, why

♦ pokazne zamenice: this, that

♦ prisvojne prideve: my, your, his, her, our, their

♦ saksonski genitiv: Jill’s house

♦ opisne prideve: big, tall, nice, cold, hot, easy, fast, slow

♦ prilo{ke odredbe za mesto: here, there, everywhere, near, far, in front of, next to, behind,

♦ predloge: at, in, out, on, under

♦ brojeve: 1 – 100

♦ boje: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, brown, black, white.

♦ imenice: osnovni pojmovi vezani za teme – [kola, Porodica, Dom, Hrana, Ode}a, Praznici,

Prijateqi, okru`ewe (grad, selo, `ivotiwe)

♦ izraze: Can I…? Let’s ....I’m sorry. Please. Yes, please. No, thank you. Here you are! Thank you. You’re wel-

come! How are you? Very well, thank you.

♦ pozdrave: Hello! Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Good bye! Bye, bye! See

you tomorrow!

♦ uzvike: Wow! Oops! Ouch! Super! Lovely! Great! Watch out!


[kola, Drugovi, Porodica, Praznici, Moj dom, Hrana, Ode}a i Okru`ewe prezentuju se kroz ~e-tiri celine, [KOLA, DOM, ZABAVA, OKRU@EWE. Svaka celina ima ~etiri podnaslova ko-ji su tako organizovani da obuhvate gradivo koje su deca usvojila u prvom i drugom razredu. Ve}usvojeno gradivo se obnavqa i utvr|uje i oboga}uje novim sadr`ajima.

1. [kola: U~enici i u~ionica, Predmeti u u~ionici, [kolski predmeti i raspored ~asova,

[kolski drugovi.

2. Dom: Porodica i dom, Proslave, Svakodnevne aktivnosti, Hrana.

3. Zabava: Maskenbal i ode}a, Igre u ku}i, Igre u parku, Televizija, Bioskop, Sport.

4. Okru`ewe: @ivotiwe, Selo i grad, Ulica i prevozna sredstva, Raspust i letovawe.


Sve funkcije koje su obuhva}ene u 1. i 2. razredu se ponavqaju u novim sadr`ajima, a prvi put seuvode slede}e funkcije:

♦ tra`ewe informacija o budu}im planovima: Are you going to the Zoo on Sunday?

♦ iskazivawe planiranih radwi: I’m going to the Zoo.

♦ izra`avawe sposobnosti/nesposobnosti: I can swim. I can’t play tennis.


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Elementi kulture i civilizacije engleskog govornog podru~ja su zastupqeni u tradicionalnimpesmicama i opisima dnevnih navika glavnih likova koji su i daqe isti ~lanovi engleskeporodice: Xil (9), Kris (11), Megi (4), majka Linda, otac Xon, baka i deda. Uvode se novi likoviujak Tim, tetka En, brat i sestra od tetke Tom i Suzi. Stari prijateqi su Xejn (10), Deni (9) iMeri (9), a uvodi se novi lik Xon (9).

Od zna~aja je {to se deca upu}uju na civilizovano pona{awe. U jezi~kom materijalu su zastupqeneu~tive fraze, primeri dozvoqenog i nedozvoqenog pona{awa i primeri pristojnog pona{awa.


Predvi|eno je da se u toku {kolske godine obradi 16 lekcija.

Prve dve nedeqe rada nastava je oralna, obnavqaju se i utvr|uju najva`nije strukture iz 1. i 2.razreda.Celokupna tema se obra|uje dva meseca. Svaki podnaslov se obra|uje po dve nedeqe (4 ~asa). Nakon{to se obradi celokupna tema, tj. posle 2 meseca, deca rade test. Jedna cela nedeqa se posve}ujetestu. Prvog ~asa u nedeqi nastavnik priprema decu za test, drugog ~asa se radi test. Test se neocewuje, nego se samo upisuje rezultat.

OBNAVQAWE. Prve dve nedeqe rada treba posvetiti ponavqawu gradiva koje je obra|eno u1. i 2. razredu. Pored obnavqawa gradiva koje su usvojili u 1. i 2. razredu tokom oralne nastave,deca slu{aju i memori{u pesmicu The ABC song.

OBRADA LEKCIJA. Svaka tema je podeqena na ~etiri nastavne jedinice. Svaka nastavna je-dinica ima ~etiri dela: A, B,C, D. Ritam obrade nastavnih jedinica }e zavisiti od nivoa pretho-dno ste~enog znawa i broja u~enika u razredu.

TESTOVI. Posle obrade osnovne teme, tj. svaka 2 meseca, dva ~asa se posve}uju testu. Na prvom~asu se radi revizija celokupne teme i deca se pripremaju za test. Na drugom ~asu se radi test.

U toku godine deca rade ~etiri testa.


Uxbenik je tako koncipiran da sadr`aj svake od 16 nastavnih jedinica bude obra|en na ~etiristrane. Svaka strana ima ilustracije u boji. Svaka tema se uvodi fotografijom tipi~no engleskogokru`ewa.

Priprema za test (Test practice) nalazi se na kraju svake teme.

Ponavqawe je predstavqeno na prve dve strane (folio), ilustracije, bez teksta. Na kraju Uxbeni-ka se nalaziti 26 ilustrovanih re~i za 26 slova abecede (Picture dictionary).


Radna sveska tematski prati sadr`aj Uxbenika. U woj se nalaze osnovne strukture i leksika ko-ju su deca prethodno oralno usvojila.

Svaka nastavna jedinica zauzima ~etiri strane koje tematski i strukturalno odgovaraju stra-nama u Uxbeniku.


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Prve strane Radne sveske namewene su Uve`bavawu pisawa i ~itawa slova engleske abecede.

Radna sveska sadr`i ilustracije, modele re~i i re~enica koje deca povezuju sa ilustracijama,

prepisuju ih ili dopuwavaju.

Na kraju Radne sveske nalaze se testovi koje deca rade po obradi svake teme.

Na posledwoj folio strani nalazi se tabela sa 26 poqa, svako sa jednim slovom engleske abecede.

Deca u toku godine prave svoj li~ni re~nik (My dictionary) upisuju}i re~i po svom izboru.

Igra tipa „^ove~e ne quti se“, koja se nalazi na folio strani posle re~nika, „My dictionary“ mo`eda se koristi tek kada deca savladaju osnove pisawa i ~itawa.

U sastav Radne sveske ulaze i table sa slovima. Deca u toku godine isecaju slova i koriste zauve`bavawe pisawa i spelovawa. Slova se ~uvaju u xepu na zadwim koricama Radne sveske.


Sav audio materijal je snimqen u saradwi sa nastavnicima i decom iz Internacionalne {koleu Beogradu. Deca izvo|a~i su izvorni govornici iz raznih krajeva Velike Britanije.


1. Priru~nik za nastavnike sadr`i:

♦ Sadr`aj nastavnog materijala (Syllabus),

♦ Uvod,

♦Nastavni program i detaqna metodolo{ka uputstva za obradu svakog ~asa,

♦ Transkripciju tekstova sa kasete,

♦ Spisak i opis igara,

♦ Tekst pesama sa uputstvima,

♦ Re~nik,

♦Preporuke i savete nastavnicima.


Komunikativni pristup nastavi podrazumeva da jezik koji se koristi u u~ionici mora bitiupotrebqen u kontekstu koji odgovara interesovawu dece. Komunikacija u u~ionici se ostvarujekroz kratke dijaloge, igre poga|awa, fizi~ke aktivnosti, takmi~ewa u kojima nastavniku~estvuje kao mentor ali i kao partner u igri. Komunikativne funkcije su obra|ene u osmi{qe-nim kontekstima primerenim za decu tog uzrasta i uve`bavaju se izvo|ewem simuliranih dijaloga,

opisivawem situacija u u~ionici, opisivawem slika u slikovnici, re{avawem zadataka u Rad-noj svesci i izradom materijala za igru.

Sve ~etiri jezi~ke ve{tine: govor, slu{awe, pisawe i ~itawe su integrisane i uve`bavaju se svakog~asa. Imaju}i u vidu dve godine oralne nastave, oralna kompetencija predwa~i, jezi~ki materijalkoji se usmeno obra|uje je na vi{em nivou i ne mo`e biti u potpunosti zastupqen u pisawu i ~itawu.

Pisawu i ~itawu se uvek pristupa nakon {to se oralno usvoji jezi~ka gra|a. Obe ve{tine se poste-peno razvijaju tokom prepisivawa slova, re~i i napokon kratkih tekstova, zatim dopisivawem i popu-wavawem praznina u tekstu sa datim modelima. Deca }e biti motivisana da se kreativno samostalnopismeno izraze po ugledu na jednostavne modele u Radnoj svesci. Razne igre pisawa i ~itawa olak-{a}e i u~initi zabavnim prve korake u pisawu i ~itawu teksta na engleskom jeziku.


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Prvih pet minuta treba posvetiti kolektivnim i dinami~nim aktivnostima koje imaju za ciqda u~enike motivi{u da aktivno u~estvuju u daqem radu na ~asu. Pesme i kratke recitacije, skan-dirawe, TPR aktivnosti i igre kao {to su Follow the leader, miming, Simon says… }e decu opustitii pripremiti za daqi rad. Sve ove igre se mogu prilagoditi jezi~koj gra|i koja se obra|uje. Ak-tivnosti zagrevawa mogu da se planiraju u sklopu obnavqawa usvojenog ili u sklopu pripremeza obradu novog gradiva.

Novina u programu je uvo|ewe pisawa i ~itawa. U tom smislu se predvi|a da se deca polako uvodeu ve{tinu spelovawa kratkih re~i. Kada deca dobro upoznaju engleska slova, svaki ~as bi mo-gao da po~ne horskim spelovawem i ~itawem dve, tri kratke re~i koje nastavnik pi{e na tabli.

b – a – g, bag. c – a – t, cat. b – o – o –k, book. d – o – g, dog.

Slede}ih deset minuta posvetiti utvr|ivawu materijala koji je obra|ivan prethodnog ~asa ili~asova. Kratka pitawa i odgovori, izvo|ewe usvojenog osnovnog dijaloga (Role-play) i istog di-jaloga sa supstitucijama, razne igre kao {to su Teachers, Guessing games, Competitions, Bingo }e do-prineti razvoju komunikativne kompetencije u~enika.

Ovaj deo ~asa traje do 10 minuta.

♦ S obzirom na to da je najve}i deo jezi~kog materijala usmeno obra|en prethodne dve godine,

ponavqawe se odnosi na strukture i vokabular a uvo|ewe na nove situacije koje imaju za ciqdaqe razvijawe komunikativne kompetencije u~enika. U tom smislu su u program ukqu~ene re-citacije i pesmice koje su deca u~ila u prvom i drugom razredu.

♦Posteri koji su deci poznati iz prehodnog perioda, slike, igra~ke , fle{-kartice }e deci iz-graditi samopouzdawe i samim tim ih lak{e i br`e uvesti u nove situacije.

♦Novi materijal se prezentira i uve`bava usmeno. Koristite poster, sliku, igra~ke, igre,

fle{-kartice, crtajte ili pi{ite na tabli i tako ponovite strukture i uvedite novi voka-bular i pripremite u~enike za novi materijal u Uxbeniku.

♦ Kratki segmenti novih dijaloga, po dve replike najvi{e, izvode se prvo grupno a zatim indi-vidualno uz asistenciju nastavnika, i to samo ako su u~enici voqni.

– Uxbenik

♦ Rad sa Uxbenikom traje 5 – 10 minuta.

♦Posle oralne obrade teme lekcije, prelazi se na slu{awe kasete. Deca prvo prate sliku i tekstu uxbeniku i slu{aju kasetu ili govor nastavnika.

♦ Deca zatim horski ~itaju re~enice koje ~uju sa trake ili od nastavnika.

♦ Slede}i korak je grupno ~itawe delova teksta ili dijaloga (Role-play) po ulogama, ponovo pougledu na nastavnika.


Ponavqawe i prezentacija





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♦ Kao zavr{ni korak je individualno ~itawe, delova teksta ili dijaloga po ulogama.

♦Posledwe ve`bawe na svakom ~asu je rad u parovima, Ask your friend. U ve}ini slu~ajeva decine}e biti problem da daju ta~an odgovor, po{to kqu~nu re~enicu izgovara pas na istoj strani.

Deca mogu da pitaju druga pored sebe, ili nekoliko drugova u razredu. Ovim ve`bawem uspo-stavqa se usmena komunikacija na engleskom jeziku u kojoj svi u~enici moraju da u~estvuju.

– Radna sveska

Rad sa Radnom sveskom traje 5 – 10 minuta.

♦Objasnite deci na engleskom ili materwem jeziku {ta se o~ekuje da urade. Deca }e vrlo brzonau~iti naslove tipova ve`bawa Colour, Copy, Complete, Match, Find, Answer…

♦ Uvek na ~asu sa decom uradite po jednu ili dve re~enice i dok deca pi{u, kru`ite i prove-ravajte ispravnost napisanog. Ostali deo ve`bawa deca rade za doma}i zadatak.

♦Ako je u pitawu bojewe, deca na ~asu samo delimi~no boje crte`, nekad po uputstvu iz Uxbeni-

ka, nekad po uputstvu nastavnika a nekad po samostalnom izboru. Ova aktivnost na ~asu odu-zima dosta vremena i trebalo bi da ve}i deo ostane za doma}i.

♦ Redovno pisawe doma}ih zadataka proveravajte na ~asu dok deca pi{u ili boje. Radne sveske

pokupite i pregledajte posle svake dve nedeqe. Deca tada ostaju bez Radnih svezaka i tada kaodoma}i zadatak imaju da prepi{u tekst iz Uxbenika u posebnu svesku, i to po izboru nastavnika.

♦ Doma}e zadatke pregledajte, ispravite, svaki parafirajte i vratite Radne sveske slede}eg ~asa.

Pohvalite uredne i pravilno ura|ene radove. Ispravku gre{aka deca rade u svesci. Napraviteevaluaciju gre{aka i daqi rad na ~asovima posvetite ispravqawu naj~e{}ih gre{aka.

^as obavezno zavr{ite horskom pesmom, recitacijom ili kratkom kolektivnom aktivno{}u ko-ju deca vole.

Ovo su samo osnovna uputstva i okvirni na~in planirawa ~asa. Svaki razred ima svoje specifi-~nosti, svaki dan je druk~iji. Ponekad }e deca sa lako}om usvojiti dve lekcije na istom ~asu, aponekad }e biti potrebna dva ~asa za obradu jedne lekcije. U tom smislu preporuka je svakom na-stavniku da uskladi tempo rada prema deci. Nije nikad neophodno da se pre|e sav materijal.

Va`no je da deca dobro usvoje gradivo koje u~e, a najva`nije od svega je da se kod dece stvori pozi-tivan odnos prema u~ewu jezika.


♦ GOVORITE ENGLESKI! U~enicima se {to vi{e obra}ajte na engleskom jeziku. Nije neopho-dno da deca razumeju svaku pojedina~nu re~, ve} smisao poruke.

♦PROVERAVAJTE RAZUMEVAWE! I kada vam se ~ini da deca sve razumeju i kada ispravnoreaguju, proverite da li znaju o ~emu je re~, ili samo automatski rade i govore ono {to znajuda od wih o~ekujete, ili mo`da imitiraju drugove.

♦PLANIRAJTE SVAKI ^AS! Gradivo razbijajte na segmente koje }ete obra|ivati na istina~in, ne du`e od 5 minuta. Mewajte aktivnosti {to ~e{}e da biste odr`ali pa`wu dece. Pri-premite unapred sve {to vam je potrebno za ~as: igra~ke, bojice, makaze, postere, aplikaci-je, kartice, kasetofon i kasetu premotanu na pravom mestu.



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♦ BUDITE ZABAVNI! Ukqu~ite {to vi{e jezi~kih igara i kontrolisanih fizi~kih aktiv-nosti. Koristite kasetofon na svakom ~asu.

♦MOTIVI[ITE U^ENIKE! Razvijajte takmi~arski duh. Podelite u~enike u dve ili vi{egrupa kada su igre na programu. Vodite evidenciju o pobednicima. Nagradite pobednike aplau-zom, pohvalom ili dozvolom da izvedu omiqenu aktivnost.

♦ ZAPOSLITE U^ENIKE! Tra`ite od dece da vam poma`u u u~ionici: da dele, skupqaju igra-~ke, slike i kartice; da pomeraju stolice, bri{u tablu, otvaraju i zatvaraju prozor i vrata.Sve naloge izdajete na engleskom jeziku.

♦ UKQU^ITE SVU DECU U RAD! Svakom detetu poklonite podjednaku pa`wu. Ne dozvoliteda samo komunikativnija i slobodnija deca vode aktivnosti, odgovaraju i postavqaju pitawa.Svako dete mora da dobije priliku da u~estvuje u aktivnostima na ~asu.

♦NE @URITE! Imajte strpqewa sa decom koja su stidqiva ili imaju mawe sluha za strani jezik.Ukqu~ite ih u horsko pevawe i recitovawe, crtawe na tabli, izvr{avawe naredbi. Ne insi-stirajte na preciznom odgovoru po svaku cenu. Ne ispravqajte decu beskrajno dugo i uporno.Drugog dana }e im mo`da lak{e i}i.

♦[ETAJTE! Kru`ite po u~ionici i samo po potrebi sedite za katedru. Ostvarite li~ni kon-takt sa decom. Idite od deteta do deteta s kraja na kraj u~ionice.

♦ KONTROLI[ITE DISCIPLINU! Stvorite veselu i razigranu atmosferu u u~ionici aline dozvolite da se deca preterano razigraju.

♦PRILAGODITE OBIM GRADIVA! Ukoliko vam se ~ini da ne mo`ete da pre|ete sve aktiv-nosti predvi|ene za odre|eni ~as, izbacite aktivnost koja se na prethodnim ~asovima vi{eputa ponavqala, ili izbacite pesmicu ili igru koja oduzima vi{e vremena. Nije neophodnoda se pre|e celo gradivo. U~ewe jezika je dugotrajan proces. Va`no je da u~enik oseti zadovoq-stvo u u~ewu novog jezika i da usvojeno gradivo, ma koliko skromno bilo, mo`e da koristi ujednostavnoj komunikaciji.

♦ REDOVNO PREGLEDAJTE DOMA]E ZADATKE! Pregledane zadatke uvek vra}ajte na sle-de}em ~asu i pohvalite uredne zadatke. Vodite evidenciju o naju~estalijim gre{kama i str-pqivo ih zajedno sa u~enicima ispravqajte. Podsti~ite decu da redovno rade zadatke.

♦ TEST RADITE U OPU[TENOJ ATMOSFERI! Pripremite decu za test i objasnite decida test ne rade zbog nastavnika i ocene, nego da bi sami videli kako napreduju.

♦OSMISLITE PO^ETAK I KRAJ ^ASA! ^as po~nite i zavr{ite pesmom ili omiqenomaktivno{}u u~enika.

♦PRIPREMITE LI^NU KOLEKCIJU VIZUELNOG MATERIJALA! Na po~etku {kolskegodine prikupite sve {to }e vam biti potrebno da nastavu u~inite zanimqivom. Vizuelni ma-terijal obnavqajte i dopuwujte u toku godine. Ova su samo neke od ideja {ta bi va{ li~ni kom-plet mogao da sadr`i:

1. Igra~ke: Mekana lopta, raznobojni baloni, lutka, sat igra~ka, plasti~ni pribor za jelo i drugesitne igra~ke.

2. “Feelie bag”: neprozirna kesa u koju stavqate razne sitne predmete kod igara poga|awa.

3. Yes/No cards: pripremite kartice na kojima sa jedne strane krupno pi{e Yes a sa druge No. Kar-tice bi trebalo da budu iste veli~ine kao fle{-kartice. Vodite ra~una da pripremite dovo-qan broj za sve u~enike.

4. Number cards: kartice veli~ine fle{-kartica sa brojevima od 1 do 20 i deseticama do 100.


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5. Flash cards: napravite jednostavne kartice po uzoru na fle{-kartice iz uxbeni~kog kompletaEasy 1.

6. Aplikacije, crte`e ili ise~ke iz ~asopisa koji odgovaraju situacijama iz Uxbenika.

7. “Blu Tack”: specijalna `iva guma kojom se aplikacije pri~vr{}uju na svaku podlogu, tablu,staklo, drvo, zid, papir... bez o{te}ewa.

8. Razglednice: selo, more, planina, London, Beograd i druga mesta u zemqi.

9. Krede u boji.


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• ^as po~nite pesmom Hello Mary… (Easy2, Unit 1) i ohrabri-te decu da se horski pridru`e. Ponovite pesmu dva, triputa. Ohrabrite pevawe u mawim grupama ili indivi-dualno. Obra}ajte se pesmom … How are you? How are you?

pojedinim u~enicima ili mawim grupama i poka`ite dao~ekujete odgovor Very well, thank you. Very well, thank you…

• Predstavite se deci Good morning! Hello! I’m Miss/Mr…

My name is … I’m your teacher.

• Obratite se deci na materwem jeziku. Objasnite da }e ovegodine nau~iti da pi{u i ~itaju ono {to su prethodnedve godine u~ili da govore.

• Poka`ite kwigu i slikovnicu i ispri~ajte da }ete zajednopratiti nove do`ivqaje Xil i wenih prijateqa. Ohrabriterazgovor u vezi sa glavnim likovima iz Uxbenika, namaterwem ili engleskom jeziku.

• Upoznajte decu. Ponovite My name is … Pitajte nekolikou~enika What’s your name? Od stidqivijih u~enika prihva-tajte i kratke odgovore.

• Igra: Ball game Podsetite decu na ovu igru tako {to }ete prva dva tri puta vi baciti loptuuz pitawe What’s your name? i pokazati da o~ekujete odgovor My name is … Prepustite zatimloptu deci dva, tri minuta. Insistirajte da glasno postavqaju pitawe i da glasno odgovaraju.

• Izvedite de~aka i devoj~icu ispred table i pitajte ceo razred What’s his/her name? Ohrabritegrupne i pojedina~ne odgovore His/her name is…

• Poka`ite krpenu lutku. Razgovarajte s lutkom. ‘I’m a teacher? What are you?’ – ‘ I’m a doll.’ ‘Are

you a pupil?’ – ‘No!’ ‘Are you girl?’ ‘Yes!’ Pitajte nekoliko u~enika What are you? i pomozite daodgovore I’m a girl/boy and a pupil. Ponovite igru s loptom uz pitawe What are you?

• Izvedite de~aka i devoj~icu ispred table i pitajte ceo razred What is s/he? Ohrabrite grupnei pojedina~ne odgovore S/he is a boy and a pupil.

• Radna sveska (str. 3). Podsetite decu na likove i ponovite What’s his/her name? i What is s/he?

Poka`ite deci gde treba da upi{u svoje ime i da zalepe fotografiju. Otpevajte zajedno Hello

Mary… i zavr{ite ~as. Podsetite decu da na slede}i ~as donesu Radne sveske, olovke i bojice.




1. ~as

Komunikativne funkcije:


Ciqni jezik:

Good morning! Hello! I’m XXX.

What’s your name?

What’s his/her name?

What are you? What is s/he?

How are you?

Aktivnosti i igre:

Ball game

Pesme i recitacije:

Hello Mary… (Easy2, Unit 1)

Pisawe: /

^itawe: /



a soft ball, a puppet

cassette Easy 3

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• ^as po~nite pesmom Hello Mary …. Ponovite na preskokpitawe How are you?

• Po~nite igru Question chain re~enicom My name is …

What’s your name?

• Posle pet, {est u~enika promenite iskaz i nastaviteigru I’m a teacher. What are you?

• Pokazujte likove u radnoj svesci, postavqajte pitawaWhat’s his/her name? What is s/he? i utvrdite His/her name

is… She is a girl and a pupil. He is a boy and a pupil.

• Ponovite brojeve od 1 do 20. Pi{ite brojeve na tabliili pokazujte fle{-kartice i horski skandirajte bro-jeve.

• Igrajte Number game. Pokrijte jedan od napisanih brojevaili sakrijte karticu. Pitajte What number is this? Prihva-tite i horske odgovore. It’s nine.

• Igrajte igru Chain game. Svako dete izgovara po jedanbroj. Obratite pa`wu na izgovor!

Uxbenik (str. 4, 5). Dok deca gledaju folio-stranu pokazujte i postavqajte pitawa i poma`iteako vidite da deca oklevaju. What’s this? – It’s a ball… bed… table… i Is it a…? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Ponovite osnovne boje. Poka`ite olovke ili balone u raznim bojama red…blue…green… yellow…

white… black… brown. Igrajte igru Colour game. Kru`ite u~ionicom i obra}ajte se deci Show me

something red… blue… green…

Radna sveska (str. 4). Podsetite decu na poznate likove i recite da oboje kosu svakom od junaka.

Let’s colour the picture! Jill’s hair is red. Danny’s hair is fair. (yellow!). Mary’s hair is black. John’s hair is

brown. Ostatak slike deca boje kod ku}e. Dok deca boje sliku pustite kasetu The ABC song neko-liko puta. Poka`ite napisanu abecedu na tabli u radnoj svesci. Recite i objasnite na materwemjeziku. That’s the English alphabet!

Pustite pesmu jo{ jednom i zavr{ite ~as. The lesson is over. Good bye, children. Insistirajte da vamdeca uzvrate pozdrav. Good bye Miss/Mister…





2. ~as

Komunikativne funkcije:

Imenovawe predmetaOpisivawe predmetaBrojawe od 1 do 20

Ciqni jezik:

What’s this?

Is it a…?


Numbers 1–20

The English alphabet

Aktivnosti i igre:

Colour game; Number game;

Question chain; Chain game.

Pesme i recitacije:

Hello Mary…

The ABC song

Pisawe: /

^itawe: /


BOOK p. 4, 5,


cassette Easy 3

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• Pevajte pesmu Hello, hello, it’s so nice to say… Recitujte redpo red. Deca ponavqaju horski. Pustite kasetu i ohra-brite decu da vam se pridru`e. Igrajte igru Simon says,

stand up! Sit down!

• Utvrdite boje. Pokazujte balone, olovke… u raznim bo-jama i zajedno sa decom skandirajte.

• Pogledajte doma}e zadatke, obojena str. 4 u Radnoj sve-sci. Dok kru`ite i gledate zadatke postavqajte pitawaWho is this? What’s her/his name? What is s/he? What colour

is this?

• Utvrdite brojeve. Izvodite decu pred tablu da napi{uodre|eni broj ili igrajte igru brojawa Chain game.

• Ponovite How many … are there? Pokazujte i govorite zastvari od kojih je samo jedna u u~ionici. There is one

door. There is one teacher. Posle svake re~enice pitajteHow many teachers/doors/boards… are there?

• Brojte klupe, stolice, de~ake, devoj~ice, prozore... u u~ionici. Posle svakog brojawa reciteThere are ten… desks. A zatim pitajte How many desks are there?

• Pustite pesmu i dok deca slu{aju pesmu pi{ite krupna slova na tabli, u redovima kao u pesmi.

Pustite pesmu jo{ jednom i pokazujte svako slovo na tabli. Ohrabrite decu da pevu{e s vama.

• Izvedite u~enika da dodiruje slova na tabli umesto vas. Ponovite nekoliko puta. Zaustavqaj-te kasetu posle svakog reda i izvodite drugo dete za svaki red.

• Zajedno s decom izbrojte slova. There are twenty six letters in the English alphabet. Uporedite brojslova azbuke i abecede.

• Zaokru`ite nekoliko slede}ih slova A, C, E, G, H, I, J, K, Q, T, U, W, X, Y, Z. Izvodite po jednogu~enika da na tabli dva, tri puta prepi{e zaokru`eno slovo. Dok u~enik na tabli pi{e,

ponavqajte naziv slova i ohrabrite ceo razred da glasno ponavqa.

Radna sveska (str. 7). Ponovo pustite kasetu i recite deci da dodiruju slova dok slu{aju pesmu.

Recite deci da po jednom prepi{u svako veliko slovo a da ostalo prepi{u za doma}i. Dok decaprepisuju slova, sve vreme slu{aju pesmu.

Uxbenik (str. 6). Razgovarajte s decom. Who is this? How old is s/he? Read Jill’s / John’s… letters!

Uxbenik (str. 4–5). Podelite u~enike na dve grupe. Svakoj grupi odredite bingo karticu (A, B

ili E, F…) i igrajte igru Bingo game. Vodite ra~una da kod ~itawa predmeta uzmete u obzir samopredmete koji su na datim karticama i jo{ dva tri koji nisu.

Pustite pesmu The ABC song i zavr{ite ~as.





Komunikativne funkcije:

Identifikacija broja predmetaBrojawe od 1 do 20

Ciqni jezik:

How old are you?

How many desks are there? – Ten.

The English alphabet

Aktivnosti i igre:

Simon says; Chain game; Bingo

Pesme i recitacije:

Hello, hello, it’s so nice to say…

The ABC song

Pisawe: the ABC

^itawe: /


BOOK p. 4–5, 6;


cassette Easy 3

Page 19: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• ^as po~nite pesmom Hello, hello...

• TPR* – Izdajte naredbe. Stand up! Touch your book. Touch

your pencil case. Touch your chair.

• Brojte i pokazujte predmete u u~ionici. Utvrdite How

many…… are there? There is one… There are…?

• Ukqu~ite i boje u pitawa. How many red/blue… bags are


• Poka`ite svoju olovku/pernicu/torbu ... i govorite I have

a red pencil. I have a green pencil case… a zatim pitajtenekoliko u~enika Have you got a …? Poma`ite ako vidi-te da deca oklevaju s odgovorom. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

• Igrajte Question chain – Have you got ?

• Igrajte igru Teachers. Izvedite u~enika da preuzme va{uulogu i postavi tri pitawa drugovima. Have you got a …?

Uxbenik (str. 6). Dok deca gledaju u uxbenik, postavqajtepitawa Has Jill got four balloons? Has Maggie got three bal-

loons?… Poma`ite ako je potrebno. Yes, s/he has. No, s/he


• Napi{ite slova na tabli, pustite kasetu ili pevajte, izvedite decu da dodiruju slova, iohrabrite ih da pevaju.

• Igrajte Spelling game. Izbri{ite nekoliko napisanih slova. ^itajte slova i zastanite kadado|ete do slova koje nedostaje. Sa~ekajte da vidite da li }e deca automatski izgovoriti slovoi tek onda ga upi{ite i ~itajte daqe. Ponovite.

• Podelite deci fle{-kartice sa slovima i rasporedite ih ispred table po abecednom nizu.

Izgovarajte polako slova i uputite decu da svako podigne i izgovori svoje slovo.

Radna sveska (str. 5). Pustite kasetu, kru`ite i pregledajte zadatke. Uputite decu da dodirujuslova dok slu{aju pesmu.

Radna sveska (str. 6). Zajedno s u~enicima popunite slova koja nedostaju. Ostalo deca prepisu-ju za doma}i. Ponovo pustiti The ABC song i zavr{iti ~as.





Komunikativne funkcije:

Tra`ewe i davaweinformacija o posedovawu

Brojawe od 1 do 20

Ciqni jezik:

Have you got a …?Has s/he got a…?The English alphabet

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR;Question chain;Spelling game; Teachers


The ABC songHello, hello…




BOOK p. 6 letters of the alphabet


Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards;Pencils, balloons or other smallobjects in different colours

* TPR Total Physical Response. U~enici neverbalno reaguju na naredbe ili uputstva koja daje nastavnik. Ova aktivnostse koristi u svim fazama ~asa radi razvijawa ve{tineslu{awa, provere razumevawa i kona~no radi poboq{awa kon -centracije u~enika.

Page 20: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• ^as po~nite pesmom Hello, hello… Igrajte igruSimon says, stand up! sit down! clap! knock! …

• Pokazujte kartice sa slovima i horski ponoviteabecedu.

• Pokazujte kartice po redu i igrajte Chain game.

Svako dete izgovara po jedno slovo.

• Pokazujte kartice na preskok i proverite kolikosu deca nau~ila slova.

• Pevajte pesmu We can spell, we can write…Pustitekasetu. Objasnite deci pesmu i igru. Spelling game.

Deca izlaze na tablu i pi{u slova B, C, D, E, G, P, T,


• Igrajte Guessing game. Sklonite jednu od kartica saslovima i pitajte: What letter is this? Is it…?

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte zajedno s decom The ABC


• Postavqajte pojedina~na pitawa Do you like to sing? Do you like to play? i poma`ite sa odgovorom:

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

• Poka`ite BOOK p. 4–5 i ponovite nazive igra~aka na slici, a zatim postavqajte pitawa Do

you like to play with dolls? cars? balloons?..... Ohrabrite u~enike da jedan drugom postavqaju pitawaDo you like to play with....?

• Izvedite u~enika ispred table. Postavqajte mu pitawa Do you like to….? a odmah po dobijenomodgovoru, pitajte ceo razred Does s/he like to…? Pomozite kod prvih odgovora. U~enici prvoodgovaraju horski a zatim pojedina~no.

Izvodite po nekoliko u~enika i diktirajte slova. Dok deca pi{u na tabli, kru`ite u~ionicomi pregledajte zadatke. WORKBOOK p. 8.

Horski a zatim pojedina~no pro~itajte slova napisana na tabli.

Zavr{ite ~as sa The ABC song.






Komunikativne funkcije:

Izra`avawe dopadawa i nedopadawaBrojawe od 1 do 20

Ciqni jezik:

Do you like…?

Does s/he like…?

The English alphabet

Aktivnosti i igre:

Simon says; Chain game;

Guessing game; Spelling game

Pesme i recitacije:

The ABC song

Hello , hello…

We can spell, we can write…

^itawe: /



the ABC


Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards;

BOOK p. 4–5, 6;

Page 21: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recite deci Let’s sing! i pevajte horski The ABC song.

• Podelite u~enike na nekoliko grupa. Svaka grupa se nado-vezuje pesmom na prethodnu.

• Ponovite postupak s nekoliko u~enika koji }e pojedina~nopevati odre|eni deo pesme.

• Utvrdite Do you like…? i Does s/he like....? kao na prethodnom~asu.

• Igrajte Guessing game. Poka`ite nekoliko igra~aka i re-cite I like to play with… Zatim sakrijte jednu iza le|a. Decapoga|aju kojom igra~kom volite da se igrate. Ohrabritedecu da vas pitaju Do you like to play with…? Izvedite dvojedece da nastave igru. Jedno dete sakriva omiqenu igra~kua drugo poga|a. Posle dobijenog odgovora pitajte u~enikeDoes s/he like to play with…? tako da dobijete i potvrdan iodri~an odgovor.

• Prozivajte decu i izdajte pojedina~ne naredbe Stand up! …

i odmah zatim pitajte What are you doing? Pomozite deci data~no odgovore. Ponovite nekoliko puta. Izaberite u~eni-ka da vas zameni u izdavawu naredbi.

• Poka`ite kartice s aktivnostima i opisujte S/he is singing.

… reading… writing … talking … listening … drawing … sitting …

standing. Ponovite opisivawe kartica i svaki put pitajteWhat is s/he doing? U~enici odgovaraju prvo horski a zatimpojedina~no.

Igrajte Spelling game. Pevajte pesmu We can spell, we can write… Obra}ajte se u~enicima koji izlazei pi{u odgovaraju}a slova.

Radna sveska (str. 9). Ponovite abecedu i pomozite deci da spoje slova. Za doma}i deca treba daoboje sliku psa.

Izvedite u~enike pred tablu i spelujte kratke re~i bag, book, desk slovo po slovo. Kako je ovoprvo sklapawe slova u re~, bi}e neophodna asistencija nastavnika. Po zavr{enom pisawu nacr-tajte predmet na tabli. Deca u sveskama prepisuju re~i sa table a za doma}i prepisuju iste re~idva, tri puta. Ko `eli mo`e i da ih nacrta.

Re~i sa table u~enici uz pomo} nastavnika speluju i ~itaju horski i pojedina~no.

Pustite kasetu ili pevajte i podsetite decu na pesmu i igru Ring a ring of roses (Easy 1) i zavr{ite~as.







6. ~as

Komunikativne funkcije:

Izdavawe naredbiPoziv na aktivnostOpisivawe trenutnihaktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:

Stand up! Sit down!…Let’s play!

I’m/He is/She is/ writing.

The English alphabet

Aktivnosti i igre:

Guessing game; Spelling game.


The ABC song

Ring a ring of roses.(Easy 1)

We can spell, we can write…



Spelling dictation of short words:

bag, book, desk, girl, boy


The ABC; short words


Easy 3 cassette, Small toys; Flash

cards with activities

Page 22: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Po~nite ~as pesmom i igrom Ring a ring of roses.

• Mahnite deci uz re~i Hello, I’m XXX. Ohrabrite decuda svako na isti na~in otpozdravi.

• Razgovarajte s decom Oh, you are good pupils. You can all

speak English. Now let’s learn to read and write. Proveriteda li su deca razumela.

• Napi{ite slova abecede na tabli.

• Recite deci da izvade table sa slovima koje se nalazeu xepu u Radnoj svesci i da ih dobro pogledaju.

• Tra`ite da prebroje odre|ena slova na svakoj tabli.

Count the letters. How many are there? – Ten.. Count the

letters X. How many are there? There is one ….

• Recite deci da za slede}i ~as razdvoje slova i da ihtako ~uvaju u xepu u Radnoj svesci. Objasnite da }e imbiti potrebna do kraja godine zbog raznih igara.

• Poka`ite poster School. Pitajte What’s this?Who is

this? i ponovite vokabular, a school, a door, a window, a

boy, a girl, a teacher, a ball, a bag, ...

• Igrajte igru Teachers. U~enik preuzima ulogu nastav-nika, pokazuje predmete u u~ionici i tri puta po-stavqa pitawe What’s this?

• Ponovite nazive predmeta u u~ionici, a desk, a chair, a board, a table, a book, a notebook, a pencil,

a crayon, a pencil case, a rubber, a ruler. Pitajte Is it a book/ pencil case/ruler? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

• Obra}ajte se deci pojedina~no Show me your pencil case! Show me your book!... Touch the board. Touch

the desk! Touch the chair! ...

• Pustite kasetu We can spell…Recitujte pesmicu red po red. Deca horski ponavqaju. Pustitekasetu ponovo i ohrabrite decu da pevaju.

• Pevajte pesmu i igrajte Spelling game. Obra}ajte se deci i izvodite ih da pi{u slova.

Pustite kasetu. Deca prvo slu{aju pesmu, The ABC song, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugogslu{awa horski pevaju i rukom podvla~e tekst u kwizi.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte re~i zajedno s decom. Na ~asu uradite prvo ve`bawe. Ostalodeca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom The ABC song. Recite The lesson is over. Good bye, children! i insistirajte davam deca otpozdrave Good bye, XXX!

PISAWE Workbook 1 A

^ITAWE Book 1 A





Unit 1 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Pozdravqawe• Prepoznavawe abecede• Imenovawe predmeta u u~ionici• Davawe kratkih odgovora

Ciqni jezik:

Hello! Good bye!

Count! Show me…! Touch..!

What’s this? It’s a..

Is it a bag? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Spelling game; Teachers

Pesme i recitacije:

Ring a ring of roses

We can spell, we can write…

The ABC song






Poster 1: School; Easy 3 cassette;

Letter cards

Page 23: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pozdravite decu Good morning/afternoon! How are you?

Sa~ekajte odgovor! Pevajte zajedno Hello, hello…Igrajte2 minuta igru Touch something red… blue…! Deca na sebiili oko sebe dodiruju odgovaraju}u boju.

• Kroz pojedina~na pitawa utvrdite What’s your/his/her

name? Igrajte igru Teachers.

• Ponovite postupak sa pitawima How old are you? How

old is s/he?

• Ponovo igrajte igru Touch. Podelite razred. Pred-stavnici svakog tima se takmi~e da dodirnu odre|enipredmet u u~ionici. Izdajte naredbe Touch a blue pencil…

a red pencil case…

• Stavite na sto sitne predmete, po nekoliko od istevrste, raznih boja. Prozivajte decu Come here, YYY. Take

a pencil case. What colour is it? Give it to ZZZ. Insistirajteda deca jedan drugom ka`u Here you are. Thank you.

• Pevajte pesmu We can spell, we can write… Spelling game.

Izvodite decu da pi{u slova A, C, E.

• Ponovite situaciju kada se zakasni na ~as. I’m sorry, I’m

late... dva puta. Kru`ite u~ionicom namerno blagogurnite dete ili nogom zaka~ite torbu na podu itd. iizvinite se Sorry!

• Uputite decu da se igraju u parovima dva minuta. Na klupu naizmeni~no stavqaju i imenujupredmete koje imaju u torbi A red pencil … A blue book …

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Prilikom drugogslu{awa horski ponavqaju svaku re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u 2 grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izaberitedva u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play*.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Find

the colours tako {to }ete zajedno prona}i i zaokru`iti boje. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom The ABC song.

PISAWE Workbook 1 B

^ITAWE Book 1 B





Unit 1 B

Komunikativne funkcije: • Identifikacija boja• Identifikacija predmeta i

{kolskog pribora u u~ionici• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Davawe i izvr{avawe

naredbi• Izviwavawe

Ciqni jezik:

What’s this? It’s a …Is it a..? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.What colour is it?Take the… Give it to …Come here! Go there! Sorry!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Touch;Teachers; Spelling game

Pesme i recitacije:The ABC song




Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards: A, C, ESmall classroom objects; Colour cards

* “Role-play” se odnose na ve`bawa u vezi sa stripom. U~enici prvo ~itaju strip po ulogama a slede}eg ~asa usmeno izvodesituaciju, samostalno ili uz pomo} nastavnika. Replike su uglavnom kratke i jednostavne i mogu}e ih je uz male izmenepretvoriti u konverzaciju izme|u u~enika.

Page 24: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pozdravite decu, pevajte i igrajte pet minuta igruSpelling game – We can spell… Can you spell … R, B, G

• Utvrdite boje predmeta u u~ionici postavqawempitawa Is the door white? Is your bag yellow? – Yes, it

is. No, it isn’t

• Ponovite postupak pitawima What colour is the

door? board? window? – It’s green... Igrajte igruTeachers.

• Igrajte Guessing game – It’s a colour… Stavitekartice s bojama na sto. Sklonite jednu u torbu,

kesu, recitujte It’s a colour you can’t see. Which one

is it? You tell me! Deca poga|aju Is it red?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 1B. Deca horski i pojedi-na~no ~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-

-play 1B.

• Napi{ite na tabli red, blue, green, pink i prozi-vajte decu da speluju i ~itaju uz va{u pomo}.

• Sakrivajte predmete u u~ionici i igrajte Guessing

game – It is something you can’t see. What is it? You tell

me! U~enik pita Is it a book? bag?... Ceo razred odgovara horski No, it isn’t. Yes, it is. Kada u~enikpogodi koji je predmet u pitawu, pitajte What colour is it ?

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte The ink is black… Proverite da li deca pamte pesmu. Proveriterazumevawe. Pevajte red po red. Deca pevaju za vama. Pevajte ponovo i ohrabrite decu da vamse pridru`e.

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{a-wa horski ponavqaju svaku re~enicu.

Kod ~itawa dijaloga podelite razred u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izaberite triu~enika da pro~itaju Role-play.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih i obradite usmeno zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asuurade prvu re~enicu iz ve`bawa Look and answer. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom The ink is black.

PISAWE Workbook 1 C

^ITAWE Book 1 C





Unit 1 C

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Identifikacija predmeta u u~ionici• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Identifikacija boja

Ciqni jezik:

What’s this? It’s a…

Is it a …? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

What colour is it? It’s blue…

Aktivnosti i igre:


Guessing games;

Spelling game; Teachers


We can spell, we can write…

The ink is black (Easy 2)


BOOK 1 B, 1 C




Easy 3 cassette;Letter cards: R, B, G

Colour cards, crayons, school objects

Page 25: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• ^as po~nite pesmom The ink is black. Ohrabrite decu daprvo pevaju horski a zatim po `eqi i pojedina~no.

• Utvrdite nazive predmeta i boja u u~ionici krozpitawa What’s this? What colour is it?

• Igrajte igru Guessing game It is something …

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 1C. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play

1 C.

• Igrajte igru Spelling game – We can spell… Can you

spell … G, W,Y.

• Napi{ite na tabli green, white, yellow i prozivajtedecu da speluju i ~itaju uz va{u pomo}.

• Kru`ite u~ionicom i obra}ajte se deci Hello! I’m

XXX. Tra`ite da se predstave na isti na~in.

• Igrajte igru Ball game. Bacite loptu prvom u~eniku uzre~i My name is XXX. What’s your name? U~enik bacaloptu drugu uz iste re~i.

• Poka`ite poster i pitajte What’s his/her name? – Her

name is Jill. His name is Danny.

• Ponovite i utvrdite Are you a teacher? a pupil? – I’m a pupil and a girl/boy.

• Ponovite i utvrdite What are you? What is s/he? – S/he is a pupil and a girl/boy.

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{a-wa horski ponavqaju svaku re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Iza-berite 3 u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade iz svakogve`bawa po jednu re~enicu. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak de-ca prepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 1 D. Mary is a girl and a pupil…

Pevajte pesmu Good bye, good bye, I don’t like to say… Recitujte pesmu red po red. Deca ponavqajuhorski za vama. Pustite kasetu. Otpevajte pesmu ponovo i zavr{ite ~as. Ohrabrite decu da vamuzvrate pozdrav Good bye, Miss/Mr…

PISAWE Workbook 1 D

^ITAWE Book 1 D





Unit 1 D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Predstavqawe, upoznavawe,

• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi

Ciqni jezik:

What’s your name?

What’s his/her name?

What are you? I’m a boy/girl.

What is s/he? S/he is a girl/boy.

Are you a…? Is s/he a …?

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Ball game;

Guessing game; Spelling game;


The ink is black; We can spell…;

Good bye,good bye , I don’t like to say…


BOOK 1 C, 1D




Easy 3 cassette;Letter cards G, W, Y;

A soft ball

Page 26: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Izdajte pojedina~ne naredbe Stand up! Sit down!

Come here! Go there! Take the book and give it to me! –

Thank you! Pustite kasetu ili pevajte The ink is black…

• Ispi{ite ciframa na tabli brojeve od 1 do 20. Pro-~itajte ih prvo horski a zatim pojedina~no. Igrajteigru Number game – Circle the number. Deca zaokru`ujubrojeve koje nastavnik ~ita preko reda.

• Poka`ite na{e junake na posteru ili u kwizi iponovite kako se ko zove i koliko ima godina.

• Pitajte What is Jill/Danny/Chris/Mary? – S/he is a pupil

and a boy/girl.

• Pojedina~no postavqajte pitawe What are you? i po-ma`ite kod odgovora. I’m a boy/girl and a pupil.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 1 D. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-

-play 1D.

• Napi{ite na tabli one, spelujte i ~itajte o – n – e,

one… Uputite decu da ponavqaju za vama.

• Izvodite po dvoje dece da razgovaraju How old are

you? – I’m … Ponovite.

• Dvoje dece uve`bavaju kratke odgovore Are you ten/eight/seven? – Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

• Pokazujte junake u kwizi i pitajte decu pojedina~no How old is Jane/Chris…? – S/he is ten/ nine…

Obratite pa`wu na he i she u odgovoru.

• Uve`bavajte kratke odgovore Is Jane / Danny seven? – Yes, s/he is. No, s/he isn’t.

Pokazujte, ~itajte i stavqajte kartice sa brojevima ispisanim slovima ispod cifara na tabli.

Pro~itajte broj po broj zajedno s decom.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Deca horski ~itajuza vama. Ohrabrite decu da svako samostalno pro~ita po jednu re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u pet grupa. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Iza-berite 5 u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite Ve`bawa 1D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 2 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`ba-wa Answer the questions i Circle the right word. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom The ink is black…

PISAWE – Workbook 2 A

^ITAWE – Book 2 A





Unit 2 A

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Brojawe od 1 do 20

• Tra`ewe i davawe informacija ogodinama

• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi• Zahvaqivawe

Ciqni jezik:

Numbers 1– 20; How old are you? I’m …

How old is s/he? S/he is…

Are you nine? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Is s/he nine? Yes, s/he is. No, s/he isn’t.

Count the desks/boys/girls…

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; TPR

Number game 1, Spelling.


The ink is black…


BOOK 1 D, 2 A




Easy 3 cassette; Number cards

Page 27: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte brojeve od 1 do 20 a zatim igrajte igruBuzz. Deca u nizu broje i umesto svakog petog brojaka`u Buzz. Dete koje pogre{i, ispada iz igre

• Napi{ite na tabli slovima i ciframa brojeve od 1 do20.

• Igrajte Number game. ̂ itajte brojeve i prozivajte de-cu da prepoznaju i zaokru`e brojeve napisane slovimai da u isto vreme precrtaju odgovaraju}u cifru.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 2A. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 2 A.

• Napi{ite na tabli six i spelujte i ~itajte zajedno sadecom nekoliko puta.

• Ponovite How many … are there? Pokazujte i govoriteza stvari od kojih je samo jedna u u~ionici. There is one

door. There is one teacher. Posle svake re~enice pitajteHow many teachers/doors/boards… are there?

• Brojte klupe, stolice, de~ake, devoj~ice, prozore... uu~ionici. Posle svakog brojawa recite There are ten…

desks. A zatim pitajte How many desks are there?

• Stavite u neprozirnu kesu ili kutiju nekoliko sitnih predmeta, dve pernice, pet olovaka,

~etiri gumice, jedan lewir, jednu bojicu. Igrajte igru Feelie bag – How many … are there in the

bag? U~enik koji prvi pogodi nastavqa igru.

• Pustite kasetu i poka`ite loptu. There’s one ball… Recitujte red po red. Posle toga, deca po-navqaju prvo horski a zatim grupno za vama. Ponovite nekoliko puta. Deca koja `ele mogu uparovima da recituju i da se dobacuju loptom.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Deca horski ~itajuza vama. Ohrabrite decu da svako samostalno pro~ita po jednu re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izabe-rite dva u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`baweMatch i po jednu re~enicu iz ve`bawa Count and complete. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Horski otpevajte pesmu The ABC song i zavr{ite ~as. Podsetite uvek decu da vam otpozdrave.

PISAWE Workbook 2 B

^ITAWE Book 2 B





Unit 2 B

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Tra`ewe i davawe informacijao broju predmeta

• Davawe kratkih odgovora

Ciqni jezik:

How many… are there?

There is one… There are two…

Is there …? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Are there …? Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Chain game-Buzz;

Number game ; ‘Feelie’ bag.


There’s one ball…


BOOK 2 A, 2 B




Easy 3 cassette;

Small objects (rubbers, pencils);

A box or a bag.

Page 28: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Horski recitujte There’s one ball… i dobacujte decilopticu. U~enici koji `ele, recituju u parovimaili pojedina~no.

• Utvrdite There is one… in the classroom. There are ten

in the classroom.

• Izdajte naredbe Count the boards/desks/chairs… ipitajte How many desks are there in the classroom?

• Igrajte igru Teachers.

• Utvrdite kratke odgovore Yes, there is. No, there

isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Stavite sitnepredmete na sto i pitajte Is there one… on the table?

Are there three… on the table?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 2B. Deca horski i poje-dina~no ~itaju.

• Horski pro~itajte Role-play 2 B. Podelite uloge dadeca odglume dijalog.

• Napi{ite na tabli nine i prozivajte decu da spe-luju i ~itaju uz va{u pomo}.

• Izvodite razne aktivnosti i govorite I’m sitting/standing/writing/drawing/reading.

• Izvedite u~enika, izdajte naredbe Write!… Dok dete izvr{ava naredbu, pitajte What are you

doing? Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Pitajte decu pojedina~no Are you writing/drawing? da dobijete kratke odgovore Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

• Pogledajte po u~ionici. Obra}ajte se deci koja ne paze. HHH! You are not listening. You are

playing/ talking/drawing!

• Recite I spy with my little eye, something beginning with B! Objasnite deci igru I spy.

• Imenujte prvo slovo predmeta u u~ionici. Deca poga|aju Is it a board/ bag/ball…?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Deca horski ~itajuza vama. Ohrabrite decu da svako samostalno pro~ita po jednu re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu.

Izaberite dva u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledweve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`bawa Copy

i Complete. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Good bye, good bye…

PISAWE Workbook 2C

^ITAWE Book 2 C





Unit 2 C

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi• Opisivawe trenutnih aktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:

Look at me! I’m standing.

I’m not sitting.

What are you doing?

You are not listening.

You are reading.

Aktivnosti i igre:


Spelling; I spy with my little eye…

Pesme i recitacije:

There’s one ball; Good bye…


BOOK 2 B, 2 C




Easy 3 cassette;

A soft ball; Small objects: pencils, rubbers…

Page 29: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recite deci Look at me! Izvodite razne aktivnosti ipitajte What am I doing? U~enici horski poga|aju.

You are writing/jumping/reading…

• Utvrdite I’m reading/ drawing/… Izvedite dvoje dece.

Pokazujte fle{-kartice. Jedan u~enik izvodi aktiv-nost sa kartice, a drugi ga pita What are you doing?

• Utvrdite kratke odgovore. Igrajte igru Flash card

game. Dva u~enika su okrenuta le|ima jedan premadrugom. Jedan izvodi aktivnosti koje vidi na karti-cama. Drugi pita: Are you reading? No, I’m not. Yes, I am.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 2C. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Horski pro~itajte i podelite uloge da deca odglumeRole-play 2 C.

• Napi{ite re~ima brojeve od 10 do 1 na tabli i ~itaj-te horski.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… E, T, N.

• Napi{ite na tabli ten i prozivajte decu da speluju i~itaju uz va{u pomo}.

• Pokazujte kartice i pitajte What is s/he doing? Is s/he

reading? writing? Deca odgovaraju prvo horski a zatimpojedina~no.

• Izvedite dvoje dece. Pokazujte im kartice i uputite ih da izvode aktivnosti koje vide. Dok decaizvode aktivnosti pitajte ostale What are XXX and YYY doing? Are they jumping? writing? Postavqajtepitawa da dobijete i potvrdne i odri~ne kratke odgovore, prvo horski a zatim pojedina~no.

• Pokupite od dece deset uxbenika, stavite ih na sto i prebrojavajte ih do deset i nazad. One nice

book. Two nice books… Ten nice English books. Nine nice books. Eight nice books… One nice English book.

Deca ponavqaju za vama.

Pustite kasetu. Deca slu{aju pesmicu Ten little Indians, gledaju slike i prate tekst. ^itajte redpo red pesmice. Deca horski ~itaju za vama. Ohrabrite decu da svako samostalno pro~ita po je-dnu re~enicu. Ponovo pustite kasetu i ohrabrite decu da horski pevaju. Uputite u~enike da u pa-rovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prve dve re-~enice iz ve`bawa Match i jednu re~enicu iz ve`bawa Complete. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih naslede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca u sveskama prepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 2 D Read and say.

Pustite kasetu ili pevajte Ten little Indians i ohrabrite decu da se pridru`e.

PISAWE Workbook 2D

^ITAWE Book 2 D





Unit 2D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Opisivawe trenutnih aktivnosti• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Brojawe od 10 do 1

Ciqni jezik:

What is s/he doing? S/he is playing.S/he is not crying.What are they doing? They are reading.They are not drawing.Is s/he writing? Yes, she is. No, s/he isn’t.Are they listening? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Spelling game; Flash cardgame;

Pesme i recitacije:

Ten little Indians; We can spell…


BOOK 2 C, 2 D




Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards; E, T, N;Flash cards-reading, writing, drawing,playing ball, singing, jumping, listening

Page 30: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• Pevajte Ten little Indians i ohrabrite decu da horski pe-vaju. Uputite decu da „lan~ano pevaju“ pesmu, odnosnosvako dete po jedan broj.

• Izdajte naredbe i postavqajte pojedina~na pitawau~enicima What are you doing?

• Izvedite tri, ~etiri u~enika ispred table, izdajtesvakom druk~iju naredbu jump, clap, read, write… i pi-tajte ostale What is XXX/ MMM/ YYY… doing?

• Deci ispred table izdajte naredbu koju zajedno izvr-{avaju i pitajte ostale What are they doing? What are

XXX, YYY and ZZZ doing? Promenite nekoliko nare-dbi i poma`ite kod prvih odgovora They are….ing.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 2D. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell…C, O, K.

• Napi{ite na tabli clock. Deca speluju i ~itaju uzva{u pomo}.

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte Hickory, Dickory, dock…

• Proverite da li se deca se}aju pesmice. Poka`ite kartonski sat ili nacrtajte sat na tabli.

Mewajte vreme, govorite It’s one/two/ten o’clock (puni sati) a zatim pitajte What time is it? Izve-dite ~etiri u~enika. Jedan pokazuje sat i pita What time is it?, ostali redom odgovaraju. Reciteu~eniku da okrene kazaqke kako `eli i da vas pita What time is it? Slegnite ramenima i odgo-vorite I don’t know!

• Napi{ite na tabli ispod jednog sata bez kazaqki It’s ten o’clock i ispod drugog It’s two o’clock

i prozivajte u~enike da crtaju kazaqke.

• Nacrtajte vreme na ~asovnicima, izbri{ite broj u re~enici ispod sata i prozivajte decu daupi{u koliko je sati.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 3 A. ^itajte red po red. Deca hor-ski ~itaju za vama. Ohrabrite decu da svako samostalno pro~ita po jednu re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izabe-rite tri u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`baweAsk your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 2D. Na~asu deca po~iwu ve`bawa 3 A: Colour and Copy , Read and draw i Read and match. Ostalo deca radeza doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Hickory, Dickory, dock…

PISAWE – Workbook 3 A

^ITAWE – Book 3 A




Komunikativne funkcije:

• Tra`ewe i davawe informacija ohronolo{kom vremenu (puni sati)

• Opisivawe trenutnih aktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:

What time is it? It’s eight o’clock.

He is going to school.

What time is it? I don’t know

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Spelling

Pesme i recitacije:

We can spell…;

Ten little Indians

Hickory Dickory…(Easy 1)


Book 2 D, 3 A




Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards: C, O, K.

a toy clock

Page 31: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte dva minuta igru TPR game Stand up! Sit down!

Pobednik ili pobednici u igri imaju pravo da na ta-bli napi{u kratku re~ i da prozovu druga da speluje.

• Mewajte pune sate na kartonskom satu i pitajteWhat time is it? Deca horski odgovaraju.

• Okre}ite kazaqke na nepune sate i ohrabrite decuda horski ka`u I don’t know.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 3A. Deca horski i pojedina-~no ~itaju.

• Podelite uloge, Meri, Xil i Megi, pokazujte vre-me na kartonskom satu i pomozite deci da izveduRole-play 3A.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… F, H, L.

• Napi{ite i spelujte re~ half.

• Podsetite decu na recitaciju One, two, three, four…

Pustite kasetu ili recitujte i glumite. Recitujtered po red i ohrabrite decu da ponavqaju za vama.

• Podsetite decu na situaciju kada zakasne na ~as. Iza|ite na trenutak iz u~ionice, pokucajte, u|itei recite Good morning. I’m sorry, I’m late. Poka`ite svoj sat na ruci i recite nekoliko puta Oh, my

watch is late! Razgovarajte sa u~enicima Have you got a watch? Show me your watch. It’s very nice.

• Birajte u~enike i izdajte naredbe Stand up! Go to the door! Open the door! Go out! Knock! Kada de-te pokuca horski glasno pozovite Come in! Pomozite detetu da ka`e I’m sorry I’m late. Prihvatiteizviwewe It’s all right. Go to your place and sit down! Ponovite s nekoliko u~enika.

• Na tabli nacrtajte dva ~asovnika na kojima je 8.30 i 9.30. Dok govorite ispod svakog pi{itere~enicu It’s half past eight. It’s half past nine. Pomerajte malu kazaqku na kartonskom ili nanacrtanom satu i pitajte What time is it?

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{a-wa horski ponavqaju svaku re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Iza-berite tri u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play.

Posle horskog ~itawa pesmice izaberite tri u~enika da pro~itaju po jedan red. Uputite u~enikeda u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Pro~itajte zajedno s decom i objasnite ve`bawa 3B. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prve dvere~enice iz ve`bawa Complete. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom One, two, three, four…

PISAWE Workbook 3 B

^ITAWE Book 3 B





Unit 3 B

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Tra`ewe i davawe informacija ohronolo{kom vremenu (pola sata)

• Izviwavawe i prihvatawe izviwewa• Izdavawe naredbi.

Ciqni jezik:

What time is it? It’s half past eight.

I’m sorry, I’m late.

It’s all right! Sit down.

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Spelling; Role-play


We can spell…

1,2,3,4 who is knocking… (Easy 1)


BOOK 3 A, 3 B




Easy 3 cassette; A toy clock;

Letter cards F, H, L.

Page 32: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Napi{ite na tabli nekoliko kratkih re~i one,

two, three i spelujte ih zajedno s decom nekolikoputa. Pevajte pesmu Hello, hello… zajedno s decom

• Mewajte vreme na kartonskom satu, prvo pune satea zatim pola sata i pitajte decu na preskok What

time is it?

• Podelite uloge i ponovite Role-play 3A. Podeli-te razred u tri grupe i ponovite recitaciju 1, 2, 3,

4 who is knocking…

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 3B. Deca horski i pojedi-na~no ~itaju.

• Podelite uloge i deca izvode Role-play 3B.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… T, R, A

• Napi{ite na tabli i pomozite deci da speluju i~itaju re~ art.

• Razgovarajte s decom Do you like English/ Maths/

Sport? Igrajte igru Chain game Do you like…? dva,

tri minuta. Recite I like drawing. I like music. I like

Art. Objasnite da je Art predmet koji obuhvata i cr-tawe i muziku. Govorite i prevodite I like animals. I like flowers. I like people. I like the sun. I like

Science. Objasnite da je to predmet kao poznavawe prirode i dru{tva.

• Pro~itajte pet predmeta, napisanih na tabli i ohrabrite decu da horski ~itaju za vama. Decadolaze do table i govore I like… I don’t like… Pitajte zatim Does XXX like English/ Maths/

Science/Art /Sport? Pomozite u~enicima da horski odgovore Yes, s/he does. No, s/he doesn’t.

• Recite Jill has five subjects at school. Pitajte How many subjects do you have?

• Recite I’m bad at Sport. I’m good at English. i odmah zatim pitajte decu na preskok What are you

good/bad at?

• Igrajte igru Chinese whispers sa desetak u~enika u nizu. Prvi u~enik u nizu {apu}e drugu do sebe{ta voli, npr. I ‘m good at Sport.

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{a-wa horski ponavqaju svaku re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Iza-berite tri u~enika da pro~itaju Role-play.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Pro~itajte zajedno s decom i objasnite ve`bawa. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prvu re~enicuiz ve`bawa Complete and copy i Answer the questions. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as pes-mom Hickory, Dickory…

PISAWE Workbook 3 C

^ITAWE Book 3 C





Unit 3 C

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe nastavnih predmeta• Izra`avawe dopadawa i nedopadawa

Ciqni jezik:

English, Maths, Science, Art, Sport.

Do you like ..? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does s/he like …?

Yes, s/he does. No, s/he doesn’t.

I like Sport. He likes Science.

I’m good/bad at Art.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Spelling; Chain game;

Chinese whispers

Pesme i recitacije:

Hello, hello…; We can spell…

1, 2, 3, 4 who is knocking…

Hickory, Dickory…

^itawe: BOOK 3 B, 3 C

Pisawe: WORKBOOK 3 C


Easy 3 cassette; A toy clock;

Letter cards T, R, A

Page 33: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu i pevajte sa decom pesmu Hickory,

Dickory, dock…Pitajte decu na preskok Have you got

a clock at home? Is it big/small? What colour is it?

• Napi{ite na tabli i skandirajte sa decom nazive{kolskih predmeta. English… Maths… Science…

Art… Sport.

• Igrajte Spelling game. Izbri{ite prvo slovo svakere~i i prozovite 5 u~enika da ih napi{u. Izbri-{ite drugo slovo i prozovite slede}ih pet u~enika.

Svaki u~enik izgovara slovo koje je napisao. Poma-`ite kada vidite da deca nisu sigurna.

• Igrajte igru Teachers. U~enik preuzima ulogunastavnika i pita tri druga. What subject do you like?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 3C. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca prvo glasno ~itaju a zatimusmeno ispred table izvode Roleplay 3C.

• Pokazujte fle{-kartice reading, writing, drawing,

singing, playing ball i pitajte What is s/he doing?

Igrajte Flash card game.

• Okrenite jednu od kartica na nali~je What is s/he doing? Deca poga|aju S/he is writing.

• Recite i prevedite ako je potrebno. It’s ten o’clock. We are learning English now! English is at 10.

Postavqajte pitawa na preskok What time is Art/ Sport/ Science /Maths? Ako deca ne znaju odgovorohrabrite ih da ka`u I don’t know. Izmislite odgovor Sport is at eleven…

• Pustite kasetu ili recitujte English at nine… Deca horski, grupno i na kraju individualnoponavqaju za vama.

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{awau horu ~itaju svaku re~enicu. Posle tre}eg slu{awa deca individualno ~itaju po jednu re~enicu.

Postavqajte pitawa. Who is learning Maths/English/…? What time is it?

Prilikom ~itawa recitacije ohrabrite u~enike da posle horskog ~itawa ~itaju celu recitacijupojedina~no. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prvure~enicu iz ve`bawa Answer the questions i Complete. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju iz Uxbenika recitaciju 3D English at nine..

Recitujte horski English at nine… i zavr{ite ~as.

PISAWE Workbook 3 D

^ITAWE Book 3 D





Unit 3 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Iskazivawe {kolskih obaveza i

rasporeda ~asova• Opisivawe trenutnih radwi• Iskazivawe dopadawa i nedopadawa

Ciqni jezik: What time is English?English is at nine.Maths is at half past ten.Jill is learning English.

Aktivnosti i igre: Role-play; Spelling game;Teachers; Flash card game.

Pesme i recitacije:Hickory, Dickory dock; English at nine…

^itawe: BOOK 3 C, 3 D


Materijali:Easy 3 cassette, Flash cards: reading, writing, drawing,

sitting, singing, playing ball.

Page 34: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• Pevajte horski The ABC song.

• Igrajte igru Chinese whispers sa nazivima predmeta npr.

I like Science.

• Utvrdite nazive {kolskih predmeta li~nim pitawima Do

you like English/ Maths…? Po dobijenom odgovoru pitatislede}eg u~enika Does s/he like English?

• Kroz li~na pitawa utvrditi Are you good/bad at …?

Igrajte igru Question chain.

• Nacrtajte na tabli dnevni raspored ~asova. Postavqajtepitawa What time is..?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 3D. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Deca recituju prvo horski a zatim pojedina~no English at


• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… S, P, T.

• Napi{ite, spelujte i pro~itajte re~ sport zajedno s decom.

• Poka`ite deci kalendar i izbrojte dane u nedeqi. ReciteThere are seven days in a week. i odmah pitajte How many days

are there in a week?

• Imenujte i nekoliko puta horski ponovite dane u nedeqi.

Igrajte Chain game sa danima u nedeqi. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika What day is it today?

• Pitajte decu redom Do you go to school on Monday/ Tuesday..? a zatim When do you go to school?

• Pustite kasetu i podsetite decu na recitaciju When do you go to school?

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{awau horu ~itaju svaku re~enicu. Posle tre}eg slu{awa deca individualno ~itaju po jednu re~enicu.

Prilikom ~itawa recitacije ohrabrite u~enike da posle horskog ~itawa ~itaju celu recitacijupojedina~no. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 3D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 4A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prvure~enicu iz ve`bawa Answer the questions i Complete. Oba ve`bawa treba da zavr{e kod ku}e.

Ostala ve`bawa, bojewe i prepisivawe deca rade za doma}i.

^as zavr{ite recitacijom One, two, three, four, who is knocking at the door?

PISAWE Workbook 4 A

^ITAWE Book 4 A




Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe dana u nedeqi• Iskazivawe {kolskih obaveza

u odre|enim danima• Davawe kratkih odgovora

Ciqni jezik:

Days in a week

How many days are there

in a week? There are seven.

What day is it today? It’s..

I go to school on Monday…

I don’t go to school on Sunday…

Aktivnosti i igre:

Chinese whispers;Spelling;

Question chain; Chain game

Pesme i recitacije:

The ABC song; We can spell…;

When do you go to school? (Easy 2)

1, 2, 3, 4, who is knocking…

^itawe: BOOK 3D, 4 A

Pisawe: Workbook 4 A


Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards S, P,;

A Calendar

Page 35: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• Recite It’s a lovely day for English! Igrajte igru Listen

for your day.

• Utvrdite dane u nedeqi pitawima How many days are

there in a week? When do you go to school? What day is it


• Igrajte igru Chain game. Deca u krugu govore dane unedeqi po redu. U~enik koji pogre{i, izlazi izkruga.

• Horski a zatim grupno ili pojedina~no recitujteWhen do you go to school?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 4A. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… A, M, Y.

• Napi{ite na tabli, spelujte i pro~itajte s decom re~Monday.

• Dvoje ili vi{e dece ispred table izvr{avaju naredbei odgovaraju na pitawe What are you doing?

• Pokazujte kartice sa aktivnostima. Deca gledaju i odgovaraju na pitawa What is s/he doing?

• Nacrtajte na tabli veliku i malu loptu. Pokazujte i pitajte Is it big or a small? Nacrtajte vi-sokog i niskog ^i~a Gli{u. Pokazujte i pitajte Is he tall or short?

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte 4 B. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Tokom drugog slu-{awa u horu ~itaju svaku re~enicu. Posle tre}eg slu{awa deca individualno ~itaju po jednu re~e-nicu. Postavqajte pitawa. Who is in the playground? Who is playing ball/ running/ jumping?

Ohrabrite u~enike da posle horskog ~itawa, ~itaju po ulogama a zatim usmeno izvedu Role-play 4 B.

Ponovo pustite kasetu i pevajte horski Girls and boys.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade prvure~enicu iz ve`bawa Colour and write i Complete and copy. Oba ve`bawa zavr{avaju kod ku}e.

Ostala ve`bawa, bojewe i prepisivawe deca rade za doma}i.

^as zavr{ite pesmom Girls and boys.

PISAWE Workbook 4 B

^ITAWE Book 4 B




Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe zajedni~kih aktivnostiu {kolskom dvori{tu

• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa otrenutnim aktivnostima

• Privla~ewe pa`we

Ciqni jezik:

What are you doing? I’m jumping.

S/he is not crying.

We are playing.

Ouch! Watch out!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play, Listen for your day;,

Chain game;Spelling


Girls and boys come …

^itawe: BOOK 4 A, 4 B

Pisawe: WORKBOOK 4 B


Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards A, M, Y;

Flash cards: jumping, playing ball,

running, crying.

Page 36: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• Horski otpevajte Girls and boys come …

• Utvrdite What am I doing? You are jumping/ reading/

crying. Igrajte igru Pantomime.

• Utvrdite What is s/he doing? S/he is jumping… Dajteu~eniku fle{-kartice da pokazuje drugovima i po-stavqa pitawa. Igrajte igru Teachers.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 4 B. Deca horski i pojedina~noponavqaju. Podelite uloge i pomozite deci da izveduRole-play 4 B.

• Poka`ite kartice i imenujte slova M, S, P, T, A, Y, L.

Deca horski ponavqaju nekoliko puta. Igrajte Letter

game. Okrenite jednu karticu na nali~je i pitajteWhat letter is this? U~enik koji pogodi, nastavqa igru.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… A, Y, L.

• Napi{ite na tabli i zajedno s decom spelujte ipro~itajte re~ play.

• Na sebi pokazujte delove lica i govorite. Head, hair,

nose, mouth, eyes, ears, cheeks, teeth. Ponovite. Deca hor-ski ponavqaju i pokazuju delove glave.

• Opisujte sebe I have green eyes. I have brown/fair

hair…Posle svake re~enice pitajte u~enika Have you got green eyes? Pitajte tako da dobijetei potvrdne i odri~ne odgovore. Izvodite decu da svako o sebi ka`e I have .... eyes. I have ...... hair.

• Poka`ite lutku, crte`... klovna i opisujte He is a clown. His name is Smiley. He has big eyes…

Postavqajte pitawa da dobijete potvrdne i odri~ne odgovore. Has Smiley got big eyes?… long


Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Kod drugog slu{awahorski ~itaju svaku re~enicu a zatim individualno po jednu re~enicu. Objasniti deci zagonetku.

Dati neki primer na materwem jeziku.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Read

and copy. Ostala ve`bawa se usmeno rade na ~asu a pi{u kod ku}e.^as zavr{ite pesmom Girls and boys…

PISAWE Workbook 4 C

^ITAWE Book 4 C




Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe delova lica• Tra`ewe i davawe informacija

o fizi~kom izgledu

Ciqni jezik:

Head, hair, eyes, ears,

cheeks, nose, mouth.

Has she got blue eyes?

S/he has brown eyes.

Have you got short hair?

I have long fair hair.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Pantomime; Teachers;Letter game;

Role-play; Spelling.


We can spell…

Girls and boys …

^itawe: BOOK 4 B, 4 C

Pisawe: WORKBOOK 4 C


Easy 3 cassette; A puppet or a picture of

a clown; Letter cards M, S, P, T, A, Y, L.

Flash cards: jumping, playing ball,

running, crying.

Page 37: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Touch your head! Touch your nose!... Ponovitenaredbe. Zbuwujte decu namerno gre{e}i. Dodir-nite nos a recite Touch your mouth. U~enik kojipogre{i ispada iz igre i izlazi da kontroli{eostale.

• Utvrdite opisivawe delova glave pitawima Have

you got blue/ brown eyes? … long fair hair?…

• Poka`ite lutku, crte`... ve{tice i opisujte.

She is a witch. Her name is Hazel. She has small eyes…

Pitajte. Has Hazel got big eyes?… long hair?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 4C. Deca horski i pojedi-na~no ponavqaju. Podelite uloge i pomozitedeci da izvedu Role-play 4C.

• Horski ponovite zagonetku.

• Poka`ite kartice i imenujte slova M, S, P, T, A,

Y, L. Ponovite Letter game s prethodnog ~asa.

• Napi{ite, zajedno sa decom spelujte i pro~i-tajte re~ nose.

• Opi{ite situaciju i prepri~ajte pri~u 4D.

• Napi{ite na tabli 2 + 2 =…. 5 – 3 =…..4 × 2 = i postavqajte pitawa. What’s two plus two? What’s

five minus three? What’s four times two? Recite Maths is easy. Maths is fun. Maths is nice.

• Recitujte Maths is nice. Deca ponavqaju za vama horski, grupno i pojedina~no nekoliko puta.

Pustite kasetu ili ~itajte. Deca prvo slu{aju, gledaju slike i prate tekst. Tokom drugogslu{awa u horu ~itaju svaku re~enicu. Posle tre}eg slu{awa deca individualno ~itaju po jednure~enicu. Postavqajte pitawa. Who is learning Maths/English/…? What time is it?

Prilikom ~itawa recitacije ohrabrite u~enike da posle horskog ~itawa ~itaju celu recitacijupojedina~no. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Na ~asu deca ~itaju ve`bawe Read and

colour. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Complete.

Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju iz Uxbenikaprozni tekst 4D A story.

^as zavr{ite recitacijom Maths is nice.

PISAWE Workbook 4 D

^ITAWE Book 4 D





Unit 4 D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Rekapitulacija svih obra|enihfunkcija

Ciqni jezik:

School subjects;The time

Days in a week; Colours;

Numbers: plus, minus, times,

I am… S/he is… You/We/they are…

I have… S/he has…

S/he likes… S/he doesn’t like…

I like maths. I don’t like… I’m good/bad at …

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Letter game;

Role-play; Spelling

Pesme i recitacije:

Maths is nice


BOOK 4 C, 4 D




Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards M, S, P, T, A, Y, L...

Page 38: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


Recite deci da }ete ~as posvetiti uve`bavawu onoga {to }e se slede}eg ~asa raditi kao test.

Objasnite da test ne}e raditi radi ocene, ve} da biste vi a i oni sami videli {ta su dobro nau-~ili, a {ta nisu. Ono {to nisu dobro nau~ili, svi }ete zajedno vi{e ve`bati.

Proverite da li deca razumeju naslove ve`bawa i prevedite ako treba.

Re~i i re~enice koje na ovom ~asu pi{ete na tabli, deca mogu i ne moraju da prepisuju u sveske.

Recite deci da }e wihov test biti vrlo sli~an testu koji je uradila Xil, samo kra}i i lak{i.

1. Nekoliko u~enika usmeno odgovara na pitawe What’s your name? a zatim pi{u odgovor na tabli.

My name is … Pro~itajte ve`bawe 1 u Uxbeniku.

2. Napi{ite na tabli englesku abecedu. Pevajte dva puta pesmu The ABC song. Izbri{ite neko-liko slova. Pozovite nekoliko u~enika da ih popune dok ostali horski pevaju. Pro~itajteve`bawe 2 u Uxbeniku.

3. Pokazujte u~enicima {kolski pribor, predmete i name{taj u u~ionici. Pitajte What’s this?

Posle ta~nog usmenog odgovora, u~enik ga ispisuje na tabli. It’s a pencil/ door…. Pokazujte istepredmete i pitajte Is it a window/desk/book? da dobijete odgovore Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Posleusmenih odgovora, deca ih pi{u na tabli. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 3 u Uxbeniku.

4. Poka`ite lik Jill/Chris/Danny. Pitajte What’s his/her name? U~enici usmeno odgovaraju ipi{u odgovor na tabli. Her name is Jill. His name is Danny. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 4 u Uxbeniku.

5. Napi{ite na tabli . Pitajte nekoliko u~enika What are you? Posle usmenogodgovora deca pi{u na tabli I’m a pupil and a girl/boy. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 5 u Uxbeniku.

6. Napi{ite na tabli ciframa i slovima brojeve od 1 do 20. Deca ih ~itaju naglas horski.

Izbri{ite po jedno slovo iz svakog broja i pozivajte decu da ih popune. Pro~itajte ve`bawe6 u Uxbeniku.

7. Napi{ite na tabli . (Najve}i broj koji deca znaju.) Pitajte nekoliko u~enika How

old are you? Posle usmenih odgovora deca pi{u na tabli I’m eight/ nine/ten. Poka`ite likJill/Chris/ Mary. Pitajte How old is Jill?... Chris? Posle usmenih odgovora deca pi{u na tabliShe is nine. He is ten. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 7 u Uxbeniku.

8. Nacrtajte na tabli dva ~asovnika na kojima kazaqke ozna~avaju pune sate i dva na kojimaozna~avaju pola sata. Ispod svakog napi{ite . . PitajteWhat time is it? Posle usmenih odgovora deca popuwavaju re~enicu na tabli. Pro~itajteve`bawe 8 u Uxbeniku.

9. Igrajte Colour game – It’s a colour you can’t see. Which one is it? You tell me. Kada u~enik ta~no

odgovori, izlazi i pi{e boju na tabli. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 9 u Uxbeniku.

10. Izdajte naredbe Touch your hair! ..nose!...eyes!.....Nacrtajte krug na tabli. Izvodite decu i izdaj-te naredbe Draw two eyes! …two ears!!...nose! ….mouth and teeth!… Dok deca crtaju pi{itena tabli re~i . Deca zatim izlaze i povezuju re~i saslikom. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 10 u Uxbeniku.

11. Napi{ite na tabli . Izvedite dva u~enika da napi{u istu re~e-nicu o sebi. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 11 u Uxbeniku.

12. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 12 u Uxbeniku.

I have brown/blue/green eyes

eyes, ears, cheeks, teeth, mouth, nose, hair

It’s half past ______It’s _____ o’clock

I’m twenty

I’m a teacher


Page 39: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

T E S T 1

Deca rade test svih 45 minuta. Ne opomiwite ih ako otvaraju kwigu i tra`e ta~ne odgovore, iliako rade zajedno sa drugom pored sebe. Ovo je prvi test i va`no je da deca budu opu{tena i da setrude da urade test {to boqe mogu. Obilazite decu i poma`ite onoj koja su slabija. Deci kojatest zavr{e pre kraja ~asa, dajte da prepisuju re~enice u svesci ili da tiho igraju Spelling game

– Hangman sa drugom.


What’s your name? My name is




What’s this? It’s a desk.

What’s this? It’s a book.

Is it a pencil? Yes, it is.

Is it a book? No, it isn’t.

COMPLETE WITH boy/girl/pupil/teacher

I’m a boy/girl and a pupil.

He is a boy and a pupil. Lik Danny

She is a teacher. Lik u~iteqice


How old are you? I’m eight/nine.

How old is Chris? He is ten.

How old is Maggie? She is four.


It’s seven o’clock. crte` ~asovnika – 7 sati




hair nose desk mouth


Page 40: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Izdajte naredbe. Pupils with blue eyes, stand up!

Pupils with brown eyes, go to the window!…

• Igrajte igru Teachers . U~enik izlazi i postavqa tripitawa drugovima How old are you? How old is she?

• Igrajte Guessing game: Have you got green eyes? – Yes, I

have. No, I haven’t. Dva u~enika, le|ima okrenuti jedanprema drugom, poga|aju boju o~iju ili kose svog druga.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 4D. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 4D.

• Pevajte horski i igrajte igru We can spell… E, A, Y.

• Napi{ite na tabli re~ eyes i prozivajte decu daspeluju i ~itaju uz va{u pomo}.

• Poka`ite poster 3. This is Jill’s family. Mother, father,

sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother. Uputite decu dahorski ponavqaju za vama.

• Izvodite decu do postera. Show me Jill/ Jill’s brother/

Jill’s sister/ Jill’s mother/ father/ grandmother/ grandfather,

pet. Organizujte takmi~ewe. Igrajte Poster game.

• Razgovarajte s decom. Izmi{qajte ako je potrebno. My mother has a brother. He is my uncle. My father

has a brother. He is my uncle, too. I have two uncles. Poka`ite neke fotografije. Look, this is my uncle

NNN. Na isti na~in uvedite This is my aunt. This is my cousin. Objasnite deci da je uncle – stric,

ujak, te~a; aunt – tetka, strina, ujna; cousin – brat ili sestra od tetke, strica.

• Napi{ite ciframa i slovima desetice do 100 i pro~itajte ih prvo sami a zatim zajedno sa decomnekoliko puta: thirty, forty, fifty….a hundred.

• Recitujte I love my mother… i ohrabrite decu da ponavqaju horski. Ponovite.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 5 A. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju vama. Nekoliko u~enika samostalno ~ita recitaciju.

Kod ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izaberitedva u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim izvedu Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledweve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Podelite radne sveske. Pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na op{te gre{ke. Deca kod ku}e radeispravku testa u sveskama, prepisuju}i ispravne re~enice iz Jill’s test 1.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu po~nu ve`bawe Find and

Copy. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom I love my mother.

PISAWE Workbook 5 A

^ITAWE Book 5 A





Unit 5 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe ~lanova porodice• Predstavqawe i opisivawe

~lanova porodice• Izra`avawe pripadawa• Brojawe desetica do 100

Ciqni jezik:

mother, mum, father, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandma, grandfather, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin.Buddy is Jill’s pet. Jill’s grandpa is seventy.thirty, forty,… ninety, a hundred

Aktivnosti i igre:TPR; Teachers; Guessing game; Role-play; Spelling; Poster game.

Pesma i recitacija:

I love my mother… (Easy 1)We can spell…

^itawe: Book 4D, 5 A

Pisawe: Workbook 5 A


Easy 3 cassette; Poster 3 – My family;Family photos; Letter cards: E, A, Y

Page 41: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

Igrajte igru Chinese whispers – I have five uncles/one aunt/nine


• Razgovarajte s decom: Have you got an aunt/uncle? How many

aunts/uncles have you got? Igrajte Question chain.

• Nastavite s pojedina~nim pitawima Has Jill got a sister/

brother/ grandfather/grandmother/cousin? Has she got an


• Recite deci da stave ispred sebe kartice sa ise~enimslovima. Igrajte Spelling game 3. Recite da slo`e na engle-skom re~ koju `ele. Make a word in English! Kru`ite i tra-`ite da speluju i pro~itaju re~. U~enik koji prvi slo`ire~, mo`e da je napi{e na tabli.

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 5A. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 5 A.

• Deca u parovima i pojedina~no recituju I love my mother…

• Recitujte i podsetite decu na recitaciju How many people

are in your house? Obra}ajte se deci da pojedina~no nabrajajui recituju do kraja. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother. Wait

there’s one more, now let me see! Yes, of course, that must be me!

• Recite I’m a teacher. You are pupils. Pokazujte kartice ilislike iz ~asopisa i govorite S/he is a farmer. S/he is a pilot.

• He is a policeman. S/he is an artist. She is an actress..... Ponovo pokazujte kartice, pitajte What is s/he?

Poma`ite u~enicima da pojedina~no odgovaraju.

• Pitajte decu na preskok What is your brother/ sister/ cousin/ uncle/ aunt?

• Govorite i pokazujte kartice ili slike Jill’s father is a doctor. Jill’s mother is an architect… Poslesvake re~enice pitajte What is Jill’s father/ mother/aunt…?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 5B. ^itajte red po red. Deca, zatim,

horski i pojedina~no ~itaju vama.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu.

Izaberite tri u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim uz va{u pomo} usmeno izvedu Role-play 5A. Uputiteu~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uradite ve`bawe Match i pomozite deci danapi{u jedan odgovor u ve`bawu Answer. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom I love my mother.

PISAWE Workbook 5 B

^ITAWE Book 5 B





Unit 5 B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Opisivawe delova lica• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa

o drugom licu• Identifikacija zanimawa• Brojawe desetica do 100• Izra`avawe pripadawa

Ciqni jezik:

Is s/he a/an…?.What is s/he?S/he is a teacher, a pupil, a doctor, a farmer, a pilot, a policeman,an architect, an artist, an actressJill’s cousin is a pupil. S/he is tall.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Chinese whispers;Question chain; Spelling game;

Recitacije:I love my mother…How many people are in the house? (Easy 3)

^itawe: Book 5 A, 5 B

Pisawe: Workbook 5B

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter set;Flash cards or pictures:a doctor/teacher /farmer/ policeman/ pilot/an architect/ artist/ actress

Page 42: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte horski Hello Mary… Igrajte Chinese whispers

– My uncle is an artist./ My aunt is an architect...

• Razgovarajte s decom: Is your cousin a pupil? Is your

mother a teacher?... Igrajte Question chain sa istimpitawima.

• Postavqajte pojedina~na pitawa What is Jill’s brother/


• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 5B. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-

-play 5B.

• Igrajte igru Spelling game – Hangman. Nacrtajteve{ala, prvo i zadwe slovo re~i mother.

• Podelite tablu vertikalnom linijom. Na levojstrani napi{ite left a na desnoj right. Pro~itajtenekoliko puta. Deca ponavqaju za vama.

• Izvedite decu da crtaju na tabli. Draw a small house

on the left. Draw a big house on the right. Draw two windows on the left. Draw three windows on the right…

… two doors… a big roof… Pitajte Where is the big/little house? Deca odgovaraju horski ili grupno.

On the left. On the right.

• Poka`ite poster – Jill’s house. This is a big house. There are three rooms upstairs. Two bedrooms and

a bathroom. There are two rooms downstairs. A kitchen and a living room. Pitajte Where is the bathroom?

Where is the kitchen? Deca odgovaraju horski ili grupno. It’s upstairs. It’s downstairs.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa. Do you live in a big/small house?

• Na materwem jeziku objasnite razliku izme|u house i home.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 5 C. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju vama.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu.

Izaberite dva u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim izvedu Role-play 5 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovimaurade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Po~nite ve`bawe Colour koje deca zavr{avajukod ku}e. Uradite na ~asu ve`bawe Complete i Odd one out. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom I love my mother.

PISAWE Workbook 5 C

^ITAWE Book 5 C





Unit 5 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe i opisivawe ku}e i

prostorija u stanu/ku}i• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

mestu i polo`aju prostorija• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

u odre|enim prostorijama

Ciqni jezik:

house, home, door, window, roof,

kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room;

Where is the kitchen? On the right/left.

It’s downstairs/upstairs. I eat in the kitchen.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Question chain;

Spelling game;Chinese whispers

Pesme i recitacije:

Hello Mary…, I love my mother…

^itawe: Book 5 B, 5C

Pisawe: Workbook 5 C


Easy 3 cassette; Poster: Jill’s house

Page 43: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Left hand, up! Right hand, up! Touch your left ear !

Touch your right ear!

• Poka`ite poster i kroz pitawa ponovite nazive ipolo`aj prostorija u ku}i. Where is the kitchen/living

room? What is downstairs/upstairs? What is on the left/right?

• Recitujte i podsetite decu na How many rooms are in

your house? Ohrabrite decu da vam se pridru`e.

• Pokazujte fle{-kartice i govorite I sleep in the

bedroom. I watch TV in the living room… Pokazujtekartice ponovo i uputite decu da izgovaraju istere~enice.

• Pro~itajte horski i izaberite decu da usmeno izveduRole-play 5 C.

• Igrajte igru Hangman. b - - - - -m (bedroom). Po zavr-{etku igre, horski s decom spelujte i pro~itajte re~.

• Poka`ite Poster i opisujte name{taj. There is a table

/fridge/cooker/chair in the kitchen. There is a sofa/TV /picture

/vase/shelf/lamp in the living room. There is a bath /toilet/mirror

in the bathroom. There is a bed /cupboard in the bedroom.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Is there a cooker/table

/chair/fridge in your kitchen? … a TV/sofa/ in your living

room?.....How many chairs are there in your kitchen?

• Stavite nekoliko stvari jednu preko druge na katedru. Pogledajte zabrinuto i obratite se deciLook at this mess! Help me, please! Prozivajte u~enike jednog za drugim Take the book and put it in

my bag! – Thank you. Take my bag and put it under the table! – Thank you!Take the pencil case and put

it on your desk. – Thank you!

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red, zatim deca ~itajuvama, horski i pojedina~no.

Prilikom ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu.

Izaberite dva u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim izvedu Role-play. Uputite u~enike da u parovima uradeposledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Answer.

Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst5D. The fridge is in the kitchen.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom How many rooms are in your house?

PISAWE Workbook 5 D

^ITAWE Book 5 D





Unit 5 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe i opisivawe name{taja

u ku}i/stanu• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

mestu i polo`aju predmeta• Privla~ewe pa`we• Izdavawe naredbi• Izra`avawe razo~arawa

Ciqni jezik:

bed, chair, table, sofa, shelf, cupboard,cooker, fridge, bath, toilet, picture, TV, vase, box,Where is the cooker? In the kitchen.Where is the book? It’s on the table.It’s in the cupboard. It’s under the bed.Look at the mess! Help your sister! Oh, no!

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Spelling game;Role-play


How many rooms are ...? (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 5 C, 5 D

Pisawe: Workbook 5 D


Poster: Jill’s house; Easy 3 cassette;Flash cards: read, eat, sleep, wash my hands, watch TV

Page 44: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu, pevajte horski Girls and boys… Igrajteigru Musical statues.

• Furniture game. Nacrtajte ~etiri kvadrata, ~etiri pro-storije, dve na levoj i dve na desnoj strani table i napi-{ite nazive prostorija a kitchen… a living room…

a bathroom… a bedroom. Stavite na sto sli~ice name-{taja. Podelite u~enike u dva tima. Imenujte predmet.

U~enik koji prvi prona|e predmet i stavi ga u odre|enuprostoriju, osvaja poen.

• Postavqajte pitawa Where is the cooker/fridge/bed? What

is in the kitchen/ bathroom?….

• Utvrdite predloge in, on, under. Izdajte naredbe Put the

book on the table/ in the bag/ under the desk. Pitajte zatimWhere is the book?

• Pro~itajte ceo tekst 5D. Deca horski i pojedina~no~itaju.

• Podelite uloge. Deca uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 5D.

• Napi{ite, i s decom spelujte i pro~itajte re~ table.

• Okre}ite kalendar i imenujte mesece u godini. Pono-vite horski nekoliko puta.

• Izbrojte mesece u kalendaru i recite There are 12 months in a year. Ponovite i zatim pitajtenekoliko u~enika How many months are there in a year?

• Recite My birthday is in May. Pitajte prvog u~enika When is your birthday? Igrajte igru Question


• Divite se raznim predmetima i govorite What a lovely pencil/book/bag!

• Poka`ite sliku ro|endanske torte, prinosite je deci, poka`ite i recite Come on! Blow out the

candles! Make a wish! Objasnite da uvek mora da se po`eli ne{to, kada se gase sve}ice.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Zatim, deca ~itajuvama, horski i pojedina~no.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play 6A.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 5D.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade po dve re~eniceiz ve`bawa Read and copy i Match and copy. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Happy birthday!

PISAWE Workbook 6 A

^ITAWE Book 6 A





Unit 6 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe meseci u godini• ^estitawe ro|endana• Primawe i davawe poklona• Zahvaqivawe• Poziv na aktivnostCiqni jezik:

How many months are there in a year?There are twelve months in a year.January, February… December.When is your/ your brother’s/ yoursister’s birthday? Happy birthday.Here is a present for you! Thank you.Oh, what a lovely …! Come on! Make a wish!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-Play; Question chain;Spelling;Musical statues; Furniture game


Girls and boys; Happy birthday

^itawe: Book 5 D, 6 A

Pisawe: Workbook 6 A


Easy 3 cassette;Small pictures of furniture; A picture ofa big birthday cake with candles; BluTack; A calendar

Page 45: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte horski mesece u godini i igrajte igruOranges, lemons, apples…

• Recite My birthday is in … Pitajte nekoliko u~enikaWhen is your birthday? Ako je nekome ro|endan tihdana, ~estitajte Happy Birthday i otpevajte pesmu.

• Stavite igra~kice ili crte`e igra~aka na sto.

Recite Here are some presents for you. Obra}ajte sedeci pojedina~no What present do you like? Deca poje-dina~no dolaze i biraju I like the doll/ car/ plane/


• Igrajte Chain game – Pass the… Deca dodaju jedandrugom igra~ku uz re~i Here you are. Thank you.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa6 A, a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 6 A.

• Napi{ite i zajedno sa decom spelujte i pro~itajtere~ present.

• Pitajte decu What month is it? Deca horski odgovarajuIt is December.

• Govorite i odmah postavqajte pitawa Christmas is near. New Year is near. What is near? Nacrtajtejelku na tabli i recite This is a Christmas tree. Let’s trim the tree! Prevedite ako je potrebno! Decaprilaze i svako crta ukras na jelki. Divite se ukrasima What a lovely bell! What a lovely star!…

Dok deca crtaju pustite kasetu We wish you a Merry Christmas.

• Recite Let’s make a greeting card! Nacrtajte na tabli veliku ~estitku i napi{ite Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year! Pro~itajte horski nekoliko puta. Pozovite u~enike da crte`ima ukrase~estitku kako `ele.

• Pri~ajte Before Christmas/New Year I go shopping. I buy a Christmas tree and I trim the tree. Before

Christmas/ New Year I clean the house / make a cake/ buy presents/write greeting cards. Posle svakere~enice pitajte decu na preskok Do you trim the tree before Christmas/New Year?…

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ^itajte red po red. Deca horski azatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play 6 B.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Colour and copy,

bojewe samo po~iwu a zavr{avaju kod ku}e. Zajedno uradite prvu re~enicu iz ve`bawa Copy.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom We wish you a Merry Christmas.

PISAWE Workbook 6 B

^ITAWE Book 6 B





Unit 6 B

Komunikativne funkcije:

• ^estitawe praznika• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

pred praznik• Pozivawe na zajedni~ku aktivnost• Davawe uputstava

Ciqni jezik:

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

help, buy a tree, buy presents, trim the tree,

write greeting cards, fold the paper,

clean the house, make a cake.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-Play; Oranges, lemons, apples…,

Chain game; Spelling.


We wish you a Merry Christmas (Easy 1, 2)

^itawe: Book 6 A, 6 B

Pisawe: Workbook 6 B


Easy 3 cassette; toys or cut – outs of toys

Page 46: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka grupa peva po je-dan red pesme We wish you a merry Christmas . Na kraju svizajedno pevaju celu pesmu. ^estitajte u~enicima Bo-`i} i Novu godinu i ohrabrite ih da i oni urade isto.

• Postavqajte pitawa Do you buy a tree /trim the tree/ buy

presents/ write greeting cards before Christmas/New Year?

U~enici odgovaraju pojedina~no. Napi{ite na cedu-qi jednu od aktivnosti i igrajte igru Guessing game.

Recite This is what I do before Christmas/New year. Can

you guess? Deca redom poga|aju Do you trim the tree?…

Kada u~enik pogodi dajete ceduqu koju u~enik ~ita iprepisuje na tabli. I buy presents.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 6 B,

a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 6 B.

• Napi{ite i zajedno sa decom spelujte i pro~itajtere~ bell.

• Pustite kasetu Jingle bells. Ohrabrite decu da pevajuhorski.

• Nacrtajte na tabli veliku jelku, zalepite komadi}eBlu-Tack gume. Stavite na sto crte`e/aplikacije shiny

balls, candles, bells, presents. Recite Let’s trim the tree. Prozivajte decu pojedina~no da ukrasejelku. Take a shiny ball/ bell/ candle! Put it on the tree! Take a present! Put it under the tree!

• Opisujte ukra{enu jelku This is a big tree. There are shiny balls, candles and bells on the tree. There are

presents under the tree. Ohrabrite decu da ponove prvo grupno a zatim i pojedina~no opi{u jelku.

• Poka`ite poster 4: Praznici i Deda Mraz. Pitajte Who is this? Has he got a bag? What’s in the

bag? Who has presents for everybody?…

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ^itajte red po red. Deca horski azatim pojedina~no ~itaju vama.

Kod ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izaberitetri u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim izvedu Role-play 6 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima uradeposledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Read and copy.

Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Jingle bells.

PISAWE Workbook 6 B

^ITAWE Book 6 C





Unit 6 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe praznika• ^estitawe praznika• Opisivawe mesta i polo`aja gde

se predmet nalazi• Izra`avawe ose}awa• Davawe kratkih odgovora

Ciqni jezik:

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!There is.. There are..It’s in… on… under …Here you are! Thank you very much.We love you!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; TPR; SpellingGuessing game

Pesme i recitacije:

We wish you a merry Christmas;

Jingle bells

^itawe: Book 6 B, 6 C

Pisawe: Workbook 6 C


Easy 3 cassette; Pictures of tree decorations; Blu-Tack;

Page 47: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recite Let’s sing and dance! i pevajte Jingle bells… Decase hvataju u dva tri kruga i igraju.

• Prozivajte decu da crtaju Deda Mraza, jelku i ukrasena tabli. Govorite Draw a bell on the tree. Draw a present

under the tree…

• Opi{ite govore}i u horu jelku i Deda Mraza. Igrajteigru Teachers. How many shiny balls/ candles/ bells/presents

are there?

• Igrajte igru I spy… Gledajte u jelku i govorite I spy

with my little eye something beginning with B/P/C. Decapoga|aju Is it a bell?…

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 6 C,

a zatim neka deca usmeno izvode Role-play 6 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ cake. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazina tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Poka`ite ilustraciju zime u Uxbeniku u tekstu 6 D.

It’s snowimg. It’s cold. It’s January.

• Pokazujte sliku i govorite Look at the sledge / skates/ skis!

• Odmah pitajte u~enike na preskok Have you got a sledge/ skates/ skis?Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

• Recite dok deca gledaju sliku Look at the children. Pitajte Who has skates/ skis/ a sledge? Decaprepoznaju likove i horski odgovaraju. Jill has… Chris has…

• Pokazujte sliku i govorite John is skiing…Chris and Jane are making a snowman.

• Igrajte igru Pantomime sa ovim aktivnostima. Dete izvodi aktivnost. Ostali poga|aju Are you

skiing…? No, I’m not. … Yes, I am.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Kod ~itawa dijaloga podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Svaka od grupa ~ita svoju ulogu. Izaberitedva u~enika da pro~itaju a zatim izvedu Role-play 6D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima uradeposledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Read, colour and

copy, bez bojewa . Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisu-ju iz Uxbenika tekst 6D. It’s January. It’s cold…

Zavr{ite ~as pesmama Jingle bells i We wish you a merry Christmas.

PISAWE Workbook 6 D

^ITAWE Book 6 D





Unit 6 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Opisivawe vremenskih prilika• Imenovawe predmeta• Izra`avawe posedovawa• Opisivawe aktivnosti u

trenutku govora• Pozivawe na zajedni~ku

aktivnost i prihvatawe predloga

Ciqni jezik:

It’s cold. It’s snowing.Jill has skates /skis/ a sledge.S/he is sledging/skating/skiing.They are making a snowman.Let’s go!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Trimming the tree; I spy …;Pantomime; Role-Play; Letter game.

Pesme i recitacije:

Jingle bells We wish you a merry Christmas

^itawe: Book 6 C, 6 D

Pisawe: Workbook 6 D


Easy 3 cassette; Letter cards

Page 48: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte nazive meseci i igrajte Chain game.

U~enici zaredom izgovaraju po jedan mesec. U~enikkoji pogre{i ispada iz igre i kontroli{e ostalezajedno sa nastavnikom.

• Ponovite igru Pantomime i utvrdite aktivnosti nasnegu.

• Pokazujte sliku u Uxbeniku. Pitajte decu na pre-skok What is s/he doing? What are they doing?

• Opi{ite sliku u Uxbeniku. Organizujte takmi~ewe.

Podelite u~enike u dve, tri grupe. Pobe|uje grupakoja sa vi{e re~enica opi{e sliku.

• Pokazujte sliku i pitajte Who has a sledge/ skis/

skates? Deca pojedina~no odgovaraju Mary has…

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 6 D,

a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play u tekstu 6 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ cold. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Poka`ite na satu 7 sati. Recite I get up at seven o’clock

in the morning. Odmah pitajte What time do you get up?

• Glumite i govorite In the morning I wash my hands and

face, I brush my teeth, I comb my hair, I have breakfast. Ponovite i ohrabrite decu da horski ponavqaju.

• Pitajte u~enike na preskok i poma`ite im dok odgovoraju What do you do in the morning?

• Igrajte igru Chinese whispers – I brush my teeth…

• Pustite kasetu, pevajte i glumite. This is the way… Ponovite. Ohrabrite decu da vam se pridru`e.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 7A. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play iz teksta 7A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 6D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 7A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Copy i po jednure~enicu iz ve`bawa Match and write i Complete with… Ostalo ostaje za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom This is the way.

PISAWE Workbook 7 A

^ITAWE Book 7 A





Unit 7 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Pozdravqawe• Kazivawe delova dana• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

u ku}i• Davawe obave{tewa o

hronolo{kom vremenu• Izviwavawe

Ciqni jezik:

Good morning! It’s seven o’clock.I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.I wash my hands/face. I brush my teeth.I comb my hair. I have breakfast.Sorry!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Letter game; Chain game; Pantomime; Chinese whispers; Role-Play


This is the way I wash my hands(Easy 2)


Book 6 D, 7 A


Workbook 7 A


Easy 3 cassette; A toy clock; Letters

Page 49: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Follow the leader. Deca prave red iza vasi izvode sve {to radite i govorite Jump! Wash your

hands! Jump! Comb your hair! Jump! Brush your teeth!…

• Pokazujte kartice i govorite I get up in the morning.

I wash my hands… face… Igrajte Guessing game.

Sklonite kartice, podignite jednu nali~jem premadeci i recite Guess what I do in the morning? Decapitaju Do you get up… wash your hands…? U~enikkoji pogodi preuzima igru.

• Pitajte decu na preskok What do you do in the morning?

Pokazujte kartice i poma`ite dok odgovoraju.

• Recite It’s half past seven in the morning. Jill is in the


• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa7A, a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play iz teksta 7A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ comb. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Nacrtati nekoliko ~asovnika sa razli~itim vreme-nima. 11.30; 12.30; 1.30. Poka`ite i recite I come

home from school at half past one. Deca zatim izlaze,

pokazuju i govore I come home from school at…

• Izvedite troje dece da stanu ispod nacrtanih ~asov-nika i recite. XXX comes home at half past eleven.

• YYY comes… ZZZ comes… Dok deca stoje kod table, pitajte Who comes home at half past one?…

• Odglumite umor i recite I’m tired. Proverite da li deca razumeju i pitajte Are you tired,

children? Pomozite da odgovore horski No, we are not. Obratite se deci I’m very tired. Can you clean

the board, please? Pomozite da odgovore Of course we can!

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 7 B. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play iz teksta 7B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Colour, i samo deoMatch iz ve`bawa Match and write. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom How many people are in your house?

PISAWE Workbook 7 B

^ITAWE Book 7 B





Unit 7 B

Komunikativne funkcije: • Pozdravqawe• Kazivawe delova dana• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

u ku}i• Kazivawe hronolo{kog vremena• Kazivawe trenutnog stawa• Davawe kratkih odgovora• Kazivawe molbe i tra`ewe dozvole

Ciqni jezik:

Good afternoon! It’s five o’clock.I come home at half past four.S/he comes home…We have tea at 5 o’clock.Are you tired? No, we are not. Can you …, please? Yes, of course. Can I…? Yes, you can. No, you can’t

Aktivnosti i igre:

Follow the leader; Guessing game;Role-Play;Letter game

Pesme i recitacije:

How many people are in your house?

This is the way…

^itawe: Book 7 A, 7 B

Pisawe: Workbook 7 B


Easy 3 cassette; LettersA toy clock; Flash cards:get up, wash myhands/face, brush my teeth, comb my hair.

Page 50: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte uz pokrete pesmu I’m a little teapot… Ohra-brite decu da vam se pridru`e. Igrajte igru Simon

says. Brush your teeth! Comb your hair!…

• Opi{ite situaciju u kuhiwi iz teksta 7B. Poka-zujte vreme na kartonskom satu i pitajte What time

does Jill/ father/ mother come home?

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa What time does your

mother/father come home?

• Utvrdite tra`ewe dozvole. Govorite, kru`ite iobra}ajte se u~enicima na preskok I haven’t got a

pencil/rubber/ruler. Can I take your pencil? Ohrabritedecu da odgovore Yes, you can/No, you can’t.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no ceo tekst 7B,

a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play iz teksta 7B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ tea. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi na tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

Pokazujte fle{-kartice, jednu po jednu, i govoriteIn the evening I sit at home/watch TV/ play chess/ read a

story. Pitajte u~enike na preskok What do you do in the

evening? U~enik odgovara kada vidi karticu kojupokazujete.

Napi{ite na tabli broj i recite My phone number is 2345789. Pitajte What’s your phone number?

Dete izlazi na tablu, pi{e svoj broj i ~ita ga.

Simulirajte telefonski razgovor sa dva telefona. Recite detetu na ~ijoj je klupi telefon dapozove neki broj. Recite Ring – ring podignite slu{alicu, Hello! Who is speaking? Uputite deteda odgovori Hello! XXX here. Is that 2345789?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 7C. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play izteksta 7 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Na ~asu deca rade po jednu re~enicu izve`bawa Copy i Find, read and write. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

^as zavr{ite recitacijom Go to bed late skandiraju}i tiho i sve glasnije.

PISAWE Workbook 7 C

^ITAWE Book 7 C





Unit 7 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Pozdravqawe• Kazivawe delova dana• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

u ku}i• Kazivawe vremena de{avawa radwe• Kazivawe broja telefona• Obavqawe telefonskog razgovora• Tra`ewe i davawe dozvole

Ciqni jezik:

Good evening! Good night!often… at the weekend… After dinner they play chess/she reads…tonight… tomorrow…Can I sleep at Mary’s tonight?

Aktivnosti i igre:

Simon says; Role-Play; Letter game

Pesme i recitacije:

I’m a little teapot… (Easy 2)Go to bed late (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 7 B, 7 C

Pisawe: Workbook 7 C


Easy 3 cassette; Flash cards: sit, read, watch TV, play chess, sleep, talk, write; A toy clock;Two toy phones

Page 51: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte horski i gestikulirajte I’m a little teapot…

• Skandirajte desetice od 20 do 100 nekoliko puta.

• Pitajte Do you go to bed early/late? What time do you go to

bed? Igrajte Question chain – What time do you go to bed?

• Pokazujte kartice redom S/he reads/ plays chess/ watches TV

in the evening. Pitajte posle svake re~enice What does s/he

do in the evening?

• Izvodite po pet u~enika na tablu da napi{u svoj brojtelefona, a zatim da pitaju jedan drugog What’s your phone


• Recite Jill’s telephone often rings. Pro~itajte horski ilipojedina~no sva ve`bawa a zatim deca usmeno izvodeRole-play iz teksta 7 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ phone. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pokazujte plasti~ni pribor za jelo i imenujte ga. Po-novite nekoliko puta, deca horski ponavqaju. Podelitedeci po jedan predmet i pitajte What’s this?

• Recite deci da podignu predmete koje dr`e. Igrajte igru Who has a knife/ spoon/ fork/ plate/ cup/

glass? Postavqajte pitawa. U~enici podi`u predmet i pojedina~no odgovaraju I have a spoon!…

• Recite Let’s set the table! Stavite pribor za jelo na sto i izvedite dva u~enika da postave sto.

Put the plate here. Put the knife/spoon on the right! Put the fork on the left.

• Pustite kasetu ili recitujte Mabel, Mabel, set the table… Deca slu{aju a zatim horski ponavqajusvaki red.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 7D. ^itajte red po red. Deca horskia zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play iz teksta 7D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade samo prepisivawe izve`bawa Colour and copy. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak decaprepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 7 C. In the evening we sit at home.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom Mabel, Mabel…

PISAWE Workbook 7 D

^ITAWE Book 7 D





Unit 7 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe pribora za jelo• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi• Tra`ewe i davawe

obave{tewa o broju telefona• Izra`avawe zadovoqstva

Ciqni jezik:It’s a plate/spoon/ glass/ knife. How many…? Stop talking! Come here! Set the table!Super!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Question chain; Letter game; Who has a…?Role-Play

Pesme i recitacije:I’m a little teapot… Mabel, Mabel set the table…

^itawe: Book 7 C, 7 D

Pisawe: Workbook 7 D

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Two toy phones;Letter set;Toy lunch set; Flash cards: sit, read, watch TV, play chess, sleep, talk, write

Page 52: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu sa pesmom The ABC song i igrajte igruMusical chairs.

• Pokazujte pribor za jelo. A plate… a cup… a spoon…

Deca horski ponavqaju.

• Otvorite kwige 7 D, gledajte sa decom pribor za jeloi igrajte igru I spy…Is it a cup? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

U~enik koji odmah pogodi nastavqa igru.

• Ponovite postavqawe stola sa prethodnog ~asa.

• Ponovite horski i po `eqi pojedina~no recitacijuMabel, Mabel.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa azatim uputite decu da usmeno izvode Role-play iz tek-sta 7 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ spoon. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Napi{ite krupno na tabli FOOD. Pro~itajte, speluj-te i ponovo pro~itajte a zatim stavqajte na tabluaplikacije/crte`e hrane i pi}a i glasno govoritenazive, deca ponavqaju za vama.

• Podelite aplikacije – crte`e deci. Zadr`ite jednuaplikaciju, poka`ite i recite I like apples. Svako dete ustaje, pokazuje svoju aplikaciju i go-vori I like jam/ bread…

• Dajte u~eniku jednu aplikaciju koju ostali ne vide i igrajte Guessing game – What does he like?

Deca pojedina~no poga|aju Does s/he like…? Odgovarajte glasno No, he doesn’t. Yes, s/he does.

Organizujte timsko takmi~ewe.

• Pustite kasetu ili recitujte Fish and meat… Ponovite horski nekoliko puta a po `eqi i po-jedina~no.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ^itajte red po red. Deca horski azatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play iz tek-sta 8 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 7 D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 8 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Write. Ostalose radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom Fish and meat.

PISAWE Workbook 8 A

^ITAWE Book 8 A





Unit 8A

Komunikativne funkcije• Imenovawe hrane i pi}a• Izra`avawe dopadawa/nedopadawa• Postavqawe pitawa i davawe

kratkih odgovora

Ciqni jezikDo you like bread and butter/ eggs/ jam?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Does s/he like meat/ fish/ chicken?Yes’s/he does. No, s/he doesn’t.I like/don’t like tomatoes/potatoes/ carrots.

S/he likes/ doesn’t like sandwiches/chips/ pizza/ hamburger.

We like apples/ plums/ lemons.They like banans/ oranges.

Aktivnosti i igre:Musical chairs; I spy…; Letter game;Guessing game; Role-Play

Pesme i recitacije:The ABC song; Fish and meat (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 7 D, 8 A

Pisawe: Workbook 8A

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter set; Toy lunch set;

Cut-outs: food and drinks

Page 53: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Touch something red! Deca dodiruju bilo{ta u u~ionici {to je u toj boji. Ponovite sa svimbojama koje znaju.

• Stavqajte aplikacije na tablu i utvrdite nazivehrane i pi}a.

• Recite I like to eat fish. Pitajte prvog u~enika What do

you like to eat? i igrajte igru Question chain. ReciteI like to drink water i ponovite igru.

• Ponovite horski a zatim pojedina~no nekoliko putarecitaciju Fish and meat…

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 8 A,

a zatim uputite decu da usmeno izvode Role-play 8 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo-`e re~ fish. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ iz-lazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Gestikulirajte i recite nekoliko puta I’m hungry.

Pitajte u~enike pojedina~no Are you hungry? Pomo-zite kod odgovora Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Ponovite

postupak sa•Are you thirsty? Ukqu~ite {to vi{e u~enika.

• Izvedite dete do table i recite I’m hungry. Can I have a pizza, please? U~enik skida odgovaraju}uaplikaciju i predaje je uz re~i Here you are. Zahvalite se Thank you. Ponovite sa dva, tri u~e-nika. U~enici zatim u parovima ponavqaju isti dijalog.

• Ponovite postupak sa I’m thirsty. Can I have a glass of water, please?

• Pustite kasetu. Deca slu{aju i horski ponavqaju recitaciju Drink hot coffee

• Nacrtajte tri ~asovnika. Govorite I have breakfast at eight o’clock… lunch at one… dinner at half

past seven. Iznad ~asovnika napi{ite nazive obroka. Govorite i pi{ite ispod ~asovnika na-zive hrane – bread, butter, jam, tea … meat, potatoes, apples, water… fish, pizza, a sandwich, milk. Decaponavqaju za vama.

• Stavite aplikacije na sto. Podelite u~enike u tri grupe za tri obroka. Svaka grupa pronalaziaplikacije i stavqa ih ispod natpisa na tabli. Pobe|uje grupa koja prva sakupi aplikacije.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate ceo tekst 8 B. ^itajte red po red. Posletoga, deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 8 B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Na ~asu deca rade ve`bawa Colour and copy, Copy,Crossword. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.^as zavr{ite recitacijom Drink hot coffee… skandiraju}i tiho i sve glasnije.

PISAWE Workbook 8 B

^ITAWE Book 8 B





Unit 8B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe obroka i obedovawa• Izra`avawe ose}awa gladi i `e|i• Iskazivawe molbe i u~tivog zahteva• Prihvatawe i odbijawe molbe• Zahvaqivawe

Ciqni jezik:I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.I have lunch at one o’clock.I have dinner at half past seven.I’m hungry/thirsty. What’s for lunch?Can I have…, please. Yes, here you are.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Touch something…;Letter game; Question chain

Pesme i recitacije:Fish and meat; Drink hot coffee… (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 8 A, 8 B

Pisawe: Workbook 8 B

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Toy lunch set;Letter set;Flash cards: sit, read, watch TV, … Cut-outs: food and drinks

Page 54: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu sa pesmom The ABC song i igrajte igruMusical statues.

• Igrajte igru Question chain – Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?

• Namestite kartonski sat, poka`ite i recite I have lunch

at one o’clock. Pitajte What time do you have breakfast/

lunch/ dinner? U~enik odgovara I have …at …

• Deca izvode dijalog sa aplikacijama Can I have …, please?

– Here you are. – Thank you.

• Pokazujte slike i govorite I have … for breakfast/lunch/

dinner. Postavqajte li~na pitawa What do yo have for

breakfast/lunch/ dinner?

• Recitujte horski Drink hot coffee…

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 8 B, azatim uputite decu da usmeno izvode Role-play 8 B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ lunch. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, pi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pokazujte aplikacije i govorite I like chocolate/sweets/ice

cream… Prozivajte decu da iza|u pred tablu i pitajteWhat do you like? Kada dete ka`e I like … dajete mu sliku. Deca ostaju kod table pokazuju apli-kacije a ceo razred uz va{u pomo} govori . XXX likes sweets. YYY likes cookies…

• Otvorite kwige i opi{ite situaciju 8 C. The children are in the sweet shop. They want to buy sweets.

Jane can eat twenty cookies. Pitajte decu How many cookies can you eat?

• Igrajte Question chain How many sweets can you eat?

• Recite Chocolate/ice cream is sweet. Fish/meat is salty. Pitajte Is banana sweet/ salty?

• Recitujte Sweet food… Deca horski i grupno ponavqaju za vama.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 8 C. ̂ itajte red po red. Deca horskia zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 8 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Na ~asu deca rade samo prepisivawe izve`bawa Colour and copy, a boje kod ku}e. Ve`bawa Find and complete i Odd one out rade na ~asuusmeno a pi{u za doma}i.

^as zavr{ite pesmom I’m a little teapot…

PISAWE Workbook 8 C

^ITAWE Book 8 C





Unit 8 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe slatki{a• Kupovina i raspitivawe o ceni• Iskazivawe u~tivog zahteva• Izra`avawe sposobnosti i

nesposobnosti• Izra`avawe divqewa

Ciqni jezik:ice cream,chocolate,sweets,cookies, biscuits,cake

Sweet shopCan I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy a… How much is it?I can eat twenty cookies. Wow!

Aktivnosti i igre:Musical statues; Role-Play;Question chain;Letter game

Pesme i recitacije:The ABC song; Sweet food…Drink hot coffee…;I’m a little tea pot

^itawe: Book 8 B, 8C

Pisawe: Workbook 8 C

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; A toy clock; Letterset; Cut- outs of food

Page 55: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte Oranges, lemons, apples and plums, tell me

when your birthday comes… Nastavite horski da skan-dirate i obra}ajte se u~enicima na preskok i uputiteih da kratko odgovore In March…

• Stavite aplikacije slika slatki{a na tablu, napi{i-te re~i sweets, cookies, biscuits, chocolate, ice cream ipro~itajte ih horski. Deca stavqaju odgovaraju}uaplikaciju pored napisane re~i i ~itaju re~.

• Simulirajte situaciju u prodavnici slatki{a. U~e-nici razgovaraju u parovima What do you want to buy?

– I want to buy… Prodavac skida s table slatki{ Here

you are. – Thank you.

• Recite Listen! i recitujte Sweet food… Deca horskiponavqaju.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 8 C,

a zatim uputite decu da usmeno izvode Role-play 8 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ sweets. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Brojte horski desetice od 10 do 100. Napi{ite brojeve slovima i prozivajte u~enike da napi{ucifru i pro~itaju broj.

• Stavite prst na usta i recite nekoliko puta Sh…Sh…Be quiet, children! Otvorite vrata u~io-nice, pogledajte i recite. There is nobody in the hall. Ponovite.

• Poka`ite a zatim izdajte naredbu Turn off the light! Odmah zatim recite It’s dark! Turn on the light!

Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Recite Open your books at page… Look at the pictures. Opi{ite situaciju 8 D. It’s Grandpa’s birthday…

It’s a surprise party. Objasnite na materwem jeziku.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 8 D. ^itajte red po red. Deca hor-ski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite razred u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 8 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade samo prepisivawe izve`bawa Color and copy. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak decaprepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 8 D Happy birthday.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Happy birthday, dear Grandpa!

PISAWE Workbook 8 D

^ITAWE Book 8 D





Unit 8 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• ^estitawe ro|endana• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

ro|endanu• Opisivawe situacije• Davawe naredbi• Privla~ewe pa`we

Ciqni jezik:Happy birthday! When is your birthday? My birthday is in May.Everybody is quiet. There’s nobody in the living room. Turn off the lights, please. The light is off. It’s so dark. Listen!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-Play; Letter game

Pesme i recitacije:Oranges, lemons, apples..(Easy 1)Sweet food…; Happy birthday…

^itawe: Book 8 C, 8 D

Pisawe: Workbook 8 D

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; cut outs of food

Page 56: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


1. Nekoliko u~enika usmeno odgovara na pitawa Have you got a sister/brother..? a zatim pi{e odgo-vor na tabli Yes, I have. No, I haven’t . Pro~itajte ve`bawe 1.

2. Stavite likove porodice Haris na tablu. Nekoliko u~enika usmeno odgovara na pitawe

Who is this? Pored lika oca napi{ite . Pored ostalih likova pi{u u~enici.

Pro~itajte ve`bawe 2.

3. Napi{ite na tabli nazive {kolskih predmeta . Pitajte

nekoliko u~enika Do you like English/ Art/…? Posle usmenih odgovora, u~enici pi{u na tabli

Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 3.

4. Stavite na tablu aplikacije i napi{ite . Nekoliko u~enika

usmeno odgovara na pitawa Where do you eat/wash your hands/watch TV? Napi{ite na tabli I eat

in the _________. I wash my hands in the _________. I watch TV in the _________. U~enici popuwavaju

praznine. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 4.

5. Stavite na sto crte` sendvi~a i ~a{u. Izvedite u~enika i recite I’m thirsty. Can I have a glass

of water, please? U~enik pru`a i ka`e Here you are. Zahvalite. Thank you. Ponovite isto sa sen-dvi~em. I’m hungry. Can I have a sandwich, please? Prozivajte po dvoje dece da izvode dijaloge.

Pro~itajte ve`bawe 5.

6. Napi{ite na tabli i horski pro~itajte . Ispod naziva obroka na-

pisati bread, butter and jam…….meat and potatoes… a pizza and a glass of milk. Nekoliko u~enika

usmeno odgovara na pitawe What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Pro~itajte ve`bawe 6.

7. Napi{ite na tabli . Napi{ite ne-

potpune re~enice I like __________. I don’t like_____________. Deca izlaze na tablu i popuwavaju.

Pro~itajte ve`bawe 7.

8. Horski ponovite nazive meseci i napi{ite ih na tabli. Pro~itajte ih zajedno sa decom. Usvakom mesecu izbri{ite slovo koje je podvu~eno u Uxbeniku. Prozivajte u~enike dapopuwavaju. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 8.

9. Napi{ite na tabli . Igrajte Question chain – When is your birthday?

Nekoliko u~enika istovremeno izlazi pred tablu i pi{e My birthday is in… Pro~itajte

ve`bawe 9.

10. Napi{ite na tabli – –

. Igrajte igru Odd one out. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 10.plate cup, book, spoon

fork, comb, spoon, knifebedroom, bathroom, pencil, kitchen

My birthday is in August


breakfast….lunch….. dinner

kitchen ….living room…. bathroom

English... Maths... Art.. Science... Sport

This is Jill’s father


Page 57: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

T E S T 2

Deca rade test svih 45 minuta. Ne opomiwite ih ako otvaraju kwigu i tra`e ta~ne odgovore, iliako rade zajedno sa drugom pored sebe. Va`no je da deca budu opu{tena i da se trude da urade test{to boqe mogu. Kru`ite i poma`ite deci koja su slabija. Deca, koja test zavr{e pre kraja ~asa,tiho igraju sa drugom Spelling game – Hangman, igru „^ove~e ne quti se“ ili popuwavaju re~nikna kraju radne sveske.


Have you got a sister? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Have you got two brothers? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.


This is Jill’s father.

This is Jill’s mother.

This is Jill’s sister.

This is Jill’s brother.


Do you like English? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Do you like sport? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

COMPLETE WITH kitchen/living room/bathroom

I eat in the kitchen.

I wash my face in the bathroom.

I watch TV in the living room.

COMPLETE WITH thirsty/hungry

Can I have a biscuit, please? I’m hungry.

Can I have a glass of milk, please? I’m thirsty.

COMPLETE WITH breakfast/lunch/dinner

I have meat and potatoes for lunch.

I have a pizza and a glass of milk for dinner.

I have bread, butter and jam for breakfast.


I like apples.

I don’t like fish.


When is your birthday? My birthday is in….


fork knife ruler spoon


Page 58: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pokazujte pribor za jelo i skandirajte Plate and glass

– plate and glass – cup,cup, cup! Ponovite tri puta.

• Ohrabrite decu da se pridru`e. Ponovite postupaksa Fork and knife – fork and knife – spoon, spoon, spoon!

• Nekoliko puta horski ponovite desetice od 20 do100. Pitajte Is Jill’s Grandpa sixty/forty? How old is he?

• Recite Sh! Be quiet! Listen! Who’s there? XXX, please

go to the door and open it! Kada u~enik otvori vrata,

pomozite da odgovori There’s nobody.

• Izdajte naredbe Turn on/ off the light.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 8 D, a za-tim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 8 D. Pevajte horskiHappy birthday, Grandpa.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ happy. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pokazujte aplikacije i imenujte odevne predmete. A dress, a skirt, a blouse, a T-shirt, a jumper, a jacket,

a cap. Deca horski ponavqaju nekoliko puta.

• Zalepite aplikacije s nali~jem prema u~enicima. Igrajte Guessing game – What’s this? Orga-nizujte timsko takmi~ewe. Predstavnici dolaze do table, okre}u aplikacije i govore It’s a blue

dress … a red T-shirt…

• Opi{ite svoju ode}u I’m wearing a brown skirt. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika What are you wearing?

Pomozite da odgovore I’m wearing a …

• Pogledajte po u~ionici i pitajte Who is wearing a green jumper? Deca horski a zatim pojedina~noodgovaraju XXX is wearing a green jumper.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 9A. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 9 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Podelite Radne sveske. Pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na op{te gre{ke. Deca kod ku}e radeispravku testa u sveskama, prepisuju}i ispravne re~enice iz Jill’s test 2.

Zavr{ite ve`bawa 8D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 9A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Match and copy

i Odd one out. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom I’m a little tea-pot.

PISAWE Workbook 9 A

^ITAWE Book 9 A





Unit 9 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe i opisivawe odevnih

predmeta• Kazivawe radwe u vezi sa ode}om• Izra`avawe stava u vezi sa ode}om

Ciqni jezik:I’m wearing a jumper/blouse/dress/jacket.S/he is wearing a T-shirt/skirt/cap.It’s lovely/nice/short/too long/big/small.You are a funny princess/doctor.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Guessing game;Letter game

Pesme i recitacije:I’m a little tea-pot…(Easy 2)Happy birthday (Easy 1, 2)

^itawe: Book 8 D, 9 A

Pisawe: Workbook 9 A

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette;Toy lunch set; Letter set;

Cut-outs or pictures of clothes;

Page 59: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Pupils wearing jumpers, Jump! Pupils wearing

T-shirts, clap! Pupils wearing dresses, turn around! Pupils

wearing skirts, go to the door!

• Igrajte Question chain – What are you wearing? – I’m

wearing a yellow jumper.

• Pogledajte po u~ionici i pitajte Who is wearing a

green jumper? Deca horski a zatim pojedina~noodgovaraju XXX is wearing a green jumper.

• Poka`ite sliku 9A i opi{ite {ta ko od junakaima na sebi od ode}e.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa a zatimdeca usmeno izvode Role-play 9 A.

• Pevajte i igrajte igru I can spell … H, E, S.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ shoes. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro-~ita.

• Pokazujte i nabrajajte odevne predmete na posteru– Ode}a. Deca ponavqaju horski i pojedina~no.

• Podelite deci Yes/No cards. Igrajte True/false game. Opisujte ko je kako obu~en na posteru. Jill

is wearing boots… a red skirt… Chris is wearing a pink dress… Povremeno namerno gre{ite. Decapodi`u odgovaraju}u karticu. Oduzmite karticu kada dete pogre{i.

• Poka`ite na sebi ne{to staro i ne{to novo. My jumper is old. My skirt is new. Postavqajte li~napitawa Is your T-shirt new/old?

• Ponovite postupak saMy shoes are new/old… Are your trainers old/new?

• Pustite kasetu. Deca slu{aju a zatim horski pevaju See my jacket…

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 9B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade Match and copy i Odd one

out. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom See my jacket…

PISAWE Workbook 9 B

^ITAWE Book 9 B





Unit 9B

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe i opisivawe odevnihpredmeta

• Kazivawe posedovawa• Kazivawe trenutnih aktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:

Look at my


S/he has brown shoes/sandals/trainers/boots.

They are pink / small/ big/old/ new.

You are sitting on my new gloves.

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Role-play; Question chain;

True/false; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:

I can spell..; See my jacket …

^itawe: Book 9 A, 9 B

Pisawe: Workbook 9 B


Easy 3 cassette;Letter cards H, E, S; Letter

set;Cut-outs or pictures of clothes;

Poster 7 – clothes ; Yes/No cards

Page 60: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pokazujte na posteru i skandirajte T-shirt and jacket –

T-shirt and jacket – jeans, jeans, jeans! Deca horski po-navqaju. Nastavite sa Trainers and socks – trainers and

socks – boots, boots, boots!

• Pustite kasetu i horski pevajte See my jacket …..

• Igrajte igru I can see… Predstavnici timova, naizme-ni~no imenuju po jedan odevni predmet koji vide naposteru.

• Ponovite postupak sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrdite My

jumper is new/old… My shoes are new/old.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 9A, a zatimdeca usmeno izvode Role-play 9B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ socks. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izla-zi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Dodirnite radijator/pe} i recite It’s hot. Dodirnitestaklo na prozoru i recite It’s cold. Igrajte igruHot/Cold. Jedan u~enik na trenutak izlazi iz u~ionicedok vi sakrivate neki predmet. Horski ga pozoviteCome in! Find the rubber! Kada se u~enik pribli`ava skrivenom predmetu, horski govorite Warm!,

kada se udaqava ponavqajte Cold!, a kada je sasvim blizu ponavqajte glasno Hot! Pre nego {topet puta ka`ete Hot!, u~enik mora da prona|e skriveni predmet ili se igra prekida.

• Glumite da vam je toplo i recite I’m hot. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika Are you hot? Isto ponovitei sa I’m cold.

• Uzmite ne~iju jaknu, dajte je u~eniku da je obu~e Put on the jacket! Pitajte Are you hot? Kada deteka`e Yes, I am. recite Take off the jacket! Ponovite vi{e puta.

• Pustite kasetu. Deca slu{aju a zatim horski ponavqaju recitaciju Big jumpers…

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 9 C. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 9 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca samo prepisuju deo ve`bawa iz Colour

and write. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom Big jumpers.

PISAWE Workbook 9 C

^ITAWE Book 9 C





Unit 9C

Komunikativne funkcije: • Imenovawe radwi u vezi s ode}om• Opisivawe ode}e prema godi{wem

dobu• Izra`avawe ose}awa toplote i

hladno}e• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi

Ciqni jezik:It’s hot. I’m wearing a T-shirt, shorts andsandals.It’s cold. I’m wearing a jacket, a cap,boots and gloves.I’m very cold. I’m too hot.Put on/ Take off your jumper!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; I can see…; Hot/Cold;Letter game.

Pesme i recitacije:See my jacket…Big jumpers…(Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 9 B, 9 C

Pisawe: Workbook 9 C

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Poster 7; Letter set;

Cut-outs or pictures of clothes;

Page 61: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Put on your jackets/caps/gloves! Take off your…!

• Pustite kasetu i zajedno pevajte pesmu See my


• Igrajte igru Winter/Summer! Nabrajajte ode}ukoja je na posteru. Kada pomenete ode}u koja senosi kada je hladno-toplo deca horski vi~uWinter! ili Summer!

• Igrajte Question chain – Are you hot? Are you cold?

• Recitujte Big jumpers..., deca horski i pojedina-~no ponavqaju.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 9C, azatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 9 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ cold. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Nacrtajte na tabli, ili poka`ite lutku i ime-nujte delove tela. Look! Head, shoulder, arm, hand,

finger, leg, knee, foot, toe. Deca horski i pojedina-~no ponavqaju.

• Delimi~no pokriti lutku ili crte` na tabli i pitati What can you see? Svaki put otkrivatidrugi deo tela. Izaberite u~enika da vas zameni i igrajte igru Teachers – What can you see? Decapojedina~no odgovaraju I can see his/her foot/head/knee…

• Izvodite po dvoje dece. Izdajte naredbe. Show me your left/right arm/ hand/leg/shoulder/ foot… Deteispada iz igre kada pogre{i.

• Pustite kasetu, deca prvo slu{aju pesmu Hokey Pokey. Recitujte i gestikulirajte. Deca gesti-kuliraju i horski ponavqaju svaki red. Ponovite vi{e puta. Ponovo pustite kasetu.

• Pitajte decu na preskok How many arms/ heads/ hands… have you got?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 9 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Crossword.

Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju dva puta delovetela iz Uxbenika (9 D).

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Hokey Pokey.

PISAWE Workbook 9 D

^ITAWE Book 9 D





Unit 9D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe i opisivawe delova tela• Kazivawe broja• Izra`avawe sposobnosti• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o pose-


Ciqni jezik:

Look at his body! One head, two shoulders,

two arms, two hands, ten fingers, two legs,

two knees, ten toes.

I can see…

How many … have you got? I have ten fingers.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Winter/Summer;

Question chain; Letter game;Teachers.

Pesme i recitacije:

See my jacket…, Big jumpers…

Hokey Pokey

^itawe: Book 9 C, 9 D

Pisawe: Workbook 9 D


Easy 3 cassette; Poster 7; Letter set; Cut-outs or pictures of clothes

Page 62: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Izdajte naredbe Touch your head!… your

left/right knee!… your left shoulder/foot!.

• Deca izlaze i po va{im uputstvima crtaju velikog^i~a Gli{u. Draw a big head. Draw his body. One

long arm… One short arm… Five fingers on his left

hand… Three fingers on his right hand… Big left foot.

Small right foot. Mo`ete da crtate i delove lica.

• Igrajte I can see his hand… foot… Pobe|uje u~enikkoji nabroji najvi{e delova tela.

• Pevajte horski The Hokey Pokey song i gestikuli-rajte.

• Pro~itajte horski ili pojedina~no sva ve`bawa9 D, a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 9 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ foot. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Poka`ite igra~ke u Uxbeniku pod 10A, imenujte ih This is a… i pitajte Have you got a…?

• Imenujte a ball, a doll, a car… i stavqajte nekoliko igra~aka na sto i po jednu na mesta udaqenaod stola. This is a doll. That is a doll, too. This is a car. That is a car, too… Izvodite po ~etiri, petu~enika do stola i pitajte What is this? What is that?

• Igrajte Question chain – Have you got a car/a plane/ a train/ a computer..?

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you like to sing/ jump / play…? Do you play at home? Do you play at

home with your friends/ sister…? What do you play at home? – I play…

• Pokupite nekoliko de~jih stvari, stavite ih na sto, pokazujte jednu po jednu i pitajte Whose

pencil/pencil case/book/rubber/bag is this? Uputite u~enike da ka`u It’s my …

• Poka`ite strip 10 A i recite Jill and her friends play at home when it’s cold. Pitajte u~enike napreskok Where do you play when it’s cold?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 10 A. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 10 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 9D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 10 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Match and

complete i prve dve re~enice Complete with. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Hokey Pokey.

PISAWE Workbook 10 A

^ITAWE Book 10 A





Unit 10 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe igra~aka• Izra`avawe pripadawa i posedovawa• Pokazivawe neposrednih i udaqenih


Ciqni jezik:toys, Lego bricks, computer games,a train, a planeWhose car is this? It’s John’s car.This is your doll. That is Mary’s doll.How many toys have you got? I have…They have many toys.

Aktivnosti i igre:TPR; Role-play; Question chain;Letter game; I can see…;Pesme i recitacije:Hokey Pokey

^itawe: Book 9 D, 10 A

Pisawe: Workbook 10 A

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; A few toys, several of each kind; Letter set.

Page 63: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Touch the colour – Touch something green…

• Ponovite postupak sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrditeThis is a … That is a …

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Have you got a car/plane/


• Igrajte igru Teachers. Pokupite nekoliko predmetaod u~enika, stavite ih na sto, izvedite u~enika dapita Whose bag/pencil… is this?

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 10 A, azatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 10 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ train. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Recitujte nekoliko puta. I like my books… Deca pona-vqaju horski za vama.

• Pitajte nekoliko u~enika Do you like dolls/computer


• Recite Hands up all of you who like dolls! Let’s see who likes

dolls! Nabrajajte XXX likes dolls. YYY likes dolls. Posle sva-ke re~enice pitajte What does XXX like? What does YYY

like?... Ponovite sa Lego bricks... cars... computer games...?

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa What does your brother/sister/cousin like?

• Grupi{ite decu Children who like dolls, come here. Children who like Lego bricks go to the door /

window/board… Poka`ite prvu grupu. XXX and YYY like dolls. They like dolls. Pitajte za ostale grupeWhat do ZZZ and NNN like? Pomozite kod odgovora They like…

• Pitajte u~enike na preskok How many new dolls/cars… have you got?

• Recite Children watch me and listen! Gestikulirajte i pevajte Head and shoulders… Pitajte Do you

know this song? Stand up, watch me and do what I do! Pevajte sporije i ohrabrite u~enike da pevajui gestikuliraju.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 10 B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uradite ve`bawe Find and complete i Answer

the questions. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Head and shoulders.

PISAWE Workbook 10 B

^ITAWE Book 10 B





Unit 10B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Izra`avawe posedovawa• Izra`avawe dopadawa/nedopadawa• Kazivawe svakodnevnih aktivnosti• Pozivawe na igru i prihvatawe

poziva• Tra`ewe i davawe dozvole• Izricawe zabrane

Ciqni jezik:I have two new computer games.S/he likes computer games.They play every day.Let’s play! Super! Great!Can I play? Yes. Don’t talk!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Touch the colour;Teachers; Letter game;Pesme i recitacije:I like my books…Head and shoulders (Easy 1)

^itawe: Book 10 A, 10 B

Pisawe: Workbook 10 B

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter set; a few toys, several of each kind;

Page 64: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Hot/cold. Jedan u~enik na trenutakizlazi iz u~ionice dok vi sakrivate crveno jaje.

Horski ga pozovite Come in! Find the egg! Find the egg!

Ponovite vi{e puta (∂i eg).

• Utvrdite boje. Pokazujte igra~ke/ slike bojenih jajaWhat colour …?

• Utvrdite There is one… There are many… Pitajteu~enike na preskok How many teachers/ doors /pupils/

chairs are there in the classroom?

• Ponovite postupak sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrditeThis is a … That is a.

• Ponovite postupak sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrditeWhose bag is this? It’s my bag.

• Recitujte horski i pojedina~no I like my books…

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 10 B, azatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 10 B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ comb. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ iz-lazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Poka`ite sliku 10 C. Pitajte How many eggs/bunnies

are there in the basket?

• Opi{ite situaciju. The children are in the garden. It’s

warm. It’s Sunday. It’s Easter! Prevedite ako je potrebno. Nastavite At Easter we say Happy Easter!

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa. Do you like chocolate eggs/ bunnies? Do you colour eggs for Easter? Do

you say Happy Easter! What do you say?

• Igrajte Guessing game. Recite deci da sakriju crveno jaje dok vi gledate kroz prozor. Hide the

egg! Okrenite se i tra`ite jaje Where is the egg? I can’t see it. Is it under the table/ in my bag/ behind

the chair/ on the shelf? U~enici horski odgovaraju No, it isn’t! Yes, it is! Izvodite u~enike da vaszamene i ponovite igru nekoliko puta.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 10 C. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u pet grupa. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 10 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Complete with.

Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Hokey Pokey.

PISAWE Workbook 10 C

^ITAWE Book 10 C





Unit 10C

Komunikativne funkcije:• ^estitawe Uskrsa• Opisivawe Uskr{wih obi~aja• Kazivawe vremenskih prilika• Pozivawe na zajedni~ku aktivnost• Opisivawe mesta gde se predmet

nalazi• Izra`avawe broja• Izra`avawe nesposobnosti

Ciqni jezik:It’s warm. It’s Easter. Happy Easter!There are chocolate eggs in the garden.There is a chocolate bunny under the tree.There is one egg behind the flower.Let’s find them! I can’t see them.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Hot/Cold;Letter game; Guessing game

Pesme i recitacije:Hokey PokeyI like my books…

^itawe: Book 10 B, 10 C

Pisawe: Workbook 10 C

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter set;Toys or pictures of Easter eggs and Easter bunnies, slips of paper.

Page 65: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pogledajte kroz prozor i govorite It’s a lovely day. It’s

sunny. It’s warm. Listen to the song/music and dance.

Pustite kasetu i igrajte igru Musical statues.

• Recite I’m wearing… Pitajte decu na preskok What are

you wearing?

• Pitajte u~enike na preskok Is it cold / warm/hot?

• Ponovite postupak sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrditeThere is one… There are many…

• Igrajte Guessing game sa prethodnog ~asa, utvrditein… on… under… behind.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 10C, azatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 10 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ Easter. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Ponovite recitaciju horski i pojedina~no Big

jumpers, small jumpers…

• Pokazujte crte`e – slike odevnih predmeta i govo-rite. When it’s hot I always wear sandals/a T- shirt… When

it’s cold I always wear boots/a cap… Prevedite always.

• Poka`ite sliku 10 D u Uxbeniku i opisujte Look at this circle. It’s one year. There are four seasons

in a year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. It’s nice and warm in spring. It’s sunny and hot in summer. It’s

rainy and cold in autumn. It’s very cold in winter.

• Skandirajte nekoliko puta Spring–summer–autumn–winter. Igrajte Chain game – Spring–summer–

autumn–winter–spring–summer… Deca u nizu ponavqaju nazive godi{wih doba. Dete koje pogre{iispada – izlazi do table i kontroli{e ostale.

• Pitajte How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

• Recite I like spring. Pitajte u~enike na preskok What season do you like?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 10 D. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvodeRole-play 10 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawa Complete with iFind and copy. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisujuiz Uxbenika tekst Listen and read 10 C. It’s warm. The children are in the garden…

Zavr{ite ~as pemom Hokey Pokey.

PISAWE Workbook 10 D

^ITAWE Book 10 D





Unit 10 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Kazivawe godi{wih doba• Kazivawe vremenskih prilika

vezanih za godi{wa doba• Nabrajawe ode}e prema

vremenskim prilikama

Ciqni jezik:There are four seasons in a year.Spring, summer, autumn, winter.It’s warm in spring. It’s hot in summer.It’s not cold in autumn. It’s cold in winter.I always wear gloves in winter.They always wear sandals in summer.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Musical statuesLetter game; Guessing game

Pesme i recitacije:Big jumpers, small jumpers…Hokey Pokey

^itawe: Book 10 C, 10 D

Pisawe: Workbook 10 D

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette; Letter set;Toys or pictures of Easter eggs and Easter bunnies, slips of paper

Page 66: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte horski The ABC song.

• Poka`ite kartice sa slovima C, E, F, G, I.

Pro~itajte horski slova nekoliko puta. Okre-nite jednu karticu na nali~je i igrajte Guessing

game – What letter is this?

• Pitajte How many seasons are there in a year? iWhat are they? Deca odgovaraju prvo horski azatim pojedina~no.

• Pitajte na preskok Do you like summer/autumn…?

• Pitajte Is Christmas/New Year/Easter/ your birthday

in spring/winter…? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 10 D,

a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 10 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ spring. U~enik koji prvi ispravnoslo`i re~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, spelujei pro~ita.

• Nacrtajte na tabli drvo, cvet i klupu. This is a tree/flower/bench. Stavqajte ili dajte deci dastavqaju ostale aplikacije na tablu i imenujte ih. This is a bike…

• Pitajte What can you see in the park? Igrajte igru I can see.

• Sklonite jednu aplikaciju sa table i pitajte Can you see a skipping rope? – No, I can’t. Vratiteaplikaciju i ponovite pitawe. U~enici pojedina~no odgovaraju Yes, I can.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 11 A. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvodeRole-play 11 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 10 D. Obja-snite ve`bawa 11 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu samo prepisuju ve`bawe Colour

and copy. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Hokey Pokey.

PISAWE Workbook 11 A

^ITAWE Book 11 A





Unit 11 A

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe prirode i predmeta u parku• Poziv na zajedni~ku aktivnost• Izra`avawe sposobnosti• Davawe i izvr{avawe naredbi

Ciqni jezik:

There is a tree/flower/bench.

Let’s play! What can you see in the playground?

I can see roller skates/ a swing/seesaw /bike/

skipping rope/kite/ football/ skateboard/.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; I can see…

Letter game; Guessing game.


The ABC song; Hokey Pokey

^itawe: Book 10D, 11 A

Pisawe: Workbook 11 A


Easy 3 cassette; Letter set; Letter cards;

a toy snake; cut-outs of objects in the park

Page 67: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Skip! Ride your bike! Play football! Fly a kite!

Seesaw! Rollerskate!

• Crtajte na tabli postupno neki od predmeta izparka. Vi{e puta zastanite i pitajte What am I

drawing? U~enici pojedina~no poga|aju A swing…

A seesaw… U~enik koji pogodi, crta svoj predmetna tabli i nastavqa igru.

• Recite deci da otvore kwige, slika 11 A, i orga-nizujte takmi~ewe I can see…

• ^itajte naglas, horski i pojedina~no, sva ve`ba-wa 11 A, a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 11 A.

• Pevajte pesmu i igrajte We can spell… K, I, E.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ bike. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro-~ita.

• Pitajte decu na preskok Can you skip/roller-

-skate/ride a bike/fly a kite/ play football?

• Stavite aplikacije na sto i pitajte What can you do? Dete bira i stavqa aplikaciju na tablui ka`e I can ride a bike…

• Sakrijte jednu od aplikacija i igrajte igru Cold/Hot.

• Obratite se deci nekoliko puta I can’t roller-skate/ride a bike/skip. Can you teach me? Uputite ihda odgovore Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

• Pustite pesmu Can you tell me… Deca prvo samo slu{aju. Recitujte red po red. Deca ponavqajuhorski a zatim pojedina~no. Pustite pesmu jo{ jednom ili pevajte.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 11B. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 11 B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uradite ve`bawe Copy. Ostalo deca rade zadoma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Can you tell me.

PISAWE Workbook 11 B

^ITAWE Book 11 B





Unit 11 B

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Opisivawe vremenskih prilika• Kazivawe broja• Izra`avawe

sposobnosti/nesposobnosti• Prihvatawe i odbijawe ponude.

Ciqni jezik:

It’s too hot.

There is one boy in the park. There are two girls.

Can you skip?Yes, I can. No, I can’ t.

We can teach you. No, thank you.

It’s very easy. Look!

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Role-play; Hot-Cold;

Letter game; spelling.


Can you tell me… We can spell…

^itawe: Book 11 A, 11 B

Pisawe: Workbook 11 B


Easy 3 cassette;Letter cards K, I, E; Letter set;

A toy snake; cut-outs or pictures of a bike,

rollerskaters, a skipping rope, a football, a kite,

Page 68: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte pesmu Can you tell me… ili pustite kasetu.

Prekidajte pesmu i igrajte igru Musical statues.

• Recite It’s sunny and warm. Igrajte igru Question chain –

What’s the weather like?

• Pitajte decu na preskok Can you skip/ride a bike/ roller-

-skate? Can you teach me?

• Recite deci da otvore kwige, 11 V. Igrajte igru Teachers

– How many… are there?

• Uputite decu da gledaju u sliku i da svako po `eqika`e dve re~enice, npr., There is a … There are…

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no, sva ve`bawa 11 B,

a zatim deca izvode Role-play 11 V.

• Pevajte pesmu i igrajte We can spell…Y, A, E

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~i easy. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Recite deci da pogledaju kroz prozor, pitajte What’s the

weather like? Pomozite da odgovore It’s…

• Otvorite kwige 11C i pitajte. What is Mary/John doing? What are Maggie and Jane/Danny and Chris

doing? Deca gledaju u sliku i pojedina~no odgovaraju. Pomozite kod She is… He is… They are…

• Pogledajte po u~ionici i skrenite pa`wu na decu koja ne paze Look at XXX! He is not listening!

Look at YYY! She is talking!

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 11 C. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u pet grupa. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 11 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Copy. Ostalo seradi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Can you tell me.

PISAWE Workbook 11 C

^ITAWE Book 11 C





Unit 11 C

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Opisivawe vremenskih prilika• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa

o trenutnim aktivnostima• Privla~ewe pa`we

Ciqni jezik:

It’s warm and sunny.

What is s/he doing?

Look at Mary! She is swinging.

What are you/they doing?

Look at Maggie and Jane. They are rid-

ing a bike.

We are playing football.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play; Musical statues; Teachers;

Letter game; Question chain; spelling.


Can you tell me…; We can spell…

^itawe: Book 11 B,11 C

Pisawe: Workbook 11 C


Easy 3 cassette; Letter set; Letter cards

Y, A, E; Cut-outs of objects in the park

Page 69: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pokazujte fle{-kartice. Uputite decu da izvodeaktivnost koju vide. Dok deca izvode aktivnost,

pitajte What are you doing, children? Pomozite dahorski odgovaraju We are… ing!

• Izvedite dvoje dece. Izdajte naredbe svakom poje-dina~no Skip! Roller-skate! Skrenite pa`wu ostalimai recite Look at XXX! S/he is skipping. Look at YYY. S/he

is roller-skating.

• Otvorite kwige, 11 C, opisujte sliku, namerno gre-{ite i igrajte igru True/False.

• Pustite kasetu i nekoliko puta horski pevajte pesmuCan you tell me… Pevajte jo{ jednom. Devoj~ice pevajuprvu strofu a de~aci drugu.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa.11 C, a zatim deca izvode Role-play 11 C.

• Poka`ite kartice sa slovima U, V, W, X. Pro~itajtenaglas, horski slova nekoliko puta. Okrenite jednukarticu na nali~je i igrajte Guessing game – What

letter is this?

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo-`e re~ warm. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pokazujte i opi{ite ilustracije u tekstu 11 D. Pi-tajte What’s the weather like?

• Po~nite bezuspe{no da crtate zmaja na tabli. Recite I can’ t draw a kite. Obratite se u~enikuCan you help me, please? U~enik nastavqa da crta na tabli. Ponovite postupak drugim jednostav-nim crte`ima.

• Dajte u~eniku jedan kraj kanapa a vi vucite drugi i govorite Come on! Pull. Dajte kanap deci.

U~enici u parovima vuku kanap uz re~i Come on! Pull.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 11 D. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 11 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Copy.

Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst11 D. It’s windy. Children are in the park… Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Can you tell me.

PISAWE Workbook 11 D

^ITAWE Book 11 D





Unit 11 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewao vremenskim prilikama

• Opisivawe trenutnih aktivnosti• Izra`avawe

sposobnosti/nesposobnosti• U~tiva molba za pomo}• Davawe naredbi

Ciqni jezik:What’s the weather like?It’s snowing/ raining/ windy/ cold/ hot/warm and sunny

They are flying kites. I’m flying my kite.I can/can’t see your kite.Help me, please. Come on! Pull!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; True/False; Letter game; Guessing game

Pesme i recitacije:Can you tell me…

^itawe: Book 11 C, 11 D

Pisawe: Workbook 11 D

Materijali:Easy 3 cassette;Letter cards;Letter set;A piece of string;Yes/No cards; Flash cards – skipping,roller-skating, jumping, riding a bike, flying a kite, running…

Page 70: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Pantomime. Glumite i gestikuli-rajte. What am I doing? Deca pojedina~no poga-|aju. Are you roller-skating? – No, I’m not./ Yes, I am.

• Pozovite decu da gledaju kroz prozor. Pitajtei sa~ekajte horski odgovor. Is it snowing/ raining/

windy/ sunny/ hot /cloudy/ cold/ warm? Pitajtenekoliko u~enika What’s the weather like?

• Poka`ite poster 2 – Drugovi u parku. Igrajteigru I can see a… a bike, a skipping rope, a football,

a kite, a swing, a seesaw, a skateboard, roller skates.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no sva ve`ba-wa 11 D, a zatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 11 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~i the sun. U~enik koji prvi ispravnoslo`i re~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, spelujei pro~ita.

• Poka`ite TV program iz nekog ~asopisa Let’s

see the TV programme! Let’s see what’s on TV today! Na ekrane redom pi{ite vreme i program.

8 o’clock – A cartoon. 9 o’clock – A film. 6 o’clock – Sports. Stavite na svaki ekran odgovaraju}uaplikaciju. Pitajte What’s on at 9 o’clock?… Deca odgovaraju horski i pojedina~no.

• Recite I like to watch films on TV. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika What do you like to watch on TV?

Pomozite da odgovori I like to watch … Igrajte igru Question chain.

• I like cartoons. My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. What’s your favourite cartoon? Dozvolite decida nazive omiqenih crta}a ka`u na materwem jeziku.

• Poka`ite strip 12 A, pri~ajte i postavqajte pitawa. Jill and Maggie are watching a cartoon, Little

Red Riding Hood. Do you know this story? Prevedite ako je potrebno.

• Recite i prevedite I’m not afraid of The Big Bad Wolf. Postavqajte li~na pitawa Are you afraid

of the Big Bad Wolf / snakes/ the dark/ crocodiles/ witches…? Pustite kasetu i pevajte Who’s afraid of

the Big Bad Wolf… Ohrabrite decu da vam se horski pridru`e.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 12 A. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 12 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 11D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 12 A, i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Complete iAnswer the question. Ostalo se radi za doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf.

PISAWE Workbook 12 A

^ITAWE Book 12 A





Unit 12 A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Identifikacija TV programa• Opisivawe trenutne aktivnosti• Opisivawe lica i doga|aja• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

omiqenim stvarima (film, igra~ke...)

Ciqni jezik:What’s on TV at five o’clock? A cartoon/film.They are watching sports. What’s your favourite….?My favourite … is… He has big ears…

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Letter game; Question chain;Pantomime; I can see …

Pesme i recitacije:Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 11 D, 12 A

Pisawe: Workbook 12 A

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Poster – My friends;Cut-outs from a TV programme;Pictures of popular cartoon heroes

Page 71: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite pesmu Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf…

Igrajte igru Sing on… Deca slu{aju pesmu. Kadazaustavite kasetu u~enici horski ili pojedina~nomoraju da nastave pesmu sve dok ponovo ne pustitekasetu.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you like TV? Do you

watch TV every day? Do you watch TV in the morning/in the

evening/at night? Do you like cartoons/films/sports on TV?

• Recite I like to watch films on TV. Igrajte igru Question

chain – What do you like to watch?

• Poka`ite aplikacije My favourite cartoon is Tom and

Jerry. Deca u parovima razgovaraju. What’s your favourite

cartoon? – My favourite…

• Recite I’m afraid of snakes. Uputite decu da govore~ega se boje.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 12 A, a za-tim deca izvode Role-play 12 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ film .U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazina tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Izdajte naredbe u~enicima pojedina~no Go to the door/window/ board? Kada u~enik krene, pitajteWhere are you going? Pomozite da dete dâ potpun odgovor I’m going to the…

• Govorite i glumite veseqe, tugu, strah. I like funny films. I don’t like sad films. I don’t like horror

films. Postavqajte pitawa na preskok Do you like sad/funny films?

I go to the cinema with my friends every Saturday. Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you go to the cinema

with your Mum/ Dad/ sister/ brother/ friends?

• Poka`ite strip 12 V i opi{ite situaciju. Chris is going to the cinema. He wants to see a funny film.

But a sad film is on. He doesn’t like sad films. Jane likes sad films.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 12 B. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju, grupno i pojedina~no, po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 12 B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawa Complete and copy

i Answer with… Ostalo rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf.

PISAWE Workbook 12 B

^ITAWE Book 12 B





Unit 12 B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa• Opisivawe filmova• Pozivawe na zajedni~ku aktivnost• Iskazivawe dopadawa/nedopadawa• Pozdravqawe

Ciqni jezik:Where are you going? To the cinema.What’s on? A sad/funny film.I like funny films. I don’t like sad films.Bye,bye! I can watch TV.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Letter game; Question chain; Sing on…

Pesme :Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf…

^itawe: Book 12 A, 12 B

Pisawe: Workbook 12 B

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette;Letter set; Cut-outs from a TV programme;Pictures of popular cartoon heroes.

Page 72: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pevajte i igrajte igru We can spell… U, W, X, V.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you go to the cinema

with your Mum/Dad/friends? Do you like horror/sad/funny

films? What films do you like?

• Igrajte Question chain – What’s your favourite cartoon?

• Pevajte horski Who’s afraid of… Polovina razredapeva Who’s afraid of… a druga We’re not afraid.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa12 B, a zatim neka deca izvode Role-play 12 V.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ funny. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Stavqajte na tablu slike ili aplikacije i imenujtepoznate sportove football, basketball, swimming and

running. Deca horski ponavqaju za vama.

• Stavite na tablu ostale aplikacije i govorite In

England everybody likes golf, cricket and rowing. Golf,

cricket, rowing. Deca horski ponavqaju.

• Igrajte igru Pantomime – What am I doing? – Are you

playing football/basketball…?

• Razgovarajte s decom o sportistima. Who is the best

football/basketball player?

• Recite i poka`ite XXX is sitting next to YYY. ZZZ is sitting next to MMM… Postavite nekolikopitawa Who is sitting next to NNN? Igrajte Memory game. Dete izlazi, okre}e se le|ima premarazredu i odgovara na pitawa Who is sitting next to NNN? Kada pogre{i, ispada iz igre i zamewujega drugi u~enik. Recite Bad luck! You are out!

• Poka`ite strip 12 C i opi{ite situaciju. Jill and Jane are watching a football match… Danny and

Chris are playing. Danny is slow. Chris is fast. Chris is the best player.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 12 C. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izovode Role-

-play 12 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uputite decu da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Ask

your friend and tick. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Girls and boys.

PISAWE Workbook 12 C

^ITAWE Book 12 C





Unit 12 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe sportova• Opisivawe polo`aja gde se lice

nalazi• Opisivawe ve{tina• Kazivawe upozorewa• Izra`avawe razo~arawa

Ciqni jezik:football, basketball, running, tennis,swimming, rowing, golf, cricketMy favourite sport is…He is the best player. He is fast. He is slow.He is next to …Watch out! Bad luck!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Spelling ;Pantomime;Question chain; Letter game; Memorygame.

Pesma:Girls and boys…; We can spell

^itawe: Book 12 B,12 C

Pisawe: Workbook 12 C

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set;Letter cards W, X, V. Cut-outs or pictures of sports;

Page 73: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recite Let’s sing and play! Stand in pairs. Make a line! Hold

hands and make a bridge! Pustite kasetu London Bridge…

Podsetite decu na igru.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa. Do you like TV? Do you watch TV

every day/ in the morning/ in the evening/ at night? Izvediteparove da razgovaraju What do you like to watch? – I like to


• Pitajte Do you go to the cinema on Saturday/Sunday?

What’s your favourite sport? Who is the best footballer/ basketball


• Ponovite Memory game sa prethodnog ~asa i utvrdite next


• ^itajte naglas, horski i pojedina~no, sva ve`bawa 12 C,

a zatim neka deca izvode Role-play 12 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`e re~sport. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazi predtablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pitajte Do you like to go to the circus? What do you like in the

circus? – I like the clowns, monkeys, elephants…

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte Ha, ha, ha…

• Recite Dogs can’t go to the circus. Pitajte Can dogs go to the cinema/ sweet shop/ supermarket/ school?

– U~enici horski odgovaraju No, they can’t . Nastavite sa pitawima Can dogs go to the playground/

park? – Yes, they can.

• Prepri~ajte pri~u 12D. Jill and her family are at the circus. Buddy is at home. Dogs can’t go to the

circus……..But he puts on…. and he runs to the circus.

• Otvorite kwige 12 D. Postavqajte jednostavna pitawa. Who is at the circus? What is Buddy

wearing? What colour is Buddy’s skirt? Is it long/short?... Deca gledaju slike i odgovaraju.

• Recitujte red po red pesmu Ha, ha, ha. Deca ponavwaju horski i pojedina~no.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 12 D. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u pet grupa. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvodeRole-play 12D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Complete

with i Find. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju izUxbenika tekst 12 D. It’s Sunday. The family is at the circus…

Zavr{ite ~as s pesmom Ha, ha, ha.

PISAWE Workbook 12 D

^ITAWE Book 12 D





Unit 12 D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Slu{awe pri~e• Izra`avawe namere• Izricawe zabrane• Iskazivawe pripadnosti• Prepoznavawe lica i stvari• Opisivawe odevnih predmeta

Ciqni jezik:

Dogs can’t go to the circus.

That’s my new skirt! That’s Dad’s


That’s Buddy!

Aktivnosti i igre:

London bridge… Role-play;

Letter game; Memory game


London bridge…

Ha, ha, ha…

^itawe: Book 12 C, 12 D

Pisawe: Workbook 12 D


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set.

Page 74: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


1. Nekoliko u~enika horski odgovara na pitawe What’s your phone number? a zatim pi{e odgo-vor na tabli My phone number is…, i pro~ita ga. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 1 u Uxbeniku.

2. Napi{ite na tabli . Podelite

tablu na dva dela. Napi{ite i podvucite . Recite i prepi{ite re~ cartoons

u odgovaraju}oj koloni. Ponovite sa I don’t like… Prozovite nekoliko u~enika da urade isto.

Pro~itajte ve`bawe 2 u Uxbeniku.

3. Pokazujte fle{-kartice sa aktivnostima i pitajte What is s/he doing? What are they doing? Na-

pi{ite na tabli . Stavite kartice na tablu . Pored svake

kartice napi{ite He is _________. She is _______. They are ________. Deca izlaze na tablu i popu-

wavaju praznine. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 3 u Uxbeniku.

4. U~enici odgovaraju na pitawa Can you ride a bike/roller-skate/play golf/fly a kite/fly a plane? Posleusmenih odgovora, pi{u na tabli Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 4 u Uxbeniku.

5. Napi{ite . Nacrtajte veliku i malu ku}u/loptu/ kutiju i duga~ak

i kratak lewir/ sukwu/xemper. Ispod predmeta su linije za prepisivawe. Deca izlaze na

tablu i prepisuju prideve ispod predmeta. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 5 u Uxbeniku.

6. Napi{ite na tabli . Podelite

deci aplikacije. Deca ih stavqaju pored odgovaraju}e re~i na tabli. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 6 u


7. Nekoliko u~enika odgovara na pitawe What are you wearing? Pro~itajte ve`bawe 7 u Uxbeniku.

8. Napi{ite nazive godi{wih doba . Pitajte What’s the weather

like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter? Pro~itajte ve`bawe 8 i 9 u Uxbeniku.

9. Pro~itajte ve`bawe10 u Uxbeniku.

spring… summer… autumn… winter

jeans… shoes… trainers… socks… a T-shirt… a jumper… a dress

big… small… long… short

jumping… skipping… playing ball

I like , I don’t like

funny films… cartoons … football… golf… dolls… teddy bears


Page 75: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

T E S T 3

Deca rade test svih 45 minuta. Ne opomiwite ih ako otvaraju kwigu i tra`e ta~ne odgovore, iliako rade zajedno sa drugom pored sebe. Va`no je da deca budu opu{tena i da se trude da urade test{to boqe mogu. Kru`ite i poma`ite deci koja su slabija. Deca, koja test zavr{e pre kraja ~asa,tiho igraju sa drugom Spelling game – Hangman, igru „^ove~e ne quti se“ ili popuwavaju re~nikna kraju radne sveske.


What’s your phone number? My phone number is …

COMPLETE WITH funny films/cartoons/football/golf/ dolls/teddy bears/

I like and and

I don’t like and and

WRITE big / small / short/ long

A big ball. A small ball. A long skirt. A short skirt.

MATCH AND COMPLETE with jumping/skipping/playing ball.

She is skipping.

He is jumping.

They are playing ball.


Can you skip? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

Can you fly a plane? No, I can’t.

WRITE jeans/shoes/trainers/socks/a T-shirt/a jumper/a dress


What are you wearing? I’m wearing

LOOK AND COMPLETE with summer/ winter

It’s very cold. It’s winter.

It’s hot and sunny. It’s summer.


spring January summer autumn


Page 76: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu ili otpevajte pesmu Ha, ha, ha… Recitujtepesmu. Deca horski ponavqaju. Podelite razred u dvegrupe. Svaka grupa horski peva po jednu strofu dva puta.

• Pitajte Can you see clowns in the cinema/ in the park/ in the

playground / in the classroom/ on TV/ in the circus? Where can

you see clowns? Deca pojedina~no odgovaraju.

• Poka`ite klovna. Is he sad? Is he funny? What is he

wearing? Uputite decu da svako ka`e po jednu re~enicuHe is wearing …

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 12 D, a zatimdeca izvode Role-play12 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ circus. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Stavqajte na tablu i imenujte ku}ne qubimce. Look at

the animals. They are pet animals. They are pets. Prevedite!

A cat, a kitten, a dog, a puppy, a bird, a fish. Deca horskiponavqaju nazive. Napi{ite naziv ispod svake aplika-cije. Skinite aplikacije i podelite ih deci. Deca re-dom izlaze, ponovo lepe aplikacije iznad naziva i ~i-taju. Objasnite A puppy is a baby dog. A kitten is a baby cat.

• Recite I love animals. I have a pet fish and a pet bird.

Pitajte Have you got a pet? Igrajte Question chain. – Have you got a pet?

• Recite I like birds and dogs… What pets do you like? Deca pojedina~no odgovaraju.

• Pitajte Can birds/cats/dogs/ fly? Can fish talk/swim? Pomozite deci da horski odgovaraju Yes, they

can. No, they can’t. Recite Dogs can bark. Woof! Woof! Pitajte Can cats bark?

• Recite I can’t buy a pet in a supermarket. I can buy a pet in a pet shop. Proverite razumevawe. Recitujteili pustite kasetu This is a pet shop… Recitujte red po red. Deca ponavqaju horski i pojedina~no.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 13 A. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvodeRole-play 13A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 12 D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 13 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Find and copy.

Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Ha, ha, ha.

PISAWE Workbook 13 A

^ITAWE Book 13 A





Unit 13 A

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe i opisivawe ku}nihqubimaca

• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewao posedovawu

• Izra`avawesposobnosti/nesposobnosti

• Izra`avawe dopadawa

Ciqni jezik:

Have you got a pet?

I have a dog. It’s a puppy.

She has a cat. It’s a kitten.

S/he has a cat/kitten/bird/fish.

Dogs can bark. They can’t fly.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play;Question chain; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:

Ha, ha, ha… This is a pet shop…

^itawe: Book 12 D, 13 A

Pisawe: Workbook 13 A


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set;

Cut-outs or pictures of pets;

A toy or a picture of a clown

Page 77: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Crtajte postupno na tabli. Guess what I’m drawing.

Deca poga|aju A house! A school! Crtajte izlog sa `i-votiwama. Crtawe `ivotiwa nastavqa u~enik kojipogodi i ka`e A pet shop! Poka`ite i recitujte This

is a pet shop… Deca horski ponavqaju a zatim po `eqipojedina~no recituju.

• Utvrdite nazive ku}nih `ivotiwa. Dajte jednom odu~enika aplikacije i igrajte igru Teachers – What’s


• Podelite aplikacije u~enicima. Pitajte Who has a

kitten/ mouse /dog/fish…? U~enici pojedina~no poka-zuju aplikacije I have a …

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Have you got a pet? What is

it? What’s his name? How old is?

• ^itajte naglas, horski i pojedina~no, sva ve`bawa13 A, a zatim neka deca izvode Role-play 13 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ pet. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pokazujte aplikacije, govorite i pi{ite na tabli nazive doma}ih `ivotiwa. Ispod svakogzalepite komadi} gume Blu-Tack. ^itajte i pokazujte aplikacije nekoliko puta. Izvedite~etiri u~enika, svakom dajte po dve aplikacije da ih {to br`e zalepe ispod napisane re~i.

• Otvorite kwige, poka`ite sliku `ivotiwa na farmi. There are many animals on the farm.

Pitajte decu pojedina~no How many horses/cows/pigs… are there?

• Pitajte Can horses/pigs/cows run? Can chickens fly?… Uputite decu na odgovor Yes, they can. No,

they can’t. Igrajte Question chain – Can … run?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 13 B. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju naglas.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 13B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu samo prepisuju deo ve`bawaColour and copy. Bojewe ostaje za doma}i. Zajedno sa decom uradite prve tri re~enice iz ve`bawaRead and complete.

Pustite kasetu ili pevajte i podsetite decu na pesmu Old Macdonald had a farm i zavr{ite ~as.

PISAWE Workbook 13 B

^ITAWE Book 13 B





Unit 13 B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe doma}ih `ivotiwa• Izra`avawe broja• Izra`avawe


Ciqni jezik:There are many animals on the farm.This is a horse/cow/sheep/lamb/hen/ chicken/pig/duck.There is one horse. There are ten chickens. They can’t fly. They can run.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play;Teachers;Question chain; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:This is a pet shop…Old Macdonald had a farm… (Easy 1)

^itawe: Book 13 A, 13 B

Pisawe: Workbook 13 B

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Cut-outs or pictures of pet animals;Cut-outs or pictures of farm animals

Page 78: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Izgovarajte onomatopeju i ohrabrite u~enike daimenuju `ivotiwu. Woof!– A dog! Meow, meow! – A cat!

Squeak, squeak! – A mouse! Moo! – A cow! Baa, baa! – A

sheep! Quack! – A duck!…

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte Old Macdonald… i poka-zujte aplikacije. Zaustavqajte pesmu dok imenujete`ivotiwe …and on that farm he had some ______.Poka`ite aplikaciju i ohrabrite decu da horskika`u ili otpevaju naziv. Nastavite da pokazujeteaplikacije doma}ih `ivotiwa.

• Deca gledaju sliku farme 13B. Pitajte How many

horses/pigs are there on the farm? Igrajte igru Teachers

– How many …?

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no sva ve`bawa 13 B, azatim deca usmeno izvode Role-play 13 B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ cow. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, pi{e je, speluje i ~ita.

• Stavqajte na tablu aplikacije divqih `ivotiwa,imenujte ih i svaki put napi{ite naziv na drugomkraju table. Deca ponavqaju i ~itaju nazive sa tableza vama – a lion, a tiger, a giraffe, a hippo, a crocodile, amonkey, a bear, a wolf, a rabbit, an elephant.

• Opisujte `ivotiwe A monkey is funny. A giraffe is tall. A rabbit is small. A bear is strong. A lion is

dangerous… Deca ponavqaju. Imenujte `ivotiwe i uputite decu da horski izvikuju prideve. Arabbit! – Small! A monkey! – Funny!…

• Nacrtajte na tabli veliki kavez. This is a big cage. Izdajte naredbe Come here, XXX. Put all

dangerous/strong animals in the cage!… Deca preme{taju aplikacije u kavez. • Na|ite tekst 13C. Opi{ite situaciju. This is a funny Zoo. There are many animals. There is only one

cage. Postavqajte pitawa na preskok. What is the bear/lion… doing?

• Recitujte i gestikulirajte An elephant walks… Recitujte red po red, a deca horski neka ponavqajuza vama.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 13 C. Deca horski za vama ~itaju naglasnazive `ivotiwa, kratak tekst i recitaciju. Ohrabrite decu da pojedina~no ~itaju po jedan redrecitacije. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawa Complete with i prvure~enicu Match and write… Ostalo rade za doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom An elephant walks.

PISAWE Workbook 13 C

^ITAWE Book 13 C





Unit 13 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Prepoznavawe onomatopeje

doma}ih `ivotiwa• Imenovawe divqih `ivotiwa• Izra`avawe broja• Opisivawe trenutnih aktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:There are many animals in the Zoo.There is only one cage.This is a lion/tiger/giraffe.This is an elephant.A giraffe is tall. A lion is dangerous.An elephant is big and strong.The monkey is jumping… The lion and the wolf are eating.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Letter game; Teachers

Pesme i recitacije:Old Macdonald… An elephant walks … (Easy 1)

^itawe: Book 13 B, 13 C

Pisawe: Workbook 13 C

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set;Cut-outs or pictures of farm animals;Cut-outs or pictures of wild animals

Page 79: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recitujte horski i gestikulirajte An elephant walks …

• Imenujte i stavqajte aplikacije doma}ih i divqih`ivotiwa na tablu. Deca ponavqaju u horu. Napi{itena tabli: tall… small… strong … dangerous… funny.

• Igrajte igru Match. U~enici spajaju aplikacije sare~ima. Br`i u~enik skida aplikaciju i stavqa jeispod naziva i govori: A monkey is funny… A horse is

strong… An elephant is strong.

• Pustite kasetu i ponovite recitaciju This is a pet


• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no 13 C, a zatim decau parovima recituju An elephant …

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ lion. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Otvorite kwige i poka`ite ilustraciju 13 D. OpisujteA lion lives in the jungle. A bear lives in the forest. A crocodile

lives in the water. Deca horski ponavqaju.

• Podelite deci Yes/No kartice. Igrajte igru True/False. Govorite i povremeno gre{ite. A bear

lives in the forest. A bear lives in the water…

• Pitajte u~enike Where does a monkey/bear/fish …live? Uputite decu da horski odgovaraju A

monkey lives in the jungle… Naglasite lives.

• Igrajte igru Question chain – Where does a giraffe/lion/crocodile… live?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 13 D. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju naglas.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 13 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade prvu re~enicuve`bawa Write i Find. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak decaprepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 12 D A lion lives in the jungle….

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom An elephant walks.

PISAWE Workbook 13 D

^ITAWE Book 13 D





Unit 13 D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa oprebivali{tu `ivotiwa

• Opisivawe divqih `ivotiwa

Ciqni jezik:

Where does a tiger/bear/crocodile live?

A tiger lives in the jungle.

A bear lives in the forest.

A crocodile lives in the water.

A giraffe is tall… dangerous… funny…

… big and strong.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play;True/false; Guessing game;

Question chain; Letter game;Match,

Pesme i recitacije:

This is a pet shop… An elephant…

^itawe: Book 13 C, 13D

Pisawe: Workbook 13 D


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Yes/No cards

Cut-outs or pictures of farm animals;

Cut-outs of Zoo animals

Page 80: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recitujte horski i gestikulirajte An elephant…

• Pitajte u~enike na preskok Where does a lion/ rabbit/

crocodile live? Utvrdite He lives in …

• Imenujte i stavqajte aplikacije doma}ih i divqih`ivotiwa na tablu. Deca ponavqaju horski.

• Gledajte aplikacije na tabli i igrajte igru I spy…

an animal beginning with the letter E. What is it?

• Podelite kartice i igrajte igru True /False A

monkey is dangerous. An elephant is small. An elephant

is big…

• Recite A monkey is funny. Pitajte Which animal is

dangerous/tall/strong? Deca odgovaraju pojedina~no.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no 13 D, a zatim deca uparovima recituju An elephant …

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ bear. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Ponovite onomatopeju Baa… baa…! Moo… moo…!

Quack… quack…! Woof… woof! Deca horski imenujuodgovaraju}e `ivotiwe. Pustite kasetu i pevajteOld Macdonald… Ohrabrite decu da vam se pridru`e.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Have you got a cousin/an

aunt/an uncle? Where does s/he live? Where does your grandma/grandpa live? Uputite decu da odgovoreHe lives in naziv mesta.

• Recite I come here by bus. Gestikulirajte My house is far from the school. Pitajte Is your house

near/far from the school? Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Recite Jill’s Grandpa lives in the village. Poka`ite sliku 14 A i opi{ite situaciju.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju sliku i prate ceo tekst 14 A. ^itajte red po red. Posletoga, deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 14 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 13 D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 14 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawa Answer

with… Ostalo se radi kod ku}e. Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Old Macdonald.

PISAWE Workbook 14 A

^ITAWE Book 14 A





Unit 14 A

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Prepoznavawe i opisivaweseoske sredine

• Opisivawe lokacije predmeta• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa• Tra`ewe i davawe dozvole• Izricawe zabrane• Kazivawe namere

Ciqni jezik:

This is a village. There are not many houses.

There is a school. There are many trees….

There is a town far from the village.

There is a river near the village.

Where are your animals? They are sleeping.

Can I feed the ducks? Yes, of course.

Stop talking! I want to sleep.

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play;True/false; I spy…

Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:

An elephant…Old Macdonald…

^itawe: Book 13 D, 14 A

Pisawe: Workbook 14 A


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Yes/No cards

Cut-outs of animals;

Page 81: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte Guessing game – What am I? Gestikulirajte i go-vorite I walk like this. I live on a farm. I say quack, quack.

What am I? I have big teeth. I am long. I live in the water. I

am dangerous. What am I? Predstavqajte razne `ivoti-we. Deca poga|aju u horu.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Where does your Grandpa/

aunt/uncle/cousin live?

• Igrajte Question chain – Can you see a lion/ horse/ bear/ …

on a farm?

• Razgovarajte s decom. Where can you see a lion/ a pig/ a

duck…? Can you feed lions/ tigers/ crocodiles…? Can you

feed chickens/ ducks/ pigs…? Deca daju kratke odgovore.• Pitajte decu na preskok Is your house near/far from the


• ^itajte naglas u horu i pojedina~no Listen and read 14 A,a zatim deca po ulogama ~itaju i izvode Role-play 14 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ duck. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Imenujte i stavqajte na tablu aplikacije slika vo}ai povr}a, apples… oranges… lemons… plums…bananas…

potatoes… carrots… tomatoes. Deca horski ponavqaju.• Pitajte decu na preskok What fruit/vegetables do you like?

• Igrajte igru Fruit basket. Izvedite pet parova u~enika. Podelite parovima aplikacije. • Poka`ite jednu aplikaciju, tomato/carrot/apple. Pitajte Is it big or small? Is it red or green?

• Poka`ite aplikacije ili slike carrots/bananas/oranges. Pitajte Are they sweet or salty/yellow or green?

• Recite i objasnite Jill lives in England. England is Jill’s country. I live in Serbia. Serbia is my country.

Pitajte u~enike na preskok. What’s your country?

• Dajte nekoliko primera. There are no banana/orange/lemon trees in England. Deca horski ponavqajuza vama. Pitajte Are there banana trees in your country?

• Otvorite kwige i opi{ite sliku 14 B.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju naglas. Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play 14B.Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uputite decu da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Answer

the questions. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Old Macdonald.

PISAWE Workbook 14 B

^ITAWE Book 14 B





Unit 14 B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Kazivawe i opisivawe mesta

stanovawa• Opisivawe prostornih odnosa• Prepoznavawe vo}a

karakteristi~nog za podnebqe• Imenovawe dr`ave/zemqe

Ciqni jezik:They live in a small farm house.There are fruit trees in front of the house.There is a garden behind the house. There are vegetables in the garden.They are from my garden. It’s from … There are no banana trees in England.England is my country!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Guessing game; Fruit basket;Question chain; Letter game;

Pesma:Old Macdonald…

^itawe: Book 14 A, 14 B

Pisawe: Workbook 14 B

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Yes/No cardsCut-outs or pictures of animals;Cut-outs of fruit and vegetables;

Page 82: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte horski Oranges, lemons, apples and

plums, tell me when your birthday comes! Decapojedina~no odgovaraju.

• Igrajte igru Match. Stavite aplikacije slikavo}a i povr}a na sto. Na tabli napi{ite nazivei pro~itajte ih zajedno sa decom.

• Izvodite parove da pokazuju jedan drugom apli-kacije i pitaju Is it big/ small/ sweet/ salty/ red/

yellow/ green?

• Otvorite kwige i kroz pitawa i odgovore opi-{ite sliku 14 B.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no tekst Listen

and read 14 B, a zatim neka deca u parovima izvodeRole-play 14 B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo-`e re~ banana. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Otvorite kwige, pokazujte i imenujte. This is a

town. There are many streets and shops. This is a bank/

post office/ school/ cinema/ museum/ hospital. Prevo-dite ako je potrebno. Deca horski ponavqaju.

• Igrajte igru I can see a… Deca gledaju sliku 14 C i svako mora da ponovi re~enicu prethodnogu~enika i da doda naziv jednog objekta. I can see a bank and a school and a…

• Pustite kasetu ili recitujte i gestikulirajte Tall shops in the town… Deca prvo slu{aju, zatimhorski ponavqaju red po red i gestikuliraju. Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Pri|ite u~eniku i recite Excuse me! Can I take your pencil/book…? Uputite dete da ka`e Here you are.

Zahvalite se. Thank you. Objasnite i uputite dete da ka`e You are welcome. Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Poka`ite muzej na slici 14 C i recite This is a corner. The museum is on the corner. Pitajte Is your

house/school on the corner ?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 14 C. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 14 C. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uputite decu da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Fill in

the balloon i Answer the question. Ostalo deca rade za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom Tall shops in the town.

PISAWE Workbook 14 C

^ITAWE Book 14 C





Unit 14 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Prepoznavawe i opisivawe gradske

sredine• Imenovawe va`nih institucija u gradu• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

lokaciji• U~tivo obra}awe i zahvaqivawe• Odgovor na zahvaqivawe

Ciqni jezik:This is a small town. There are many streets/houses/shops.There are three schools/ a post office/two banks/ a museum/ a hospital.Excuse me! Where is the post office? It’s on the corner.Thank you! You’re welcome!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Match; Letter game; I can see a…

Recitacija:Oranges, lemons, apples and plums…; Tall shops in the town…..

^itawe: Book 14 B, 14 C

Pisawe: Workbook 14 C

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette;Letter set;

Cut-outs or pictures of fruit and vegetables;

Page 83: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Recitujte i gestikulirajte Tall shops in the town… Decagestikuliraju i zajedno ponavqaju.

• Ponovite aktivnost sa prethodnog ~asa Excuse me.

Can I take your…? Uputite u~enike da uz va{u pomo}u parovima ponove isti dijalog.

• Otvorite kwige i kroz pitawa i odgovore opi{itesliku 14 C. What is this? How many… are there? What is

on the corner/ in front of/ near …?

• Podelite kartice i igrajte igru True/False. Opisujtesliku 14 C i povremeno namerno gre{ite.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no Listen and read,

14 C, a zatim deca u parovima ~itaju i izvode Role-play.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ corner. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Recite I live in (naziv mesta). Pitajte prvog u~enikaWhere do you live? Igrajte igru Question chain – I live in…

• Recite My address is 20 Simina Street. Pitajte prvog u~enika What’s your address? Igrajte igruQuestion chain – My address is … Skrenite pa`wu da prvo ka`u broj ku}e a zatim naziv ulice!

Pomozite kod broja ako je potrebno.

• Slu{ajte gde ko stanuje, iskoristite da ka`ete i objasnite XXX and YYY are neighbours.

• Recite ZZZ is my neighbour. Pitajte decu na preskok Who is your neighbour?

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte London bridge… Recitujte prvu i drugu strofu. Deca ponavqaju naglashorski i pojedina~no, red po red. Pevajte i igrajte igru London bridge…

• Podelite deci razglednice. Pri~ajte o Londonu. London is in England… (tekst 14 D).

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate ceo tekst 14 D. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca naglas horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-

-play 14 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Find and

copy i posledwu re~enicu iz ve`bawa Complete. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Zadoma}i zadatak deca prepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst Listen and read 14 D.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom London bridge.

PISAWE Workbook 14 D

^ITAWE Book 14 D





Unit 14 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Davawe obave{tewa o Londonu• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

mestu stanovawa• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o

adresi• Prepoznavawe prostornih odnosa

Ciqni jezik:London is in England. It is a very big city.Where do you live? I live in London.What’s your address? My address is 10,Park Street.His house is near my house.S/he is my neighbour.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play;True/False;London bridge;Question chains; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:Tall shops in the town… London bridge…

^itawe: Book 14C, 14D

Pisawe: Workbook 14 D

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set; Yes/No cards;

Pictures or postcards of London ;

Page 84: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Pustite kasetu. Deca pevaju i igraju London bridge…

• Igrajte Question chain – What’s your address?

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Who is your best friend? Is

s/he your neighbour?

• Otvorite kwige, gledajte sliku Londona, 14 D. Po-stavqajte pitawa i ponovite opis Londona. Is London

a big city? Are there many… in London? Is there a big Zoo

in London?

• Podelite deci razglednice Londona. Svako dete mo`eda ka`e po jednu re~enicu.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no Listen and read 14 D. Decazatim u parovima ~itaju a onda izvode Role-play 14 D.

• Poka`ite kartice sa slovima U, V, W, X. Pro~itajtehorski slova nekoliko puta. Okrenite jednu karticuna nali~je i igrajte Guessing game – What letter is this?

• Igrajte Spelling game – Hangman. Napi{ite na tabliA - - - - - S (address) i nacrtajte ve{ala.

• Otvorite kwige, pokazujte i imenujte prodavnice 15 A. Deca ponavqaju horski i pojedina~no.

• Uzmite torbu, krenite prema vratima i recite. I’m going to a shop. Igrajte Guessing game – Guess

where I’m going. U~enici pojedina~no poga|aju Are you going to the toy shop? – Yes, I am. No, I’m

not. U~enik koji pogodi, nastavqa igru.

• Sedite na trenutak pored jednog u~enika i recite Look! I’m sitting next to XXX. Pitajte zatimu~enike na preskok Who is sitting next to YYY? – ZZZ is sitting next to YYY.

• Recite I buy books in a book shop. Where do you buy toys/ shoes/ pets/ sweets/ milk? Pomozite kod prvihodgovora.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 15 A. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama a zatim izvodeRole-play 15 A. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 14 D.

Objasnite ve`bawa 15 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu rade ve`bawe Complete.

Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as recitacijom This is a pet shop.

PISAWE Workbook 15 A

^ITAWE Book 15 A





Unit 15A

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe prodavnica• Prepoznavawe prostornih odnosa• Poziv na zajedni~ku aktivnost• Izra`avawe `eqe

Ciqni jezik:This is a street. The book shop is next to the sweet shop.Let’s go shopping/home!Let’s go to the pet shop/shoe shop/supermarket!I want to go to the toy shop.

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Guessing games; Londonbridge..; Question chain; Spelling game;

Pesme i recitacije:London bridge… This is a pet shop…

^itawe: Book 14D,15 A

Pisawe: Workbook 15 A

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette;Letter cards U, V, W, X; Picture post cards of London

Page 85: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Choo–choo train najvi{e 5 minuta.

Izdajte naredbe Jump! Run! Hop! Left foot hop! Right

foot hop! Walk with eyes closed! Red ne sme da se preki-ne. Pobednik je vozi} koji prvi stigne do ciqa.

• Pitajte nekoliko u~enika Who is sitting next to


• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Are there many shops in

your street? Is there a supermarket/ book shop… in your


• Igrajte igru Teachers – Where do you buy shoes/ books/

toys…? Pomozite kod prvih odgovora.

• Otvorite kwige i kroz pitawa i odgovore opi{itesliku 15 A. Deca zatim horski za vama, a po `eqi ipojedina~no, opisuju sliku.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no Listen and read 15 A.

Deca zatim u grupama ~itaju i izvode Role-play 15 A.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ shop. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Nacrtajte na tabli i ispod napi{ite nazive zebra crossing… traffic lights… bus stop. Pro~itajtenekoliko puta i prozivajte decu da ~itaju sa table.

• Lepite crveni, zeleni i `uti krug na semafor i govorite Stop! Be careful! The red light is on!…

Wait! The yellow light is on!… Go! The green light is on! Deca horski ponavqaju za vama.

• Pustite kasetu i slu{ajte recitaciju Traffic lights… Recitujte red po red. Deca horski, grupnoi pojedina~no ponavqaju.

• Oslovite dete pogre{nim imenom i recite Oops! Sorry!You are not XXX!

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju sliku i prate tekst 15B. ^itajte re~enicu po re~enicu.

Deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u tri grupe. Deca ~itaju grupno i pojedina~no po ulogama, a zatim izvode Role-

-play 15 B. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu samo prepisuju ve`bawe Colour

and copy. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

^as zavr{ite recitacijom Traffic lights can talk.

PISAWE Workbook 15 B

^ITAWE Book 15 B





Unit 15 V

Komunikativne funkcije:• Identifikacija saobra}aja u gradu• Uo~avawe pravila pona{awa u

sobra}aju• Upozoravawe• Uzvik iznena|ewa• Izricawe zabrane

Ciqni jezik:There is a bus stop/zebra crossing.There are traffic lights.Be careful! The red light is on. Let’s cross the street.The green light is on.Oops! Sorry!Stop! Don’t walk!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Choo-Choo train; Teachers;Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:Traffic lights can talk… (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 15 A, 15 B

Pisawe: Workbook 15 B

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set

Page 86: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• TPR. Izdajte naredbe i zabrane. Jump! Stop!

Don’t jump! – Clap! Stop! Don’t clap! – Walk!

Stop! Don’t walk!... Deca koja ne poslu{ajuzabranu ispadaju iz igre.

• Pustite kasetu, slu{ajte i zatim horskinekoliko puta ponovite recitaciju Traffic

lights can talk.

• Nacrtajte semafor na tabli. Podelite decicrvene, `ute i zelene krugove. Deca poje-dina~no izlaze, lepe krugove na semafor igovore The red/ green/ yellow light is on!

• Igrajte Question chain – Do you cross the street

when the red/green light is on?

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no Listen and read

15 B. Podelite uloge. Deca prvo ~itaju a za-tim izvode Role-play 15 B.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slovai da slo`e re~ street. U~enik koji prvi ispra-vno slo`i re~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je,

speluje i pro~ita.

• Imenujte i stavqajte na tablu aplikacije prevoznih sredstava. Ispod aplikacija napi{itenazive i ~itajte ih. U~enici ponavqaju horski i pojedina~no.

• Pitajte decu na preskok Do you go to the Zoo by car/ bus/ train/ bike?

• Igrajte Guessing game – Guess how I go to the Zoo. Deca vas pitaju Do you go to the Zoo by…? U~enikkoji pogodi preuzima igru.

• Recite I walk to school. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika How do you go to school?

• Izvedite dva u~enika da razgovaraju How do you go to school? – I walk to school./I go to school by bus/car.

• Pevajte pesmu This is the way I go to school / cross the street… (melodija This is the way I wash my hands).

Gestikulirajte i ohrabrite decu da vam se pridru`e.

• Nakon {to dobijete odgovore poka`ite na decu i recite S/he walks to school./ S/he goes to school by bus.

• Otvorite kwige i opi{ite sliku 15 C.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da gledaju slike i prate tekst 15 C. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga,

deca horski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Uputite decu da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Copy.

Ostalo deca rade za doma}i. Zavr{ite ~as pesmom This is the way I cross the street.

PISAWE Workbook 15 C

^ITAWE Book 15 C





Unit 15 C

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe i opisivawe gradskog prevoza• Tra`ewe i davawe obave{tewa o prevozu• Opisivawe uobi~ajenih aktivnosti

Ciqni jezik:

There are many double deckers in London.

They are red and big.

There are underground trains. They are fast.

I go to school by bus/by car.

I walk to the park.

Aktivnosti i igre:

TPR; Role-play;Guessing game;

Question chain; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:

Traffic lights can talk….

This is the way I cross the street….

^itawe: Book 15 B, 15 C

Pisawe: Workbook 15 C


Easy 3 Cassette;Letter set; Yes/No cards

Cut-outs of means of transport

Page 87: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Igrajte igru Simon says – Run! Walk! Don’t walk! Jump!

Don’t jump! Fly! Sit down! Turn around!

• Pitajte nekoliko u~enika How do you go to school/ the

park/ the cinema …?

• Igrajte igru Chinese whispers – I walk to school./ I go to

school by bus.

• Recite Jill goes to school by bus. Pitajte How does Chris

go to school? U~enici odgovaraju horski Chris goes…

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa How does your sister/brother go

to school? How does your mum/dad go to work? Pomozitekod odgovora S/he goes …

• Otvorite kwige i opi{ite Londonske autobuse. They

are big and red. You can sit upstairs and downstairs.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no tekst Listen and read, 15 C.

Podelite uloge Jill, Chris, parents… Deca ~itaju poulogama nekoliko puta.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ bus. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazipred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Ponovite dane u nedeqi. Igrajte igru Listen for your day.

• Ponovite recitaciju When do you go to school? What day is it today? (Unit 4 A).

• Napi{ite na tabli i pro~itajte WEEKEND. Deca horski i pojedina~no ponavqaju. Obratitepa`wu na izgovor! Recite Weekend days are Saturday and Sunday. Pitajte What are weekend days?

Deca horski odgovaraju Saturday and Sunday.

• Govorite I like cars. I like trains, but I love planes. Naglasite i glumite. Pitajte And you?

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte Round and round the village. Dok pevate, kru`ite u~ionicom,

zaustavqajte se ispred u~enika, rukujte se... Deca prvo slu{aju a zatim ponavqaju horski redpo red za vama. Igrajte igru. Uputite decu da vas opona{aju.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate tekst 15 D. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no isti tekst ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u pet grupa. Deca ~itaju po ulogama a zatim izvode Role-play 15 D. Uputiteu~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawa Tick and

answer i Find and write. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak decaprepisuju iz Uxbenika tekst 15 D It’s Saturday…

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Round and round the village.

PISAWE Workbook 15 D

^ITAWE Book 15 D





Unit 15 D

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe radnih i neradnihdana u nedeqi

• Opisivawe vremenskih prilika• Imenovawe prevoznih sredstava

i na~ina putovawa• Davawe naredbi• Izra`avawe odu{evqewa

Ciqni jezik:

It’s Saturday. It’s nice and sunny.They are going to the village for theweekend.Weekend days are Saturday and Sunday.Is this our train? Yes, hurry up!I love trains!

Aktivnosti i igre:

Role-play;Chinese whispers;Simon says; Letter game;


Round and round the village (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 15 C, 15 D

Pisawe: Workbook 15 D


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set.

Page 88: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• U~enici formiraju jedan ili dva kruga. Pustite kasetuili pevajte i igrajte Round and round the village.

• Pitajte nekoliko u~enika na preskok What’s the weather


• Skandirajte horski dane u nedeqi. Pitajte How many

days are there in a week? What day is it today?

• Igrajte igru Teachers – Where do you go at weekends? – I

go to…

• Recite I go to the village /cinema/park by bus. Pitajtenekoliko u~enika How do you go to the …?

• Otvorite kwigu i kroz pitawa i odgovore opi{iteporodi~ni odlazak na selo 15 D.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no ceo tekst 15 D. Podeliteuloge. Deca ~itaju nekoliko puta a zatim izvode Role-

-play 15 D.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ weekend. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Imenujte horski mesece u godini. Igrajte Chain game. U~enici u nizu izgovaraju po jedan me-sec. U~enik koji pogre{i ispada iz igre.

• Pitajte nekoliko u~enika Do you go to school in July/August? Recite Children do not go to school

in July and August. Summer holiday is in July and August. Prevedite ako je potrebno.

• Na|ite tekst 16 A. Pokazujte i imenujte seaside… village… mountains. Opi{ite situaciju.

Children are going on holiday. Mary is going to the seaside on holiday. John is going to the mountains. Chris,

Jill and Maggie are going to the village.

• Recite I’m going to the seaside on holiday. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika Where are you going on holiday?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, deca hor-ski a zatim pojedina~no ceo tekst 16 A ~itaju za vama.

Podelite uloge, Mary, Danny, Jane… Deca ~itaju po ulogama a zatim izvode 15 A. Uputite u~enikeda u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Vratite Radne sveske, pohvalite dobre radove. Uka`ite na gre{ke. Zavr{ite ve`bawa 15 D. Obja-snite ve`bawa 16 A i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Deca na ~asu samo rade ve`bawe Find and write.

Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom Round and round the village.

PISAWE Workbook 16 A

^ITAWE Book 16 A





Unit 16 A

Komunikativne funkcije:

• Imenovawe daqeg okru`ewa• Prepoznavawe perioda raspusta• Kazivawe aktivnosti u trenutku

govoraCiqni jezik:

Summer holiday is in July and August.

She is going to the … by plane.

They are going to the … by car.

He is going to the mountains by bus.

We are going to the village.

I’m going to the seaside in July.

Aktivnosti i igre:


Chain game; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:

Round and round the village (Easy 2)

^itawe: Book 15 D, 16 A

Pisawe: Workbook 16 A


Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set;

Page 89: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

• Skandirajte horski nazive godi{wih doba, podelite u~e-nike u ~etiri grupe i igrajte igru Listen for your season.

• Postavqajte pitawa Is the summer holiday in July/February/

January/August? Is summer holiday long/short? Is winter

holiday long/short? U~enici daju kratke odgovore.

• Recite The winter holiday is in February. Pitajte nekolikou~enika When is the summer holiday?

• Napi{ite na tabli village… seaside … mountains. ReciteI’m going to the seaside on holiday. Where are you going on

holiday? Igrajte igru Teachers – Where are you going on

holiday? Ponovite igru nekoliko puta.

• ^itajte horski i pojedina~no ceo tekst 16 A . Podeliteuloge Jill, Chris, Mary, John… Deca ~itaju po ulogama ne-koliko puta.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ summer. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izla-zi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Recite Let’s count the fingers! One, two… ten! Pitajtenekoliko u~enika How many fingers have you got? Izdajtenaredbe Show me your little finger on the right /left hand!

• Pustite kasetu ili pevajte i gestikulirajte a zatim recitujte pesmu red po red. Deca ponavqajuhorski. Pustite kasetu ili otpevajte pesmu ponovo.

• Postavqajte pitawa Do you like to go to the village? Do you go to the village in summer/ spring/


• Na|ite tekst 16 B i ukratko opi{ite situaciju. Postavqajte pitawa Who is swimming? Who is

fishing/ Who is feeding the chickens and ducks?

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, deca horskia zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama tekst 16 B.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju po ulogama Role-play, 16 B.

Pro~itajte horski recitaciju. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your


Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`bawa Match

and copy i Answer the questions. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom One two, three, four five.

PISAWE Workbook 16 B

^ITAWE Book 16 B





Unit 16 B

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe seoskog okru`ewa• Prepoznavawe perioda raspusta• Kazivawe aktivnosti u

trenutku govora• Davawe naredbi i tra`ewe

usluge• Izra`avawe

sposobnosti/nesposobnosti• Izra`avawe iznenadnog bola

Ciqni jezik:It’s July. They are in the village.S/he is swimming…They are fishing…Look! Let it go! Help me!It can bite. Fish don’t bite. Ouch!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Listen for your season;Teachers; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:One, two, three, four, five…(Easy1)

^itawe: Book 16 A, 16 B

Pisawe: Workbook 16 B

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette; Letter set.

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• Igrajte igru Hot seat. U~enik seda na stolicu ispredostalih u~enika. Svako ima prava da mu postavi pitawekoje `eli. Ograni~ite igru na 5 minuta.

• Ponovite horski mesece u godini. Recitujte Oranges,

lemons, apples and plums… Ukqu~ite {to vi{e u~enika.

• Pitajte decu na preskok Do you like to go to the village?

Do you like fishing? Do you like to swim in the river? Do you

like to feed small animals?

• Na|ite tekst 16 B i postavqawem pitawa i davawemkratkih odgovora ponovite situaciju.

• ^itajte naglas horski i pojedina~no tekst Listen and

read, 16 B. Podelite uloge Jill, Chris, parents… Deca ~i-taju po ulogama nekoliko puta a zatim izvode Role-play

16 B. Pro~itajte naglas, horski pesmu. Pustite kasetu,

i ohrabrite decu da ~itaju tekst i pevaju.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`ere~ holiday. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izla-zi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you go to the seaside in

summer? Do you go to the seaside by car/train/plane? Do you

like to swim in the sea? What colour is the sea? Is the sea water


• Napi{ite na tabli plane… train… car. Recite Guess how I go to the seaside! Deca poga|aju Do you

go to the seaside by…? U~enik koji pogodi nastavqa igru.

• Pitajte Who is afraid of crocodiles? Pustite decu da spontano odgovaraju. I am… I am not…

• Na|ite tekst 16 C, pokazujte sliku i ukratko opi{ite situaciju. This is a beach. Danny and Jane

are on the beach. Jane is looking for shells in the sand.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate ceo tekst. ^itajte red po red. Posle toga, decahorski a zatim pojedina~no ~itaju za vama tekst 16 C.

Podelite u~enike u dve grupe. Deca ~itaju po ulogama a zatim uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 16 C.

Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite deci da na ~asu urade ve`baweAnswer the questions. Ostalo se radi za doma}i.

Zavr{ite ~as pesmom One, two, three, four, five.

PISAWE Workbook 16 C

^ITAWE Book 16 C





Unit 16 C

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe morskog okru`ewa• Prepoznavawe perioda raspusta• Opisivawe mesta gde se

lice/predmet nalazi• Kazivawe aktivnosti u trenutku

govora• Davawe naredbi• Izra`avawe

postojawa/nepostojawa straha

Ciqni jezik:It’s August. They are at the seaside.They are on the beach. There are lovely shells in the sand.He is swimming in the sea.She is looking for shells.Come out of the water!I’m not afraid of crocodiles!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play; Hot seat; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:Oranges, lemons, apples and plums…One, two, three, four, five… (Easy 1)

^itawe: Book 16 B, 16 C

Pisawe: Workbook 16 CMaterijali:Easy 3 Cassette;Letter set.

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• Pustite pesmu Round and round the village i igrajteigru Musical statues.

• Postavqajte li~na pitawa Do you like to go to the

seaside? Do you like to play in the sand? Do you like to play

with shells? Are there shells on the beach/in the sea? Are

there crocodiles on the beach/in the sea?

• Igrajte igru Chinese whispers – I’m not afraid of crocodiles.

• Na|ite tekst 16 C, i postavqawem pitawa i davawemkratkih odgovora ponovite opis situacije na pla`iWhere are Jane and Danny? Who is on the beach?…

• Podelite kartice i igrajte igru True/ False. Opisujtesituaciju na pla`i i povremeno namerno gre{ite.

• ^itajte naglas, u horu i pojedina~no, ceo tekst 16 C.

Podelite uloge Jane, Danny… Deca ~itaju po ulogamanekoliko puta i uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play 16 C.

• Letter game. Recite deci da izvade set slova i daslo`e re~ beach. U~enik koji prvi ispravno slo`ire~ izlazi pred tablu, napi{e je, speluje i pro~ita.

• Pogledajte kroz prozor i pitajte Is it cold/warm/ nice/

not nice/raining/windy…?

• Recite It’s nice and warm! Pitajte nekoliko u~enikaWhat’s the weather like?

• Igrajte igru Teachers – What’s the weather like?

• Stavite na sto plasti~ne ~a{e i nekoliko praznih kutija soka, (jabuka, pomoranxa…). PitajteWho wants some juice? Poslu`ite decu Here you are. Insistirajte na odgovoru Thank you. Uzvra-tite You are welcome.

• Otvorite kwige, opi{ite situaciju. Proverite razumevawe teksta postavqawem pitawa idobijawem kratkih odgovora.

Pustite kasetu i recite deci da slu{aju i prate tekst. ̂ itajte red po red. Posle toga, deca hor-ski a zatim pojedina~no ceo tekst 16 D ~itaju za vama.

Podelite u~enike u ~etiri grupe. Deca ~itaju po ulogama a zatim uz va{u pomo} izvode Role-play

16 D. Uputite u~enike da u parovima urade posledwe ve`bawe, Ask your friend.

Objasnite ve`bawa i pro~itajte ih zajedno s decom. Pomozite da na ~asu urade ve`bawe Look and

complete. Pokupite sveske i donesite ih na slede}i ~as. Za doma}i zadatak deca prepisuju izUxbenika tekst Listen and read 16D. It’s August… Zavr{ite ~as pesmom One, two, three, four, five.

PISAWE Workbook 16 D

^ITAWE Book 16 D





Unit 16 D

Komunikativne funkcije:• Imenovawe planinskog okru`ewa• Prepoznavawe perioda raspusta• Kazivawe vremenskih prilika• Kazivawe aktivnosti u trenutku

govora• Kazivawe mesta gde se lica nalaze• Nu|ewe, prihvatawe i u~tivo

zahvaqivawe• Privla~ewe pa`we i upozoravawe

Ciqni jezik:It’s August. It’s nice and warm.They are going to the mountains.They are on the bus.Who wants some juice?Here you are. Thank you.Don’t spill the juice! Watch out!

Aktivnosti i igre:Role-play;Chinese whispers; True/ False;Musical statues; Teachers; Letter game;

Pesme i recitacije:Round and round the village… One, two, three, four five…

^itawe: Book 16 C, 16 D

Pisawe: Workbook 16 D

Materijali:Easy 3 Cassette;Letter set; Plastic glasses;Yes/No cards

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1. Napi{ite na tabli I live in (naziv mesta) My address is 20 Simina Street. Pitajte nekolikou~enika na preskok Where do you live? What’s your address? U~enici usmeno odgovaraju i zatimpi{u odgovor na tabli. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 1 u Uxbeniku.

2. Poka`ite deci jednu olovku, gumicu, lewir, kwigu, torbu... Pitajte How many… are there?

Ponovite isto pitawe i pokazujte vi{e istih predmeta. Napi{ite na tabli i nepot-

pune re~enice There ____ one pencil. There _______ two rulers. Prozivajte u~enike da ih popune.

Pro~itajte ve`bawe 2 u Uxbeniku.

3. Stavite aplikacije ili poka`ite slike `ivotiwa. Ispod slika napi{ite one cat, one dog, two

rabbits, three monkeys, four birds. Pitajte u~enike How many birds are there? Posle usmenih odgo-vora u~enici pi{u na tabli cele re~enice There is one cat. There are four birds… Pro~itajteve`bawe 3 u Uxbeniku.

4. Pokazujte aplikacije sa slikama `ivotiwa i igrajte igru Where does a … live? Napi{ite na

tabli i . Napi{ite nepotpunu re~enicu ________

lives in the ________ tri puta. Po zavr{enoj igri deca popuwavaju re~enice. Pro~itajte ve`bawe

4 u Uxbeniku.

5. Pitajte nekoliko u~enika na preskok Does a bear live in the forest? Does a crocodile live in the for-

est?… U~enici usmeno odgovaraju i pi{u odgovore na tabli. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Pro~itaj-te ve`bawe 5 u Uxbeniku.

6. Nacrtajte na tabli dve zgrade, jednu pored druge. Na jednoj napi{ite school, na drugoj book shop.

What is there next to the school / book shop? Naizmeni~no stavqajte aplikacije raznih predmeta,

(bicikl, lopta, pas, ma~ka, lav, ...) ispred {kole i ispred kwi`are. Pitajte What is there in front

of the school / book shop? Crtajte kro{wu drveta naizmeni~no iza {kole i iza kwi`are.

Pitajte: What is there behind the school / book shop? U~enici usmeno odgovaraju i dopuwavajure~enice koje ste prethodno napisali na tabli. There is a __________ next to the school? There is

a ___________ in front of the school. There is a _________ behind the school. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 6

u Uxbeniku.

7. Napi{ite na tabli . Pitajte u~enike na preskok Where do you go for

your winter / summer holiday? Deca usmeno odgovaraju a zatim dopuwavaju re~enice koje ste

prethodno napisali na tabli. I go to the ________ for my summer holiday. I go to the _________ for

my winter holiday. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 7 u Uxbeniku.

8. Napi{ite na tabli . Igrajte igru Question chain – How do you

go to the seaside? Pro~itajte ve`bawe 8 u Uxbeniku.

9. Napi{ite na tabli ARE HAPPY WE. Najbr`i u~enik dolazi i prepisuje re~i pravilnim re-dosledom. Pro~itajte ve`bawe 9 u Uxbeniku.

by bus / by car / by train / by plane

village / seaside / mountains

a lion, a crocodile, a wolfforest / jungle / water

is / are


Page 93: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

T E S T 4

Deca rade test svih 45 minuta. Ne opomiwite ih ako otvaraju kwigu i tra`e ta~ne odgovore, iliako rade zajedno sa drugom pored sebe. Va`no je da deca budu opu{tena i da se trude da urade test{to boqe mogu. Kru`ite i poma`ite deci koja su slabija. Deca koja test zavr{e, pre kraja ~asa,tiho igraju sa drugom Spelling game – Hangman, igru „^ove~e ne quti se“ ili popuwavaju re~nikna kraju radne sveske.


Where do you live? I live in …

What’s your address? My address is …


There is one cow.

There are five horses.


How many elephants are there? There is one elephant.

How many monkeys are there? There are two monkeys.


A crocodile lives in the water.

A lion lives in the jungle. A crocodile, A lion, A wolf

A wolf lives in the forest.

ANSWER with does/doesn’t

Does a crocodile live in the water? Yes, he does.

Does a rabbit live in the jungle? No, he doesn’t.


There is a like in front of the school.

There is a tree behind the school.

There is a book shop next to the school.

COMPLETE WITH seaside/mountains/village

I go to the for my summer holiday.

I go to the for my winter holiday.

COMPLETE WITH by bus/by car/by train/by plane/

I go to the seaside .


Page 94: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3


• Pohvalite decu za trud u toku godine. Vratite Radne sveske. Uka`ite na gre{ke.

• Zavr{ite ve`bawa Copy i Answer the question 16 D.

• Prepri~ajte pismo, Jill’s letter. Pitajte decu Do you write letters to your friends/ Mum and Dad?

• Pustite kasetu. Deca samo slu{aju. Proverite da li su razumeli postavqawem pitawa iproverom kratkih odgovora. Pro~itajte pismo. Deca horski ponavqaju za vama, zatimpojedina~no ~itaju.

• Otvorite kwige, pustite kasetu i zajedno sa decom slu{ajte tekst i pesmu Good bye!

• Obra}ajte se deci imenom Good bye, XXX. Have a nice holiday! Good bye, YYY. Have a good time…

Have fun!… See you in September.

• Recitujte pesmicu. Deca prvo horski ponavqaju za vama. Pustite kasetu, deca gledaju u kwigei pevaju horski. Ponovite nekoliko puta.

• Igrajte igru Hangman. Napi{ite na tabli H - - - - - Y (holiday).

• Pustite kasetu i ponovo horski otpevajte pesmu Good bye!

• Recite deci da sa~uvaju Uxbenik i Radnu svesku za po~etak slede}e {kolske godine. Preporu~iteda se u toku raspusta igraju i da oboje i napi{u sve {to nisu stigli u toku {kolske godine.


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1. Ball game. – Nastavnik baca lopticu u~eniku uz pitawe What’s your name? U~enik hvata loptui odgovara My name is…, a zatim je baca drugom u~eniku i postavqa isto pitawe. Igra trajedva do tri minuta i zgodna je za uve`bavawe kratkih pitawa i odgovora. Insistirajte dau~enici glasno postavqaju pitawe i da glasno odgovaraju. U~enik koji neta~no odgovori napitawe gubi pravo da baca loptu.

2. Bingo game. – Ovu igru igrajte tek po{to ponovite i utvrdite nazive svih predmeta koji senalaze na folio strani. Podelite razred na 4 grupe. Svakoj grupi odredite bingo karticukoja se nalazi na folio strani na po~etku uxbenika i igrajte igru. Glasno imenujte pred-mete koji se nalaze na folio strani. Deca prekrivaju `etonima ili papiri}ima poqa kojase nalaze na wihovim karticama. Vodite ra~una da kod imenovawa predmeta uzmete u obzirsamo predmete koji su zastupqeni na datim karticama i jo{ dva tri koja nisu. Grupa kojaprva pokrije sva svoja poqa, osvaja poen.

3. Buzz. – Deca u nizu izgovaraju po jedan broj od 1 – 20. Umesto svakog petog broja ka`u Buzz.Dete koje pogre{i, ispada iz igre.

4. Chain game. – Svaki u~enik izgovara po jedan broj u nizu od 1 do 20, slovo po abecednom redu,dan u nedeqi, godi{we doba ili mesec u godini. U zavisnosti od faze u~ewa igru mo`etepro{iriti i na uve`bavawe raznih izraza, npr., jedan isti predmet se dodaje iz ruke u rukuuz re~i Here you are…Thank you…You’re welcome. Na isti na~in se mogu uve`bavati struktureili utvr|ivati vokabular. U~enik koji pogre{i, ispada iz igre.

5. Chinese whispers. – Ova igra se igra kao na{a igra „Pokvareni telefoni“. Prvi u~enik unizu {apu}e drugu do sebe kratku re~enicu, npr., I ’m good at sport.

6. Choo–choo train. – Deca formiraju tri, ~etiri vozi}a stavqaju}i ruke na ramena deci ispredsebe. Odredite ciq (tabla, vrata, prozor). Izdajte naredbe Jump! Run! Hop! Left foot hop! Right

foot hop! Walk with eyes closed! Red ne sme da se prekine. Pobednik je vozi} koji prvi stigne dociqa. Igra se najvi{e 5 minuta.

7. Feelie bag. – Imenujte i stavqajte sitne predmete u neprozirnu kesu ili kutiju. U~enikstavqa ruku u kesu, opipava predmet i poga|a naziv ili boju. It’s a pencil… It’s a blue pencil.

Ako stavite vi{e istih predmeta, u~enik poga|a i broj predmeta. There are five pencils…

8. Flash card game. – Pokazujte i imenujte aktivnosti na karticama. Okrenite jednu od karti-ca na nali~je What is s/he doing? Deca poga|aju S/he is writing.

9. Flash card game. – Dva u~enika su ispred table okrenuti le|ima jedan prema drugom. Jedanizvodi aktivnosti koje vidi na karticama. Drugi pita: Are you reading? No, I’m not. Yes, I am.

Organizujte takmi~ewe.

10. Flash card game. – Dajte u~eniku fle{ kartice da pokazuje drugovima i postavqa pitawa.What is s/he doing? S/he is jumping…

11. Follow the leader. – Deca staju u red iza nastavnika i prate ga, imitiraju}i pokrete izvr{a-vaju}i naredbe ili ponavqaju}i ono {to nastavnik ka`e. Npr., kru`ite u~ionicom, dodiruj-te predmete i imenujte ih dok vas deca u koloni prate i ponavqaju za vama. It’s a white door…

It’s a green board…



Page 96: Priručnik 31717 Engleski jezik za 3. razred - Easy 3

12. Fruit basket. – Izvedite pet parova u~enika. Podelite parovima iste aplikacije. Parovistoje u dva reda licem okrenutu jedni prema drugima. Jedanaesti u~enik stoji izme|u dvareda. Imenujte vo}e ili povr}e. Deca sa istom aplikacijom mewaju mesta. Jedanaesti u~e-nik za to vreme poku{ava da zauzme slobodno mesto. U~enik koji je izgubio mesto napu{taigru.

13. Furniture game. – Nacrtajte 4 kvadrata, 4 prostorije, dve na levoj i dve na desnoj strani ta-ble i napi{ite nazive prostorija a kitchen… a living room… a bathroom… a bedroom. Stavitena sto sli~ice name{taja. Podelite u~enike u dva tima. Imenujte predmet. U~enik kojiprvi prona|e predmet i stavi ga u odre|enu prostoriju, osvaja poen.

14. Guessing game (street). – Napi{ite nazive prodavnica ili objekata u ulici, book shop, toy

shop… bank, cinema, supermarket… park… Krenite prema vratima, zastanite, poka`ite nazivena tabli i recite I’m going to the___. a zatim Guess where I’m going. U~enici pojedina~no~itaju sa table i poga|aju Are you going to the toy shop? – Yes, I am. No, I’m not. U~enik koji po-godi, nastavqa igru.

15. Guessing game (classroom objects). – It is something you can’t see. What is it? You tell me! Imenujte istavite aplikacije ili razne predmete na sto. Sklonite jedan i recitujte. U~enik pita Is it

a book? bag?… ili poga|a It’s a book!... a bag!…

16. Guessing game (colours). – It’s a colour… Stavite kartice s bojama na sto. Sklonite jednu irecitujte It’s a colour you can’t see. Which one is it? You tell me! Deca horski ili pojedina~nopoga|aju It’s red! …blue!...

17. Guessing game (animals). – What am I? Gestikulirajte i govorite. I walk like this. I live on a farm. I

say quack, quack. What am I? I have big teeth. I am long. I live in the water. I am dangerous. What am I?

Predstavqajte razne `ivotiwe. Deca horski poga|aju.

18. Guessing game (food). – Stavite aplikacije hrane na sto. U~enik izlazi, pokriva jednu uz re-~i I like this. Pitajte u~enike What does he like? Deca pojedina~no poga|aju Does s/he like…?

Odgovarajte glasno No, he doesn’t. Yes, s/he does. Organizujte timsko takmi~ewe.

19. Guessing game (morning). – Imenujte i pokazujte fle{ kartice sa aktivnostima wash my

hands/face, brush my teeth… eat, drink… Sklonite kartice, podignite jednu nali~jem premadeci i recite Guess what I do in the morning. Deca pitaju Do you comb your hair… wash your

hands…? U~enik koji pogodi preuzima igru.

20. Guessing game (letters). – Postavite kartice sa slovima na tablu. Sklonite jednu i pitajte:What letter is this? Is it…? U~enik koji pogodi preuzima ulogu nastavnika, sklawa karticu ipostavqa pitawe.

21. Guessing game (face). – Have you got green eyes? – Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Dva u~enika, le|imaokrenuti jedan prema drugom poga|aju boju o~iju ili kose svog druga. Sako ima pravo na je-dno pitawe. U~enik koji pogodi, nastavqa igru sa drugim partnerom. Ako oba u~enika pogo-de, nastavqaju sa pitawima Have you got fair/brown hair? Have you got short/long hair?

22. Guessing game (clothes). – Stavite aplikacije ode}e i obu}e licem prema tabli. Igrajte –What’s this? Organizujte timsko takmi~ewe. Predstavnici dolaze do table, okre}u aplika-cije i govore It’s a blue dress … a red T-shirt… They are jeans… shoes…

23. Guessing game (New Year). – Napi{ite na ceduqi jednu od aktivnosti i igrajte igru. ReciteThis is what I do before Christmas/New year. Can you guess? Deca redom poga|aju Do you trim the

tree?... Kada u~enik pogodi dajete ceduqu koju u~enik ~ita i prepisuje na tabli I buy pres-



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24. Guessing game (toys). – Poka`ite nekoliko igra~aka i recite I like to play with… Zatim sa-krijte jednu iza le|a . Deca poga|aju kojom igra~kom volite da se igrate. Ohrabrite decuda vas pitaju Do you like to play with…?

25. Guessing game (Easter). – Recite deci da sakriju crveno jaje dok vi gledate kroz prozor. Hide

the egg! Okrenite se i tra`ite jaje Where is the egg? I can’t see it. Is it under the table/ in my bag/

behind the chair/ on the shelf? U~enici horski odgovaraju No, it isn’t! Yes, it is! Izvodite u~enikeda vas zamene i ponovite igru nekoliko puta.

26. Hangman 5. – Nacrtajte ve{ala, prvo i zadwe slovo re~i m - - - - r (mother). Deca speluju slovakoja nedostaju i poku{avaju da pogode re~. Za svako pogre{no slovo na ve{alima crtajte podeo tela. Kada nema vi{e delova tela koji bi se crtali, a deca nisu pogodila re~, zavr{iteigru, napi{ite re~ i spelujte je zajedno sa decom.

27. Hot seat. – U~enik seda na stolicu ispred ostalih u~enika. Svako ima prava da mu postavipitawe koje `eli. Nastavnik mo`e da predlo`i pitawa ali je najva`nije da pitawa buduta~no postavqena. Ako u~enik ne zna da odgovori na postavqeno pitawe, zamewuje ga u~e-nik koji je to pitawe postavio. Ograni~ite igru na 3 minuta.

28. Hot/Cold. – Igrajte igru Jedan u~enik na trenutak izlazi iz u~ionice dok vi sakrivate nekipredmet. Horski ga pozovite Come in! Find the rubber! Kada se u~enik pribli`ava skrivenompredmetu, horski govorite Warm!, kada se udaqava ponavqajte Cold!, a kada je sasvim blizuponavqajte glasno Hot! Pre nego {to 5 puta ka`ete Hot!, u~enik mora da prona|e skrivenipredmet ili se igra prekida.

29. I can see a… – Poka`ite poster, sliku ili aplikacije na tabli. Pitajte What can you see?

Deca gledaju sliku i svako po redu mora da imenuje jedan premet koji nije pomenut. Igrumo`ete igrati i tako {to }e u~enici graditi pro{irenu re~enicu. Svaki u~enik mora daponovi re~enicu prethodnog u~enika i da doda naziv jo{ jednog predmeta sa slike. I can see

a bank and a school and a park and a shop. U~enik koji pogre{i red u imenovawu predmeta, ispa-da iz igre.

30. I spy… – Gledajte poster, sliku ili aplikacije na tabli i govorite I spy with my little eye some-

thing beginning with B!… Deca poga|aju Is it a bell?…

31. Letter game. – Poka`ite kartice i imenujte slova C, E, G, H, I, J. Deca horski ponavqaju neko-liko puta. Okrenite jednu karticu na nali~je i pitajte What letter is this? U~enik koji pogo-di, nastavqa igru.

32. Letter game. – Recite deci da izvade set slova i da slo`e kratku re~ (bag, cup, red…). U~enikkoji prvi ispravno slo`i re~ izlazi na tablu, pi{e, speluje i pro~ita istu re~.

33. Listen for your day/month/season. – Ponovite nazive dana, meseci ili godi{wih doba. Deca po-navqaju za Vama. Podelite razred na odgovaraju}i broj grupa. Deca stoje u 7, 12 ili 4 redalicem okrenuti prema Vama. Svaki red dobija ime dana, meseca ili godi{weg doba. Prozi-vajte redove. Deca moraju da ~u~nu, ~im ~uju ime svog reda. Kad prozovete drugu grupu prvagrupa ustaje i tako redom. Dete koje pogre{i, vra}a se na mesto i seda. Pobe|uje red u komeje posle dva minuta ostalo najvi{e u~enika. Zajedno sa decom brojte preostale u~enike.

34. Match. – Stavite aplikacije vo}a, povr}a, `ivotiwa, igra~aka, prevoznih sredstava i sl. nasto. Na tabli napi{ite nazive i pro~itajte ih zajedno sa decom. Deca pojedina~no izlaze istavqaju aplikaciju ispod odgovaraju}eg naziva. Organizujte takmi~ewe.


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35. Memory game. – Dete izlazi, okre}e se le|ima prema razredu i odgovara na pitawa Who is sit-

ting next to/behind/ in front of NNN?… Who has blue eyes?... Who is wearing a red T-shirt?... Who is tall?…

Kada pogre{i, ispada iz igre i zamewuje ga drugi u~enik. Recite Bad luck! You are out!

36. Musical chairs. – Pet u~enika sedaju na pet stolica pore|anih ispred table. Kada pustitekasetu sa poznatom pesmom deca ustaju i igraju. Sklonite jednu stolicu. Deca i daqe igra-ju. Zaustavite kasetu. Deca ponovo sedaju. Najsporiji u~enik ostaje bez stolice i ispada izigre. Ponavqajte igru dok ne ostane samo jedan u~enik.

37. Musical statues. – Pustite kasetu sa poznatom pesmom. Do kraja pesme nekoliko puta neo~e-kivano zaustavqajte kasetu. Deca sve vreme igraju a kada prekinete muziku istog trenutkamoraju u bilo kom polo`aju da se „zalede“. U~enik koji napravi bilo kakav pokret dok nemamuzike, ispada iz igre.

38. Number game . – Circle the number. Nastavnik pi{e brojeve od 1 – 20 na tabli i ~ita ih prekoreda. Deca izlaze i zaokru`uju brojeve koje nastavnik ~ita.

39. Number game . – Nastavnik pi{e na tabli brojeve slovima i ciframa preko reda. Nastavnik~ita brojeve i proziva decu da prepoznaju i zaokru`e brojeve napisane slovima i da u istovreme precrtaju odgovaraju}u cifru.

40. Number game. – Stavite na tablu kartice s brojevima ili napi{ite niz od deset brojeva. Po-krijte jedan od napisanih brojeva ili sakrijte karticu. Pitajte What number is this? U~enicihorski ili pojedina~no poga|aju. It’s nine. U~enik koji pogodi prekriveni broj izlazi dotable i preuzima igru.

41. Pantomime. – Izvodite razne aktivnosti i pitajte What am I doing? Deca horski ili pojedi-na~no odgovaraju You are jumping/ reading/ crying.

42. Poster game. – Podelite razred u dva tima. Predstavnici timova izlaze do postera i takmi-~e se ko }e br`e obaviti zadatak. Zadaci mogu biti razli~iti u zavisnosti od materijalakoji se uve`bava ili uvodi. U~enik koji prvi ta~no obavi zadatak osvaja poen za svoj tim.

43. Question chain. – Nastavnik po~iwe lanac pitawem (ili prvo ispravnim odgovorom a zatimpitawem), npr. My name is… What’s your name? U~enik odgovara i postavqa isto pitawe drugudo sebe ili iza sebe. Igra se zavr{ava ili se pitawe mewa posle niza od desetak u~enika.

44. Simon says, stand up! Sit down! – Nastavnik izdaje naredbe. U~enici izvr{avaju naredbu samoako ~uju Simon says… Ako nastavnik izda naredbu bez Simon says... u~enici miruju. U~enikkoji pogre{i izlazi iz igre, pridru`uje se nastavniku i kontroli{e ostale u~esnike. Igrase najvi{e dva minuta.

45. Sing on… – Pustite poznatu pesmu. Deca slu{aju a kada neo~ekivano zaustavite kasetu, hor-ski ili pojedina~no moraju da nastave pesmu sve dok ponovo ne pustite kasetu.

46. Spelling game (letters). – Stavite na tablu kartice sa slovima po abecednom redu, ili napi-{ite slova. Sklonite ili izbri{ite nekoliko slova. ^itajte slova i zastanite kada do-|ete do slova koje nedostaje. Sa~ekajte da vidite da li }e deca automatski izgovoriti slovoa onda ga ponovo stavite ili upi{ite i ~itajte daqe. U po~etnim fazama igre postavqajtenizove od pet, {est slova.


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47. Spelling game (words). – Napi{ite nekoliko kratkih re~i na tabli. Spelujte i pro~itajte re-~i horski. Izbri{ite prvo slovo u svakoj re~i, pozovite u~enike da upi{u slovo i da spe-luju re~.

48. Spelling game (words). – Podelite razred u dva ili tri tima. Pi{ite na tabli kratke re~ibag, book, desk, red. Predstavnici timova izlaze, speluju i ~itaju. Poen se osvaja za svakuta~no spelovanu re~.

49. Spelling game (letters). We can spell, we can write… – Ceo razred peva pesmu. Dok deca pevaju, na-stavnik im pokazuje karticu sa slovom koje kroz pesmu treba da zadaju u~eniku koji stojipored table. U po~etnoj fazi igre, zadaju se slova koja se rimuju sa B (C, D, E, G, P, T, V), akasnije i ostala slova.

50. Teachers. – U~enik izlazi ispred table i po uputstvu nastavnika, postavqa najvi{e tri pi-tawa svojim drugovima. Pre nego {to postavi pitawe, u~enik mora da prozove druga Stand

up, XXX. Po dobijenom odgovoru ‘teacher’ mora da ka`e Thank you. Sit down.

51. Touch a blue pencil… a red pencil case… – Podelite razred u dva ili tri tima. Izdajte naredbeTouch…! Predstavnici timova se takmi~e da dodirnu pomenuti predmet. Poen dobija tim~iji predstavnik prvi dodirne predmet.

52. Touch something red… blue…! – Izdajte naredbe. Deca na sebi ili oko sebe dodiruju odgo-varaju}u boju. U~enik koji pogre{i ispada iz igre.

53. TPR (Total Physical Response). – Nastavnik izdaje poznate naredbe, ~esto ih mewaju}i. Stand up!

Sit down! U~enik koji pogre{i ispada iz igre. Pobednik preuzima ulogu nastavnika i izda-je naredbe dva minuta.

54. TPR game Touch your head! Touch your nose! – Ponovite naredbe. Zbuwujte decu namerno gre{e-}i. Dodirnite nos a recite Touch your mouth. U~enik koji pogre{i ispada iz igre i izlazida kontroli{e ostale.

55. True/false game. – Podelite deci Yes/No kartice. Opisujte situaciju u u~ionici, na poste-ru/slici ili prepri~avajte pri~u. Povremeno namerno gre{ite. Deca podi`u odgovaraju}ukarticu. Oduzmite karticu kada dete pogre{i.

56. Who has a… – Podelite u~enicima igra~ke ili aplikacije. Postavqajte pitawe Who has

a….? U~enici podi`u predmet i pojedina~no odgovaraju I have a …!

57. Winter/Summer! – Ponovite nazive prvo zimske a zatim letwe ode}e i obu}e. Imenujte po je-dan odevni predmet. Nabrajajte ode}u koju ste prethodno imenovali i pokazali. Kada pome-nete ode}u koja se nosi kada je hladno ili toplo deca horski vi~u Winter! ili Summer!

U komunikaciji s u~enicima koristite engleski jezik {to je vi{e mogu}e. Kada koristitenove fraze i izraze, ponovite ih nekoliko puta uz mimiku i gestikulaciju. Ako deca i tada nerazumeju poruku, prevedite je na materwi jezik i odmah jo{ jednom ponovite na engleskom.U~enici }e vrlo brzo prihvatiti jednostavne fraze i po~eti i sami da ih izgovaraju. Svakogdana uvodite po nekoliko novih fraza i ponavqajte ih vi{e puta u toku ~asa.



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Hello! Good morning!

Good afternoon! Good evening!

Good bye! Bye, bye!

How are you?

Have a nice day!

See you on Monday.

See you tomorrow!


Sorry! I’m sorry, I’m late.

Can I have..., please?

Can I go to the toilet, please?

Can we play…?


Good! Very good! Well done!

Lovely! Super! Fine!

What a lovely drawing!

Yes, that’s right!



Sit down! Stand up!

Listen! Listen to..!

Listen and repeat!

Look! Look at..!

Put up your hand!

Open your books!

Open your workbooks!

Show me...!

Give me...!

Make a line! Make a circle!

Hold your hands!

Talk to your friend!

Come here!

Go to...!

Who wants to...?

Let’s sing! Let’s play!

Do you understand?

Speak up, please!

Silence please! Be silent!

Quiet, please! Be quiet!

Don’t talk! Stop talking!

Ask your friend.....

Answer the question!

Listen and read!

Listen and write!

Listen and colour!

Match….! Draw…!


Copy! Find!

Circle! Spell!

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Hello Mary! song (Easy2)

Pesma se prvo peva horski a zatim se imeMary zamewuje imenom nekog od u~enika. Ceorazred peva prvu polovinu pesmice a ondaprozvani u~enik odgovara i peva do kraja.

Hello Mary! Hello Mary!

How are you? How are you?

Very well, thank you. Very well, thank you.

And how are you? And how are you?

Hello, hello...: song

Hello, hello it’s so nice to say,

Hello, hello and have a nice day.

Ring-a-ring: action song (Easy 1)

Deca se dr`e za ruke i igraju ukrug. Na re~iWe all fall down! svi sedaju na zemqu.

Ring-a-ring o’ roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A – tishoo! A – tishoo!

We all fall down!

We can spell: song

Pesma se horski peva pred svaku igru pisa-wa. U prvo vreme svi pevaju i obra}aju se de-tetu koje je kod table.

We can spell, we can read,

We can write the ABC.

Can you spell, can you read,

Can you write the letter C (B, D, E, G, P, T, V)


The ABC song

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N,

O, P, Q, R, S, T,

U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

That’s the English Alphabet!

That’s the English Alphabet!

The ink is black: song (Easy 2)

The ink is black,

The paper’s white,

Together we learn,

To read and write,

Read and write.

Good bye, good bye: song

Good bye, good bye, I don’t like to say,

Good bye, good bye and have a nice day!


There ’s one ball: rhyme

There’s one ball,

And here’s one ball,

And a great, big ball I see.

Shall we count them?

Are you ready?

One, two, three!

One little, two little: song

One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boys.

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,

Seven little, six little, five little Indians,

Four little, three little, two little Indians,

One little Indian boy!


Hickory, Dickory Dock: song (Easy 1)

Hickory, Dickory Dock…

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down.

Hickory, Dickory Dock!



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1, 2, 3, 4, who is..: rhyme (Easy 1)

1, 2, 3, 4, who is knocking at the door?

5, 6, 7, 8, I am sorry, I am late.

9, 10, 9, 10, you are late for school again!

English at nine: rhyme

English at nine,

Science at ten,

Maths at eleven,

And what then?

Art at one,

Sport at two,

And then I play

Ball with you.


When do you go...: rhyme (Easy 2)

When do you go to school?

I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday and Friday, too.

I like the school, don’t you?

What day is it?

It’s Saturday.

I see my friends, I rest and play

I do not go to school today.

Girls and boys...: song

Girls and boys come out to play!

We are playing ball today,

Big and small and tall and short,

It’s a lovely day for sport.

Maths is nice: rhyme

Maths is nice,

Maths is fun,

I can count,

From ten to one.


I love my mother: rhyme (Easy 1)

I love my mother, I love my father,

I love my sister, I love my brother,

I love them all and they love me,

Everyone can see!

How many people…: rhyme (Easy2)

Recituje se u parovima ili horski. Ceo razredili jedan u~enik postavqa pitawe i obra}a sejednom detetu. U~enik koji odgovara, nabraja~lanove porodice sa kojima `ivi i recitujedo kraja. Recitaciju mo`ete ponoviti na istina~in kod nabrajawa prostorija u stanu/ku}iili kod nabrajawa `ivotiwa (Easy 2).

How many people are in the house?

A mother, a father, a sister, a brother…

There’s one more. Now let me see.

Yes, of course! That must be ME!

How many rooms…: rhyme (Easy 2)

How many rooms are in your house?

A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room…

There’s one more room,

You know it all!

Yes, of course! That is the HALL!


We wish you…: song (Easy 2)

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

And a Happy New Year!

Jingle bells…: song (Easy 2)

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.


This is the way...: action song (Easy 2)

Pesma se peva i gestikuliraju se razne ak-tivnosti – wash my hands, wash my face, brush

my teeth, comb my hair, go to school, read a book,

sing a song, cross the street…

This is the way I wash my hands,

I wash my hands, I wash my hands.

This is the way I wash my hands,

On a cold and frosty morning.


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I’m a little teapot…: action song (Easy 2)

Nacrtajte na tabli ~ajnik. Pustite kasetu ipokazujte dok deca slu{aju I’m a little teapot…

Here’s my handle… here’s my spout. Objasnitedeci zna~ewe pesmice. Pevajte i gestikuli-rajte. Recite I’m a little teapot… malo se spusti-te... short and stout… Stavite jednu ruku na boka drugu ispru`ite sa blago savijenom {akom.

Here’s my handle… here’s my spout. Kod zadwere~enice se nagnite na stranu pru`ene ruke,

kao kada se sipa iz ~ajnika.

I’m a little teapot, short and stout,

Here’s my handle, here’s my spout,

When I see a teacup, hear me shout,

“Tip me up and pour me out.”

Go to bed late…: rhyme (Easy 2)

Go to bed late,

Stay very small.

Go to bed early,

Grow very tall.

Mabel, Mabel…: rhyme

Mabel, Mabel, set the table,

Just as fast as you are able,

Plates and spoons and all the rest,

We are waiting for a guest.


Fish and meat…: rhyme (Easy 2)

Fish and meat, fish and meat,

Wash your hands before you eat.

Drink hot coffee…: rhyme

Drink hot coffee, drink hot tea,

Drink hot milk and look at me!

Sweet food…: rhyme

Sweet food, salty food,

Everything I eat is good.

Oranges, lemons…: rhyme (Easy 1)

Deca grupno ili horski recituju i obra}ajuse jednom u~eniku koji kratko odgovara.

Oranges, lemons, apples and plums,

Tell me when your birthday comes. – In May!

Happy birthdaym: song (Easy 1, 2)

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Grandpa,

Happy birthday to you.


See my jacket…: song

See my jacket, see my jeans,

See my T-shirt blue!

See my trainers, see my socks!

All my clothes are new.

Big jumpers..: rhyme (Easy 2)

Big jumpers, small jumpers,

Jumpers new and old,

I have many, I wear many,

The winter is very cold.

Hokey Pokey...: action song

Pesma se peva grupno ili horski i izvode seodgovaraju}i pokreti rukama, {akama, nogamai stopalima naizmeni~no levom i desnomstranom. Nastavnik pokazuje kojim delom telase gestikulira. Stavite desnu {aku na grudi –

udaqite je od tela – ponovite dva puta – okre-nite {aku nekoliko puta zapucketajte prstima(hokus pokus) i okrenite se za 360 stepeni. Po-ka`ite levu {aku i nastavite pesmu…

Put your right hand in,

Put your right hand out.

In! Out! In! Out!

Shake it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey,

And turn yourself around,

That’s what it’s all about.

Put your left hand in…..

Put your right foot in…..

Put your left foot in….


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I like my books…: rhyme

I like my books,

I like my toys,

I like to play with girls

And boys.

Head and shoulders: action song (Easy 1, 2)

Deca pevaju i sa obe ruke dodiruju delove te-la koje imenuju.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes!


Can you tell me..: action song

Pesma se peva u parovima ili u dve grupe. De-voj~ica ili grupa devoj~ica peva pitawe uprvoj strofi – de~ak ili grupa de~aka odgo-vara i skaku}e u mestu. Kod pevawa druge stro-fe, de~aci postavqaju pitawe, devoj~ice odgo-varaju i ple{u.

Can you tell me, can you tell me,

What little boys do?

They run and jump, they run and jump,

So I will jump, too.

Can you tell me, can you tell me,

What little girls do?

They dance and sing, they dance and sing,

So I will sing, too.


Who’s afraid...: song (Easy 2)

Pesma se peva u dve grupe. Svaka grupa pevapo jednu strofu.

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Big, bad wolf, big bad wolf.

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Tra – la – la – la – la.

We’re not afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Big, bad wolf, big bad wolf.

We’re not afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Tra – la – la – la – la.

Ha, ha, ha…: song

Ha, ha, ha, he, he, he,

Funny clowns are drinking tea.

Ha, ha, ha, he, he, he,

Is there any tea for me?


This is a pet shop…: rhyme

This is a pet shop,

In a big city.

There are four puppies,

And there is one kitty.

Old Macdonald…: song (Easy 1)

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,

And on that farm he had some sheep,

With a baa, baa here and a baa, baa there,

Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

An elephant…:action rhyme (Easy 2)

Dok recituju, deca sporo hodaju, pri hodu sa-vijaju kolena i klate se levo desno gorwimdelom tela. Gestikuliraju i pokazuju prstena rukama i nogama i na kraju desnu ruku pru-`aju ispred nosa imitiraju}i surlu.

An elephant walks like this, like that,

He’s terribly big, he’s terribly fat,

He’s got no fingers, he’s got no toes,




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Tall shops..: action rhyme

Tall shops in the town… Kod recitovawa decastoje i gestikuliraju. Tall shops in the town.

Deca stoje na prstima pru`enih ruku {to vi-{e u vis. Lifts moving up and down – Rukama na-izmeni~no pokazuju gore – dole. Doors swing-

ing round about – Rukama prave kru`ne po-krete. People walking in and out – Naizmeni~nopru`aju i skupqaju ruke ispred sebe.

Tall shops in the town,

Lifts moving up and down,

Doors turning round about,

People going in and out.

London Bridge: action song (Easy1, 2)

Pustite kasetu. Kada iznenada zaustavite pe-smu, deca spu{taju ruke da zarobe onoga koprolazi ispod „mosta“. Isti u~enik mora daodgovori na pitawe, otpeva pesmu ili izvr-{i naredbu.

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down;

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady!

We must build it up again,

Up again, up again;

We must build it up again,

My fair lady!


Traffic lights…: rhyme (Easy 2)

Traffic lights can talk,

Stop! says red. Don’t walk!

Wait! says yellow. Don’t walk!

Turn left! Turn right!

Go! says the green light.

Round and round …: action song (Easy 2)

Parni broj u~enika formira krug. Dok hor-ski pevaju pesmu, u~enici prvo {etaju ukrug(prva strofa), zatim se u parovima okre}ulicem u lice (druga strofa), i na kraju serukuju sa parom (tre}a strofa).

Round and round the village,

Round and round the village,

Round and round the village,

As we have done before.

Stand and face your partner…( 3X)

As we have done before.

Shake hands with your partner…( 3X)

As we have done before.


One, two, three, four, five…: song (Easy 1)

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.


Good bye to all the teachers,

To lessons, to homework.

Good bye to all the teachers,

To classrooms and school.

We’ll see you in September,

September, September,

We’ll see you in September,

September at school.


Materijal obiluje pesmicama i recitacijama. Me|utim, samo 18 pesmica su nove a ve}i broj,28, je obra|ivan i usvojen, receptivno ili produktivno, u prvom i drugom razredu, {to je poredsvake pesmice i ozna~eno. Sve pesmice i recitacije su snimqene na kaseti, a izvode ih deca iz-vorni govornici. Melodije pesmica su jednostavne i ~esto se ponavqaju.

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Teacher: Hello! I’m Miss/Mr… My name is…I’m

your teacher.


Hello Mary! Hello Mary!

How are you? How are you?

Very well, thank you. Very well, thank you.

And how are you? And how are you?

The ABC song

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N,

O, P, Q, R, S, T,

U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

That’s the English Alphabet!

That’s the English Alphabet!


Hello, hello it’s so nice to say,

Hello, hello and have a nice day.


We can spell, we can read,

We can write the ABC.

Can you spell, can you read,

Can you write the letter C (B, D, E, G, P, T, V).


Ring-a-ring o’ roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A – tishoo! A – tishoo!

We all fall down!


A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N,

O, P, Q, R, S, T,

U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

That’s the English Alphabet!

That’s the English Alphabet!


What’s this?

a pencil a pen a book a notebook a rubber a ruler

a pencil case a bag a balloon


Jill: A red pencil and a pink pen!

Mary: A blue book and a white notebook!

Jill: A brown ruler and a yellow rubber!

Mary: A black pencil case and a green balloon!

Jill: A green bag and a….Oh… Oh… Sorry, Mary!



Teacher: Look! It’s a classroom. It’s a window. It’s

a door. It’s a desk. It’s a chair. It’s a board.


Jill: Is it a pencil? Teacher: No, it isn’t.

Jill: Is it a notebook? Teacher; Yes, it is.


Ve}ina pesmica se izvodi grupno ili horski a dat je opis za pesmica koje se izvode uz igru igestikulaciju.

Dvadeset i tri pesme su tradicionalne a ostale su u funkciji uve`bavawa leksike i struktu-ra kao i izgovora novih glasova i intonacije, a sve zajedno su tu da ~as ~ine dinami~nijim izabavnijim.

Preporu~ujemo nastavnicima da, bez obzira na program, ~as uvek po~nu pesmom Hello, hello, it’s

so nice to say…. i da zavr{e pesmom Good bye, good bye, I don’t like to say…. Deca }e lako zapamti-ti i kasnije koristiti u~tivu frazu Have a nice day!


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The ink is black,

The paper’s white,

Together we learn,

To read and write,Read and write.


What’s your name?

Jill: Hello! My name is Jill. Her name is Mary. His

name is Danny. His name is Buddy.

Teacher: Mary is a girl and a pupil. Danny is a boy

and a pupil. Buddy isn’t a pupil. Buddy is a dog.


John: Hello! I’m John. What’s your name?

Mary: My name is Mary.

John: What’s your name?

Jill: My name is Jill.

Jill (surprised): Oh! It’s Buddy.



one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.


Jill: How old are you, Mary?

Mary: I’m nine.

Mary: How old are you, Danny?

Danny: I’m nine, too.

Danny: How old is John?

Jane: He’s nine, too.

Jane: How old is Maggie?

Jill: She’s four.

Jane: Oh, she’s a baby!

Maggie: NO! I’M NOT (crying): I’m not a baby. I’m

a little girl.



There is one book. There is one pencil. There is one

rubber. There is one ruler.

There are two books. There are five pencils. There

are three rubbers. There are six rulers.


Jane: How many pencils are there?

Chris: There are two pencils.

Jane: No! There is one pencil!


There’s one ball,

And here’s one ball,

And a great, big ball I see.

Shall we count them?

Are you ready?

One, two, three!



Jill: LOOK AT ME! I’m writing. I’m reading. I’m

drawing. I’m standing. I’m sitting. I’m singing.


Teacher: What are you doing, Danny?

Danny: I’m writing.

Teacher: No! You are not writing. You are playing!


Good bye, good bye, I don’t like to say,

Good bye, good bye and have a nice day!



One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

Ten little Indian boys.

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,

Seven little, six little, five little Indians,

Four little, three little, two little Indians,

One little Indian boy.


She is reading. He is writing. She is singing. They

are playing.


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What time is it? It’s three o’clock. It’s five o’clock.

It’s nine o’clock. It’s twelve o’clock.


John: Look at Jill! It’s nine o’clock. She is reading.

It’s eleven o’clock. She is drawing. It’s twelve

o’clock. She is playing. It’s two o’clock. She is



Hickory, Dickory Dock…

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down.

Hickory, Dickory Dock!


Mary: What time is it?

Jill: It’s ten o’clock.

Mary: What time is it?

Maggie: I don’t know.

Mary: What time is it?

Jill: It’s twelve o’clock.



1, 2, 3, 4. Who is knocking at the door?

5, 6, 7, 8. I’m sorry. I’m late.

9, 10, 9, 10. You are late for school again!


What time is it?

It’s half past nine. It’s half past ten. It’s half past



John is late

Teacher: Good morning, children. It’s time for English!

Pupils: Good morning, Miss!

(Sound of knocking )

Teacher: Who is it? Come in!

John: Good morning, Miss. I’m sorry, I’m late.

Teacher: Good morning, John! It’s half past nine!

John: Sorry, Miss. My watch is slow. It’s old.

Teacher: It’s all right, John. Sit down.



My subjects

English, Maths, Science, Art, Sport.


Mary: I like English. Do you like English?

Jill: Yes, I do. Very much! I’m good at English!

Mary: Do you like Maths?

Jill: No, I don’t. I’m bad at Maths.

John: Does Jill like English?

Mary: Yes, she does.


John: Look at Jill! She likes English… She doesn’t

like Maths.



Jill is learning English.

Mary is learning Maths.

Danny is learning Science.

John is drawing.

Danny is playing basketball.


English at nine,

Science at ten,

Maths at eleven,

And, what then?

Art at one,

Sport at two,

And then I play

Ball with you.



What day is it today? It’s Sunday.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday Sunday

Chris: How many days are there in a week?

Jill: There are seven days in a week.


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Boy:When do you go to school?

Girl: I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday and Friday, too.

I like the school, don’t you?

Boy: What day is it?

Girl: It’s Saturday.

I see my friends, I rest and play

I do not go to school today.


Maggie: Do you go to school on Sunday?

Jill: No, I don’t.

Maggie: Do you go to school on Monday?

Jill: Yes, I do.



It’s Monday. Boys and girls are in the playground.

Danny and John are playing ball. Chris and Jane

are running. Jill and Mary are jumping.


Danny: What are you doing?

Jill and Mary (sound of jumping): We are jumping!

Danny: Watch out, Mary!

Mary (falling down):Ouch!

Danny: Look! She is crying!

Jill: No. She is not crying! She is playing!

Danny (to himself): Silly girls!


Girls and boys come out to play,

We are playing ball today,

Big and small and tall and short,

It’s a lovely day for sport.



head, hair, eyes, ears, cheeks, nose, mouth, teeth

Jane: I have long fair hair, blue eyes, small ears,

pink cheeks, white teeth, a small nose and a

small mouth.


Danny: What are you doing?

Mary and Jill: We are playing with Hazel.

Danny: Who is Hazel?

Mary: Guess! She has big ears.

Danny: Has she got big eyes?

Jill: No, she hasn’t. She has small eyes.

Danny: Has she got short hair?

Mary: No, she hasn’t. She has long, black hair.

Danny: I know. She’s a witch!

Jill: Yes! She is my friend, too!


Over the head

And under the hat.

What is that?



It’s Friday. It’s four o’clock. Jill, Danny, Mary and

John are in the classroom. They are talking about

homework for Monday – Maths, English and

Science. John likes Science. Danny likes Maths and

Science. Mary likes Maths. Jill likes English. She

doesn’t like Maths. But Maths is fun. Look!


Jill: What’s for homework?

Mary: Maths, English and Science.

Jill: I don’t like Maths.

Mary: I like Maths. It’s easy.

Jill: No, it isn’t. English is easy.

Mary: Oh, yes. You are good at English.

Mary: Maths is fun. Look! There are two girls and

two boys. How many eyes are there?

Jill: Two plus two is four. Four times two is eight.

YES! There are eight eyes.

Danny: Do you like Maths now, Jill?

Jill: Yes, I do. Maths is fun.


Maths is nice,

Maths is fun,

I can count,

From ten to one.


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Jill: Hi, Mum! Hi, Grandma!

Teacher: Look! Jill’s mother, Jill’s grandmother, Jill’s


Chris: Hi, Dad! Hi, Grandpa!

Teacher: Look! Jill’s father Jill’s grandfather. Jill’s


This is Jill’s family, too. Jill’s aunt … Jill’s uncle …

Jill’s cousin.

We are a big, happy family!


Mary: Look! That’s Jill’s Grandpa.

John: How old is he?

Mary: He is very old. He is seventy.

twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, nine-

ty, a hundred


I love my mother, I love my father,

I love my sister, I love my brother,

I love them all and they love me,

Everyone can see!



How many people are in the house?

A mother, a father, a sister, a brother…

There’s one more. Now let me see.

Yes, of course! That must be ME!


a teacher a pupil a doctor a farmer a pilot

a policeman

an artist an architect an actress

John: This is Jill’s mother. Her name is Linda. She is

an architect.

This is Jill’s uncle. His name’s Tim. He is an artist.

This is Jill’s father. His name is John. He is a doc-


This is Jill’s aunt. Her name is Ann. She is an


This is Jill’s cousin. His name is Tom. He is a pupil.

This is Jill’s cousin, too. Her name is Suzy. She is a



Jill: My aunt Ann is an actress.

Mary: Is she beautiful?

Jill: Yes, she is. She has red hair and green eyes. She

is tall.

John: My uncle is a pilot.

Mary: Is he tall?

John: Yes, he is. He is very tall.



bedroom … kitchen … bathroom… living room.

house … window … door… roof

left …right

upstairs … downstairs

This is a beautiful house. It is Jill’s home.


John: Where is the kitchen?

Jill: Downstairs.

John: Where?

Jill: On the right.



How many rooms are in your house?

A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room…

There’s one more room,

You know it all!

Yes, of course! That is the HALL!


a bed a cupboard a sofa a shelf a lamp

a vase a picture a cooker a fridge a bath

a toilet a mirror

Teacher: The fridge is in the kitchen. The bath is in

the bathroom. The sofa is in the living

room. The bed is in the bedroom.


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Mother: Look at this mess! Clean it up, please.

Chris: What mess?

Mother: The ball is on the bed.

Chris: It’s Jill’s ball.

Mother: The book is under the bed.

Chris: It’s Jill’s book.

Mother: The pencils are in the vase.

Chris: They are Jill’s pencils.

Mother: The notebooks are under the table.

Chris: They are Jill’s notebooks.

Mother: OK Chris. It’s Jill’s mess. Be a good boy

and help Jill.

Chris: Yes, Mum. (to himself): Oh, no



January February March April May June July

August September October November December

There are twelve months in a year.

January, February, March, April, May, June, July,

August, September, October, November and


Jill: It is December. My birthday is in December. My

brother’s birthday is in January. My sister’s birth-

day is in June.


Mary: Happy birthday, Jill! Here is a present for


Jill: Oh, what a lovely pencil case! Thank you, Mary.

Children: Here is the cake! It’s so big.

Mother: Come on, Jill. Blow out the candles!

Mary: Make a wish Jill!

Children: Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you, (2X)

Happy birthday, dear Jill,

Happy birthday to you!



Oranges, lemons, apples and plums, tell me when

your birthday comes. – In May.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!


Teacher: Christmas is near. New Year is near. Before

Christmas mother and father clean the

house. They write greeting cards. They buy

a tree. They trim the tree. They buy pres-

ents. They make a cake. Chris and Jill help

mother and father.


Chris: Let’s make a greeting card. Fold the paper

like this, Jill.

Jill: OK. You draw Santa Claus on it.

Chris: You write Merry Christmas and Happy New


Jill: This card is for Grandma.

Maggie: I want to colour the card. Look!

Jill & Chris: Oh, no!


We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

And a Happy New Year!



Jill: I like Christmas and New Year. There is a big

tree in the living room. There are shiny balls and

candles and bells on it. There are presents under

the tree for everybody. We sing and dance.


Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, chil-

dren! There are presents for all good


Maggie: I’m a good girl. Where is my present?

SC: This teddy bear is for you.

Jill: Is this doll for me?


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SC: Yes, here you are.

Jill and Maggie: Thank you very much! We love you

Santa Claus!


Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.



a snowman a sledge skis skates

It’s January. It’s cold. It’s snowing. The children are

in the park. Mary has a sledge. She is sledging. John

has skis. He is skiing. Jill has skates. Danny has

skates, too. They are skating. Chris and Jane are

making a big snowman.


Chris: Look! It’s snowing!

Jane: It’s cold.

Chris: Let’s make a snowman in the park!

Jane: Great! Let’s go!



Jill: I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. I go to

the bathroom.I wash my hands and face. I brush

my teeth. I comb my hair. I have breakfast and I

go to school.


This is the way I wash my hands,

I wash my hands, I wash my hands.

This is the way I wash my hands,

On a cold and frosty morning.


Chris: Hurry up, Jill. It’s half past seven.

Jill: ( from the bathroom, shouting): I’m coming.

Chris: That’s my comb! Where is your comb, Jill?

Jill: Oh, look! It’s in the bath! Sorry Chris.



Chris: I come home at four o’clock in the afternoon.

Dad comes home at four o’clock, too. Mum

comes home at half past four. We have tea in

the kitchen and we talk.


Mother: Children, are you tired?

Jill & Chris: No, we are not.

Mother: Can you take Buddy for a walk?

Jill & Chris: Of course we can, Mum!

Maggie: Can I go, too?

Mother: No, you can’t. It’s late.



I’m a little teapot, short and stout,

Here’s my handle, here’s my spout,

When I see a teacup, hear me shout,

“Tip me up and pour me out.”


In the evening we sit at home. We have dinner at half

past seven. After dinner I watch TV. Chris and father

play chess. Mother reads a story to Maggie. The

phone often rings.


Jill: Can I sleep at Mary’s tonight?

Mother: Not tonight. At the weekend.

Mother: Hello! Who is speaking?

Mary: Hello! Mary here. Is that 237806?

Mother: Yes, Mary?

Mary: Can Jill sleep at my house tonight?

Mother: Not tonight. You have school tomorrow.

Mary: Can she come on Saturday?

Mother: The weekend is OK.


Go to bed late,

Stay very small.

Go to bed early,

Grow very tall.


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a plate a spoon a fork a knife a glass a cup


Mother: Stop talking, Jill! Come here and set the


Jill: I’m coming.

Jill: How many plates?

Mother: Seven.

Jill: Who is coming to lunch?

Mother: Grandma and Grandpa.

Jill: Super!


Mabel, Mabel, set the table,

Just as fast as you are able,

Plates and spoons and all the rest,

We are waiting for a guest.



bread butter eggs jam meat fish chicken

tomatoes potatoes carrots

apples oranges lemons plums bananas

sandwiches chips pizza hamburger

milk water juice tea coffee


Mary: Do you like meat?

Jill: No, I don’t. I like fish.

Mary: Does Maggie like fish?

Jill: No, she doesn’t. She likes chicken.

Mary: Do you like chicken?

Jill: Yes, I do.

Mary: Does Chris like chicken?

Jill: Yes, he does. We all love chicken.


Fish and meat,

Fish and meat

Wash your hands,

Before you eat.



Jill: I have breakfast at eight o’clock. I have eggs,

bread and butter and jam and a cup of tea for break-


I have lunch at one o’clock. I have soup, meat and

potatoes for lunch.

I have dinner at half past seven. I have a pizza or a

sandwich and a glass of milk for dinner.


Jill: I’m thirsty. Can I have a glass of water, please?

Mum: Yes, here you are.

Jill: Thank you, Mummy.

Chris: I’m hungry. Can I have some chocolate, please?

Mother: No, lunch is ready.

Chris: What’s for lunch?

Mother: Soup, fish and chips and salad.


Drink hot coffee, drink hot tea,

Drink hot milk and look at me!



ice cream chocolate sweets cookies bis-

cuits cake

The children are in the Sweet Shop. They want to

buy chocolate and sweets.

Chris wants to buy ice cream. He likes ice cream



Shop assistant: Good afternoon! Can I help you?

Children: Yes, please!

Chris: One chocolate ice cream, please. How much

is it?

SA: One pound.

Jane: A box of cookies, please.

Chris: A BOX? How many cookies can you eat,


Jane: I can eat twenty cookies.

Chris: Wow!


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Sweet food, salty food,

Everything I eat is good.




Chris: Today is Grandpa’s birthday. He is seventy

today. There is a birthday party. The cake is ready. The

food is ready. Everybody has a present for Grandpa.

Everybody is in the living room. But Grandpa doesn’t

know that. Grandpa is in his room. He is sleeping. The

light is off. Everybody is quiet.


Mother: Be quiet, children. Grandpa is sleeping.

Maggie: Is he coming to the party?

Jill: Yes, it’s his birthday.

Mother: Listen! (Sound of footsteps) He is coming

downstairs. Turn off the lights!

Grandfather (to himself): There is nobody in the

house. It’s so quiet.

Grandfather(sound of the door opening) There is

nobody in the kitchen. It’s so quiet.

Grandfather (sound of the door opening): There is

nobody in the living room. It’s so dark.

The whole family: SURPRISE! Happy birthday



Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Grandpa,

Happy birthday to you.



a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jumper, a jacket, a cap,

a blouse

I’m wearing a T-shirt. It’s red and big.


What are you wearing?

Jill: I’m wearing a lovely dress. I’m a princess.

Chris: You are a funny princess. Your dress is too long.

Jill: You are a funny doctor. You are wearing a big


Chris: But it’s nice.

Jill: Look at Jane. She is wearing a short skirt and a

small jacket.

Chris: Yes, she is Little Red Riding Hood.



jeans, trousers, shorts, socks , gloves, shoes, boots,


Look at my shoes. They are pink and small.


Mother: What a mess!

Jill: Where are my new blue gloves, Mum?

Mother: In the cupboard.

Jill: No, they aren’t. Maggie, you are sitting on my

new gloves.

Maggie: No, this is your old jumper!

Mother: Look! Buddy has your new gloves.

Jill: Oh, no, Buddy!


See my jacket, see my jeans,

See my T-shirt blue!

See my trainers, see my socks!

All my clothes are new.



It’s hot. I’m wearing a T-shirt, shorts and sandals.

It’s cold. I’m wearing a jacket, a cap, boots and gloves.


Jill (shivering): I’m very cold.

Mum: Put on your jumper.

Jill (panting): I’m too hot now.

Mum: Take off your jumper.


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Big jumpers, small jumpers,

Jumpers new and old,

I have many, I wear many,

The winter is very cold.



head body shoulder arm hand finger leg knee

foot toe


Put your right hand in,

Put your right hand out.

In! Out! In! Out!

Shake it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey,

And turn yourself around,

That’s what it’s all about.

Put your left foot in,

Put your left foot out.

In! Out! In! Out!

Shake it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey,

And turn yourself around,

That’s what it’s all about.


Chris: Where is Maggie?

Jill: I can see her head and fingers.

Chris: Yes, I can see her foot. Come out Maggie!



Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes!

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes!

And eyes, and ears and mouth and nose,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes!


a doll, a ball, a car, a plane, a train, a teddy bear,

Lego bricks, a computer, computer games.

Children play at home when it’s cold. They have

many toys.


Jane: Whose car is this?

Maggie: It’s my car!

Jill: No, it’s John’s car.

Jane: Whose doll is that?

Maggie: It’s my doll!

Jill: No, that’s Mary’s doll.

Maggie: ( crying) Ba…a…a.. Where is my doll?

Jill: Don’t cry, Maggie. This is your doll.



Chris has a computer. Chris likes computer games.

Jane likes computer games too. They play computer

games every day.


Chris: Let’s play computer games.

Jane: Super! How many computer games have you


Chris: I have two old games and one new game.

Jane: Great! Let’s play.

Jill (sound of the door opening): I like computer

games, too. Can I watch?

Chris: Yes, but don’t talk!


I like my books,

I like my toys,

I like to play with girls

And boys.


Happy Easter!


chocolate eggs chocolate bunnies


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It’s warm. The children are in the garden. It’s Sun-

day. It’s Easter. There are many chocolate eggs and

bunnies in the garden.


Jill: There are chocolate eggs in the garden.

John: I can’t see them.

Jill: Let’s find them.

John: There is one egg behind this big flower.

Maggie: There is one under this tree.

Mary: There are two bunnies in the bush.

Chris (mouthful of chocolate): Look, there is one

bunny in my mouth.



There are four seasons in a year. Spring, summer,

autumn and winter.


Jane: I like summer. My birthday is in summer.

John: I like autumn. My birthday is in autumn.

Jill: I like winter. Christmas is in winter.

Mary: I like spring. Easter is in spring.

Maggie: I like chocolate bunnies!



a tree a flower a bench

a bike, a skipping rope, a football, a kite, a swing,

a seesaw, a skateboard, roller skates.

It’s not cold. There are many children in the park.


Danny: Let’s play! What can you see in the play-


Jill: I can see a swing.

Mary: I can see a swing and a seesaw.

Jane: I can see a swing, a seesaw and a skipping


Danny: I can see a swing, a seesaw, a skipping rope

and a snake! (vadi zmiju iz xepa)

Girls (screaming and shouting): Run!

Danny: Come back! This is a toy snake!



It’s hot. There are two girls in the park. There is one

boy in the park.


Jill & Mary: Can you skip?

Danny: No, I can’t!

Jill & Mary: We can teach you!

Danny: No, thank you. It’s too hot.

Jill: It’s very easy. Look! (thump! falling down)

Danny (giggling to himself): I can see it’s easy!


Can you tell me, can you tell me

What little boys do?

They run and jump, they run and jump,

So I will jump, too.

Can you tell me, can you tell me

What little girls do?

They dance and sing, they dance and sing,

So I will sing, too.



It’s warm and sunny. Children are playing in the park.

Jill (sound of skipping): I am skipping. Look at

Mary. She is swinging.

Mary: Look at John. He is roller skating.

John: Look at Maggie and Jane. They are riding a


Danny and Chris: We are playing football!



What’s the weather like?

It’s snowing. It’s cold. It’s raining. It’s windy. It’s

warm and sunny... It’s hot.

It’s windy. Children are in the park. They are flying



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Danny: What are you doing, Mary?

Mary: I’m flying my kite.

Danny: I can’t see your kite!

Mary: It’s in that tree. Can you see it now?

Danny: Yes, I can.

Mary: Help me, please!

Danny: Come on! Pull! (sound of paper tearing)

Mary (sad): Oh, my lovely new kite!



cartoons … films … sports

It’s Saturday evening. Jill and Maggie are watching

TV. They are watching a cartoon.


Maggie: Look! Grandma is sleeping.

Jill: It’s not grandma. It’s the Big Bad Wolf.

Maggie: Oh, he has big ears, big eyes and big teeth.

Jill: He’s waiting for Little Red Riding Hood!

Maggie: Don’t go in! The wolf is waiting for you!


Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Big, bad wolf, big bad wolf.

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Tra – la – la – la – la.

We’re not afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Big, bad wolf, big bad wolf.

We’re not afraid of the big, bad wolf,

Tra – la – la – la – la.



sad… funny… horror

There is a cinema near the park. Children go to the

cinema every Sunday.


Jane: Where are you going?

Chris: To the cinema.

Jane: What’s on?

Chris: A funny film.

Jane: This isn’t a funny film. It’s sad.

Chris: Sad! I don’t like sad films.

Jane: I like sad films.

Chris: Bye, bye! I can watch TV.




football basketball running tennis golf

cricket swimming rowing

Everybody likes football. It’s a fast game.


Jane: Is that your brother next to Danny?

Jill: Yes, he is the best player.

Jane: He is very fast. Danny is slow.

Jill (shouting): Shoot, Chris!

Jane (shouting): Watch out, Chris! You are going to


Jill (sad): What bad luck!



London bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

London bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.


It’s Sunday. The family is at the circus. Buddy is at

home. He is sad. Dogs can’t go to the circus. Why not?

Buddy wants to go to the circus, too. He puts on

Maggie’s small cap. He puts on Jill’s long skirt. He

puts on Mum’s shoes. He puts on Dad’s jacket and

he runs to the circus. Here is a surprise for the fa-



Chris: Look at the clowns. They are funny.

Jill: Look at that dog. He is wearing a pink cap.

Maggie: That’s my new cap!


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Mother: No, it isn’t.

Chris: He is wearing a funny skirt.

Jill: That’s my skirt!

Mother: No, it isn’t

Father: He is wearing big blue shoes.

Mother: MY NEW SHOES! That’s Buddy!

The family: Buddy! What are you doing here?! Let’s

go home!


Ha, ha, ha, He, he, he,Funny clownsAre drinking tea.

Ha, ha, ha, He, he, he,Is there any Tea for me?



Petsa cat, a kitten, a dog, a puppy, a bird, a fish, a mouse.

Children like animals. Jill has a dog. His name is

Buddy. Buddy is Jill’s pet.


Jill: I like dogs. They can run. They can bark.

Danny: I like cats. They can catch a mouse.

Mary: I like birds. They can sing. They can fly.

Chris. I like fish. They can’t sing, they can’t bark,

they can’t talk, but they can swim.


This is a pet shop,

In a big city.

There are four puppies,

And there is one kitty.



Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,

And on that farm he had some sheep,

With a baa, baa here and a baa, baa there,

Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.


Farm animals

a horse, a cow, a sheep, a lamb, a hen, a chicken,

a pig, a duck.

There are many animals on the farm. There is one

horse. There is one cow. There is one sheep. There

are two lambs. There are three hens. There are ten

chickens. There are four pigs. There are eight ducks.


Maggie: How many chickens have you got, Grandpa?

G: I have ten chickens.

Maggie: Can they sing?

G: No, they can’t.

Maggie: Can they fly?

G: No, they can’t.

Maggie: Can they swim?

G: No, they can’t.

Maggie: What can they do?

G: They can run!



Zoo animals

a lion, a tiger, an elephant, a giraffe, a monkey, a

crocodile, a hippo, a snake, a bear, a wolf, a rabbit

This is a funny Zoo. There are many animals. There

is only one cage.


An elephant walks,

Like this, like that,

He’s terribly big,

He’s terribly fat,

He’s got no fingers,

he’s got no toes,


What a nose!



jungle, forest, water

A lion lives in the jungle. A bear lives in the forest.

A hippo lives in the water.


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John: The giraffe is very tall.

Chris: The elephant is very strong.

John: The lion is very dangerous.

Chris: Yes. He is the king of the jungle!

John: And the bear is the king of the forest!

Danny: And the hippo is the king of the water!

John: And I am the king of school!

Danny: Silly boy!



a village, a river, a farm

This is a small village. There are not many houses.

But, there are many trees and flowers and animals.

There is a school in the village, too. There is a farm

near the village, too. There is a river near the vil-

lage. There is a town far from the village.


Maggie: Where are your animals, Grandpa?

Grandpa: They are sleeping. It’s late.

Maggie: Can I see them in the morning?

Grandpa: Yes, of course.

Maggie: Can I feed the chickens?

Grandpa: Yes, of course.

Maggie: Can I feed the ducks?

Grandpa: Yes, of course.

Chris: Stop talking, Maggie! I want to sleep!



fruit trees vegetables

Jill’s Grandpa and Grandma live in a small farm

house. There are fruit trees in front of the house.

There is a big garden behind the house. There are

vegetables in the garden.


Jill: This tomato is so big and red!

Grandma: It’s from my garden.

Chris: The carrots are so sweet!

Grandma: They are from my garden.

Maggie: I know! This banana is from your garden!

Grandma: No, it’s from the market. There are no

banana trees in England, Maggie!



This is a town. There are many long and short

streets. There are many houses and shops. There are

three schools. There is a post office and there are

two banks. The cinema is very near the post office.

The museum is on the corner. There is a big park in

front of the hospital.


Chris: Excuse me! Where is the museum?

Man: There it is. On the corner.

Chris: Thank you!

Man: You’re welcome!

C: Excuse me! Where is the post office?

Man: There it is. Near the bank.

Chris: Thank you!

Man: You’re welcome!

C: Excuse me! Where is the park?

Man: There it is. In front of the hospital.

Chris: Thank you!

Man: You’re welcome!


Tall shops in the town,

Lifts moving up and down,

Doors turning round about,

People going in and out.



London is in England. It is a very big city. There are

lovely old houses in London. There are many big

new houses, too. There are many parks. There is a

big Zoo in London.


Jill: Where do you live, Mary?

Mary: I live in London.

Jill: I know that! What’s your address?

Mary: My address is 10, Park Street.

Jill: What’s John’s address?

Mary: His address is 14, Park Street.

Jill: Oh, his house is near your house!

Mary: Yes, John is my neighbour.


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London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down;

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady!

We must build it up again,

Up again, up again;

We must build it up again,

My fair lady!



Book shop Sweet shop Pet shop Toy shop

Shoe shop Supermarket

This is a street. There are many shops. The book

shop is next to the sweet shop. The pet shop is next

to the toy shop.


Mother: Let’s go shopping, children!

Jill: Let’s go to the pet shop.

Chris: No! Let’s go to the book shop!

Maggie: I want to go to the toy shop!

Mother: Stop it, children! We are going to the super-




traffic lights zebra crossing

Mary lives in this street. There is a bus stop in front

of her house. There are traffic lights on the corner.

There is a zebra crossing, too.


Mary: Look! There’s John! John!

Jill: Be careful. The red light is on..

Mary: Oh, yes!

Jill: Let’s cross the street, now. It’s green.

Mary: Hi John! Oops! Sorry. You are not John!


Traffic lights can talk,

Stop! says red. Don’t walk!

Wait! says yellow. Don’t walk!

Turn left! Turn right!

Go! says the green light.


a bike a car a bus a train a double-decker

There are many double-deckers in London. They are

big and red. They are not very fast.

There are underground trains in London. They are

very fast.

Jill: I go to school by bus.

Maggie: Chris goes to school by bus.

Mary: I go to the Zoo in a double-decker.

Danny & Jane: We go to the City by train.

Mum and Dad: We go to the supermarket by car.



It’s Saturday. It’s nice and sunny. Jill, Maggie, Chris,

Mum and Dad are going to the village for the week-

end. They are going by train.


Jill: Is this our train, Dad?

Father: Yes, hurry up!

Chris: Buddy isn’t in the box!

The family: Buddy! Buddy!

Maggie: Look! There he is!

Buddy (to himself): I love trains!


Round and round the village,

Round and round the village,

Round and round the village,

As we have done before.

Stand and face your partner,

Stand and face your partner,

Stand and face your partner,

As we have done before.

Shake hands with your partner,

Shake hands with your partner,

Shake hands with your partner,

As we have done before.


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seaside village mountains

Summer holiday is in July and August. Mary is going

to the seaside by plane. Jane and Danny are going

to the seaside, too. They are going by car. Jill, Chris

and Maggie are going to the village by car. John and

his school friends are going to the mountains by bus.

Where are you going?

Mary: I’m going to the seaside.

Jane and Danny: We are going to the seaside.

Jill, Chris, Maggie: We are going to the village.

John: I’m going to the mountains.



It’s July. Jill, Chris and Maggie are in the village.

Chris is swimming in the river. Jill and Grandpa are

fishing. Maggie and Grandma are feeding the

chickens and ducks.


Jill: Look! A big fish! Help me!

Chris: Let it go! It can bite!

Jill: Fish don’t bite! Ouch! My finger!


One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.



sand, shells, sea.

It’s August. Jane and Danny are at the seaside. They

are on the beach. Danny is swimming in the sea.

Jane is looking for shells. There are lovely shells in

the sand.


Jane: Come out of the water, Danny!

Danny: Why?

Jane: There is a crocodile behind you!

Danny: I’m not afraid of crocodiles! (Running out of

the water) That’s a toy!

Jane (giggling): Not afraid! Chicken!



It’s August. It’s nice and warm. John and his school

friends are going to the mountains. There are three

teachers on the bus. There are many children on the

bus. They are singing, shouting, playing and eating.

They are happy.


Who wants some juice?

Children: Juice?! Where is it?

John: In my bag.

Children: Super! Have you got glasses?

John: Yes, I have ten glasses.

Teacher: Don’t spill the juice, children!

John: Here you are, Suzy!

Suzy: Thank you!

John: Watch out, Suzy!

Suzy: Oh, no! My T-shirt is all wet!

Good bye!

Good bye, John! Have a nice holiday.

Good bye, Chris! Have a good time.

Good bye, Jane! Have fun.

Good bye, Jill! Write to me!

Good bye, Miss Potter! See you in September!


Good bye to all the teachers,

To lessons, to homework.

Good bye to all the teachers,

To classrooms and school.

We’ll see you in September,

September, September,

We’ll see you in September,

September at school.


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all right





















































bus stop





















Christmas tree

















































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Easter bunny

Easter egg
















fair hair



far from































get up














greeting card






























hurry up


ice cream



























Lego brick





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living room



look for
































New Year


next to






















pencil case
















post office






put on










ride a bike
















Santa Claus




















shoe shop




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sit down







skipping rope


















stand up











sweet shop






take off









thank you




















toy shop

traffic lights








turn off

turn on




















watch TV




























zebra crossing



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Zorana Nenezi}Qubinka Simidrijevi}


Engleski jezik za 3. razred osnovne {kolePriru~nik za nastavnike

Prvo izdawe, 2005. godina


Likovni urednik

mr Branislav Nikoli}

Lektor za srpski jezik

Du{ica Trifunovi}


Ru`ica Jovanovi}

Grafi~ki urednik

Stevan Pakovi}

Kompjuterska obrada„ADIMAR“ – Zemun

Obim: 16 {tamparskih tabakaFormat: 20,5 × 26,5 cm

Rukopis predat u {tampu marta 2005. godine.[tampawe zavr{eno juna 2005. godine.